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用连续流同位素质谱对水样中溶解无机碳含量和碳同位素组成的测量方法进行了研究,使用德国Finnigan公司DeltaPlusXP同位素质谱仪和GasBenchⅡ在线制样装置对实验室制备的四个实验室标准进行了反应流程、平衡时间、信号强度、数据精度、标准稳定性等检测,结果显示平衡时间大于4h检测信号达到稳定,同时发现44CO2信号强度和水样中溶解无机碳(DIC)浓度具有很好的相关性,因此可以利用信号强度来计算原样品中的DIC浓度。在四个实验室标准中,由NaHCO3配置的标准具有非常好的稳定性和精度,可以作为测试的工作标准。本方法测量水样中溶解无机碳的δ13C分析精度为0.1‰。本方法可以广泛应用于自然界各种水体中溶解无机碳(DIC)含量及其稳定碳同位素组成的分析。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in estuarine environments has been studied for its significant role in determining the isotopic composition of inorganic/organic matter and its applications to the study of various natural processes. In this paper, based on the stable isotope geochemical characteristics of dis- solved inorganic carbon in the Jiulong River Estuary, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) δ13CDIC values are mainly controlled by the mixing ratio of fresh water and sea water; (2)δ13Cphytoplankton values are linearly related to the δ13CDIC values; (3) δ13CpoM values for the Jiulong River Estuary are affected by anthropogenic pollution signifi- cantly; and (4) the comprehensive analysis of δ13Cphytoplankton, δ13CpoM and δ13CDIc shows that along with increasing salinity, the proportion of POM derived from the degradation of phytoplanktons gradually increases.  相似文献   

利用稳定同位素大气水平衡模式(iAWBM)的模拟数据,分析了在不同的下垫面蒸发和不同的凝结分馏条件下降水中δ18O的时间变化、降水量效应、负温度效应和大气水线。并通过与长沙站5年实测数据的比较以及模拟试验结果之间的相互比较,揭示下垫面蒸发水汽中稳定同位素的季节性变化和云中稳定同位素分馏对降水中稳定同位素变化的可能影响,增进对季风区水稳定同位素效应的理解和认识。iAWBM给出的4个模拟试验均很好地再现了监测站降水中δ18O的时间变化,模拟出季风区降水中稳定同位素在暖半年被贫化、在冷半年被富集的基本特点。与平衡分馏相比,动力分馏下降水中稳定同位素被贫化的程度加强、季节差和离散程度减小;由下垫面蒸发水汽中稳定同位素δe季节性变化所引起的降水中稳定同位素的变化在不同季节完全相反:在长沙,暖半年降水中δ18O更低,冷半年降水中δ18O更高,使得降水中稳定同位素季节差和离散程度增大。4个模拟试验均很好地再现了季风区的降水量效应和负温度效应。与平衡分馏相比,动力分馏下模拟的降水量效应和负温度效应的斜率相对较小;δe季节性变化导致模拟的降水量效应和负温度效应的斜率增大。利用iAWBM,模拟出季风区湿热气候条件下的MWL。动力分馏以及δe季节变化均使模拟得到的MWL的斜率和截距减小。  相似文献   

