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The Idusi Formation forms the basal depositional unit of Karoo basins of southwestern Tanzania. It is defined as the rock unit limited by the unconformable contact with underlying Precambrian metamorphics and the base of the overlying, fluviatile Mpera Sandstone Member of the Mchuchuma Formation. The Idusi Formation is subdivided into the Lisimba Member, comprising diamictities, lutites with dropstones, slump masses and laminites, and the overlying Lilangu Member, consisting of black, pyritic and kerogenous lutites. The type section is at Idusi Gorge, situated 6 km east of Lake Nyasa on 10°17′50″S. The thickness of the formation at the type section is 240 m, with the maximum observed thickness being 715 m. Plant fossils and palynological assemblages indicate an Asselian age, probably extending down into the Late Carboniferous.The basal diamictites contain striated and facetted clasts, which identify them as glacial deposits. They are mainly wash-out and slurried tillites and also, less frequently, lodgment tillites. These are overlain by proximal and distal deposits of proglacial lakes, which were laid down during the retreat of the glaciers. Laminates of the upper Lisimba Member demonstrate progressively stronger seasonal control. Further amelioration of the climate, with substantially increased biological production both on land and in the water, is demonstrated by the black lutites of the Lilangu Member. They represent euxinic lake sediments formed during the final deglaciation phase. Deposition of the over-lying, coal-bearing Mchuchuma Formation occurred under a temperate climate. The duration of the Late Palaeozoic glaciation is estimated at about 20 to 25 Ma. The last quarter of this time span was characterized by climatic amelioration. Global warming was accompanied by an eustatic rise in sea level and a marked decrease in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Sediments of the Nichatka Formation are facially studied and thoroughly described, the sections are correlated, and the subformations are recognized. The formation represents a key stratigraphic unit to reveal the origin of the Central Siberian glacial horizon and to correlate it with glacial horizons in other regions of the world, namely, with the Laplandian Horizon of the Lower Vendian, Nantou and Marino tillites, etc. The Nichatka Formation is correlated with the glacial Bolshoi Patom (Dzhemkukan) Formation of the Vendian reference section at the Ura Uplift. Unlike the latter, it is mainly composed of continental glacial deposits and is marked by a complex facies composition. The glacial origin of the Nichatka Formation is reliably determined on the basis of a set of diagnostic characters. This permits a more complete reconstruction of the Early Vendian depositional environments. In addition to typical basal tillites and marginal moraine deposits, the formation includes glaciolacustrine and fluvioglacial sediments along with aquatillites, allotillites, and the glacial fan, including subaqueous, deposits.  相似文献   

Sedimentary indicators of catastrophic glacial megafloods—plane-bedded angular gravel, cobbles, and boulders—are described in several sections of the high terraces of the Chuya River valley. The principal difference of these sediments from typical alluvium of this area is demonstrated. The clast roundness, grain size of clasts, and sedimentary structures of the high-terrace deposits of the Chuya and Katun’ valleys indicate the same facies originated through megaflood deposition. These results are at odds with ideas of alluvial, glacial, or glaciofluvial genesis of the high-terrace deposits of the Chuya River.  相似文献   

The Late Proterozoic Conception Group, exposed on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada, is a 4 km thick turbidite succession containing a conformable 300 m thick sequence of diamictites (the Gaskiers Formation) near the base. Massive and crudely-stratified diamictites form beds up to 25 m thick which have a tabular geometry with slightly erosive basal contacts and are interbedded with mudstones and fine-grained, thin-bedded turbidites. These diamictites are interpreted as submarine debris flow deposits. Disrupted diamictites form strongly deformed units that contain large, complexly folded rafts of mudstone and turbidite facies. These diamictite units are interpreted as submarine slumps. Diamictites contain glacially-striated and faceted clasts; clasts and matrix are predominantly of volcanic provenance. One outcrop shows interbedded volcanic agglomerate and diamictite, and volcanic bombs can also be identified. The interbedding of diamictites with turbidites and the stratigraphic context provided by the thick sequences of turbidites below (Mall Bay Formation) and above (Drook Formation) indicate a deep marine slope setting of diamictite deposition. Diamictite facies record remobilization and downslope transfer of large volumes of unstable volcanic and glacial debris initially deposited in a shallower water marginal marine zone. The regional tectonic framework suggests the Conception Group accumulated in a deep, southward-opening ensialic rift basin with active but waning volcanic centres to the north. The Gaskiers Formation may be representative of other Late Precambrian glacially-influenced diamictite sequences that were deposited around the North Atlantic region and in Europe. These deep marine diamictite sequences characterized by debris flows, turbidites, and slump deposits, can be contrasted with more extensive shallow marine shelf diamictite sequences found in association with dolomites and tidally influenced shallow water facies in other basinal settings.  相似文献   

