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The problems of tectonic control of composition, size, and morphology of synkinematic crustal granitoids are discussed by the example of the Western Sangilen granites (South-East Tuva). Comparative analysis was performed for felsic bodies and massifs spatially confined to tectonic zone (Erzin shear zone): Erzin migmatite–granite complex (510–490 Ma), Matut granitoid massif (510–490 Ma), Bayankol polyphase gabbro-monzodiorite–granodiorite–granite massif (490–480 Ma), and the Nizhneulor Massif (480–470 Ma). It is shown that synkinematic felsic melts during the transition from collisional compression to transpression were formed at different crustal levels. An increase of shear component provided favorable conditions for the migration of felsic melts, increase of size and morphology of intrusive bodies from vein type to harploith (likely, loppoliths and laccoliths) and further to stocks. All kinematic granitoids of the Erzin tectonic zone are ascribed to the crustal S-type granites. Dispersion and average chemical composition of the synkinematic granites strongly depend on the degree of their “isolation” from protolith. From auto- and paraautochthonous granitoids to allochthonous granites, the compositional dispersion decreases and the chemical composition is displaced toward I-type magmatic rocks.  相似文献   

We present results of a comparative study of Late Paleozoic granitoids of Eastern Kazakhstan and Western Transbaikalia composing the large Kalba-Narym and Angara-Vitim batholiths. We have established that despite the different geologic history of these regions, granitoid magmatism there proceeded nearly synchronously at the Carboniferous/Permian boundary (330–280 Ma) and was accompanied by mantle magmatism. The regularities of its evolution are considered in terms of the plume model and different stages of interaction of mantle plumes with the lithosphere. The major principles of plume-lithosphere interaction in accretion-collision fold belts have been formulated: (1) Plume-lithosphere interaction results in large-scale melting of sublithospheric mantle, lower lithosphere, and crustal substrates warmed by the preceding orogenic processes; (2) The processes last 30 to 50 Myr and produce large volumes of igneous rocks, mostly granitoids; (3) The sequence of formation of granitoid and basic igneous complexes and the metallogenic specialization can be different and depend on the lithosphere structure and preceding geologic history of the region.  相似文献   

The Late Paleozoic intraplate magmatism of the Selenga-Vitim structural zone of the Baikal region (Khamar-Daban Range) produced granitoids of different geochemical types: palingenic calc-alkaline granitoids, subalkaline monzogranites, and rare-metal Li-F granitoids and their subvolcanic analogues. Subalkaline and rare-metal granitoids occur in the periphery of the Late Paleozoic magmatic zone. Rare metal granite magmatism is manifested in this region as nearly N-S trending intrusive-dike belts comprising multiphase intrusions (Kharagul, Urugudei, and Bitu-Dzhida massifs) with an exposed area of ∼10 km2 and an age of formation from 311 to 321 Ma and series of accompanying dikes. The early phases of the intrusions are made up of biotite granites usually with fluorite, which are changed during the late stage by typical topazbearing rare-metal amazonite-albite granites. In the subvolcanic facies, thicker subalkaline dikes of monzonite porphyry, granite porphyry, and elvan are changed by ongonites, topaz rhyolites, and topazites, which occasionally serve as cement in eruptive and fluid-explosive breccias. The development of multiphase intrusions from early biotite granites to late amazonite-albite granites with Li-F mica was accompanied by an increase in SiO2 and, especially, Na2O contents, whereas the level of (FeO + Fe2O3), CaO, and K2O declined. Geochemical evolution includes an increase in the same direction in the contents of F, Li, Rb, Cs, Sn, Be, Ta, and Pb and a decrease in Ba, Sr, Zn, Zr, Th, and U. Similar evolution is also characteristic of the subvolcanic rocks, which emphasizes the genetic relation of the whole intrusive-dike complex of the Khamar-Daban province. Significant differences were detected in the distribution of K, Ba, Sr, and Zr between the calc-alkaline granitoids and rare-metal Li-F granites. The continental crust-normalized patterns of the raremetal granites show positive anomalies for Li, Rb, Nb, and Pb. The rare-metal Li-F granites could not be produced by palingenesis only, and their formation required specific conditions causing extensive accumulation of characteristic trace elements. During the evolution of granite melts, Li, Rb, Ta, Nb, Sn, W, and F are extensively accumulated in late intrusive phases, which indicates an important role of the processes of magmatic and fluid-magmatic differentiation during their formation. The composition and isotope geochemical characteristics of the supposed magma source material correspond to the ancient Precambrian continental crust with a mean model age of more than 1200 Ma.  相似文献   