姜光辉  张强 《中国岩溶》2011,30(4):397-402
以桂林丫吉试验场为例,检验植被恢复对岩溶碳汇的影响作用。上世纪80年代,丫吉试验场峰丛洼地的植被受砍伐干扰,地表以草地居多,此后施行自然封山育林,植被经二十多年的封育后,现在变成为灌木林,土壤中植物根系呼吸和微生物异养呼吸增强,土壤空气中CO2含量上升,岩溶作用增强,泉水输出的无机碳通量增加。通过建立系统的水化学混合模型,将泉水的无机碳通量分解为原水输出和降雨补给引起的新水输出。在一次典型的强降雨过程,S31岩溶泉原水输出量占总量的65%~83%,而降雨补给引起的新水无机碳输出通量较少,且不能反映生态环境的变化,因此应以原水中溶解无机碳的浓度衡量整个生态环境对岩溶作用的影响。长期的观测表明由于植被的改变导致原水输出的无机碳含量提高了27%,而原水在岩溶泉的年流量中所占的比例高达72%~84%,其中由植被演化造成岩溶碳汇增加的幅度为19%~23%。   相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates of the Pyrenean Basin (NE Spain) host rich and diverse larger foraminiferal associations which witness the recovery of this group of protozoans after the dramatic extinction of the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval. In this paper a new, large discoidal porcelaneous foraminifer, Broeckina gassoensis sp. nov., is described from the middle Coniacian shallow-water deposits of the Collada Gassó Formation, in the Bóixols Thrust Sheet. This is the first complex porcelaneous larger foraminifer of the Late Cretaceous global community maturation cycle recorded in the Pyrenean bioprovince. It differs from the late Santonian–early Campanian B. dufrenoyi for its smaller size in A and B generations and the less developed endoskeleton, which shows short septula. Broeckina gassoensis sp. nov. has been widely employed as a stratigraphic marker in the regional geological literature, under the name of “Broeckina”, but its age was so far controversial. Its middle Coniacian age (lowermost part of the Peroniceras tridorsatum ammonite zone), established in this paper by strontium isotope stratigraphy, indicates that it took about 5 My after the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary crisis to re-evolve the complex test architecture of larger foraminifera, which is functional to their relation with photosymbiotic algae and K-strategy.  相似文献   

The periphery of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is renowned for its susceptibility to landslides. However, the northwestern margin of this region, characterised by limited human activities and challenging transportation, remains insufficiently explored concerning landslide occurrence and dispersion. With the planning and construction of the Xinjiang-Tibet Railway, a comprehensive investigation into disastrous landslides in this area is essential for effective disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies. By using the human-computer interaction interpretation approach, the authors established a landslide database encompassing 13003 landslides, collectively spanning an area of 3351.24 km2 (36°N-40°N, 73°E-78°E). The database incorporates diverse topographical and environmental parameters, including regional elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, distance to faults, distance to roads, distance to rivers, annual precipitation, and stratum. The statistical characteristics of number and area of landslides, landslide number density (LND), and landslide area percentage (LAP) are analyzed. The authors found that a predominant concentration of landslide origins within high slope angle regions, with the highest incidence observed in intervals characterised by average slopes of 20° to 30°, maximum slope angle above 80°, along with orientations towards the north (N), northeast (NE), and southwest (SW). Additionally, elevations above 4.5 km, distance to rivers below 1 km, rainfall between 20‒30 mm and 30‒40 mm emerge as particularly susceptible to landslide development. The study area’s geological composition primarily comprises Mesozoic and Upper Paleozoic outcrops. Both fault and human engineering activities have different degrees of influence on landslide development. Furthermore, the significance of the landslide database, the relationship between landslide distribution and environmental factors, and the geometric and morphological characteristics of landslides are discussed. The landslide H/L ratios in the study area are mainly concentrated between 0.4 and 0.64. It means the landslides mobility in the region is relatively low, and the authors speculate that landslides in this region more possibly triggered by earthquakes or located in meizoseismal area.  相似文献   

Mangroves are the dominant type of vegetation along many tropical coasts. Organic matter (OM) derived from mangrove leaf litter and root material is stored in sediments and is a major contributor to the amount and chemical composition of sedimentary OM. A set of organic biomarkers in sediments was applied as a palaeo-indicator for the Holocene dynamics of a mangrove Estuary (Rio Caeté, Pará, Brazil). Six sediment cores were collected perpendicular to the present coast line and analysed for triterpenols and sitosterol. The influence of microbial biomarker degradation was implemented from a previous study. Biomarker profiles were validated with pollen data and multivariate statistics to test whether these compounds were suitable indicators for the palaeo-vegetation. Sediments deposited up to 2 Ma BP showed biomarker assemblages similar to those of recent surface sediment. In two cores, the biomarker composition revealed a transition from marsh to mangrove vegetation. Taraxerol, germanicol and β-amyrin provided the most significant chemotaxonomical information and, especially in combination, served as reliable proxies for OM from Rhizophora mangle in northern Brazil. The maximum age of the mangrove system ranged between 1000 and 5100 yr depending on the topographic elevation of the drilling location.  相似文献   

