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This paper initiates a series of three articles on automatic calibration of operational multi-parameter models used for flash flood forecasting in automated regime. The main point expressed in this series is that proper calibration of even a single model for a single basin is not a trivial problem, but in automated forecasting systems, when thousands or even millions of basins should be parametrized simultaneously, priorities change. Now the computational efficiency becomes the most critical; an implemented calibration procedure must be fast and efficient rather than giving “the best“ parameters yet computationally expensive. The first article of the series contains critical analysis of the “mainstream“ in hydrological models calibration and presents basic principles of the Stepwise Line Search algorithm and its modifications, practically feasible and robust parametrization approaches that would be suitable for automated systems used for flash flood forecasting.  相似文献   

This paper completes the series of three articles devoted to automated forecasting of flash floods [3, 5] and describes an effective approach of forecast updating through post-processing operations, which can be useful only in conjunction with such fast and efficient real-time re-calibration algorithms as SLS-based methods are. In particular, a proposed methodology is aimed to reduce negative consequences of scarce or low-quality data that can corrupt optimized parameters and, therefore, lower forecasting efficiency. A new modification of SLS-based optimization that supposes simultaneous re-calibration of the model and correction of the model input by generating of ensemble noises (SLS-E) is presented.  相似文献   


降水是引发山洪灾害的最重要因素。本文应用2013年1月到2016年12月的全国山洪灾害数据、土壤含水量数据及历史降水量数据,分析全国及典型区域(云、贵、川、渝)的山洪灾害及暴雨时空演变特征,初步探讨了基于灾害前期1 h、6 h、12 h及24 h的降水与山洪灾害的关系,研究山区流域的暴雨特征及引发灾害的静态阈值计算方法,同时,结合灾害前期不同时段土壤含水量特征,以10~50 cm深度的土壤含水量推求雨量动态阈值,建立了山洪灾害动态降水阈值推求方程。同时,选取了一定数量的样本对该方程进行检验,结果表明,当灾害发生前一段时间的土壤含水量信息确定时,检验样本中对应时段的实测降水量的值大于本文建立的方程计算出的动态降水临界阈值的样本占总样本的73%以上,是较优的阈值雨量的判别方法。



气象风险预警指标的确定是山洪灾害气象风险预报预警业务中的关键技术问题。采用前期影响雨量表征流域前期土壤含水量饱和度,并用四分位数法划分为4个等级;采用P-Ⅲ型频率分析法求得4个重现期(<5、≥5、≥20、≥50 a)的洪峰流量以及山洪发生前5个时间尺度(1、3、6、12、24 h)降雨量;以洪峰流量的4个重现期分别表征山洪灾害气象风险预警4个等级(Ⅳ、Ⅲ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ级),基于信息扩散技术建立气象风险等级与流域前期土壤含水量饱和度、不同时间尺度降雨量的信息矩阵,即气象风险预警组合指标。利用淠河流域历史降水与流量极值资料,以及2003—2012年17次典型洪水过程气象水文资料,建立5个时间尺度的山洪灾害气象风险4个等级预警组合指标,并利用40组独立洪水样本,对不同时间尺度气象风险预警组合指标进行应用检验,总体预警合格率达到70%,表明该方法应用于山洪灾害气象风险预警是可行的。


In flash flood forecasting, it is necessary to consider not only traditional meteorological variables such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture, but also hydrological components such as streamflow. To address this challenge, the application of high resolution coupled atmospheric-hydrological models is emerging as a promising alternative. This study demonstrates the feasibility of linking a coupled atmospheric-hydrological model (WRF/WRFHydro) with 150-m horizontal grid spacing for flash flood forecasting in Korea. The study area is the Namgang Dam basin in Southern Korea, a mountainous area located downstream of Jiri Mountain (1915 m in height). Under flash flood conditions, the simulated precipitation over the entire basin is comparable to the domain-averaged precipitation, but discharge data from WRF-Hydro shows some differences in the total available water and the temporal distribution of streamflow (given by the timing of the streamflow peak following precipitation), compared to observations. On the basis of sensitivity tests, the parameters controlling the infiltration of excess precipitation and channel roughness depending on stream order are refined and their influence on temporal distribution of streamflow is addressed with intent to apply WRF-Hydro to flash flood forecasting in the Namgang Dam basin. The simulation results from the WRF-Hydro model with optimized parameters demonstrate the potential utility of a coupled atmospheric-hydrological model for forecasting heavy rain-induced flash flooding over the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

