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The dielectric properties of the bentonite–oil–salt solution mixtures with different water and oil saturation were experimentally studied in the frequency range of 10 kHz to 4 GHz at 25–60 °C. It has been established that besides the region of the Debye water relaxation, there are two more relaxation regions resulting from the interfacial interaction of the mixture components in this frequency range. To describe the dielectric permittivity and equivalent conductivity of the mixture, a spectroscopic model taking into account the multifrequency relaxation is proposed. The dependence of the model parameters on the water saturation and temperatures of the samples has been determined. The experimental data are compared with the modeling results, and the error of prediction for the dielectric permittivity and conductivity of mixture is estimated using the proposed model.  相似文献   

Thirty bulk samples of hard soils-soft rocks such as marls, originating from Euboea Island and Peloponnesus area, were investigated to evaluate their geotechnical behavior. Specifically, by conducting a series of physical and geotechnical tests, such as liquid limit and plastic limit tests, along with the estimation of the grain size fraction, Slake Durability and Point Load Test. Certain parameters were determined and used for empirical correlations with their mineralogical characteristics. The mineralogical composition was determined by X-ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric and thermal analysis, succeeded by textural analysis performed by Optical Microscope. With the help of the above mentioned tests, we interpreted the observed geotechnical behavior of the examined weak rocks by means of mineralogical composition and texture. Durability and the unconfined compressive strength was found to be influenced by high percentages in carbonate minerals. In addition, it was found that a decrease in clay content resulted in higher strength and durability values. The concluded empirical correlations verified the influence of these parameters and gave a general overview of the engineering behavior of the examined weak rocks.  相似文献   

Slake durability of rocks is an important property of rock-mass and rock-materials in geotechnical practice. The slake durability of rocks is closely related to their mineralogical composition. In this paper, mineralogical examinations and slake durability tests for argillaceous clastic rocks, especially pyroclastic rocks, sandstones and mudstones of Neogene Tertiary age from Japan, were performed in order to assess the slake durability and rock alteration process of these rocks as well as to understand the relationship between mineralogy and durability.The mineral composition and textural features of the rocks were studied by means of optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, the slake durability test was carried out by using the standard testing method of ISRM [Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 16 (1979) 148] in distilled water and in the aqueous solutions with dissolved electrolytes of NaCl and CaCl2.The pyroclastic rocks and tuffaceous sandstone, rich in di-octahedral and tri-octahedral Fe smectite, respectively, show distinctively different slaking behaviors. The pyroclastic rocks show relatively high slaking (Id2=55.5% and Id10=10.5%) than the tuffaceous sandstone (Id2=94.1% and Id10=87.8%, refer to text for Id2 and Id10). This difference in the slake durability observed in these rocks is due to the microscopic occurrences of smectite present in the interspaces between the particles (pyroclastic rocks) and zeolite cementing the interspaces (tuffaceous sandstone) as alteration minerals. In addition, the durability results of tuffaceous sandstone show that the slake durability decreases as the degree of weathering increases (weathered material Id2=88.7% and Id10=65.3%). Furthermore, two mudstones of Miocene and Pliocene ages, having different clay mineral compositions (smectite vs. illite+chlorite), show the lowest and the highest slake durability among the tested clastic rocks. Hard mudstone shows the highest (Id2=98.1% and Id10=95.5%) while the soft mudstone shows the lowest (Id2=33.9% and Id6=0.4%.) slake durability. Thus, the slake durability of pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks is greatly affected by their mineral composition and texture, and is closely related to their alteration history. Slake durability is also affected by the kind of dissolved electrolyte and its concentration in the aqueous solution, providing some useful information for geotechnical practice.  相似文献   

Slake durability is an important geotechnical parameter and is a measure of degradability of rocks due to the process of mechanical and chemical breakdown. It is closely related to the mineralogical composition and the texture of the rocks. In this paper, mineralogical examination along with slake durability tests under variable pH conditions, both in acidic and alkaline environments, on the limestone, shale and siltsone were evaluated to understand the relationship between mineralogy and the degradability of rocks. The study revealed that rocks rich in calcium carbonate and or magnesium carbonate are adversely affected in the acidic environment, whereas, the rocks rich in quartz, feldspar and muscovite are independent of the pH of the slaking fluid, which in turn, is more influenced by the texture of the constituent minerals. It has also been observed that fine grained rocks are more susceptible to degrade in comparison to the coarse grained rocks.  相似文献   

