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Two diamond bearing xenoliths found at Finsch Mine are coarse garnet lherzolites, texturally and chemically similar to the dominant mantle xenoliths in that kimberlite. A total of 46 diamonds weighing 0.053 carats have been recovered from one and 53 diamonds weighing 0.332 carats from the other. The diamonds are less corroded than diamonds recovered from the kimberlite. Geothermobarometric calculations indicate that the xenoliths equilibrated at 1,130° C and pressures 50 kb which is within the diamond stability field; this corresponds to depths of 160 km and would place the rocks on a shield geotherm at slightly greater depths than most coarse garnet lherzolites from kimberlite. The primary minerals in the two rocks are very similar to each other but distinctly different to the majority of mineral inclusions in Finsch diamonds. This suggests a different origin for the diamonds in the kimberlite and the diamonds in the xenoliths although the equilibration conditions for both suites are approximately coincident and close to the wet peridotite solidus.  相似文献   

The pilot hole of the Continental Deep Borehole (KTB) drilling project is located in the Bavarian Oberpfalz at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif. The 4-km deep borehole penetrated various paragneisses and minor orthogneisses with intercalations of amphibolites and metagabbros. The different lithologies have systematically different whole-rock oxygen isotope values and give little evidence for large scale water-rock interaction. Minor fluid interaction is well documented during retrograde metamorphism by non-equilibrium fractionations between refractory minerals (quartz, garnet and hornblende) and altered minerals (chlorite/biolite and feldspar). Ubiquitous vein mineralisation indicates fluid-induced retrogression at temperatures between 150°C and 400°C. The D values of hydroxylbearing minerals are very uniform in all lithologic units. The calculated hydrogen isotope composition of the fluid in equilibrium with matrix and vein minerals increases from -45 for metabasic rocks, to -20 for gneisses, to about -5 for vein minerals. The oxygen isotope composition of the fluid has been buffered by the rock and decreases with decreasing temperature because of increasing fractionations at low temperatures and low water-rock ratios. Modern fluids sampled from open cavities within the borehole have isotopic compositions that suggest a continuous fluid evolution during retrogression in a closed system. The 13C values of calcite and graphite also indicate closed system mixing processes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die S-Isotopenverteilung wurde an 67 Sulfid- und 17 Barytproben aus der Blei-Zink-Erzlagerstätte Grund untersucht. Die 34S-Werte der Zinkblende der Mineralisationsphase II liegen im Westfeld-Erzmittel I und in den östlich anschließenden Erzmitteln zwischen +4 und +6, in dem am weitesten westlich liegenden Westfeld-Erzmittel II zwischen +6 und +10. Die Werte für Bleiglanz der Mineralisationsphase II sind +2 bis +4 bzw. +4 bis +7. Die Sulfide der Mineralisationsphase III haben allgemein niedrigere -Werte. Koexistierende Sulfide zeigen eine deutliche Fraktionierung, wobei stets ZnS > PbS ist; die Differenz beträgt in der Mineralisationsphase II im Mittel 1,8, in der Phase III 3. Dies deutet auf niedrigere Bildungstemperatur der Minerale der Phase III hin. Zur genetischen Deutung der beobachteten -Abnahme beim Übergang zur Mineralisationsphase II werden vier Modelle diskutiert. Baryte zeigen innerhalb der Lagerstätte recht einheitliche 34S-Werte zwischen +11 und +14,5%. Diese Einheitlichkeit wird durch den Einfluß deszendenter Zechstein-Lösungen erklärt.
34S-values are given for 67 sulfide and 16 barite specimens from the Pb-Zn-deposit Grund (Harz mountains, W-Germany). In the central part of the deposit the sulfide 's of the first major mineralization (phase II) range from: ZnS +4 to +6 and PbS +2 to +4. The sulfides of the second major mineralization (phase III) are depleted in 34S and range from: ZnS +2 to +4, PbS –1,4 to 3. The sulfides at the western end of the vein system are heavier; the phase II minerals ranging from: ZnS +6 to 10 and PbS +4 to 7. The mean -difference between co-existing ZnS and PbS in phase II is 1,8, in phase III 3. This indicates lowering of temperature of formation for the phase III ore. Four models have been set up in order to explain the observed -variation. Barites with rather uniform 's from +11 to +14,5 are probably affected by descendent solutions from overlying sulfate sediments of Permian age.

The isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon was studied in accessory carbonates and quartz separated from salts in Upper Devonian halogenous formations of the Pripyat Trough (Belorus). It is established that isotopic characteristics vary in a wide range. Values of 18O vary in the following range (SMOW): from 18.2 to 29.2 in calcites, from 15.7 to 32.5 in dolomites, and from 17.4 to 27.2 in quartz. Values of 13C range from –13.4 to 1.4 in calcites and from –11.1 to 1.7 in dolomites (PDB). Results obtained indicate highly variable isotope-geochemical conditions of sedimentation and early diagenesis during the formation of evaporitic sediments. Accessory minerals were repeatedly formed in a wide temperature range and probably at various stages of the lithogenesis.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the auriferous quartz veins of the Val-dOr vein field, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada, demonstrates that the C, O, S isotope composition of silicate, carbonate, borate, oxide, tungstate and sulphide minerals have a range in composition comparable to that previously determined for the whole Superior Province. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz from early quartz–carbonate auriferous veins ranges from 9.4 to 14.4 whereas later quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have 18Oquartz values ranging from 9.2 to 13.8 . Quartz-carbonate veins have carbonate (18O: 6.9–12.5 ; 13C: –6.2– –1.9 ) and pyrite (34S: 1.2 and 1.9 ) isotope compositions comparable to those of quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins (18O: 7.9–11.7 ; 13C: –8.0 – –2.4 ; 34S: 0.6–6.0 ). 18Oquartz values in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have a variance comparable to analytical uncertainty at the scale of one locality, irrespective of the type of structure, the texture of the quartz or its position along strike, across strike or down-dip a vein. In contrast, the oxygen isotope composition of quartz in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins displays a regional distribution with higher 18O values in the south-central part of the vein field near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone, and which 18O values decrease regularly towards the north. Another zone of high 18O values in the northeast corner of the region and along the trace of the Senneville Fault is separated by a valley of lower 18O values from the higher values near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone. Oxygen isotope isopleths cut across lithological contacts and tectonic structures. This regional pattern in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins is interpreted to be a product of reaction with country rocks and mixing between (1) a deep-seated hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin with minimum 18O=8.5 , 13C=0.6 and 34S=–0.4 , and (2) a supracrustal fluid, most likely Archean seawater with a long history of water-rock exchange and with maximum 18O=3.9 , 13 C=–5.6 and 34S=5.0 .  相似文献   

Impure limestones with interstratified metachert layers were contact metamorphosed and metasomatized by the Bufa del Diente alkali syenite. Massive marbles exhibit mineralogical and stable isotope evidence for limited fluid infiltration, confined to a 17 m wide zone at the contact. Influx of magmatic brines along most metacherts produced up to 4 cm thick wollastonite rims, according to calcite (Cc)+quartz (Qz)= wollastonite (Wo)+CO2, and were observed at distances of up to 400 m from the contact. The produced CO2 exsolved as an immiscible low density CO2-rich fluid. Chert protolith isotope compositions were 18O (Qz)=27–30%. and 18O (Cc)=24–27%.. Many wollastonites in infiltrated metacherts have low 18O ranging from 11–17 and confirm that decarbonation occurred in presence of a magmatic-signatured fluid. Large gradients in 18O (Wo) across the rims may reach 6 The 18O of remaining quartz is often lowered to 15–20 whereas caleites largely retained their original compositions. The isotopic reversals of up to 10 between quartz and calcite along with reaction textures demonstrate non-equilibrium between infiltrating fluid in the aquifer and the assemblage calcite+quartz+wollastonite. This is compatible with the assumption of a down-temperature flow of magmatic fluids that occurred exclusively in the remaining quarzite layer. The 13C (Cc) and 18O (Cc) of marble calcites measured perpendicular to two metachert bands reveal significant isotopic alterations along distances of 4.5 cm and 7.5 cm from the wollastonite-marble boundary only into the hanging wall marble, suggesting an advection process caused by a fluid phase which movel upwards. Covariation trends of 13C (Cc) and 18O (Cc) across the alteration front indicate that this fluid was CO2-rich. Mass balance calculations show that all CO2-rich fluid produced by the decarbonation reaction was lost into overlying marble. The metachert aquifers did not leak with respect to water-rich fluids.  相似文献   

