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Estuaries act as an organic matter and nutrient filter in the transition between the land, rivers and the ocean. In the past, high nutrient and organic carbon load and low oxygen concentration made the Elbe River estuary (NW Europe) a sink for dissolved inorganic nitrogen. A recent reduction in loads and subsequent recovery of the estuary changed its biogeochemical function, so that nitrate is no longer removed on its transition towards the coastal North Sea. Nowadays in the estuary, nitrification appears to be a significant nitrate source. To quantify nitrification and determine actively nitrifying regions in the estuary, we measured the concentrations of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate, the dual stable isotopes of nitrate and net nitrification rates in the estuary on five cruises from August 2012 to August 2013. The nitrate concentration increased markedly downstream of the port of Hamburg in summer and spring, accompanied by a decrease of nitrate isotope values that was clearest in summer exactly at the location where nitrate concentration started to increase. Ammonium and nitrite peaked in the Hamburg port region (up to 18 and 8 μmol L?1, respectively), and nitrification rates in this region were up to 7 μmol L?1 day?1. Our data show that coupled re-mineralization and nitrification are significant internal nitrate sources that almost double the estuary’s summer nitrate concentration. Furthermore, we find that the port of Hamburg is a hot spot of nitrification, whereas the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) only plays a subordinate role in turnover of nitrate.  相似文献   

In this study, spatial and seasonal dynamics of trace elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, As) in water and sediments were examined in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), South China. The spatial variations of all the studied trace elements in sediments show the general decrease pattern from northwest to southeast side of the PRE, suggesting that the main sources of these trace elements may originate from terrestrial (rock and soil) weathering and human activities (e.g. agricultural, industrial and municipal wastewaters) via riverine inputs. The dissolved Cu, Pb, Cd, As, and Zn in PRE ranged from 0.34 to 3.26, 0.19 to 4.58, 0.0015 to 0.30, 0.16 to 8.18, 3.74 to 36.10 μg/L, respectively. There are obvious seasonal changes of dissolved trace elements in the PRE aquatic system. The maximum seasonal averages of all the dissolved trace elements excluding Zn were observed in summer, whereas dissolved Zn showed the minimum in this season. The overall spatial pattern of all the dissolved trace elements excluding Zn demonstrates decreasing trends from inshore to offshore, and the highest concentrations of dissolved Cu, Cd, As, and Zn appeared in the western part of PRE or the mouths of Pearl River, suggesting strong riverine and anthropogenic local inputs. PCA and correlation analysis show that the geochemical behavior of dissolved Cu and As are complicated and the dynamics of these two elements are controlled by various physicochemical parameters, whereas physicochemical parameters might play a relatively small role in the distributions of other studied trace elements.  相似文献   

The Delaware River Estuary (DRE) is a cornerstone of industrialization, shipping, and urban usage, and has a long history of human impact on pollution and recovery. Mercury (Hg) is a contaminant of concern in the DRE based upon concentrations in some fish samples that were found to exceed State and Federal fish tissue criteria. Methylation of Hg often follows a seasonal pattern as its production is biologically mediated. Surveys were conducted in November 2011, April 2012, and July 2012 to assess this effect. We sampled surface and bottom water at six sites spanning the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) in the main channel of the river, plus three sediment sites at shallow, subtidal locations. Our results indicate there is a clear seasonal increase in both water column and sediment methylmercury (MeHg) and %MeHg concentrations in the ETM during July. Water-column-filtered total mercury (HgT), suspended particle HgT, and MeHg concentrations were found to fluctuate little with location or season in the ETM. In contrast, sediment MeHg, water-column-filtered MeHg, and pore water HgT varied seasonally. Furthermore, pore water MeHg levels were elevated in concert with increased k meth rates in July. Estimated river input and sediment and atmospheric depositional MeHg flux were compared seasonally. River flux was more than an order of magnitude higher than sediment flux in April, coinciding with higher fluvial transport. However, during July, river flux decreases and sediment flux becomes a larger relative source. This trend has potential implications for fish and other biota residing in the DRE during summer.  相似文献   

