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Summary Spinel occurs in the pyroxenitic, peridotitic and gabbroic layers of the Ivrea-Verbano layered igneous complex. Its composition varies between picotite and Mg-hercynite. Maximum Cr2O3 contents are found in the spinels of the dunitic cumulitic layers occurring at some height above the base of the complex. Chromium deposits are absent. The lack of chromite and of chromium deposits is attributed to the early fractionation of clinopyroxene (which depleted the residual liquid in chromium) instead of olivine, as a consequence of the relatively high pressure prevailing during crystallization (8 kb). The relationships betweenfO2-composition of spinel-composition of the silicate phases indicate thatfO2 exerted a major control on the internal stratigraphy of the single layers and on the pattern of fractionation. The variation offO2 are on their turn related to accidental variations of the pressure acting on the magma.It is finally suggested that chromium deposits are limited to low pressure layered intrusions, where the magma has been emplaced rapidly into a shallow magma chamber. No chromium concentration is to be expected in those complexes that crystallized into deep-seated magma chambers and that fractionated at relatively high pressure, not markedly different from that at which the magma was produced. One of the major controls on the presence of chromium deposits results, therefore, to be the geotectonic environment of intrusion.
Chrom-Spinell im geschichteten vulkanischen Komplex von Ivrea-Verbano, Westalpen, Italien
Zusammenfassung Für die Spinelle der Pyroxenit-, Peridotit- und Gabbro-Lagen des Ivrea-Verbano-Intrusivkomplexes wurde eine Zusammensetzung im Bereich Picotit und Mg-Herzynit bestimmt. Die Dunit-Lagen im basalen Anteil des Komplexes führen Spinelie mit Cr2O3-Gehalten bis zu 30 Gew-%. Chromerz-Konzentrationen fehlen jedoch, was auf die fraktionierte Kristallisation von Klinopyroxen (und Entstehung Cr-Restschmelzen) an Stelle von Olivin, als Folge der bei relativ hohem Druck (8 kbar) erfolgten Intrusion, zurückzuführen ist. Die Beziehungen zwischen Sauerstoffpartialdruck und Spinell- und Silikat-Zusammensetzung zeigen den bedeutendenfO2-Einfluß auf den stratigraphischen Aufbau der einzelnen Gesteinslagen und auf die fraktionierenden Kristallisationsvorgänge. Die schwankendenfO2-Werter stehen in Zusammenhang mit den ebenfalls variierenden auf das Magma wirkenden Drücken.Es ist anzunehmen, daß Chromerzkonzentrationen nur in geschichteten Intrusivkomplexen vorkommen, die sich unter niederem Druck bzw. in einer oberflächennahen Magma-Kammer bildeten, und nicht in jenen, die tiefer intrudierten und bei hohem Druck kristallisierten. Von großer Bedeutung für die Bildung von Chromerzlagerstätten ist also das geotektonische Milieu der Intrusion.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The occurrence of various types of mobilizates in the Baldissero spinel lherzolite is due to partial melting of the same body. The study of the relationships between the peridotite and its mobilizates demonstrates that olivine did not take an active part in the fusion. Estimates of the degree of partial melting vary from 10% for the average composition, to 20% for the most depleted samples. These values refer to an initial pyrolitic composition, and thus are relative, as they can vary depending on the actual primary composition.The calculated composition of the liquid generated by partial melting is quite similar to that of a picritic basalt, and is practically the same irrespective of the 10% and 20% fusion. This fact provides strong evidence that melting took place at a unique invariant point of the natural system, producing a liquid with a remarkably constant composition.Projection of the liquid in the fo-an-di-si diagram is fairly well aligned with the modal compositions of the solid residua, but does not coincide with the minimum of the simplified system. The proposed solution is based on the enlargement of the spinel field (at constant pressure), due to the Cr content in this phase. Therefore, the position of the invariant minimum is not fixed, but rather controlled by the Cr content of the spinel. Is is suggested that, by an increase in the Cr content, spinel might at a given moment become refractory. Thus, saturated or over-saturated magmas are produced depending on the phase relations between olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. This would happen in the case of very advanced fusions or in the case of fusion of already depleted peridotites.The relationships between mobilizates of different generations suggest a non adiabatic mantle upwelling.  相似文献   

