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Late Frasnian mounds of the Yunghsien Formation, Guilin, South China, developed as part of the Guilin platform, mostly in reef‐flat and platform margin settings. Microbial mounds in platform margin settings at Hantang, about 10 km west of Guilin, contain Frasnian biota, such as Stachyodes and Kuangxiastraea and, thus, occur below the Frasnian‐Famennian mass extinction boundary. Platform margin facies were dominated by microbes, algae and receptaculitids. Massive corals and stromatoporoids are not common and rarely show reef‐building functions as they did in Givetian time. The margin mounds are composed of brachiopod‐receptaculitid cementstone, and a variety of boundstones that contain Rothpletzella, Renalcis, thrombolite and stromatolite. Other microbial communities include Girvanella, Izhella, Ortonella and Wetheredella. Solenoporoid algae are abundant locally. Zebra structures and neptunian dykes are well‐developed at some intervals. Pervasive early cementation played an important role in lithification of the microbial boundstones and rudstones. Frasnian reefs of many regions of the world were constructed by stromatoporoids and corals, although a shift to calcimicrobe‐dominated frameworks occurred before the Famennian. However, the exact ages of many Frasnian margin outcrops are poorly constrained owing to difficulties dating shallow carbonate facies. The Hantang mounds represent a microbe‐dominated reef‐building community with rare skeletal reef builders, consistent with major Late Devonian changes in reef composition, diversity and guild structure occurring before the end of the Frasnian. A similar transition occurred in the Canning Basin of Western Australia, but coeval successions in North America, Western Europe and the northern Urals are either less well‐known or represent different bathymetric settings. The transition in reef‐building style below the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary is documented here in the two best exposed successions on two continents, which may have been global. Set in the larger context of Late Devonian and Mississippian microbial reef‐building, the Hantang mounds help to demonstrate that controls on microbial reef communities differed from those on larger skeletal reef biota. Calcimicrobes replaced stromatoporoids as major reef builders before the Frasnian‐Famennian extinction event, and increasing stromatoporoid diversity towards the end of the Famennian did not result in a resurgence of skeletal reef frameworks. Calcimicrobes dominated margin facies through the Famennian, but declined near the Devonian‐Carboniferous boundary. Stromatolite and thrombolite facies, which occurred behind the mound margin at Hantang, rose to dominate Mississippian shallow‐water reef frameworks with only a minor resurgence of the important Frasnian calcimicrobe Renalcis in the Visean when well‐skeletonized organisms (corals) also became volumetrically significant frame builders again.  相似文献   

Devonian reef complexes were well developed in Western Australia and South China, but no detailed direct comparison has been made between reef building in the two regions. The regions differ in several respects, including tectonic, stratigraphic and palaeoceanographic–palaeogeographic settings, and the reef building styles reflect minor differences in reef builders and reef facies. Similarities and differences between the two reef complexes provide insights into the characteristics of platform margins, reef facies and microbial carbonates of both regions. Here we present a comparison of platform margin types from different stratigraphic positions in the Late Devonian reef complex of the Canning Basin, Western Australia and Middle and Late Devonian margin to marginal slope successions in Guilin, South China. Comparisons are integrated into a review of the reefal stratigraphy of both regions. Reef facies, reef complex architecture, temporal reef builder associations, 2nd order stratigraphy and platform cyclicity in the two regions were generally similar where the successions overlap temporally. However, carbonate deposition began earlier in South China. Carbonate complexes were also more widespread in South China and represent a thicker succession overall. Platforms in the Canning Basin grew directly on Precambrian crystalline basement or early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, but in South China, carbonate complexes developed conformably on older Devonian siliciclastic strata. Pre-Frasnian reef facies in South China had more abundant skeletal frameworks than in Canning Basin reefs of equivalent age, and Famennian shoaling margins containing various microbial reefs may have been more common and probably more diverse in South China. However, Late Devonian platform margin types have been documented more completely in the Canning Basin. Deep intra-platform troughs (deep depressions containing non-carbonate pelagic sediments — Nandan-type successions) that developed along syndepositional faults characterize Devonian carbonate platforms in South China, but have no equivalent on the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin where inter-reef areas were more shallow. The South China platform-to-depression pattern was generally continuous from the Lower to Upper Devonian, indicating that many pre-Devonian tectonic features continued to exercise considerable effect through deposition. Localized, fault-controlled subsidence was an important factor in both regions, but similarities in 2nd order aggradation–progradation cycles suggest that eustasy was also an important control on the larger scale stratigraphic development of both regions.  相似文献   

