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Aboveground live standing crop of giant cutgrass (Zizaniopsis miliacea) populations in similar freshwater tidal and impounded nontidal marshes were almost identical (peaking at 1,039 g per m2 in each). The mortality, however, was greater in the tidal marsh resulting in significantly (95% level) greater annual production of aboveground cutgrass in the tidal (1,530±103 g per m2 per yr) than the impounded (1,172±88 g per m2 per yr) marsh, a 31% difference which we consider to be a measure of tidal subsidy. Belowground production also was found to average higher in the tidal marsh, but estimates were not as satisfactory as the aboveground results due to sampling difficulties. Combined annual above and belowground net production comes to an estimated 2,048 ±101 g per m2 per yr for the tidal and 1,481±219 for the impounded cutgrass marsh. The potential of freshwater tidal marshes for tertiary treatment of wastes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the standing crop of marsh vegetation was made of the Patuxent River and Parker Creek, two tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. The biomass of marsh vegetation in the tidal freshwater and brackish regions of the Patuxent was relatively uniform with regard to salinity, seasonally high concentrations of dissolved nitrogen, and phosphorus and nutrient gradient. Maximum values of biomass occurred in the tidal freshwater and slightly brackish water region of Parker Creek, a system whose nutrient concentrations approximated 20% of those of Patuxent River. Biomass values for the Patuxent River and Parker Creek averaged about 1417 and 895 g m?2 dry weight, respectively. Estimates of total annual marsh production based on the maximum standing crop was 27×103 and 519 metric tons, respectively, for the Patuxent River and Parker Creek.  相似文献   

Field experiments were completed to determine patterns of evapotranspirative water loss from salt and tidal freshwater marshes in Virginia. Water losses from “Mariotte systems” attached to open-water lysimeters and lysimeters vegetated by dominant marsh macrophytes were used to calculate hourly rates of open-water evaporation (Eo) and evapotranspiration (ET), respectively, during low tide. In the tidal freshwater marsh, ET was significantly greater than Eo (p=0.002, n=6); in the salt marsh, there were no differences between mean rates of ET and Eo (p=0.200, n=3). The ratio ET:Eo was highly correlated with leaf area index (LAI) (r2=0.82). In the tidal freshwater marsh, the amount of water loss due to plant transpiration was partitioned from total evapotranspiration by covering the water surface of the lysimeters with styrofoam beads. Measured transpiration rates in the tidal freshwater marsh were strongly correlated with leaf area index according to the following linear regression equation: T=0.355(LAI)?0.084 (r2=0.797, n=10). Because LAI was shown to be a good predictor of the relative increase in ET over Eo, it is likely that in vegetated tidal freshwater marshes with high leaf densities most atmospheric water loss comes from plants, not from the surface of the marsh. In salt marshes, low plant densities do not contribute substantially to atmospheric water loss, suggesting that paths of water transport and patterns of solute concentration in the subsurface environment are different compard to the tidal freshwater marsh.  相似文献   

Optical in situ chemical sensors enable sampling intervals and durations that rival acoustic techniques used for measuring currents. Coupling these high-frequency biogeochemical and physical measurements in estuaries to address ecosystem-scale questions, however, is still comparatively novel. This study investigated how tides affect ecosystem metabolism in a mesotidal estuary in central California (Elkhorn Slough). Dissolved oxygen measurements were used to estimate the terms in a control volume budget for a tidal creek/marsh complex at tidal timescales over several weeks. Respiration rates were 1.6 to 7.3 g O2 m?2 day?1; net community production approached 20 g O2 m?2 day?1. We found that aquatic NCP integrated throughout the creek complex varied significantly over the spring-neap cycle. The intertidal contribution to aquatic metabolism was net heterotrophic during spring tides and generally in balance during neap tides because spring-tide marsh inundation was limited to nighttime, and therefore the marsh could not contribute any primary production to the water column. At the estuary scale, the fortnightly export of oxygen from the main channel to the intertidal was largely balanced by an advective flux up-estuary.  相似文献   

