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Mineral assemblages in Al2O3‐rich, SiO2‐ and K2O‐poor metapelitic rocks from the western Odenwald Crystalline Complex (Variscan Mid‐German Crystalline Rise, southern Germany) include corundum, spinel, cordierite, sillimanite, garnet and staurolite. Quartz is absent from almost all samples. Therefore, the applicability of conventional geothermobarometry is very limited or even impossible. Detailed petrographic investigation on selected samples permits inference of the sequence of appearance and disappearance of several mineral assemblages. The recognition of such partial re‐equilibration stages and their associated mineral assemblages, together with mineral stabilities predicted from KFMASH pseudosections, enables the determination of the pressure‐temperature (P–T) trajectories experienced by these rocks during the Variscan metamorphism. The rocks were metamorphosed under low‐P/high‐T conditions and underwent an anti‐clockwise P–T evolution. A pressure increase from about 2 kbar to 4 ± 0.5 kbar was accompanied by heating. Peak metamorphic conditions were reached at pressures of 4 ± 0.5 kbar and temperatures of at least 640 °C, probably even higher. The retrograde evolution is characterised by near‐isobaric cooling from ≥ 640 °C to approximately 550 °C. The rocks underwent the anti‐clockwise evolution in a subduction‐related magmatic arc setting. The close spatial association of the low‐P/high‐T rocks with recently discovered metabasic eclogites in the eastern part of the Odenwald Crystalline Complex may indicate a fossil paired metamorphic belt in the Central European Variscides.  相似文献   

The Koraput Alkaline Complex (KAC) lies on the NE-SW trending Sileru Shear Zone (SSZ) separating the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Province from the Archaean Indian craton. The core of the KAC is made of hornblende gabbro, which is rimmed by a band of nepheline syenite in the east and syenodiorite in the west. The timing of magmatism with respect to the SSZ is disputed. The KAC was deformed during emplacement, and a magmatic foliation related to the syn-emplacement deformation, D 1 , is present in the gabbroic core. The dominant D 2 -related field fabric strikes NESW and is penetrative in parts of the gabbro and marginal lithologies. E-W trending D 3 shear zones cut across the complex. Distinct textural domains resulted from strain partitioning during deformation. Parts of the complex with magmatic textures constitute Domain-1, while D 2 and D 3 fabric zones comprise Domains-2 and 3 respectively. Temperatures in the KAC initially decreased following D 1 , but increased through D 2 and D 3 . Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies show that the magnetic fabric generally follows S 1 in Domain-1. While the magnetic fabric in Domain-2 is dominantly parallel to S 2 , some of it parallels S 1 . The latter is a relict D 1 fabric that is recognized from AMS analysis but is obliterated in the field, which confirms that the KAC pre-dates the SSZ. The response of magnetic fabrics to temperature and implications of the study for Indo-Antarctica amalgamation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Geometric data of fault planes and fault plane lineations, together with the observed sense of shear on the slip planes, were used to calculate paleostress tensors and fields responsible for the post metamorphic peak D3 and D4 deformation events in the four Odenwald units sensu Krohe (1991). The paleostress fields were calculated using the method of Will and Powell (1991). As inferred from the paleostress analysis, the D3 strike-slip deformation west of the Otzberg fault zone was caused by a, ± N-S directed, compressional regional stress field, with shallowly plunging σ1 axes and σ3 directions that plunge at shallow to moderate angles to the E or W; the calculated mean orientations are: σ1 06 → 350, σ2 77 → 234 and σ3 12 → 085. The B?llsteiner Odenwald east of the Otzberg fault zone was not affected by this stress field. This implies that the Bergstr?sser and B?llsteiner Odenwald were spatially separated and formed independent crustal blocks during D3. The D4 faulting event is recognised in all areas investigated, even though most prominently in units III and IV, and juxtaposed the Bergstr?sser and B?llsteiner Odenwald. This faulting episode was caused by a paleostress field with a steeply westerly plunging σ1 axis and a shallowly southsoutheasterly plunging σ3 axis. The orientations of the principal stresses are: σ1 52 → 270, σ2 38 → 085 and σ3 06 → 174. With continued deformation from D3 to D4, there was a progressive change in the orientation of the stress field indicating a change from a N-S compressional to extensional stress field, accompanied by the progressive development of strike-slip faults and late normal faults. Paleostress field orientations in the Pfalz Forest, SW of the Odenwald, determined by Fl?ttmann and Oncken (1992) are very similar to those obtained for the Odenwald region and indicate a regionally consistent stress pattern in the southwestern part of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise (MGCR) during strike-slip and normal faulting deformations.
Zusammenfassung Paleostress-Tensor Analyse sp?ter Deformationsereignisse im Odenwald-Kristallin und ein Vergleich mit anderen Einheiten der Mitteldeutschen Kristallinzone, Deutschland Für die vier Odenwald-Einheiten im Sinne von Krohe (1991) wurden Pal?ostressfelder für die Blattverschiebungs- und Abschiebungsereignisse D3 und D4 mit der Methode von Will und Powell (1991) berechnet. Die Analyse ergibt, da? das regionale Spannungsfeld, das westlich der Otzberg-Zone im Bergstr?sser Odenwald zum D3-Ereignis führte, ein ± N-S gerichtetes kompressives Stresssfeld war. Die σ1-Achse f?llt flach nach N bzw. S ein, die σ3-Achse mit kleinen bis moderaten Winkeln nach E bzw. W; die berechneten Orientierungen der Hauptspannungsrichtungen sind: σ1 08 → 350, σ2 77 → 234 and σ3 12 → 085. Der B?llsteiner Odenwald, ?stlich der Otzberg-Zone, wurde von diesem Spannungsfeld nicht erfa?t. Dies impliziert, da? Bergstr?sser und B?llsteiner Odenwald w?hrend des D3-Ereignisses voneinander getrennt waren und separate Krusteneinheiten darstellten. Auswirkungen der D4-Deformation k?nnen im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet erkannt werden, am st?rksten jedoch in den Einheiten III und IV. Dieses Ereignis wurde von einem Pal?ostressfeld mit einer steil nach W einfallenden σ1- und einer flach nach SSE einfallenden σ3-Achse verursacht und führte zum Zusammenschlu? von Bergstr?sser und B?llsteiner Odenwald. Die berechneten Orientierungen der Hauptspannungsrichtungen sind: σ1 52 → 270, σ2 38 → 085 und σ3 06 → 174. Die Rotation der Hauptspannungsrichtungen war mit einer ?nderung von einem kompressionalen N-S gerichteten (D3) hin zu einem extensionalen (D4) Stressfeld verbunden. Die erzielten Ergebnisse sind sehr ?hnlich mit Resultaten, die Fl?ttmann und Oncken (1992) im Pf?lzer Wald ermittelten. Dies weist auf ein regional übereinstimmendes Spannungsfeld im SW-Teil der Mitteldeutschen Kristallinzone hin.

