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Experiments dissolving orthopyroxene (En93) in a variety of Si-undersaturated alkaline melts at 1 atmosphere and variable f O2 demonstrate that orthopyroxene dissolves to form olivine, Si-rich melt and clinopyroxene. These phases form a texturally and chemically distinct boundary layer around the partly dissolved orthopyroxene crystals. The occurrence of clinopyroxene in the boundary layer is due to inward diffusion of Ca from the solvent melt to the boundary layer causing clinopyroxene saturation. Compositional profiles through the solvent and the boundary layer for a number of experiments demonstrate rapid diffusion of cations across the boundary layer – solvent interface. SiO2 diffuses outward from the boundary layer whereas CaO and Al2O3 diffuse toward the Si-enriched boundary layer melt. The rate of Al diffusion is slower under reducing conditions compared to the rates in experiments performed in air. Concentrations of FeO and MgO in the boundary layer and solvent are approximately equal indicating rapid diffusion and attainment of equilibrium despite ongoing crystallisation of clinopyroxene within the boundary layer. The behaviour of Na2O and K2O is strongly affected by f O2. Under reducing conditions Na2O and K2O concentrations are approximately equal in the boundary layer and solvent indicating normal diffusion down the concentration gradient and attainment of equilibrium. Under oxidising conditions, K2O and to a lesser extent Na2O, have compositional profiles indicative of uphill diffusion likely due to their preference for more polymerised Si- and Al-rich melts. Under reduced conditions Al-enrichment in the boundary layer melt is not as extreme and uphill diffusion did not occur. The composition of the solvent melt after the experiments indicates that it was contaminated by the boundary layer by convective mixing due to the onset of hydrodynamic instabilities brought on by density and viscosity contrasts between the two melts. Despite using a wide variety of solvent melt compositions we find that the boundary layer melts converge toward a common composition at high SiO2 contents. The composition of glass generated by orthopyroxene dissolution at 1 atmosphere is similar in many respects to Si-rich glass found in many orthopyroxene-rich mantle xenoliths that have been attributed to high pressure in situ processes including mantle metasomatism. The results of this study suggest that at least some Si-rich melts are likely to have formed by dissolution of xenolith orthopyroxene at low pressure possibly by their Si-undersaturated host magmas. Received: 30 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 April 1998  相似文献   

Fluid and solid inclusions have been studied in selected samples from a series of spinel-bearing Crdiopside-and Al-augite-series ultramafic (harzburgites, lherzolites, and olivine-clinopyroxene-rich rocks), and gabbroic xenoliths from Hierro, Canary Islands. In these samples several generations of fluid inclusions and ultramafic-and mafic-glass inclusions may be texturally related to different stages of crystal growth. The fluid inclusions consist of pure, or almost pure, CO2. The solid inclusions in the ultramafic xenoliths comprise early inclusions of devitrified ultramafic glass, sulphide inclusions, as well as polyphase inclusions (spinel+clinopyroxene±glass±other silicates) believed to have formed from trapped basaltic melts. Vitreous basaltic glass±CO2±sulphide±silicates are common as secondary inclusions in the ultramafic xenoliths, and as primary inclusions in the gabbroic xenoliths. Microthermometry gives minimum trapping temperatures of 1110° C for the early ultramafic-and mafic-glass inclusions, and a maximum of 1260–1280° C for late inclusions of host basaltic glass. In most samples the CO2 inclusions show a wide range in homogenization temperatures (-40 to +31° C) as a result of decrepitation during ascent. The lowest homogenization temperatures of about-40° C, recorded in some of the smallest CO2 inclusions, indicate a minimum depth of origin of 35 km (12 kbar) for both the Cr-diopside-and Al-augite-series xenoliths. The gabbroic xenoliths originate from a former magma chamber at a depth of 6–12 km.Contribution no. 100 of the Norwegian programme of the International Lithosphere Project  相似文献   