Many tidally influenced freshwater forested wetlands (tidal swamps) along the south Atlantic coast of the USA are currently undergoing dieback and decline. Salinity often drives conversion of tidal swamps to marsh, especially under conditions of regional drought. During this change, alterations in nitrogen (N) uptake from dominant vegetation or timing of N recycling from the canopy during annual litter senescence may help to facilitate marsh encroachment by providing for greater bioavailable N with small increases in salinity. To monitor these changes along with shifts in stand productivity, we established sites along two tidal swamp landscape transects on the lower reaches of the Waccamaw River (South Carolina) and Savannah River (Georgia) representing freshwater (≤0.1 psu), low oligohaline (1.1–1.6 psu), and high oligohaline (2.6–4.1 psu) stands; the latter stands have active marsh encroachment. Aboveground tree productivity was monitored on all sites through monthly litterfall collection and dendrometer band measurements from 2005 to 2009. Litterfall samples were pooled by season and analyzed for total N and carbon (C). On average between the two rivers, freshwater, low oligohaline, and high oligohaline tidal swamps returned 8,126, 3,831, and 1,471 mg N?m?2 year?1, respectively, to the forest floor through litterfall, with differences related to total litterfall volume rather than foliar N concentrations. High oligohaline sites were most inconsistent in patterns of foliar N concentrations and N loading from the canopy. Leaf N content generally decreased and foliar C/N generally increased with salinization (excepting one site), with all sites being fairly inefficient in resorbing N from leaves prior to senescence. Stands with higher salinity also had greater flood frequency and duration, lower basal area increments, lower tree densities, higher numbers of dead or dying trees, and much reduced leaf litter fall (103 vs. 624 g?m?2 year?1) over the five study years. Our data suggest that alternative processes, such as the rate of decomposition and potential for N mineralization, on tidal swamp sites undergoing salinity-induced state change may be more important for controlling N biogeochemical cycling in soils than differences among sites in N loading via litterfall.  相似文献   

The vertical structure of the water column and the spatial distribution and semidiurnal variability of bacteria were investigated at six stations in the upper St. Lawrence estuary. The σ1 profiles indicate that the upper St. Lawrence is a partially mixed estuary. Stratification results from buoyancy input from the freshwater outflow of the St. Lawrence River, and its variability is controlled by tidal and, to a lesser extent, wind mixing. Calculations show that tidal mixing largely exceeds mixing caused by wind. Free and attached bacteria presented different patterns of spatial distribution and temporal variability. Free bacteria exhibited highest mean concentrations at the freshwater station (3.5–4.4 106ml?1) and lowest concentrations at the downstream stations (0.3–0.5 106ml?1); their numbers declined exponentially relative to salinity. Attached bacteria had highest mean concentrations (3.2–5.5 106ml?1) at salinities between 0.5 and 5 and were virtually absent at downseam stations (<0.05 106ml?1). The importance of semidiurnal variability was demonstrated Over the idal cycle, variability of attached bacteria was always greater than that of free bacteria. The analysis of causal models between salinity and free and attached bacteria, showed that the two types of bacteria are uncoupled and that both types have a strong relationship with salimity. Physical processes are thus important controlling factors of the distribution and variability of bacteria. Results suggest that large-scale processes, such as freshwater outflow and residual circulation, largely control free bacteria, whereas short-term and more local processes (e.g., sediment resuspension caused by wind) may also be important in the control of attached bacteria.  相似文献   

Planimetry studies of coastal geology maps prepared by the Maine Geological Survey show that there is more than an order of magnitude more tidal marsh area in the state of Maine than documented in previously published estimates. The highly convoluted coast of Maine, which is approximately 5,970 km long, contains almost 79 km2 of salt marsh, far more than any other New England state, New York, or the Bay of Fundy region. Reasonable estimates for the per-unit primary productivity of salt marshes lead to projections of total marsh productivity on the order of 1010 g dry weight yr?1 for the Maine coast and 1011 g dry weight yr?1 for the Gulf of Maine as a whole. Distribution of tidal marsh area is strongly controlled by coastal geomorphology, which varies considerably along the coast of Maine. The salt marsh area is concentrated in the southwestern coastal region of arcuate bays, where marshes have developed behind sandy beaches. A series of long islands and bedrock peninsulas in the south-central portion of the coast also provides sheltered areas where large marshes occur. Northeast of Penobscot Bay salt marshes become more numerous and smaller in average areal extent. A lack of protection from waves, along with limited sources of glacio-fluvial and glacio-marine sediments, restricts the occurrence of salt marshes in that region to the frignes of coves and tidal rivers.  相似文献   