Geological, petrologeochemical, and geochronological studies of the rocks from the Shivei alkali-granitic pluton were conducted. A pluton about 500 km2 in area is a part of the larger (more than 30 000 km2) Kaakhem magmatic area. The data obtained allow us to characterize the magmatic complex of the Shivei pluton as a bimodal association with picrobasalts, subalkali basalts, and subalkali and alkali granitic rocks differentiated from syenites to leucogranites. The SHRIMP_II zircon dating from quartz syenites and alkali granites indicate the Permian age of the pluton (293.8 ± 3.8 Ma and 297.1 ± 3.8 Ma, respectively). Mafic-alkali-granitic associations similar in age and type, which are traced in the meridional direction along the Eastern Sayan toward the Siberian Platform, were distinguished as the Eastern Sayan zone of the Late Paleozoic alkaline magmatism. Its location corresponds to the western periphery of the Angaro-Vitim batholite and fits well into the zonal structure of the Barguzin magmatic province. We relate the geodynamic position of the Barguzin province with the mantle plume that was overlapped by the edge of the Siberian Pale-ocontinent in the course of its Paleozoic migration above the African hot spot.  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogen is one of the main orogenic belts in Asia and is characterized by multi-stage orogenic processes and the development of voluminous magmatic intrusions. The results of zircon U–Pb dating indicate that granitoid magmatism in the Qinling Orogen mainly occurred in four distinct periods: the Neoproterozoic (979–711 Ma), Paleozoic (507–400 Ma), and Early (252–185 Ma) and Late (158–100 Ma) Mesozoic. The Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the Qinling Orogen is represented by strongly deformed S-type granites emplaced at 979–911 Ma, weakly deformed I-type granites at 894–815 Ma, and A-type granites at 759–711 Ma. They can be interpreted as the products of respectively syn-collisional, post-collisional and extensional setting, in response to the assembly and breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. The Paleozoic magmatism can be temporally classified into three stages of 507–470 Ma, 460–422 Ma and ∼415–400 Ma. They were genetically related to the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean and subsequent collision of the southern North China Block and the South Qinling Belt. The 507–470 Ma magmatism is spatially and temporally related to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the studied area. The 460–422 Ma magmatism with an extensive development in the North Qinling Belt is characterized by I-type granitoids and originated from the lower crust with the involvement of mantle-derived magma in a collisional setting. The magmatism with the formation age of ∼415–400 Ma only occurred in the middle part of the North Qinling Belt and is dominated by I-type granitoid intrusions, and probably formed in the late-stage of a collisional setting. Early Mesozoic magmatism in the study area occurred between 252 and 185 Ma, with the cluster in 225–200 Ma. It took place predominantly in the western part of the South Qinling Belt. The 250–240 Ma I-type granitoids are of small volume and show high Sr/Y ratios, and may have been formed in a continental arc setting related to subduction of the Mianlue Ocean between the South Qinling Belt and the South China Block. Voluminous late-stage (225–185 Ma) magmatism evolved from early I-type to later I-A-type granitoids associated with contemporaneous lamprophyres, representative of a transition from syn- to post-collisional setting in response to the collision between the North China and the South China blocks. Late Mesozoic (158–100 Ma) granitoids, located in the southern margin of the North China Block and the eastern part of the North Qinling Belt, are characterized by I-type, I- to A-type, and A-type granitoids that were emplaced in a post-orogenic or intraplate setting. The first three of the four periods of magmatism were associated with three important orogenic processes and the last one with intracontinental process. These suggest that the tectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogen is very complicated.  相似文献   