Following the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction, which eliminated most skeletal reef-building fauna, the early Famennian reefs of the Canning Basin were constructed primarily by reef-framework microbial communities. In the Napier and Oscar Ranges, the Famennian reef complexes had high-energy, reef-flat depositional environments on a reef-rimmed platform that transitioned into low-energy, deep-water reefs growing in excess of 50 m below sea level. High-energy, reef-flat depositional environments contain doming fenestral stromatolites that grade into porous thrombolites and are associated with coarse-grained sandstones and grainstones. The reef-margin subfacies contains mounds of microdigitate thrombolites, which are more delicate than the reef-flat thrombolites and locally contain abundant red algae, Girvanella, renalcids and sediment-filled tubes. Within the thrombolites, the red algae are in upright growth positions, suggesting that the thrombolites are largely composed of carbonate that precipitated in situ. Reefal-slope environments are dominated by Wetheredella and Rothpletzella with locally abundant Girvanella, renalcids and Uralinella. In reefal-slope strata, delicate fans and microdigitate stromatolites of Wetheredella and Rothpletzella are often oriented horizontal or diagonal to bedding and are interpreted as syndepositionally toppled over. Most mesoscale microbial community structures contain several species of microbial fossils, and no single microbial species appears to have controlled the morphology of the community structure. Therefore, the depositional environment must have determined the distribution and morphology of the stromatolites, thrombolites and other microbial community structures. The adaptability of microbial communities to various reef environments allowed them to fill ecological niches opportunistically after the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction.  相似文献   

Calathid–demosponge carbonate mounds are a feature of Early to Middle Ordovician shallow‐marine carbonate depositional environments of tropical to subtropical palaeolatitudes. These mounds contain an important amount of autochthonous non‐skeletal microcrystalline calcium‐carbonate (automicrite) conventionally considered microbial in origin. Here, the automicrite of calathid–demosponge carbonate mounds (Tarim Basin, north‐west China) is broken down into five distinct fabrics: an in situ peloidal–spiculiferous fabric (AM‐1), an in situ peloidal fabric (AM‐2), an aphanitic–microtubular fabric (AM‐3), a minipeloidal fabric (AM‐4) and a laminoid–cerebroid fabric (AM‐5). Type AM‐1 occurs with AM‐2 being succeeded by an assemblage of AM‐3 and AM‐4. Types AM‐4 and AM‐5 are separated by an erosional disconformity. A good correlation of fluorescence and cathodoluminescence of automicrites indicates that induced and supported organomineralization produced automicrite, probably via the permineralization of non‐living organic substrates adsorbing dissolved metal–humate complexes. Using a spreadsheet with six parameters and 17 characters, AM‐1 to AM‐4 turn out to be non‐microbial in origin. Instead, these automicrites represent relics of calcified metazoan tissues, such as siliceous sponges, non‐spiculate sponges or the basal attachment structures of stalked invertebrates. Fabric AM‐5 is a microbial carbonate but is post‐mound in origin forming a drape within a reefal framework established by AM‐4. The five automicritic fabrics, individually or as an assemblage, are a common element of Ordovician calathid–demosponge carbonate mounds in general. The reassessment of the origins of these automicritic fabrics holds consequences for understanding of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event in terms of community structure, reef ecology and reef evolution. Episodically, these fabrics are also present in other carbonate build‐ups stretching from the Neoproterozoic over the entire Phanerozoic Eon. The massive calcification of metazoan soft tissue (AM‐1 to AM‐4) characterizes episodes and conditions of enhanced marine calcification and might be of value to refine secular trends of p CO2, Ca concentration and Mg/Ca ratio at the scale of individual sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Recognition of palaeokarst in the oldest exposed Devonian (Givetian ‐ lower Frasnian) platform successions of the Canning Basin reef complexes has eluded investigators for over forty years. The first evidence for palaeokarst, developed on microbial mud‐mounds in a single stratigraphic horizon, is documented and records an episode of exposure during early carbonate platform development. Surface palaeokarst features are scalloped surfaces, solution pits and a pipe, underlain by fenestral limestone with sediment‐filled fossil moulds and vugs. The platform succession has variably developed metre‐scale cycles which are composed predominantly of shallowing‐upward subtidal facies, with some cycles having fenestral peloidal mudstone caps. Changes in facies type and stratigraphic arrangement up the succession define two deepening‐upward units (~70 and 180 m thick), with the palaeokarst surface representing emergence following rapid shallowing at the top of the lower unit. The stratigraphic position of the palaeokarst between these two units suggests it may represent a sequence boundary. This may have been caused by a low‐magnitude eustatic fall or footwall‐uplift event superimposed on a rapidly subsiding basin margin.  相似文献   

