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The distribution of elements and their correlations were analyzed throughout the section of the Kivakka intrusion to formulate the geochemical tendencies in the behavior of elements of different groups during formation of layered basic-ultrabasic complexes. (1) It was shown that the distribution of trace elements in the layered series is controlled by their ability or inability to enter isomorphically the cumulus minerals. The distribution of trace elements that occur as isomorphic admixtures in cumulus minerals (Cr, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, and Ti), regardless of their geochemical type, is correlated with the crystallization order and distribution of minerals in the silicate matrix of the rocks. Elements that practically are not involved into silicates (S, Cu, Ag) show no any systematic variations; i.e., they are not controlled by fractionation of major rock-forming mineral. Their behavior is driven by the appearance of individual phase—sulfide melt, whose localization, formation time, and scales of fractionation are determined by saturation of parental melt in sulfide sulfur and general degree of its fractionation. (2) The comparison of cross-section variations of elements that isomorphically substitute for major elements in the Fe-Mg silicates, but differ in chalcophile affinity (in order of increase of chalcophile affinity: Mn → Zn → Co → Ni) reflects the contribution of unmixing and fractionation of sulfide melt during intrusion solidification. This is quantitatively defined primarily by partitioning coefficients of elements between cumulus silicates and magmatic melt, on the one hand, and between magmatic and sulfide melts, on the other hand. (3) The absence of simple correlation between local sulfide-rich horizons and silicate matrix of the rocks and signs of independent fractionation of sulfide melt prevent any attempts to predict the localization and scales of local sulfide mineralization within the layered series on the basis of petrochemical and related criteria. Only tendencies in the distribution of ore elements and sulfur across the section can be used for these purposes.  相似文献   

The structure of the sulfide-bearing sequence of the Kivakka basic-ultrabasic layered intrusion of the Olanga group (northern Karelia) was investigated. The chemical and quantitative mineralogical compositions of rocks were statistically processed using factor and cluster analysis. We distinguished two sulfide levels consistently extending parallel to the strike of layering in the massif. The exact boundaries of these levels could not be defined because of the patchy distribution of sulfide minerals. The highest contents of sulfide pockets were observed near the top and base of each sulfide level. The extension of the zones with high sulfide concentrations along the strike allows us to consider them as horizons. The sulfide-bearing rocks are norites with varying mineral proportions. They may differ in the association of cumulus phases (bronzite and bronzite-plagioclase). It was shown that the specific features of the structure of the sulfide levels and horizons do not inherit the structural patterns of the silicate matrix and are not correlated with the chemical composition of rocks.  相似文献   

Orthopyroxene-magnetite intergrowths (symplectites), partly or completely surrounding olivine, are described from the Wateranga layered mafic intrusion, Queensland, Australia. The texture occurs in unmetamorphosed plagioclase-rich norites, olivine gabbros and troctolites in which the primary minerals are olivine (Fo63–69) orthopyroxene (En66–72), clinopyroxene (Wo42En42Fs16), plagioclase (An49–65), hornblende, ilmenite, magnetite and sulphides. Symplectites range from incipient fine grained developments around corroded olivine grains to intricately formed pseudomorphs after olivine and slow a consistent orthopyroxene/magnetite ratio. Orthopyroxene in symplectites is commonly in optical continuity with surrounding magnetite-free orthopyroxene rims. Later intercumulus hornblended has replaced orthopyroxene. There is marked chemical similarity between primary and simplectite, orthopyroxenes and magnetites. Textures similar to those described here are considered elsewhere to have formed at a late magmatic stage or by solid state reactions involving subsolidus oxidation of olivine. In the Wateranga intrusion textural relations, the chemical similarity between primary and symplectite phases, and the consistent volume proportions of magnetite and orthopyroxene in the intergrowths suggest that they developed during late magmatic crystallization.  相似文献   

