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Conditional simulation of intrinsic random functions of orderk is a stochastic method that generates realizations which mimic the spatial fluctuation of nonstationary phenomena, reproduce their generalized covariance and honor the available data at sampled locations. The technique proposed here requires the following steps: (i) on-line simulation of Wiener-Levy processes and of their integrations; (ii) use of the turning-bands method to generate realizations in Rn; (iii) conditioning to available data; and (iv) verification of the reproduced generalized covariance using generalized variograms. The applicational aspects of the technique are demonstrated in two and three dimensions. Examples include the conditional simulation of geological variates of the Crystal Viking petroleum reservoir, Alberta, Canada.  相似文献   

Conditional simulation of intrinsic random functions of orderk is a stochastic method that generates realizations which mimic the spatial fluctuation of nonstationary phenomena, reproduce their generalized covariance and honor the available data at sampled locations. The technique proposed here requires the following steps: (i) on-line simulation of Wiener-Levy processes and of their integrations; (ii) use of the turning-bands method to generate realizations in Rn; (iii) conditioning to available data; and (iv) verification of the reproduced generalized covariance using generalized variograms. The applicational aspects of the technique are demonstrated in two and three dimensions. Examples include the conditional simulation of geological variates of the Crystal Viking petroleum reservoir, Alberta, Canada.  相似文献   

This paper presents random field models with Gaussian or gamma univariate distributions and isofactorial bivariate distributions, constructed by composing two independent random fields: a directing function with stationary Gaussian increments and a stationary coding process with bivariate Gaussian or gamma distributions. Two variations are proposed, by considering a multivariate directing function and a coding process with a separable covariance, or by including drift components in the directing function. Iterative algorithms based on the Gibbs sampler allow one to condition the realizations of the substitution random fields to a set of data, while the inference of the model parameters relies on simple tools such as indicator variograms and variograms of different orders. A case study in polluted soil management is presented, for which a gamma model is used to quantify the risk that pollutant concentrations over remediation units exceed a given toxicity level. Unlike the multivariate Gaussian model, the proposed gamma model accounts for an asymmetry in the spatial correlation of the indicator functions around the median and for a spatial clustering of high pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

This work deals with the geostatistical simulation of mineral grades whose distribution exhibits spatial trends within the ore deposit. It is suggested that these trends can be reproduced by using a stationary random field model and by conditioning the realizations to data that incorporate the available information on the local grade distribution. These can be hard data (e.g., assays on samples) or soft data (e.g., rock-type information) that account for expert geological knowledge and supply the lack of hard data in scarcely sampled areas. Two algorithms are proposed, depending on the kind of soft data under consideration: interval constraints or local moment constraints. An application to a porphyry copper deposit is presented, in which it is shown that the incorporation of soft conditioning data associated with the prevailing rock type improves the modeling of the uncertainty in the actual copper grades.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed and varying natural phenomena encountered in geoscience and engineering problem solving are typically incompatible with Gaussian models, exhibiting nonlinear spatial patterns and complex, multiple-point connectivity of extreme values. Stochastic simulation of such phenomena is historically founded on second-order spatial statistical approaches, which are limited in their capacity to model complex spatial uncertainty. The newer multiple-point (MP) simulation framework addresses past limits by establishing the concept of a training image, and, arguably, has its own drawbacks. An alternative to current MP approaches is founded upon new high-order measures of spatial complexity, termed “high-order spatial cumulants.” These are combinations of moments of statistical parameters that characterize non-Gaussian random fields and can describe complex spatial information. Stochastic simulation of complex spatial processes is developed based on high-order spatial cumulants in the high-dimensional space of Legendre polynomials. Starting with discrete Legendre polynomials, a set of discrete orthogonal cumulants is introduced as a tool to characterize spatial shapes. Weighted orthonormal Legendre polynomials define the so-called Legendre cumulants that are high-order conditional spatial cumulants inferred from training images and are combined with available sparse data sets. Advantages of the high-order sequential simulation approach developed herein include the absence of any distribution-related assumptions and pre- or post-processing steps. The method is shown to generate realizations of complex spatial patterns, reproduce bimodal data distributions, data variograms, and high-order spatial cumulants of the data. In addition, it is shown that the available hard data dominate the simulation process and have a definitive effect on the simulated realizations, whereas the training images are only used to fill in high-order relations that cannot be inferred from data. Compared to the MP framework, the proposed approach is data-driven and consistently reconstructs the lower-order spatial complexity in the data used, in addition to high order.  相似文献   

