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高寒地区湖泊浮游病毒时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋炫颖  刘勇勤 《冰川冻土》2018,40(2):395-403
湖泊中浮游病毒的丰度在105~108 mL-1,是浮游微生物中丰度较高的组分,在湖泊水生态系统中扮演着重要角色。病毒对宿主的侵染和裂解可以调节微生物群落的丰度、生产力、组成和种群多样性,同时还可以将宿主细胞的大量物质释放到湖泊中,改变碳循环和营养物质流通,进而影响生物地球化学循环。高寒地区湖泊水生态系统结构简单,主要以微生物为主,浮游病毒对微生物具有重要的调节作用,但目前研究较少。综述了近几年国内外对高寒地区湖泊病毒生态学的相关研究进展,主要包括病毒的时空分布以及与生物和非生物因子的关系、病毒与宿主的相互作用关系以及病毒对湖泊碳循环和微生物食物环的作用,发现高寒湖泊浮游病毒分布较广、多样性较高以及溶原性是病毒重要的生活策略,同时也得出由病毒裂解作用释放的有机碳对微生物活性和微生物食物环具有重要的作用。在此基础上,对今后我国青藏高原湖泊浮游病毒的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

生态系统的碳循环过程和机制是全球变化生态学研究的前沿性科学问题。生态学代谢理论在个体水平的建立以及在微观生命系统和宏观生态系统的发展,为我们研究生态系统物质循环提供了新方法和新思路。本文回顾了生态学代谢理论的发展过程、理论形成,及其在生态学不同尺度研究中的应用进展;并在此基础上,着重探讨了代谢理论在海洋和陆地生态系统碳循环中的发展和应用;展望了代谢理论在全球生物地球化学循环中的应用前景。期望对这一问题的理论探讨能够对生态系统物质循环研究领域基础理论的发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   

病毒对海洋细菌代谢的影响及其生物地球化学效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
病毒是海洋生态系统中丰度最高的生命形式,其中超过90%属于浮游细菌(细菌和古菌)病毒,是海洋生态系统的重要参与者和海洋生物地球化学循环的重要驱动力。作为海洋浮游细菌主要的致死因子之一,病毒通过裂解宿主释放出大量的有机物和营养盐,调控宿主群落的代谢行为,进而影响生物地球化学循环。同时,伴随侵染的发生,病毒挟持宿主细胞的代谢系统完成自身的生命周期,从而改变宿主胞内的代谢途径和代谢产物。概述了病毒在个体层面和群落层面对海洋浮游细菌代谢的影响,及其对海洋元素循环的作用,评估了气候变化、环境因子对病毒调控细菌代谢的潜在影响,有助于人们对微生物参与的海洋生物地球化学循环的全面认识。  相似文献   

海洋碳汇对气候变化的响应与反馈是一个系统的科学命题,也是当前国际地球系统科学领域的前沿热点问题,需要通过微观与宏观结合、古今链接、多学科交叉融合进行深入研究。在我国科学家发起的海洋生物地球化学"戈登科学前沿论坛"(Gordon Research Conferences,GRC)首届论坛上,以海洋生物泵(Biological Pump,BP)、微型生物碳泵(Microbial Carbon Pump,MCP)以及碳酸盐泵(Carbonate Counter Pump,CCP)等海洋储碳机制为核心,深入研讨了海洋碳汇的过程与效应,起到了引领国际海洋学科发展方向的作用。国内学界也积极行动起来,在第四届地球系统科学大会上组织了海洋碳汇专题,从古海洋碳汇、现代海洋碳循环及海洋碳汇的生物海洋学过程3个方面开展研讨。海洋微型生物生态学过程与海洋碳汇以海洋浮游植物、细菌、古菌、病毒以及不同微型生物间的互作为切入点,探讨了微型生物的储碳和固碳作用的过程及其与全球气候变化的关系。古海洋碳汇方向的报告在时间尺度上跨越了从18~8亿年前的中元古代到距今2.5 Ma的第四纪,涵盖了包括古海洋碳汇形成的古海洋环境、古海洋碳汇的生态环境效应等前沿科学问题;古海洋碳汇的报告为现代海洋碳汇研究提供了有益的借鉴,并有助于本领域科学家对海洋碳汇的历史演化观的认识。现代海洋碳循环过程方面,专题报告结合时间梯度和空间梯度,以南海珊瑚礁碳循环源汇争议为代表,探讨了碳循环中的初级生产力、溶解有机碳的来源与有机碳的降解等过程,对现代海区和全球变化背景下海洋的源汇评估提出了新的想法与研究方向。  相似文献   

