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The occurrence of planktonic prosobranch larvae identified during the summers of 1977, 1979 and 1981 off Beaufort, North Carolina is given. Forty-two species were recorded; 29 of these were found each summer. Observations and identifications were made on 12 newly described larvae: Lacuna sp, Epitonium sp. 1 (apiculatum), Epitonium sp. 2, Strombus alatus, Erato maugeriae, Simnia acicularis, Natica sp. 1, Natica sp, 2, Natica sp. 3, Natica sp. 4, Olivella adelae, Mangelia sp. and Sp.? Turridae. A key for the identification of planktonic prosobranch veligers occuring in summer months is included.  相似文献   

Transverse distributions of the depth-averaged, axial residual current across the mouth of North Inlet are computed. A numerical model is used in which the acceleration at any point of the section is governed by a balance between surface slope forcing, friction, and viscous drag. Computed velocities are compared with observations taken over three tidal cycles. The transverse structure of residual flow is similar to that described by the model. However, an additional circulation pattern is present in the data and may be due to advective effects.  相似文献   

The magnitude of sheet flow in a small South Carolina salt marsh was evaluated by comparing the storage curve for the basin based on topographic data with that based on current measurements in the main channel. The results indicate that on spring tides more than 50% of the volume of water that enters the basin enters as sheet flow over the grassy flats of the marsh. The current data also suggest that the actual storage curve may be a hysteresis loop with separate flood and ebb segments.  相似文献   

Daily water samples have been collected at three stations in the North Inlet (South Carolina) marshestuary system since February 1981 as part of the NSF Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) project. As a result of this sampling regime, nearly continuous time series of inorganic and organic suspended sediment, particulate organic carbon (POC), Secchi disk, salinity, and water temperature are now available. Power spectrum analysis of these data reveals that most of the explainable variance in the inorganic suspended sediment, POC, and Secchi disk data is related to a yearly cycle that is strongly coherent with water temperature such that high turbidity is associated with high water temperature. Only a small fraction of the explainable variance is associated with frequencies that can be related to the semidiurnal tide. Simple correlation analysis also indicates that turbidity is more closely associated with water temperature than with tide height or salinity. The ratio of POC to inorganic suspended sediment shows no discernible power spectra peaks and is weakly, but inversely, correlated with temperature. From these results we hypothesize that temperature-regulated bioturbation is the main factor controlling turbidity variations in the system. The lack of a strong inverse correlation between turbidity and salinity suggests that river runoff has little immediate impact on the suspended sediment of nearshore coastal waters in systems similar to North Inlet.  相似文献   

Rozas  L. P.  Hackney  C. T. 《Estuaries and Coasts》1984,7(3):213-224
Estuaries and Coasts - Fishes and invertebrate macrofauna (nekton) inhabiting three low salinity, intertidal rivulets were sampled biweekly from July 1981 through June 1982. Twenty-nine species of...  相似文献   

Bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) larvae were hatched and reared in the laboratory from eggs collected near Beaufort, North Carolina. The first growth increment formed on otoliths on the fifth day after hatching when larvae were between 3.7 and 4.2 mm standard length. On the average, one otolith growth increment was formed per day thereafter in larvae up to 23 d posthatch. Age of wild larvae from the Newport River estuary in North Carolina was determined from otolith increment counts based on the assumption that increment deposition rates in nature are the same as in the laboratory. From their size and estimated age, it appears that the standard length (SL) of wild larvae in the estuary increases exponentially at about 4% d?1 during their first 1.6 months, increasing from 0.24 mm d?1 on day 12 to 1.11 mm d?1 on day 49. Bay anchovy spawned early in the season (e.g., April–May) could grow to maturity and reach a size (>40 mm SL) that would enable them to spawn during their first summer.  相似文献   