An extensive validation of two of the most popular and recently upgraded satellite rainfall products, 3B42 and 3B42RT, was performed over the Evros catchment in southeastern Europe using data recorded from January 2000 to April 2009. For conducting this validation study, the Climate Prediction Center's (CPC) ground data were used. The satellite data products were aggregated to daily time series, remapped to spatial resolution of 0.5°, validated against CPC, and intercompared using a variety of statistical indices and coefficients. After the validation process, all three data sets (CPC, 3B42, and 3B42RT) were separately fed in a statistical rainfall?Crunoff model, in order to predict the five major recorded flood events which occurred in the Evros catchment during the last decade. It has been found that post-calibration with ground data, which is present only in 3B42 product, is a necessity for operational flood forecasting and similar studies conducted in areas at mid-latitudes. Knowledge of rainfall events with small intensities is crucial for estimating the total rainfall height and drastically improves the skill of the satellite product.  相似文献   

使用多参数估计方法评估自动气象站运行能力。该方法在提出单次最长故障时间和单次最短故障时间的基础上,根据不同指标的重要性,赋以不同影响权重,从而计算出自动气象站运行能力综合评估系数,该系数摒弃单一指标分别评估的不足,反映了自动气象站相对运行能力。通过实例分析,验证了该方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

介绍了在MM5模式基础上建立起来的辽宁省热带气旋模式预报业务系统及2005年的预报情况。系统以T213L31产品为背景场和侧边界,初始场中同化了常规探空报、地面报及一些卫星反演资料,模式的初值中还嵌入人造热带气旋进行模式运算。系统每日自动运行2次;模式输出结果经后处理后,编写到通用绘图软件GrADs中,以图形显示,并在沈阳区域气象中心局域网的中尺度数值预报网页上显示。2005年汛期热带气旋预报表明,系统对热带气旋的路径和暴雨的预报效果较好。  相似文献   

Weather forecasting is based on the outputs of deterministic numerical weather forecasting models. Multiple runs of these models with different initial conditions result in forecast ensembles which are used for estimating the distribution of future atmospheric variables. However, these ensembles are usually under-dispersive and uncalibrated, so post-processing is required. In the present work, Bayesian model averaging (BMA) is applied for calibrating ensembles of temperature forecasts produced by the operational limited area model ensemble prediction system of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (HMS). We describe two possible BMA models for temperature data of the HMS and show that BMA post-processing significantly improves calibration and probabilistic forecasts although the accuracy of point forecasts is rather unchanged.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of the success and failure of the practical results from summer drought and flood forecasts and seasonal precipitation forecasts in the period from 1976 to 1985. An analysis is made on the anomaly of the general circulation winch gives rise to summer precipitation and drought-flood occurrences in the country. It is proposed that the subtropical high over the West Pacific, the South Asia high and middle-latitude westerlies are the major synoptical regimes producing summer weather in China. The analysis focuses on the features of low-frequency oscillation and abnormality of the West Pacific sub-tropical high in the monthly 500 hPa mean charts, and on their interactions with the sea temperature of the North Pacific and the Equatorial Pacific. The result shows that there exist quasi-cycles of 3-4 years, 11 years and 19 years or so in the subtropical high with the feature of strong persistence and seasonal changes. There is a rather good correlation between the behaviour of the subtropical high and changes in the cold current area in the East Pacific, and especially during the El Nino period, there is an ob-vious coupling with abnormal changes of the intensity of the subtropical high. Analysis is also made on the effect of the thermal condition of the Tibetan Plateau, the Northern Hemisphere westerly circulation and the astronomical factors on the West Pacific subtropical high, the South Asia high and precipitation in the rainy season in China.  相似文献   