Summary Microprobe analyses of olivines, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes of the Ivrea-Verbano basic formation reveal that in the Balmuccia Periodotites (regarded as residual mantle) the phases are more magnesian than in the overlaying ultramafic-mafic series (interpreted as a cumulitic complex formed by fractionation of mantle-derived magma).Pyroxenes underwent sub-solidus re-equilibration. Whole phase (host + exsolved lamellae) compositions give a temperature in the range 946°C–1236°C, compatible with the igneous crystallisation. The compositions of the host phases give temperatures in the range 712°C to 919°C, indicating that the samples did not attain the same degree of equilibrium during the sub-solidus unmixing. The sub-solidus unmixing of the pyroxenes may have occurred either during the superimposed granulite-facies metamorphism or during the slow cooling of the complex intruded into deep crustal levels.
Pyroxene und Olivine als Indikatoren der petrologischen Entwicklung der basischen Formation von Ivrea-Verbano (Italienische Westalpen)
Zusammenfassung Mikrosondenanalysen von Olivinen, Orthopyroxenen und Klinopyroxenen der basischen Formation von Ivrea-Verbano zeigen, daß in den Balmuccia Peridotiten (die als residuales Mantelmaterial angesehen werden) die Phasen Mg-reicher sind als in den überlagernden ultramafischen bis mafischen Serien (die als Kumulationskomplex gedeutet werden, der durch Fraktionierung eines aus dem Mantel stammenden Magmas gebildet wurde).Die Pyroxene wurden unter Subsolidus-Bedingungen reequilibriert. Die Zusammensetzungen der Gesamtphasen (Wirt + Entmischungslamellen) geben Temperaturen im Bereich von 946–1236°C, was mit einer magmatischen Kristallisation verträglich ist. Die Zusammensetzungen der Wirt-Phasen geben Temperaturen im Bereich von 712–919°C an, was anzeigt, daß die Proben während der Subsolidus-Entmischung nicht denselben Grad der Equilibirierung erreichten. Die Subsolidus-Entmischung der Pyroxene kann entweder während der überlagerten Metamorphose in Granulitfazies oder während der langsamen Abkühlung des in tiefe Krustenschichten intrudierten Komplexes geschehen sein.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Abstract Andalusite-bearing veins formed during contact metamorphism in the aureole of the Vedrette di Ries tonalite. In the veins, quartz crystals that are completely armoured by andalusite or that occur in strain shadow areas contain three generations of fluid inclusions: low-salinity H2O-CO2-CH4 mixtures with CH4/(CO2+ CH4) ± 0.35 (type A); low-salinity aqueous fluids (type B); H2O-free, CO2-CH4 fluids with the same carbonic speciation as A (type C). Carbonic types A and C typically have a dark appearance, which is attributed to graphite coatings on inclusion walls. Microstructural analysis of the host quartz and calculated densities indicate that type A inclusions were likely trapped during vein formation. These inclusions underwent strain-assisted re-equilibration during cooling that resulted in density increases without change of composition. After the rocks had cooled below about 350 ° C, type C inclusions appear to have formed from one of the immiscible fractions after unmixing of the H2O-CO2-CH4 fluid mixtures. Aqueous type B inclusions, apparently trapped between 225 and 350 ° C, could represent an independent fluid, or could be the H2O-rich fraction of unmixed type A fluids. Taking account of the uncertainties, the composition and density of the complex type A inclusion fluids are in good agreement with the properties of primary fluids calculated from the petrological data. The fluid inclusion data support the model of vein formation by hydrofracturing as a result of dehydration of graphitic metapelites. These new results also demonstrate the importance of considering strain in the interpretation of metamorphic fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