海洋微微型蓝细菌分子生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微微型蓝细菌是迄今发现最小也是最古老的光合自养生物,在海洋中分布极广且丰度较高,作为重要的初级生产者对全球碳循环和海洋食物网具有重要贡献。在长期进化中微微型蓝细菌形成简并基因组和高度多样性,其分子生态学的研究能够为理解生物的基因型、表型与生态型的关系以及生物的适应性进化提供关键科学依据。借助分子生物技术的发展,海洋微微型蓝细菌分子生态学近年来的研究揭示了其分布的时空变化特征、不同亚型微尺度分布差异及影响分布的主要环境因子,探讨了环境因子影响下基因组在功能和表达上传递的适应机制信息。通过进一步扩充和挖掘基因组信息,结合分布规律论证微微型蓝细菌在分子水平上的环境适应机制,是实现生态系统微微型蓝细菌功能模块精细化数值模拟的关键,也是未来研究的主要方向和重要内容。  相似文献   

全球变化科学中的碳循环研究进展与趋向   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
全球碳循环研究是全球变化科学中的研究重点之一,在过去的研究中已取得了长足的发展,但对碳源和汇的定量研究还是今后需要进一步加强的工作。综述了近年来全球碳库储量研究的主要进展,分析了岩石圈、陆地生态系统、海洋、大气以及人类社会等碳库的储量、在全球碳循环中的地位及其作用机制,针对与全球升温事件密切相关的人为碳排放问题专门作了论述,并结合最新的研究成果,对"未知汇"问题的新的研究方向作了阐述。碳循环研究已经进入一个新的发展时期,国际科学组织与各国政府对碳循环研究的关注与投入正逐步增加,但其关注的内容并不一致。分别以地球系统科学联盟的全球碳计划和美国的北美碳计划为例,介绍了国际碳循环研究的重点与趋势。最后提出了今后全球碳循环研究需要关注的一些领域:陆地碳循环机理与源汇定量研究;海洋大尺度碳循环及其机理研究;人类社会在碳循环中的作用研究等。  相似文献   

大气沉降对海洋初级生产过程与氮循环的影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大气沉降通过为海洋提供外源性氮、磷和铁等微量元素,可显著影响海洋氮、碳循环过程,并产生气候效应。一方面促进海洋初级生产和生物固氮,增强海洋吸收二氧化碳的能力;另一方面影响海洋氮、碳循环路径,增加海洋生物源气溶胶排放量,间接影响气候变化。由于大气沉降对海洋生态系统及气候变化的重要影响,相关科学问题已成为海洋科学与大气科学交叉研究的热点,被多个国际研究计划列为核心研究内容。在大气污染物排放持续增加与沙尘事件频发的背景下,大气沉降对我国东部陆架海(黄海、东海)及其邻近西北太平洋碳、氮循环过程的影响日趋增强,因此该海区已成为大气沉降及其气候影响研究的代表性海域。结合分子生物学和实验生态学手段理解大气沉降影响下的海洋初级生产过程,利用同位素示踪技术研究大气沉降对海洋氮循环的影响,以及获得大气沉降影响下海洋生物源气溶胶排放的观测证据将是未来研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

海洋碳循环模式的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐永福  浦一芬  赵亮 《地球科学进展》2005,20(10):1106-1115
从最简单的三箱模式开始简要回顾了海洋碳循环模式的发展历史,讨论了不同发展时期各种模式的特点,并指出了海洋吸收大气CO2的能力。近年来全球海洋环流碳循环模式经常使用简单生化过程,而在过程模式和一维模式中较详尽探讨生态系统在海洋碳循环的作用。最新的全球环流碳循模式估计海洋在20世纪80年代每年吸收大气CO2为1.5~2.2 GtC。还讨论了模拟海洋碳循环的现状和存在的问题。使用含显式生态系统的碳循环模式是研究CO2生物地球循环及其对全球变化响应的发展趋势。  相似文献   