Epiphytic microbial biomass (as chlorophylla) was measured monthly in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, for 16 months on spatially distinct stem sections (bottom and middle) of dead and livingSpartina alterniflora growth forms (tall, medium, and short) exposed at low tide. The highest biomass was located on the bottom section of tall plants, presumably due to their relatively longer contact with creek water and associated phytoplankton, and their closer proximity to marsh sediments with associated benthic microalgae, both recruitment sources for epiphytes. Dead plants left standing from the previous year’s growth cycle had higher epiphytic biomass than living plants, which occurred mostly in late spring through fall. Epiphytic biomass was highest in the winter (mean of 1.77 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1) and lowest in the summer (mean of 0.34 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1). Because phytoplankton andSpartina production are lowest in the winter, the results emphasize the relative importance of epiphytes to growth of herbivores in this season.  相似文献   

Drifter tracks and shipboard CTD observations have revealed a number of distinct features of the flood tide circulation carrying water through Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. One of the most noteworthy of these features is a nearshore jet in the flow carrying water to the inlet on a flood tide. Characterized by a shoreward increase in longshore flow, the jet produces a narrow coastal zone over which water is carried into the inlet. The jet appears to be principally a tidal phenomenon, as it is closely reproduced by a tidally-driven barotropic numerical model. The model results also indicate the jet may be a near-inlet feature. Model simulations of spring tide conditions show the jet confined to within 4 km of the inlet mouth. Another observed phenomenon, which is reproduced by the tidal model, is a distinct splitting of the flow entering the inlet, in which water passing through a particular inlet segment tends to move up-estuary along a well-defined path. An observed flow feature not reproduced by the tidal model is an eastward skew of the region over which water is drawn into the inlet on a flood tide. This asymmetry is unrelated to the local wind. Modeling results from a previous study suggest it may be due to convergent flow at the edge of the low salinity plume issuing from the inlet. Taken together, the results of this and other recent studies in the Beaufort Inlet region reveal the importance of nearshore currents on the eastern side of the inlet in delivering oceanic-spawned larvae to the estuarine system connected to the inlet.  相似文献   

Water samples have been taken daily at 1030 EST from three locations within North Inlet (South Carolina) since June of 1980 in order to evaluate the tidal, seasonal, and eventually annual variability in carbon concentrations within this system and generate hypotheses explaining the observed trends. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations within North Inlet (South Carolina) vary inversely with salinity (r2=0.65), suggesting the main source of DOC in North Inlet is freshwater entering from the adjacent forested watershed. This assertion is supported by an observed decrease of tidal water salinity with the onset of streamflow. DOC variability is also associated with (1) groundwater advection and/or runoff and seepage from the marsh surface; (2) removal from tidal water via either physical sorption or biological uptake; (3) sampling location; and (4) origin of water mass. Particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations vary seasonally, higher values found during the summer. POC variability is controlled by a series of physical and biological factors. Evidence suggests that in the smaller tidal creeks, POC concentrations are associated with (1) rain events scouring the marsh surface, (2) phytoplankton concentrations varying as a function of tidal stage, and (3) removal of particulate material from the marsh surface on the ebb tide. In the larger tidal creeks tidal water velocity appears to be the main factor influencing POC values.  相似文献   

The utilization of an intertidal salt marsh creek in South Carolina during January 1977 was determined by sampling every third ebb tide for 13 days. All fishes leaving the creek during that period were captured in a channel net. This procedure produced a time-series of samples which permitted analysis of the fish community occupying the intertidal creek at all times of day and night. A total of 14,730 larval, juvenile, and adult fishes comprising at least 22 species in 16 families were collected. The most common larval and juvenile fishes wereLeiostomus xanthurus, Mugil spp.,Myrophis punctatus leptocephali,Lagodon rhomboides, Paralichthys spp., andMicropogon undulatus. Catch sizes for all species varied widely between samples. No diurnal-nocturnal pattern in catches was evident forL. xanthurus, Mugil spp.,L. rhomboides andM. undulatus. M. punctatus was taken in large numbers only when the flood tide occurred during the day, while moreParalichthys spp. larvae were taken in late afternoon-evening flood tide samples. The most common invertebrate,Palaemonetes pugio, was taken in large quantities only in late afternoon-night flood tide samples. Three diversity indices were computed for each sample. Values for all indices varied widely between successive samples. The results emphasize a high degree of utilization of the intertidal creek habitat by larval and juvenile fishes. The diurnal-nocturnal activity patterns of some species, and the wide variation in catch size of the other species can permit use of the intertidal salt marsh habitat with reduced competition for available space and energy.  相似文献   