As rock textures reflect the physical conditions and the mechanisms of formation of the rocks, new approaches are used for improving texture analyses, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Pioneer work has recently boosted interest in fractal analysis for quantifying and correlating patterns. Fractal‐like patterns relate to a degree of multiscale organization, and fractal dimensions (FD) and their potential variations can be used to infer the physical conditions of rock formation at various scales of observation. Here, we characterize quantitatively the shape and distribution of orthopyroxene grains in ultramafic xenoliths in terms of FD and their relation with temperature of equilibration. Fractal analysis has been applied to several populations of mantle xenoliths: 7 xenoliths collected in the vicinity of Pico Santa Isabel on Bioko Island, an alkaline basaltic volcano in oceanic domain (Gulf of Guinea, Equatorial Atlantic), 9 samples from Sangilen, in the Agardag alkaline lamprophyre dyke (Russia), and 11 samples form Śnieżnik (Lutynia, Poland), in the continental domain. Fractal analysis has been conducted to characterize the degree of complexity of the petrographic textures: it is indeed known that large values of FD are associated to more complex textures. The correlation here observed between the orthopyroxene fractal dimension and the temperature of equilibration suggests that FD captures a significant textural feature directly related to the temperature (i.e. generated by a temperature‐controlled process). The significant difference in the FD–T correlation observed for the continental and oceanic mantle domains suggests that the mechanical and rheological behaviour is distinct in the oceanic and continental lithospheres. These first promising results should be confirmed by analysing other mantle suites of rocks in different geodynamic settings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杜星星  樊祺诚 《岩石学报》2011,27(5):1267-1274
近年来地幔捕虏体中富硅熔体的研究受到广泛关注,富硅熔体不仅具有多种产出状态,其成因来源也具有多样性。本文选取汉诺坝地区地幔捕虏体矿物中的熔体包裹体和斜方辉石反应边中的熔体玻璃为研究对象,探索富硅熔体在岩石圈地幔演化中的作用。通过详细的岩相学观察并结合电子探针分析发现,二者成因不同。熔体包裹体玻璃成分富硅(SiO2 61%~65%),相对贫Na2O(1%~3%)、K2O(<1%),富含挥发份(约3%~6%),为地幔交代成因;斜方辉石反应边玻璃富硅(SiO2 64%~67%)、碱(Na2O 5%~7%,K2O 6%~9%),几乎不含挥发份,是地幔捕虏体被寄主玄武岩浆快速携带上升至地表的过程中两者反应的产物。地幔交代作用产生的富硅熔体包裹体深刻影响了岩石圈地幔的地球化学性质;而玄武岩浆在上升过程中与岩石圈地幔捕虏体中斜方辉石的反应,导致了岩石圈地幔由富硅向贫硅转变,为华北克拉通的破坏提供了证据。  相似文献   

The composition of S-rich apatite, of volatile-rich glass inclusions in apatite, and of interstitial glasses in alkaline xenoliths from the 1949 basanite eruption in La Palma has been investigated to constrain the partitioning of volatiles between apatite and alkali-rich melts. The xenoliths are interpreted as cumulates from alkaline La Palma magmas. Apatite contains up to 0.89 wt% SO3 (3560 ppm S), 0.31 wt% Cl, and 0.66 wt% Ce2O3. Sulfur is incorporated in apatite via several independent exchange reactions involving (P5+, Ca2+) vs. (S6+, Si4+, Na+, and Ce3+). The concentration of halogens in phonolitic to trachytic glasses ranges from 0.15 to 0.44 wt% for Cl and from <0.07 to 0.65 wt% for F. The sulfur concentration in the glasses ranges from 0.06 to 0.23 wt% SO3 (sulfate-saturated systems). The chlorine partition coefficients (DClapatite/glass) range from 0.4 to 1.3 (average DClapatite/glass = 0.8), in good agreement with the results of experimental data in mafic and rhyolitic system with low Cl concentrations. With increasing F in glass inclusions DFapatite/glass decreases from 35 to 3. However, most of our data display a high partition coefficient (~30) close to DFapatite/glass determined experimentally in felsic rock. DSapatite/glass decreases from 9.1 to 2.9 with increasing SO3 in glass inclusions. The combination of natural and experimental data reveals that the S partition coefficient tends toward a value of 2 for high S content in the glass (>0.2 wt% SO3). DSapatite/glass is only slightly dependent on the melt composition and can be expressed as: SO3 apatite (wt%) = 0.157 * ln SO3 glass (wt%) + 0.9834. The phonolitic compositions of glass inclusions in amphibole and haüyne are very similar to evolved melts erupted on La Palma. The lower sulfur content and the higher Cl content in the phonolitic melt compared to basaltic magmas erupted in La Palma suggest that during magma evolution the crystallization of haüyne and pyrrhotite probably buffered the sulfur content of the melt, whereas the evolution of Cl concentration reflects an incompatible behavior. Trachytic compositions similar to those of the (water-rich) glass inclusions analyzed in apatite and clinopyroxene are not found as erupted products. These compositions are interpreted to be formed by the reaction between water-rich phonolitic melt and peridotite wall-rock.  相似文献   

A spinel ± amphibole ± feldspar bearing Iherzolites, a spinel ± amphibole ± feldspar bearing harzburgites, and a spinel ± amphibole ± phlogopite bearing wehrlites are metasomatized peridotitic mantle xenoliths from Ain Temouchent volcanic complex (North-West Algeria). These xenoliths are metamorphic/deformed rocks with a strong planar fabric typical of mantle tectonites. The wehrlites are not the result of a simple model of partial melting. The spinel ± amphibole ± feldspar bearing harzburgites and lherzolites exhibit asymmetric concave-shaped REE patterns. These indicate that an earlier partial melting event was followed by metasomatic processes. The wehrlites have higher REE concentrations and LREE/HREE fractionations, indicating a sequential evolution of wehrlites from previous refractory material with melting as an addition process. This process reflects the interaction of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Ain Temouchent area with basaltic melt. Metasomatism is expressed by the formation of amphibole, phlogopite, and increased abundances of clinopyroxene at the expense of orthopyroxene, in lherzolite and harzburgite. In the Ain Temouchent area, metasomatizing agents are Na-alkali silicates. The similarities observed between the glasses studied in this paper, and the basaltic host rocks of the Ain Temouchent area, may suggest a common mantle source, or with chemical similarities but with relatively different evolutions pathways. The formation of glass in wehrlites from the Ain Temouchent area has an origin formed by the breakdown of amphibole or phlogopite as a result of decompressional melting and production of silica-undersaturated glasses. The glass reacts with essentially orthopyroxene to produce silica-rich glasses. This study has contributed to highlighting a relationship between glass, and the processes that caused the formation of metasomatic phases.  相似文献   