Received July 8, 1999; revised version accepted March 28, 2000  相似文献   

The Spessart Crystalline Complex, north-west Bavaria contains two orthogneiss units of granitic to granodioritic composition, known as the Rotgneiss and Haibach gneiss, respectively, which are structurally conformable with associated metasediments. The igneous origin of the Rotgneiss is apparent from field and textural evidence, whereas strong deformation and recrystallization in the Haibach gneiss has obscured most primary textures. New geochemical data as well as zircon morphology prove the Haibach gneiss to be derived from a granitoid precursor, which was chemically similar to the Rotgneiss protolith, thus suggesting a genetic link between those two rock units. Both gneiss types have chemical compositions typical of anatectic two-mica leucogranites. They show characteristics of both I- and S-type granites. Rb-Sr whole rock data on the Haibach gneiss provide an isochron age of 407±14 Ma (IR = 0.7077±0.0007; MSWD 2.2), which is slightly younger than the published date for the Rotgneiss (439±15 Ma; IR=0.7048±0.0026; MSWD 4.9). Single zircon dating of six idiomorphic grains, using the evaporation method, yielded a mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 410±18 Ma for the Haibach gneiss and 418±18 Ma for the Rotgneiss. Both zircon ages are within analytical error of the Rb-Sr isochron dates and are interpreted to reflect the time of protolith emplacement in Silurian times. Three xenocrystic zircon grains from the Rotgneiss yielded 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2278±12, 2490±13 and 2734±10 Ma, respectively, suggesting that late Archaean to early Proterozoic crust was involved in the generation of the granite from which the Rotgneiss is derived. Although it is assumed that the granitic protoliths of the two gneisses were formed through anatexis of older continental crust, the relatively low 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of both gneisses may also indicate the admixture of a mantle component. The Rotgneiss and the Haibach gneiss thus document granitic magmatism at an active continental margin during late Silurian times.  相似文献   

