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The present geophysical study deals with the ores and crustal demonstration of southeastern Hazara and its adjoining areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, on the basis of terrestrial gravity and magnetic data. Tectonically, the study area lies in the Lesser Himalayas as well as to an extent in the sub-Himalaya, more specifically in the western limb of Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis. In this study, 567 gravity and 508 magnetic stations have been measured with CG-5 gravimeter and proton precession magnetometer, respectively. The collected data have been processed by applying standard corrections and then different types of maps were prepared. The ores in the area have been delineated by the qualitative interpretation of residual Bouguer anomaly and reduction to pole total magnetic intensity maps, whereas regional structures are demarcated by the Bouguer anomaly and regional Bouguer anomaly maps. The positive contour closures on the residual Bouguer anomaly map indicate the iron ore and phosphate, whereas negative contour closures are the effects of low-density material which consists of gypsum and soapstone. The pole-reduced total intensity map also shows the negative and positive contour closures almost in the same localities and confirms the residual Bouguer anomaly map. The geological model computed on the basis of Bouguer anomaly demarcated a series of faults between different rock units in the study area. The Kashmir Boundary Thrust cuts the western limb of Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis near the apex in the north of Muzaffarabad and marks the boundary between Murree Formation and carbonates of Abbottabad Formation. The gravity model also suggests that the thickness of the crust increases towards the northeast.  相似文献   

Glaciers are among the most conspicuous and dynamic features on the earth’s surface and are also highly sensitive to changes in climatic parameters. Glaciers in the Kashmir Himalayas have been reported to be retreating due to climate forcing. Kolahoi Glacier is one of the largest and important glaciers of the Kashmir Himalayas and is the main source of Liddar River, which is the largest tributary of the Jhelum River system. In the present study, an analysis to assess the response of Kolahoi Glacier to the changing climate was carried out using the Survey of India (SoI) map and multi-temporal Landsat satellite data. The results show a significant change in the spatial extent of Kolahoi Glacier. The total area of this glacier has reduced from 12.21 km2 in 1962 to 11.61 km2 in 2010. An analysis of meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) shows that the average annual temperature increased from 9.1 °C in 1980–1989 to 10.3 °C in 2000–2009, while the precipitation decreased from 1329.44 to 1126.89 mm during the same period. The results suggest that this glacier will be annihilated completely if the same retreating trend continues.  相似文献   

The occurrences of moderate to large magnitude earthquakes and associated subsurface geological processes were critically examined in the backdrop of Indian plate obliquity, stress obliquity, topography, and the late Tertiary regional tectonics for understanding the evolving dynamics and kinematics in the central part of the Himalayas. The higher topographic areas are likely associated with the zones of depressions, and the lower topographic areas are found around the ridges located in the frontal part of the orogen. A positive correlation between plate and stress obliquities is established for this diffuse plate boundary. We propose that the zone of sharp bending of the descending Indian lithosphere is the nodal area of major stress accumulation which is released occasionally in form of earthquakes. The lateral geometry of the Himalayas shows clusters of seismicity at an angle of ~20° from the centre part of the arc. Such spatial distribution is interpreted in terms of compression across the arc and extension parallel to the arc. This biaxial deformation results in the development of dilational shear fractures, observed along the orogenic belt, at an angle of ~20° from the principal compressive stress axis.  相似文献   

Plant remains, including both mega and micro collected from the middle part of the Tharumsa Foramtion (early Miocene) are described for the first time from the Tharumsa village of the Kargil district, Jammu and Kashmir to reconstruct the palaeoenvironment. They indicate their affinities with Broussonetia of the Moraceae and Abies, Cedrus and Pinus of the Pinaceae. Their presence indicates warm and moist tropical to sub-tropical climate in the Kargil area during the depositional period against the cold and dry climate prevailing at present.  相似文献   

Lichenometry is an extremely useful technique in dating moraine ridge and recent glacier retreat in polar and alpine regions. The study relates the size of the lichen thallus to the minimum age of the exposure of the surface on which it grows which consequently helps in assessment of the age of the boulders. The Lichenometric studies are carried out in Kupup and Thangu area of eastern Himalaya in Sikkim and Thajiwas glacier in Ganderbal district of north western Himalaya of Jammu and Kashmir with the help of diameters of a common crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum growing luxuriantly on exposed boulder. The Thajiwas glacier showed retreat of 200 m in 279 years while in Thangu and Kupup area of eastern Himalaya the retreat was estimated as 200 m in 100 and 91 years respectively. The rate of retreat was slightly more faster in eastern Himalayan (20 mm/century) than the north-western Himalaya region (18.5mm/century).  相似文献   