Existing facies models for Devonian reef systems can be divided into high‐energy and low‐energy types. A number of assumptions have been made in the development of these models and, in some cases, criteria that distinguish important aspects of the models are poorly defined. The Upper Devonian Alexandra Reef System contains a variety of reef fabrics from different depositional environments and is ideal for studying the range of environments in which stromatoporoids thrived and the facies from these different environments. A wide variety of stromatoporoid growth forms including laminar, tabular, anastamosing laminar and tabular, domal, bulbous, dendroid, expanding conical, concave‐up whorled‐laminar, concave‐up massive tabular and platy‐multicolumnar are present in the Alexandra Reef System. The whorled‐laminar and massive tabular concave‐up growth forms are virtually undocumented from other Devonian reefs but were common in the reef front of the Alexandra, where they thrived in a low‐energy environment around and below fair‐weather wave base. In contrast, high‐energy parts of the reef margin were dominated by bioclastic rubble deposits with narrow ribbon‐like discontinuous bodies of laminar stromatoporoid framestone. In the lagoon, laminar stromatoporoids formed steep‐sided sediment‐dominated bioherms in response to sea‐level rise and flooding. Relying mostly on the different reef facies in the Alexandra system, a new classification scheme for Devonian reef fabrics has been developed. Devonian reef fabrics can be classified as being: (i) sediment‐laden metazoan dominated; (ii) metazoan–microbial dominated (boundstone); (iii) metazoan dominated (framestone); or (iv) metazoan–marine cement dominated. Distinction of these fabrics carries important sedimentary and palaeoecological implications for reconstructing the depositional environment. With examples from the Alexandra Formation, it is demonstrated that reef facies accumulated in a range of depositional environments and that the simple observation of massive stromatoporoids with or without microbial deposits does not automatically imply a high‐energy reef margin, as otherwise portrayed in a number of the existing facies models for these systems.  相似文献   

An analysis of the development of Late Devonian reefs in a number of regions worldwide shows that reef formation decreased gradually and discontinuously during the second half of the Frasnian and was completely terminated in some places. These events were associated with regression stages. The final Frasnian regression and Kellwasser event, which led to the biotic crisis, resulted, first, in the quantitative reduction of reef formation in the Famennian and, second, in the change of the frame reef formation by the formation of microbial mud mounds in the Famennian.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analysis coupled with conodont biostratigraphy of a fore-reef slope succession in the Napier Range (Napier Formation) is used to develop a depositional model and relative sea-level history for late Frasnian to late Famennian reef evolution in the Canning Basin of north-western Australia. Changes in sedimentary style on the slope, reflecting differing rates of carbonate production on the platform, are linked to third- and higher order relative sea-level fluctuations. Overlapping slope aprons accumulated along the base of a steep-walled platform margin. Coarse carbonate debris was deposited adjacent to the margin as talus breccias (via rockfall) and debris-flow breccias. Depositional slopes up to 45°, and locally steeper, are demonstrated using rotated geopetal cavity fills. The predominance of channel-filling lithofacies throughout the slope succession indicates the highly channelized nature of the aprons. The middle slope is dominated by sandy oolitic-peloidal turbiditic grainstones interpreted as sediment exported from an active platform. The turbidites and associated debris-flow breccias contrast with condensed carbonate intervals and deep-water, non-fenestral stromatolites that record times of very low platform production. Lower slope turbidites and associated intraclastic breccias indicate widespread redeposition of sediment eroded from lithified and semi-lithified limestones higher up the slope. Several third-order sequences are recognized in the fore-reef succession and these are composed primarily of transgressive and highstand deposits. Carbonate production was severely restricted in the early Famennian coinciding with development of onlapping siliciclastic aprons during a relative sea-level lowstand. Evidence for a subaerial exposure event is also preserved within the siliciclastic strata. Controls on sequence development are difficult to constrain. Although two sequence boundaries can be correlated with falls on the global sea-level curve, the reef complexes evolved in an active extensional regime and it is highly likely that tectonism, in conjunction with eustasy, controlled accommodation on the platform and therefore carbonate productivity.  相似文献   