The Tallberg deposit is situated in the Skellefte District in northern Sweden. It is a Palaeoproterozoic equivalent of Phanerozoic poryphyry-type deposits. The mineralization is situated within the Jörn granitoid complex and is associated with intrusive quartz-feldspar porphyries. The granitoids are coeval with mainly felsic volcanic rocks hosting several massive sulphide deposits. The alteration is generally of a mixed phyllic-propylitic type, but areas or zones associated with high gold grades exhibit phyllic alteration. Ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, and trace amounts of molybdenite. In this stable isotope study, quartz, sericite, and chlorite from the alteration zones were sampled. The magmatic quartz has a 18O composition of + 6.2 to +6.7 whereas the quartz in the hydrothermal alteration zones have values ranging from +7.5 to +10.6. The calculated temperatures for this fractionation range from 430° to 520°C. The sericites have 18O ranging from +4.6 to +8.2 (average +6.6) and D -31 to -54 (average -41). Chlorites range from 18O +4.2 to +7.7 and D from –34 to –44. The range of 34S of 11 pyrite samples is +3.8 to +5.5 with an average of +4.6 ± 0.5, suggesting a relatively homogeneous sulphur source, probably of magmatic origin. Modelling waters in equilibrium with the minerals indicates early magmatic fluids with 18O of 6.5. This fluid mixed with a low 18O and high D fluid, which is tentatively identified as seawater. The 18O signature of sericite and chlorite also indicates significant water-rock exchange, explaining the positive 18O values for the waters in equilibrium with the hydrated minerals.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition of veins, pressure shadows, mylonites and fault breccias in allochthonous Mesozoic carbonate cover units of the Helvetic zone show evidence for concurrent closed and open system of fluid advection at different scales in the tectonic development of the Swiss Alps. Marine carbonates are isotopically uniform, independent of metamorphic grade, where 13C=1.5±1.5 (1 ) and 18O=25.4±2.2 (1 ). Total variations of up to 2 in 13C and 1.5 in 18O occur over a cm scale. Calcite in pre- (Type I) and syntectonic (Type II) vein arrays and pressure shadows are mostly in close isotopic compliance with the matrix calcite, to within ±0.5, signifying isotopic buffering of pore fluids by host rocks during deformation, and closed system redistribution of carbonate over a cm to m scale. This is consistent with microstructural evidence for pressure solution — precipitation deformation.Type III post-tectonic veins occur throughout 5 km of structural section, extend several km to the basement, and accommodate up to 15% extension. Whereas the main population of Type III veins is isotopically undistinguishable from matrix carbonates, calcite in the largest of these veins is depleted in 18O by up to 23 but acquired comparable 13C values. This generation of veins involved geopressurized hydrothermal fluids at 200 to 350° C where 18O H2O=–8 to +20, representing variable mixtures of 18O enriched pore and metamorphic fluids, with 18O depleted meteoric water. Calc-mylonites ( 18O=25 to 11) at the base of the Helvetic units, and syntectonic veins from the frontal Pennine thrust are characterized by a trend of 18O depletion relative to carbonate protoliths, due to exchange with an isotopically variable reservoir ( 18O H2O=20 to 4). The upper limiting value corresponds to carbonate-buffered pore fluid, whereas the lower value is interpreted as 18O-depleted formation brines tectonically expelled at lithostatic pressure from the crystalline basement. Carbonate breccias in one of the large scale late normal faults exchanged with infiltrating 18O-depleted meteoric surface waters ( 18O=–8 to –10).During the main ductile Alpine deformation, individual lithological units and associated tectonic vein arrays behaved as closed systems, whereas mylonites along thrust faults acted as conduits for tectonically expelled lithostatically pressured reservoirs driven over tens of km. At the latest stages, marked by 5 to 15 km uplift and brittle deformation, low 18O meteoric surface waters penetrated to depths of several km under hydrostatic gradients.  相似文献   

Quartz phenocrysts from 31 granitoid stocks in the Colorado Mineral Belt yield 18O values less than 10.4, with most values between 9.3 and 10.4. An average magmatic value of about 8.5 is suggested. The stocks resemble A-type granites; these data support magma genesis by partial melting of previously depleted, fluorine-enriched, lower crustal granulites, followed by extreme differentiation and volatile evolution in the upper crust.Subsolidus interaction of isotopically light water with stocks has reduced most feldspar and whole rock 18O values. Unaltered samples from Climax-type molybdenumbearing granites, however, show no greater isotopic disturbance than samples from unmineralized stocks. Although meteoric water certainly played a role in post-mineralization alteration, particularly in feldspars, it is not required during high-temperature mineralization processes. We suggest that slightly low 18O values in some vein and replacement minerals associated with molybdenum mineralization may have resulted from equilibration with isotopically light magmatic water and/or heavy isotope depletion of the ore fluid by precipitation of earlier phases.Accumulation of sufficient quantities of isotopically light magmatic water to produce measured depletions of 18O requires extreme chemical stratification in a large magma reservoir. Upward migration of a highly fractionated, volatile-rich magma into a small apical Climax-type diapir, including large scale transport of silica, alkalis, molybdenum, and other vapor soluble elements, may occur with depression of the solidus temperature and reduction of magma viscosity by fluorine. Climax-type granites may provide examples of 18O depletion in magmatic systems without meteoric water influx.  相似文献   

Stratiform sulphide deposits which have been metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies occur within the Paleozoic strata of the Hodgkinson Province, northeast Queensland. Massive cupreous pyrite is ubiquitous and Mt Molloy and Dianne also have layered chalcopyrite-rich and sphalerite-rich lenses. Sulphide 34S values for the mineralisation show a narrow spread, around 02030; at the Dianne and O.K. deposits, but a wider spread and an average several per mil higher at the Mt Molloy area. The minerals can not be used for geothermometry due to isotopic disequilibrium. However, metamorphic effects on the isotopic compositions appear not to have been significant. A decrease in temperature and contact of the ore fluid with sea water probably caused the precipitation of the ore minerals. A magmatic ore fluid with 34SS around 02030; predominated at the Dianne and OK deposits whereas the fluid at Mt Molloy mixed with sea water to acquire a higher 34SS value.  相似文献   

