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Environmental security concerns have broadened the national security agenda and discourse of international relations. Yet environmental insecurity issues have endured impacts on livelihood, human security, social equity, human rights, internal security, political stability, economic growth and development of the state. Environmental challenges, such as climate change, water scarcity and energy security are shaping development and consumption patterns, which are possible causes of inter-state conflict in South Asia. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the nexus of climate change, energy and water security with conflict and development. Furthermore, we argue for the need for environmental diplomacy in Pakistan within the South Asian context. The argument is that integration of development with environmental factors and peacemaking has potential to achieve sustainable development in South Asia.  相似文献   

A sufficient knowledge on the kinematics and development of landslides helps to adopt proper measures that can be used to protect slopes and the environment in general. This can be achieved by adequate monitoring programs. This paper presents the findings of intensive monitoring activities carried out on Shiidomari and Katanoo landslides found in Sado Island of Japan. More than one year of observation of the two landslides allowed defining some peculiar futures of their kinematics and style of development. The problem of slope instability in the two areas is generally accredited to various factors. But, both landslides were triggered by heavy rainfalls and snowmelt. Because of the outline of the area and the presence of relict topographic features, the Shiidomari landslide is considered to be a large-scale reactivation of old slope failures. The Katanoo landslide is, however, a first-time case. Geophysical investigations and drilling activities in Shiidomari indicated the presence of two slip planes. The deepest (80–100 m) of these is controlled by existing lineaments. Monitoring data suggests that the body of the landslide has subsided as much as 1.16 m just below the main scarp, but a centimeter in the central region. The toe sector also experienced a significant amount of subsidence, but this was counter-balanced by an uplift on the opposite side of the landslide. Hence, the landslide seems not any more active along the deepest slip surface, although it may extend upward and define a series of shallow shear planes around the crown. In the case of Katanoo, the landform characteristics, differential weathering, the road cut and groundwater fluctuations appeared to contribute much to determine the exact location of the landslide. Extensional cracks that preceded the landslide can be related to heavy rainfalls and the cold and warm cycles thereafter. Subsurface investigations and monitoring works indicated that the landslide has two slide blocks with different slip planes. During the observation period, the upper part of the landslide responded more effectively to rainfall and snowmelt than the middle and lower sections. The corresponding movements, however, appeared to settle about three months after failure. There were also little strain transmissions in boreholes and no significant change in the characteristics of the landslide. The kinematics of deformation of many of the slopes in Sado Island resembles that of Shiidomari landslide. But mass movements along highways and mountain roads are usually similar to Katanoo. Landslides of the type like Shiidomari may not show sudden and drastic failures, but are usually long lasting and can reactivate repeatedly along new, shallow shear planes. Monitoring works and long-term supervisions in these types of landslides are useful to identify impending failures and take the right measures before they brought about large-scale destruction to the environment.  相似文献   

A process of urban regeneration of the former industrial dock area of east London by the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC) recognised the importance of geotechnical and geoenvironmental information. A systematic programme of data collection was implemented and stored in a series of bespoke computer database systems and cartographic registers. These allowed retrieval and manipulation of the data to provide rapid site assessments. The understanding of the natural setting of the area was enhanced as a consequence of the collation exercise. The data stored included geotechnical and environmental information on soil and groundwater. The hydrogeological regime was modelled by computer to determine the consequences of development on groundwater movement. In addition, a cartographic register of historic land use was developed. This gave instant detail on the potential for contamination of a site and became a fundamental tool in the UK planning process of the area. The information from the separate systems was finally combined into a geographic information system.  相似文献   

