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Prosopis L. pods have been proposed as a source of gum (galactomannans), with potential applications as a thickening agent in the food industry. The objective of this work was to compare, under field conditions, the production and mortality of reproductive structures in two sympatric shrub species of Prosopis: P. alpataco Phillipi and P. denudans Bentham. Our results indicate that fruit production in Prosopis denudans and P. alpataco is very low and erratic in non-irrigated lands. Although large quantities of flowers (15,000–25,000 flowers*0.40 m−2) can be found in one flowering season, 70–80% are shed before they reach anthesis and 20–28% are aborted between anthesis and fruit set. We conclude that the utilization of native populations of Prosopis denudans and P. alpataco for fruit production in Patagonian steppe, could not guarantee a consistent supply for the food industry.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological investigations of a marginal lake in the Lake Michigan basin revealed signals of long-term lake-level changes primarily controlled by climatic forces. Multiple analyses identified concurrent signals in sediment chemistry, grain size, and the microfossil record. Coarse-grained sediments, benthic diatoms, and nutrient response species increased as lake levels rose or fell. Finer sediments and higher percentages of taxa associated with stable thermocline conditions occurred during high-lake periods. Sedimentary evidence revealed corresponding strong high-lake signals c. 2500–2200, 1800–1500, 1170–730, and 500–280 BP. Low-lake periods occurred c. 1500–1170 and 700–500 B.P. An additional signal of lake-level decline was apparent beginning c. 280 BP but was interrupted by anthropogenic effects. Evidence of extreme low-lake levels (c. 1400–1300 BP), and signals for a medieval warming period (1030–910 BP) and the Maunder minimum (370–325 BP) indicate occurrence of short-lived dry climatic conditions.  相似文献   

As an approach to understand how diurnal and seasonal plant water potentials (Ψ) are related to soil water-content and evaporative demand components, the responses of six thornscrub shrubs species (Havardia pallens, Acacia rigidula, Eysenhardtia texana, Diospyros texana, Randia rhagocarpa, and Bernardia myricaefolia) of the north-eastern region of Mexico to drought stress were investigated during the course of 1 year. All study species showed the typical diurnal pattern of variation in Ψ. That is, Ψ decreased gradually from predawn (Ψpd) maximal values to reach minima at midday (Ψmd) and began to recover in the late afternoon. On a diurnal basis and with adequate soil water-content (>0.20 kg kg−1), diurnal Ψ values differed among shrub species and were negatively and significantly (p<0.001) correlated with air temperature (r=−0.741 to −0.883) and vapor pressure deficit (r=−0.750 to −0.817); in contrast, a positive and significant (p<0.001) relationship was found to exist with relative humidity (r=0.758–0.842). On a seasonal basis, during the wettest period (soil water-content>0.20 kg kg−1), higher Ψpd (−0.10 MPa) and Ψmd (−1.16 MPa) values were observed in R. rhagocarpa, whereas lower figures (−0.26 and −2.73 MPa, respectively) were detected in A. rigidula. On the other hand, during the driest period (soil water-content<0.15 kg kg−1), Ψpd and Ψmd values were below −7.3 MPa; i.e. when shrubs species faced severe water deficit. Soil water-content at different soil layers, monthly mean relative humidity and monthly precipitation were significantly correlated with both Ψpd (r=0.538–0.953; p<0.01) and Ψmd (r=0.431–0.906; p<0.05). Average soil water-content in the 0–50 cm soil depth profile explained between 70% and 87% of the variation in Ψpd. Results have shown that when gravimetric soil water-content values were above 0.15 kg kg−1, Ψpd values were high and constant; below this threshold value, Ψ declined gradually. Among all shrub species, A. rigidula appeared to be the most drought tolerant of the six species since during dry periods it tends to sustain significantly higher Ψpd in relation to B. myricaefolia. The remaining species showed an intermediate pattern. It is concluded that the ability of shrub species to cope with drought stress depends on the pattern of water uptake and the extent to control water loss through the transpirational flux.  相似文献   