Adcumulate formation in mafic layered intrusions is attributed either to gravity-driven compaction, which expels the intercumulus melt out of the crystal matrix, or to compositional convection, which maintains the intercumulus liquid at a constant composition through liquid exchange with the main magma body. These processes are length-scale and time-scale dependent, and application of experimentally derived theoretical formulations to magma chambers is not straightforward. New data from the Sept Iles layered intrusion are presented and constrain the relative efficiency of these processes during solidification of the mafic crystal mush. Troctolites with meso- to ortho-cumulate texture are stratigraphically followed by Fe–Ti oxide-bearing gabbros with adcumulate texture. Calculations of intercumulus liquid fractions based on whole-rock P, Zr, V and Cr contents and detailed plagioclase compositional profiles show that both compaction and compositional convection operate, but their efficiency changes with liquid differentiation. Before saturation of Fe–Ti oxides in the intercumulus liquid, convection is not active due to the stable liquid density distribution within the crystal mush. At this stage, compaction and minor intercumulus liquid crystallization reduce the porosity to 30%. The velocity of liquid expulsion is then too slow compared with the rate of crystal accumulation. Compositional convection starts at Fe–Ti oxide-saturation in the pore melt due to its decreasing density. This process occurs together with crystallization of the intercumulus melt until the residual porosity is less than 10%. Compositional convection is evidenced by external plagioclase rims buffered at An61 owing to continuous exchange between the intercumulus melt and the main liquid body. The change from a channel flow regime that dominates in troctolites to a porous flow regime in gabbros results from the increasing efficiency of compaction with differentiation due to higher density contrast between the cumulus crystal matrix and the equilibrium melts and to the bottom-up decreasing rate of crystal accumulation in the magma chamber.  相似文献   

This paper discusses geological features of the Lukkulajsvaara platinum-bearing intrusion. Particular attention is paid to platinum-bearing layers, namely petrographic features of ore-bearing rocks, their structure, texture, and the mineralogical composition of the ore. This allowed the revelation of some features of platinum ore formation, in which postcumulus liquids enriched in fluids played the main role.  相似文献   

Data obtained on the compositions of rock-forming minerals from the Kivakka layered intrusion indicate that the #Fe of olivine increases up the vertical section of the intrusion, and the #Mg of the pyroxenes and the anorthite contents of the plagioclase simultaneously decrease, which reflects the fractionation of the parental melt. Emphasis is placed onto the compositional variability of minerals in the layered unit. A method is developed for the reliable calculation of the composition of pyroxenes before their exoslution (separately for ortho-and clinopyroxene). The composition of minerals in the zone of intercalating melano-, meso-, and leucocratic norites remains practically unchanged, which is generally consistent with the results of mathematical simulations: compositional variations of the bronzite (#Mg) and plagioclase (An content) during the crystallization of the bronzite-plagioclase cotectic were no greater than 5 mol %. The variations in the concentrations of trace elements in the cumulus and intercumulus clinopyroxene occurred to be the most informative. It was determined that the Cr concentration in the cumulus augite is statistically significantly lower than that in the intercumulus augite, which is at variance with fractionation laws and led us to suggest that the rocks with cumulus pyroxenes were formed by a melt with a higher degree of fractionation than those of the intercumulus melts of the adjacent layers.  相似文献   

The interpretation of whether a dated metamorphic zircon generation grew during the prograde, peak or retrograde stage of a metamorphic cycle is critical to geological interpretation. This study documents a case at Aktyuz metamorphic terrain, in the southern of Kokchetav‐North Tianshan belt, involving progressive metamorphic recrystallization of mafic rock to eclogite and associated behavior of zircon. Zircons in eclogites are mainly fine grains (5 to 20 μm), and preferentially concentrated with rutile/ilmenite. They also occur as individual grains or clusters in amphibole coronas of garnet. A few larger grains commonly preserve inherited cores and evidence of dissolution and metamorphic outgrowths. Zircon grains separated from amphibolites show inherited zircons with typically magmatic feature, although this become progressively blurred in response to resorption and recrystallization. Mineral inclusions represent epidote‐amphibolite facies in the prograde metamorphism, and the embayed boundary between recrystallized domains and inherited zircons suggest fluid/melt participation. The metamorphic domains are mainly simple overgrowth around the inherited cores or recrystallization domains. The absence of peak metamorphic mineral inclusions and steep pattern of MREE‐HREE indicate no sufficient garnet formed before the metamorphic zircon overgrowth. A tiny rim with homogeneously bright CL image can be distinguished in most zircons. Amphibole inclusions have similar compositions to those in the coronas of garnets, suggesting a retrograde metamorphic origin. The inherited zircon crystallized at 880‐730 Ma, revealing similar age range to the gneiss in Aktyuz area, whereas metamorphic zircon dates prograde metamorphism at 497.9 ±1.4 Ma. In this case, the bulk Zr budget in rocks will become locked into Zr‐bearing minerals during the mafic magma intrusion, when the inherited zircon melting and resorption. The texture shows that metamorphic zircon grew both in the prograde and retrograde stage, and Zr‐bearing magmatic minerals and rutile/ilmenite are by far the main source of Zr for the two stages, respectively.  相似文献   