Summer severe weather (SSW) can strike suddenly and unexpectedly with disastrous consequences for human activity. Considerable progress has been made in the past ten years in the operational forecasting of SSW. Traditionally, SSW was defined to consist of tornadoes, strong winds, hail, lightning and heavy rain. Hazardous types of strong winds have recently been expanded to include microbursts, macrobursts and surfacing rear inflow jet damage behind mesoscale convective systems. Doppler radar was used to relate surface damage to the appropriate atmospheric phenomena, first diagnostically and then prognostically. This improvement in classification has fedback to and improved the forecast process. Concurrent progress has been made in the use of synoptic observations. The concept of helical wind profiles and improved knowledge of the role of dry mid‐level air has improved the forecasting of tornadoes and strong gusty winds. Moisture flux convergence, derived from surface measurements, shows great promise in identifying areas of storm initiation. Satellite imagery has been used to identify dynamical atmospheric boundaries. Numerical modelling of the interaction of environmental wind profiles and individual thunderstorms has greatly contributed to the understanding of SSW. Studies of spatial and temporal patterns of lightning, both specific cases and climatology, contribute to the forecasting of severe storms. Polarization radar results have shown progress in separating the signals of hail from those of rain and in the improved measurement of heavy rainfalls. Radar observation of clear air boundaries and their interactions show potential for the forecasting of thunderstorm initiation. Though not traditionally considered part of SSW, hurricanes that evolve into extra‐tropical storms share many of the same hazardous features. The progress in computing, communications and display technologies has also made substantial contributions to operational forecasting and to the dissemination of weather warnings.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the performance of several atmospheric instability indices for operational hail forecasting in the Greek National Hail Suppression Program (GNHSP). These indices are part of the adopted forecasting procedure in the GNHSP, which also involves a synoptic index of convection and a synoptic scale typing scheme. The assessment of the indices is accomplished objectively through a multivariate statistical technique, namely factor analysis. The analysis resulted in grouping of the indices into three factors. The indices with high loading and scores are considered to best detect convection for hail forecasting in the GNHSP.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Hailpads are used to provide quantitative hailfall measurements in several hail experiments and hail suppression operations around the world. The dented hailpads record the time-integrated size distribution and concentration of hailfall. In the five-year Greek National Hail Suppression Program (GNHSP) hailpad data have been used to estimate the global (impact) energy of hailswaths for the evaluation of the GNHSP.In this paper a systematic hailpad calibration procedure is developed applicable to operational programs. To meet this objective a calibration experiment has been conducted consisting of several tests to: consider differences between pad types; to examine the effects of ultra violet-light on hailpads for varying periods of time; to investigate the effect of painting and inking of the hailpad surfaces; to consider the effect of analyst's variability, loose hailpad stands, and bouneing; and to develop calibration eqqations. The concluded results seem to justify the design and performance of the hailpad calibration procedure.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

渭河流域一次致洪暴雨过程的中尺度滤波分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
段昌辉  武麦凤 《气象科学》2012,32(1):110-117
利用常规高空观测资料和NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°的再分析资料以及25点低通滤波技术,对2003年8月28—29日发生在渭河流域的一次致洪暴雨进行了中尺度分析和探讨,分析出中尺度环流演变特征,总结了渭河流域致洪暴雨的概念模型,认为这次暴雨过程中在以西南气流为主的平均气流场上隐藏着尺度较中尺度平均流场小得多的涡旋,其移动方向和发展程度决定了强降水落区及其强度;高空西风风速脉动与低层南风风速脉动耦合形成了中尺度次级环流圈,其上升支为强降水提供了足够的动力抬升机制;而850 hPa低空急流、700 hPa中尺度低涡、南风脉动以及高空西风风速脉动等条件的合理配置是中尺度次级环流形成的必备因素;地面中尺度辐合线是本次暴雨的触发机制。  相似文献   