Spatial uncertainty modelling is a complex and challenging job for orebody modelling in mining, reservoir characterization in petroleum, and contamination modelling in air and water. Stochastic simulation algorithms are popular methods for such modelling. In this paper, discrete wavelet transformation (DWT)-based multiple point simulation algorithm for continuous variable is proposed that handles multi-scale spatial characteristics in datasets and training images. The DWT of a training image provides multi-scale high-frequency wavelet images and one low-frequency scaling image at the coarsest scale. The simulation of the proposed approach is performed on the frequency (wavelet) domain where the scaling image and wavelet images across the scale are simulated jointly. The inverse DWT reconstructs simulated realizations of an attribute of interest in the space domain. An automatic scale-selection algorithm using dominant mode difference is applied for the selection of the optimal scale of wavelet decomposition. The proposed algorithm reduces the computational time required for simulating large domain as compared to spatial domain multi-point simulation algorithm. The algorithm is tested with an exhaustive dataset using conditional and unconditional simulation in two- and three-dimensional fluvial reservoir and mining blasted rock data. The realizations generated by the proposed algorithm perform well and reproduce the statistics of the training image. The study conducted comparing the spatial domain filtersim multiple-point simulation algorithm suggests that the proposed algorithm generates equally good realizations at lower computational cost.  相似文献   

Mineral deposits frequently contain several elements of interest that are spatially correlated and require the use of joint geostatistical simulation techniques in order to generate models preserving their spatial relationships. Although joint-simulation methods have long been available, they are impractical when it comes to more than three variables and mid to large size deposits. This paper presents the application of block-support simulation of a multi-element mineral deposit using minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors to facilitate the computationally efficient joint simulation of large, multivariable deposits. The algorithm utilized, termed dbmafsim, transforms point-scale spatial attributes of a mineral deposit into uncorrelated service variables leading to the generation of simulated realizations of block-scale models of the attributes of interest of a deposit. The dbmafsim algorithm is utilized at the Yandi iron ore deposit in Western Australia to simulate five cross-correlated elements, namely Fe, SiO2, Al2O3, P and LOI, that are all critical in defining the quality of iron ore being produced. The block-scale simulations reproduce the direct- and cross-variograms of the elements even though only the direct variograms of the service variables have to be modeled. The application shows the efficiency, excellent performance and practical contribution of the dbmafsim algorithm in simulating large multi-element deposits.  相似文献   

High-order sequential simulation techniques for complex non-Gaussian spatially distributed variables have been developed over the last few years. The high-order simulation approach does not require any transformation of initial data and makes no assumptions about any probability distribution function, while it introduces complex spatial relations to the simulated realizations via high-order spatial statistics. This paper presents a new extension where a conditional probability density function (cpdf) is approximated using Legendre-like orthogonal splines. The coefficients of spline approximation are estimated using high-order spatial statistics inferred from the available sample data, additionally complemented by a training image. The advantages of using orthogonal splines with respect to the previously used Legendre polynomials include their ability to better approximate a multidimensional probability density function, reproduce the high-order spatial statistics, and provide a generalization of high-order simulations using Legendre polynomials. The performance of the new method is first tested with a completely known image and compared to both the high-order simulation approach using Legendre polynomials and the conventional sequential Gaussian simulation method. Then, an application in a gold deposit demonstrates the advantages of the proposed method in terms of the reproduction of histograms, variograms, and high-order spatial statistics, including connectivity measures. The C++ course code of the high-order simulation implementation presented herein, along with an example demonstrating its utilization, are provided online as supplementary material.  相似文献   