The diatom stratigraphy of Holocene sediment cores from two Antarctic lakes (Mondsee, Tiefersee; 62° 10 S/58° 50 W) of King George Island was investigated. The diatom assemblages were dominated by cosmopolitan species. The flora was composed of three main components: 1) taxa of submersed bryophytic habitats, which also occur in the bryophilic diatom flora of southern South America; 2) species of various terrestrial habitats, including some specific subantarctic taxa; 3) species distributed in coastal inland waters influenced by sea-spray.Changes in sediment pattern and diatom species composition seemed to reflect climatic changes. At least three different core sections were distinguished in both lakes: Two sections rich in mosses occur between approx. 7000–4700 B.P. and from 3200 B.P. to present, in general resembling present day conditions. In between is a section of high allochthonous content with generally low diatom concentrations and rising percentages of aerophilic, halophilic and alkaliphilic diatoms. An increase of melt water discharge, possible sea-spray influence, and lake- level fluctuations are discussed.Three new taxa are described: Achnanthes metakryophila nov. spec., Achnanthes renei nov. spec., Navicula australomediocris nov. spec. The taxonomy of selected taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

Shrub fertile islands are a common feature in arid ecosystems. To examine the effect of plant species on the spatial patterns of soil chemical and physical properties surrounding individual shrubs, two deciduous shrub species with different morphologies (Tamarix spp. and Haloxylon ammodendron Bge.) were studied at an oasis–desert ecotone in South Junggar Basin. Soil samples were collected under the shrub crown (canopy), at the vertically projected limit of shrub crown margin (periphery), and in the space between shrub crowns (interspace) at two depths, 0–10 and 10–20 cm, to analyze their physical and chemical properties. The results show that the fertile islands of Tamarix spp. are enriched with more soil nutrients (significantly higher, P<0.05; soil organic matter (SOM); total nitrogen (TN) and available nitrogen (AN); to a deeper depth (>20 cm) and in a larger area (beyond the canopied area) compared to that of H. ammodendron (significantly higher, P<0.05, soil nutrients detected only for AN; <20 cm in depth; smaller than the canopied area). Soil texture patterns surrounding the shrubs of the two species are even more different, with more coarse particles under the Tamarix spp. canopies compared to the interspace between shrubs but fewer under the H. ammodendron canopies compared to the interspaces. These variations are attributed to the difference in morphology of the two studied species: the Y-shaped crowns of H. ammodendron are less capable of capturing and maintaining litter under them than the hemispheroidal crowns of Tamarix spp., which leads to the less well developed fertile islands surrounding H. ammodendron shrubs.  相似文献   

San Jose lagoon is a hypersaline body of water located in Mexico in the Baja California Peninsula. The lagoon belongs to a system that lies between the fault ridge known as San Jose Creek. Because of its marine origin, it can be considered as thalassohaline, but its isolation from the ocean has brought about changes in its salt composition. It has an area of 13,500 m2, a mean depth of 80 cm and a total volume of 10,000 m3. It does not desiccate and can be considered as a permanent lagoon. Seasonal variations are small. TheArtemia population in San Jose produces cysts all year. To determine the physico-chemical conditions inducing permanent production of cysts, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH of the lagoon were monitored, as well as relative humidity and wind conditions in the region in different seasons of the year. From spring to summer, differences of 1 mg L–1 of O2, 1°C in water temperature, and 8 g L–1 in salinity were observed, and from summer to winter differences of 3.3 mg L–1, 6.5°C, and 14 g L–1, respectively. Despite small seasonal variations, the lagoon exhibits strong spatial and daily changes that are important for cyst production.  相似文献   