The Shackleton Limestone formed a carbonate platform that bordered part of the Greater Antarctic craton in middle and late Early Cambrian time. In the Holyoake Range of the central Transantarctic Mountains, this unit records deposition on a stable shelf on which flourished ecological reefs composed of microorganisms and archaeocyathans. Burrow-mottled lime mudstone, wackestone and packstone with patch reefs represent accumulation in shelf areas of relatively low to moderate energy. Thick ooidal grainstone units reflect deposition in higher energy shoals and as sand sheets that were associated with extensive reef complexes. The framework of these reefs was principally the product of micro-organisms, by inference mostly cyanobacteria. Archaeocyathans constitute as much as 30% of some reefs, but commonly they form less than 10% and are absent from some. On the basis of microbial composition, three reef types are recognized. The first type is a Renalcis boundstone that lacks archaeocyathans. Within these, abundant upward-directed thalii of Renalcis formed a framework that trapped fine-grained sediment. The second type, which forms the core of some larger reefs, is composed of stromatactis-bearing, microbial boundstone. The third, yet most common, reef type is variable in composition. It is characterized by the presence of abundant Epiphyton, but may include archaeocyathans, and the microbial microfossils Girvanella and Renalcis as well as cryptomicrobial clotted micrite. In this type of reef, frame-building organisms typically constructed highly porous structures that had small interparticle and fenestral pores and large growth-framework cavities, as well as rare metre-sized caverns. Within these spaces, Epiphyton and, less commonly Renalcis, encrusted framework elements, fine-grained sediments accumulated, and pervasive sea-floor cements were precipitated. Boundstone fabrics in the Shackleton Limestone are highly complex, with fabrics analogous to younger, more metazoan-rich reefs, as well as deep-water stromatactis-bearing mud-mounds. The Epiphyton-Girvanella-archaeocyathan frameworks and stromatactis-bearing boundstones, both of which seemingly first appeared in the middle Early Cambrian, are regarded as the precursors, in structure, composition, and preferred hydrologic setting, of the more extensive reefs and complex framework styles of later Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   

通过野外露头与钻井剖面的室内外分析,确认在四川盆地西北部(川西北)下二叠统栖霞组中发育有微生物丘,它们主要由凝块灰(云)岩、叠层灰(云)岩和微生物粘结颗粒灰(云)岩等组成。这些微生物碳酸盐岩发育较为典型的凝块、叠层、窗格、粘结等组构。微生物丘大小不一,实测高度一般为几十厘米至几米,宽度通常变化于几米至几十米之间,具有底平顶凸的典型丘形外貌,以发育向上变浅的沉积序列为特征,一般由丘基、丘核、丘盖3个微相组成,也可与颗粒滩共同构成微生物丘滩复合体。基于区域古地理背景和微生物丘特征的剖析,认为川西北地区栖霞期沉积环境总体受限,推测为半局限—局限台地环境,水深较浅,能量普遍不高;海平面频繁的相对升降变化和微生物丘的侧向迁移叠置,导致发育于缓坡背景下的碳酸盐岩台地极易受限,引起早期沉积物发生与丘滩发育密切相关的准同生期白云石化作用。因此,微生物丘滩复合体是栖霞组白云岩储集层发育的物质基础,台缘坡折带、台内缓坡折带和高地是栖霞组白云岩储集层发育的有利区带,这对寻找规模性层位不稳定的带状白云岩储集层具有重要的指导作用,并将大大拓展栖霞组白云岩储集层的勘探领域。  相似文献   