李少龙  张家发  张伟  肖利 《岩土力学》2009,30(10):3168-3172
在汉江遥堤典型堤段对堤后200 m?100 m范围内表层土取样进行渗透性试验,基于试验结果分析了土体渗透系数的随机性和结构性的空间变异特征,结果表明细砂渗透系数在水平方向具有各向同性,空间结构可用指数模型描述。采用转向带法进行渗透系数随机场模拟,从基本统计量、空间结构等方面进行的分析表明,转向带法模拟结果保持了原随机场的统计特性,具有较好的收敛性。  相似文献   

The uncertainty in the recoverable tonnages and grades in a mineral deposit is a key factor in the decision-making process of a mining project. Currently, the most prevalent approach to model the uncertainty in the spatial distribution of mineral grades is to divide the deposit into domains based on geological interpretation and to predict the grades within each domain separately. This approach defines just one interpretation of the geological domain layout and does not offer any measure of the uncertainty in the position of the domain boundaries and in the mineral grades. This uncertainty can be evaluated by use of geostatistical simulation methods. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the simulation of rock type domains and grades affects the resources model of Sungun porphyry copper deposit, northwestern Iran. Specifically, three main rock type domains (porphyry, skarn and late-injected dykes) that control the copper grade distribution are simulated over the region of interest using the plurigaussian model. The copper grades are then simulated in cascade, generating one grade realization for each rock type realization. The simulated grades are finally compared to those obtained using traditional approaches against production data.  相似文献   

Parametric geostatistical simulations such as LU decomposition and sequential algorithms do not need Gaussian distributions. It is shown that variogram model reproduction is obtained when Uniform or Dipole distributions are used instead of Gaussian distributions for drawing i. i.d. random values in LU simulation, or for modeling the local conditional probability distributions in sequential simulation. Both algorithms yield simulated values with a marginal normal distribution no matter if Gaussian, Uniform, or Dipole distributions are used. The range of simulated values decreases as the entropy of the probability distribution decreases. Using Gaussian distributions provides a larger range of simulated normal score values than using Uniform or Dipole distributions. This feature has a negligible effect for reproduction of the normal scores variogram model but have a larger impact on the reproduction of the original values variogram. The Uniform or Dipole distributions also produce lesser fluctuations among the variograms of the simulated realizations.  相似文献   

For mineral resource assessment, techniques based on fuzzy logic are attractive because they are capable of incorporating uncertainty associated with measured variables and can also quantify the uncertainty of the estimated grade, tonnage etc. The fuzzy grade estimation model is independent of the distribution of data, avoiding assumptions and constraints made during advanced geostatistical simulation, e.g., the turning bands method. Initially, fuzzy modelling classifies the data using all the component variables in the data set. We adopt a novel approach by taking into account the spatial irregularity of mineralisation patterns using the Gustafson–Kessel classification algorithm. The uncertainty at the point of estimation was derived through antecedent memberships in the input space (i.e., spatial coordinates) and transformed onto the output space (i.e., grades) through consequent membership at the point of estimation. Rather than probabilistic confidence intervals, this uncertainty was expressed in terms of fuzzy memberships, which indicated the occurrence of mixtures of different mineralogical phases at the point of estimation. Data from different sources (other than grades) could also be utilised during estimation. Application of the proposed technique on a real data set gave results that were comparable to those obtained from a turning bands simulation.  相似文献   