Summary Pervasive hydrothermal alteration zones in quartz-feldspar porphyry domes underly all massive sulfide lenses in the D-68 Zone Cu-Zn deposit, Noranda. Alteration pipes are mineralogically zoned and contain chloritic cores consisting of stringer sulfides, enveloped by sericitic haloes. Silicified rocks are found locally.Alteration took place at nearly constant volume. Na depletion, and K enrichment relative to the least altered rocks, are found in all alteration zones. Fe and Mg have been added to the chloritic zone and subtracted in the sericitic and silicic zones. Ca and Si are enriched mainly in the silicic zone. Al, Ti and Zr were the least mobile of the elements studied.Whole-rock 18O values vary from +5.6 to +6.2 per mil in chloritized rocks, +5.8 to + 7.3 per mil in sericitized rocks and + 7.2 to + 8.3 per mil in silicified rocks. D values for two chloritized samples are – 63 and – 70 per mil whereas in two sericitized samples they are close to –62 per mil. Quartz from the chlorite alteration zone is isotopically heavier (18O = 8.6 per mil) than that from the sericite alteration zone (18O = 6.4 per mil), suggesting equilibration with different hydrothermal fluid or different temperature of alteration. Assuming an alteration temperature of 300° + 50°C the fluid in equilibrium with quartz and chlorite had 18O and D values of about 1.5 ± 2.0 per mil and –23 ± 5 per mil, respectively. The fluid in equilibrium with quartz and sericite had 18O and D values of about –0.5 ± 2 per mil and –30 ± 5 per mil, respectively. On the basis of isotopic data, seawater was probably the major constituent of the hydrothermal fluids.
Hydrothermale Umwandlung und Sauerstoff-Wasserstoff-Isotopengeochemie der Zone D-68 Cu-Zn Derberz Sulfidlagerstätte, Noranda District, Quebec, Canada
Zusammenfassung Hydrothermale Umwandlungszonen in porphyrischen Quarz-Feldspat Gesteinskörpern liegen unterhalb von Derberz Sulfidlinsen in der D-68 Zone Cu-Zn Lagerstätte, Noranda. Umgewandelte pipes sind mineralogisch zoniert; sie enthalten aus Sulfiden bestehende chloritische Kerne, die von sericitischen Höfen umhüllt werden. Lokal treten silicifizierte Gesteine auf.Die Umwandlung ging bei annähernd konstantem Volumen vor sich. Na-Verarmung und K-Anreicherung, bezogen auf die am wenigsten umgewandelten Gesteine, liegen in allen Umwandlungszonen vor. Fe und Mg wurden der Chloritzone zugeführt, in den Sericit- und Si-Zonen abgeführt. Ca und Si sind vor allem in der Si-Zone angereichert. Al, Ti und Zr waren von den untersuchten Elementen am wenigsten mobil.Gesamtgesteins-18O Werte variieren von +5,6 bis +6,2 in den chloritisierten Gesteinen, von +5,8 bis 7,3 in sericitisierten Gesteinen und von +7,2 bis +8,3 in den silicifizierten Gesteinen. Die D Werte für zwei chloritisierte Proben betragen –63 und –70, in zwei sericitisierten Proben liegen sie hingegen nahe bei –62. Quarz von der Chlorit-Umwandlungszone ist isotopisch schwerer (18O = 8,6) als von der Sericit-Umwandlungszone (18O = 6.4), was eine Gleichgewichtseinstellung mit verschiedenen hydrothermalen Lösungen oder eine verschiedene Umwandlungstemperatur nahelegt. Bei einer angenommenen Umwandlungstemperatur von 300 ± 50°C, hatte die im Gleichgewicht mit Quarz und Chlorit stehende Lösung 18O und D Werte von etwa 1,5 ± 2 bzw. –23 + 5. Die im Gleichgewicht mit Quarz und Sericit befindliche Lösung hatte 18O und D Werte von etwa –0,5 ± 2%o bzw. –30 ± 5. Aufgrund der Isotopendaten war wahrscheinlich Meerwasser der Hauptbestandteil der hydrothermalen Lösungen.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