N2 fixation associated with the epiphytic community on standing dead Spartina alterniflora shoots was examined in both a natural and transplanted salt marsh in North Carolina. Acetylene reduction (AR) assays were conducted over a 24-mo period to estimate N2 fixation rates on standing dead stems and leaves. In the natural salt marsh, mean AR rates ranged from 0.5 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 14 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1, while in the transplanted marsh mean AR rates ranged from 1 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 33 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1. Diel AR activity of epiphytic communities in both marshes varied seasonally. Midday incubations yielded higher AR rates than nighttime incubations in the spring, while midday incubations in late summer and fall generally yielded AR rates equal to or lower than nighttime incubations. Desiccation during low tides occasionally repressed AR activity, although AR rates quickly rebounded with wetting. AR activity was localized in the epiphytic community, rather than in the underlying Spartina stem material. Based on the measured AR rates and the density of standing dead stems, the annual input of new N to the natural salt marsh via epiphytic N2 fixation is estimated to be 2.6 g N m?2 yr?1. The estimate of annual input of new N to the transplanted marsh is 3.8 g N m?2 yr?1. These estimates should be added to previous estimates of N2 fixation in marsh sediments to estimate the total contribution of new nitrogen to salt marsh nitrogen budgets.  相似文献   

Sediment accretion was measured at four sites in varying stages of forest-to-marsh succession along a fresh-to-oligohaline gradient on the Waccamaw River and its tributary Turkey Creek (Coastal Plain watersheds, South Carolina) and the Savannah River (Piedmont watershed, South Carolina and Georgia). Sites included tidal freshwater forests, moderately salt-impacted forests at the freshwater–oligohaline transition, highly salt-impacted forests, and oligohaline marshes. Sediment accretion was measured by use of feldspar marker pads for 2.5 year; accessory information on wetland inundation, canopy litterfall, herbaceous production, and soil characteristics were also collected. Sediment accretion ranged from 4.5 mm year?1 at moderately salt-impacted forest on the Savannah River to 19.1 mm year?1 at its relict, highly salt-impacted forest downstream. Oligohaline marsh sediment accretion was 1.5–2.5 times greater than in tidal freshwater forests. Overall, there was no significant difference in accretion rate between rivers with contrasting sediment loads. Accretion was significantly higher in hollows than on hummocks in tidal freshwater forests. Organic sediment accretion was similar to autochthonous litter production at all sites, but inorganic sediment constituted the majority of accretion at both marshes and the Savannah River highly salt-impacted forest. A strong correlation between inorganic sediment accumulation and autochthonous litter production indicated a positive feedback between herbaceous plant production and allochthonous sediment deposition. The similarity in rates of sediment accretion and sea level rise in tidal freshwater forests indicates that these habitats may become permanently inundated if the rate of sea level rise increases.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in aboveground plant biomass, cover, and frequency were monitored in Sweet Hall Marsh, a tidal freshwater marsh located on the Pamunkey River, Virginia, during the 1974 growing season.Peltandra virginica accumulated the most biomass, 423.40 g per m2, followed byLeersia oryzoides at 67.75 g per m2. Annual net community production was estimated to be 775.74 g per m2 by using a multiple-harvest technique. Comparisons with other studies revealed that production was somewhat low for tidal freshwater marshes but mostly higher than production in Virginia brackish and saline wetlands. Measurements revealed an annual succession of plant species from spring to fall. The pattern observed was early dominance byPeltandra followed by a rise in importance ofPolygonum spp.,Impatients capensis andLeersia.  相似文献   