Encroachment of the shrub Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (honey mesquite) into semi-arid grasslands is a serious concern in the south-western United States, yet little is known about the long-term dynamics of the invasion process. We used ten high-resolution aerial and satellite images taken from 1936 to 1996 to track the population dynamics and spatial pattern of all P. glandulosa greater than 2 m in diameter on a 75 ha area in southern New Mexico.Shrub cover and patch numbers increased from 1936 to the 1970s, then stabilized at 43% cover and 83 patches ha−1. Individual patches were extremely persistent: 95% of the area occupied by shrub patches in 1936 was still occupied in 1996. Recruitment into the 2 m size class was more variable: 0·6–5·2% year−1 (mean 0·8% year−1). Patch-shape complexity increased from 1936 to 1983 as adjacent shrubs merged, and then declined as those clusters filled in and became rounder. Spatial pattern of shrubs showed a distinct trend over time: strongly clustered in 1936 at lag distances up to 250 m, then random arrangement at all scales, and by 1983 pattern was regular at lag distances greater than 100 m. There was no clear relationship with precipitation.The use of remote sensing imagery allowed us to examine one site over time, and revealed patterns in population dynamics and spatial pattern that would not have been visible otherwise. Comparison of field estimates collected in 2001 with 1996 image data suggest that the canopy cover estimates were accurate, but shrub densities were seriously underestimated in the satellite photographs, which do not show shrubs smaller than 2 m diameter. As long as limitations of the imagery are understood, these methods can be applied over a larger and more heterogeneous area to examine environmental correlates of invasion success.  相似文献   