Spinel-bearing peridotitic mantle xenoliths from the 1949 eruption on La Palma were modified mineralogically and chemically during prolonged reaction with their host magma. The magmatism that brought the peridotites to the surface caused two distinct generations of xenolith fractures: (1) Old fractures are characterized by crystalline selvages with cumulus textures towards the host magma, or by polymineralic veins. They are accompanied by 0.9–2 mm wide diffusion zones where peridotite olivine became less forsteritic through diffusive exchange with the host magma. Old fractures represent most of each xenolith's surface. (2) Young fractures show no selvages and only narrow diffusion zones of <0.02 mm width. Calculations based on a model of Fe-Mg interdiffusion give an age of 6 to 83 years and <4 days for old and young fractures, respectively. A combination of these data with fluid inclusion barometry indicates that selvages and veins formed during xenolith transport rather than representing wall-rock reactions or mantle metasomatism. The results provide ample evidence for prolonged storage of the xenoliths in the crust, constraining a multi-stage magma ascent: Years to decades prior to eruption, ascending magma ruptured peridotitic wall-rock possibly through hydraulic fracturing and stoping around magma reservoirs. Magma batches transported the peridotite xenoliths to the crust at ascent rates exceeding 0.2 ms−1. The xenoliths and their host magma stagnated during at least 6 years in possibly sill-like reservoirs at 7–11 km depth. The xenoliths became deposited and subsequently embedded in a mush of settled phenocrysts, while selvages and veins crystallized until the eruption commenced. At the end of the eruption, the xenoliths were finally transported to the surface within hours to days. Decompression during the rapid ascent induced internal stresses and caused renewed fragmentation of the xenoliths, producing the young fractures. Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