Evidence on the Paleozoic granitoids of the eastern part of the Central Asian Fold Belt (CAFB) was analyzed. A tectonic chart of orogenic belts was compiled. Sketch maps were constructed for the geodynamic settings of the formation of Paleozoic granitoids and the extensiveness of their occurrence. Two types of deep controlling structures were distinguished: zones of lithospheric faults and plumes, including the newly recognized Jiamusi-Bureya plume. It was sown that the distribution of large and superlarge Paleozoic ore deposits is related to these structures, primarily to plumes. Sites promising for large and superlarge deposits related to the Paleozoic granitoid magmatism were determined in the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

Global manifestations of Early Paleozoic granite formation in the Central Asian Mobile Belt and some other orogenic areas worldwide are considered. The work is based on the author’s studies of Early Paleozoic granitoids from the Altai–Sayan and West Transbaikalian orogenic areas as well as abundant literature data on other world provinces. Special attention is paid to the scales of granitoid magmatism in the Early Paleozoic, its geodynamic settings, periods, and stages, compositional evolution over time, lateral variability in structures of different types, relationship with LIPs, and, correspondingly, connection with mantle plumes and superplumes..  相似文献   

Obduction of the late Ordovician Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex (443±3 Ma), west Norwegian Caledonides, involved generation and high-level emplacement of granitic and granodioritic dikes and plutons. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the granites are low (0.7042–0.7059), suggesting either a mantle component or a Rb-poor crustal source. Initial Nd (Nd(t)) ranges from-0.8 to-8.8, indicating that the granites represent recycling of old crustal rocks, which is supported by Precambrian inheritance in zircons from two of the studied granites. I argue that the Rb-Sr and the Sm-Nd isotope systems are decoupled in the sense that the Sr-and the Nd-isotopes derive their dominant signals from two different sources, a mantle source and a crustal source respectively. The granites are metaluminous to peraluminous and typically have high Sr, Ba and Na2O/K2O ratios. SiO2 contents range from 66 to 74 wt%. REE abundances are highly variable; the La contents range from 80 to 200 times chondrite, and are inversely correlated with the contents of SiO2. The concentration of Nd in the granites decreases asymptotically with decreasing Nd(t) suggesting fractional crystallization of accessory phases and assimilation of continental crust. This argument is supported by the presence of partly dismembered xenoliths in the granites with Nd(t)-values that are significantly lower than Nd(t)-values in the host granite. The following models are suggested for the granites. When the ophiolite complex obducted, an outboard subduction zone approached the continental margin, and subduction-related magmas accumulated beneath the continental margin, and probably intruded the overlying eugeosynclinal deposits. The mantle-derived magmas most likely evolved to granitoid composition by assimilation of these eugeosynclinal sediments and by fractional crystallization of amphibole, feldspar, sphene, and allanite. Alternatively, but less likely, the heat content of the mantle-derived magmas caused extensive melting of immature graywackes and calc-alkaline volcaniclastic rocks in the deepest portions of the eugeosyncline. Either way, during ascent, the compositions of the granitic melts were modified by fractional crystallization of LREE-rich phases and by assimilation of continental metasediments.  相似文献   