We have studied the oxygen isotopic composition of rocks from a 100 km transect through the central Superior province of Ontario, representing progressively the shallower terrains of the Kapuskasing structural zone (KSZ), the Wawa gneiss terrane (WGT), and the Michipicoten greenstone belt (MGB). These rocks range in age from 2.76 to 2.60 Ga, and correspond to a section through approximately 20 km of crustal thickness. Equivalent lithologic types have similar range of 18O values at each crustal level: tonalitic to granodioritic rocks: 6.4 to 9.5; dioritic and anorthositic rocks: 5.5 to 7.6; mafic gneisses: group 1 (majority): 5.7 to 7.1; group 2: 8.1 to 9.5. 18O values exhibit a remarkable correlation with SiO2 values, similar to that observed in unaltered plutonic rocks of equivalent composition. Paragneisses have significantly higher 18O values: 9.3 to 12.2. Low-grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the MGB are 18O-enriched compared to their high-grade equivalents in the KSZ and WGT: 7.4 to 13.3 for mafic to felsic metavolcanic rocks; 11.4 to 14.7 for clastic metasediments. Coexisting minerals exhibit 18O-fractionation consistent with equilibrium, but corresponding to uniform isotopic temperatures about 553 to 584°C across the entire transect, lower than the inferred metamorphic temperatures in the highest-grade (KSZ) terrane. The lack of distinctive isotopic differences between equivalent rock types in the KSZ, WGT and MGB suggests that there is no significant gradient in 18O with depth in the crust. The majority of mafic gneisses (group 1) appear to have been emplaced either as subaerial extrusives, intrusive sills, or, less likely, as submarine extrusives that were hydrothermally altered at high temperatures. The less abundant group 2 mafic rocks have the 18O values typical of greenstones that were altered at low temperature by seawater, and isotopically resemble low-grade rocks in the Michipicoten and Abitibi belts. In general, no major changes in whole-rock isotopic composition appear to have occurred during granulite facies metamorphism, implying limited flux of water or CO2. The continuous linear gradient in 18O versus SiO2 in the high-grade rocks cannot be due to differentiation of a mafic source magma. A model involving an association between mantle-derived mafic magma and 18O-enriched crustal materials is more consistent with the oxygen isotopic and the REE data.McMaster Isotopic, Nuclear and Geochemical Studies Group Publication 163; LITHOPROBE Publication 168.  相似文献   

Temperatures of the formation of mud-volcanic waters are determined based on concentrations of some temperature-dependent components (Na–Li, Mg–Li). Estimates obtained for the Taman and Kakhetia regions are similar and range from 45 to 170°, which correspond to depths of 1–4.5 km. The calculated temperatures correlate with the chemical (Li, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, B, I, and HCO3) composition of water and 13 (2) and 13 (CH4) values in spontaneous gases. The isotope values indicate that mechanisms of the formation of 13-rich gases, i.e., gases with high 13 values (up to +16.0 in 2 and –23.4 in CH4) in mud-volcanic systems of Taman and Kakhetia are governed by fluid-generation temperatures rather than the supply of abyssal gases. The 11 value was determined for the first time in mud-volcanic products of the Caucasus region. This value ranges from +22.5 to +39.4 in the volcanic water of Georgia, from –1.2 to +7.4 in the clayey pulp of Georgia, and from –7.6 to +13.2 in the clayey pulp of Taman. It is shown that the 11 value in clay correlates with the fluid-generation temperature and 11 correlates with 13 in carbon-bearing gases. These correlations probably testify to the formation of different phases of mud-volcanic emanations in a single geochemical system and suggest the crucial role of temperature in the development of isotope-geochemical features.  相似文献   

Graphite occurs in two distinct textural varieties in syntectonic granitoids of the New Hampshire Plutonic Series and in associated metasedimentary wall rocks. Textural characteristics indicate that coarse graphite flakes were present at an early stage of crystallization of the igneous rocks and thus may represent xenocrystic material assimilated from the wall rocks. The range of 13C values determined for flake graphite in the igneous rocks (–26.5 to –13.8) overlaps the range for flake graphite in the wall rocks (–26.0 to –16.7), and spatial correlation of some 13C values in the plutons and wall rocks supports the assimilation mechanism. The textures of fine-grained irregular aggregates or spherulites of graphite, on the other hand, indicate that they formed along with secondary hydrous silicates and carbonates during retrograde reactions between the primary silicates and a carbon-bearing aqueous fluid phase. Relative to coexisting flake graphite, spherulitic graphite shows isotopic shifts ranging from 1.9 higher to 1.4 lower in both igneous and metasedimentary samples.The observed isotopic shifts and the association of spherulitic graphite with hydrous silicates are explained by dehydration of C-O-H fluids initially on or near the graphite saturation boundary. Hydration of silicates causes dehydration of the fluid and drives the fluid composition to the graphite saturation surface. Continued dehydration of the fluid then requires coprecipitation of secondary graphite and hydrous silicates and drives the fluid toward either higher or lower CO2/CH4 depending upon the inital bulk composition. Isotopic shifts in graphite formed at successive reaction stages are explained by fractionation of 13C between secondary graphite and the evolving fluid because 13C is preferentially concentrated into CO2 relative to CH4.Epigenetic graphite in two vein deposits assiciated with the contacts of these igneous rocks is generally enriched in 13C (–15.7 to –11.6) relative to both the igneous and wall-rock 13C values. Values of 13C vary by up to 3.4 within veins, with samples taken only 3 cm apart differing by 2.0 These variations in 13C correlate with textural evidence showing sequential deposition of different generations of graphite in the veins from fluids which differed in proportions of carbon species or isotopic composition (or both).  相似文献   