In Russia, the terminal Neoproterozoic formally includes the Vendian of western part of the East European platform and the concurrent Yudoma Group of Siberia. As is shown in this work, the designated subdivisions correspond in the stratotypes only to the upper, Yudomian Series of the Vendian. In the Siberian platform, the Ust-Yudoma and Aim horizons of the Yudomian are tightly interrelated. The lower of them, bearing remains of Ediacaran Fauna, represents the Ediacarian Stage, whereas the upper one containing small-shelled fossils (SSF) corresponds to the Nemakit-Daldynian Stage divided into the trisulcatus and antiqua superregional zones. In more complete sections of the platform periphery, sediments of these subdivisions conformably rest on siliciclastic succession that should be ranked as basal subdivision of the Yudomian. The succession is concurrent to the Laplandian Stage of the East European platform. According to geochronological dates obtained recently, the Yudomian Series spans interval of 600–540 Ma. In the East European platform, the Upper Vendian (Yudomian) begins with the Laplandian basal tillites of synonymous stage. In the west of the platform, tillites are dated at 600 Ma like the Upper Vendian base in Siberia. The next Ediacarian Stage of the East European platform is stratigraphic equivalent of the Redkino Horizon, while summary range of the Kotlin and Rovno horizons is concurrent to that of the Nemakit-Daldynian Stage. The Vendian of Russia is conformably overlain by the Tommotian Stage of the Lower Cambrian. Intense pre-Vendian events constrained distribution areas of the Lower Vendian sediments in Russia. The Lower Vendian deposits of the East European platform are most representative and well studied in the central Urals, where they are attributed to the Serebryanka Group. In Siberia, separate subdivisions representing the Lower Vendian are the Maastakh Formation of the Olenek Uplift, two lower members of the Ushakovka Formation in the Baikal region, and the Taseeva Group of the Yenisei Range. Chronological interval of the Lower Vendian corresponds to 650–600 Ma. The Marinoan Glaciation dated in Australia at 650–635 Ma is concurrent to basal part of the pre-Yudomian interval of the Vendian in Russia, whereas the Laplandian Tillite and Gaskiers Glaciation (600–580 Ma) correspond to onset of the Yudomian Epoch. The new Ediacaran System (Knoll et al., 2004) legalized in the International Neoproterozoic scale is close in range to the entire Vendian (635–544 Ma), although without basal beds (Marinoan Tillite) it deprives the terminal Neoproterozoic of its original sense. Inferiority of the system consists also in its indivisibility into stages. Hence, it is clear that the Vendian System subdivided in detail in Russia should be retained in the rank of terminal system of the Precambrian, one of the basic in general scale of the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The origin of the Luoquan Formation which occurs along the southern margin of the North China Blockhas long been argued. Based on recent work. the Formation is considered as a glacial sedimentary sequencepartially reworked by sediment gravity flow. The major evidence for the glacigene of Luoquan Formationdiamictites is as follows: 1, a striated and polished pavement with various features resulting from glacialabrasion and plucking, such as crescentic gouge, crescentic fracture, streamlined form and glaciated step; 2.unsorted diamictites with striated clast. faceted clast and iron-shaped stone formed by glaciation; 3. rhythmitewith dropstones; 4. a glacial sedimentary sequence bearing advance-retreat cycles; and 5. wide distribution ofthe diamictites. Glacial deposits can be distinguished from sediment gravity flow deposits by the features men-tioned above. Some characteristics of sediment gravity flow existing in the Luoquan Formation diamictites in-dicate that glacial deposits might have been partially reworked by sediment gravity flow. Therefore, this papersuggests that the Luoquan Formation diamictite is a result of a glacial event rather than a mud flow deposit.The primary tillites are the principal contribution of the Luoquan Formation, while sediment gravity flow de-posits are the redeposited diamictites and should be termed as glacigenic sediment gravity flow deposits.  相似文献   

In the section of Agaleevskaya BH-4 drilled in the lower reaches of the Angara River, Vendian and Baikalian sediment sequences have been recognized within Neoproterozoic strata. The Vendian sequence is formed by terrigenous-carbonate deposits of the Tetere, Soba, and Katanga Formations of the Danilovo Horizon, referred to as the Upper Vendian Nemakit-Daldyn Stage, as well as by terrigenous deposits of the Taseeva Group. The Baikalian Horizon is composed of the Brus Formation, earlier recognized only on the Chadobets uplift, and is separated from the Vendian deposits by a stratigraphic gap. In the Brus Formation, a microfossil complex similar to earlier described biotas of the Siberian Baikalian strata was found. The underlying deposits of the Terina Formation contain microfossils lacking below the basement of the Lakhanda Horizon (Neoproterozoic).  相似文献   