The original version of this article was published in Central European Journal of Geosciences volume 1, issue 4 (2009), pp 431–442, DOI:10.2478/v10085-009-0029-0. Unfortunately the original version of this article contains mistakes in authors names which we correct here. Editorial staff of the journal apologise for any inconvenience that may result from the oversight.  相似文献   

Granitic rocks show a variety of engineering properties that may affect quarrying operations, tunneling, mining, slope stability and the use of rock as a construction material. The physical and mechanical properties are a function of the mineralogical and textural characteristics of the rock. The purpose of this study is to apply correlation analysis to investigate the relationships between petrographical and engineering properties of granitic rocks. A variety of granitic rock samples from different parts of Turkey were subjected to petrographic studies. The same samples were then tested to determine specific gravity, dry and saturated unit weight, water absorption, effective and total porosity, sonic velocity, Schmidt hardness, point load strength index, uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. The relationships between these properties and the petrographical characteristics are described by simple regression analyses. The study revealed that the influence of the textural characteristics on the engineering properties appears to be more important than the mineralogy. It also determined that the types of contacts, grain (mineral) shape and size significantly influence the engineering properties of the granitic rocks.  相似文献   

In order to understand the fault zone architecture and mechanisms that caused the Chi-Chi earthquake, the Chelungpu drilling project was conducted during April 2000 through a collaborative project between Japan and Taiwan. In this study, chemical and mineralogical variations within the overall Chelungpu fault zone, including variations between less damaged host rocks, damaged zones, and fault cores caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake were examined. Slopes of TiO2 immobile isocons were consistently > 1 for analyses comparing host rocks with rocks from damaged zones or with gouges from fault cores, indicating that volume loss occurred in damaged zones and the fault cores. These results strongly imply that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zone. Volume loss within the damaged zone and fault core is interpreted to result from a two-stage process involving: (i) coseismic mechanical wearing and/or dissolution in the fault core, and (ii) fluid infiltration within the fault zone during postseismic and interseismic periods along cracks caused by seismic failure. Semi-quantitative XRD analysis indicates that the kaolinite content consistently increases from the less damaged host rocks to the damaged zone and gouges in each fault core. Mineralogic changes indicate that pervasive acidic fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zones and reacted with the feldspars or muscovite to form kaolinite. Enrichment of kaolinite and illite found in the fault zones of southern drilling site could play some role on the slipping behavior of the southern part of the Chelungpu fault. Greater volume loss in the fault core may have resulted from moderate permeability, combined with the very fine grain nature of pulverized material in the fault core, which enhanced chemical reactions including transformation of feldspars and muscovite to clay minerals. The study results indicate that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred and changed the mineralogical and chemical architecture of fault zones caused by the cyclic earthquakes.  相似文献   

In order to provide a physical interpretation of the variation of the mechanical properties of Callovo-Oxfordian argillite with mineral composition, we implement three linear homogenization schemes. The argillite is modeled as a three phase material composed of a clay matrix and inclusions of quartz and calcite. It is shown that, unlike the dilute scheme and the self-consistent scheme, the Mori-Tanaka model describes the in situ experimental data well. The determined properties are finally used in a finite element computation. The aim is to evaluate the effect of mineral composition on the elastic response of the excavation of a vertical shaft in the context of the underground laboratory of Meuse/Haute Marne.  相似文献   