The geoindicators of land degradation such as erosion, vegetation change and wetland loss were identified in the Kashmir Himalayan region using a geospatial model. Geomatics techniques were used to generate information on landuse/landcover, NDVI, slope and the lithological formations that form inputs to map the erosion risk. The results of erosion analysis revealed that 48.27?% of the area is under very high erosion risk. The Middle Himalayan watersheds were found to be under high erosion risk compared to the Greater Himalayan watersheds. Pohru and Doodhganga watersheds of the Middle Himalayas were found to be under very high erosion risk. These two watersheds were studied in detail from 1992 to 2001 for vegetation change and wetland loss. In Pohru watershed, significant change was found in the dense forest with 10?% decrease. Wular lake, an important wetland in the Pohru watershed, has shrunk by 2.7?km2 during the last decade. The vegetation change analysis of the Doodhganga watershed revealed that there has been 9.13?% decrease in the forest, 7?% increase in built up and the largest wetland in the Doodhganga, Hokarsar, has reduced by 1.98?km2 from 1992 to 2001. Field studies showed that anthropogenic activities and chemically deficit soil (Karewa) along Pir Panjal ranges are the main factors responsible for high land degradation in the area. The assessment of these geoindicators provided valuable information for identifying causes and consequences of the land degradation and thus outlining potential hazard areas and designing remedial measures.  相似文献   

Landslides commonly occurs in hilly areas and causes an enormous loss iof life and property every year. National highway-1D (NH-1D) is the only road link between the two districts (Kargil and Leh) of Ladakh region that connects these districts with Kashmir valley. The landslide failure record of the recent past along this sector of the highway is not available. The present study documents landslide susceptible zones and records occurrence of 60 landslides during the last 4 years showing an increasing trend in the occurrence of landslides over these years in this sector. The landslide susceptibility zonation map has been prepared based on the numerical rating of ten major factors viz. slope morphometry, lithology, structure, relative relief, land cover, landuse, rainfall, hydrological conditions, landslide incidences and Slope Erosion, categorised the area in different zones of instability based on the intensity of susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map of the area encompassing 73.03 km2 is divided into 150 facets. Out of the total of 150 facets, 85 facets fall in low susceptibility zone covering 43.56 km2 which constitute about 59.65% of the total area under investigation with a record of 5 landslides; 40 facets fall in the moderate susceptibility zone covering 16.94km2 which constitutes about 23.19% of the study area with a record of 20 landslides; and 25 facets fall in the high susceptibility zone covering 12.53 km2 which constitute about 17.15% of the study area with a record of 35 landslides. Most of the facets which fall in HSZ are attributed to slope modification for road widening.  相似文献   

After the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, we mapped surface ground fractures in Tangdhar, Uri, Rajouri and Punch sectors and liquefaction features in Jammu area lying close to the eastern side of the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir, India. The NW trending ground fractures occurred largely in the hanging wall zone of the southeastern extension of the causative fault in Tangdhar and Uri sectors. The principal compressive stress deduced from the earthquake induced ground fractures is oriented at N10°, whereas the causative Balakot–Bagh fault strikes 330°. The fault-plane solution indicates primarily SW thrusting of the causative fault with a component of strike–slip motion. The ground fractures reflect pronounced strike–slip together with some tensile component. The Tangdhar area showing left-lateral strike–slip motion lies on the hanging wall, and the Uri region showing right-lateral strike–slip movement is located towards the southeastern extension of the causative fault zone. The shear fractures are related to static stress that was responsible for the failure of causative fault. The tensile fractures with offsets are attributed to combination of both static and dynamic stresses, and the fractures and openings without offsets owe their origin due to dynamic stress. In Punch–Rajouri and Jammu area, which lies on the footwall, the fractures and liquefactions were generated by dynamic stress. The occurrence of liquefaction features in the out board part of the Himalayan range front near Jammu is suggestive of stress transfer  230 km southeast of the epicenter. The Balakot–Bagh Fault (BBF), the Muzaffarabad anticline, the rupture zone of causative fault and the zone of aftershocks — all are aligned in a  25 km wide belt along the NW–SE trending regional Himalayan strike of Kashmir region and lying between the MBT and the Riasi Thrust (Murree Thrust), suggesting a seismogenic zone that may propagate towards the southeast to trigger an earthquake in the eastern part of the Kashmir region.  相似文献   

There are plenty of faults that show evidence that they are active. Most of the valley’s floor is occupied by unconsolidated Karewa deposits, in particular on the south–southwest of the Kashmir Valley. In such situations, geomorphic data can reveal the location of active faults. Accordingly, we tried to identify geomorphic indices in SW of the Kashmir Valley (Veshav, Rambiara, and Romushi drainage basins), which revealed the area to be potentially tectonically active. This active faulting was further substantiated by drainage anomalies and field investigations, which provides evidence for an emergent out-of-sequence NE-dipping active reverse fault (identified first time on ground) named the Balapur Fault (BF). The BF can be traced over at least 40 km along the southwest side of the Kashmir Valley. The existence of the active Balapur Fault and of two other inferred faults north of the Panjal Thrust or Murree Thrust presents a picture of a more complex strain-partitioning regime in the Kashmir Himalayas than is usually visualized.  相似文献   