Summary The oldest rocks of the Bergstr?sser Odenwald are Variscan paragneisses. Most of them contain biotite and hornblende, but occasionally also muscovite-bearing varieties occur. Published K-Ar hornblende and biotite ages for these paragneisses are between 370 and 330 Ma. Muscovite from a sillimanite-muscovite gneiss (formerly called metamorphic schist) within the Heidelberg intrusive complex close to Weinheim was dated by the 40Ar/39Ar step degassing technique and yielded well-developed age plateaus. The total-argon ages of 327.5 ± 1.6 Ma correspond with the K-Ar biotite age of the neighbouring Heidelberg granite and other magmatic rocks of the southwestern Bergstr?sser Odenwald. No influence from the nearby Early Permian volcanism (Wachenberg rhyolite) is visible in the 40Ar/39Ar spectra. The dating results do not constrain the early regional metamorphism but indicate Late-Early Carboniferous contact-metamorphism by the granite intrusions.
Zusammenfassung Das Muskovit- 40 Ar/ 39 Ar-Alter eines kontaktmetamorphen Gneises im Südwesten des Bergstr?sser Odenwaldes Die ?ltesten Gesteine des Bergstr?sser Odenwaldes sind variszische Paragneise, normalerweise metamorphe Schiefer genannt. Sie treten im ganzen Bergstr?sser Odenwald auf, überwiegend mit Biotit und Hornblende, gelegentlich aber auch mit Muskovit. An Hornblende und Biotit solcher Paragesteine sind früher K-Ar-Altersdaten zwischen 370 und 330 Ma ermittelt worden. Muskovit aus einem Muskovit-Sillimanit-Gneis im Heidelberger Intrusiv-Komplex unweit von Weinheim wurde nach der 40Ar/39Ar-Stufentechnik datiert. Es ergaben sich ungest?rte Plateauspektren und Totalargonalter von 327.5 ± 1.6 Ma. Letztere sind identisch mit dem K-Ar-Biotit-Alter des benachbarten Heidelberger Granits und anderen Magmatiten im südwestlichen Odenwald. Die Spektren ergeben keine Hinweise auf thermische Beeinflussung durch den unmittelbar benachbarten frühpermischen Vulkanismus (Wachenberg-Rhyolith). Das ermittelte Alter zeigt nicht die frühe Regionalmetamorphose, sondern die sp?tere kontaktmetamorphe überpr?gung des Gesteins zur Zeit der magmatischen Intrusionen an.