Samples are available from 37 stony meteorites falling in China. Twenty-two chondrites are examined in terms of chemical and mineral compositions, cosmogenic nuclides, formation and exposure ages, impact effect and chondrule textures. On the basis of chemical-petrologic features these chondrites are classified asE 4 (Qingzhen),H 5 (Jilin, Changde, Shuangyang, Anlong, Xinyi and Yangjang),L 6 (Renqiu, Junan, Heze, Rugao and Nei Monggol) andLL 6 (Dongtai). E 4 is characterized by high iron and sulfur, with the former occurring mainly as Feo and FeS. FromH 5 throughH 6 toLL 6, iron and nickel decrease gradually while FeO and the ratio of Fe silicate to total iron increase gradually. indicating a general increase in the orderE-H-L-LL in the degree of oxidation at the time of formation. E 4 consists mainly of enstatite and, to much less extent, free SiO2 but olivine is hardly to be found. The olivine proportions amount to 29.07, 41.98 and 51.36 percent inH 5,L 6 andLL 6 respectively, with Fa increasing from 17 to 27 percent. Recrystallization has been noticed to different degrees inH 4,H 5,L 6 andLL 6 chondrites. The extent to which the original structure disappears and the boundaries of chondrules become indistinct decreases from type 6 through type 5 to type 4, reflecting different degrees of thermal metamorphism. Major minerals in the meteorites all exhibit signs of low to medium shock metamorphism. Specific activity, depth effect and orbit effect are also measured on some chondrites that have fallen in recent years and some new information has been obtained with respect to the orbit and source region for meteorite parent bodies in space. This results show that the environment of formation ofE group may be nearer to Mars than that ofO group. Each chemical group of chondrites has its own evolutionary history, and chondritets of different chemical groups may have originated from parent bodies of different compositions. Or owing to the differentiation caused by thermal melamorphism, various kinds of meteorites may be derived from a common parent body. From this argument it is suggested that five stages may be recognized during the formation process of chondrites.  相似文献   

罗美  周运超  唐凤华 《中国岩溶》2023,42(2):277-289
为探究喀斯特地区不同植被条件下碳酸盐岩石发育土壤属性的分布特征及其影响因素,以贵阳市花溪区范围内的碳酸盐岩石(石灰岩、灰质白云岩和白云岩)发育土壤为研究对象,采集不同植被类型下0~40 cm土壤,分析不同植被类型、基岩类型、土层层次对土壤性质分布特征的影响。结果表明:基岩和植被类型是影响碳酸盐岩石发育成为土壤的主要影响因素,其次是土壤层次。在0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层中,石灰岩、灰质白云岩和白云岩发育土壤的肥力和颗粒均差异显著,而0~20 cm与20~40 cm土层间,除石灰岩发育土壤石砾含量(SLC)和细颗粒比(<0.002 mm),白云岩发育土壤速效磷(AP)和有机质(SOM)含量外,同类基岩发育土壤性质无显著差异;在0~40 cm土层,基岩类型显著影响土壤pH、AP、SLC、速效氮(AN)、全氮(TN)、SOM、0.2~0.25 mm和0.002~0.02 mm颗粒的分布;植被类型显著影响石灰岩发育土壤pH、AP、TN含量,白云岩形成土壤的pH、SLC、粗颗粒(0.25~2 mm)和细颗粒,灰质白云岩形成土壤的AN、SOM、粗颗粒和细颗粒;土壤层次显著影响石灰岩发育土壤的SLC、粗颗粒和细颗粒及白云岩发育土壤的AP的分布。研究区内荒草坡和草被下土壤,以及石灰岩发育的土壤可能正遭受侵蚀的破坏。因此,结合母岩岩性,改变植被种植结构,对提高土壤养分、改善土壤颗粒组成和增强土壤的抗侵蚀能力具有积极作用。  相似文献   