The stagewise optical and electron-microscopic analysis of the texture and mineralogy of the Upper Riphean–Lower Vendian gravelly–sandy rocks (Taseeva Group) in the Irkineevo–Chadobetsk riftogenic trough revealed a wide spectrum of secondary transformations: gravitational corrosion of allothigenic minerals, their plastic deformation, intense fracturing, and authigenic mineral formation. Traces of low-temperature hydrothermal processes were recorded. The multistage nature of authigenic mineral formation is attributed to the periodic resumption of tectonic dislocations owing to reactivation of fluid dynamics and thermal impulses ΔT.  相似文献   

New outcrops of Middle Carboniferous glacigenic deposits found in the Guandacol Formation (western Paganzo Basin) are described in this paper. The study locality of Los Pozuelos Creek (northwestern Argentina) includes coarse-grained diamictites, rhythmites, laminated pebbly mudstones and shales that represent an expanded column of the Gondwanic glaciation in this region. Thirteen lithofacies recorded at the measured section have been grouped into three facies associations. Facies Association I is composed of coarse-grained massive and stratified diamictites (lithofacies Dmm, Dms, Dmg, Dcs), laminated siltstones with dropstones (Fld) and interstratified sandstones and mudstones (Fl, Sr). These rocks represent both tillites and resedimented diamictites closely associated to small water bodies where laminated siltstones with dropstones and stratified sandstones and mudstones were deposited. Facies Association II comprises couplets of matrix-supported thinly bedded diamictites (Dmld) and laminated mudstones with dropstones (Fld). This facies association results from the combination of three different processes, subaqueous cohesionless debris flows, coeval rainout of ice-rafted debris and settling of fine-grained particles from supension. Finally, Facies Association III is made up of laminated mudstones without dropstones, thin marl levels and scarce fine- to very fine-grained sandstones. This assemblage clearly suggests sedimentation in a deep marine environment below the wave base.The architecture of the glacigenic deposits has been investigated using photomosaic panels. The geometry of the depositional bodies and facies suggest that Los Pozuelos Creek outcrops exhibit a well preserved three-dimensional example of a grounding-line system. In particular, three different subenvironments of a morainal bank were interpreted: a bank-front, a bank-core and a bank-back. The bank-front assemblage is characterized by coarse-grained, mainly resedimented, diamictites grading laterally to prograding clinoforms composed of interbedded matrix-supported thinly bedded diamictite and mudstones. The bank-core assemblage is formed by a stacking of coarse-grained diamictites where at least five major erosional surfaces, bounding four multistory diamictite bodies, can be recognized. Finally, the bank-back assemblage corresponds to discontinuous intervals of striated lodgement till, and coarse-grained resedimented diamictites showing important post-depositional deformation. The retrogradational stacking of the morainal banks indicate an overall glacial retreat and a glacioeustatic sea-level rise. Erosional surfaces at the base of each morainal bank suggest intervening short term episodes of ice advance.The new data presented here confirm the existence of "true" tillites in western Paganzo Basin and suggest several (at least four) pulses of glacial advance and retreat during the Namurian glaciation in the region and permit a more refined interpretation of the glacial deposits in the Huaco area.  相似文献   