Salinity can be used as a conservative tracer of porewater turnover in circumstances when evapotranspiration is great enough to concentrate porewater salts in intertidal sediments. At two intertidal sites situated at mean high tide at North Inlet, South Carolina, porewater drainage was estimated by this method to be 9.4 m?2 d?1 and 16.6 1 m?2 d?1, depending on physical soil properties and assuming that solute losses occur by simple diffusion across the sediment surface, by uptake and excretion by vegetation, and by drainage. Mass balance simulations indicated that sediment physical properties, evapotranspiration, and elevation are important determinants of seasonal salinity extremes. At sites situated mear mean high tide, small differences in elevation significantly affect salinity and drainage rate. As site elevation increases, losses of solutes by drainage and diffusion decrease, and the variability of porewater salinity increases. This is significant because interannual changes in mean sea level, which average ±2.9 cm on the South Carolina coast, can have a great impact on the structure and function of estuaries due to changes in the solute balance of intertidal zone sediments. Mass balance simulations that used reduced evapotranspiration rates typical of colder climates significantly reduced the mean and variability of porewater salinity, which suggests that at lower latitudes salinity becomes a more dominant determinant of biological processes. This should influence a number of processes including primary productivity, strategies of water conservation and osmoregulation, and community structure. This conclusion is consistent with published data that show tropical mangroves to have lower photosynthetic rates, and presumably lower gas exchange rates in general, than mid- and high-latitude salt marsh grasses.  相似文献   

We report measurements of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total or titration alkalinity (TAlk), Ca2+, Mg2+, sulfate, and sulfide data at the seawater-freshwater interface in a shallow groundwater aquifer in North Inlet, South Carolina. These measurements and a diagenetic modeling analysis indicate that the groundwaters at North Inlet are mixtures of seawater and freshwater end-members and are seriously modified by carbon dioxide inputs from organic carbon degradation via SO42− reduction across the entire salinity range and fermentation and CaCO3 dissolution in the low-salinity region. DIC and TAlk are several times higher than the theoretical dilution line, whereas Ca2+ is slightly higher and SO42− is somewhat lower than the dilution line. Partial pressure of CO2 in the groundwater is extremely high (0.05 to 0.12 atm). These deviations are consistent with theoretical predictions from known diagenetic reactions. Estimated groundwater DIC fluxes to the South Atlantic Bight from either the surficial aquifer (via salt marshes) or the Upper Floridan Aquifer (direct input) are significant when compared to riverine flux in this area.  相似文献   

We investigated spatial and temporal changes in spectral irradiance, phytoplankton community composition, and primary productivity in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA. High concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were responsible for up to 84 % of the attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR). Green-yellow wavelengths were the predominant colors of light available at the two sampling sites: Clam Bank Creek and Oyster Landing. Vertical attenuation coefficients of PAR were 0.7–2.1 m?1 with corresponding euphotic zone depths of 1.5–6.7 m. Phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll a [chl a]) varied seasonally with a summer maximum of 16 μg chl a l?1 and a winter minimum of 1.4 μg chl a l?1. The phytoplankton community consisted mainly of diatoms, prasinophytes, cryptophytes and haptophytes, with diatoms and prasinophytes accounting for up to 67 % of total chl a. Changes in phytoplankton community composition showed strongest correlations with temperature. Light-saturated chl a-specific rates of photosynthesis and daily primary productivity varied with season and ranged from 1.6 to 14 mg C (mg chl a) ?1?h?1 (32–803 mg C m?3?day?1). Calculated daily rates added up to an annual carbon fixation rate of 84 g C m?3?year?1. Overall, changes in phytoplankton community composition and primary productivity in North Inlet showed a strong dependence on temperature, with PAR and spectral irradiance playing a relatively minor role due to short residence times, strong tidal forcing and vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Larval fishes were sampled weekly from late fall to early spring in the Newport River estuary just inside Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. Quantitative samples were taken during darkness at mid-flood tide with paired 60-cm bongo nets (505-μm mesh). Larvae of 22 species from 15 families were collected. Seventy-seven percent of the species and 97% of the individuals were fishes that had been spawned on the continental shelf and had immigrated to the estuary. In descending order, the five most abundant species, accounting for 90% of the individuals, were spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), and speckled worm ell (Myrophis punctatus). Most species immigrated through-out the winter and into spring, but there were distinct patterns in their temporal abundances.  相似文献   