Summary Geochemical investigations have been carried out on the metabasites of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (NW-Italy). The Ivrea-Verbano Zone is commonly considered to be a section through the lower continental crust. It is constituted by a steeply dipping sequence of metamorphic rocks (Kinzigitic Series), intruded by a mafic-ultramafic complex.The metabasites of the Kinzigitic Series have a meta-igneous origin. Their protoliths show tholeiitic affinity in the NW and central part of the zone and alkalic affinity in the SE. This fact together with the rock associations suggests that a variation of the paleogeographic environment from NW to SE occurs in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone.
Geotektonische Bedeutung der Metabasite in den Kinzigiten der Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Italienische West-Alpen)
Zusammenfassung Die Ivrea-Verbano-Zone wird im allgerneinen der unteren kontinentalen Kruste zugeordnet. Es handelt sich dabei um eine sehr steil stehende metamorphe Serie (Kinzigit-Serie), die von elnem mafischen-ultramafischen Komplex intrudiert wurde.Die geochemischen Untersuchungen der in der Kinzigit-Serie vorkommenden Metabasite zeigen einen tholeiitischen Chemismus im nordwestlichen und im zentralen Bereich und einen alkalinen im südöstlichen Bereich.Die chemische Entwicklung dieser Magmatite im Zusammenhang mit den unterschiedlichen Nebengesteinen weisen auf eine deutliche Änderung des paläogeographischen Milieus in der Ivrea-Verbano-Zone von Nordwesten nach Südosten hin.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

The pressure-temperature-time trajectory and structural history of high-pressure rocks presently exposed in the Gran Paradiso massif provide constraints on the processes that caused their thermal evolution and exhumation. High-pressure metamorphism of the rocks is found to have culminated at temperatures around 525 °C and pressures of 12 to 14 kbar. After high-pressure metamorphism, the rocks cooled during initial decompression, while undergoing top-to-the-west shear on chlorite-bearing shear bands and larger scale shear zones. Biotite-bearing shear bands and larger shear zones related to top-to-the-east deformation affected the Gran Paradiso massif during reheating to temperatures of around 550 °C at 6 to 7 kbar. Further exhumation occurred at relatively high temperatures. A potentially viable explanation of the observed stage of reheating before final cooling and exhumation is breakoff of a subducting slab in the upper mantle, allowing advective heat transfer to the base of the crust. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-001-0357-6.  相似文献   

Paragneisses of the Ivrea-Verbano zone exhibit over a horizontal distance of 5 km mineralogical changes indicative of the transition from amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism. The most obvious change is the progressive replacement of biotite by garnet via the reaction: a $${\text{Biotite + sillimanite + quartz }} \to {\text{ Garnet + K - feldspar + H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}$$ which results in a systematic increase in the modal ratio g = (garnet)/(garnet + biotite) with increasing grade. The systematic variations in garnet and biotite contents of metapelites are also reflected by the compositions of these phases, both of which become more magnesian with increasing metamorphic grade. The pressure of metamorphism has been estimated from the Ca3Al2Si3O12 contents of garnets coexisting with plagioclase, sillimanite and quartz. These phases are related by the equilibrium: b $$\begin{gathered} 3 CaAl_2 {\text{Si}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{8}} \rightleftharpoons Ca_3 Al_2 {\text{Si}}_{\text{3}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{12}}} + 2 Al_2 {\text{SiO}}_{\text{5}} + {\text{SiO}}_{\text{2}} \hfill \\ plagioclase garnet sillimanite quartz \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ which has been applied to these rocks using the available data on the mixing properties of plagioclase and garnet solid solutions. Temperature and f H 2O estimates have been made in a similar way using thermodynamic data on the biotite-garnet reaction (a) and the approximate solidus temperatures of paragneisses. Amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism in the Ivrea-Verbano zone took place in the P-T ranges 9–11 kb and 700–820 °C. The differences in temperature and pressure of metamorphism between g= 0 and g = 1 (5 kms horizontal distance) were less than 50° C and approximately 1 kb. Retrogression and re-equilibration of garnets and biotites in the metapelites extended to temperatures more than 50° C below and pressures more than 1.5 kb below the peak of metamorphism, the degree of retrogression increasing with decreasing grade of the metamorphic “peak”. The pressure and temperature of the peak of metamorphism are not inconsistent with the hypothesis that the Ivrea-Verbano zone is a slice of upthrusted lower crust from the crust-mantle transition region, although it appears that the thermal gradient was too low for the zone to represent a near-vertical section through the crust. The most reasonable explanation of the granulite facies metamorphism is that it arose through intrusion of mafic rocks into a region already undergoing recrystallisation under amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Eclogitised metabasics of early-Alpine age are described from the northern Dora-Maira nappe (internal Pennidic, western Italian Alps), a tectonic element which has become widely known for the coesite-bearing assemblages discovered in its southern part. The P-T conditions inferred in this paper for the eclogitic peak (P = 9–13 kbar, T = 500 ± 50 °C) are much lower than those proposed in the southern Dora-Maira by Chopin (1987) for the coesite-bearing unit. Consequently, only the latter underwent a peculiar early-Alpine evolution at extremely high-pressures and temperatures, while the northern Dora-Maira nappe was eclogitised at P-T conditions comparable to those of the other internal Pennidic units. The post-eclogitic path proposed here for the northern Dora-Maira occurred at isothermal conditions or at slightly increasing temperatures.
Les éclogites dans la nappe Dora-Maira septentrionale (Alpes Occidentales, Italie)
Resumé Metabasites éclogitiques d'âge éoalpine sont décrites dans la nappe Dora-Maira septentrionale (Pennique interne, Alpes occidentales italiennes), une unité connue pour la découverte de parageneses à coesite dans le secteur meridional. Les conditions P-T de la recrystallization éclogitique proposées dans ce travail (P = 9–13 kbar, T = 500 ± 50 °C) sont plus basses que les conditions suggerées parChopin (1987) pour les roches de l'unité à coesite. D'autre part ces éstimations des pressions et témperatures sont comparables à celles des autres nappes Penniques internes. La trajectoire post-éclogitique proposée içi pour le Dora-Maira septentrional est caracterisée par une diminution de pression à témperatures plus ou moins constantes (ou légèrment croissantes).