基于40余个不同岩性烃源岩及原油饱和烃组分的GC/MS和GC/MS/MS分析资料,揭示了琼东南盆地崖城地区渐新统不同沉积相带烃源岩的生物标志物组合特征,并与崖城油气田原油进行油源精细对比,提出了新的认识。研究结果表明,海岸平原沼泽相煤及碳质泥岩呈姥鲛烷优势(Pr/Ph>5.0),三环萜烷以低碳数化合物为主(C19/C23>3.0),甾烷丰度低(藿烷/甾烷>5.0), C29甾烷优势显著(>60%),指示高等植物为主要的有机源,且沉积于氧化环境。浅海相泥岩中Pr/Ph值大多在1.0~2.5,表征弱还原-弱氧化环境;其三环萜烷以C21或C23为主峰,甾烷呈"V"字型分布,藿烷/甾烷比值小于3.0,具陆源和水生双重有机质生源。煤及碳质泥岩中奥利烷和双杜松烷等陆源标志物均较少,而泥岩中却普遍富含这些化合物,反映了近岸海相沉积有机质的特殊性。因而,在近海盆地地层中奥利烷和双杜松烷丰度并不能代表总体有机质中陆源的输入比例,更可能是指相标志。通过与烃源岩的分子地球化学对比表明,崖城油气田的主体原油兼具煤成烃和泥岩所生油的生物标志物组成,为混源油,来自渐新统不同沉积相带烃源岩。  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested the existence of a correlation between 26Al relative crystallisation ages and mineralogical and bulk chemical compositions of ferromagnesian chondrules from the Bishunpur and Semarkona unequilibrated ordinary (0120 and 0150). However, because the precision in 26Al ages was moderate, these correlations are questionable. Here, we report mineralogical and chemical compositions of 14 ferromagnesian chondrules from Semarkona for which precise 26Al ages were previously obtained (Villeneuve et al., 2009). We find global correlation of 26Al ages neither with bulk chemical composition of chondrules, nor with the different types of ferromagnesian chondrules, i.e. PO, POP and PP. This indicates that if some kind of correlations between chemical compositions of chondrules and their ages of formation exists, they do not exist at timescales that can be measured with the 26Al-26Mg systematics but presumably at much shorter timescales.  相似文献   

白云石的成因受到地质学界的广泛关注,现今在实验室中能够利用微生物合成高有序度的白云石,但天然白云石的成因与原始沉积环境特征的相关性并未完全揭示。本研究选取鲁西地区馒头组含白云石碳酸盐岩沉积地层为研究对象,通过矿物学、元素地球化学等分析,初步判断该地层白云石成因并重建白云石地层的古沉积环境,探讨了两者之间的关系。结果表明:白云石含量在本套地层中的均值为52.45%。Sr/Cu值(均值为23.59)与Ga/Rb值(均值为0.17)指示其整体表现为炎热干旱的古气候特征。δ13C值(均值为-1.56‰)与δ18O值(均值为-6.68‰)指示本套地层为海相沉积,推测古水温平均为23.5℃,古氧化还原特征表现为弱还原至常氧化的平稳过渡。灰岩地层δ13C值平均为-0.80‰,而白云岩地层δ13C值平均为-6.52‰,存在轻碳的明显富集,结合宏观叠层构造,判断白云石为生物成因。本研究中白云石沉积环境中的古气候、古氧化还原条件、古水温和古生产力特征与白云石发育情况存在明显耦合,为白云石生物成因提供了相关依据与指示意义...  相似文献   

本文通过对东天山阿奇山-雅满苏成矿带内石炭系火山岩研究,认为其为富钠火山岩系(细碧角斑岩系)。下石炭统雅满苏组(C1y)富钠火山岩中斜长石主要为钠长石,少量更长石,并识别出两种类型钠长石(早期的Ab1和晚期的Ab2)的存在。Ab2不仅在形态和结构上与Ab1相异,而且在元素含量变化上也相异:从Ab1到Ab2,表现出Al_2O_3和CaO降低、Na_2O升高、An值降低和Ab值升高的趋势。上石炭统土古土布拉克组(C2tgt)富钠火山岩中斜长石亦为钠长石和少量更长石,但总体上土古土布拉克组火山岩中斜长石较雅满苏组火山岩中斜长石具更低的Na_2O含量和更高的An值。原位LA-ICP-MS微量元素特征显示,Ab2相对于Ab1具有较大微量元素变化范围、较高的Al、Sr、Ca、Ba、Y、Rb和较低的LREE/HREE、δEu,而且Ab2含有更高的有利成矿元素(Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、V、Zn),表明在Ab2形成过程中,更多富钠流体、更多成矿元素参与其中,这和Ab2常与磁铁矿等金属矿物共生的显微特征相一致,揭示了Ab2可能和带内的蚀变交代及矿化有关。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年代学研究获得康古尔南地区土古土布拉克组富钠安山岩年龄为313. 9±5. 8Ma,表明阿奇山-雅满苏成矿带在晚石炭世亦发育富钠火山岩。阿奇山-雅满苏成矿带内海相富钠火山岩与矿床在空间上和时间上具有耦合关系,指示找矿勘查中应重视富钠火山岩,开阔了找矿思路。  相似文献   

