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In this work, the hailstone size distributions at the ground in the plain of Friuli-Venezia Giulia are presented, as revealed through a network of polystyrene pads (hailpads), managed by volunteers, which has been active since 1988. The aim of this work is to highlight possible differences in the diurnal and seasonal behavior of hail at the ground, both from Friuli-Venezia Giulia and other countries, in order to improve the knowledge of this meteorological phenomenon.In the comparison between different countries, differences are found between the yearly size distributions of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and those of North-East Colorado, measured during the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE). The size distributions obtained in South West France and in Friuli-Venezia Giulia are quite similar and they are slightly different from those of the Grossversuch experiment.In the comparison between different periods of the year, relevant differences are found between April and May and the other months. In particular, thunderstorms are less efficient in producing big hailstones during the former months. The most prolific month in producing hailstones is June, followed by September. This feature is interpreted as due to a form of synergy between the frequency of the synoptic forcing of storms and the amount of available energy at the ground.Analyzing the size distributions at different times of the day, the greatest differences are found in the intervals [00–06] and [06–12] in local time (respectively, [22–04] and [04–10] in UTC). These differences cannot be ascribed to the melting of the hailstones during their fall.  相似文献   

本文利用CIMISS、遵义13个气象站月报表等数据,收集了1961年1月1日至2017年12月31日遵义地区气象站的冰雹、大风和降水情况,从冰雹直径、冰雹时间和空间分布、冰雹与大风的关系、冰雹与降水的关系等方面综合分析了遵义地区冰雹时空分布特征。结果表明:遵义地区降雹以小冰雹为主,发生大冰雹的概率小;降雹持续时间以短时降雹为主,降雹点1日内多次降雹可能性小;降雹日数余庆最多,赤水最少,遵义东部降雹日数最多,中部、西部和北部依次递减,大范围降雹的可能性较小;降雹时间集中在2~5月,其中4月最多,旬分布上看,5月上旬降雹日数最多;遵义地区降雹主要出现在夜间,白天集中在14~20 时;冰雹日数的年际变化和年代际变化总体呈下降的趋势,2011~2020年冰雹日数总和很可能跌破历史极值;降雹点出现大风的可能性较小,但整个遵义地区在同一天内既出现降雹又出现大风的概率高达74.23%;冰雹直径和降雨量之间呈弱的正相关。  相似文献   

The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly rainfall data and the rainfall records observed by 740 rain gauges in the mainland of China are used to analyze similarities and differences of the precipitation in China in the period from January 1980 to December 2000. Results expose significantly consistent rainfall distributions between the both data in multi-year mean, multi-year seasonal mean, and multi-year monthly mean. Departures of monthly rainfall for each dataset also show a high correlation with an over 0.8 correlation coefficient. Analysis indicates small differences of both datasets during autumn, winter, and spring, but relative large ones in summer. Generally, the GPCP has trend of overestimating the rainfall rate. Based on above good relationship of both datasets, the GPCP data are used to represent distributions and variations of precipitation in the Tibetan Plateau and Northwest China. Results indicate positive departures of precipitation in summer in the west part of Tibetan Plateau in the 1980s and negative departures after the 1980s. For the west part of Northwest China, analysis illustrates precipitation decreases a little, but no clear variation tendency.  相似文献   

利用贵州省三维闪电监测网资料、新一代天气雷达资料、地面观测资料,对贵州省中西部地区13次冰雹天气过程中闪电特征进行了分析。结果表明:雹暴整个生命史内主要以负地闪为主,且伴随强降水。冰雹云发展阶段,降雹区域闪电频次增加明显,降雹前闪电频次变化均出现“跃增”,部分降雹点出现闪电频次二次跃增;冰雹云消散阶段,闪电频次显著减少。冰雹云总闪、正闪均高于雷雨云,5 min闪电频数大于16次且闪电频次上升度大于12次/5 min可作为识别冰雹云的参考指标。另外,降雹落区与闪电密度中心区域较为吻合,闪电密度中心位置略偏降雹位置之前,闪电逐时分布标识出冰雹云的发展移动方向。以上这些特征可以为冰雹识别、冰雹短时预警预报及人工防雹作业提供参考。  相似文献   