In earth and environmental sciences applications, uncertainty analysis regarding the outputs of models whose parameters are spatially varying (or spatially distributed) is often performed in a Monte Carlo framework. In this context, alternative realizations of the spatial distribution of model inputs, typically conditioned to reproduce attribute values at locations where measurements are obtained, are generated via geostatistical simulation using simple random (SR) sampling. The environmental model under consideration is then evaluated using each of these realizations as a plausible input, in order to construct a distribution of plausible model outputs for uncertainty analysis purposes. In hydrogeological investigations, for example, conditional simulations of saturated hydraulic conductivity are used as input to physically-based simulators of flow and transport to evaluate the associated uncertainty in the spatial distribution of solute concentration. Realistic uncertainty analysis via SR sampling, however, requires a large number of simulated attribute realizations for the model inputs in order to yield a representative distribution of model outputs; this often hinders the application of uncertainty analysis due to the computational expense of evaluating complex environmental models. Stratified sampling methods, including variants of Latin hypercube sampling, constitute more efficient sampling aternatives, often resulting in a more representative distribution of model outputs (e.g., solute concentration) with fewer model input realizations (e.g., hydraulic conductivity), thus reducing the computational cost of uncertainty analysis. The application of stratified and Latin hypercube sampling in a geostatistical simulation context, however, is not widespread, and, apart from a few exceptions, has been limited to the unconditional simulation case. This paper proposes methodological modifications for adopting existing methods for stratified sampling (including Latin hypercube sampling), employed to date in an unconditional geostatistical simulation context, for the purpose of efficient conditional simulation of Gaussian random fields. The proposed conditional simulation methods are compared to traditional geostatistical simulation, based on SR sampling, in the context of a hydrogeological flow and transport model via a synthetic case study. The results indicate that stratified sampling methods (including Latin hypercube sampling) are more efficient than SR, overall reproducing to a similar extent statistics of the conductivity (and subsequently concentration) fields, yet with smaller sampling variability. These findings suggest that the proposed efficient conditional sampling methods could contribute to the wider application of uncertainty analysis in spatially distributed environmental models using geostatistical simulation.  相似文献   


The turning bands simulation is a valuable and highly useful tool in solving various geological-mining, environmental and geological-engineering problems when it is essential to determine the uncertainty of the estimates of simulated values Zs (realizations) and assess the risk. This paper presents an investigative methodology and the results of calculations connected with the use of conditional turning bands simulation and bundled indicator kriging, making it possible to analyse the risk at different levels of uncertainty in the solution of optimization of the exploitation problems encountered in the mining of the polymetallic copper ore deposits in the Lubin-Sieroszowice region (Foresudetic monocline, the SW part of Poland). Examples of the evaluation of simulated values Zs and probability P average values Z* of the deposit parameters within the block located in the Rudna Mine (the block R-3) area are provided.  相似文献   

The space domain version of the turning bands method can simulate multidimensional stochastic processes (random fields) having particular forms of covariance functions. To alleviate this limitation a spectral representation of the turning bands method in the two-dimensional case has shown that the spectral approach allows simulation of isotropic two-dimensional processes having any covariance or spectral density function. The present paper extends the spectral turning bands method (STBM) even further for simulation of much more general classes of multidimensional stochastic processes. Particular extensions include: (i) simulation of three-dimensional processes using STBM, (ii) simulation of anisotropic two- or three-dimensional stochastic processes, (iii) simulation of multivariate stochastic processes, and (iv) simulation of spatial averaged (integrated) processes. The turning bands method transforms the multidimensional simulation problem into a sum of a series of one-dimensional simulations. Explicit and simple expressions relating the cross-spectral density functions of the one-dimensional processes to the cross-spectral density function of the multidimensional process are derived. Using such expressions the one-dimensional processes can be simulated using a simple one-dimensional spectral method. Examples illustrating that the spectral turning bands method preserves the theoretical statistics are presented. The spectral turning bands method is inexpensive in terms of computer time compared to other multidimensional simulation methods. In fact, the cost of the turning bands method grows as the square root or the cubic root of the number of points simulated in the discretized random field, in the two- or three-dimensional case, respectively, whereas the cost of other multidimensional methods grows linearly with the number of simulated points. The spectral turning bands method currently is being used in hydrologic applications. This method is also applicable to other fields where multidimensional simulations are needed, e.g., mining, oil reservoir modeling, geophysics, remote sensing, etc.  相似文献   