冰川表面冰尘洞内病毒研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
臧琳  刘勇勤  刘晓波 《冰川冻土》2019,41(6):1496-1504
病毒在驱动生态系统高生物多样性形成以及生态系统营养物和有机物的循环过程中均发挥着重要的作用。冰川洞作为冰冻圈微生物活动的热点, 为病毒提供了特殊的生存环境, 驱使病毒产生了生存与适应机制。通过综述国际上近些年来关于冰川表面冰尘洞内病毒的主要研究成果, 内容涉及冰尘洞在冰川生态系统中的重要性, 冰尘洞内病毒的丰度与生产力, 冰尘洞内病毒的遗传多样性, 病毒与宿主的相互作用关系, 以及病毒对于冰尘洞碳循环和食物网的重要性。此外, 还总结了当前冰尘洞内病毒研究存在的空白: 形态多样性、 降解率、 分离培养、 冰川表面散落冰尘内病毒, 指出了未来研究需要重点关注的几个方面, 为进一步研究病毒对于冰尘洞生态系统的重要影响提供科学参考, 并且对青藏高原冰川表面冰尘洞内病毒未来的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统水—碳耦合循环与过程管理研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
陆地生态系统的水循环与碳循环是地球表层系统物质循环与能量交换的核心,也是最基本的耦合的两个生态学过程。区域或全球尺度生态系统的水管理与碳管理是全球变化科学与可持续发展研究的两大主题,是人类维持全球生态系统的物质与能量循环、自然资源循环再生的重要生态学途径。我们在综合评述现代应用生态学研究的发展趋势,陆地生态系统水和碳循环与生态系统管理关系的基础上,提出了陆地生态系统水循环与碳循环过程管理的内容与思路,阐述了生态系统水和碳耦合循环机制与模拟综合研究的新设想。  相似文献   

Viruses are by far the most abundant entities in marine environments, and are mainly phages that infect bacteria and archaea, which also are a significant component of marine ecosystem and a major force behind marine biogeochemical cycles. As a major source of mortality, viral lysis can release highly labile cellular components, both organic matters and inorganic nutrients, regulating the metabolism of its hosts and influencing the biogeochemical cycles. During infection, viruses could hijack the metabolic system of hosts for its own propagation, thereby changing the metabolism and metabolites of host cells. This paper summarized the effects of viruses on the metabolism of marine bacterioplankton at both the cellular and community level, and its influence on the cycling of ocean elements. Then, the potential impact of environmental factors was assessed on the influence of viruses upon bacterial metabolism. This paper will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the role of microbes within marine biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   

中国西南岩溶关键带结构与物质循环特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶关键带调查研究的目标是揭示岩溶生态系统的动态平衡和演化机制,旨在为经济社会提供资源环境服务的可持续管理对策,指出在合理的人为活动下增强岩溶关键带韧性的办法及修复受损部位的有效途径。碳酸盐岩作为可溶岩,赋予了岩溶关键带在结构上及物质循环过程中的岩石圈-生物圈相互作用等方面的若干特殊性。该文以中国西南岩溶区为例,总结了诸多学者的研究成果,揭示了从桂林岩溶区到重庆武隆岩溶区,岩溶关键带发育厚度由几米逐渐增厚至1 000 m的区域差异; 岩溶关键带的垂向物质循环过程以土壤-表层岩溶带为中心环节,而在横向上则呈现“岛屿状”镶嵌分布特征,地表生态具脆弱性; 岩溶关键带碳循环过程包括岩溶碳循环和生态碳循环两部分,碳汇则由植物碳汇、土壤碳汇和岩溶碳汇组成,初步估算其碳汇通量为64.36 t/(km2·a)。  相似文献   