In the Southern Alps a progressive metamorphic zonation, with an increase in the geothermal gradient from NE to SW, has been widely proposed. However, recent investigations have shown that the greenschist metamorphic imprint of the low-grade zone corresponds to a metamorphic retrogression following amphibolite facies conditions. On the other hand, in the medium-grade zone, a later low-pressure, high-temperature (LPHT) metamorphic event has also been proposed. In an attempt to resolve these different interpretations, new petrological and partly new structural data have been obtained for two sectors of the Orobic Alps, traditionally attributed to different metamorphic zones. Thermobarometric determinations, supported by microstructural analysis, indicate the following different pressure-retrograde paths in each sector: (1) in the Val Vedello basement (VVB) rocks, a first metamorphic imprint characterized by P = 7–9 kbar and T = 570–610°C was followed by a greenschist retrogression ( P ≤ 4 kbar and T ≤ 500° C); (2) in the Lario basement (LB) rocks, the first detectable metamorphic stage, characterized by mineral assemblages indicating P = 7–9 kbar and T = 550–630° C, was followed by a LPHT event, synkinematic with F2 extensional deformation. A greenschist retrogression marks the final uplift of these rocks.
Reinterpretation of the available geochronological data indicates a diachronism for the two thermomechanical evolutions. In the light of these data, we interpret the retrograde P–T–t path of the VVB rocks as a pre-Permian post-thickening uplift and the retrograde P–T–t evolution of the LB rocks as a Permo-Mesozoic uplift related to the extensional tectonic regime of the Tethyan rifting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Hemipelagic deposits are widespread in Triassic sequences of the Alpine belt and provide important data for stratigraphy and the study of bedding rhythms. The area of the western and central Dolomites of northern Italy escaped strong alpidic deformation and preserves such deposits in their original palaeogeographic setting. The Buchenstein Formation, the object of this study, was deposited in up to 1000 m deep, Middle Triassic interplatform basins, which extend over an area of 500 km2 within the Dolomites. Excellent outcrops and volcaniclastic markers allow a detailed correlation of the formation in both laminated (anoxic) and bioturbated facies down to a bed scale, and show its relationship to coeval carbonate platforms. Correlation of lithostratigraphically well‐constrained intervals in the bioturbated facies reveal that lateral thickening and thinning of the deposits depends on the amount of shallow‐water debris in the succession and is a function of the distance to coeval carbonate platform sources. In the laminated background deposit, thickness variations in limestones and marls parallel the thickness variations in ash layers, and were caused by local redeposition of sediment on the basin floor. Lateral persistence of laminae indicates that bottom currents were weak in the Buchenstein basin, but were able to redeposit mud in a significant way. In the area around Seceda and Geisler (western Dolomites), a lateral transition from dark‐grey laminated to grey bioturbated to red bioturbated facies is observed, which is probably linked to local relief with different oxygenation conditions on the sea floor. A comparison shows that decimetre‐scale bedding is preserved in all facies types and that the bedding rhythm is partly the result of different cementation of the sediment during early diagenesis. Correlation of individual layers in the bioturbated facies reveals that beds are thicker and enriched in lime mud in the western part of the basin, and decrease in thickness and contain less micrite towards the east, further away from the main shallow‐water areas. Nearslope calciturbidites change gradually from distinct layers into lateral arrays of micrite nodules and bands further out in the basin. These observations point to a platform source of lime mud in the Buchenstein basin.  相似文献   

