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Little work has been done on the influence of seiments on the basic chemical composition of overlying water mass.This paper deals with the vertical profile of the basic constituents such as Ca^ ,K^ ,Na^ ,and HCO3^-,as well as of pH in the overlying water mass and sediment porewater of Lake Lugu-a semi-closed,deep lake in Yunnan Province.The reand sediment porewater of Lake Lugu- a semi-closed,deep lake in Yunnan Province.The results revealed that those basic constituents may diffuse and transport from bottom sediments to overlying water mass through porewater.In the paper are also quantitatively evaluated the diffusive fluxes and the extent of their influence on overlying water mass,indicating that the lake sediment-water interface diffusion plays an important role in controlling the basic chemical composition of water in the whole lake.  相似文献   

为探析长江口沉积物-水界面砷的迁移转化机制,本文分析了2019年夏季长江口4个站位上覆水和间隙水中总As浓度及形态的剖面变化特征,耦合氧化还原敏感元素(Fe、Mn和S)的剖面变化剖析了沉积物-水界面砷循环的Fe-Mn-S控制机制,同时结合砷相关功能基因探讨了沉积物-水界面砷迁移转化的微生物调控过程,估算了沉积物-水界面总As的扩散通量。结果表明,除A7-4站位外,长江口其他3个站位间隙水总As以As3+为主要存在形态,且总As浓度均在上覆水中为最低值(0.748~1.57 μg·L-1),而在间隙水中随着深度增加而逐渐增加并在6~9 cm深度达到峰值(7.14~26.9 μg·L-1)。间隙水总As及As3+浓度的剖面变化趋势与溶解态Fe2+、Mn2+相似,其均在中间层出现高值,说明沉积物Fe/Mn还原带砷的释放可能是随固相Fe(Ⅲ)或Mn(Ⅳ)的还原而转移到间隙水中的。氧化层和Fe/Mn还原带过渡区间隙水砷浓度与砷异化还原菌功能基因arrAarsC丰度存在对应关系(除A1-3站外),说明砷异化还原菌将溶解As5+或固相As5+还原为溶解As3+可能是该过渡层砷迁移转化的另一重要过程。硫酸盐还原带的间隙水总As和As3+浓度降低,但由于间隙水的低S2-浓度不利于砷硫化物生成,因此深层间隙水砷可能与铁硫矿物结合而被移除。底层环境氧化还原条件是影响沉积物-水界面砷迁移转化的重要因素,随底层水DO浓度的降低,砷迁移转化更倾向于微生物还原控制。长江口沉积物-水界面总As的扩散通量为1.18×10-7~2.07×10-7 μmol·cm-2·s-1,均表现为沉积物间隙水中总As向上覆水释放,即沉积物是研究区域水体总As的来源之一。  相似文献   

In growing sedimentary sequences range and velocity of vertically ascending pore water (advection) can be determined quantitatively by using a simple graphical method. During continuing deposition and maintenance of compaction equilibrium, the pore water from deeper layers cannot reach the sediment-water interface. Range and velocity of advective flow decrease from top to bottom of a sequence and depend on the thickness affected by compaction. The velocity of pore water flow as well as the transport of solutes by advective flux are proportional to the sedimentation rate. Compaction flow can also result from under-con-solidation and diagenetic reduction of pore space. At the sediment-water interface, a direct contact between the ascending pore water and the overlying water body is feasible only under special conditions (interrupted sedimentation over under-consolidated material, erosion). These results are demonstrated on geometric models of sedimentary sequences, on experimentally deposited clay, and on selected examples of the Deep Sea Drilling Project.  相似文献   

泥-水界面物质交换过程对自然水体中污染物的迁移转化起重要作用,粗糙底床界面物质交换过程涉及到床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的影响。通过实验室环形水槽实验测量得到水力粗糙砂质底床条件下界面物质交换通量的定量数据和变化特征,采用参数化方法分析有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数之间的依赖关系。实验结果表明,在实验参数变化范围内,受上覆水平均流速、床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的共同作用,有效扩散系数从水力光滑区、过渡粗糙区至完全粗糙区呈现较为明显的分段变化特征,采用渗透率雷诺数可将有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数的依赖关系进行较为一致的描述。基于双参数(粗糙雷诺数和渗透率雷诺数)分析,确定了不同流动区域的相应阈值以合理表征床面粗糙度和底床渗透率对界面物质交换特性的综合影响。  相似文献   