Varela  M. E.  Bjerg  E. A.  Clocchiatti  R.  Labudia  C. H.  Kurat  G. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,60(3-4):145-164
Summary Three generations of fluid inclusions can be recognized in upper mantle xenoliths from alkali basalts of the Somoncura Massif, Northern Patagonia, Argentina. The first (early, primary) one consists of dense CO2 inclusions which were trapped in the mantle-crust boundary zone (22–36 km minimum trapping depth). Their co-genetic relationship with silicate melt inclusions enables us to constrain their minimum trapping temperature at 1200°C, indicating a high temperature event in a cooler environment. The late (pseudosecondary and secondary) generations of fluid inclusions were classified in accordance with their homogenization temperature to liquid CO2 (L1) and vapor CO2 (L2) phase. The minimum trapping depth for the first of the late inclusions (L1) is about 16 km. In spite of the uncertainties related to this value, L1 inclusions indicate that the upper mantle rocks, of which samples were delivered by the basalts, had some residence time in the middle crust where they experienced a metasomatic event. The fact that this event did not destroy the earlier inclusions, places severe constraints on its duration. The second late inclusions (L2) are low-pressure CO2 inclusions with a minimum trapping depth of only 2 km, presumably a shallow magma chamber of the host basalts. The succession of fluid inclusions strongly points toward a fairly fast uprising upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia. The petrology and mineral chemistry of the peridotitic xenoliths support this view. Extensive partial melting and loss of these melts is indicated by the preponderance of harzburgites in the upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia, a fairly unusual feature for a continental upper mantle. That depletion event as well as several metasomatic events — including those which left traces of fluid inclusions — are possibly related to a high-speed diapiric uprise of the upper mantle in this area. The path can be traced from the garnet peridotite stability field into the middle crust, a journey which must have been unusually fast. Differences in rock, mineral, and fluid inclusion properties between geographic locations suggest a diffuse and differential type of diapirism. Future studies will hopefully help to map the full extent and the highs and lows of this diapir and elucidate questions related to its origin and future.
Fluid-Einschlüsse in Erdmantel-Xenolithen von Nord-Patagonien: Evidenz für einen Diapir im oberen Erdmantel
Zusammenfassung Erdmantel - Xenolithe in Alkali-Basalten des Somoncure Massivs, Nord-Patagonien, Argentinien, führen drei Generationen von Fluid-Einschlüssen. Die erste (frühe, primäre) Generation besteht aus dichten CO2-Einschlüssen, welche offenbar in der Mantel-Kruste Grenzzone (22–36 km Minimum-Tiefe) eingeschlossen wurden. CO2-Einschlüsse sind kogenetisch mit Silikat-Schmelzeinschlüssen. Dies erlaubt die Abschätzung der Einschließ-Temperatur mit minimal 1200°C, was auf ein Hochtemperatur-Ereignis in einer deutlich kühleren Umgebung hinweist. Die späten (pseudosekundäre und sekundäre) CO2- Fluid-Einschlüsse bilden zwei Generationen von denen die eine in die flüssige (L1), die andere in die Dampfphase (L2) homogenisieren. Die minimale Einschließ-Tiefe für die L1 Generation ist etwa 16 km. Dies bedeutet - auch bei Berücksichtigung der mit diesem Wert verbundenen Ungenauigkeit - daß diese Erdmantel-Gesteine einige Zeit in der mittleren Erdkruste verbrachten und ein metasomatisches Ereignis erlebten, bevor sie von den Basalten zur Erdoberfläche gebracht wurden. Die Tatsache, daß dieses Ereignis die frühen Einschlüsse nicht zerstörte, kann nur bedeuten, daß es von kurzer Dauer war. Die L2-Generation besteht aus Niedrigdruck CO2-Einschlüssen mit einer Minimum-Einschließtiefe von nur 2 km. Dies könnte in einer seichten Magmakammer des Wirt Basaltes geschehen sein.Die Abfolge von Fluid-Einschlüssen deutet auf einen relativ schnell aufsteigenden oberen Erdmantel unterhalb von Patagonien hin. Die Petrologie und Mineralchemie der peridotitischen Xenolithe unterstützen das. Die Vorherrschaft von Harzburgiten im Erdmantel unterhalb von Nord-Patagonien deutet auf umfangreiche Bildung partieller Schmelzen und deren Abfuhr hin — eine für einen kontinentalen Mantel ungewöhnliche Situation. Sowohl die Verarmungsereignisse, als auch die metasomatischen Veränderungen (einschließlich jene, welche Spuren in Form von Fluid Einschlüssen hinterließen) machen das Vorhandensein eines schnell aufsteigenden Daipirs im oberen Erdmantel dieser Gegend wahrscheinlich. Der Aufstieg kann vom Stabilitätsbereich der Granat-Peridotite bis in die mittlere Kruste verfolgt werden und muß daher relativ schnell erfolgt sein. Unterschiede in Gesteins-, Mineral und Fluid-Eigenschaften zwischen verschiedenen Lokalitäten legen einen diffusen und differenziellen Diapirismus nahe. Zukünftige Studien sollten es ermöglichen, das Gesamtausmaß und die unterschiedlichen Aufstiegshöhen des Diapirs zu kartieren und Hinweise auf seine Entstehung und zukünftige Entwicklung zu erhalten.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

With the aim to better understand the cause of the iron isotope heterogeneity of mantle-derived bulk peridotites, we compared the petrological, geochemical and iron isotope composition of four xenolith suites from different geodynamic settings; sub-arc mantle (Patagonia); subcontinental lithospheric mantle (Cameroon), oceanic mantle (Kerguelen) and cratonic mantle (South Africa). Although correlations were not easy to obtain and remain scattered because these rocks record successive geological events, those found between δ57Fe, Mg#, some major and trace element contents of rocks and minerals highlight the processes responsible for the Fe isotope heterogeneity. While partial melting processes only account for moderate Fe isotope variations in the mantle (<0.2 ‰, with bulk rock values yielding a range of δ57Fe ± 0.1 ‰ relative to IRMM-14), the main cause of Fe isotope heterogeneity is metasomatism (>0.9 ‰). The kinetic nature of rapid metasomatic exchanges between low viscosity melts/fluids and their wall-rocks peridotite in the mantle is the likely explanation for this large range. There are a variety of responses of Fe isotope signatures depending on the nature of the metasomatic processes, allowing for a more detailed study of metasomatism in the mantle with Fe isotopes. The current database on the iron isotope composition of peridotite xenoliths and mafic eruptive rocks highlights that most basalts have their main source deeper than the lithospheric mantle. Finally, it is concluded that due to a complex geological history, Fe isotope compositions of mantle xenoliths are too scattered to define a mean isotopic composition with enough accuracy to assess whether the bulk silicate Earth has a mean δ57Fe that is chondritic, or if it is ~0.1 ‰ above chondrites as initially proposed.  相似文献   