Lablab purpureus(50 cultivars throughout the world) is a drought-tolerant legume widely grown as a high-protein grain food and forage legume within a wide range of neotropical regions with extensive production in India and similar climatic areas of Asia, Africa, Central and South America. The objective of this work was to study the nitrogen-fixing potentialities of L. purpureus under the effects of the extreme environmental conditions prevailing in the southern part of Egypt aiming at the recommendation of its propagation in areas of the National giant projects.L. purpureusinoculated with Rhizobium sp. Strain I4 (21 days after planting) grown on Nile valley and Wadi Allaqi soils was relatively tolerant to mild levels of salinity, but the nodule number was reduced to about 35% of the control plants when subjected to a high salt level (120mM NaCl). Lablab plants were similarly affected by different rates of water deficits. This legume was tolerant to moderate levels of drought. The nodule number and weight at 50% of field capacity was about 70% of the control. These values were reduced to 45–55% at a field capacity of 16·5%.Absolute nitrogenase activity, leghaemoglobin content of nodules and protein content of bacteroids and cytosol were moderately affected by mild levels of NaCl and drought but significantly reduced to about 25–35% of the control treatments.The results also indicate that plants grown on the soil of Nile Valley exhibited slightly higher values (nitrogenase, protein, etc.) than those grown on Wadi Allaqi soil. This would encourage the possibility of propagating L. purpureus in the newly reclaimed areas of southern Egypt.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, water stress, hydration–dehydration cycles and seed priming on the germination of Callitris verrucosa and Callitris preissii, two Australian semi-arid coniferous tree species, were investigated. Optimum germination occurred at 18°C, with a minimum germination time of 8–9 days for both species. At this temperature, germination was inhibited at osmotic potentials lower than −1·0 MPa, but the capacity to germinate at low osmotic stress increased as the temperature decreased. Seed priming and hydration–dehydration cycles did not reduce seed viability, and Callitris seeds appear to retain the physiological changes induced by short-term hydration, as the time to the onset of germination was decreased to about 3 days. The capacity of Callitris seeds for incremental germination is likely to increase overall germination success in a low rainfall environment.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the composition, density and spatial distribution of the soil seed bank of woody species, as well as their regeneration pattern in two different land use systems, controlled (ranch) and open grazing, in an Acacia woodland of the Rift Valley in Ethiopia. We also compared the species composition of the soil seed bank and the above-ground vegetation to find out if differences exist in the soil seed bank and advance regeneration between the two land use systems. The germination requirements of seeds of the woody species were also investigated under laboratory conditions. Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal, Acacia tortilis, Dichrostacys cinerea and Balanites aegyptiaca were encountered in the above-ground vegetation in both systems. Seeds of only A. tortilis (90±32 seeds m−2) from the ranch, and A. senegal (5±3 seeds m−2) and A. tortilis (72±34 seeds m−2) from the open system were found in the soil seed bank along transects with patchy horizontal pattern. The two systems were not significantly different in density of soil seed banks of A. senegal andA. tortilis . Jaccard's similarity index showed that only a few woody species were common in the soil seed flora and above ground vegetation. However, all of the species accumulated seeds (58±43–331±130 seeds m−2) in/on the soil under the canopy. Very large numbers of seeds of A. tortilis (19382±9722 seeds m−2) and D. cinerea (1278±494 seeds m−2) were also found in barns. Most of the seeds recovered from the soil samples (60–80%) were found in the litter layer. Acid and mechanical scarification improved legume germination (36–99% and 60–99%, respectively) over boiling water (0–48%). Treatment means differed significantly for all the legumes (p<0·001) but not for Balanites. Height and diameter class distribution of regeneration of A. tortilis and D. cinerea in both systems and A. senegal in the open system had a negative exponential correlation (rs=−0·5, −0·25 and −0·86, respectively). A. seyal and B. aegyptiaca showed poor regeneration. Horizontal distribution of advance regeneration of all the species was patchy. Advance regeneration of A. seyal, A. tortilis and B. aegyptiaca were not significantly different, while that of A. senegal and D. cinerea were significantly different between the two systems. Poor representation of species in the soil seed bank along transects and in the different height and diameter classes may be attributed to the low density of mature trees as well as the mode and strategy of seed dispersal. Ungulate and wind dispersed species (e.g. A. senegal, A. tortilis and D. cinerea) were highly favoured. Patchiness in the distribution of seeds and advance regeneration was also a result of endozoochory. Dispersal of non-ungulate dispersed seeds (A. senegal, A. seyal and B. aegyptiaca) was restricted to the canopy zone. Piles of seeds ofA. tortilis and D. cinerea that were found in barns were a result of consumption of their pods by cattle. High concentration of seeds in the litter layer may be due to low soil disturbance and larger size of seeds. The height and diameter class distribution of A. senegal (in the open system), A. tortilis and D. cinerea also indicated that the species have good regeneration. Results from the germination tests indicated that seeds of the legumes require pre-sowing treatments to give a rapid, uniform and improved germination. Intervention through artificial regeneration should be employed to improve the density and regeneration capacity of those species with hampered regeneration at both systems.  相似文献   

Despite more than 40 yr of research attributing temporal changes in streambank erosion rates to subaerial processes, little quantitative information is available on the relationships between streambank erodibility (kd) and critical shear stress (τc) and the environmental conditions and processes that enhance streambank erosion potential. The study goal was to evaluate temporal changes in kd and τc from soil desiccation and freeze–thaw cycling. Soil erodibility and τc were measured monthly in situ using a multiangle, submerged jet test device. Soil moisture, temperature, and bulk density as well as precipitation, air temperature, and stream stage were measured continuously to determine changes in soil moisture content and state. Pairwise Mann–Whitney tests indicted kd was 2.9 and 2.1 times higher (p < 0.0065) during the winter (December–March) than in the spring/fall (April–May, October–November) and the summer (June–September), respectively. Regression analysis showed 80% of the variability in kd was explained by freeze–thaw cycling alone. Study results also indicated soil bulk density was highly influenced by winter weather conditions (r2 = 0.86): bulk density was inversely related to both soil water content and freeze–thaw cycling. Results showed that significant changes in the resistance of streambank soils to fluvial erosion can be attributed to subaerial processes. Water resource professionals should consider the implications of increased soil erodibility during the winter in the development of channel erosion models and stream restoration designs.  相似文献   