泥-水界面物质交换过程对自然水体中污染物的迁移转化起重要作用,粗糙底床界面物质交换过程涉及到床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的影响。通过实验室环形水槽实验测量得到水力粗糙砂质底床条件下界面物质交换通量的定量数据和变化特征,采用参数化方法分析有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数之间的依赖关系。实验结果表明,在实验参数变化范围内,受上覆水平均流速、床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的共同作用,有效扩散系数从水力光滑区、过渡粗糙区至完全粗糙区呈现较为明显的分段变化特征,采用渗透率雷诺数可将有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数的依赖关系进行较为一致的描述。基于双参数(粗糙雷诺数和渗透率雷诺数)分析,确定了不同流动区域的相应阈值以合理表征床面粗糙度和底床渗透率对界面物质交换特性的综合影响。  相似文献   

正湿地沉积物—水界面的地表水—地下水交换通量对水环境的水文循环、水量均衡、水质变化、生化反应和生态环境效应等具有关键作用和重要意义。目前,在河流、湖泊、海洋等湿地区域的研究中,越来越多的研究者认识到地表水-地下水交互作用是不可忽略的水文循环过程,它将大大促进对区域乃至全球性水循环的深入理解。渗流仪是一种直接测量沉积物—水界面的水流通量的仪器装置,  相似文献   

An original system for measuring temperature in the ice cover and subglacial water and an increase in the ice thickness provides data necessary for calculation of the heat flux at the ice-water interface. Successive freezing of 1-mm temperature sensors during the ice growth allows us to measure temperature gradients in the vicinities of the ice-water interface for the first time. An analytical equation derived from the Stefan condition allows calculations of the heat flux at the phase boundary on the basis of the experimental data, which agree with independent estimates that have been made on the basis of the subglacial temperature gradients and are within the 4–39 W/m2 range. The flow at the ice-water interface is comparable with the heat flux inside the ice depth and significantly affects the dynamics of the ice cover thickness.  相似文献   

During the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in sediments iodine is released into solution. Three techniques have been applied to independently estimate the resulting flux of soluble I from the sediments to the overlying water of Mud Bay, Georgetown, South Carolina. Flux estimates (summer) range between ~ 5 and 41 μmol/m2/day. The estimates predicted from either the pore water I concentration gradient across the sediment-water interface or the dissolved I production rate are higher than the apparent flux measured directly at the same site. This suggests that I which is released to the pore water under the anoxic conditions below the sediment surface reacts with a sedimentary component at or near the sediment water interface and is lost from solution.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrate biomass and ammonium excretion rates were measured at four stations in the Gulf of Mexico near the Mississippi River mouth. Calculated areal excretion rates were then compared to sediment-water nitrogen fluxes measured in benthic bottom lander chambers at similar stations to estimate the potential importance of macroinvertebrate excretion to sediment nitrogen mineralization. Excretion rates for individual crustaceans (amphipods and decapods) was 2–21 nmoles NH4 + (mg dry weight)?1 h?1. The mean excretion rates for the polychaetes, Paraprionaspio pinnata [6–12 nmoles NH4 + (mg dry weight)?1h?1] and Magelona sp. [27–53 nmoles NH4 + (mg dry weight)?1h?1], were comparable or higher than previous measurements for similar size benthic or pelagic invertebrates incubated at the same temperature (22±1°C). Although the relatively high rates of excretion by these selective feeders may have been partially caused by experimental handling effects (e.g., removal from sediment substrates), they probably reflected the availability of nitrogen-rich food supplies in the Mississippi River plume. When the measured weight-specific rates were extrapolated to total areal biomass, areal macroinvertebrate excretion estimates ranged from 7 μmole NH4 + m?2h?1 at a 40-m deep station near the river mouth to 18 μmole NH4 + m?2h?1 at a shallower (28-m deep) station further from the river mouth. The net flux of ammonium and nitrate from the sediments to the water measured in bottom lander chambers in the same region were 15–53 μmole NH4 + m?2h?1 and ?25–21 μmole NO3 ? m?2h?1. These results suggest that excretion of NH4 + by macroinvertebrates could be a potentially important component of benthic nitrogen regeneration in the Mississippi River plume-Gulf shelf region.  相似文献   