A conceptual isotopic/geochemical model is presented to explain the variation of major, trace and rare earth element (REE) geochemistry and Sr isotope systematics in suspended particulate matter (SPM) as a function of particle/colloid size. This conceptual model is an extension of a previous investigation of the origin of SPM in the Murray-Darling River system (MDRS) that utilised Sr isotope systematics to examine aspects of SPM (particle/colloid) origin, structure and mineralogy. The geochemical processes that give rise to the often coherent trends in major, trace and REE geochemistry and Sr isotopic signature as a function of particulate (<1 μm) and colloidal (>1 μm) size in the MDRS have been identified using an enhanced SPM size fractionation technique as a basis to not only obtain a broad range of particle/colloid size ranges, but also to provide sufficient material for subsequent geochemical and isotopic analysis. The conceptual isotopic/geochemical model proposed here contains three major components: (i) the differential weathering of micas and alkali (K-) feldspars to form the majority of the particulate (<1 μm) fractions (high 87Sr/86Sr ratio), which have a geochemical and Sr isotopic signature that closely resembles precursor mineralogies, (ii) the differential weathering of Na, Ca-feldspars (plagioclase) which decompose to form clay minerals in the colloidal (>1 μm) fractions (low 87Sr/86Sr ratio), with a range of geochemical signatures related to the relative proportions of inorganic and organic constituents, and (iii) the presence of natural organic matter as coatings on the particulate (<1 μm) and colloidal (>1 μm) matter and possibly as organo-colloids which exert an increasing influence in particular on bulk colloid geochemistry with decreasing colloid size. This conceptual isotopic/geochemical model also accounts for the distinct variation in major, trace and REE geochemistry and Sr isotopic systematics between the particulate (<1 μm) and colloidal (>1 μm) fractions, the variation being primarily a function of the distinctly different precursor mineralogies of the SPM fractions and geochemical fractionation during the weathering and transport. Additionally, this model explains a systematic fractionation of REE apparent within colloidal (>1 μm) fractions. Statisitcal (hierachical cluster) analysis of two particulate and three colloidal fractions from 23 samples from the MDRS is used as a basis to investigate geochemical and mineralogical associations within the particulate and colloidal size fractions and to provide additional supporting evidence for the conceptual isotopic/geochemical model. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Soil characteristics in palaeosols are an important source of information on past climate and vegetation. Fingerprinting of soil organic matter (SOM) by pyrolysis-GC/MS is assessed as a proxy for palaeo-reconstruction in the complex of humic layers on top of the Rocourt pedosequence in the Veldwezelt-Hezerwater outcrop (Belgian loess belt). The fingerprints of the extractable SOM of different soil units are related to total organic carbon content, δ13C and grain-size analysis. Combined results indicate that the lower unit of the humic complex reflects a stable soil surface, allowing SOM build-up, intensive microbial activity and high decomposition. Higher in the profile, decomposition and microbial activity decrease. This is supported by a shift in the isotopic signal, an increased U ratio and evidence of wildfires. Although the chemical composition of the extracted SOM differed greatly from recent SOM, fingerprinting yielded detailed new information on SOM degree of decomposition and microbial contribution, allowing the reconstruction of palaeo-environmental conditions during pedogenesis.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):131-167
The spillway of Lake Waxahachie, Ellis County (Texas), exposes a >17 m section of the Hutchins Member of the Austin Chalk Group, unconformably overlain by Taylor Clay. The Austin sequence was regarded as a potential Global Stratotype Section for the base of the Campanian Stage at the 1995 Brussels meeting on Cretaceous Stage boundaries, with the last occurrence of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius (von Schlotheim, 1820) as the potential boundary marker. An integrated study of the geochemistry, stable carbon and oxgen isotopes, nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, inoceramid bivalves, ammonites and crinoids of this section place the last occurrence of M. testudinarius in a matrix of eighteen ancillary biostratigraphic markers, while the boundary can also be recognised on the basis of a δ13C excursion that can, in principle, be detected globally in marine sediments. A new forma of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius is introduced. The Waxahachie section fulfils sufficient geological criteria as to be an excellent candidate GSSP for the base of the Campanian Stage, if problems of ownership and access to the section can be resolved.  相似文献   