Received August 27, 1999; revised version accepted June 21, 2000  相似文献   

Summary The Ludwigsh?he pluton is a 1.5 by 2.5 km, oval-shaped, NE-SW oriented, distinct body of medium-grained porphyritic granite with large euhedral to lensoid K-feldspar phenocrysts and discoidal microdioritic enclaves. The granite shows a well developed NE-SW striking, steeply inclined foliation defined by mafic minerals, K-feldspar phenocrysts, and enclaves. All phenocrysts have an orthorhombic symmetry with respect to the foliation. Monoclinic shear sense criteria are absent. Shape orientation analysis of enclaves, K-feldspar phenocrysts, magmatic hornblende and plagioclase and strain analyses (R f /Φ) result in uniaxial, oblate ellipsoids, plotting in the field of apparent flattening on the Flinn diagram. In thin section no penetrative ductile deformation of feldspars, hornblende and biotite can be observed. Twinning in feldspars occurs parallel to their flat faces, which are oriented parallel to the magmatic foliation. Quartz, growing in interstitial positions, shows early penetrative ductile deformation under high temperature (HT) late magmatic/early solid-state conditions and later deformation under low temperature (LT) conditions accompanied by sinistral shear. The latter is responsible for an oblique orientation of the quartz c-axes fabric. AMS studies as well as cathodoluminescence investigations and quartz c-axes textures indicate flattening processes under a NW-SE directed compressive strain regime during the magmatic stage and/or emplacement of the granites.
Zusammenfassung Platznahmeprozesse des porphyrischen Ludwigsh?he-Granits, Mittlerer Odenwald (Deutschland) Der Ludwigsh?he-Pluton ist ein 1,5 km breiter und 2,5 km langer, ovaler, NE-SW-orientierter, mittelk?rniger Granit mit gro?en, idiomorphen bis linsenf?rmigen Kalifeldspat-Einsprenglingen und oblaten mikrodioritischen Enklaven. Der Granit zeigt eine deutliche NE-SW-streichende, steilstehende Foliation, die durch die Einregelung der mafischen Minerale, der Kalifeldspat-Einsprenglinge und der Enklaven definiert wird. Alle Einsprenglinge besitzen orthorhombische Symmetrie in Bezug zur Foliation. Monokline Schersinnindikatoren fehlen. Formregelungsanalysen an Enklaven, Kalifeldspat-Einsprenglingen, magmatischer Hornblende und Plagioklas sowie Strainanalysen (R f /Φ) ergeben uniaxiale, oblate Ellipsoide, die im Pl?ttungsfeld des Flinn-Diagramms plotten. Im Dünnschliff kann keine durchgreifende, plastische Verformung, weder der Feldsp?te, noch von Hornblende oder Biotit, beobachtet werden. Feldsp?te sind generell parallel zu ihren Flachseiten verzwillingt und die L?ngsachsen liegen parallel zur magmatischen Foliation. Quarz w?chst im allgemeinen in Zwickelr?umen, er zeigt penetrative, plastische Verformung. Sie beginnt unter Hoch-Temperatur-Bedingungen nahe dem Solidus und endet unter Niedrig-Temperatur-Bedingungen und sinistraler Scherung. Diese Scherdeformation ist verantwortlich für die Schiefregelung des Quarz-c-Achsen Gefüges. AMS- und Kathodolumineszenz-Untersuchungen, sowie Quarz-c-Achsen-Messungen unterstützen die Interpretation, da? Pl?ttung unter einem NW-SE-gerichteten, einengenden Strainregime die gefügepr?gende Rolle w?hrend der Platznahme des Ludwigsh?he-Plutons spielte.

Received July 10, 1999; revised version accepted October 4, 2000  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Pomovaara Granite Complex in northern Finland comprises three separate highly magnetic granite stocks. They are discordant, apparently unfoliated and according to isotope data, a significant Archaean component characterizes the source of these granites. The three stocks are aligned in an array parallel to major trans-crustal faults as interpreted from both aeromagnetic and gravity data. Their younger age of 1.8 Ga, compared to the main tectonic events at 1.9 Ga in northern Fennoscandia, indicates their post-collisional nature with respect to these events. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was studied together with magnetic, gravity and geological data in order to assess the emplacement mechanisms of the Pomovaara Granite Complex, and the possible tectonic control of fault systems on the ascent and emplacement of granitic magma. The orientation of magnetic fabrics within the granite stocks indicates that the direction of the original magma upwelling was from the SW, parallel to the major fault zones that controlled, at the crustal scale, the ascent of granite magmas. The predominant NW–SE orientations of the minimum magnetic axes of the magnetic ellipsoid and the elongate shapes of the stocks indicate compression normal to the deep fault trend during the crystallization of the granite magma.  相似文献   

 Latest Devonian to early Carboniferous plutonic rocks from the Odenwald accretionary complex reflect the transition from a subduction to a collisional setting. For ∼362 Ma old gabbroic rocks from the northern tectonometamorphic unit I, initial isotopic compositions (εNd=+3.4 to +3.8;87Sr/86Sr =0.7035–0.7053;δ18O=6.8–8.0‰) and chemical signatures (e.g., low Nb/Th, Nb/U, Ce/Pb, Th/U, Rb/Cs) indicate a subduction-related origin by partial melting of a shallow depleted mantle source metasomatized by water-rich, large ion lithophile element-loaded fluids. In the central (unit II) and southern (unit III) Odenwald, syncollisional mafic to felsic granitoids were emplaced in a transtensional setting at approximately 340–335 Ma B.P. Unit II comprises a mafic and a felsic suite that are genetically unrelated. Both suites are intermediate between the medium-K and high-K series and have similar initial Nd and Sr signatures (εNd=0.0 to –2.5;87Sr/86Sr=0.7044–0.7056) but different oxygen isotopic compositions (δ18O=7.3–8.7‰ in mafic vs 9.3–9.5‰ in felsic rocks). These characteristics, in conjunction with the chemical signatures, suggest an enriched mantle source for the mafic magmas and a shallow metaluminous crustal source for the felsic magmas. Younger intrusives of unit II have higher Sr/Y, Zr/Y, and Tb/Yb ratios suggesting magma segregation at greater depths. Mafic high-K to shoshonitic intrusives of the southern unit III have initial isotopic compositions (εNd=–1.1 to –1.8;87Sr/86Sr =0.7054–0.7062;δ18O=7.2–7.6‰) and chemical characteristics (e.g., high Sr/Y, Zr/Y, Tb/Yb) that are strongly indicative of a deep-seated enriched mantle source. Spatially associated felsic high-K to shoshonitic rocks of unit III may be derived by dehydration melting of garnet-rich metaluminous crustal source rocks or may represent hybrid magmas. Received: 7 December 1998 / Accepted: 27 April 1999  相似文献   