喀斯特溶槽岩-土界面优势流及其对土壤水分动态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对两个典型溶槽剖面的野外入渗实验,结合对入渗锋面的红外成像和染色示踪,分析溶槽中土壤湿润锋运移受岩—土界面优势流、初始水分状态(干湿程度和不均匀分布)及植被根系的影响程度。其结果表明:岩—土界面优势流增加入渗锋面到达处的土壤含水率是溶槽中部的1.1~14.5倍,但岩—土界面优势流形成的侧向水势梯度可降低优势流锋面下移;初始入渗中表土湿润锋运移主要受植被根系大孔隙优势流的影响,岩—土界面优势流作用不显著,但随着入渗深度的加大,岩—土界面优势流侧向弥散对湿润锋运移和土壤水分的影响加强。   相似文献   

Pb(II) sorption experiments with calcite powders were conducted in suspensions equilibrated at atmospheric PCO2(g) and ambient temperature at pH 7.3, 8.2 and 9.4. Pb fractional sorption was low at pH 7.3 and 9.4 relative to pH 8.2, and correlated well with PbCO30(aq) speciation. Desorption experiments conducted for initial sorption times ranging from 0.5 h to 12 d reveal an almost completely reversible process at pH 8.2, attributed to the dominance of an adsorption mechanism, with slight and pronounced irreversibility at pH 7.3 and 9.4 respectively. Similarities in X-ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES) for 24 h and 12 d pH 7.3 and 9.4 sorption samples indicate no effect of initial sorption time. Results from linear combination (LC) fits of XANES spectra for samples sorbed at pH 9.4 confirm ∼75% adsorbed and ∼25% coprecipitated components. The coprecipitated fraction was attributed to the non-exchangeable metal observed in desorption experiments. At pH 7.3, ∼95% adsorbed and ∼5% coprecipitated components were obtained. A comparison of results from desorption experiments and LC-XANES alludes to an irreversibly bound adsorbed component for the pH 9.4 12 d sorption sample. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) analysis of pH 7.3 and 9.4 12 d sorption samples confirms the presence of both adsorbed and coprecipitated metal. At pH 7.3 a first-shell Pb-O bond length of 2.38 Å is intermediate between that of adsorbed (2.34 Å) and coprecipitated (2.51 Å) Pb. At pH 9.4, two first-shell Pb-O distances at 2.35 Å and 2.51 Å were obtained, indicative of the occurrence of both adsorption and coprecipitation and a larger coprecipitated fraction relative to that at pH 7.3, consistent with LC-XANES results. We propose that the disparity in the fraction of coprecipitated metal with pH may be linked to the ability of sorbed Pb to inhibit near-surface dynamic exchange of Ca and CO3 species, which dictates step advance and retreat. Less effective inhibition of step motion at pH 9.4, due to lower fractional sorption, combined with highest rates of dynamic exchange results in a significant fraction of coprecipitated Pb at this pH. At low pH, though fractional sorption is also low, lower rates of exchange prohibit significant coprecipitation. At pH 8.2, effective inhibition of surface processes due to higher fractional sorption and lower rates of exchange compared to pH 7.3 and 9.4 preclude detectable coprecipitation. Other factors such as changes in surface speciation and solubility of the Pb-Ca solid solution with pH may also come into play. Overall, this study presents evidence for the influence of pH on Pb sorption mechanisms, and addresses the efficiency of Pb immobilization in calcitic systems.  相似文献   

A reexamination of Biot's internal instability analysis, including the effects of bending resistance and nonlinear material properties, shows that internal buckling and oblique localized shearing into bands are the two end-member processes associated with internal instability. The first is a consequence of a high anisotropy which is an intrinsic property of the original unstressed layering or foliation. The second is a consequence of a highly anisotropic material response to perturbations which is induced during the initial uniform compression if material properties are nonlinear. The incremental anisotropy generating the instability is associated with planes of least resistance to shearing in directions parallel to the initial compression in the first case and at 45° to the initial compression in the second case.  相似文献   