 Forty-three untreated and actively and passively (wetland) treated coal mine drainage sediments and five yellow-red pigments were characterized using X-ray fluorescence, fusion-inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and tristimulus colorimeter. Primary crystalline iron-bearing phases were goethite and lepidocrocite, and iron phases converted to hematite upon heating. Quartz was nearly ubiquitous except for synthetic pigments. Gypsum, bassinite, calcite, and ettringite were found in active treatment sediments. Iron concentrations from highest to lowest were synthetic pigment>wetland sediment>natural pigment>active treatment (untreated sediments varied more widely), and manganese was highest in actively treated sediments. Loss on ignition was highest for passively treated sediments. No clear trends were observed between quantified color parameters (L*, a*, b*, and Redness Index) and chemical compositions. Because sediments from passive treatment are similar in chemistry, mineralogy, and color to natural pigments, the mine drainage sediments may be an untapped resource for pigment. Received: 29 December 1997 · Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

Gross compositions and distribution of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons in Carboniferous sandstone reservoire rocks in oil and water zones for Tzhong-10 well of the Zhongyang Uplift in the Tarim Basin were studied in dteail by means of Rock-Eval Pyrolysis,thin-chromatograph-flame ionization detection(TLC-FID),gas chromatography,gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.The results suggest that the gross composition of reservoir hydrocarbons between the oil zone and the water zone show significant differences,Water wahing has a dramatic effect on saturated hydrocarbon blomarkers,especially drimane series compounds,Drimane series compounds in the water zone have been depleted completely.However,the contents of tricyclic iterpanes and pentacyclic triterpanes tend to decrease slightly,but the water-zone reservoir hydrocarbons contian a large amount of gammacerane.This suggests that gammacerane be more resistant to water washing than diterpanes and homohopanes.The contents of pregnane,homopregrane,diasteranes relastively decrease as a result of water washing.Water washing has a noticeable effect on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds,especially aromatic sulfur compounds,and the contents of dibenzothiophene series compounds and benzonaplyiothipophene decrease significantly as a result of water washing.However,the conterts of bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons decrase slightly and those of tetracyclic and pentacyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,especially benzofluoranthene and benzopyrenes,increase markedly owing to adecrease in light aromatie hydrocarbons as a result of water washing.  相似文献   

苏北某地超基性岩中,首次发现了红刚玉,少量已达宝石级。通过野外地质调查、矿物分析与测试和成因分析,该处产出的红刚玉是球斑状镁铝榴石二辉橄榄岩经热液蚀变后的产物,是一种新的红刚玉成因类型,从而为在苏北和鲁南地区寻找红宝石矿床拓宽了思路。  相似文献   

 The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of bulk samples and various size fractions of sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments in the Petalax area, western Finland, were studied with ICP-AES (aqua regia digestion and "total" digestion) and X-ray diffraction. The sediments, which are dominated by particles <0.06 mm (clay and silt size), are composed of phyllosilicates (micas, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite), quartz, feldspars, amphiboles, organic matter, and secondary S minerals. The chemical analyses show that Na, Ca, and Sr are enriched in the silt and sand fractions, that Zr is enriched in the silt fraction, and that the concentrations of all other studied metals (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, and Zn) increase from the sand to the clay fraction. Sodium, Ca, and Sr occur largely in poorly dissolved feldspars, which explains the distribution of these metals in the sediments. The increase in the concentrations of most metals in the clay fraction is interpreted to be the result mainly of an increase in phyllosilicates in this size fraction. A geochemical comparison between the sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments and glacial till shows that the former are enriched in several potentially toxic metals. It is therefore argued that the hydrological and ecological problems associated with the sulfide-bearing sediments are related not only to the production of acidity in oxidized layers, but also to mobilization and dispersion of toxic metals. Strategies to minimize damage of freshwater systems in areas covered with sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments are suggested. Received: 20 February 1997 · Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

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