Mantle-derived xenoliths of spinel lherzolite, spinel pyroxenite, garnet pyroxenite and wehrlite from Bullenmerri and Gnotuk maars, southwestern Victoria, Australia contain up to 3 vol.% of fluids trapped at high pressures. The fluid-filled cavities range in size from fluid inclusions (1–100 m) up to vugs 11/2 cm across, lined with euhedral high-pressure phases. The larger cavities form an integral part of the mosaic microstructure. Microthermometry and Raman laser microprobe analysis show that the fluids are dominantly CO2. Small isolated inclusions may have densities 1.19 g/cm3, but most inclusions show microstructural evidence of partial decrepitation during eruption, and these have lower fluid densities. Mass-spectrometric analysis of gases released by crushing or heating shows the presence of He, N2, Ar, H2S, COs and SO2 in small quantities; these may explain the small freezing-point depressions observed in some inclusions. Petrographic, SEM and microprobe studies show that the trapped fluids have reacted with the cavity walls (in clinopyroxene grains) to produce secondary amphiboles and carbonates. The trapped CO2 thus represents only a small residual proportion of an original volatile phase, which has undergone at least two stages of modification — first by equilibration with spinel lherzolite to form amphibole (±mica±apatite), then by limited reaction with the walls of the fluid inclusions. The inferred original fluid was a CO2-H2O mixture, with significant contents of (at least) Cl and sulfur species. Generation of this fluid phase in the garnet-peridotite stability field, followed by its migration to the spinel peridotite stability field, would provide an efficient mechanism for metasomatic enrichment of the upper mantle in LIL elements. This migration could involve either a volatile flux or transport in small volumes of silicate melt that crystallize in the spinel peridotite field. These observations suggest that some portions of the subcontinental upper mantle contain large reservoirs of free fluid CO2, which may be liberated during episodes of rifting or magmatism, to induce granulite-facies metamorphism of the lower crust.  相似文献   

The depths of mantle melting zones can be constrained by forward (in terms of physicochemical thermodynamics) or inverse (in terms of equilibrium thermodynamics) modeling. However, there is discrepancy in this respect between fluid-dynamic models of decompression melting in convecting upper mantle and thermodynamic models of basaltic magma sources beneath mid-ocean ridges. We investigate the causes of the mismatch in melting depth predictions with reference to the magmatic systems of the Basin and Range Province in the western margin of North America. The inverse solutions turn out to represent melts from different substrates (depth facies) in the lithospheric mantle, while modeling decompression melting in convecting fertile upper mantle refers to the depths the faults in spreading zones never reach. The discrepancy between forward and inverse solutions may be due to the fact that the respective depth estimates correspond to different levels of the same mantle–crust magmatic systems.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(23-24):3967-3982
The partitioning of transition elements (Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni) between orthopyroxene (opx) and clinopyroxene (cpx) in carefully selected garnet peridotite, spinel peridotite and garnet websterite xenoliths was determined by electron probe microanalyses (EPMA) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Xenoliths studied cover a wide compositional range and equilibrated under variable upper mantle conditions at temperatures between about 760 and 1370°C (two-pyroxene thermometer based on the enstatite-diopside solvus) and pressures between about 0.8 and 3.6 GPa (Al-in-opx and Ca-in-olivine barometers). We found that the partitioning of transition elements between opx and cpx (expressed as DM = concentration of element M in opx [cations per formula unit]/concentration of M in cpx [cations per formula unit]) is mainly controlled by temperature and to a much lesser degree by pressure. Variations in major element compositions of pyroxenes (e.g., variable XMg, AlIV or Na) have no influence on DM. For Sc, V, Cr, Mn, and Co, our data result in good correlations between ln DM and reciprocal absolute temperature, with correlation coefficients (r) between 0.950 and 0.981. It is therefore possible to use the partitioning of these elements between opx and cpx from peridotites and websterites as geothermometers. On the basis of our data, we suggest the following empirical thermometer equations: TSc = [(17.64 · P + 5663)/(3.25 − ln DSc)], TV = [(18.06 · P + 3975)/(2.27 − ln DV)], TCr = [(11.00 · P + 2829)/(1.56 − ln DCr)], TMn = [(−0.20 · P − 2229)/(−1.37 − ln DMn)], TCo = [(−4.31 · P − 2358)/(−0.98 − ln DCo)], where T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin and P the pressure in kilobars. For Ti and Ni observed correlations between ln DM and 1/T are less well defined.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions occur in a composite xenolith from the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Nevada, U.S.A. The xenolith is an amphibole-bearing wehrlite that is cut by an andesine-amphibole vein. The compositions of individual fluid inclusions in both portions of the xenolith have been determined using microthermometry and micro Laser-Raman spectroscopy. Fluids in the host wehrlite are nearly pure CO2 (>99 mol%) whereas those in the vein contain from 8.5 to 12.0 mol % CO in CO2. Chemical modelling shows that the composition of the vein fluids at T room is representative of the composition at the high P, T conditions of trapping. Graphite has not been observed by optical microscopy in any of the fluid inclusions. Graphite is probably absent (although stable at T<800° C) most probably because of the kinetically unfavorable CO decomposition reaction and rapid quenching. By combining the measured fluid compositions with fluid P-V-T data and the chemical equilibrium CO2CO +1/2 O2, we have calculated the oxygen fugacity of the fluid inclusions at 1200° C: log 8.6 (vein) and –6 (host). If the of the fluid in the vein represents that in equilibrium with the magma that crystallized to produce the vein, then the of the basalt magma is near QFM at 1200° C and 10.3 kbar. This is similar to values reported for extrusive basaltic lavas. If the much lower intrinsic oxygen fugacity-values for divines and spinels from alkali basalt nodules are representative of upper mantle conditions, then oxidation of basaltic magmas must occur in the upper mantle prior to ascent to the surface. Implications for the origin of CO2-rich fluids and carbon isotope geochemistry are also discussed.  相似文献   