粘土矿物在形成过程中受构造运动、气候、盆地规模、地表母岩、土壤、植被、地貌、介质环境、风以及成岩作用等多种因素的影响,这些因素对地层中粘土矿物的类型和含量的影响程度不一。构造运动和气候是影响粘土矿物形成的两个主要因素,对沉积物中的粘土矿物形成和含量以及影响粘土矿物形成的其他次要影响因素有着控制作用。在构造活动稳定的状态下,气候则成为影响粘土矿物形成和含量的决定性因素,其他因素尽管也有不同程度的影响,但可以看成是相对稳定不变的,粘土矿物携带的主要是气候环境变化的信息。地表水系的复杂程度引起的沉积物的混合程度影响粘土矿物信号的清晰度,沉积埋藏成岩作用对粘土矿物的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Human response to severe environmental stress is conceived and implemented by individuals, but must be approved by the group. These decisions are made with respect to perceived circumstances. Societies are enmeshed within adaptive systems that provide a matrix of opportunities and constraints for a wide range of potential behavioral variability. Such systems repeatedly readjust to short-term crises, e.g., droughts, but persistent and severe environmental stress may require substantial revision of adaptive strategies. The Sahel drought of 1968–1973 is an example of a brief but severe crisis, recurring along the Saharan margins perhaps once every 30 years. Closer inspection shows links between intensified intertribal warfare and ecological stress in the lower Omo Valley. The decline of the Egyptian New Kingdom during the 12th century B.C., in response to economic stagnation, sociopolitical instability, dynastic weakness, foreign pressures, and poor Nile floods over 50–70 years, represents a more complex and fundamental modification, with systemic simplification lasting 450 years. Such insights can be applied to future, global climatic change due to increasing atmospheric CO2. Simulation and paleoclimatic experience suggest a drier climate for the North American and Soviet breadbaskets, to threaten world food supplies at a time of maximum demographic pressures and declining resources. Public perception and remedial planning should receive the attention of Quaternary scientists, in order to preempt an involuntary, global, systemic simplification.  相似文献   

Controversy over the extent to develop tourism in tourist destinations remains unresolved. This paper examines the extent of tourism development residents are prepared to tolerate in the Lake Bosomtwe. A resident survey undertaken during January 2006 in the basin reveals that residents are more oriented to large scale tourism. The major perceived reason for this preference is that large scale tourism development will help provide for the material needs and wants of the basin’s population. It is concluded that residents of Bosomtwe basin equate large inflows of visitors with success and fame, but field observations indicate that the residents will wreck the basin’s environment if tourism development is left in their sole control.  相似文献   

Based on a historical review of the so-called Ozone crisis in the late 1970s and global climate changes since the 1980s, this paper examines the role of sciences and policies in the international community in dealing with the global environmental issues. Lessons show that a multi-discipline, multi-organizational and multi-national UN agency which remains relevant, assisting rather than guiding the process of climate negotiations is important.  相似文献   

Lake Chany is the largest endorheic lake in Siberia whose catchment is entirely on the territory of Russia. Its geographical location on the climate-sensitive boundary of wet and dry landscapes provides an opportunity to gain more knowledge about environmental changes in the West Siberian interior during the Holocene and about the evolution of the lake itself. Sediment cores obtained from the Yarkov sub-basin of the lake in 2008 have been comprehensively studied by a number of approaches including sedimentology and AMS dating, pollen, diatom and chironomid analyses (with statistical interpretation of the results), mineralogy of authigenic minerals and geochemistry of plant lipids (biomarker analysis.). Synthesis of new results presented here and published data provides a good justification for our hypothesis that Lake Chany is very young, no older than 3.6 ka BP. Before that, between 9 and 3.6 ka BP, the Chany basin was a swampy landscape with a very low sedimentation rate; it could not be identified as a water body. In the early lake phase, between 3.6 and 1.5 ka BP, the lake was shallow, 1.2–3.5 m in depth, and it rose to its modern size, up to 6.5 m in depth, during the last millennium. Our data reveal important changes in the understanding of the history of this large endorheic lake, as before it was envisioned as a large lake with significant changes in water level since ca. 14 ka BP. In addition to hydrology, our proxies provide updates and details of the regional vegetation and climate change since ca. 4 ka BP in the West-Siberian forest-steppe and steppe. As evolution of the Chany basin is dependent on hydroclimatic changes in a large region of southern West Siberia, we compare lake-level change and climate-change proxies from the other recently and most comprehensively studied lakes of the region.  相似文献   

徐州邱山山体修整、景观改造及环境美化方案探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
万友  唐连权  耿慧丽 《江苏地质》2009,33(4):438-442
对邱山山体进行修整、景观改造及环境美化综合治理,使其成为徐州市高铁站区的一处山体公园,这也是我国矿山地质环境综合治理的一个主要的、可持续发展的方向。  相似文献   