The SW Baltic Sea occupies an area where crustal-scale regional tectonic zones of different age merge and overlap, creating a complex tectonic pattern. This pattern influenced the evolution of the Mesozoic sedimentary basin in this area. We present an interpretation of new high-resolution seismic data from the SW Baltic Sea which provided new information both on modes of the Late Cretaceous inversion of this part of the Danish–Polish Mesozoic basin system as well as on relationship between tectonic processes and syn-tectonic depositional systems. Within the Bornholm–Dar owo Fault Zone, located between the Koszalin Fault and Christiansø Block, both strike-slip and reverse faulting took place during the inversion-related activity. The faulting was related to reactivation of extensional pre-Permian fault system. Syn-tectonic sedimentary features include a prominent, generally S- and SE-directed, progradational depositional system with the major source area provided by uplifted basement blocks, in particular by the Bornholm Block. Sediment progradation was enhanced by downfaulting along a strike-slip fault zone and related expansion of accommodation space. Closer to the Christiansø Block, some syn-tectonic deposition also took place and resulted in subtle thickness changes within the hinge zones of inversion-related growth folds. Lack of significant sediment supply from the inverted and uplifted offshore part of the Mid-Polish Trough suggests that in this area NW–SE-located marginal trough parallel to the inversion axis of the Mid-Polish Trough did not form, and that uplifted Bornholm Block played by far more prominent role for development of syn-inversion depositional successions.  相似文献   

The Strzelin Massif in SW Poland (Central European Variscides) records a protracted igneous evolution, with three main magmatic stages: (1) tonalitic I, (2) granodioritic and (3) tonalitic II/granitic. In the northern part of this Massif, the Strzelin intrusion proper comprises three successively emplaced rock types: a medium-grained biotite granite (303 ± 2 Ma), a fine-grained biotite granite (283 ± 8 Ma) and a fine-grained biotite-muscovite granite; based on field evidence, the third variety postdates both types of the biotite granites. The structural data from the three granites, including their parallel, approximately E–W striking and steeply dipping lithological contacts and ENE–WSW trending subhorizontal magmatic lineations, suggest that the emplacement of all three successive granite varieties was controlled by an active, long-lived strike-slip fault, striking ESE–WNW, with a dextral sense of movement. After the emplacement of the youngest biotite-muscovite granite, the intrusion underwent brittle extension which produced “Q joints” striking NNW–SSE to N–S and dipping at 55–70° WSW to W, and showing evidence of broadly N–S directed sinistral displacements. The structural observations, supported by new geochronological data, indicate that the internal structure of the composite granitoid intrusion, including the faint magmatic foliation and lineation, formed in a long-lived strike-slip setting, different from the subsequent, post-emplacement extensional tectonics that controlled the development of brittle structures.  相似文献   