Data on the petro- and geochemical characteristics of mantle xenoliths in kimberlites, which sampled the mantle beneath Early Precambrian tectonic structures (Archean cratons: the basement of the Eastern Siberian Platform, Karelian, Kaapvaal, Wyoming, Western Dharvar; Early and Middle Proterozoic foldbelts: Western Olenek, Natal, and Halls Creek), and xenoliths in alkaline basalts, which sampled the mantle benath Late Proterozoic-Phanerozoic structures (foldbelts: Central Asian, Mozambique, southern tip of South America, and Central German) indicate the following: (1) The major and trace element and REE composition of the mantle is different beneath Early Precambrian structures and Late Proterozoic-Phanerozoic foldbelts and reflects the degree of partial melting of the primitive mantle and its depletion in magmaphile components beneath ancient structures compared to young ones. (2) The original composition of the mantle was different beneath the Early Precambrian and Late Proterozoic structures in terms of both major oxides and incompatible trace elements and REE and their ratios; the composition of the mantle beneath the Eastern Siberian Platform, Wyoming, and Karelian cratons is different in terms of Zr/Y, La/Sm, Ce/Sm, Gd/Yb, and Lu/Hf. (3) The degree of melting of the primitive mantle decreases with depth, as follows from the negative correlation between the MgO/SiO2 ratio and pressure (i.e., depth) and the positive correlation between the Al2O3/MgO ratio and pressure in the xenoliths. (4) The Y, Zr, Ti, Sm, Gd, and Yb conncentrations and the sum of HREE in the mantle decrease with increasing degree of melting; correspondingly, the material most strongly depleted in these incompatible trace elements and REE composes the upper levels of the lithospheric continental mantle.  相似文献   

Christophe L  cuyer 《Lithos》1990,25(4):243-259
The Trinity ophiolite consists of small magma chambers inside a large mantle body. Xenoliths of mantle peridotite occur both in gabbroic cumulates along the walls and in the matrices of ultrabasic breccias on the floors of the magma chambers. Field relationships and petrographic data suggest that these fragments of original mantle peridotite were modified by contact with basic magmas by modal metasomatism. Quantitative elemental mass transfers determined from the composition, volume and density variations of reacting minerals demonstrate both closed and open system conditions for the major (Si, Al, Ti, Na, Ca, Fe and Mg) and trace elements (Cr, Ni). In the open system, material gains and losses provide information on the composition of the fluid taking part in the metasomatic reaction.

During a first stage of metasomatism the mantle xenoliths were affected by high-temperature reactions at 600 to 925°C. They resulted from the interaction between solid mantle lherzolites and basic melts. The reactions are:

1. (1)those forming orthopyroxene-magnetite simplectite

2. (2)those forming plagioclase-magnetite corona

3. (3)clinopyroxene+spinel I→pargasitic hornblende+spinel II.

Chemical interactions between the upper mantle and oceanic magma chambers occurred as soon as the basic magmas had ascended through the upper mantle. The chemically modified magmas, within oceanic magma chambers, were depleted in Ti, Fe and Na. This could partly explain regional variations of the chemical compositions of primary magmas produced beneath slow-spreading ridges. The breakdown of olivine to orthopyroxene and magnetite participates in the control of the partition of magnetic Fe---Ti oxides between oceanic crust and mantle.

During the second stage, the serpentinization of olivine and the production of talc were superimposed on the products of the first stage. These reactions require large amounts of H2O. The hydrothermal fluid was probably seawater. It circulated in the brecciated area along the walls and floors of the magma chambers located at shallow depths. Such structural discontinuities thus played the role of penetration channels favoring seawater circulation in the oceanic crust.