The Kamoa sub‐basin, in the south‐eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a rift basin that hosts a world‐class stratiform copper deposit at the base of a very thick (1·8 km) succession of matrix‐supported conglomerates (diamictite) (Grand Conglomérat Formation) that has been interpreted by some as the product of deposition in the aftermath of a planet‐wide glaciation. Newly available subsurface data consisting of more than 300 km of drill core throws new light on the origin of diamictite and associated facies types, and their tectonic, basinal and palaeoclimatic setting. Initiation of rifting is recorded by a lowermost subaqueous succession of fault‐related mass flow conglomerates and breccias (the ‘Poudingue’) with interdigitating coeval and succeeding sandstone turbidites (Mwashya Subgroup). Overlying diamictites of the Grand Conglomérat were deposited as subaqueous debrites produced by mixing and homogenization of antecedent breccias and gravel from the Poudingue and Mwashya sediments with basinal muds. Failure of over‐steepened basin margins and debris flow was likely to be triggered by faulting and seismic activity, and was accompanied by syn‐depositional subaqueous basaltic magmatism recorded by peperites and pillow lavas within diamictites. The thickness of diamictites reflects recurring phases of faulting, volcanism and rapid subsidence allowing continued accommodation of rapidly deposited resedimented facies well below wave base. A distal or indirect, glacial influence in the form of rare dropstones and striated clasts is evident, but tectonically‐driven mass flow destroyed any primary record of glacial climate originally present in basin margin sediments. Such basin margin settings were common during Rodinia rifting and their stratigraphy and facies record a dominant tectonic, rather than climatic, control on sedimentation. Deposition occurred on tectonic timescales inconsistent with a Snowball Earth model for Neoproterozoic diamictites involving a direct glacial contribution to deposition.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic and magnetostratigraphic data are presented for the stratotype of the Upper Riphean Lopata Formation (Teya River, Yenisei Ridge). The paleomagnetic pole calculated is significantly distinct from the Phanerozoic and Riphean poles of the Siberian Platform and is similar to the Late Vendian–Early Cambrian poles of the Madagascar Group. The stratigraphic range studied is characterized by an anomalously high frequency of geomagnetic inversions (15 zones of magnetic polarity), which is comparable with the inversion frequency of the Late Vendian sections of Baltica. These data, along with previous paleontological findings, indicate an age of the Lopata Formation of 555–540 Ma.  相似文献   

Detrital zircons (DZs) from arkose sandstones of the Upper Riphean Zilmerdak Formation (Southern Urals) yielded ages in the range of 3039–964 Ma. Grains with Late Karelian and Early and Middle Riphean ages compose 35, 34, and 26% of the total number of the analyzed zircons, respectively. This is similar to the age spectra of the Vendian sandstones (Asha Group), but it differs significantly from the age distribution typical of the Riphean stratotype sandstones.  相似文献   

胡军  孙思远  谷昊东  安志辉  叶琴  王霈 《地球科学》2021,46(7):2515-2528
峡东地区是我国原震旦系标准剖面所在地,该地区南沱组直接覆盖莲沱组之上,中间缺失下冰期和间冰期地层,究其原因尚不清楚.通过聚焦南沱组与莲沱组接触层位,利用现代冰川沉积物研究方法开展系统沉积学研究,结果表明:九龙湾周缘南沱组和莲沱组之间存在一层紫红色混合杂砾岩层,其内部砾石定向性、形态、磨圆、岩性以及显微构造与之上南沱组典型灰绿色杂砾岩区别明显,青林口剖面南沱组底部发育微观尺度上的变形沉积构造.表明南沱组底部与莲沱组接触层位为冰川底碛成因,而南沱组主体为冰海沉积成因.证明峡东地区南沱组与莲沱组之间地层缺失是由盛冰期的冰川剥蚀所致,南沱组可能仅代表了盛冰期之后冰消期的沉积记录.   相似文献   

ABSTRACT There is much debate regarding the intensity and geographic extent of glaciation during the Neoproterozoic, particularly in response to recent geochemical work suggesting that the Neoproterozoic earth was at times ice covered from equator to poles (the ‘Snowball Earth’ hypothesis). A detailed sedimentological analysis of the Neoproterozoic Smalfjord Formation of northern Norway was conducted in order to determine the extent and intensity of glacial influence on sedimentation. In the Tarmfjorden area, the Smalfjord Formation consists of a stacked succession of diamictites interbedded with fine‐grained laminated mudstones containing rare outsized clasts. Diamictites and interbedded mudstones are interpreted as the product of subaqueous mass flows generated along the basin margin. In the Varangerfjorden area, chaotically interbedded diamictites, conglomerates and sandstones are overlain by a thick succession of stacked sandstone beds; onediamictite unit at Bigganjargga overlies a striated pavement. The Varangerfjorden outcrops appear to record deposition on a subaqueous debris apron. Although diamictites contain rare striated and faceted clasts, suggesting a glacial sediment source, their origin as subaqueous mass flows prevents the interpretation of ice mass form or distribution. Rare lonestones may be associated with floating ice in the basin, which may be of glacial or seasonal origin. Glacial ice may have contributed poorly sorted glacial debris to the basin margin, either directly or through fluvioglacial systems, but there is no evidence of direct deposition by ice at Varangerfjorden or Tarmfjorden. The overall fining‐upward trend identified in the Smalfjord Formation and overlying Nyborg Formation is consistent with depositional models of rift basin settings. This fining‐upward trend, the predominance of mass flow facies including breccias associated with scarps and the evidence for extensional tectonic activity in the region suggest that tectonic activity may have played an important role in the development of this Neoproterozoic succession. The Smalfjord Formation at Tarmfjorden and Varangerfjorden does not exhibit sedimentological characteristics consistent with severe glacial conditions suggested by the snowball Earth hypothesis.  相似文献   