The South Caspian sedimentary basin is a unique area with thick Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments (up to 30–32 km) characterized by an extremely high fluid generation potential. The large amount of active mud volcanoes and the volumes of their gas emissions prove the vast scale of fluid generation. Onshore and offshore mud volcanoes annually erupt more than 109 cubic meters of gases consisting of CH4 (79–98%), and a small admixture of C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, C5H12, CO2, N, H2S, Ar, He. Mud volcanism is closely connected to the processes occurring in the South Caspian depression, its seismicity, fluctuations of the Caspian Sea level, solar activity and hydrocarbon generation.The large accumulations of gas hydrates are confined to the bottom sediments of the Caspian Sea, mud volcanoes crater fields (interval 0–0.4 m, sea depth 480 m) and to the volcanoes body at the depth of 480–800 from the sea bottom. Resources of HC gases in hydrates saturated sediments up to a depth of 100 m and are estimated at 0.2×1015–8×1015 m3. The amount of HC gases concentrated in them is 1011–1012 m3.The Caspian Sea, being an inland closed basin is very sensitive to climatic and tectonic events expressed in sea level fluctuations. During regressive stages as a result of sea level fall and the reducing of hydrostatic pressure the decomposition of gas hydrates and the releasing of a great volume of HC gases consisting mainly of methane are observed.From the data of deep drilling, seismoacoustics, and deep seismic mud volcanic activity in the South Caspian Basin started in the Lower Miocene. Activity reached its highest intensity at the boundary between the Miocene and Pliocene and was associated with dramatic Caspian Sea level fall in the Lower Pliocene of up to 600 m, which led to the isolation of the PaleoCaspian from the Eastern ParaTethys. Catastrophic reduction of PaleoCaspian size combined with the increasing scale of mud volcanic activity caused the oversaturation and intoxication of water by methane and led to the mass extinction of mollusks, fishes and other groups of sea inhabitants. In the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary mud volcanism occurred under the conditions of a semi-closed sea periodically connected with the Pontian and Mediterranean Basins. Those stages of Caspian Sea history are characterized by the revival of the Caspian organic world.Monitoring of mud volcanoes onshore of the South Caspian demonstrated that any eruption is predicted by seismic activation in the region (South-Eastern Caucasus) and intensive fluid dynamics on the volcanoes.  相似文献   

冯辉 《城市地质》2015,(2):27-30
北京延庆葡萄产地北侧山区出露大面积花岗岩。岩浆活动频繁,构造发育,特殊地质条件造成土壤存在明显的高氟异常,全氟、水溶氟含量高,部分地下水氟化物含量超过相关标准,是导致当地居民因饮用地下水而患有氟中毒地方病的主要原因。尽管农作物含氟符合相关标准,但高氟地质环境对农作物的含氟量仍具有富集趋势。  相似文献   

民和盆地窑街煤田油页岩沉积环境分析及开发前景预测   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过岩芯钻井资料的综合分析,对民和盆地窑街煤田油页岩沉积特征、层序地层、古地理演化和成矿规律进行了研究。结果表明,油页岩段主要为水进体系域和高水位体系域发育时期,油页岩主要形成于沼泽和浅湖-半深湖相的沉积环境中。其中油四层油页岩品质较好,平均含油率>8%,属于湖泊沼泽相,具有良好的工业品位。研究区油页岩具有中含油率高灰分的特征,资源总储量为2.3×108t,具有良好的开发前景。  相似文献   

Extensive nebkha areas develop mainly under the control of aeolian processes, and their sediments record information on regional environmental changes during different periods. Such areas have developed on the dry riverbeds and deserted arable lands of China’s Alaxa Plateau, Taklimakan, and Kumutage deserts. In this paper, we studied nebkhas that had developed in the Heicheng–Juyan region to determine their CaCO3 contents, particle size distributions, and creation dates. Extensive human activities have occurred in this region since at least in the late Tang Dynasty (618–907 ad). Although historical records show that most of the region’s rivers dried up around 1372, surface water persisted in some areas until the early Qing Dynasty (1644–1911 ad). After the 1600s, extensive nebkhas began to develop due to drying of the region’s rivers. The early stages of nebkha development were controlled by both the sediment supply and the regional wind regime, whereas late stages were controlled primarily by variations in wind activity. In the Alaxa Plateau, it took about 100 years for arable lands and riverbeds to evolve into gobi deserts, and during this time, several phases occurred with different levels of wind activity. The land degradation processes in this region are mainly controlled by surface water resources, and the impact of human activities such as reclamation on land degradation appear to have been overestimated in previous studies.  相似文献   