The flash flood that occurred on 12–13 November 1999 in meridional France is documented. This event caused 35 fatalities and severe damage to property as rainfall totals locally exceeded 550 mm in 24 h and 620 mm in 48 h.The main issue of the present study is to discuss how realistically the spatial and temporal rainfall distribution of this flash flood event can be represented with present state-of-the-art operational and research modeling frameworks. The predictability of the present event for different forecast ranges is investigated and sensitivity studies are conducted in order to discuss the influence of model physics (convection, microphysics), atmospheric moisture analysis and Mediterranean sea surface temperature forcing on the quality of the results. It is shown that the present event could be reasonably predicted on forecast ranges of 2–3 days as it was essentially determined by strong moisture advection from the Mediterranean coupled with frontal and orographical lifting. However, precipitation scores show significant sensitivity to both analysis errors and model physics.  相似文献   

GIS-Amur system offlood monitoring, forecasting, and early warning was developed at the Hydrometcenter of Russia and Planeta Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology for the effective surveill ance of hydrological conditions in the Amur River basin. The system is based on the use of hydrometeorological information, that is, observational data from weather and gaging stations, data from hydrological forecasts, and satellite data. The GIS- and web-based GIS-Amur system provides high reliability, safety, and operational speed. During the operational practice in the spring and summer 2015, the system demonstrated the forecast accuracy and reliability, the timely delivery of output products to end users, and the great variety of the output product types and formats. The system provides near-real time access to all available hydrometeorological data in the Amur River basin that favors correct and timely decision-making for flood risk reduction.  相似文献   

为提高预见期内洪水预报精度,选取湖北省漳河水库2006 —2008 年汛期逐小时流域降水量、流量资料以及武汉暴雨研究所提供的相应时段AREM 模式预报的00 —60 h 逐小时降水预报产品作为研究资料,引入贝叶斯概率统计模型对AREM 模式的降水预报进行订正,并分别对订正前后的预报降水进行对比分析;其后,进一步将AREM 模式预报订正前后的降水预报值分别输入新安江水文模型进行洪水预报试验。结果表明,订正后的预报降水比订正前的精度有所提高,均方根误差减小幅度小于10 % ;检验期场次洪水的平均确定性系数提高10 .66 % ,平均洪峰相对误差减小3.05 % ,洪水预报精度在一定程度上有所提高。  相似文献   

In the present work, a model combination is developed in order to provide the public, in north-western Greece, with the next day air quality forecast. Generally, the development and deployment of a real-time numerical air quality prediction system is technically challenging while even more in complex terrain. The Air Pollution Model (TAPM) (http://www.cmar.csiro.au/research/tapm) is a hydrostatic prognostic mesoscale model. It has been calibrated for the area in recent studies and used in air quality assessments. In 2007, TAPM has started operating in a real-time operational mode for the prediction of next day’s weather forecast, particulate matter (PM10 with an aerodynamic diameter <10 μm) daily average concentration and Air Pollution Indexes. The model setup is a link up between TAPM and SKIRON modeling system (http://forecast.uoa.gr).  相似文献   

医疗气象预报方法及其预报自动化处理系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了黑龙江省医疗气象预报方法的研究情况。对心血管、脑血管、呼吸系统和消化道疾病进行了系统研究,找出气象要素与这几类疾病之间的联系,建立了医疗气象数值预报方程和相应的微机自动化处理系统,只需将气象预报要素值输入计算机,就会自动计算和显示出各个疾病的预报指数,并自动编辑出文字预报结果。  相似文献   

沈阳天气预报业务自动化平台的开发研制   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了适应天气预报业务现代化、自动化发展的需要,应用VB,VF,VC,FORTRAN等多种语言,借助于Arcview地理信息系统及其空间分析模块、可视会商视频和9210工程等多项技术,开发研制了沈阳天气预报业务自动化平台,借以提高气象预报工作效率和质量。  相似文献   

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