An integrated study based on fluid inclusion, δ18O composition and structural analyses was carried out on a Pliocene fossil hydrothermal system, located to the South of the present active Larderello geothermal field, in the Boccheggiano-Montieri area. The study area is typified by mineralized cataclastic levels related to Late Oligocene–Early Miocene thrust surfaces, and to the following two generations of normal faults of Miocene and Pliocene ages, respectively. Within the damage zone of the Pliocene Boccheggiano fault, the mineralization is mainly made up of quartz and pyrite. Quartz + Pb–Zn sulfides, or quartz + Pb–Zn sulfides + fluorite + carbonates assemblages occur instead in the older cataclastic levels. Two generations of liquid-rich fluid inclusions were recognized in quartz and fluorite: the first one, with homogenization temperatures ranging between 172 and 331°C and salinity between 0.0 and 8.8 wt.% NaClequiv., records the early stage of hydrothermal activity. The second generation of fluid inclusions documents a later stage, with homogenization temperature from 124 to 288°C and salinity from 0.2 to 1.9 wt.% NaClequiv.. Fluid inclusions analyses also indicate that mixing of fluid with distinct salinities and/or temperatures was a widespread process during the early stage, and that fluid temperatures decreased moving from the Boccheggiano fault toward the more distal and older cataclastic levels. The δ18O values of water in equilibrium with hydrothermal quartz, which range from −5.7 to −0.1‰, are related to the circulation of meteoric water mixed with saline water that leached the evaporite level and enriched in δ18O through water–rock interaction, and/or with magmatically derived fluids. Results indicate that the damage zone of the Pliocene Boccheggiano fault represented the main channel for the flow of meteoric water, which was heated at depth, then mixed with high salinity fluids, and finally ascend to infiltrate along the older cataclastic levels. Our results, based on fluid inclusions, oxygen isotopic compositions and structural analyses indicate that a single fluid flow path run through the damage zone of the Boccheggiano fault and the older cataclasites, which were thus hydraulically connected.  相似文献   

The abandoned As–Au–Ag mining district Rotgülden is located within the eastern Tauern window of the Eastern Alps and was reinvestigated in order to evaluate ore deposition during Alpine/late orogenic tectonic processes. Four major ore types have been recognized: (1) quartz-sulfide veins within Variscan basement rocks; (2) deformed metamorphic massive ores within fold hinge zones (“saddle reefs”) of Permian to Mesozoic cover sequences; (3) ores in tension gashes of the cover sequence; and (4) irregular replacement ore bodies in marbles of the cover sequence. Ore deposition was intimately related to late orogenic exhumation by stretching of footwall sequences within the Tauern metamorphic core complex during late Oligocene and Neogene. Hydrothermal systems developed and metals from apparently distinct sources were deposited under decreasing temperature conditions. Lead is distinctly radiogenic and resembles the lead in Au-quartz veins of the Mesozoic cover sequence of the Hohe Tauern. Received: 24 January 1996 / Accepted: 24 July 1997  相似文献   