This study deals with the oxygen isotope composition of hematite-rich ore bodies in the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil. The area studied can be divided into two different regions: a western (W) zone of greenschist facies assemblages and an eastern (E) zone of amphibolite facies with transitions into granulite facies assemblages.The 18O values of 136 quartz-iron oxide pairs have been determined and temperatures of formation have been calculated. The 18O values of quartz vary between +6 and 20 except one value near +23, whereas the iron oxides fall between –4 and +10, with nearly 80% of the iron oxide values between –0.5 and 4.0. The regional distribution of the 18O values is as follows: in the W-region 85% of the quartz are >12, whereas in the E-region only 46% fall in this range, In contrast to quartz the iron oxides do not show any regional differences.The variation of oxygen isotope fractionations between quartz and iron oxides is obviously related to the complex deformation history of the iron ores. Samples with a primary schistosity (S1) only represent peak metamorphic conditions. In the E-region the (S1) high temperatures >700° C seem to correspond to orogenic events in the Archaen basement 2,700 m.y. ago. In the W-region S1-temperatures between 460° and 560° C seem to represent peak metamorphic conditions of the Proterozoic Minas metamorphism 2,000 m.y. ago. Iron ores which have been overprinted by later deformation events are selectively reset to lower isotopic temperatures. The more closely spaced the schistosity planes the larger the extent of a temperature lowering.The genetic processes associated with these hematite-rich ore bodies appear to be sedimentary-metamorphic rather than metasomatic processes. Furthermore, there is no evidence for secondary leaching by weathering solutions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die einzelnen tektonischen Einheiten des Iran werden in ihrer faziellen und strukturellen Entwicklungsgeschichte dargestellt. Fazies und Paläogeographie sprechen dafür, daß vom Infrakambrium bis in die Trias der gesamte Raum zwischen dem Persischen Golf und dem Elburs-Gebirge eine einheitliche Entwicklung genommen hat. Eine zusammenhängende Plattformsedimentation in Schelffazies kennzeichnet dieses Gebiet während des gesamten Zeitraums. Es ist ein Teil Gondwanas. Paläomagnetische Befunde stützen diese Aussage. Ozeanische Kruste und damit Hinweise auf die Tethys als eine strukturelle Einheit fehlen während dieser Zeit in diesem Gebiet. Lediglich als Faunenprovinz in Flachmeerfazies ist sie wirksam. Das offene Meer lag vom Infrakambrium bis zur oberen Trias im Norden. In der Trias tritt mit einer Heraushebung, die mit tiefgreifender Lateritisierung verbunden ist, und einer anschließenden Transgression ein grundlegender Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes ein. Von jetzt an erfolgen die Ingressionen in den Iran von Süden. Eine engräumige fazielle Differenzierung setzt ein. Kontinental beeinflußte Sedimente im Jura zeigen, daß im Iran ein Hochgebiet entstanden ist. Gleichzeitig tretenwahrscheinlich in Anlehnung an langlebige Geosuturen — Ophiolith-Radiolarit-Zonen auf, die als das Ergebnis intrakratonischer Zerbrechung gedeutet werden. Die Ingressionen gehen wahrscheinlich von Tiefseerinnen aus, in denen auch die Ophiolithe konzentriert sind. Der Aufstieg des ophiolithischen Materials an die Oberfläche erfolgte entlang von Linien, an denen sich flach geneigte Unterschiebungen von Kruste unter Kruste ereigneten. Dabei kam es zu erheblichen Krustenverkürzungen. Möglicherweise fällt der Umbruch des tektonischen Regimes in der Obertrias mit der Plattenkollision Arabia-Iran/ Eurasia zusammen. Die Grenze zwischen Arabia-Iran und Eurasia liegt aber nicht im Gebiet des Persischen Golfes und der Zagros-Ketten, sondern muß nördlich des Elburs-Gebirges gesucht werden.
The individual tectonic units of Iran are represented with respect to the history of the development of their facies and structure. Facies and paleogeography indicate that the entire area between the Persian Gulf and the Elburz Mountains had a uniform development until the Triassic. During the whole period a coherent platform sedimentation remained characteristic of this area, which is part of Gondwana. Paleomagnetic data support this statement. Oceanic crust and thus any indications of the Tethys as a structural unit are absent in this area for that period of time. Its existence is only demonstrated in faunal provinces in shallow-marine facies. From the Infra-Cambrian to the Late Triassic the northern part of the area was open sea. During the Triassic, uplifting processes combined with deep lateritization and subsequent transgression initiated a basic change in the geodynamic regime. From this time on the ingressions into Iran proceeded from the south. At this time differentiation of facies began within small areas. Continental influences in the Jurassic sediments show that an elevated area was formed in Iran. At the same time ophiolite-radiolarite zones occurred, probably along long-lived geosutures. These zones are interpreted to be the result of processes breaking up the craton. Probably, the ingressions started from deep-sea furrows where ophiolite concentrations are found. The ascension of the ophiolitic material to the surface occurred along lines where gently dipping subduction of crust under crust took place. During this process it came to considerable crustal shortening. It is possible that the change in the tectonic regime during the Late Triassic coincided with the collision of the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates. The boundary between the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates is, however, not to be found in the area of the Persian Gulf and the Zagros mountain ranges, but is assumed to be north of the Elburz Mountains.