冰雹天气是武威市多发的灾害天气之一。利用1961—2010年武威市5个气象站冰雹资料,采用统计学方法分析武威市冰雹天气的时空分布特征及变化趋势;选取1991—2010年5—9月武威市逐日NCEP再分析资料,对冰雹天气进行诊断分析并进行短时临近预报。结果表明:武威市冰雹有明显的地域特征,南部天祝山区冰雹日数远多于其他地区,占武威市冰雹总日数的76.1%。武威市逐年代及年冰雹日数总体呈减少的趋势,6—8月是冰雹的高发期,冰雹日数占全年冰雹总日数的80.2%。冰雹的日变化明显,11—19时为冰雹多发时段,集中发生时段为13—16时,冰雹的平均持续时间为10 min。结合当地实际可知,影响武威市的冰雹云大部分是由天祝县境内生成发展或从青海省移动来的。依据气流的南北配置将发生冰雹的环流形势分为3大类,分别为西北气流型、西南气流型和西风气流型。采用相关系数、经验预报和最大靠近原则等诊断分析方法,确定各类型冰雹的预报指标和阈值。诊断模式为冰雹的预报预警提供了客观有效的指导产品。  相似文献   

利用2018年6月12—13日山东鲁西北地区一次冰雹过程的常规气象资料,分析了冰雹形成的天气形势和物理量指标条件以及防雹效果。结果表明:人工防雹作业前后雷达回波指标呈明显的下降趋势,其中VIL值、回波顶高指标变化分别平均下降49.9%、37.4%,冰雹概率由作业前99.3%下降到作业后的28.7%,回波强度、回波顶高、VIL值下降最大值分别为10 dBz、7 km、48 kg·m-2。通过对比分析两个相似对流单体的发展演变,实施防雹作业的对流单体回波强度下降7 dBz、回波顶高下降3 km、VIL值下降11 kg·m-2、冰雹概率出现剧烈波动,防雹作业后较作业前回波强度、回波顶高、冰雹概率下降速度明显加快,而没有实施防雹作业的对流单体雷达回波综合指标在编号期间变化幅度小,进一步证实了人工防雹作业有效。  相似文献   

利用高空、地面等常规气象资料和多普勒雷达等气象观测资料,以及NCEP再分析资料,对丹东2018年9月连续出现的两次风雹天气进行对比分析,探讨和总结两次风雹天气过程形成、维持、发展成因的异同。结果表明:中低层切变线、强垂直风切变和辐合抬升有利于风雹天气的发生。高空冷空气的入侵方式和强度、低空急流建立、环境垂直风切变强度对风雹天气剧烈程度有重要影响。两次风雹天气过程分别为东北冷涡型和高空冷槽型,9月6日横槽转竖引导冷空气快速移动并且后方还有冷涡后部的冷空气不断补充,配合850 hPa西南急流带来充沛水汽,使得6日风雹天气现象较3日更加剧烈;两次风雹天气过程在多普勒雷达回波上的特征明显。9月3日的风雹过程由多单体线对流风暴在东移过程中逐渐演变成弓形回波,在径向速度图上有明显的逆风区;9月6日的风雹过程沿地面辐合线激发多个超级单体呈现列车效应移动,径向速度图上出现了速度模糊,有较高的垂直累积液态水含量(Vertical Integrated Liquid water content,VIL)。  相似文献   

利用1971-2010年大连地区64个乡镇的冰雹观测资料和1:50 000数字高程模型,选择和设计对冰雹空间分布可能有影响的地形因子,如海拔高度、坡度、坡向、地形起伏度、地形切割深度等,采用数字地形分析、不规则窗口统计等方法研究冰雹分布与地形因子间的相关关系。结果表明:地形高程、西北偏西坡向和地形切割深度是影响大连地区冰雹分布的最主要地形因子。地形高程抬升下的强对流天气系统有利于降雹;西北偏西坡向有利于冰雹的形成;地形起伏显著的区域更有利于冰雹的形成和降落。建立了冰雹与地形因子间的回归方程,模拟了大连地区的冰雹空间分布,结果显示大连地区冰雹最严重区域位于瓦房店和普兰店北部地区,沿海及南部地区较少。  相似文献   

本文利用NCEP再分析资料、宜宾和威宁探空资料、昭通多普勒天气雷达观测资料对2017年7月昭通出现的冰雹灾害天气进行统计分析,结果表明出现的冰雹天气具有以下几个主要特征:1)冰雹的发生与西太平洋副热带高压、青藏高压有紧密的联系; 2)在干入侵、上干下湿、湿层深厚这三种中低空配置下昭通都可能会出现冰雹天气;3)订正到14时后的对流有效位能比08时的更具指示意义;4)冰雹云的最大回波强度在55dBz以上,回波顶高达到10km以上,风暴顶高超过回波顶高的70%,最大单体垂直液态含水量值在14 kg/m2以上。  相似文献   