We present data from three acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) moored off Cuddalore (12°N), Kakinada (16.5°N), and Gopalpur (19°N) on the continental slope of the western Bay of Bengal and one mooring on the slope of the northern bay (89°E, 19°N; referred to as being located at Paradip). The data were collected during May 2009 to March 2013 and the observations show that the seasonal cycle, which includes the annual cycle, the semi-annual cycle, and a peak around 120 days, dominates the observed variability of the East India Coastal Current (EICC). Spectral analysis suggests that the 120-day peak dominates the seasonal variability at Paradip and is strong at Gopalpur and Kakinada. The annual cycle is coherent along the western boundary of the bay, i.e., the east coast of India, but with significant phase differences between moorings. At the semi-annual and 120-day periods, the alongshore coherence is weaker. Intraseasonal variability is weaker than the seasonal cycle, particularly at Cuddalore and Paradip, and it exhibits seasonality: the strongest intraseasonal variation is during spring (February–April). Peaks around 12 and 20–22 days are also seen at Gopalpur, Kakinada, and Cuddalore. A striking feature of the currents is the upward phase propagation, but there are also instances when phase propagates downward. The much lower vertical phase speed in the top ~100 m at Cuddalore leads to a distinct undercurrent at this location; at other locations, the undercurrent, though it exists often, is not as striking. During spring, however, the EICC tends to flow poleward (eastward) at Cuddalore, Kakinada, and Gopalpur (Paradip) over the top ~300 m, which is the maximum depth to which observations were made. The cross-shore component of the EICC is much weaker than the alongshore component at Cuddalore and, except for a few bursts during spring, at Kakinada and Gopalpur. It is only at Paradip, on the slope of the northern boundary, that significant cross-shore flows are seen during spring and the summer monsoon (June–August) and these flows are seen to be associated with eddy-like circulations in the altimeter data. We use the ADCP data to validate popular current data products like OSCAR (Ocean Surface Currents Analyses Real-time), ECCO2 (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II), and GODAS (Global Ocean Data Assimilation System). The OSCAR currents at Paradip match the observed currents well, but the correlation is much weaker at the other three locations. Both ECCO2 and GODAS fair poorly, particularly the latter because its variability in this boundary-current regime is extremely weak. Though it performs badly at Paradip, ECCO2 does capture the observed variability on occasions at the other locations.  相似文献   

The Himalayas are one of the largest cryospheric systems outside the Polar Regions, and include more than 12,000 glaciers spread over an area of about 33,000 km2. The Himalayan glaciers and snow packs retreating at an accelerating rate, thereby creating an alarming situation for the huge population that resides in northwestern India and southeastern Pakistan, as they depend on surface water resources in the region and rivers emanating from the Himalayas. This work attempts to quantify the contribution of different sources such as glacial/ice/snow melt and groundwater discharge to the Satluj River using the stable isotopes based hydrograph separation method at Ropar (foot hill) and Yusufpur in plain of Punjab, India. A mass balance model of three-component mixing has been engaged using the values of δ18O and electrical conductivity of the river water, and its discharge fraction, to estimate the time-varying relative proportion of each component from July 2013 to January 2014. The proportion of glacier melt was found to peak up to ~?64% at Ropar and ~?15% at Yusufpur during the wet summer months. The fraction of groundwater discharge was found to vary between 10–20% at Ropar and 25–35% at Yusufpur (Punjab plain) over time. The observed trend of d-excess (deuterium excess) values of river water also suggests that the glaciers and snow packs at higher altitudes contain a significant fraction of snow derived from vapor originating in the Mediterranean region, driven by the mid-latitude westerlies known as western disturbances.  相似文献   

Over 300 samples for paleomagnetic analysis and K–Ar dating were collected from 27 sites at NW–SE and NE–SW trending dike swarms (herein, NW dikes and NE dikes, respectively) in the Koshikijima Islands, northern Ryukyu Arc. The NW dikes are Middle Miocene in age and have directions (D = ? 37.7°, I = 51.8°, α95 = 9.6°, and κ = 40.8) that are deflected westward relative to the stable eastern Asian continent. Conversely, the NE dikes, of Late Miocene age, have directions (D = 16.1°, I = 57.7°, α95 = 7.1°, and κ = 41.9) that show no such deflection. These differences are interpreted as indicating that the Koshikijima Islands underwent approximately 40° of counter-clockwise rotation during the Middle to Late Miocene. A synthesis of the paleomagnetic and structural data suggests a three-stage history of extensional deformation: (1) displacement upon normal faults (F1 faults) without vertical-axis block rotation, (2) strike-slip reactivation of F1 faults and oblique-normal displacement on NE–SW-trending faults (F2 faults) with vertical-axis block rotation, and (3) oblique-normal displacement on F2 faults without vertical-axis block rotation. Regional differences in the timing and amount of counter-clockwise vertical-axis block rotations indicate that the northern Ryukyu Arc rotated as several distinct rigid blocks.  相似文献   