A common assumption in geostatistics is that the underlying joint distribution of possible values of a geological attribute at different locations is stationary within a homogeneous domain. This joint distribution is commonly modeled as multi-Gaussian, with correlations defined by a stationary covariance function. This results in attribute maps that fail to reproduce local changes in the mean, in the variance and, particularly, in the spatial continuity. The proposed alternative is to build local distributions, variograms, and correlograms. These are inferred by weighting the samples depending on their distance to selected locations. The local distributions are locally transformed into Gaussian distributions embedding information on the local histogram. The distance weighted experimental variograms and correlograms are able to adapt to local changes in the direction and range of spatial continuity. The automatically fitted local variogram models and the local Gaussian transformation parameters are used in spatial estimation algorithms assuming local stationarity. The resulting maps are rich in nonstationary spatial features. The proposed process implies a higher computational effort than traditional stationary techniques, but if data availability allows for a reliable inference of the local distributions and statistics, a higher accuracy of estimates can be achieved.  相似文献   

Comparing Training-Image Based Algorithms Using an Analysis of Distance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
As additional multiple-point statistical (MPS) algorithms are developed, there is an increased need for scientific ways for comparison beyond the usual visual comparison or simple metrics, such as connectivity measures. In this paper, we start from the general observation that any (not just MPS) geostatistical simulation algorithm represents two types of variability: (1) the within-realization variability, namely, that realizations reproduce a spatial continuity model (variogram, Boolean, or training-image based), (2) the between-realization variability representing a model of spatial uncertainty. In this paper, it is argued that any comparison of algorithms needs, at a minimum, to be based on these two randomizations. In fact, for certain MPS algorithms, it is illustrated with different examples that there is often a trade-off: Increased pattern reproduction entails reduced spatial uncertainty. In this paper, the subjective choice that the best algorithm maximizes pattern reproduction is made while at the same time maximizes spatial uncertainty. The discussion is also limited to fairly standard multiple-point algorithms and that our method does not necessarily apply to more recent or possibly future developments. In order to render these fundamental principles quantitative, this paper relies on a distance-based measure for both within-realization variability (pattern reproduction) and between-realization variability (spatial uncertainty). It is illustrated in this paper that this method is efficient and effective for two-dimensional, three-dimensional, continuous, and discrete training images.  相似文献   

A coregionalization simulation consists of the generation of realizations of a group of spatially related random variables. The Fourier integral method is presented, modified to carry out such a multivariable simulation. This method allows the simulation of realizations with any specified symmetrical covariance matrix and it is not limited to the classic linear model of coregionalization. The results of gaussian nonconditinal simulations from a case study modeling the spatial characteristics of a layer of coal are given.  相似文献   

The application of spectral simulation is gaining acceptance because it honors the spatial distribution of petrophysical properties, such as reservoir porosity and shale volume. While it has been widely assumed that spectral simulation will reproduce the mean and variance of the important properties such as the observed net/gross ratio or global average of porosity, this paper shows the traditional way of implementing spectral simulation yields a mean and variance that deviates from the observed mean and variance. Some corrections (shift and rescale) could be applied to generate geologic models yielding the observed mean and variance; however, this correction implicitly rescales the input variogram model, so the variogram resulting from the generated cases has a higher sill than the input variogram model. Therefore, the spectral simulation algorithm cannot build geologic models honoring the desired mean, variance, and variogram model simultaneously, which is contrary to the widely accepted assumption that spectral simulation can reproduce all the target statistics. However, by using Fourier transform just once to generate values at all the cells instead of visiting each cell sequentially, spectral simulation does reproduce the observed variogram better than sequential Gaussian simulation. That is, the variograms calculated from the generated geologic models show smaller fluctuations around the target variogram. The larger the generated model size relative to the variogram range, the smaller the observed fluctuations.  相似文献   

Adding Local Accuracy to Direct Sequential Simulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geostatistical simulations are globally accurate in the sense that they reproduce global statistics such as variograms and histograms. Kriging is locally accurate in the minimum local error variance sense. Building on the concept of direct sequential simulation, we propose a fast simulation method that can share these opposing objectives. It is shown that the multiple-point entropy of the resulting simulation is related to the univariate entropy of the local conditional distributions used to draw simulated values. Adding local accuracy to conditional simulations does not detract much from variogram reproduction and can be used to increase multiple-point entropy. The methods developed are illustrated using a case study.  相似文献   

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