The Ebrahim-Attar (EBAT) leucogranite body is intruded within the Jurassic metamorphic complex of the Ghorveh area, located in the northern part of the Sanandaj Sirjan zone (SaSZ) of northwest Iran. The granite comprises alkali feldspar, quartz, Na-rich plagioclase and to a lesser extent, muscovite and biotite. Garnet and beryl are also observed as accessory minerals. Additionally, high SiO2 (71.4–81.0wt %) and Rb (145–440 ppm) content; low MgO (<0.12wt %), Fe2O3 (< 0.68 wt.%), Sr (mainly < 20 ppm), Ba (<57 ppm), Zr (10–53 ppm) and rare earth elements (REEs) low content (3.88–94.9 ppm with an average = 21.2 ppm); and flat REE patterns with a negative Eu anomaly characterize these rocks. The chemical composition and mineral paragenesis indicate that the rocks were formed by the partial melting of siliciclastic to pelitic rocks and can be classified as per-aluminous leucogranite or strongly per-aluminous (SP) granite. The Rb-Sr whole rock and mineral isochrons confirm that crystallization of the body occurred at 102.5 ± 6.1 Ma in Albian. The 87Sr/86Sr(i) and 143Nd/144Nd(i) ratios are 0.7081 ± 0.009 and 0.51220 ± 0.00005, respectively, and εNd(t) values range from −5.8 to −1.6. These values verify that the source of this body is continental crust. The Nd model ages (TDM2) vary between 1.0 and 1.3 Ga and are more consistent with the juvenile basement of Pan African crust. Based on these results, we suggest that the upwelling of the hot asthenospheric mantle in the SaSZ (likely during the Neo-Tethys rollback activity) occurred after the late Cimmerian orogeny. Consequently, we suggest that this process was responsible for a thinning and heating of the continental crust, from which the SP granite was produced by the partial melting of muscovite rich in pelitic or felsic-metapelitic rocks in the northern SaSZ.  相似文献   

Sr and Nd isotopes were applied to 5 soil profiles from the Muravera area, in south-eastern Sardinia.All the soils, which have developed during the Quaternary on the Lower Paleozoic metamorphic basement except for one on Eocene carbonates, are located far from major sources of pollution. Therefore, they are suitable for testing pedogenic processes and geochemical evolution to benefit for environmental studies.The Sr isotopic ratios range largely (δ87Sr = 1.7–65.9‰), even in each soil profile. In particular, the observed increase of δ87Sr with depth in the most of the metamorphic rock-based soils can be accounted for by the downward decrease of Sr contributions from organic matter and Saharan dust, both displaying lower isotopic ratios than the soil bedrocks. The carbonate rock-based soil exhibits δ87Sr higher (1.7–18.1‰) than the bedrock, indicating a significant contribution of radiogenic Sr from the siliciclastic fraction of the soil, and probably from dust input. The Nd isotopic ratios are slightly variable through the profiles (ɛNd from −7.8 to −14.5), confirming little mobility of Nd and Sm during the pedogenesis. Among the minerals present in the soils, phosphates, albite, and calcite are those important in providing low radiogenic Sr and Nd to organic matter of the soils.Lastly, this isotopic study has in particular allowed for evaluating the potential proportion of contribution of Saharan dust to south-eastern Sardinia, thus corroborating the findings of other studies related to soils from the central-western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Lumped parameter modeling of environmental tracer (tritium, CFCs and tritiogenic helium-3) transport in the Kirkgoz karst springs (Antalya-Turkey) appears to be a useful tool for assessing the vulnerability to contamination. Based on tritium observations between 1963 and 2000, the springs revealed a mean residence time (MRT) of 120 years. This suggests an active transport volume of 71 billion cubic meters for the aquifer, a value that is coherent with the estimated void volume of karst aquifer based on the mass of associated travertine deposits. The CFC-11 and CFC-12 MRTs are in agreement with tritium-based MRT, after correcting for excess air effect. Excess crustal and mantle helium flux hindered the use of tritiogenic helium-3 as a potential tracer. The residence time distribution (RTD) indicates a groundwater transport system that is fed by recharges extending back to past several hundred years. This wide RTD suggests that any recent contamination that may have entered the system could progress slowly within the entire aquifer but would be unnoticed in the early period because of the dilution effect of uncontaminated past recharge waters. Once the contamination is recognized, it may last for many centuries ahead even if the contamination practice is stopped. Thus, control of contaminant release to aquifer and monitoring of contaminant level in Kirkgoz springs is an immediate task for the associated public health authorities.  相似文献   