This study investigates the behaviour of the Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-zircon thermometers in granulite facies metapelites from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone lower crustal section. U–Pb ages of zircon constrain the timing of regional amphibolite–granulite facies metamorphism to 316 ± 3 Ma and record zircon recrystallisation and resetting of U–Pb ages at 276 ± 4 Ma and 258 ± 3 Ma. Zr-in-rutile thermometry records peak contact metamorphic temperatures related to intrusion of mafic magmatic rocks and gives peak temperatures between 900–930 °C and 1,000–1,020 °C that are consistent with the geological settings of the samples. Ti-in-zircon temperatures of 700–800 °C and 810–870 °C record growth or re-equilibration of zircon after cooling from peak temperatures. Ti-in-quartz thermometry for one sample records both peak and retrograde temperatures. Some rutiles in all samples record resetting of Zr-in-rutile temperatures at ~750–800 °C. Electron microprobe profiles across individual rutiles demonstrate that Zr expulsion occurred by recrystallisation rather than by diffusive exchange. Exsolution of small needles of baddelyite or zircon from rutile is an important method of Zr redistribution, but results in no net Zr loss from the grain. The demonstration that Zr-in-rutile thermometry can robustly record peak temperatures that are not recorded by any other thermometer emphasises the relevance of this technique to investigating the evolution of high-grade metamorphic terranes, such as those that characterise the lower crust.  相似文献   

Holocene glacier variations pre‐dating the Little Ice Age are poorly known in the western Alps. Studied for two centuries, the Miage morainic amphitheatre (MMA) is composed of three subconcentric sets of c. 25 moraines. Because of its location and of a dominant mode of morainic accretion, the MMA is a well‐preserved marker of the glacier dynamics during the Neoglacial. Radiocarbon dates were obtained by digging and coring in inter‐ morainic depressions of the MMA and through a deep core drilling in a dammed‐lake infill (Combal); complementary data for the inner MMA were obtained by lichenometry and dendrochronology. Radiocarbon chronology shows that (i) the MMA not only pre‐dates the Little Ice Age (LIA), but was built at least since 5029–4648 cal. yr BP (beginning of the Neoglacial); (ii) outer sets of moraines pre‐date 2748–2362 cal. yr BP; (iii) the MMA dammed the Lake Combal from 4.8 to 1.5 cal. kyr BP, while lakes/ponds formed inside the moraines (e.g. from 2147–1928 to 1506–1295 cal. yr BP). The ‘Neoglacial model’ proposed here considers that the MMA formed during the whole Neoglacial by a succession of glacier advances at 4.8–4.6 cal. ky BP (early Neoglacial), around 2.5 cal. ky BP (end of Göschener I), at AD 600–900 (end of Göschener II) and during the LIA, separated by raising phases of the right‐lateral moraine by active dumping because of the Miage debris cover.  相似文献   

The combination of magmatic, structural and fission track (FT) data is used to unravel Oligocene/Miocene near-surface tectonics in the internal Western Alps. This includes reburial of parts of the already exhumed Sesia-Lanzo Zone and their subsequent re-exhumation. We define blocks mainly on the base of their Oligocene–Miocene cooling history (FT data) and on published paleomagnetic data. The preservation of a paleosurface allows a detailed reconstruction of the exhumation, burial and re-exhumation of different tectonic blocks. Near-surface, rigid block rotation is responsible for the reburial of the Lower Oligocene paleosurface in part of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (the Cervo Block) and for the conjugate uplift of deeper portions of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (the Sessera-Ossola Block). This block rotation around the same horizontal axes produces in the currently exposed portions of the two blocks, quite different temperature/time paths. While the surface of the Cervo Block is buried, the lower part of the Sessera-Ossola Block is uplifted. The rotation is constrained between the age of emplacement of the Biella Volcanic Suite on top of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (32.5?Ma) and the intrusion of the Valle del Cervo Pluton (30.5?Ma). After this relative fast movements, the concerned blocks remained in (or underneath) the partial annealing zone of zircon until in Aquitanian times they were rapidly uplifted into the partial annealing zone of apatite. The further stage of exhumation out of the partial annealing zone of apatite extends over the entire Miocene. At that time, units of the external Western Alps underwent fast exhumation (external Brian?onnais, Valais). In addition to the well-known post-collisional deformation in the axial- and external Western Alps, the internal units (i.e., the upper plate) hold an apparent stable position in terms of exhumation.  相似文献   