The Delaware River and Bay Estuary is one of the major urbanized estuaries of the world. The 100-km long tidal river portion of the estuary suffered from major summer hypoxia in the past due to municipal and industrial inputs in the urban region; the estuary has seen remarkable water quality improvements from recent municipal sewage treatment upgrades. However, the estuary still has extremely high nutrient loading, which appears to not have much adverse impact. Since the biogeochemistry of the estuary has been relatively similar for the past two decades, our multiple year research database is used in this review paper to address broad spatial and seasonal patterns of conditions in the tidal river and 120 km long saline bay. Dissolved oxygen concentrations show impact from allochthonous urban inputs and meteorological forcing as well as biological influences. Nutrient concentrations, although high, do not stimulate excessive algal biomass due to light and multiple nutrient element limitations. Since the bay does not have strong persistent summer stratification, there is little potential for bottom water hypoxia. Elevated chlorophyll concentrations do not exert much influence on light attenuation since resuspended bottom inorganic sediments dominate the turbidity. Dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved and particulate organic carbon distributions show significant variability from watershed inputs and lesser impact from urban inputs and biological processes. Ratios of dissolved and particulate carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus help to understand watershed and urban inputs as well as autochthonous biological influences. Owing to the relatively simple geometry of the system and localized anthropogenic inputs as well as a broad spatial and seasonal database, it is possible to develop these biogeochemical trends and correlations for the Delaware Estuary. We suggest that this biogeochemical perspective allows a revised evaluation of estuarine eutrophication that should have generic value for understanding other estuarine and coastal waters.  相似文献   

Salinity profiles and meteorological data were analyzed during February, May, and September 2006 in Chetumal Bay, a large, shallow estuary of the Western Caribbean. Local meteorological conditions revealed three seasons: (1) a dry season (March–May); (2) a wet season (June–October); and (3) the nortes season, with northerly wind events (October–February). During the nortes and wet seasons, salinity ranged between 13 and 16 psu, and salinity was highest in the dry season, ranging between 18 and 22 psu over most of the area; a strong stratification and a significant contribution of salty water characterized this season. Strong horizontal gradients were observed near Rio Hondo during the three seasons. Deep and narrow peculiar bathymetric features called the pozas showed a strong stratification and a relatively high salinity. The northern part of Chetumal Bay and probably the entire system are far from being homogeneous.  相似文献   

不同季风时节北京近地面大气颗粒物中7Be和POPs的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年8月至2010年7月在东亚季风区中纬度城市北京连续一年以每周3天的时间尺度同步采集近地面大气中气溶胶样品并测定了宇宙射线成因核素7Be 和8种有机氯农药(OCPs)、7种多氯联苯(PCBs)的浓度。7Be浓度全年平均值为(8.39±0.49) mBq/m^3,显著高于欧洲地区具有相同纬度的城市。最高值出现在9月(15.64 mBq/m^3),最低值出现在5月(1.35 mBq/m^3)。夏季7Be浓度值较低,春、秋季浓度值较高。对大气气溶胶中7Be进行不同季风时节的比较要比季节性的比较可更好地揭示7Be的变化规律及其来源。夏季的低值与东南季风导致的多降雨气象条件有关。秋季的高值为大气环流异常所致。OCPs和PCBs总浓度(∑OCPs和∑PCBs)呈现夏季低,秋、冬季高的现象。西风和西北风为北京市大气气溶胶中POPs浓度最高的季风时节。较高氯代PCBs (PCB153和PCB180)在冬季占主导优势。较高的PCB101和PCB118可能来自北京周边的污染源。在部分时期7Be与DDTs和δ-HCH有显著的相关性,而在春季和夏季PCB-101与7Be有很好的相关性。  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved and particle-bound phosphorus (P) was investigated in the Elbe estuary during March 1995. The forms of particulate P were studied with a sequential extraction technique. Organic P dominated particle-bound P in the outer reaches of the estuary (52%), decreased to a minimum of 21% in the turbidity zone, and increased to 33% further upstream. Fe-bound P was the second most important P species in the outer reaches (27%) and dominated in the turbidity zone (up to 57%) and upstream of the turbidity zone (up to 48%). The P:Fe ratio increased with decreasing salinity, from 0.11 in the outer reaches to about 0.22 at zero salinity. Dissolved inorganic P release from reverine suspended matter was about two to three times larger than release, from marine suspended matter and was dominated by release of Fe-bound P. Dissolved inorganic P release from marine and from riverine organic matter were of equal importance. Because marine suspended matter dominates in the estuary, this suggests riverine organic matter is remineralized much faster than marine organic matter. This is in line with the refractory nature of marine organic matter (no phytoplankton bloom) and the easily degradable character of the riverine suspended matter (phytoplankton bloom) in the Elbe estuary during March 1995.  相似文献   

Three and a half years of hydrographic, velocity, and meteorological observations are used to examine the dynamics of upper Elkhorn Slough, a seasonally inverse, shallow, mesotidal estuary in central California. The long-term observations revealed that residual circulation in Elkhorn Slough is seasonally variable, with classic estuarine circulation in the winter and inverse estuarine circulation in the summer. The strength of this exchange flow varied both within years and between years, driven by the annual cycle of dry summers and wet winters. Subtidal circulation is a combination of both tidal and density-driven mechanisms. The subtidal magnitude and reversal of the exchange flows is controlled primarily by the density gradient despite the significant tidal energy. As the density gradient weakens, the underlying tidal processes generate vertically sheared exchange flows with the same sign as that expected for an inverse density gradient. The inverse density gradient may then further strengthen this inverse circulation. These data were collected as part of the Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory and demonstrate the utility of long-term in situ measurements in a coastal system, as consideration of such a wide range of forcing conditions would not have been possible with a less comprehensive data set.  相似文献   