Water resources use is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle, especially in arid inland of Northwest China, groundwater movement and circulation processes are closely related to the surface water, while recoverable and renewable groundwater mainly comes from the conversion of surface river water, and there is extensive transfer among rainfall, surface water and groundwater. Human activity, in particular, large-scale water resources exploitation and development associated with dramatic population growth in the last decades, has led to tremendous changes in the water regime. There are misuse and wastage of surface water with traditional multi-channel irrigation for most rivers, which in turn leads to over-exploitation of groundwater to augment supplies. This situation has been exacerbated by rapid population growth and socio-economic development, with decreased irrigational systems return to groundwater due to the irrigation system in the middle reaches of rivers in the Hexi region becoming better. The investigations of this study revealed that over the last decades, man-made oases have developed rapidly in various inland river basins. With the increasing human demand for water, the contradiction between water demand and water supply is becoming increasingly acute and the amount of groundwater usage significantly increased. Notwithstanding the annual surface water from mountains is relatively stable in the Hexi region, the recharges of groundwater have been reduced by 11.1%, with a maximum reduction of 50% in the Shiyang River basin. Groundwater abstraction increased by approximately six times, particularly in the Shiyang River basin, groundwater abstraction exceeds recharge by 4.1×108 m3 year−1 in recent decades. Consequently, the groundwater level has declined widely by 3–16 m, with a maximum decline of 45 m in several groundwater observation wells in the Minqin basin on the lower reaches of the Shiyang River basin. These cause serious human activity-induced environmental problems, such as water-quality deterioration, vegetation degradation, soil salinization and land desert desertification, etc. It is suggested that modernized irrigation technology and new regulation to cover water resources management and allocation with the river basins are urgently needed to achieve a sustainable development. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the development of water resources on the environment in arid inland river basins in Northwestern China, which were analyzed by comparing the three main river basins (i.e., the Shuilei, the Heihe and the Shiyang River basins) with different water resources development cases.  相似文献   

In terms of Earth-Sun geometry, the Milankovitch theory has successfully explained most of the cyclic palaeoclimatic variations during the history of the Earth, especially in the Quaternary. In this paper, the authors suggest that the impact of extraterrestrial bodies on the Earth may be another mechanism to cause palaeoclimatic cycles, global environmental changes and new glacial periods. Based on geological and geochemical records in the boundary layers produced by six huge Cenozoic bolide-impact events (65, 34, 15, 2.4, 1.1, 0.73 Ma B.P.), including those at 34, 15, 1.1 and 0.73 Ma B. P. which are represented by four famous tektite-strewn fields, the process and mechanics of palaeoclimatic cycles and global environmental catastrophes induced by extraterrestrial impact are discussed in detail. Impact-generated dust, soot and aerosol floating in the stratosphere could result in short-term (<1 year), rapid drop in temperature immediately after impact. Through self-regulation of the Earth’s climate system, the temperature at the surface slowly went up within 100a and maintained stable for a long time at 250K. If there were no other factors leading to the break-down of the newly-established equilibrium, a new glacial pound would be initiated. Estimating from the thickness of δ13C and δ18O anomalies in sediments across the impact boundary layer and deposition rate, the duration of two stages of the palaeoclimate cycle in the form of cold weather—greenhouse effect—normal weather was 104 – 105a, respectively. The conclusion deduced from the above model is supported by palaeotemperature change recorded by oxygen isotope in sediments across the impact boundary layer. The study was granted by the Scientific and Technological Bureau of Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ952-J1-031) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in soils are of great environmental concern, in order to evaluate heavy metal contents and their relationships in the surface soil of industrial area of Baoji city, and also to investigate their influence on the soils. Soil samples were collected from 50 sites, and the concentration of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni heavy metals and the contents of characteristics in soil from industrial area of Baoji city were determined with X-ray fluorescence method. The concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni in the investigated soils reached the amount of 2,682.00–76,979.42, 169.30–8,288.58, 62.24–242.36, 91.96–110.54 and 36.14–179.28 mg kg−1, respectively. The major element Pb contents of the topsoils were determined. to highlight the influence of ‘anthropic’ features on the heavy metal concentrations and their distributions. To compare, all values of elements were much higher than those of unpolluted soils in the middle of Shaanxi province that average 16.0–26.5, 67.1–120.0, 17.8–57.0, 46.9–65.6 and 24.7–34.6 mg kg−1 for Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni, respectively. An ensemble of basic and relativity analysis was performed to reduce the precipitate of Pb in soil was extremely high and greatly relativity with other elements. Meanwhile, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni heavy metals were typical elements of anthropic activities sources, so it was easy to infer to the tracers of anthropic pollutions from the factorial analysis, which was coming from the storage battery manufactory pollutions. The pollutant distributions were constructed for the urban area which identified storage battery manufactory soot precipitate as the main source of diffuse pollution and also showed the contribution of the topsoils of industrial area of Baoji city as the source point of pollution. Consequently, the impact of heavy metals on soil was proposed and discussed. These results highlight the need for instituting a systematic and continuous monitoring of heavy metals and other forms of pollutants in Baoji city to ensure that pollution does not become a serious problem in the future.  相似文献   