西藏多龙矿集区是近年来中国新发现的具有世界级潜力的铜金矿集区。该矿集区现已查明多不杂、波龙、拿若和铁格隆南4个大型-超大型矿床,并新发现地堡那木岗和拿顿矿点。文章对上述矿床(点)脉体、蚀变、矿化和流体特征开展了系统研究和对比。结果表明,多不杂、波龙和拿若矿床矿化类型以斑岩型为主,同时钾硅酸盐化、绢英岩化、青磐岩化等蚀变广泛发育,而铁格隆南矿床除上述蚀变类型外,还叠加有高级泥化蚀变,并发育与之相关的浅成低温热液型矿化。根据脉体特征对比和流体包裹体温压计算推测,上述4个矿床矿化类型的差异可能由剥蚀深度的差异所引起(前三者剥蚀深度约为2~3 km,后者约为1~1.5 km)。此外,地堡那木岗矿点蚀变类型以绢英岩化、泥化为主,该矿点发育与斑岩型金矿中类似的深色条带状石英脉,指示该地区可能存在斑岩型金矿。拿顿矿点为典型的高硫型浅成低温热液型矿化,铜金矿体赋存于角砾岩筒中。野外地质调查表明,上述矿点地表蚀变岩盖(Lithocaps)发育,并且蚀变岩盖空间分布位置与下伏铜金矿体表现出良好的匹配关系,可有效地指导找矿勘查工作。流体包裹体实验进一步表明,铜金元素在斑岩型矿化中的沉淀可能与温度降低和氧逸度的变化有关,而在浅成低温热液型矿化中的沉淀则受控于温度的降低和流体的不混溶作用。最后,在前人年代学研究基础上,结合本次实验结果构建了该地区与成矿作用有关的时空演化模型。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3):117-137
In the Ligurian Alps (South-Western Italian Alps), Zn-Pb deposits occur within late Palaeozoic meta-sedimentary units belonging to the Briançonnais Zone near Casario (Tanaro valley). Different types of sulphide-rich, lens-shaped mineralizations are recognized: sphalerite-galena massive sulphide bodies, pyrite-rich lenses and sulphide-rich quartz–carbonate-chloritoid granofels. Sulphide lenses and host rocks are affected by at least three ductile deformation phases and by a polyphase alpine metamorphism, whose climax conditions are estimated, based on P-T pseudosection calculations, at T = 300-325 °C and P = 0.55-0.60 GPa. In all the mineralized lenses the ore minerals are represented, in variable amount, by Fe-poor sphalerite, galena, pyrite and arsenopyrite (± tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite); the gangue consists of quartz, carbonate (sideritemagnesite ± rhodochrosite s.s.), Fe-chloritoid, muscovite-phengite and chlorite. The mineralizations are associated with chloritoid – carbonate micaschists displaying a finely bedded texture, with sharp between-bed compositional contrast, which suggests their exhalative origin.

In spite of the tectono-metamorphic overprint, some pre-metamorphic features of the hydrothermal system are still recognized, like relics of the hydrothermal feeding system, primary growth textures and sulphide-rich microbreccias. These massive sulphide lenses, which share many characters with the SEDEX deposits, testify to the occurrence of an exhalative event of Upper Carboniferous age previously unrecognized in the Ligurian Briançonnais Unit.  相似文献   

卢社香 《矿产与地质》2007,21(2):152-157
论述了济源西北部地区的地质背景、铜矿床地质和地球化学特征,并与中条山地区铜矿床进行了对比,探讨性地将济源西北部的铜矿归为中条山地区的胡蓖型、铜矿峪型、横岭关型等几种成因类型,并指出在济源西北部寻找这几种类型铜矿床的有利地区。  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - During the late Palaeozoic, lithospheric thinning in part of the Alpine realm caused high-temperature low-to-medium pressure metamorphism and partial...  相似文献   

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