Résumé Chacune des unités tectoniques de l'Iran font l'objet d'un exposé concernant leur développement du point de vue de leur facies et de leur structure. Le facies et la paléogéographie indiquent que, de l'Infracambrien au Trias, tout le territoire compris entre le Golf persique et la chaîne de l'Elbours a eu un développement unitaire. Une sedimentation de plateforme cohérente, à facies de shell, caractérise cette région pendant toute cette période. C'est une partie du Gondwana. Des données paléomagnétiques appuient cette affirmation. Toute croûte océanique et, de ce fait toute indice d'une Téthys en temps qu'unité structurale, sont absent dans cette région à ce moment. Une mer ouverte s'y étend au nord de l'Infracambrien jusqu'au Trias supérieur. Au Trias, un soulèvement, auquel est liée une forte latéritisation, et la trangression qui lui est liée, entraînent un changement radical du régime géodynamique. A partir de ce moment, des ingressions se produisent en Iran à partir du sud introduisant des différences de facies. Des sédiments montrant une influence continentale montrent qu'au Jurassique un fort soulèvement s'est produit en Iran. En même temps, vraisemblablement suivant une géosuture depuis longtemps active, apparurent des zones ophiolothiques à radiolarites, qui indiquent une rupture intracratonique. Les ingressions émanent vraisemblablement d'un sillon océanique profond dans lequel sont également concentrées les ophiolithes. La montée du matériau ophiolithique à la surface s'en suivit le long de lignes suivant lesquelles se sont produits dessous-charriages intracrustaux, d'où sont résultés de notables racourcissements de la crôute. Il est possible que cette rupture du régime tectonique coïncide, au Trias supérieur, avec la collision des plaques de l'Arabie Iran et de l'Ewrasie. La limite entre l'Arabie-Iran et l'Eurasie ne se trouve donc pas dans la région du Golfe persique et des chaînes du Zagros, mais doit être recherchée au nord de la Chaîne de l'Elbours.

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Peak metamorphic temperatures for the coesite-pyrope-bearing whiteschists from the Dora Maira Massif, western Alps were determined with oxygen isotope thermometry. The 18O(smow) values of the quartz (after coesite) (18O=8.1 to 8.6, n=6), phengite (6.2 to 6.4, n=3), kyanite (6.1, n=2), garnet (5.5 to 5.8, n=9), ellenbergerite (6.3, n=1) and rutile (3.3 to 3.6, n=3) reflect isotopic equilibrium. Temperature estimates based on quartz-garnet-rutile fractionation are 700–750 °C. Minimum pressures are 31–32 kb based on the pressure-sensitive reaction pyrope + coesite = kyanite + enstatite. In order to stabilize pyrope and coesite by the temperature-sensitive dehydration reaction talc+kyanite=pyrope+coesite+H2O, the a(H2O) must be reduced to 0.4–0.75 at 700–750 °C. The reduced a(H2O) cannot be due to dilution by CO2, as pyrope is not stable at X(CO2)>0.02 (T=750 °C; P=30 kb). In the absence of a more exotic fluid diluent (e.g. CH4 or N2), a melt phase is required. Granite solidus temperatures are 680 °C/30 kb at a(H2O)=1.0 and are calculated to be 70°C higher at a(H2O)=0.7, consistent with this hypothesis. Kyanite-jadeite-quartz bands may represent a relict melt phase. Peak P-T-f(H2O) estimates for the whiteschist are 34±2 kb, 700–750 °C and 0.4–0.75. The oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz (18O=11.6) and garnet (18O=8.7) in the surrounding orthognesiss is identical to that in the coesitebearing unit, suggesting that the two units shared a common, final metamorphic history. Hydrogen isotope measurements were made on primary talc and phengite (D(SMOW)=-27 to-32), on secondary talc and chlorite rite after pyrope (D=-39 to -44) and on the surrounding biotite (D=-64) and phengite (D=-44) gneiss. All phases appear to be in nearequilibrium. The very high D values for the primary hydrous phases is consistent with an initial oceanicderived/connate fluid source. The fluid source for the retrograde talc+chlorite after pyrope may be fluids evolved locally during retrograde melt crystallization. The similar D, but dissimilar 18O values of the coesite bearing whiteschists and hosting orthogneiss suggest that the two were in hydrogen isotope equilibrium, but not oxygen isotope equilibrium. The unusual hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of the coesite-bearing unit can be explained as the result of metasomatism from slab-derived fluids at depth.  相似文献   

Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions were determined for calcites from the Green Tuff formations of Miocene age in Japan. Values of 18O from 24 calcites in altered rocks from 5 districts range from –2 to +16SMOW, in most cases from 0 to +8SMOW. The low 18O values rule out the possibility of their low-temperature origin or any significant contribution of magmatic fluid in the calcite precipitation. These values, coupled with their mineral assemblages, suggest that the calcites formed from meteoric hydrothermal solutions which caused propylitic alteration after the submarine strata became emergent.Values of 13C from the calcites show a wide variation from –17 to 0PDB. Calcites from different districts have different ranges of 13C values, indicating that there was no homogeneous reservoir of carbon at the time the calcite formed, and that the carbon had local sources. Carbon isotopic compositions of calcite within ore deposits in the Green Tuff formations range from –19 to 0PDB, similar to those of calcite in the altered rocks in the same district, suggesting that the carbon in ore calcites was likely supplied from the surrounding rocks through activity of meteoric hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies have been made on the distributions of oxygen and sulphur isotopes in the Rosebery, Mount Farrell, and Mount Lyell ores. These ores lie in Cambrian geosynclinal volcanic rocks in West Tasmania. At each locality the sulphur of the sulphide minerals has a distinctive degree of enrichment in 34S in relation to sulphur in meteorites and a narrow range of 34S values. The dominant ore at Mount Lyell (mainly pyrite-chalcopyrite) has an average 34S value of +7.0, the main lode at Rosebery (pyrite-sphalerite-galenachalcopyrite) averages +10.9, and the Mount Farrell ore (galena-sphalerite) averages +14.1. The degree of enrichment does not appear to be related to local, near-surface geological factors. Other ores of geosynclinal volcanic type with similar mineralogy also show narrow ranges in 34S and varying enrichments in 34S. Barite from a concordant sulphide-barite-carbonate lode at Rosebery has an average 34S of +38.1 and an average 18O of +10.7. Barite from veins at Mount Lyell has an average 34S of +25.3 and an average 18O of +10.6.
Die Verteilung von Sauerstoff- und Schwefel-Isotopen in den Erzkörpern von Rosebery, Mount Farrell und Mount Lyell wurde untersucht. Die Erzkörper sind in kambrische, geosynklinale vulkanische Gesteine Westtasmaniens eingebettet. An jeder dieser Lagerstätten zeigt der Schwefel der Sulfiderze einen charakteristischen Anreicherungsgrad an 34S im Verhältnis zum Meteoritenschwefel und einen eng begrenzten Bereich der 34S-Werte. Die Erze des Mount Lyell-Lagers (hauptsächlich Pyrit-Chalkopyrit) zeigen überwiegend einen 34S-Durchschnittswert von +7.0, das Hauptlager von Rosebery (Pyrit-Sphalerit-Galenit-Chalkopyrit) +10.9, und des Mount Farrell-Erz (Galenit-Sphalerit) +14.1. Der Anreicherungsgrad scheint nicht mit den lokalen geologischen Faktoren verbunden zu sein. Auch andere Erzkörper geosynklinaler vulkanischer Art von ähnlicher mineralogischer Struktur zeigen eng begrenzte 34S-Werte und 34S-Anreicherungsvariationen. Der Baryt des konkordant aufgebauten Sulfid-Baryt-Carbonat-Lagers bei Rosebery hat einen 34S-Durchschnitt von +38.1 und einen 18O-Durchschnitt von +10.7. Der Baryt aus den Erzgängen von Mount Lyell ist durch einen 34S-Durchschnitt von +25.3 und einen 18O-Durchschnitt von +10.6 charakterisiert.

The Turhal antimony sulfide ore deposits are hosted by a Permian-Jurassic sequence which consists of black phyllites at the base followed by interbedded phyllites and calcareous quartzites with metabasite interlayers and then by brown-gray phyllites with marble blocks. Four different styles and three distinct episodes of mineralization were distinguished according to deposition features of the ores and kinkbands in the stibnite crystals. Stibnite from stratiform, disseminated and vein occurrences as well as pyrite from black phyllites showed the following sulfur isotope composition (34S): +2.8 and +3.0 for stratiform stibnite (n = 2), +3.6 and +5.5 for disseminated stibnite (n = 2), +2.5 to +7.8 for vein stibnite (n = 11) and -6.1 to +0.1 for pyrite (n = 3). The 34S compositions of stibnite are interpreted as suggesting an ultimately single source for sulfur in the various styles of mineralization, i.e. synsedimentary volcanic exhalations for the stratiform and disseminated together with ores and hydrothermal mobilisation of these as well as leaching of volcanic rocks to form the vein ores. Deep basinal fluids probably under normal geothermal gradient conditions caused the leaching of the primary sulfides as suggested by the oxygen isotope composition of vein quartz associated with the ores. By contrast sulfur in pyrite is essentially a derivation of seawater sulfate through bacterial and/or chemical reduction.  相似文献   

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