The Nadezhda ore-controlling structure and related rocks of the Lukkulaisvaara layered intrusion from the Oulanka plutonic group have been studied. Tensile deformation arising at the cooling stage at interfaces of rocks dissimilar in composition with different compressibility coefficients controlled the intensity of secondary processes and the high concentration of sulfide and platinum group minerals (PGM) along the perimeter of the fine-grained gabbronorite body in contact zones with country rocks. These zones were specific geochemical barriers. Magmas of supplementary injections could have been one of the sources of fluid affecting the rocks. Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides and PGM crystallized within the temperature range T = 800-350°C. Regional metamorphism did not exceed conditions of greenschist facies. Results of modeling of metasomatic processes indicate that decompression played the leading role in formation of the major secondary mineral assemblages: Czo-An10-Chl-Tr(Act) and Qtz-An70-Amph-Bt. The decreasing pressure under isothermal conditions resulted in a rise in solubility of metals in chloride solution and their transport into dilatable zones. The cooling model leading to the enrichment of rocks in potassium and then to its leaching is realized more seldom, resulting in a Qtz-Ms-Chl-Act-Czo mineral assemblage and eventually in Qtz-Chl veins. The change of P and T during pluton cooling resulted in changing of the direction of metasomatic processes and telescoping of different superimposed mineral assemblages: Amph(±Act)-Bt ± Chl 1 ± Qtz as an early one and Qtz-Czo-Chl2-Ab-Ms as a late one. The model mineral assemblages that match natural counterparts are as follows: (1) Qtz-Pl-Amph-Bt and Qtz-Pl-Chl-Bt(Ms) and (2) Tr(Act)-Chl-An10-Czo, Qtz-An10-Chl-Ms(Bt), and Qtz-Czo-Chl-An10-Ms. At the same time, the An40–50-Amph-Bt, Qtz-An40–50-Amph-Bt, Qtz-An10–20-Chl-Bt(Ms), An30–40-Chl-Tr(Act)-Bt, An30-Chl-Tr(Act), and An30-Tr (Act)-Bt assemblages are suggested to be intermediate and reflect the direction of metasomatic processes.  相似文献   

Three outcrops of hornblende-bearing basic intrusives at Rhiw, S.W. Lleyn, are considered to represent faulted remnants of a single larger intrusion. The layered rock series evolved by fractional crystallisation of hydrated alkali olivine-basalt magma which was emplaced as a number of distinct pulses. The trend of differentiation is similar to that for the Hawaiian series: alkali olivine basalt- hawaiite-trachyte. Consideration is given to the respective roles of pO2 and pH2O in controlling the course of differentiation.  相似文献   

In southwestern China, several large magmatic Fe–Ti–V oxide ore deposits are hosted by gabbroic intrusions associated with the Emeishan flood basalts. The Panzhihua gabbroic intrusion, a little deformed sill that contains a large titanomagnetite deposit at its base, concordantly intrudes late-Proterozoic dolostones. Mineralogical and chemical studies of the contact aureole in the footwall dolostones demonstrate that the metamorphism was largely isochemical but released large quantities of CO2 as the rocks were converted to marble and skarns during intrusion of the gabbroic magma. Petrological modelling of the crystallization of the intrusion, using H2O-poor Emeishan basalt as parent magma, shows that under normal conditions, Fe–Ti oxides crystallize at a late stage, after the crystallization of abundant olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. In order for titanomagnetite to separate efficiently to form the ore deposit, this mineral must have crystallized earlier and close to the liquidus. We propose that CO2-rich fluids released during decarbonatization of sedimentary floor rocks passed up through the magma. Redox equilibria calculations show that when magma with the composition of Emeishan basalt is fluxed by a CO2-rich gas phase, its equilibrium oxygen fugacity (fO2) increases from the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer (FMQ) to FMQ + 1.5. From experimental constraints on magnetite saturation in basaltic magma under controlled fO2, such an oxidizing event would allow magnetite to crystallize near to the liquidus, leading to the formation of the deposit.  相似文献   

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