In order to test the assumption that accretion rates of intertidal salt marshes are approximately equal to rates of sea-level rise along the Rhode Island coast,210Pb analyses were carried out and accretion rates calculated using constant flux and constant activity models applied to sediment cores collected from lowSpartina alterniflora marshes at four sites from the head to the mouth of Narragansett Bay. A core was also collected from a highSpartina patens marsh at one site. Additional low marsh cores from a tidal river entering the bay and a coastal lagoon on Block Island Sound were also analyzed. Accretion rates for all cores were also calculated from copper concentration data assuming that anthropogenic copper increases began at all sites between 1865 and 1885. Bulk density and weight-loss-on-ignition of the sediments were measured in order to assess the relative importance of inorganic and organic accumulation. During the past 60 yr, accretion rates at the eight low marsh sites averaged 0.43±0.13 cm yr?1 (0.25 to 0.60 cm yr?1) based on the constant flux model, 0.40±0.15 cm yr?1 (0.15 to 0.58 cm yr?1) based on the constant activity model, and 0.44±0.11 cm yr?1 (0.30 to 0.59 cm yr?1) based on copper concentration data, with no apparent trend down-bay. High marsh rates were 0.24±0.02 (constant flux), 0.25±0.01 (constant activity), and 0.47±0.04 (copper concentration data). The cores showing closest agreement between the three methods are those for which the excess210Pb inventories are consistent with atmospheric inputs. These rates compare to a tide gauge record from the mouth of the bay that shows an average sea-level rise of 0.26±0.02 cm yr?1 from 1931 to 1986. Low marshes in this area appear to accrete at rates 1.5–1.7 times greater than local relative sea-level rise, while the high marsh accretion rate is equal to the rise in sea level. The variability among the low marsh sites suggests that marshes may not be poised at mean water level to within better than ±several cm on time scales of decades. Inorganic and organic dry solids each contributed about 9% by volume to low marsh accretion, while organic dry solids contributed 11% and inorganic 4% to high marsh accretion. Water/pore space accounted for the majority of accretion in both low and high marshes. If water associated with the organic component is considered, organic matter accounts for an average of 91% of low marsh and 96% of high marsh accretion. A dramatic increase in the organic content at a depth of 60 to 90 cm in the cores from Narragansett Bay appears to mark the start of marsh development on prograding sand flats.  相似文献   

We studied organic matter cycling in two Gulf Coast tidal, nonsaline marsh sites where subsidence causes marine intrusion and rapid submergence, which mimics increased sea-level rise. The sites experienced equally rapid submergence but different degrees of marine intrusion. Vegetation was hummocked and much of the marsh lacked rooted vegetation. Aboveground standing crop and production, as measured by sequential harvesting, were low relative to other Gulf CoastSpartina patens marshes. Soil bulk density was lower than reported for healthyS. alterniflora growth but that may be unimportant at the current, moderate sulfate levels. Belowground production, as measured by sequential harvesting, was extremely fast within hummocks, but much of the marsh received little or no belowground inputs. Aboveground production was slower at the more saline site (681 g m?2 yr?1) than at the less saline site (1,252 g m?2 yr?1). Belowground production over the entire marsh surface averaged 1,401 g m?2 yr?1 at the less saline site and 585 g m?2 yr?1 at the more saline site. Respiration, as measured by CO2 emissions in the field and corrected for CH4 emissions, was slower at the less saline site (956 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (1,438 g m?2 yr?1), reflecting greater contributions byS. alterniflora at the more saline site which is known to decompose more rapidly thanS. patens. Burial of organic matter was faster at the less saline site (796 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (434 g m?2, yr?1), likely in response to faster production and slower decomposition at the less saline site. Thus vertical accretion was faster at the less saline site (1.3 cm yr?1) than at the more saline site (0.85 cm yr?1); slower vertical accretion increased flooding at the more saline site. More organic matter was available for export at the less saline site (1,377 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (98 g m?2 yr?1). These data indicated that organic matter production decreased and burial increased in response to greenhouse-like conditions brought on by subsidence. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY069 00016  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater marshes are diverse habitats that differ both within and between marshes in terms of plant community composition, sediment type, marsh elevation, and nutrient status. Because our knowledge of the nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry of tidal freshwater systems is limited, it is difficult to assess how these marshes will respond to long-term progressive nutrient loading due to watershed development and urbanization. We present a process-based mass balance model of N cycling in Sweet Hall marsh, a pristine (i.e., low nutrient)Peltandra virginica-Pontederia cordata dominated tidal freshwater marsh in the York River estuary, Virginia. The model, which was based on a combination of field and literature data, revealed that N cycling in the system was largely conservative. The mineralization of organic N to NH4 + provided almost twice as much inorganic N as was needed to support marsh macrophyte and benthic microalgal primary production. Efficient utilization of porewater NH4 + by nitrifiers and other microbes resulted in low rates of tidal NH4 + export from the marsh and little accumulation of NH4 + in marsh porewaters. Inputs of N from the estuary and atmosphere were not critical in supporting marsh primary production, and served to balance N losses due to denitrification and burial. A comparison of these results with the literature suggests that the relative importance of tidal freshwater marsh N cycling processes, including plant productivity, organic matter mineralization, microbial immobilization, and coupled nitrification-denitrification, are largely independent of small changes in water column N loading. Although very high (millimolar) concentrations of dissolved inorganic N can affect processes including denitrification and plant productivity, the factors that cause the switch from efficient N recycling to a more open N cycle have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