Ten well‐preserved, earthquake‐triggered liquefaction mounds and a carbonate sand volcano have been found in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation (1550–1400 Ma) in the Beijing area, North China. These features crop out in a roadcut near Zhuanghuwa Village. All ten mounds occur in the same sedimentary layer and have rounded shapes with some concentric and radial fissures arising from the centre. They range from 1.5 to 4 m in diameter and from 10 cm to 30 cm in height. The carbonate sand volcano has a diameter of 110 cm and the ‘crater’ at the top has a depth of about 30 cm. Associated with these mounds and the sand volcano are many ‘normal’ sedimentary structures and numerous soft‐sediment deformation structures. The former include ripple marks, cross‐bedding, stromatolites and desiccation cracks, indicating deposition in a stable shallow‐water peritidal platform environment. The latter include intrastratal faults and folds, seismically formed breccias and carbonate clastic dykes. The morphological features and the genesis of these liquefaction mounds are very similar to mounds formed recently by the great Wenchuan Earthquake of China (2008). Detailed thin‐section study of the mounds found no signs of any kind of biological constructional process; instead it reveals some obvious fluidification and liquefaction characteristics. Comparative studies have shown that these features are probably the products of Mesoproterozoic earthquake activity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自泥盆纪埃姆斯期, 广西受陆内裂陷影响, 形成碳酸盐台地与台沟间列的构造格局.吉维特期开始, 六景及相邻的黎塘一带逐渐形成孤立台地的沉积背景.吉维特期, 六景剖面的民塘组为以竹节石为特色的礁前斜坡生态系, 尽管目前没有出露生物礁, 从礁前角砾岩可以恢复曾经存在的礁生态系.而黎塘一带塘家湾组为以珊瑚、层孔虫、腕足类为主要特色的台地生态系.弗拉斯期, 六景剖面的谷闭组则为少量珊瑚、腕足、层孔虫为特色的局限-半开放台地生态系.黎塘一带的桂林组仍为以珊瑚、层孔虫、腕足类为主要特色的台地生态系.六景、黎塘地区自法门期开始发生生态系突变, 六景剖面的融县组和黎塘一带的东村组发育藻礁丘或藻席为特色的藻生态系.该生态系的突变是F-F生物群集绝灭造成的生物类群突变的结果.生态系的特征也与吉维特-弗拉斯期烃源岩的形成、演化密切相关.   相似文献   

引言肾形藻(Renalcis)是A.G.Vologdin发现并命名的一种钙质微体化石,在广义上归属于蓝绿藻(Pratt,1984)。肾形藻通常发育在寒武纪、早奥陶世、泥盆纪和早石炭世的碳酸盐岩地层中。就其形态来说,在漫长的地质年代中没有什么变化,不同形态的肾形藻可出现在不同时代的地层中,各种类型的肾形藻又可共生一处,因此常被认为没有什么时代意义。尽管如此,肾形藻的生长常局限于比较窄的生态和环境范围,又在某些建隆,特别在泥丘中是主要的骨架构筑成分,因而对于沉积微相的研究和细分具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Bioherms are common in the St George Group, a sequence of shallow-water carbonate rocks deposited on the western continental shelf of Iapetus Ocean. They range from small heads and metre-sized mounds to extensive banks and complexes many metres thick and hundreds of metres in lateral extent. The cores of these bioherms are principally composed of thrombolites (unlaminated, branching, columnar stromatolites), structures quite distinct from laminated stromatolites which are common in intertidal beds. Associated with thrombolites is a diverse fauna of burrowing invertebrates, trilobites, nautiloids, pelmatozoans, brachiopods, gastropods, rostroconchs and archaeoscyphiid sponges. On the basis of framework-building components, three main bioherm types are distinguished: (1) thrombolite mounds, (2) thrombolite-Lichenaria or -sponge mounds and (3) thrombolite-Lichenaria-Renalcis reef complexes. The framework of the last is the most complex, with abundant cavities and a demonstrably uneven growth surface of thrombolites, corals and free-standing Renalcis heads, walls and roofs. Some cavities were active sediment conduits while others were protected, their roofs draped with Renalcis and their walls coated by cryptalgal laminites. These bioherms possess the attributes of shallow-water ecologic reefs. They span a critical time gap in the development of reefs, the transition period from algal-dominated bioherms of the Precambrian and Cambrian to the metazoan-dominated bioherms of the Middle Ordovician and remaining Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