The shift to market forces in Poland, East Germany and Czech Republic has fundamentally reconfigured its economic geography. In particular, spatial inequalities between neighboring Polish, Czech and German border regions have re-emerged forcefully in response to new values, expectations and preferences. In this paper the example of coal mines illustrates the potency of spatial planning. The abundance of coal mines in the Polish, Czech and German borderland at or near abandonment and their proximity to ecological corridors make them candidates for renewed uses in industry or conservation. Attention will also be given to the main environmental problems caused by wrongly conducted spatial policy on this borderland. Transforming a landscape requires continuation of guidance and financial assistance of the European Union.  相似文献   

Karst topography in Florida is developed on the Tertiary limestones of the Floridan aquifer Post-depositional diagenesis and solution have made these limestones highly permeable, T=ca. 50,000 m2/d. Zones of megaporosity have formed at unconformities, and dissolution has enlarged joints and fractures Erosion of the overlying clastic Miocene Hawthorn group strata on one flank of a structural arch has exposed the limestone The elevated edge of the Hawthorn cover forms the Cody scarp Ubiquitous solution pipes have previously formed at joint intersections and are now filled Downwashing of the fill deeper into solution cavities in the limestone and subsidence of the overlying unconsolidated sediments causes surface collapse a subsidence doline or sinkhole This process may penetrate up to 60 m of the semi-consolidated Hawthorn cover, as occurred when the Winter Park sinkhole developed Dense clusters of solution pipes may have formed cenotes which are now found on the exposed limestone terrain Groundwater moves laterally as diffuse flow except where input or outflow is concentrated. At sinking streams, vertical shafts, and springs, karst caves have formed, but only the major sinking streams form through-flowing conduit systems Shaft recharge dissipates diffusely. Spring discharge is concentrated from diffuse flow In both cases, conduits taper and merge into a zone of megaporosity  相似文献   

环境考古学是一门介于考古学与第四纪环境学(或古地理学)之间的边缘学科。它出现于20世纪之初,经过近1个世纪的摸索和实践,在理论和方法上日趋成熟。中国环境考古学出现较晚,但发展迅速,已经形成以人类生态系统理论为依据,以聚落和遗址古环境分析为主要手段,以探讨古代人类行为及其文化的形成、发展和演变的环境背景为目标的新型交叉学科。目前,它已经逐渐得到了中国考古学家的广泛认同,并成为考古学研究的重要组成部分,在涉及人类起源、MIS3阶段旧石器晚期文化革命、旧—新石器文化过渡以及农业起源、文明起源等一系列关键问题的研究中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

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