Soil beneath shrubs form ‘fertile islands’ in fallow sites and millet fields in semi-arid Niger. To gain more information about this phenomena different shrub species in fallow sites following a gradient from 350–650 mm precipitation were examined. For each shrub two different areas were distinguished: an area under the canopy of the shrubs and an area in the nearby open land. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0–10 cm and analysed for Corg, Ntotal, PBray, pH(H2O), exchangeable cations, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) and soil texture. Significantly higher concentrations between 38–51% for C, N, P and 22% on ECEC for K+were found in the soil under the shrubs. The pH showed only slight but significant differences, whereas Al3+and H+rates on ECEC under the shrubs were increased by 44–55%. For Guiera senegalensis, the most common shrub of the studied area, enrichment ratios of most soil properties increased relatively more with increasing aridity. In general, enrichment ratios decreased with the age of the fallows, whereas concentrations showed no clear evolution. The chemical composition of the shrub litter seems to influence the degree of soil enrichment. The main step of fertile island formation takes place during the cultivation period by trapping wind-blown sediment. This work shows that shrubs are of vital importance for the accumulation of nutrients and maintenance of soil fertility within agro-ecosystems of Niger.  相似文献   

We used 210Pb-dated sediment cores from wetlands and Blue Cypress Lake, in the Upper St. Johns River Basin (USJRB), Florida, USA, to measure historical accumulation rates of bulk sediment, total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and total phosphorus (P). Marsh cores displayed similar stratigraphies with respect to physical properties and nutrient content. Wetland sediments typically contained > 900 mg organic matter (OM) g–1 dry mass, > 500 mg C g–1, and 30–40 mg N g–1. OM, C, and N concentrations were slightly lower in uppermost sediments of most cores, but displayed no strong stratigraphic trends. Total P concentrations were relatively low in bottommost deposits (0.01–0.11 mg g–1), but ranged from 0.38–2.67 mg g–1 in surface sediments. The mean sediment accretion rate in the marsh since ~ 1900, 0.33 ± 0.05 cm yr–1, was calculated from ten 210Pb-dated cores. All sites displayed increases in accumulation rates of bulk sediment, C, N, and P since the early part of the 20th century. These trends are attributed to recent hydrologic modifications in the basin combined with high nutrient loading from agricultural, residential, and urban sources.  相似文献   

Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths (blue grama), Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. (black grama), and Larrea tridentata Coville (creosotebush) are dominant plants on the McKenzie Flats portion of the Llano de Manzano landform within Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico, part of the biome ecotone from the Colorado Shortgrass Steppe to the Chihuahuan Desert. In this study, we examine the hypothesis that soil heterogeneity, determined by variation in surface soil depth, carbonate accumulation, and fine-textured fraction, controls relative dominance of the three species. The area is flat, generally <1% slope; however, abrupt soil differences exist even within the flattest parts of the landscape that correspond to the pattern of buried channels incised in a petrocalcic horizon (caliche) formed in a 0.5–1.2 million year-old paleosol beneath the current surface soil. Multivariate analyses of soil-moisture-related variables suggest that B. gracilis, a Colorado Shortgrass Steppe indicator, dominates the buried paleochannels where Holocene surface deposits are deepest and the argillic (clay-rich) B-horizon is thickest. B. eriopoda, dominant in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands, is most abundant where the buried petrocalcic horizon lies within 40–60 cm of the surface and the argillic horizon is thinner and weakly developed. L. tridentata, an indicator of desertified Chihuahuan Desert shrubland, is dominant where the petrocalcic horizon is exposed or near the surface. This study illustrates the strong relationship between geomorphology, soil development and vegetation patterns in arid and semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Brujas Cave, in the Southern Andean Range, is a well-known endokarstic site in Argentina. However, the origin and evolution of this cave system are poorly known. Based on morphological cave features as well as characteristics of cave deposits, we propose a meteogene drawdown cave genesis, including a change from phreatic to vadose conditions related to the high rate of fluvial downcutting in the area. During the vadose period, various cave-related deposits, including authogenic calcite and gypsum speleothems, allogenic volcanic ash and external tufas were deposited. Gypsum crusts are the oldest cave deposits identified (90.2–64.3 ky BP). Their origin, deduced from isotopic characteristics (34S=9.6‰), is related to the oxidation of pyrite contained in the Jurassic limestone bedrock as well as the dissolution of overlying Jurassic–Triassic evaporite formations. Gypsum crust deposition is associated with evaporation of water flowing and seeping into the cave during arid environmental conditions. Calcite deposits precipitated from flowing water under equilibrium conditions represent the main speleothem growth period (67.6–34 ky BP in age). Their stable isotope values (13C=−3‰ to −5‰ and 18O=−9‰ to −11‰) may indicate slightly humid and warm conditions related to the regional Minchin lacustrine phase and global oxygen isotope stage 3. Following this stage, a seismic event is evidenced by accumulations of broken stalactites. Seepage calcite speleothems covering cave walls were deposited under disequilibrium conditions by evaporation, probably during Holocene time. Finally, another more recent gypsum deposition period represented by gypsum balls has been differentiated. Micromorphological as well as isotopic (34S=5.6‰) data indicate that these gypsum forms are related to cyclic processes (solution–deposition) from water seeping into the cave under arid conditions. In addition, intense volcanic activity in the area during Holocene time is deduced from allogenic volcanic ash and lapilli located mainly at the entrance cave. At present, limited hydrological activity is observed in the cave and small tufa deposits at karstic discharge points are evidenced. We conclude that the geomorphological evolution of Brujas Cave was controlled by climatic changes (wet and dry stages) under semiarid environmental conditions in a very active tectonic and volcanic setting during Late Quaternary time.  相似文献   

Forage availability for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in the Sonoran Desert depends on plant biomass, which is influenced by rainfall. We determined how rainfall, temperature and plant characteristics affected biomass of deer forage. We measured forage biomass, rainfall and temperature every 3 months from April 2000 to December 2002. Quarterly rainfall ranged from <1 to 57 mm, and forage biomass in desert washes fluctuated between 6 and 34 g m−2. There was a positive relationship between forage biomass and rainfall the previous six months (p<0.001), and a negative relationship between biomass and average temperature the previous 3 months (p<0.001). Quarterly forage growth was positively influenced by rainfall (p<0.001) and negatively influenced by forage biomass (p<0.001). The relationships between deer forage and environmental factors established here will be useful in understanding population ecology of mule deer as part of an interactive model of plant–herbivore dynamics in arid environments.  相似文献   

A pollen sequence spanning over 4000 years was recovered from a small (0.1 ha)Sphagnum-dominated peatland in the mountains near Sukhumi, Abkhasia, West Georgia. The peatland lies atc. 1650 m a.s.l. in denseFagus-Abies forest. The pollen record reveals totally forested surroundings throughout since at least 4000 years BP (90–95% AP). It begins with a complex forest dominated byFagus with large proportions ofCastanea, Acer andUlmus. ThenCastanea became dominant whileFagus was still prominent. This might indicate a warmer climate. Later development shows a dramatic decline ofCastanea. Its pollen drops down to 3–5%. RecentlyAbies has been experiencing an exponential growth. Now it comprises over 50% of the forest composition around the peatland. These changes have possibly been caused by human influence together with climatic change. The basin started as aPotamogeton-dominated shallow lake with ferns andAlisma along the margins. Later it developed into a sedge fen and finally aSphagnum andMenyanthes poor fen with scatteredCarex limosa. The record indicates a progression towards oligotrophy.This publication is the fifth paper in a series of papers presented at the session on Past Climatic Change and the Development of Peatlands at the ASLO and SWS Meetings in Edmonton, Canada, May 30–June 3, 1993. Dr. P. Kuhry and Dr S. C. Zoltai are serving as Guest Editors.  相似文献   