Summary The three major units of the Bergstr?sser Odenwald (Frankenstein Complex, Flasergranitoid Zone and southern Bergstr?sser Odenwald) are, according to literature, separated by two major shear zones. The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the importance of these sutures by comparing new hornblende geothermobarometry data from five plutons of the Flasergranitoid Zone with published P-T data from the entire Bergstr?sser Odenwald. Furthermore radiometric, geochemical and structural data from the literature were also used for this purpose. Temperatures were calculated with the amphibole-plagioclase thermometer and range from 600 to 800 °C. Determinations of the intrusion depth, using the Al-in-hornblende barometer show that most plutons intruded at pressures ranging from about 4 to 6 kbar (13 to 20 km). These combined data do not allow to postulate a major suture zone between the Flasergranitoid Zone and the southern Bergstr?sser Odenwald, while comparison of similar data from the Flasergranitoid Zone and the Frankenstein Complex verify the importance of this shear zone. Moreover, our P-T data show that the high temperature – low pressure metamorphism in the Bergstr?sser Odenwald can also be interpreted as contact metamorphism and not necessarily as regional metamorphism.
Zusammenfassung Hornblende-Thermobarometrie an Granitoiden des Mittleren Odenwaldes (Deutschland) und ihre Implikation für die geotektonische Entwicklung des Odenwaldes Die drei Haupteinheiten des Bergstr?sser Odenwaldes (Frankenstein-Komplex, Flasergranitoid-Zone und südlicher Bergstr?sser Odenwald) werden nach der Literatur durch zwei bedeutende Scherzonen voneinander getrennt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die wirkliche Bedeutung dieser beiden Suturen herauszuarbeiten. Dazu wurden eigene, neue Hornblende-Geothermobarometrie-Daten, die an fünf Plutonen der Flasergranitoid-zone ermittelt wurden, mit bereits publizierten P-T-Date aus dem gesamten Bergstr?sser Odenwald verglichen. Zudem wurden radiometrische, geochemische und strukturgeologische Datens?tze aus der Literatur für diesen Zweck benutzt. Kristallisationstemperaturen wurden mit Hilfe des Amphibol-Plagioklas-Thermometers errechnet und liegen zwischen 600 und 800 °C. Die Bestimmung der Intrusionstiefe mit dem Al-in-Hornblende-Barometer ergab für die meisten Plutone Drücke im Bereich von 4–6 kbar (13–20 km). Diese, sowie radiometrische, geochemische und strukturgeologische Daten aus der Flasergraitoid-zone und dem südlichen Bergstr?sser Odenwald geben keinen Hinweis auf eine wichtige Suturzone zwischen diesen beiden geotektonischen Einheiten, wohingegen der Vergleich ?hnlicher Daten aus der Flasergranioid-Zone und dem Frankenstein-Komplex die Bedeutung der Scherzone zwischen diesen beiden Einheiten hervorhebt. Unsere P-T-Daten zeigen au?erdem, da? die Hochtemperatur-Niederdruck-Metamorphose im Bergstr?sser Odenwald nicht notwendigerweise eine Regionalmetamorphose sein mu?, sondern ebenso gut als Kontaktmetamorphose interpretiert werden kann.

Received July 14, 1999; revised version accepted October 6, 2000  相似文献   

The Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex, Central Germany, formspart of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, which is assumed torepresent the Variscan collision zone between the East Avalonianterrane and the Armorican terrane assemblage. High-precisionU–Pb zircon and monazite dating indicates that sedimentaryrocks of the Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex are youngerthan c. 470 Ma and were intruded by gabbros and diorites between345 ± 4 and 340 ± 1 Ma. These intrusions had magmatictemperatures between 850 and 900°C, and caused a contactmetamorphic overprint of the sediments at PT conditionsof 690–750°C and 5–7 kbar, corresponding toan intrusion depth of 19–25 km. At 337 ± 1 Ma themagmatic–metamorphic suite was intruded by granites, syenitesand diorites at a shallow crustal level of some 7–11 km.This is inferred from a diorite, and conforms to PT pathsobtained from the metasediments, indicating a nearly isothermaldecompression from 5–7 to 2–4 kbar at 690–750°C.Subsequently, the metamorphic–magmatic sequence underwentaccelerated cooling to below 400°C, as constrained by garnetgeospeedometry and a previously published K–Ar muscoviteage of 333 ± 7 Ma. With respect to PTDtdata from surrounding units, rapid exhumation of the KCC canbe interpreted to result from NW-directed crustal shorteningduring the Viséan. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; U–Pb dating; hornblende; garnet; Mid-German Crystalline Rise; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