青海湖:研究地质微生物的天然实验室   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
青海湖位于青海省的东北部,是中国境内最大的内陆高原咸水湖泊。由于青藏高原的不均匀隆升,使这些湖泊形成了封闭的水系和地球化学物质循环特征。青海湖有限的几条供给河流的水化学受其所经过岩石的化学成分控制,而湖水的化学成分和物理化学特征则受补给水系的影响。湖泊的碳循环除受盆地周围风化搬运作用以外,主要碳源为湖泊以及周围的生物群落。青海湖水的物理化学特征本身由于受补给水源和深度的影响而具不均一性,并随季节温度的变化而发生调整。这些特征预示其独特的微生物生态系统和与之有关的碳循环和元素地球化学循环特征。丰富的铁、硫酸根、碳酸根和钙镁离子为其中嗜铁和嗜硫的微生物繁盛以及随后的矿化作用提供了有利的条件。藻类也具有很高的多样性并且不同种类具有明显的随季节或气温变化的特点。这些微生物活动会在湖泊沉积物中形成有机的和无机的生物标记化合物或矿物。进一步揭示这些生物标记化合物与局部环境的碳循环、元素循环、微生物生态以及相关环境变迁的关系将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Aerosols are known to influence the climate system in a range of ways; they affect radiation budgets, cloud formation and circulation patterns, and contribute to local biogeochemical cycling and ecology. Despite this recognized role for marine aerosol, however, recent research has emphasized the impact of global climate change on coastal environments rather than the other way around. This occurs in part because most methods for sampling marine aerosol are expensive and studies tend to occur only on specialized marine stations and ocean-crossing research vessels. This project tests a new method for aerosol sampling, specifically designed for use in local studies of coastal environments and costing little to set up. It also reports the results of a pilot study in Alderney (Channel Islands) where changes in both aerosol abundance and aerosol composition, including fractionation effects, were observed using the new method and linked to local meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Trace elements serve important roles as regulators of ocean processes including marine ecosystem dynamics and carbon cycling. The role of iron, for instance, is well known as a limiting micronutrient in the surface ocean. Several other trace elements also play crucial roles in ecosystem function and their supply therefore controls the structure, and possibly the productivity, of marine ecosystems. Understanding the biogeochemical cycling of these micronutrients requires knowledge of their diverse sources and sinks, as well as their transport and chemical form in the ocean.Much of what is known about past ocean conditions, and therefore about the processes driving global climate change, is derived from trace-element and isotope patterns recorded in marine deposits. Reading the geochemical information archived in marine sediments informs us about past changes in fundamental ocean conditions such as temperature, salinity, pH, carbon chemistry, ocean circulation and biological productivity. These records provide our principal source of information about the ocean's role in past climate change. Understanding this role offers unique insights into the future consequences of global change.The cycle of many trace elements and isotopes has been significantly impacted by human activity. Some of these are harmful to the natural and human environment due to their toxicity and/or radioactivity. Understanding the processes that control the transport and fate of these contaminants is an important aspect of protecting the ocean environment. Such understanding requires accurate knowledge of the natural biogeochemical cycling of these elements so that changes due to human activity can be put in context.Despite the recognised importance of understanding the geochemical cycles of trace elements and isotopes, limited knowledge of their sources and sinks in the ocean and the rates and mechanisms governing their internal cycling, constrains their application to illuminating the problems outlined above. Marine geochemists are poised to make significant progress in trace-element biogeochemistry. Advances in clean sampling protocols and analytical techniques provide unprecedented capability for high-density sampling and measurement of a wide range of trace elements and isotopes which can be combined with new modelling strategies that have evolved from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) programmes. A major new international research programme, GEOTRACES, has now been developed as a result of community input to study the global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes. Here, we describe this programme and its rationale.  相似文献   

The influence of picocyanobacterial photosynthesis on calcite precipitation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study assessed the role of picocyanobacterial photosynthesis in the induction of calcite precipitation. It aimed at establishing whether photosynthetic uptake of bicarbonate by Synechoccoccus cells leads to calcite nucleation. The precipitation of calcite was initiated by addition of previously washed cyanobacterial cells of Synechococcus strain PCC 7942 to solutions of calcium carbonate at different saturation levels with respect to calcite. Precipitation experiments were performed under controlled laboratory conditions in two set-ups: one in which photosynthesis was inhibited using a herbicide called Diuron and the other one in which photosynthesis was taking place. During the experiments, a pH meter monitored the pH and ion selective electrodes monitored concentrations of carbonate and calcium ions. The morphology of the precipitated crystals was analysed using Scanning Electron Microscopy. When the kinetics of calcium carbonate nucleation by the Synechococcus cells were compared for the two sets of experiments, there were very little differences. In fact, the induction times for precipitation reactions with photosynthesis were shorter due to the uptake of carbon dioxide. It is therefore, concluded that photosynthesis does not directly influence the nucleation of calcite at the surface of Synechococcus cells with sufficient supply of carbon dioxide, i.e. cells took up carbon dioxide and not bicarbonate. The microscopic observations, however, provided some evidence that picocyanobacterial cell walls act as a template for calcite nucleation.  相似文献   