All the chemical reactions examined suggest a significant open-system element transfer by infiltrating melts or circulating fluids. The results of this study suggest that caution is required in the interpretation of mineralogical and chemical information provided by mantle xenoliths carried to the surface by ascending magmas.  相似文献   

Iron isotopes, together with mineral elemental compositions of spinel peridotite xenoliths and clinopyroxenites from Hannuoba and Hebi Cenozoic alkaline basalts, were analyzed to investigate iron isotopic features of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. The results show that the Hannuoba spinel peridotite xenoliths have small but distinguishable Fe isotopic variations. Overall variations in δ57Fe are in a range of ?0.25 to 0.14‰ for olivine, ?0.17 to 0.17‰ for orthopyroxene, ?0.21 to 0.27‰ for clinopyroxene, and ?0.16 to 0.26‰ for spinel, respectively. Clinopyroxene has the heaviest iron isotopic ratio and olivine the lightest within individual sample. No clear linear relationships between the mineral pairs on “δ-δ” plot suggest that iron isotopes of mineral separates analyzed have been affected largely by some open system processes. The broadly negative correlations between mineral iron isotopes and metasomatic indexes such as spinel Cr#, (La/Yb)N ratios of clinopyroxenes suggest that iron isotopic variations in different minerals and peridotites were probably produced by mantle metasomatism. The Hebi phlogopite-bearing lherzolite, which is significantly modified by metasomatic events, appears to be much heavier isotopically than clinopyroxene-poor lherzolite. This study further confirms previous conclusions that the lithospheric mantle has distinguishable and heterogeneous iron isotopic variations at the xenoliths scale. Mantle metasomatism is the most likely cause for the iron isotope variations in mantle peridotites.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and geochemical data suggest that chloride components play an important role in the transformation and partial melting of upper mantle peridotites. The effect of KCl on the transformation of hydrous peridotite rich in Al2O3, CaO, and Na2O was examined in experiments aimed at studying interaction between model NCMAS peridotite with H2O-KCl fluid under a pressure of 1.9 GPa, temperatures of 900–1200°C, and various initial H2O/KCl ratios. The experimental results indicate that KCl depresses the solidus temperature of the hydrous peridotite: this temperature is <900°C at 1.9 GPa, which is more than 100°C lower than the solidus temperature (1000–1025°C) of hydrous peridotite in equilibrium with KCl-free fluid. The reason for the decrease in the melting temperature is that the interaction of KCl with silicates prevails over the effect of chloride on the water activity in the fluid. Experimental data highlight the key role of Al2O3 as a component controlling the whole interaction process between peridotite and H2O-KCl fluid. Garnet, spinel, and pargasite-edenite amphibole in association with aluminous orthopyroxene are unstable in the presence of H2O-KCl fluid at a chloride concentration in the fluid as low as approximately 2 wt % and are replaced by Cl-bearing phlogopite (0.4–1.1 wt % Cl). Interaction with H2O-KCl fluid does not, however, affect clinopyroxene and forsterite, which are the Al poorest phases of the system. Chlorine stabilizes phlogopite at relatively high temperatures in equilibrium with melt at temperatures much higher than the solidus (>1200°C). The compositional evolution of melt generated during the melting of model peridotite in the presence of H2O-KCl fluid is controlled, on the one hand, by the solubility of the H2O-KCl fluid in the melt and, on the other hand, by phlogopite stability above the solidus. At temperatures below 1050°C, at which phlogopite does not actively participate in melting reactions, fluid dissolution results in SiO2-undersaturated (35–40 wt %) and MgO-enriched (up to 45 wt %) melts containing up to 4–5 wt % K2O and 2–3 wt % Cl. At higher temperatures, active phlogopite dissolution and, perhaps, also the separation of immiscible aqueous chloride liquid give rise to melts containing >10 wt % K2O and 0.3–0.5 wt % Cl. Our experimental results corroborate literature data on the transformation of upper mantle peridotites into phlogopite-bearing associations and the formation of ultrapotassic and highly magnesian melts.  相似文献   

Metapelitic country rocks were contact- and pyro-metamorphosed by the Tertiary Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland. In an initial stage of heating, while they were probably still in place within the host rock contact aureole, they overstepped a range of equilibrium and disequilibrium melting reactions and produced both a granitic melt and very refractory spinel+cordierite+plagioclase±corundum residuals. Parts of these refractory rocks were then subjected to another melting event after being entrained as xenoliths into the Skaergaard Marginal Border Group, where they experienced a temperature of about 1,000°C at a pressure of about 650 bars and at an oxygen fugacity about 0.2–0.5 log units below the FMQ buffer. Here, they underwent bulk melting, but did not mix with the Skaergaard magma, presumably because of the high viscosity contrast. The Al-rich melts crystallized to an assemblage of corundum+mullite+sillimanite+ plagioclase+spinel+rutile±tridymite±cordierite and they reacted with the surrounding basalt producing a strongly cryptically zoned rim of plagioclase (An55 close to the basalt to An90 close to the Al-rich melt). The assemblage in the inner parts of the xenoliths provides textural evidence for disequilibrium growth due to slow diffusivities in the highly viscous, probably water-free Al-rich melt. Later interaction of lower temperature ferrobasaltic to granophyric melts with the xenoliths along their margins and along cracks led to consumption of corundum and mullite and to the stable assemblage of spinel+cordierite+plagioclase+quartz+K-feldspar +magnetite+ilmenite at about 800°C.  相似文献   

Exsolution lamellae in pyroxene and garnet porphyroblasts in pyroxenite xenoliths from the Mir, Udachnaya, and Obnazhennaya kimberlites (Siberian Craton) reveal a diverse suite of exsolved phases, including oxides (spinels, ilmenite, rutile, and chromite), pyroxene, and garnet. Textural characteristics suggest that exsolved phases progressively increased in volumetric proportions, and in some cases, the bulk xenoliths transformed from a lithology dominated by coarse grains (i.e. > 2 cm; megacrystalline) to a significantly finer-grained texture (i.e. < 1 cm).