西准噶尔晚古生代岩浆活动和构造背景   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
高睿  肖龙  王国灿  贺新星  杨刚  鄢圣武 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3413-3434
西准噶尔作为中亚造山带的一部分,吸引了大量学者的关注。蛇绿混杂岩带、花岗岩、中基性岩墙在本地区广泛出现,表明西准噶尔晚古生代构造演化极为复杂。但是在许多方面仍存在很多争议,例如西准噶尔蛇绿混杂岩带的形成时代、岩石组合和岩石成因;I型和A型花岗岩的岩石成因,构造背景和热机制;中基性-酸性岩墙群的年代学、岩石成因、构造背景和古应力场;西准噶尔晚古生代年代学格架和构造背景;西准噶尔显生宙地壳增生;西准噶尔基底特征和西准噶尔晚古生代构造演化等。笔者通过搜集前人的资料和数据,对西准噶尔区域发育的蛇绿混杂岩带、地层、古地理环境、花岗岩体和中基性岩墙群的总结,结合项目组野外与室内数据的研究,得到以下认识:(1)达尔布特和克拉玛依蛇绿混杂岩的形成环境为与俯冲相关的弧后盆地,源区来自含尖晶石二辉橄榄岩高程度部分熔融作用;(2)早石炭世花岗岩形成于俯冲环境,晚石炭世-早二叠世花岗岩形成于后碰撞环境,中二叠世花岗岩形成于板内环境;(3)I型花岗岩的成因与俯冲密切相关,而A型花岗岩和中基性岩墙产于后碰撞环境下;(4)A型花岗岩是下地壳受地幔底侵发生部分熔融并高度分离结晶的产物,中基性岩墙群普遍具有埃达克质岩的地球化学特点,可能产于受流体(或熔体)交代的残余洋壳板片的部分熔融;(5)中基性岩墙群稍晚于寄主岩体而形成,但两者均形成于后碰撞构造背景。在晚石炭世-早二叠世,西准噶尔处于近南北向的拉张应力体系;(6)西准噶尔在泥盆纪为洋盆体系;早石炭世,俯冲-碰撞过程结束;晚石炭世-早二叠世属于后碰撞环境;中晚二叠世处于板内环境。  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Eastern Ghats Mobile belt against the Singhbhum craton exposes granitic rocks with enclaves from both the high-grade and low-grade belts. A shear cleavage developed in the boundary region is also observed in these granitoids. Field features and petrography indicate syn-tectonic emplacement of these granitoids. Petrology-mineralogy and geochemistry indicate that some of the granitoids are derived from the high-grade protoliths by dehydration melting. Others could have been derived from low-grade protoliths. Moreover, microstructural signatures in these granitoids attest to their syn-collisional emplacement.  相似文献   

The Aqishan-Yamansu belt in the Eastern Tianshan (NW China) contains many intermediate to felsic intrusive rocks and spatially and temporally associated Fe (-Cu) deposits. Zircon U-Pb dating of the Bailingshan granitoids, including diorite enclaves (in granodiorite), diorite, monzogranite and granodiorite, and andesitic tuff from the Shuanglong Fe-Cu deposit area yielded ages of 329.3 ± 2.1 Ma, 323.4 ± 2.6 Ma, 313.0 ± 2.0 Ma, 307.5 ± 1.7 Ma and 318.0 ± 2.0 Ma, respectively. These new ages, in combination with published data can be used to subdivide magmatism of the Bailingshan intrusive complex into three phases at ca. 329–323 Ma, ca. 318–313 Ma and ca. 308–297 Ma. Of the analyzed rocks of this study, the Shuanglong diorite enclave, diorite and andesitic tuff show calc-alkaline affinities, exhibiting LILE enrichment and HFSE depletion, with negative Nb and Ta anomalies. They have high MgO contents and Mg# values, with depleted εHf(t) and positive εNd(t) values, similar crustal-derived Nb/Ta and Y/Nb ratios, low Th/Yb and Th/Nb, and high Ba/La ratios, which are consistent with them being sourced from a depleted mantle wedge metasomatized by slab-derived fluids and crustal contamination. However, the monzogranite and granodiorite are metaluminous with characteristics of low- to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites. The granitic rocks are enriched in LILE, depleted in HFSE and have significant Eu anomalies, with high Y contents and low Sr/Y ratios, resembling typical of normal arc magmas. Depleted εHf(t) and positive εNd(t) values with corresponding young TDMC ages of zircons, as well as Nb/Ta, Y/Nb, Th/U and La/Yb ratios suggest that the granitic rocks were probably formed by re-melting of juvenile lower crust or pre-existing mantle-derived mafic–intermediate igneous rocks. Integrating published data, we conclude that the Bailingshan granitoids (excluding the Shuanglong diorite and diorite enclave) were derived from re-melting of juvenile lower crust and mantle-derived mafic–intermediate igneous rocks, with mantle components playing a more prominent role in the formation of the younger and more felsic rocks. A comprehensive review, including our new data, suggests that the Aqishan-Yamansu belt formed as a fore-arc basin during the Carboniferous (ca. 350–300 Ma) when the Kangguer oceanic slab subducted beneath the Yili-Central Tianshan block. The ongoing southward subduction of the slab resulted in the closure of the Aqishan-Yamansu fore-arc basin (ca. 320–300 Ma), due to slab steepening and rollback followed by slab breakoff and rebound. During the Aqishan-Yamansu fore-arc basin inversion, the main phase of the Bailingshan granitoids emplaced in the Aqishan-Yamansu belt, accompanied by contemporary Fe and Fe-Cu mineralization.  相似文献   