We studied interactions between animal disturbance (geese, carp, and muskrat) and elevation in a field experiment in tidal freshwater marshes of the Patuxent River, Maryland, United States. Vegetation changes were recorded in fenced and unfenced plots in high and low marsh community types for 2 yr using measurements of areal cover and within-plot frequency (which were averaged to create a dominance index), Leaf Area Index (LAI), and aboveground biomass. We related light environment to differences in vegetation using below-canopy measurements of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR). In the low marsh, total cover of all species, cover of annual species, biomass, and LAI were significantly higher in plots fenced to exclude animals (exclosures) than in unfenced plots (fenced/unfenced total cover=76/40%, annual cover=45/10%, biomass=936/352 g m?2, LAI=3.3/1.4). PAR was significantly lower in fenced than unfenced plots (fenced/unfenced=115/442 μmol s-1 m?2). Despite the strong effect of fencing on biomass, species richness per plot (i.e., the number of species per plot, or species density) was not affected significantly by fencing in the low marsh. Most of the observed differences in cover, biomass, LAI, and PAR were due to variation in the abundance of the herbaceous annual speciesBidens laevis (dominance index fenced/unfenced=45/10%) andZizania aquatica (30/12%). In the high marsh community, fencing had only minor effects on plant community composition and did not significantly affect species richness, cover, biomass, PAR, or LAI. Our results show that animals can dramatically affect low marsh vegetation, primarily via physical disturbance or herbivory of shallowly rooted seedlings of annual species.  相似文献   

This paper documents the role of salt marsh algal mats in the productivity of a southern California tidal wetland. The productivity of the mats, which are composed of filamentous bluegreen and green algae and diatoms, varies both temporally and spatially in relation to tidal inundation and overstory vegetation. The estimates of net primary productivity (NPP) were highest under the canopy ofJaumea carnosa (Less.) Gray (341 g C m?2 yr?1) at low elevation. Elsewhere, NPP appeared to be limited by low light (276 g C m?2 yr?1 underSpartina foliosa Trin.) and desiccation (185 g C m?2 yr?1 underBatis martima L. and 253 g C m?2 yr?1 underMonanthochloe littoralis Engelm). Algal NPP was from 0.8 to 1.4 times that of the vascular plant overstory NPP. It is hypothesized that the arid environment of southern California and resulting hypersaline soils reduce vascular plant cover, which leads to high algal productivity.  相似文献   

Water samples have been taken daily at 1030 EST from three locations within North Inlet (South Carolina) since June of 1980 in order to evaluate the tidal, seasonal, and eventually annual variability in carbon concentrations within this system and generate hypotheses explaining the observed trends. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations within North Inlet (South Carolina) vary inversely with salinity (r2=0.65), suggesting the main source of DOC in North Inlet is freshwater entering from the adjacent forested watershed. This assertion is supported by an observed decrease of tidal water salinity with the onset of streamflow. DOC variability is also associated with (1) groundwater advection and/or runoff and seepage from the marsh surface; (2) removal from tidal water via either physical sorption or biological uptake; (3) sampling location; and (4) origin of water mass. Particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations vary seasonally, higher values found during the summer. POC variability is controlled by a series of physical and biological factors. Evidence suggests that in the smaller tidal creeks, POC concentrations are associated with (1) rain events scouring the marsh surface, (2) phytoplankton concentrations varying as a function of tidal stage, and (3) removal of particulate material from the marsh surface on the ebb tide. In the larger tidal creeks tidal water velocity appears to be the main factor influencing POC values.  相似文献   