The evolution and architecture of a set of retreating Lower Frasnian patch reef outcrops in the Canning Basin of Western Australia were evaluated, and their depositional and stratigraphic contacts spatially recorded using digital surveying tools. The geological data, together with high‐resolution digital elevation models, were assembled in three‐dimensional visualization and modelling software and subsequently used for building two‐dimensional surface models and three‐dimensional volumetric models. Numerical data on geometry and shape were extracted from these models and used to quantitatively assess the retrogradation motif of patch reef development. The development of the patch reefs comprises three stages. During stages 1 and 2, the patch reefs exhibited an overall retrogradational escarpment‐type configuration displayed by, on average, 60° steep reef‐margin walls that lacked the support of coeval slope deposits. The subdivision between stages 1 and 2 is based on minor backstepping reducing less than 10% of the platform‐top area. The onset of stage 3 is recognized by stromatolite development fringing reef‐margin walls. During stage 3 an aggrading accretionary reef‐margin developed, comprising allochthonous and autochthonous slope deposits. Both types of slope deposit onlap the previous stages and are distributed unevenly with allochthonous slope deposits being noticeably absent around the smaller and more elongate patch reefs. The variation in distribution of slope sediment type can be explained by the amount, linked to platform size, of platform‐top shedding. Small patch reefs were unable to fill the available accommodation adjacent to escarpments with allochthonous slope sediments and were thus encroached by autochthonous slope sediments. The variation, which cannot be explained by the size difference in the platform‐top factory, has been related to the difference in perimeter length. For patch reefs with similar platform‐top production areas, a more elongate patch reef inherits a longer perimeter and a proportionally smaller volume of allochthonous slope sediment per margin length will be transported to the flanks. Thus, the more elongate patch reef intrinsically contained more sites within which autochthonous slope sediments developed. Digital outcrop modelling and numerical evaluation of the evolution of the patch reefs revealed the major differences in retrogradation motif. The quantified variations in progressive decline of platform‐top area with height were confirmed by hypothetical decline curves for ellipse‐shaped carbonate systems for which aspect ratio (ratio between length and width) varied. This mathematical model demonstrates that the progressive decline of the production area is highly sensitive to shape and can be used to numerically assess and predict the relative timing of drowning, i.e. when the platform‐top production area becomes nil, of retrogradational isolated carbonate platforms that are controlled by high accommodation. Wider implications can be surmised for highstand systems tracts and prograding carbonate systems. For example, for equally sized platforms with hypothetically similar carbonate factories and identical external forces, the potential to prograde by platform‐top shedding is higher with a smaller aspect ratio because the shorter perimeter implies less accommodation space needing to be filled up to commence slope progradation. Clearly, there are intrinsic effects of shape on the development of carbonate platform systems.  相似文献   

The uppermost Permian Chuenmuping reef formed on the western side of a carbonate platform situated in the eastern Sichuan Basin, southern China. Contrasts exist between this western patch reef and the better known Jiantianba barrier reef complex on the eastern platform margin in western Hubei Province, 250 km to the east. Microbial micritic carbonates form significant components of the Chuenmuping reef limestones. Three types of fabric can be identified: irregular, clotted and scalloped-laminated. An additional, cuneiform fabric has been found only in fore-reef facies at Jiantianba. Irregular fabric is comparable with the surface of presently forming travertines at Rapolano Terme, central Italy, which are produced by calcification of cyanobacteria. Clotted fabric shows indistinct peloids which tend to lack rims, and are amalgamated into irregular masses, some of which exhibit bush-like arrangements where traces of filaments can be seen. Traces of filaments are observed in both dark and light layers in the scalloped-laminated fabric, again suggesting a microbial origin. Cuneiform fabric consists of peloids and filaments, and closely resembles deposits in Quaternary travertines which may have been caused by bacterial action. Chuenmuping reef shows a shallowing sequence in normal marine conditions. The micritic fabrics interpreted here as microbial occur more commonly in the upper part of the reef. This indicates that microbial micrites, with a cementing role, formed coevally with reef growth within the upper part of the photic zone.  相似文献   