Several types of felsic granitoid rocks have been recognized, intrusive in both the mantle and the crustal sequence of the Semail ophiolite. Several models have been proposed for the source of this suite of tonalites, granodiorites, trondhjemites intrusions, however their genesis is still not clearly understood. The sampled Dadnah tonalites that intruded in the mantle section of the Semail ophiolite display arc-type geochemical characteristics, are high siliceous, low-potassic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, enriched in LILE, show positive peaks for Ba, Pb, Eu, negative troughs for U, Ti and occur with low δ18OH2O, moderate εSr and negative εNd values. They have crystallized at temperatures that range from ∼550 °C to ∼720 °C and pressure ranging from 4.4 kbar to 6.5 kbar. The isotopic ages from our tonalite samples range between 98.6 Ma and 94.9 Ma, slightly older and overlapping with the age of the metamorphic sole. Our field observations, mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, isotopic and melt inclusion data suggest that the Dadnah tonalites formed by partial melting (∼10%–15% continuous or ∼12% batch partial melting), accumulation of plagioclase, fractional crystallization (∼55%–57%), and interaction with their host harzburgites. These tonalites were the end result of partial melting and subsequent contamination and mixing of ∼4% oceanic sediments with ∼96% oceanic lithosphere from the subducted slab. This MORB-type slab melt composed from ∼97% recycled oceanic crust and ∼3% of the overlying mantle.We suggest that a possible protolith for these tonalites was the basaltic lavas from the subducted oceanic slab that melted during the initial stages of the supra-subduction zone (SSZ), which was forming synchronously to the spreading ridge axis. The tonalite melts mildly modified due to low degree of mixing and interaction with the overlying lithospheric mantle. Subsequently, the Dadnah tonalites emplaced at the upper part of the mantle sequence of the Semail ophiolite and are geochemically distinct from the other mantle intrusive felsic granitoids to the south.  相似文献   

The low-grade Palaeoproterozoic stratabound banded iron ores of the Krivoy Rog basin (Ukraine) underwent strong tectonometamorphic deformation into superimposed folds of several orders, with amplitudes from centimetres to hundreds of metres. The across-strike sections of bed surfaces defining the low-grade ore bodies resemble self-similar fractal curves; hence, a fractal geometrical model was developed in order to quantify the complexity and sinuosity of bed contours. Two different methods of measurement (polygonal approximation and two-dimensional grid cell counting) were used for 5–8 different scales. Factual similarity dimension D and other model parameters have been estimated by means of linear regression and compared for both measurement methods. From the fractal model a sinuosity coefficient of contours of the folded bed surfaces K s and a coefficient of degree of exploration of iron ore bodies K e were constructed. It is pointed out that parameters of the model can be used for determination of the optimal exploration length scales.  相似文献   