Assessing the impacts of methane released from hydrate-bearing environments on global carbon cycling would require detailed insights into the distributions and capacities of microbial communities at different horizons of sediment column. In this study, we conducted geochemical, gene abundance and diversity analyses for a sediment core retrieved from a potential hydrate-bearing region off southwestern Taiwan. Geochemical profiles were characterized by a sulfate-to-methane transition with decreasing total organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments, and increasing dissolved inorganic carbon, ammonium and total sulfur in sediments. Bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA and amoA gene abundances decreased with depth. In contrast, ANME-1 and -2 16S rRNA gene abundances increased significantly across the sulfate-to-methane transition and peaked at different horizons below this interface. A total of 124,379 bacterial and 130,351 archaeal reads were recovered through tag-pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes and categorized into 9014 bacterial and 6394 archaeal operational taxonomic units on the basis of 97% sequence similarity, respectively. Major bacterial phyla/divisions and archaeal groups (>5% of the total reads) detected included Chloroflexi, Planctomycetes, OP9, Deltaproteobacteria, BHI80-139, MBG-B, Halobacteria, MCG, Thermoplasmata, ANME-1 and MG-I. The abundance variations of most major OTUs (>0.5% of the total reads) were statistically correlated with those of geochemical parameters. These lines of evidence suggest that the populations represented by the major OTUs or detected by group-specific primers were compartmentalized into different horizons and involved directly or indirectly in the cycling of methane, sulfate, organic carbon and nitrogen. Overall, this study demonstrates that the deep sequencing coverage combined with the quantification of gene abundance and geochemical characterization would enable to uncover the detailed distributions and potential metabolic capabilities of specific groups from complexly structured microbial communities in methane-rich marine sediments.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms responsible for long-term storage of organic carbon (OC) in marine environment is important for studying the marine carbon cycling and predicting how the global carbon cycle will respond to climate change. It is estimated that more than 20% of the OC in marine sediments is associated with iron oxides and thus these complexes are one of the most important factors in the long-term storage of OC. The OC-iron oxide (OC-Fe) association can be formed through either adsorption or co-precipitation, but the dominant mechanism of OC-Fe association in marine environments is co-precipitation. The combination of OC from different sources with iron oxides is selective. Iron oxides preferentially combine with marine OC in most marine environments, but in estuarine delta regions they prefer terrestrial OC. Due to large inputs of terrestrial materials, high primary production and frequent re-suspension, estuarine and marginal seas are suitable sites for OC-Fe association studies, which should be emphasized in the future.  相似文献   

南北极海区碳循环与全球变化研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
南北极是全球变化研究领域中十分重要的地区 ,也是世界大洋对全球变化反馈的一个重要窗口。文章论述了南北极海区碳循环研究的国内外研究动态 ,阐述了目前南大洋及北冰洋的生产力水平及碳收支平衡状态 ,讨论需要进一步研究的一些存在问题以及将来的发展方向。目前的研究表明 ,北极的生产力比历史上所认为的要高 ,在全球变化的作用下 ,其将成为越来越重要的碳汇区 ;南大洋主控着人为源CO2 的海气交换通量 ,而生产力所受到的限制也影响着其吸收CO2 的潜力。目前制约着对两极碳循环进一步认识所缺乏的资料包括 :极区碳汇的时空变异、南大洋的Fe限制及Fe假说、紫外增强对极区碳循环可能产生的影响等。今后研究的重点将集中在全球变化对两极碳循环的影响及其反馈 ,碳循环的机制及其动力学过程 ,以及通过碳循环人为干预全球变化的可行性。近年来 ,中国也十分重视极区碳循环的研究 ,取得了许多积极的成果。我们的研究结果表明 ,在 80°E~ 80°W之间 ,南大洋基本上是大气CO2 的汇 ,其中在 45°W~ 30°W及 10°W~ 10°E之间 ,是CO2 的强汇区。北冰洋的一些海区也表现为很强的碳汇区。计算得出 ,楚科奇海及其附近海区 7月到 9月CO2 吸收通量为 0 13g/ (m2 ·d) (碳 )。南大洋夏季CO2 吸收通量为 0 1g/ (m2 ·  相似文献   

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