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JamesA.Roberts 《《幕》》2004,27(2):134-135
The focus of this year‘s conference is Global Extreme Events, characterized as large-scale climatic effects that have been increasing in magnitude and frequency. Prof. Sinyan Shen, Chairman of the GW International Program Committee, has been leading the world on Global Extreme Events and Emergency Response. In the long term climate change will cause the Earth to transit to another equilibrium state through many oscillations in climatic pattern. Global warming causes extreme events and bad weather in the near term. The immediate  相似文献   

After the Variscan Cycle, the global tectonic framework underwent three major adjustments. The first occurred in the Late Triassic-initial Jurassic, the second in the Late Jurassic-early Early Cretaceous and the third in the Late Cretaceous-Eogene. On that basis, the post-Variscan tectonic history is divided into three tectonic cycles——the Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan Cycles. The post-Neocom(k_1~1) andpre-Aptian(k_1~2) tectonic movement marks the end of the Yanshanian orogeny in eastern China and the initiation of the subduction of the Tethyan ocean in western China and represents the boundary between the Yanshanian and Himalayan Tectonic Cycles.  相似文献   

Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details  相似文献   

Dollet  Cyrielle  Guéguen  Philippe 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(1):349-372
Natural Hazards - In moderate-to-low seismic hazard regions, estimating the socio-economic consequences of an earthquake on the regional scale is a costly and difficult task. This study analyses...  相似文献   

沿长江顺流而下,可以看到千山万谷,汹涌澎湃的三峡,也可以看到九曲回肠的荆江和潮平岸阔的江苏江段。在宜昌南津关,“山随平野尽,江入大荒流”(李白《渡荆门送别诗》)。长江就在这里由山区进入平原。一般说来,天然河流都可象长江一样,分为山区和平原两段。山区河流是水流改造山谷的产物。地壳运动,增加了河床演变的复杂性。山区河流具有下列特点:(1)河床纵比降大;(2)水流湍急紊乱;(3)山谷沿程宽窄不一,河道在平面上具有藕节状外形;  相似文献   

971349 Che;19 Jie(China Universityseienees,Beijing)The MammaljanShowjng ClimatieF盆uetuat应on—ExamPle of the Early Pleistoceneof Ge。FaunaS AS anMam-malian Faunas from Zhoukoudian,Beijing,China(ESI矛,ISSN 1 005一2321,CN 11一3370/P,4(2),1997,p·275一279,1 graph,1 table,10 ref) By analyses of the four local marnmalianfaunas from Zhoukoudian,Beijing,the EarlyPleistoeene elimatie and eeologieal environ-CN 11一1 905/Q1 53,1 graph,1735(2).1997,P.145一mental ehangespaper.One of1 .90M…  相似文献   

自然河流或者处于单向演变状态,或者处于准平衡状态。这是按平均概念而言。实际河床演变就是围绕这种均衡状态或正或负地交替进行。河流一旦受到外力干扰,均衡状态被破坏之后,河床演变过程也将随之改变。有的干扰、改变甚至破坏会很强烈。这种演变开始时都比较急剧,然后逐渐衰减,最终达到新的均衡状态。干扰河床演变均衡状态的途径有二:(1)改变河道的来水来沙条件。如河段以上的水土保持工程、拦沙工程、水库枢纽工程、分流堵汊工程和引水工程等的作用。它们增减水量、沙量,改变水流过程和输沙过程以及水沙搭配关系等。(2)改变河段河床形  相似文献   

Saline Lakes’ Response to Global Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

IPCCs statement in its 1995 report (IPCC 1996) that a human influence was discernible in global climate has been widely quoted but often misunderstood. The character of the evidence underpinning this detection statement is explained so that its strengths and weaknesses can be better understood and the subtleties of its message better appreciated. To demonstrate the close linkage between the government-approved summary and the underlying chapters of the IPCC report the detailed evolution of the detection statement from first draft through to the form finally approved by the IPCC is described.  相似文献   

Global Mapper支持多种格式的光栅、高程、矢量数据的读取与输出,并内置多种坐标投影方式。尝试挖掘其支持多种数据格式、多种投影模式的功能,快速实现测绘图形数据的转换。通过设置当前工作空间的坐标投影模式,然后打开任何其支持的、含有坐标投影信息的数据,所有数据均自动转换成当前的投影模式,最后将文件输出(另存为)为所需的格式,即可快速完成数据转换。转换的内容主要包括不同格式的DTM(Digital Terrain Model,数字地面模型)数据转换、相同格式但不同坐标投影之间的相互转换,以及卫星影像配准等  相似文献   