These exsolved lamellae are the result of a complex and protracted sub solidus history following magmatic crystallization. Equilibrium pressure–temperature estimates place these xenoliths at low-to-moderate pressure–temperature conditions (690–910°C and 2.0–4.5 GPa) in the lithospheric mantle at the time of entrainment in the kimberlite. However, reconstructed compositions of initial pyroxene and garnet crystals suggest that this suite of pyroxenites formed at considerably higher temperatures and pressures that, in some instances, may have approached the majorite stability field. Pyroxenites that do not contain primary garnet may have been derived from shallower depths.

Progressive exsolution in these pyroxenites is of importance inasmuch as such processes can permit localized changes in rheological properties and may also accommodate strain within portions of lithospheric mantle. Because most xenolith studies focus on peridotites and eclogites, the pyroxenite sample suite studied in this work represents an important contribution towards a greater understanding of the Siberian lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

We present petrography and mineral chemistry for both phlogopite,from mantle-derived xenoliths(garnet peridotite,eclogite and clinopyroxene-phlogopite rocks)and for megacryst,macrocryst and groundmass flakes from the Grib kimberlite in the Arkhangelsk diamond province of Russia to provide new insights into multi-stage metasomatism in the subcratonic lithospheric mantle(SCLM)and the origin of phlogopite in kimberlite.Based on the analysed xenoliths,phlogopite is characterized by several generations.The first generation(Phil)occurs as coarse,discrete grains within garnet peridotite and eclogite xenoliths and as a rock-forming mineral within clinopyroxene-phlogopite xenoliths.The second phlogopite generation(Phl2)occurs as rims and outer zones that surround the Phil grains and as fine flakes within kimberlite-related veinlets filled with carbonate,serpentine,chlorite and spinel.In garnet peridotite xenoliths,phlogopite occurs as overgrowths surrounding garnet porphyroblasts,within which phlogopite is associated with Cr-spinel and minor carbonate.In eclogite xenoliths,phlogopite occasionally associates with carbonate bearing veinlet networks.Phlogopite,from the kimberlite,occurs as megacrysts,macrocrysts,microcrysts and fine flakes in the groundmass and matrix of kimberlitic pyroclasts.Most phlogopite grains within the kimberlite are characterised by signs of deformation and form partly fragmented grains,which indicates that they are the disintegrated fragments of previously larger grains.Phil,within the garnet peridotite and clinopyroxene-phlogopite xenoliths,is characterised by low Ti and Cr contents(TiO_21 wt.%,Cr_2 O_31 wt.% and Mg# = 100 × Mg/(Mg+ Fe)92)typical of primary peridotite phlogopite in mantle peridotite xenoliths from global kimberlite occurrences.They formed during SCLM metasomatism that led to a transformation from garnet peridotite to clinopyroxene-phlogopite rocks and the crystallisation of phlogopite and high-Cr clinopyroxene megacrysts before the generation of host-kimberlite magmas.One of the possible processes to generate low-Ti-Cr phlogopite is via the replacement of garnet during its interaction with a metasomatic agent enriched in K and H_2O.Rb-Sr isotopic data indicates that the metasomatic agent had a contribution of more radiogenic source than the host-kimberlite magma.Compared with peridotite xenoliths,eclogite xenoliths feature low-Ti phlogopites that are depleted in Cr_2O_3 despite a wider range of TiO_2 concentrations.The presence of phlogopite in eclogite xenoliths indicates that metasomatic processes affected peridotite as well as eclogite within the SCLM beneath the Grib kimberlite.Phl2 has high Ti and Cr concentrations(TiO_22 wt.%,Cr_2O_31 wt.% and Mg# = 100× Mg/(Mg + Fe)92)and compositionally overlaps with phlogopite from polymict brecc:ia xenoliths that occur in global kimberlite formations.These phlogopites are the product of kimberlitic magma and mantle rock interaction at mantle depths where Phl2 overgrew Phil grains or crystallized directly from stalled batches of kimberlitic magmas.Megacrysts,most macrocrysts and microcrysts are disintegrated phlogopite fragments from metasomatised peridotite and eclogite xenoliths.Fine phlogopite flakes within kimberlite groundmass represent mixing of high-Ti-Cr phlogopite antecrysts and high-Ti and low-Cr kimberlitic phlogopite with high Al and Ba contents that may have formed individual grains or overgrown antecrysts.Based on the results of this study,we propose a schematic model of SCLM metasomatism involving phlogopite crystallization,megacryst formation,and genesis of kimberlite magmas as recorded by the Grib pipe.  相似文献   

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