Experiments indicate that at the high wind velocities characteristic of portions of the Martian surface, sand-sized particles will break down to silt and clay, which will then inevitably form sand-sized aggregates. Basalt and olivine aggregates held together by electrostatics were produced in an eolian abrasion device and their mass properties studied. It was difficult to examine aggregates after formation, as they separate and reform with very little handling, since electrostatic binding forces are quite weak.It is shown that aggregates range from 60 to more than 600 μm in diameter, that they generally are spheroidal in shape and become more elongate with increasing size, and that they tend to be layered with the inner portions more tightly bound than outer layers. After about one-and-one-half years, some aggregates lose their charge which is replaced with moisture; the aggregates retain their original sizes and shapes. None of the properties of electrostatic aggregates so far investigated are incompatible with the presence of these materials on Mars.  相似文献   

In Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (Grand Bay NERR), Mississippi, we used quantitative drop sampling in three common shallow estuarine habitats—low profile oyster reef (oyster), vegetated marsh edge (VME), and nonvegetated bottom (NVB)—to address the dearth in research comparing nekton utilization of oyster relative to adjacent habitats. The three habitats were sampled at two distinct marsh complexes within Grand Bay NERR. We collected a total of 633 individual fishes representing 41 taxa in 22 families. The most diverse fish family was Gobiidae (seven species) followed by Blennidae and Poeciliidae (three species each). We collected a total of 2,734 invertebrates representing 24 taxa in 11 families. The most diverse invertebrate family was Xanthidae (six species) followed by Palaemonidae (five species). We used ordination techniques to examine variation in species relative abundance among habitats, seasons, and sampling areas, and to identify environmental gradients correlated with species relative abundances. Our resulted indicated that oyster provided a similarly complex and important function as the adjacent VME. We documented three basic trends related to the importance of oyster and VME habitats: 1) Oyster and VME provide habitat for significantly more species relative to NVB, 2) Oyster and VME provide habitat for rare species, and 3) Several species collected across multiple habitats occurred at higher abundances in oyster or VME habitat. We also found that salinity, temperature, and depth were associated with seasonal and spatial shifts in nekton communities. Lastly, we found that the relative location of the two marsh complexes we studied within the context of the whole estuary may also explain some of the temporal and spatial differences in communities. We conclude that oyster habitat supported a temporally diverse and spatially distinct nekton community and deserves further attention in research and estuarine conservation efforts.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal and tidal-monthly, suspended particulate matter (SPM) dynamics in the Columbia River estuary from May to December 1997 using acoustic backscatter (ABS) and velocity data from four long-term Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) moorings in or near the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM). ABS profiles were calibrated and converted to total SPM profiles using pumped SPM samples and optical backscatter (OBS) data obtained during three seasonal cruises. Four characteristic settling velocity (W s) classes were defined from Owen Tube samples collected during the cruises. An inverse analysis, in the form of a non-negative least squares minimization, was used to determine the contribution of the four,W s-classes to each, total SPM profile. The outputs from the inverse analyses were 6–8 mo time-series ofW s-specific SPM concentration and transport profiles at each mooring. The profiles extended from the free surface to 1.8–2.7 m from the bed, with 0.25–0.50 m resolution. These time series, along with Owen Tube results and disaggregated size data, were used to investigate SPM dynamics. Three non-dimensional parameters were defined to investigate how river flow and tidal forcing affect particle trapping: Rouse numberP (balance between vertical mixing and settling) trapping efficiencyE (ratio of maximum SPM concentration in the estuary to fluvial source concentration), and advection numberA (ratio of height of maximum SPM concentration to friction velocity). The most effective particle trapping (maximum values ofE) occurs on low-flow neap tides. The location of the ETM and the maximal trapping migrated seasonally in a manner consistent with the increase in salinity intrusion length after the spring freshet. Maximum advection (high values ofA) occurred during highly stratified neap tides.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn) and its relationship with redox conditions and phytoplankton activity has been studied in the Scheldt estuary, during nine surveys carried out between May 1995 and June 1996. Seasonal profiles of dissolved trace metals and general estuarine water quality variables are compared, to identify the geochemical and biological processes responsible for the observed trace metal distributions. In keeping with previous studies, the behavior of dissolved Cd, Cu, and Zn can be explained by the presence of anoxic headwaters and the restoration of dissolved oxygen within the estuary. In the river water, the concentration of dissolved Cu and Zn is generally low, except during winter when dissolved oxygen is present in the water column, although highly undersaturated. Mobilization of particle-bound Cd, Cu, and Zn occurs as dissolved oxygen increases with increasing salinity, possibly because of oxidation of metal sulfides in the suspended matter. The geochemistry of dissolved Co is also related to the redox conditions but in an opposite way. Dissolved Co is mobilized in the anoxic upper estuary, along with the reduction in Mn (hydro) oxides, and subsequently coprecipitated with Mn (hydro) oxides when dissolved oxygen is restored. Conservative behavior is observed for dissolved Ni within the estuary. In the middle estuary, Cd and Zn are readsorbed during phytoplankton blooms, as suggested by the low concentrations of these metals during the most productive periods in spring and early summer. The removal may be caused by direct biological uptake and/or increased adsorption to suspended matter because of the pH increase associated with algae blooms. In the lower estuary, chemical gradients are much weaker and dilution with seawater is the dominant process.  相似文献   