Recent Progress on Global Change Research in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

980302 Feng Heng(块Partment of Earth Sci-enees,Nanjing University,Nanjing,J iangsu);Yang Xiangning Study on Taxono--my of Some PSeudOSchwageri加(FusulinidForamln三fera)(Aeta MieropalaeontologieaSiniea,ISSN 1000一0674,CN32一1189,14(3),1997,p.280一294,5 graphs,1 table,2 Plates,24 ref) Morphologieal measurements of 123 thinsections and sPeeimens Published in the litera-ture have been used to study the taxonomy of厂、6心oschwagerina“dd翻1 Dunbar et Skin-ner, 1 937,P.洲烤口ris(Scher肠…  相似文献   

四、泥沙测验工作: 1.泥沙测驗工作的目的在我国水利工程中,除了解决洪水問題外,泥沙也是一个非常重要的問題,由于对泥沙运行的理論还不够成熟,使泥沙問題更加复雜困难,也正因为对泥沙理論理解不深,测站工作同志对  相似文献   

由水利部水文局创办的中国水文信息网已于2000年5月22日内部试运行,网址为:http//www.hydroinfo.gov.on。试运行期为5月22日-6月10日,在广泛征求意见、修改完善后,将正式投入运行。简讯(二)  相似文献   

刁飞一ISON WITH THOSE OF NEIGHBORINGAREAS(AMCS,ISSN 1000一0674,CN32一1 1 89,12(4),1995,p.349一373,2 graPhs,4tables,35 ref,wirh English abstraet)962146 Shang Ping(Fuxin Institute of Mi-n ing and‘I’eehnology,Fuxin,Liaoning)THE NATURE AND CHARACTERS OFTHE EARLY CRETACEOUS FLORAFROM THE PINGZHUANG BASIN,IN-NER MONGOLIA(GR,ISSN 0371一5736,CN 11一1 952/P,41(6),1995,P.533一536,1table,6 ref,with English abstraer)962144 Tong Guobang(Institute o…  相似文献   

本会同位素地球化学委员会K—Ar专业组,于1984年8月2日至6日在安徽屯溪召开了Ar~(40)-Ar~((?)0)计时技术讨论会。来自全国20个单位的36位代表出席了会议。该项新兴技术方法是将快中子活化与同位素质谱测定技术结合,对在不同加温条件下的同一个样品测定一组年龄(坪龄)。利用这种技术可以开展地质体的热史及其演化史的研究。与会代表非常感兴趣地听取了利用此法研究青藏高原、三江地区的板块碰撞热史和测定  相似文献   

962135 Ma Yuzhen(The Deparrment of Ge-ograPhy,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,730000);Tao Mingxin THE RED BEDSPORO一POLLEN ASSEMBLAGES ANDGEOLOGICAL AGE FROMZHUERZHUANG OF YAOJIE,GANSUPROVINCE(ASDS,ISSN 1000一0550,CN62一1038,13(4),1995,P.64一72,2graphs,1 table,1 plate,8 ref,with Englishabstraet)962136 Zhang Kexin(Faeulty of Earth Sei-enees,China Universiry of Geoseienees,Wuhan,卜Iubei,430074);Lai Xulong CON-ODONT SEQUENCE AND ITS GLOBALCORR…  相似文献   

962240 Li Ya(Fujian Provinee ExplorationCollege,Fuzhou,Fujian,350001)HYDRO-GEOLOGY AND ENGINEERING GEOLO-GY IN THE PROCESS COLLAPSE OF51,OPING FIELD GEOMORPHOLOGY(JCUES,ISSN 0253一6072,CN22一1151/P,25(4),1 995,p.428一434,2 graphs,4 ta-bles) ‘The distribution rule and formingmeehanism of land一slide and eollaPse indistriets where the railway,highway and hy-droeleetrie power sratio一1 were established,are summariedi:1 this paper.The at一thoreonsiders rhat …  相似文献   

980326 Chen Jianqiang(China University ofGeoseienees,Beijing)The MicroskeletalStruCtUreS ofM公k耐t勿LavruseviCh(Rugosa)(Aeta Palaeontologieal Siniea,ISSN 0001一6616,CN 32一1188,36(4),1 997,p.446一452,2 tables,2 Plates,18ref) Maikottia Lavrusevieh 1 967 15 a group ofPeeuliar fossil eystiPhyllids,usually in eerioideompound forms with eystiPhylloid septa eom-posed of eomposite rhabdaeanthines,rangingfrom Lower Silurian(Llandovery series)toUPPer Silurian(Ludlow series)in theYangtze …  相似文献   

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