The Illapel Plutonic Complex (IPC), located in the Coastal Range of central Chile (31°–33° S), is composed of different lithologies, ranging from gabbros to trondhjemites, including diorites, tonalites and granodiorites. U/Pb geochronological data shows that the IPC was amalgamated from, at least, four different magmatic pulses between 117 and 90 Ma (Lower to mid-Cretaceous). We present new paleomagnetic results including Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) from 62 sites in the plutonic rocks, 10 sites in country rocks and 7 sites in a mafic dyke swarm intruding the plutonic rocks.Remanent magnetizations carried by pyrrhotite in deformed country rock sediments nearby the intrusive rocks indicate that tilting of the sedimentary rocks occurred prior or during the intrusion. The paleomagnetic study shows no evidence for either a measurable tilt of the IPC or a significant rotation of the forearc at this latitude range. Moreover, new 40Ar/39Ar ages exclude any medium- to low-temperature post-magmatic recrystallization/deformation event in the studied samples. AMS data show a magnetic foliation that is often sub-vertical. Despite an apparent N–S elongated shape of the IPC, the large variations in the orientation of the AMS foliation suggests that this plutonic complex could be made of several units distributed in a N–S trend rather than N–S elongated bodies.Previous works have suggested for this area a major shift on tectonic evolution from highly extensional during Lower Cretaceous to a period around 100 Ma, associated with exhumation and compressive deformation to conform the present day Coastal Range. The low degree of anisotropy and the lack of evidence for a tectonic fabric in the intrusive rocks indicate that the shift from extensional to compressional should postdate the emplacement of the IPC, i.e. is younger than 90Ma.  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2001,23(6-7):1141-1150
Emplacement of the Proterozoic Gunnison annular complex, Colorado, involved brittle failure and both subhorizontal sheeting and steeply-dipping dyking. The annular complex consists of a central diorite body (1730 Ma), surrounded by a ring of metamorphosed supracrustal rocks, in turn ringed by tonalite and granodiorite (1721 Ma). The older central diorite was emplaced as sills parallel to bedding, prior to regional deformation of the Gunnison volcanic arc, ∼1730–1710 m.y. ago. This central body was deformed during regional shortening, into an upright bowl with inward-dipping walls. The surrounding country rocks were folded and locally transposed against the central body, forming an arcuate foliation, conforming roughly to the shape of the body. This foliation and bedding acted as mechanical planes of weakness, which localized the syn-deformational emplacement of the outer ring intrusions, as multiple magma sheets parallel to steeply dipping bedding and foliation. Portions of the outer rings were also injected along concentric, inward-dipping, shear fractures generated under high magma pressure, a process similar to cone sheet emplacement in volcanic ring-dyke complexes. Multiple mechanisms were therefore involved in the emplacement of this sheeted annular plutonic complex, which otherwise superficially resembles a subvolcanic ring-dyke complex.  相似文献   

Roger Bateman 《Tectonophysics》1984,110(3-4):211-231
Only bodies of magma with a high crystal content and partially molten (crustal) country rocks can ascend as diapirs; once such an envelope is pierced, the diapiric ascent of the pluton is arrested by the high viscosity of a solid aureole. Deformation by shortening of the carapace of these bodies may lead to the expulsion of a magma with a relatively low crystal content, which may then continue ascent via fractures and dykes.

The details of the mechanisms of granitoid magma segregation are still unknown, but it appears that many magmas hegin their ascent through the crust as mushes with at least 50% melt, and that such magmas are rheologically able to ascend through a thickness of crust. This ascent mechanism explains the dearth of structures attributable to the ascent of granitoids, in contrast to the abundance of structures that developed during their final emplacement.

When a magma becomes too crystalline (melt < 25%) to continue its ascent via dykes, it is immobilised. At approximately this stage, a hydrous magma may become saturated with water and release fluids into the aureole, making it particularly susceptible to deformation. Magma that continues to arrive at this level is also immobilised, and the pluton grows as a ballooning diapir. These characteristically deform themselves and their aureoles by bulk shortening.

Magmas that are able to ascend to shallow depths, largely by virtue of lower water contents and higher initial temperatures, tend to become finally accommodated by such brittle processes as stoping and cauldron subsidence. High level intrusions lend to be tabular, are also fed by dykes or conduits, and assemble in tabular batholiths.  相似文献   