In-stream macrophytes are typically abundant in nutrient-rich chalk streams during the spring and summer months and modify the in-stream environment by altering river flows and trapping sediments. We present results from an inter-disciplinary study of two river reaches in the River Frome catchment, Dorset (UK). The investigation focused on how Ranunculus (water crowfoot), the dominant submerged macrophyte in the study reaches, modified patterns of flow and sediment deposition. Measurements were taken on a monthly basis throughout 2003 to determine seasonal patterns in macrophyte cover, associated changes in the distributions of flow velocities and the character and amount of accumulated fine sediment within stands of Ranunculus.Maximum in-stream cover of macrophytes exceeded 70% at both sites. Flow velocities were less than 0.1 m s− 1 within the stands of Ranunculus and accelerated to 0.8 m s− 1 outside the stands. During the early stages of the growth of Ranunculus, fine sediment mostly accumulated within the upstream section of the plant but the area of fine sediment accumulation extended into the downstream trailing section of the plant later in the growing season. The fine sediment accumulations were dominated by sand (63–1000 μm) with silts and clays (0.37–63 μm) comprising < 10% by volume. The content of organic matter in the accumulated sediments varied within stands, between reaches and through the growing season with values ranging between 9 and 105 mg g− 1 dry weight. At the reach scale the two sites exhibited different growth forms of Ranunculus which created distinctive patterns of flow and fine sediment deposition.  相似文献   

The effect of fire on growth of Piptochaetium napostaense, Stipa tenuis, and Stipa gynerioides, three important native perennial grasses in the semi-arid region of central Argentina, was evaluated under different fire temperature regimes: 300–400°C (low temperature regime), 500–600°C (high temperature regime) and no fire (control). Fire treatments were applied with a portable propane plant burner in April and December 1994, May 1995, and January 1996. Overall results indicate that during the first months after fire occurrence, average total green length of S. tenuis, P. napostaense and S. gynerioides tillers was severely reduced (p<0.05) by fire. This effect was more pronounced in plants burned with the high temperature treatment. The observed patterns of response to fire for height of tillers were very similar to those already reported for total green length of tillers. Towards the end of each growth cycle, the number of green leaves per tiller of burned plants of P. napostaense, S. tenuis, and S. gynerioides were similar or greater (p<0.05) than the number of green leaves on tillers of control plants. Relative growth rates for total green length and for height in tillers of burned plants of S. tenuis, P. napostaense and S. gynerioides were greater than in tillers of control plants. Our results indicate that fire affected differentially the growth of the studied species; S. gynerioides was more affected by fire than P. napostaense and S. tenuis. The species most tolerant to fire was P. napostaense.  相似文献   

Of the many microorganisms present in the hypersline environment of the saltfield studied, the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus was found to be the major producer of polysaccharide slime. When dissolved in the brine, this slime caused elevated brine viscosities which impaired the quality of the salt crystallised from such brine.Synechococcus was present in benthic microbial mats throughout the 6 concentrating ponds of the saltfield, but it dominated in the ponds where brine density was above 1.10 g cm–3, corresponding to the saturation density of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). At such density,Synechococcus was always associated with copious amounts of slime. At lower density, the nature of the substratum over which the mat was growing affected the slime content and productivity of the mat, presumably relatively to its ability to supply nutrients to the mat. Under laboratory conditions, the addition of gypsum stimulated the growth ofSynechococcus in the presence of excess phosphate (>15 mg L–1 PO4-P). Slime production however was not stimulated by high salinity, addition of (CaSO4·2H2O), NaSO4 or nitrate deficiency. Only as cultures entered a stationary phase of growth did slime production increase. It was concluded that a nutrient limitation was probably responsible for the activation of extracellular polysaccharide production, possibly as a means of disposing of excess photosynthetically fixed carbon.  相似文献   

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