Investigations undertaken in 2013 at a foreshore site that was historically used for ship repairs in Korea indicated that soil and groundwater were contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons over an area of 10,000 m2. Groundwater investigations and modelling were undertaken to determine the characteristics of aquifers beneath the site, including the direction and rate of groundwater flow and the extent of dispersion of total petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. To identify petroleum products residing in contaminated soils, the hump of an unresolved complex mixture on the baseline found in the data of gas chromatography was used as a new method. Based on objective facts obtained from basic investigation, the current state of contamination, and discrimination of oil species, the polluter as specified in the Korean Soil Environment Conservation Act was identified.  相似文献   

We report on extensive deposition measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2) on three types of commonly used building stones (Obernkirchen sandstone, Sand sandstone, Ihrlerstein sandstone). The deposition velocities on the three materials were determined in a number of measuring campaigns at different sites with different levels of air pollution. The measurements clearly imply that there is a strong influence of SO2 concentration on the deposition velocity. With increasing concentration there is a strong decrease in the deposition velocity. To understand this deposition behavior a simple model with a single rate constant as the only adjustable parameter was established. Rate constants for the three stone materials were determined by least squares analysis and good agreement between experimental and calculated deposition velocities was obtained. According to the model treatment the surface resistance of stone materials increases with increasing SO2 concentration due to a decrease of the pH in surface films. It follows from the concentration dependence of the deposition velocity that emission control measures for the reduction of ambient SO2 concentrations do not lead to a proportional reduction of the SO2 deposition. At low SO2 concentrations the differences in the deposition behavior of different stone materials diminish and stone surfaces behave like ideal absorbers under such conditions, i.e., the deposition velocity is controlled by the aerodynamic resistance.  相似文献   

We report on a chamber study to determine the influence of SO2 concentration and relative humidity (RH) on the deposition velocity of SO2 to a carbonaceous sandstone (Ihrlerstein sandstone) and to two silicate sandstones (Sand sandstone and Obernkirchen sandstone). Two different chambers were used, one operated at constant inlet SO2 concentration, the other one at constant outlet concentration. Measurements were carried out at realistically low SO2 concentrations ranging from 15 ppb to 200 ppb. The relative humidity was varied from 45 to 95 %. The measurements confirm a strong influence of concentration on the deposition velocity for all stones investigated. This concentration dependence can be represented using a very simple model with only one rate constant as the only adjustable parameter. A significant influence of the relative humidity on the deposition velocity to the carbonaceous stone is also observed. In contrast, the deposition velocity to the silicate stones is independent of RH. It is demonstrated that the combined influences of concentration and RH on the deposition velocity can be only correctly determined in chambers with constant outlet concentration.  相似文献   

The spectrophotometric measurements of chloro complexes of lead in aqueous HCl, NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 solutions at 25°C have been analyzed using Pitzer's specific interaction equations. Parameters for activity coefficients of the complexes PbCl+, PbCl20 and PbCl3? have been determined for the various media. Values of K1 = 30.0 ± 0.6, K2 = 106.7 ± 2.1 and K3 = 73.0 ± 1.5 were obtained for the cumulative formation constants. [Pb2+ + nCl? → PbCln2?n)]. These values are in reasonable agreement with literature data. The Pitzer parameters for the PbCl ion pairs in various media were used to calculate the speciation of Pb2+ in an artificial seawater solution.  相似文献   

The fabric plays an important role in the mechanical behavior of granular material. The aim of this paper is to investigate the evolution of fabric in a soil-structure interface (SSI) to a large shearing in an effort to clarify whether and how this form of fabric evolution can lead to a common microstructure. Using the discrete element method (DEM), two-dimensional (2D) numerical interface shear tests were carried out, and certain macromechanical and micromechanical properties were exploited. All samples exhibited prominently localized strain in a zone covering the structure's surface (named the localized zone), and much lower density and higher soil fabric anisotropy levels were found inside this zone than outside it. Disregarding different initial void ratios, a common critical state microstructure was observed in large shear deformations of soil samples, with essentially the same fabric arrangement in terms of contact orientation and internal force transmission. Due to the systematic forming, buckling, and collapsing of force chains, an angular zone (called an α -zone), in which contact density was sluggish to varying degrees, appeared and extended around the main direction of the distribution of contact orientation inside the localized zone. The gradual deterioration of the force chains' stability, as a result of an increasing void ratio, seemed to drive the α -zone's extension and lead to the rare variation of microstructures in the critical state.  相似文献   