A nutrient mass balance for the tidal freshwater segment of the James River was used to assess sources of nutrients supporting phytoplankton production and the importance of the tidal freshwater zone in mitigating nutrient transport to marine waters. Monthly mass balances for 2007–2010 were based on riverine inputs, local point sources (including sewer overflow events), ungauged inputs, riverine outputs, and tidal exchange. The tidal freshwater James River received exceptionally high areal loads (446 mg TN m?2 day?1 and 55 mg TP m?2 day?1) compared to other estuaries in the region and elsewhere. P inputs were principally from riverine sources (84 %) whereas point sources contributed appreciably (54 %) to high N loads. Despite high loading rates and short water residence time, areal mass retention was high (143 mg TN m?2 day?1 and 33 mg TP m?2 day?1). Retention of particulate fractions occurred during high discharge, whereas dissolved inorganic fractions were retained during low discharge when chlorophyll-a concentrations were high. On an annualized basis, P was retained more effectively (59 %) than N (32 %). P was retained by abiotic mechanisms via trapping of particulate forms, whereas N was retained through biological assimilation of dissolved inorganic forms. Results from a limited suite of stable isotope determinations suggest that DIN from point sources was preferentially retained. Combined inputs from diffuse and point sources accounted for only 20 % and 36 % (respectively) of estimated algal N and P demand, indicating that internal nutrient recycling was important to sustaining high rates of phytoplankton production in the tidal freshwater zone.  相似文献   

A one-year field study was conducted of the growth, mortality, and loss dynamics of aSpartina alterniflora low marsh in the Minas Basin, a macrotidal estuary at the head of the Bay of Fundy. Data were used to examine the suitability of four methods for estimating annual net aerial primary production (NAPP) of a marsh subject to energetic tidal flooding. Shoots start to grow in April and reach maximum height (about 0.5 m) and weight in October. Maximum shoot density (900–1,600 m?2) occurs around June and drops thereafter due to the export of entire shoots. The average shoot produces about seven leaves and at least 2–3 are lost during the growing season. All remaining vegetation dies before the end of November. Methods based on harvesting vegetation underestimated NAPP, especially at lower elevations where export is greater due to more frequent and prolonged tidal flooding. The highest NAPP values, on the order of 500–600 g m?2 y?1, were obtained using methods based on the population dynamics of individual shoots. These methods are recommended for energetic tidal environments because they include the production of vegetation exported during the growing season.  相似文献   

A model for the geomorphic and vegetation development of a river valley tidal marsh in southern New England (Connecticut) is based on both the species composition of roots and rhizomes and on the mineralogic sediments preserved in peat. The maximum depth of salt marsh peat is 3.8 m and in the deepest areas this can overlie up to 1.9 m of fresh to brackish water peat. Based on a radiocarbon date of 3670±140 yr before the present (B.P.) for basal peat at a depth of 4.0 m, vertical accretion rates have averaged ca. 1.1 mm yr?1. Salt marsh formation began in response to rising sea level 3800–4000 yr B.P., as brackish marshes, dominated by bulrush (Scirpus sp.), replaced freshwater wetlands along stream and river channels. Gradually salt marsh vegetation developed over submerging brackish marshes, adjacent uplands, and accreting tidal flats. By 3000 yr B.P. the lower estuary was tidal, with sufficient salinity for salt marsh to dominate most wetlands. Spikegrass (Distichlis spicata) was an important early colonizer in salt marsh formation and its role in marsh development has not been documented previously. Blackgrass (Juncus gerardi), currently a typical upper border species, appears in the peat record relatively recently, perhaps within the last few centuries. In contrast, reed (Phragmites australis) has been present for at least 3500 yr. The dominance of reed along the upper border today, however, appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

Fluxes of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere at 52 sites within a salt marsh were measured by a dark static chamber technique from mid July to mid September. Mean CH4 fluxes ranged from 0.2 mg m?2 d?1 to 11.0 mg m?2 d?1, with an overall average of 1.6 mg m?2 d?1. Flux of CH4 was inversely correlated (r2=0.23, p = 0.001) with salinity of the upper porewater at the site, suggesting the dominant role of SO4 2? in inhibiting methanogenesis in salt-marsh sediments. The combination of salinity and water table position was able to explain only 29% of the variance in CH4 emission. Mean soil flux of CO2 ranged from 0.3 g m?2 d?1 to 3.7 g m?2 d?1, with an overall average of 2.5 g m?2 d?1; it was correlated with aboveground biomass (positive, r2=0.38, p = 0.001) and position of the water table (negative, r2 = 0.55, p = 0.001). The combination of biomass and water table position accounted for 63% of the variance in CO2 flux. There were high variations in gas flux within the six plant communities. The sequences were CH4: upland edge > panne > pool > middle marsh > low marsh > high marsh, and CO2: middle marsh > low marsh > upland edge > high marsh > panne > pool. Compared to other salt-marsh systems, this Bay of Fundy marsh emits small amounts of CH4 and CO2.  相似文献   

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