The mineral chemistry and crystal morphology of kimberlite pyropes from the Billyakh River placer in the northeastern Siberian craton are characterised in terms of the placer history. The pyropes bear signatures of chemical weathering (dissolution), presumably in a Middle Paleozoic laterite profile, and therefore were originally hosted by Middle Paleozoic kimberlites. The broad occurrence of placer pyropes with lateritic dissolution signatures points to the presence of Middle Paleozoic diamond-bearing kimberlites in the study area.  相似文献   

马昌前  熊富浩  尹烁  王连训  高珂 《岩石学报》2015,31(12):3555-3568
大陆造山带的重要特征之一是常常发育强烈的岩浆活动。如何刻画造山带古岩浆作用的强度?岩浆从深部添加到中上地壳的速率有多大?岩浆活动强弱的变化规律如何?这些都是近年来国际上有关岩浆动力学的新的研究主题。位于青藏高原北部的东昆仑造山带岩浆活动强烈,尤其发育与古特提斯构造演化相关的晚二叠世-晚三叠世岩浆活动(年龄主要介于270~200Ma之间)。发育于东昆仑东段的香日德复式花岗岩类岩基,主要由早、中、晚三叠世的石英闪长岩、二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩等多种岩性单元构成,岩石类型多,时间跨度大(258~218Ma),是造山带岩浆活动的缩影。本文以香日德岩基为例,在深入的野外地质、岩石学和年代学研究基础上,结合各岩性单元的出露面积、U-Pb锆石年龄和假定的岩体厚度,对岩浆的体积添加速率(岩浆通量)进行了估算,发现从早到晚,该岩基的岩浆体积添加速率存在着旋回性的变化特征。其中,早三叠世石英闪长岩的岩浆体积添加速率最低,而晚三叠世花岗闪长岩的岩浆体积添加速率则最高,中三叠世介于其间。以2.5km的岩体厚度计算得到的岩浆体积添加速率分别是,早三叠世峰期的添加速率约33km~3/m.y.,中三叠世峰期添加速率约50km~3/m.y.,而晚三叠世的峰期添加速率达到了99km~3/m.y.。研究表明,从230Ma开始,东昆仑地区晚三叠世时期Hf同位素初始比值显著增大,并出现了大规模的铁多金属成矿作用。因此,晚三叠世时期该区强烈的Fe多金属成矿大爆发是在亏损地幔岩浆底侵影响下,发生大规模的花岗岩类岩浆活动和壳幔岩浆活动的结果。  相似文献   