The Mecklenburg complex, which crops out in the Carolina Piedmont, consists of older metagabbro and metafelsic rocks of upper amphibolite grade, and a younger postmetamorphic gabbro. On the evidence of field data and gravity measurements, the younger gabbro appears to be a plug-like body with steeply dipping contacts that may converge inward at relatively shallow depth; the pluton may extend only 8,000–15,000 feet into the subsurface.Gabbroic rocks contain plagioclase, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, and biotite, and display hypidiomorphic textures characterized by numerous reaction relations among the mafic phases; hydrous minerals are commonly abundant, comprising up to 37% of the rock, and indicate the fugacity of H2O was relatively high during primary crystallization. In contrast metagabbro lacks olivine and exhibits textures that range from relict igneous varieties to crystalloblastic types that appear to represent equilibrium assemblages. A less common metagabbro type, associated with local zones of deformation, is characterized by faint banding and only trace amounts of anhydrous mafics. Varieties of metagabbro are complexly intermingled in the field, and resultant assemblages and textures largely reflect whole-rock composition and differences in initial H2O contents, slightly modified locally by addition of fluid along favorable channelways.In general metagabbro is slightly higher in TiO2, Na2O, and K2O, and lower in MgO relative to gabbro; regardless of the degree of recrystallization, the chemistry of the various metagabbro types is nearly identical, thus indicating metamorphism was essentially isochemical.  相似文献   

A study was conducted between April 2004 and September 2005 to estimate groundwater and nutrient discharge to the Neuse River estuary in North Carolina. The largest groundwater fluxes were observed to occur generally within 20 m of the shoreline. Groundwater flux estimates based on seepage meter measurements ranged from 2.86?×?108 to 4.33?×?108 m3 annually and are comparable to estimates made using radon, a simple water-budget method, and estimates derived by using Darcy’s Law and previously published general aquifer characteristics of the area. The lower groundwater flux estimate (equal to about 9 m3 s?1), which assumed the narrowest groundwater discharge zone (20 m) of three zone widths selected for an area west of New Bern, North Carolina, most closely agrees with groundwater flux estimates made using radon (3–9 m3 s?1) and Darcy’s Law (about 9 m3 s?1). A groundwater flux of 9 m3 s?1 is about 40% of the surface-water flow to the Neuse River estuary between Streets Ferry and the mouth of the estuary and about 7% of the surface-water inflow from areas upstream. Estimates of annual nitrogen (333 tonnes) and phosphorus (66 tonnes) fluxes from groundwater to the estuary, based on this analysis, are less than 6% of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs derived from all sources (excluding oceanic inputs), and approximately 8% of the nitrogen and 17% of the phosphorus annual inputs from surface-water inflow to the Neuse River estuary assuming a mean annual precipitation of 1.27 m. We provide quantitative evidence, derived from three methods, that the contribution of water and nutrients from groundwater discharge to the Neuse River estuary is relatively minor, particularly compared with upstream sources of water and nutrients and with bottom sediment sources of nutrients. Locally high groundwater discharges do occur, however, and could help explain the occurrence of localized phytoplankton blooms, submerged aquatic vegetation, or fish kills.  相似文献   