Linking surficial sediment patterns in reef environments to the processes that underlie their depositional dynamics enables predictions to be made of how environmental changes will influence reef‐associated sedimentary landforms, such as islands and beaches. Geomorphic linkages between sediment deposition patterns and the biophysical processes that drive them are often poorly resolved, particularly at broad landscape scales where tangible statements can be made about structural changes to landforms. The present study applies geospatial techniques to link patterns in reef sediment dynamics at Lady Musgrave Island to the underlying processes driving them. In situ calcification is characterized by developing a high resolution map of the surficial calcium carbonate producing communities inhabiting the reef platform, and associated sediments across the reef flat are analysed for grain size, kurtosis, sorting and threshold bed shear stress to explore transport pathways across the reef flat and lagoon. Wave energy is modelled across the entire reef platform as a potential driver of sediment dynamics, and morphometric linkages are empirically defined between wave energy and grain size. Findings indicate that carbonate sediments are primarily sourced from calcifying communities colonizing the outer periphery of the reef platform and that sediment grain size can be reliably linked to wave energy by virtue of a linear model.  相似文献   

陈旭  胡明毅  宋昊  张君龙  金吉能 《沉积学报》2022,40(5):1313-1322
微生物丘作为新型的碳酸盐岩油气储层,是现今深层油气勘探和研究的热点。以塔东南地区寒武系微生物丘为例,综合利用岩心、测井、分析测试和高精度三维地震数据,在微生物丘微相组成和外部形态分析基础上,探究海退背景下微生物丘的发育期次、叠置样式及其生长发育、迁移演化特征。研究结果表明:1)研究区寒武系处于相对高能的台地边缘相带,有利于微生物丘的生长发育。钻井揭示微生物丘岩性为菌藻类微生物颗粒白云岩(局部硅化),储集空间为晶间(溶)孔、溶蚀孔洞及微缝隙。2)中、上寒武统发育4期微生物丘复合体,依次向广海方向推进叠置,近南北向条带状展布,叠合面积大于1 400 km2。3)①期微生物丘形成于早寒武世缓坡台地之上,“三明治”式垂向加积生长,形成较对称的丘状,生长规模大。②期发育在丘前塌积岩之上,古地貌坡度陡,可容纳空间大,水动力强,垂向加积—弱前积生长,形成不对称丘状。随着相对海平面快速下降和生物丘建隆进一步发展,③期丘体楔状前积于②期丘的靠海一侧,侧向叠置分布。④期丘体生长具有继承性,规模变小。寒武纪末期,海侵作用加强,微生物丘停止发育。总体上反映海退背景下研究区由缓坡—镶边型台地—淹没型台地的变化特征。  相似文献   

济阳坳陷古近系湖相生物礁油气藏研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
济阳坳陷局部地区古近系发育以藻礁为主的生物礁,作为一种高产油气的储集体,礁体呈复式,可分为礁核、礁前及礁后相。礁体在成分上以枝管藻、龙介虫等构成的藻白云岩为主,具有良好的储集性能。根据组成礁体的岩性特征,生物礁可分为藻礁、藻礁丘及藻生物层三种类型。其中藻礁储集性能最佳,对生物礁储层影响较大的成岩作用有白云岩化、同生胶结、大气渗流溶蚀及深埋藏溶蚀作用。生物礁油藏主要产于邻近洼陷的构造台地或边缘地区。根据构造、岩性及地层的匹配关系,可分为礁型地层、断块—岩性及岩性三种类型。  相似文献   

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