滇西腾冲新生代花岗岩:成因类型与构造意义   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
滇西腾冲地区位于喜马拉雅造山带东构造结的东南弧形构造带内,发育的新生代花岗岩,记录了大量印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的时间信息和东部碰撞带区域构造演化及大陆动力学信息.本区新生代花岗岩可划分出二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩、白云母花岗岩和白云母钠长花岗岩等四种主要岩相类型.最早期侵位的二长花岗岩和白云母花岗岩,^40Ar/^39Ar年龄为66~58Ma,大规模侵位的正长花岗岩和二长花岗岩,同位素年龄集中在两个时段,即54~52Ma和43~41Ma.二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩ASI(铝饱和指数)接近于1,属偏铝到过铝之间的高钾钙碱性花岗岩,白云母(钠长)花岗岩ASI变化于1.02~2.63,属过铝到强过铝花岗岩;这些花岗岩的K2O/Na2O>1,且K2O/Na2O比值和SiO2含量依次增加;微量元素含量前者具相对高Sr、Ba而低Rb,后者具明显的高Rb和异常的低Sr、Ba,其中,白云母花岗岩以异常高Y为特征,白云母钠长花岗岩以异常高Rb为标志;稀土元素前者REE配分型式具有右倾的LREE富集型,负Eu异常明显,后者具有“燕式”REE配分型式,暗示不同类型之间有着不尽相同的岩浆源岩或熔融机制.这些新生代花岗岩的岩浆序列和岩石组合揭示,青藏高原东部地区碰撞造山经历了复杂的演化历程:(1)印度大陆与亚洲大陆于66~59Ma发生对接并强烈碰撞,导致地壳大幅度加厚和地壳深融;(2)经过大约5Ma的应力调整,于54~52Ma发生碰撞高峰期后的短暂张弛和正长花岗岩浅成侵位;(3)于43~41Ma,张弛加剧,地壳伸展,伴随着二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩的形成发育.  相似文献   

Petrochemical and Rb-Sr, K-Ar and Sm-Nd isotopic data presented for the Mitterteich granite provide information on whole rock and mineral compositional characteristics, intrusion and cooling history, and protolith nature and put further constraints on the Variscan magmatic evolution in north-east Bavaria.The compositional characteristics classify the Mitterteich granite as a peraluminous (monzo-)granite (SiO2 67.3–73.5 wt.% ). Values for K2O/Na2O (> 1.2 and Al2O3/(CaO + N2O + K2O) (>1.1) are in the range of S-type granites. The rare earth elements show fractionated chondrite-normalized patterns (La N /Yb N =24–19) with negative Eu anomalies (Eu N /Eu N *=0.35–0.19). The micas have restricted ranges of major element composition, but reveal notable variations in trace element concentrations. Different biotite fractions of single specimens show a trend to lower concentrations of compatible elements in the finer fraction which can be explained as a result of asynchronous growth during the fractionation process. The PT conditions of crystallization of the magma based on muscovite and biotite is 600–640°C at 3 kbar. Regression of the whole rock samples gives an isochron corresponding to a 87Rb-87Sr age of 310 ± 7 Ma, initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7104±0.0010 (2 errors) and MSWD =0.03. Muscovite and biotite yield concordant K-Ar ages between 310 and 308 Ma, indicating a fast cooling rate of the granite intrusion. Nd T310values average –4.2±1.0. Nd model ages of 1.4 Ga suggest a source region of mid-Proterozoic age.The Rb-Sr isochron age and initial Sr ratio of the Mitterteich granite are indistinguishable from those of the adjacent Falkenberg granite, establishing a genetic link. However, the K-Ar mica ages suggest that the Mitterteich granite must have undergone a faster uplift or cooling history than Falkenberg. Confronted with the geochronological record of granite emplacement in north-east Bavaria, the new results substantiate the view of three key periods of magmatic activity around 330–325, 315–305 and 290 Ma.  相似文献   

This study presents a reconstruction of the tectonic history of an Upper Rotliegend tight gas field in Northern Germany. Tectonism of the greater study area was influenced by multiple phases of salt movement, which produced a variety of salt-related structural features such as salt walls, salt diapirs as well as salt glaciers (namakiers). A sequential 2D retro-deformation and stratal backstripping methodology was used to differentiate mechanisms inducing salt movement and to discuss their relation to regional tectonics. The quantitative geometric restoration included sedimentary balancing, decompaction, fault-related deformation, salt movement, thermal subsidence, and isostasy to unravel the post-depositional tectonic overprint of the Rotliegend reservoir rock. The results of this study indicate that reactive salt diapirism started during an Early Triassic interval of thin-skinned extensional tectonics, followed by an active diapirism stage with an overburden salt piercement in the Late Triassic, and finally a period of intensive salt surface extrusion and the formation of salt glaciers (namakiers) in Late Triassic and Jurassic times. Since the Early Cretaceous, salt in the study area has been rising by passive diapirism.  相似文献   

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