Surface soil and sediment samples collected along a forest-brackish marsh-salt marsh transect in a southeastern U.S. estuary were separated into three different fractions (sand, macro-organic matter, and humus) based on size and density. Elemental, stable carbon isotope, and lignin analyses of these samples reveal important contrasts in the quantity, composition, and sources of organic matter, between forest and marsh sites. Elevated nitrogen contents in humus samples suggest nitrogen incorporation during humification is most extensive in forest soils relative to the marsh sites. The lignin compositions of the macro-organic and humus samples reflect the predominant type of vegetation at each site. Lignin phenol ratios indicate that woody and nonwoody litter from, gymnosperm and angiosperms trees (pines and oaks) is the major source of vascular plant-derived organic matter in the forest site and that angiosperm, grasses (Juncus andSpartina) are the major sources of lignin at the marsh sites. The phenol distributions also reveal that oxidative degradation of lignin is most extensive in the forest and brackish marsh zones whereas little lignin decay occurs in the salt marsh samples. In forest soils, most organic matter originates from highly altered forest vegetation while at the brackish marsh site organic matter is a mixture of degradedJuncus materials and microbial/algal remains. Organic matter in the salt marsh appears to be composed of a more complex mixture of sources, including degradedSpartina detritus as well as algal and microbial inputs. Microbial methane oxidation appears to be an important process and a source of13C depleted organic carbon in subsurface sediments at this site.  相似文献   

A geochemical atlas of North Carolina, U.S.A., was prepared using National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) stream-sediment data. Before termination of the NURE program, sampling of nearly the entire state (48,666 square miles of land area) was completed and geochemical analyses were obtained.The NURE data are applicable to mineral exploration, agriculture, waste disposal siting issues, health, and environmental studies. Applications in state government include resource surveys to assist mineral exploration by identifying geochemical anomalies and areas of mineralization. Agriculture seeks to identify areas with favorable (or unfavorable) conditions for plant growth, disease, and crop productivity. Trace elements such as cobalt, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum must be present within narrow ranges in soils for optimum growth and productivity. Trace elements as a contributing factor to disease are of concern to health professionals. Industry can use pH and conductivity data for water samples to site facilities which require specific water quality.The North Carolina NURE database consists of stream-sediment samples, groundwater samples, and stream-water analyses. The statewide database consists of 6,744 stream-sediment sites, 5,778 groundwater sample sites, and 295 stream-water sites. Neutron activation analyses were provided for U, Br, Cl, F, Mn, Na, Al, V, Dy in groundwater and stream water, and for U, Th, Hf, Ce, Fe, Mn, Na, Sc, Ti, V, Al, Dy, Eu, La, Sm, Yb, and Lu in stream sediments. Supplemental analyses by other techniques were reported on U (extractable), Ag, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, K, Li, Mg, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sn, Sr, W, Y, and Zn for 4,619 stream-sediment samples. A small subset of 334 stream samples was analyzed for gold.The goal of the atlas was to make available the statewide NURE data with minimal interpretation to enable prospective users to modify and manipulate the data for their end use. The atlas provides only very general indication of geochemical distribution patterns and should not be used for site specific studies. The atlas maps for each element were computer-generated at the state's geographic information system (Center for Geographic Information and Analysis [CGIA]). The Division of Statistics and Information Services provided input files. The maps in the atlas are point maps. Each sample is represented by a symbol generally corresponding to a quartile class. Other reports will transmit sample and analytical data for state regions. Data are tentatively planned to be available on disks in spreadsheet format for personal computers.During the second phase of this project, stream-sediment samples are being assigned to state geologic map unit names using a GIS system to determine background and anomaly values. Subsequent publications will make this geochemical data and accompanying interpretations available to a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary users.  相似文献   

The Outer Banks barrier islands of North Carolina, USA, contain a geologic record of inlet activity that extends from ca. 2200 cal yr BP to the present, and can be used as a proxy for storm activity. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating (26 samples) of inlet-fill and flood tide delta deposits, recognized in cores and geophysical data, provides the basis for understanding the chronology of storm impacts and comparison to other paleoclimate proxy data. OSL ages of historical inlet fill compare favorably to historical documentation of inlet activity, providing confidence in the technique. Comparison suggests that the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA) were both characterized by elevated storm conditions as indicated by much greater inlet activity relative to today. Given present understanding of atmospheric circulation patterns and sea-surface temperatures during the MWP and LIA, we suggest that increased inlet activity during the MWP responded to intensified hurricane impacts, while elevated inlet activity during the LIA was in response to increased nor'easter activity. A general decrease in storminess at mid-latitudes in the North Atlantic over the last 300 yr has allowed the system to evolve into a more continuous barrier with few inlets.  相似文献   

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