2006年8月-2007年7月,在广州市天河区以每周采集2~3天的采样频率连续12个月采集近地面大气气溶胶样品,同步测定近地面气溶胶中7Be和有机氯农药(OCPs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)等持久性有机污染物的浓度值.7Be浓度全年平均值为2.59 mBq/m3,最高值出现在5月(8.5 mBq/...  相似文献   

Tidal marshes act as a buffer system for nutrients in the pore water and play important roles in controlling the budget of nutrients and pollutants that reach the sea. Spatial and seasonal dynamics of pore water nutrients were surveyed in three tidal marshes (Chongming Island, Hengsha Island, and Fengxian tidal flat) near the Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay from August 2007 to May 2008. Nutrient variations in pore water closely followed seawater quality in the estuaries, while the average concentration of NH4 +–N, the main form of inorganic nitrogen in pore water, was over two orders of magnitude higher than that in seawater which was dominated by nitrate. NH4 +–N export (13.81 μmol m?2 h?1) was lower than the import of (NO3 ?+NO2 ?)–N (?24.17 μmol m?2 h?1) into sediment over the 1-year period, hence reducing N-eutrophication in coastal waters. The export of SiO3 2?–Si and PO4 3?–P from tidal marshes regulated nutrient level and composition and lifted the ratio beyond potentidal element limitation in the coastal system. Moreover, macrophyte plants (Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis) played significant roles in controlling nutrient concentration in pore water and its exchange between marshes and estuaries. Fengxian marsh was characterized by higher nutrient concentrations and fluxes than other marshes in response to the more serious eutrophication in Hangzhou Bay than in the Yangtze Estuary.  相似文献   

青海省典型铁矿矿床特征及其成矿系列的浅析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
青海省铁矿床(点)成因类型可划分为镁铁-超镁铁岩浆成矿系列的结晶分异型矿床;壳幔型中酸性岩浆成矿系列的热液型、矽卡岩型矿床;火山喷流-沉积成矿系列的层控型矿床;叠加改造成矿系列的层控改造型、改造热液型、沉积变质型矿床;沉积喷流成矿系列的层控型矿床;沉积成矿系列的陆、海相沉积型矿床.通过对这些成矿系列的典型铁矿矿床特征的研究,从其成矿构造地质环境分析,许多铁多金属矿床(点)均具有形成大型以上矿床的成矿地质条件,且多伴生铜、铅、锌、金银等多金属矿产。研究认为,在今后的找矿勘查过程中,应利用成矿系列的规律,并注重对共(伴)生组分的综合评价,这对扩大全省的找矿远景,提高资源综合利用水平,提高铁矿床技术经济价值具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Banded sediments outcrop widely in the intertidal zone of the Severn Estuary and have been suggested, on the basis of textural analysis, to have formed in response to seasonal variations in sea temperature and windiness (Holocene, 14 (2004) 536). Here palynological and sedimentological analyses of banded sediments of mid-Holocene date from Gold Cliff, on the Welsh side of the Severn Estuary, are combined to test and further develop the hypothesis of seasonal deposition. Pollen percentage and concentration data are presented from a short sequence of bands to establish whether textural variations in the bands coincide with variations in pollen content reflecting seasonal flowering patterns. It is shown that fine-grained band parts contain higher total pollen concentrations, and a higher proportion of pollen from late spring- to summer-flowering plants, than coarse-grained band parts. Pollen in the coarser deposits appears primarily to reflect deposition from the buffering ‘reservoir’ of suspended pollen in the estuarine water-body and from rivers, when there is little pollen in the air in winter, while the finer sediments contain pollen deposited from the atmosphere during the flowering season, superimposed on these ‘background’ sources. The potential of such deposits for refining chronologies and identifying seasonality of coastal processes is noted, and the results of charcoal particle analysis of the bands presented as an example of how they have the potential to shed light on seasonal and annual patterns of human activity.  相似文献   

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