剪切速率和材料特性对筋-土界面抗剪强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐超  孟凡祥 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3101-3106
土工合成材料与填料之间的界面强度参数是加筋-土工程设计的关键技术指标,筋-土界面的直剪试验和拉拔试验在界面剪切特性试验研究中应用最为广泛。利用土工格栅、土工织物与砂土的直剪试验和拉拔试验,研究了剪切速率和筋材性质对筋-土界面强度的影响。研究结果表明,当剪切速率不超过一定界限(如7.0 mm/min)时,其对直剪试验结果的影响可以忽略;筋-土界面强度受加筋材料及砂土特性的影响,双向聚丙烯土工格栅和土工织物与砂土之间的内摩擦角与纯砂接近,界面强度较高,而玻纤格栅因其延伸率低和网格尺寸较小,与砂土的界面强度比较低。  相似文献   

Water recharge from land surfaces into subsurface media is an essential element in the hydrologic cycle. For a small-scale assessment, experimental approaches are usually followed, however, on a regional scale, this assessment needs to be made into a comprehensive picture where spatial data of the different contributing factors are treated. The case of Occidental Lebanon, with an area of around 5,000 km2, was studied by the integration of all factors influencing this hydrologic process. Contributing factors are: lineaments and drainage frequency density, lithologic character, karstic domains and land cover/land use. The determination of these factors was carried out mainly by the application of remote sensing. Satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM &; SPOT) and aerial photos were subjected to several treatment processes using a miscellany of software, mainly ERDAS Imagine and ESRI’s Arc View software. Furthermore, exogenetic data, such as topographic and geologic maps, were utilized. The extracted information for these factors was plotted on maps. The integration of the maps in a GIS allowed deciding their interactive effects. However, each factor had its own degree of effect, i.e., weight, which was also determined in this study. This study is an approach to better estimate and provide qualitative assessments of recharge potential (RP). The resultant map shows the highest recharge potentials towards the elevated regions where karstification is well development. It was found that around 57% of the study area is terrain with very high to high recharge rate values, which a considerable amount of precipitated water is allowed to percolate into subsurface rocks.  相似文献   

This paper consists of two interrelated parts. In the first part, the influence of the composition of sediment organic matter on crude oil composition is discussed. The second part deals with the origin of normal paraffins in petroleum.Source beds with abundant terrestrial plant matter generate heavy hydrocarbons rich in five-ring naphthenes. Unless such source beds are exposed to a high temperature for a prolonged time, the oils released are also rich in five-ring naphthenes. Such oils are rare; thus far the only examples found are some Eocene Wilcox oils from the Texas Gulf Coast and some Eocene Green River oils from the Uinta Basin, Utah. Normally, oil source beds are not rich in terrestrial plant matter and the five-ring naphthene content of the source bed hydrocarbons, as well as that of the produced oils, is low.The n-paraffins generated by oil source beds rich in terrestrial plant matter are characterized by abnormally low (C21 + C22)/(C28 + C29) ratios of 0.6–1.2. In oils of dominantly marine origin, this ratio is in the range 1.5–5.0. The ratio of marine to terrestrial organic matter in source beds appears to influence both the naphthene composition and the n-paraffin composition of the generated oils.Evidence is presented that petroleum n-parainns originate from slow thermal cracking of fatty acids contained in fats and waxes. Reaction equations are discussed which explain the major geochemical observations, including the difference in carbon-number distribution of the assumed parental fatty acids and of their descendant n-paraffins. In normal oils, which originate mostly from fat rich marine organic matter, the n-paraffin concentration tapers off above C20. The molecular weight range of the fatty acids of plant waxes is considerably higher than that of fats. If plant waxes contribute strongly to the oil source material, the molecular weight distribution of the petroleum n-paraffins formed is abnormal and high carbon numbers in the C24-C32 range dominate.  相似文献   

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