碧口群内前人曾怀疑为冰碛岩的一套岩石,已取得了大量冰川证据,肯定了冰川作用的存在。其时代属早震旦世。据沉积特征、层位及上下接触关系等,将其划为长安、南沱两个冰期,南沱冰期又进一步划分为两个亚冰期,并分别与国内外有关地区作了对比。  相似文献   

The rift-related geodynamic setting of the Late Precambrian geological evolution on the western slope of the South Urals is reconstructed on the basis of localization of lithotectonic complexes of this age, their formation conditions, and the geochemistry of rocks. The Early Riphean stage comprises accumulation of coarse-clastic rocks intercalating with alkaline volcanic rocks of the Navysh Complex, which is a constituent of the Ai Formation, and emplacement of doleritic and picritic intrusions of the Shuida Complex and melanocratic dolerite and gabbrodolerite of the Yusha Complex. The Middle Riphean stage is characterized by wide-spread coarse-clastic terrigenous rocks of the Mashak Formation that intercalate with volcanic rocks of the bimodal basalt-rhyolite association, the Berdyaush pluton of rapakivi granite, the Kusa-Kopan layered intrusive complex, the Lapyshta Complex of dolerites and picrites, and numerous occurrences of gabbrodolerites. The terrigenous rocks of the Vendian stage include conglomerate, gravelstone, and sandstone of the Asha Group, while igneous rocks comprise alkaline volcanics of the Arsha Complex, alkali gabbroids of the Miseli Complex, and melanocratic syenite of the Avashla Complex. The geological evolution of the region is distinguished by local (failed or aborted) rifting. The occurrence of lithotectonic complexes is controlled by dynamic conditions of rifting. A certain inheritance in the evolution may be traced for the Early and Middle Riphean and partly for the Late Riphean and Vendian.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic (Sm–Nd and Sr) studies of deposits of the Baikal and Oselok Groups in the southern Siberian Craton and LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of detrital zircons show that they accumulated in passive continental-margin settings in the Vendian. The time limits of sedimentation were assessed on the basis of Sr chemostratigraphy of carbonate deposits of the Baikal Group and LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of detrital zircons in first-cycle terrigenous deposits of the Oselok Group. The main provenances for rocks of these groups were constant. These were rocks of the cover and basement of the Siberian Craton. Tuffite horizons in upper portions of the groups are the only sign of Late Vendian activation of this block, which is reflected in changes of geochemical indices of terrigenous rocks and their younger Sm–Nd model ages.  相似文献   

杨玉卿  周留记 《现代地质》1995,9(3):311-319,T001
摘要:本文首次对区内杂砾岩(又称红层)的沉积学特征进行研究。据成因之不同,把杂砾岩区分为6类:泥石流、颗粒流、泥流、冲刷砾石层、河道及片流沉积。讨论了各类沉积之特点,尤其是砾石的粒度分布特征。结果表明,不同成因的杂砾岩砾石的粒度分布曲线形态,尤其是量化粒度参数存在明显差异。  相似文献   

Based on the LA-ICP-MS data, detrital zircons from the tillite-type conglomerates of the Tanin Formation (Serebryanka Group) on the western slope of the Central Urals include approximately equal proportions of crystals with Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic U-Pb ages. Therefore, we can assume that crystalline rocks of the basement beneath the eastern part of the East European Craton served as a provenance for aluminosilicate clastics in the initial Serebryanka period. Detrital zircons from sandstones of the Kernos Formation have the Meso-Neoarchean (∼15%), Paleoproterozoic (∼60%), and Mesoproterozoic (∼26%) age. Comparison of the obtained data with the results of the study of detrital zircons from Riphean and Vendian sandstones of the Southern Urals shows that the Riphean and Lower Vendian rocks are mainly represented by erosional products of Middle and Upper Paleoproterozoic crystalline rocks that constitute the basement of the East European Craton. In addition, a notable role belonged to older (Lower Proterozoic, Neoarchean and Mesoarchean) rock associations during the formation of the Serebryanka Group. The terminal Serebryanka time (Kernos Age) differed from its initial stage (Tanin Age) by the appearance of Mesoproterozoic complexes in provenances. According to available data, these complexes played an insignificant role in the formation of Riphean-Vendian rocks in the neighboring South Uralian segment. This implies a spatiotemporal diversity of clastic material sources for Upper Precambrian rocks in the western megazone of the Southern and Central Urals.  相似文献   

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