It is of great importance to understand the origin of UG2 chromitite reefs and reasons why some chromitite reefs contain relatively high contents of platinum group elements(PGEs: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh,Pt, Pd) or highly siderophile elements(HSEs: Au, Re, PGE). This paper documents sulphide-silicate assemblages enclosed in chromite grains from the UG2 chromitite. These are formed as a result of crystallisation of sulphide and silicate melts that are trapped during chromite crystallisation. The inclusions display negative crystal shapes ranging from several micrometres to 100 μm in size.Interstitial sulphide assemblages lack pyrrhotite and consist of chalcopyrite, pentlandite and some pyrite. The electron microprobe data of these sulphides show that the pentlandite grains present in some of the sulphide inclusions have a significantly higher iron(Fe) and lower nickel(Ni) content than the pentlandite in the rock matrix. Pyrite and chalcopyrite show no difference. The contrast in composition between inter-cumulus plagioclase(An_(68)) and plagioclase enclosed in chromite(An_(13)), as well as the presence of quartz, is consistent with the existence of a felsic melt at the time of chromite saturation.Detailed studies of HSE distribution in the sulphides and chromite were conducted by LA-ICP-MS(laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry), which showed the following.(Ⅰ) Chromite contained no detectable HSE in solid solution.(Ⅱ) HSE distribution in sulphide assemblages interstitial to chromite was variable. In general, Pd, Rh, Ru and Ir occurred dominantly in pentlandite, whereas Os,Pt and Au were detected only in matrix sulphide grains and were clearly associated with Bi and Te.(Ⅲ)In the sulphide inclusions,(a) pyrrhotite did not contain any significant amount of HSE,(b) chalcopyrite contained only some Rh compared to the other sulphides,(c) pentlandite was the main host for Pd,(d)pyrite contained most of the Ru, Os, Ir and Re,(e) Pt and Rh were closely associated with Bi forming a continuous rim between pyrite and pentlandite and(f) no Au was detected. These results show that the use of ArF excimer laser to produce high-resolution trace element maps provides information that cannot be obtained by conventional(spot) LA-ICP-MS analysis or trace element maps that use relatively large beam diameters.  相似文献   

The southern Peruvian coastal desert around Palpa, southern Peru (14.5°S) is currently characterized by hyper-arid conditions. However, the presence of two species of molluscs (Scutalus, Pupoides) and desert-loess deposits indicates the past development of semi-desert and grassland ecosystems caused by a displacement of the eastern desert margin due to hydrological changes. Radiocarbon dating shows that the transition to a semi-arid climate in the southern Peruvian coastal desert took place during the Greenland interstadial 1, ∼ 13.5 cal ka BP. At the beginning of the Holocene, the mollusc fauna vanished due to increasing humidity and the development of grasslands. Dust particles were fixed by the grasses, as indicated by abundant Poaceae phytoliths, and desert loess was formed. The humid period we observe here is out of phase with the palaeoenvironmental records from the Titicaca region, which indicates dry conditions at that time. This paper offers a new idea for this contradiction: an orbitally driven meridional shift of the Bolivian high might have altered the moisture supply across the Andes.  相似文献   

The Mondoñedo thrust sheet has been studied to investigate the complex dynamic relationships that may be involved in the development of low- and medium-P metamorphic domains. This unit underwent an initial medium-P event during the initial stages of Variscan convergence, related to crustal thickening. Subsequently, the thrust sheet evolved to a low-P baric type of metamorphism, related to syn-convergence thinning and exhumation. Its footwall, cropping out in two tectonic windows, registered a different evolution, with a low-P history that evolved from low- to high-T under a high geothermal gradient. Several different PT paths of the Mondoñedo thrust sheet and its relative autochthon are traced and interpreted according to the structural evolution of the area. Following the initial crustal thickening, two main syn-convergence extensional shear zones developed. One of them occurs in the hangingwall, whereas the other affects the footwall unit. Both extensional shear zones were contemporaneous with ductile thrusting in the inner parts of the thrust sheet, and their activity is viewed as a consequence of the need for gravitational re-equilibration within the orogenic wedge.The most commonly accepted models of tectonothermal evolution in regions of thickened continental crust assume that low-P metamorphism is essentially a late phenomenon, and is linked to late-orogenic tectonic activity. In the Mondoñedo thrust sheet, our conclusions indicate that low-P metamorphism may also develop during convergence, and that this may occur in at least two cases. One is tectonic denudation of an allochthonous unit during its emplacement, and the other, thinning and extension at the footwall unit of an advancing thrust sheet. As a consequence, the low-P evolution may show different characteristics in different units of an orogenic nappe pile.  相似文献   

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