Three independent single‐grain geochronometers applied to detrital minerals from Central Dinaride sediments constrain the timing of felsic magmatism that associated the Jurassic evolution of the Neotethys. The Lower Cretaceous clastic wedge of the Bosnian Flysch, sourced from the Dinaride ophiolitic thrust complex, yields magmatic monazite and zircon grains with dominant age components of 164 ± 3 and 152 ± 10 Ma respectively. A unique tephra horizon within the Adriatic Carbonate Platform was dated at 148 ± 11 Ma by apatite fission track analysis. These consistent results suggest that leucocractic melt generation in the Central Dinaride segment of the Neotethys culminated in Middle to Late Jurassic times, coeval with and slightly post‐dating subophiolitic sole metamorphism. Growth of magmatic monazite and explosive volcanism call for supra‐subduction‐zone processes at the convergent Neotethyan margin. New compilation of geochronological data demonstrates that such Jurassic felsic rocks are widespread in the entire Dinaride–Hellenide orogen.  相似文献   

Geological mapping, petrography, geochemistry, and isotope studies enable the division of the Pelotas Batholith into six granitic suites: Pinheiro Machado (PMS), Erval (ES), Viamão (VS), Encruzilhada do Sul (ESS), Cordilheira (CS), and Dom Feliciano (DFS). The rocks of the PMS show a large compositional range (granite through granodiorite to tonalite), and the suite is considered pre- to syncollisional. Other suites show restricted compositional variations (granite to granodiorite) and are late to postcollisional. In general, the suites are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous (PMS, ES, and VS) or peraluminous (CS) or have alkaline tendencies (ESS and DFS). The magmatic evolution corresponds to high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline magmatism. The suites are enriched in K, Rb, and REE compared with rocks of typical calc-alkaline series. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary from 0.705 to 0.716, except in the CS, where they attain values of 0.732–0.740. Sm–Nd TDM model ages vary between 0.98 and 2.0 Ga, with initial εNd values ranging from −0.3 to −10. U–Pb zircon dates of samples from PMS, VS, and ESS suggest an age between 0.63 and 0.59 Ga for magmatism. Rb–Sr dates of samples of alkaline granites from DFS present ages between 0.57 and 0.55 Ga. The main tectonic controls of the magmatism of the Pelotas Batholith are high-dip sinistral shear zones.  相似文献   

Rock complexes composing the Daribi Range were produced in Late Vendian, Early Cambrian, and Early Paleozoic suprasubduction systems. All of the studied mafic and ultramafic magmatic mantle rocks (the post-Vendian ophiolite complex, Early Cambrian pillow basalts, and Early Paleozoic picrobasalts of the sill-dike complex) have geochemical characteristics typical of early evolutionary episodes of island arcs: low LILE concentrations, horizontal REE patterns or patterns close to those of N-MORB, and HFSE minima. The magmas were derived from depleted mantle sources of variable isotopic composition with ?Nd(T) from +2.5 to +10. The Early Paleozoic rocks of the sill-dike complex were likely produced by a complicated interaction of melts derived from different sources. The rocks of group 1 resulted from the mixing of low-K picrite and tonalite melts. The picrite melts with ?Nd(T) from +6 to +8 were melted out of garnet lherzolite in the mantle wedge. The tonalite melts with ?Nd(T) = ?3 seem to have been formed by the partial melting of mafic oceanic rocks of a subducted slab or the bottom of an island arc. The trondhjemite melts of group 2 with ?Nd(T) varying from 2.5 to 7.5 could be formed via the melting of subducted metapelites or amphibolites with low sulfide concentrations. Massifs of sodic Early Paleozoic granites also occur elsewhere in western Mongolia, Tuva, and the Altai territory. The generation of sodic silicic melts was likely a common process in supra-subduction systems in CAFB. The potassic granites (group 4) could be formed by the melting of subducted pelites or by the fractionation of mantle magmas. The genesis of the basaltic andesites (group 5) was likely related to Mesozoic-Cenozoic intraplate processes.  相似文献   

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