东亚和西太平洋爆发性温带气旋发生的气候学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
仪清菊  丁一汇 《大气科学》1993,17(3):302-309
本文利用历史天气图资料,对1973—1988年中国东部和沿海地区的温带气旋及其爆发性发展情况进行了统计,共有1014个温带气旋发生,其中有1/5达到了爆发性发展的强度,构成了西太平洋爆发性海洋气旋的一部分.它占整个西太平洋爆发性气旋总频数(包括不同来源)的51%.进而对这类爆发性气旋的活动规律进行了分析,概括出了它们的气候学特征.比较亚洲大陆、中国近海及西太平洋地区的爆发性温带气旋表明,西太平洋地区不仅频繁而且强烈.而东、西太平洋地区发生海洋爆发性气旋的对比表明,二者存在着明显的差异.同时也指出,东太平洋地区爆发性气旋的发生并不是一种少见的现象.  相似文献   

Simulated Climatology of Atmospheric Ducts Over the Persian Gulf   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A simulated climatology of ducts in the Persian Gulf area was produced with the MM3 atmospheric model. From November to January ducts were sporadic, land and surface based, shallow and weak. From February to October ducts of all types occurred. In the duct season, spatial and temporal variations were related to the land/sea distribution and to day and night. Over land at night, widespread, shallow, weak surface ducts occurred well away from the sea; within about 100 km of the south-western coast in the late evening, ducts were S-shaped. Over land in daytime, the dry, convective boundary layer prevented duct formation. Over the Gulf in the season, duct coverage was complete throughout night and day. A spatial sequence of shallow, weak surface ducts, deeper, stronger S-shaped ducts and deep, strong elevated ducts lay from north-west to south-east over the Gulf. This sequence was related to the growth of a marine internal boundary layer (MIBL) and the effects of land- and sea-breeze circulations. Subsidence in the sea-breeze circulation reduced magnitudes of depth and strength and created gradients in a direction normal to the main growth axis of the MIBL. Ducts growing in the MIBL were tilted upward from west to east. The combined effect gave relatively weak surface ducts in the north-west and strong elevated ducts in the south-east. Duct depth and strength increased as the season progressed, owing to increased wind speed within, and increased depth of, the MIBL.  相似文献   

利用石家庄CINRAD/SA型多普勒雷达站的VAD产品的风向、风速、VWP产品,以及通过EVAD技术计算绘制的散度、垂直速度分布廓线,对石家庄雷达站35 km内,在2004-2005年出现的4次冰雹天气过程出现前后1h左右的环境条件进行了分析.结果表明:冰雹发生时,在3~6 km的回波中层主要为偏西风、偏北风,随高度上升风速显著增加,在6~9 km风速达到最大;在冰雹发生前VWP产品上高低层有较强的垂直风切变,风向随高度顺转;高空急流下传与冰雹的发生密切相关;在冰雹过程发生前后3~6km存在明显的由上升运动到下沉运动的转变.为准确监测、预报冰雹天气提供依据.  相似文献   

张瑜  魏山城 《气象科学》2008,28(1):81-84
冰雹对农业、工业等会造成很大危害,多年来一直没有一种比较有效、简单的方法来对冰雹进行测量和预测.本文给出了一种利用测量闪电中紫外线的方法进行冰雹的测量和预测的方法和设备,经实验验证,这种方法能够较精确地测量出冰雹存在的类型(非雹云、弱雹云和强雹云),从而为有效地进行消雹作业提供依据.  相似文献   

该文利用基于格点冰雹识别的研究成果,结合ARPS风暴数值模式的输出结果,提出基于风暴数值模式的冰雹临近预报方法,即用风暴数值预报的水物质场反演的反射率因子场作为冰雹的预报因子,并通过建立基于格点的强冰雹识别算法作为冰雹预报模型,从而对冰雹的落区及大小做出预报。与一般的冰雹预报模型相比,新的方法有以下特点:选取的冰雹预报因子物理意义更加明确,更加全面;建立的冰雹预报模型比较稳定;建立冰雹预报模型的过程相对简单。新的方法在一次强冰雹过程中得到了成功应用,在3h的临近预报中基本准确预报了强冰雹的落区位置。  相似文献   

浙江省2月份连续降雹过程诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用NCEP再分析资料、MICAPS常规资料、雷达产品等资料对浙江省2009年2月23—26日连续降雹天气过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:此次连续降雹过程降雹区均出现在高低空急流轴交叉点南侧约1个纬度,底层辐合区;850 hPa较强的水汽辐合和湿舌为此次降对流过程提供了充沛的水汽条件,上干下湿结构使对流性不稳定增强,逆温层存在使大量不稳定能量储积起来,底层冷空气渗透触发强对流发生;Ic500-700指数对此次降雹过程有较好指示意义;2月份冰雹雷达回波特征有别于春、夏季冰雹回波特征,冬末春初冷空气势力仍较强,对流强度偏弱,回波顶高偏低,其三体散射特征不明显,VIL值较小。  相似文献   

利用CINRAD/CC新一代天气雷达资料、MICAPS常规气象观测资料、NCEP再分析资料和自动站加密降水量资料,对2020年5月6日午后出现在甘南高原东部地区的一次局地大冰雹天气过程进行诊断分析。结果表明:午后增温引起的不稳定层结、高原地形的动力抬升作用和有利于对流发展的高低空环流形势配置,是触发这次强对流天气的主要原因。在雹云发展演变中,雷达探测到回波中心强度持续≥55 dBZ、钩状回波、弱回波区、悬垂回波和中气旋等典型的雹云特征,对甘南高原大冰雹天气临近预报具有较好的指示意义。此次冰雹过程和超级单体紧密相连,雹体形成并降落在中气旋周围的强回波区域中,主要呈现钩状回波特征。  相似文献   

ClimatologyandInterannualVariabilityoftheSoutheastAsianSummerMonsoonK.-M.LauLaboratoryforAtmospheres,Code913,NASA-GoddardSpac...  相似文献   

A study is presented focusing on the potential value of parameters derived from radiosonde data or data from numerical atmospheric models for the forecasting of severe weather associated with convective storms. Parameters have been derived from soundings in the proximity of large hail, tornadoes (including tornadoes over water: waterspouts) and thunderstorms in the Netherlands. 66,365 radiosonde soundings from six stations in and around the Netherlands between 1 Dec. 1975 to 31 Aug. 2003 were classified as being associated or not associated with these weather phenomena using observational data from voluntary observers, the Dutch National Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and lightning data from the U.K. Met. Office. It was found that instability as measured by the Lifted Index or CAPE and 0–6 km wind shear independently have considerable skill in distinguishing environments of large hail and of non-hail-producing thunderstorms. It was also found that CAPE released below 3 km above ground level is on average high near waterspouts and weak tornadoes that mostly occur with low shear in the lowest 1 km above the Earth's surface. On the other hand, low-level shear is strong in environments of stronger (F1 and F2) tornadoes and increases with increasing F-scale. This is consistent with the notion that stretching of pre-existing vertical vorticity is the most important mechanism for the formation of weak tornadoes while the tilting of vorticity is more important with stronger tornadoes. The presented results may assist forecasters to assess the likelihood of severe hail or tornadoes.  相似文献   

利用模拟测试方法研究了几个重要因子对冰雹指数误差的影响,并根据遵义新一代多普勒天气雷达资料,使用探测概率、临界成功指数和误报率为衡量指标,对2008年3月到2012年7月12次冰雹天气过程中25个降雹风暴和72个非降雹风暴的冰雹指数进行分析评估。结果表明:H0、反射率因子垂直廓线和目标离雷达的距离等因子对POSH误差的影响较大,Hm20对其影响较小。POH识别冰雹云的误报率较高,临界成功指数较小;POSH识别效果好于POH,通过增大阈值可以提高临界成功指数和减小误报率,但是当阈值太大时,探测概率会较低,为了获得较大的探测概率和临界成功指数,减小误报率,以POSH=70为阈值时识别效果最好;在POSH识别冰雹云时加上VIL>20 kg·m-2的条件对探测概率没有影响,但是当阈值小于90时,可以减少误报率和提高临界成功指数。  相似文献   

潘佳文  高丽  魏鸣  蒋璐璐  蔡菁 《气象学报》2021,79(1):168-180
为了研究雹暴的偏振特征及其在实际业务中的应用,使用S波段双偏振雷达所观测到的46例冰雹数据,对其中反复出现的3种偏振特征:冰雹在各高度层的偏振参数特征、差分反射率因子柱、三体散射偏振特征进行了分析,重点分析了3种偏振特征大、小冰雹事件的差异.结果表明:(1)大冰雹的水平反射率因子中位数要高于小冰雹,二者的水平反射率因子...  相似文献   

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