The recognition of pyroclasts preserved in sedimentary environments far from its source is uncommon. We here describe occurrences of several centimetres-thick discontinuous basaltic pumice lenses occurring within the Early Eocene Vastan lignite mine sedimentary sequence, western India at two different levels – one at ~5 m and the other at 10 m above a biostratigraphically constrained 52 Ma old marker level postdating the Deccan Volcanism. These sections have received global attention as they record mammalian and plant radiations. We infer the repetitive occurrence of pumice have been sourced from a ~52–50 Ma MORB related to sea-floor spreading in the western Arabian Sea, most plausibly along the Carlsberg Ridge. Pyroclasts have skeletal plagioclase with horsetail morphologies ± pyroxene ± Fe–Ti oxide euhedral crystals, and typically comprise of circular polymodal (radii ≤10 to ≥30 μm), non-coalescing microvesicles (>40–60%). The pumice have undergone considerable syngenetic alteration during oceanic transport and post-burial digenesis, and are a composite mixture of Fe–Mn-rich clay and hydrated altered basaltic glass (palagonite). The Fe–Mn-rich clay is extremely low in SiO 2, Al 2 O 3, TiO 2, MgO, alkalies and REE, but very high in Fe 2 O 3, MnO, P, Ba, Sr contents, and palagonitization involved significant loss of SiO 2, Al 2 O 3, MgO and variable gain in Fe 2 O 3, TiO 2, Ni, V, Zr, Zn and REE. Bubble initiation to growth in the ascending basaltic magma (liquidus ~1200–1250 °C) may have occured in ~3 hr. Short-distance transport, non-connected vesicles, deposition in inner shelf to more confined lagoonal condition in the Early Eocene and quick burial helped preservation of the pumice in Vastan. Early Eocene Arabian Sea volcanism thus might have been an additional source to marginal sediments along the passive margin of western India.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of ionospheric characteristic parameters obtained by a GPS network and three ionosondes at Mohe (122.4°E, 53.5°N, dip angle 70.983°N), Zuolingzhen (114.6°E, 30.5°N, dip angle 46.350°N), and Fuke (109.1°E, 19.5°N, dip angle 27.083°N) located in China with an IRI model in the year 2011. Observed NmF2 and hmF2 values at the three stations are compared with IRI2007 and IRI2012 predictions, respectively. The results show that there are clear linear correlations between the observed values and the IRI model predicted values. The IRI model gives overestimations at the three stations mostly in 2011. For the NmF2 and hmF2 values, most of the results show that the IRI2012 predicted values are closer to the observed values compared with those of IRI2007. Additionally, the GPS TEC values derived from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) are compared with the IRI2012 predictions. From the results, it is evident that the IRI2012 model predictions follow the normal trend of diurnal variation of GPS measured TEC monthly means but do not reproduce the measured data well. The IRI2012 model overestimates electron density in the latter part of spring as well as the first half of autumn and winter and underestimates electron density in early spring and the latter part of autumn. Referring to GPS TEC, the precision of the IRI2012 model predicted TEC values is ~5 TECU over China. It may also be noted that there are two discontinuities of IRI-TEC monthly means appearing in November and December of the year 2011. This brings a bias of ~3 TECU of TEC values between two adjacent months.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed sediment chemistry investigation of the Manasbal lake, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir valley. 22 lake floor sediment samples covering the entire lake were collected and analyzed for textural characteristics, CaCO3, organic matter, TOC, TN contents, C/N ratio, major and trace element chemistry. These analyses were conducted to trace the provenance of the sediments. Textural parameters reveal that the lake sediments consist predominantly clay and silt fractions. The C/N ratio of the sediments indicates a mixed source of TOC, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. The log (Fe2O3/K2O) Vs. log (SiO2/ Al2O3) graph of the sediments discriminates the rock types of the catchment area that are Fe-shale, Fe-sand, wacke, shale and litharenite. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) falls between 59.11 to 90.16% and Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW) between 63.97 to 99.68% and these values are higher than the Post-Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS), indicating moderate to highly chemically weathered lake floor sediments. Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA) values (60.74-99.63%) suggests the occurrence of plagioclase feldspars in the lake floor sediments. Geochemical characteristics signify a mixed-nature of provenance of the lake floor sediments due to the tectonic settings of the lake basin in a complex catchment area.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of two sections—the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) Guryul Ravine section, Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir, India; and the Attargoo section, Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India—have been studied in the context of provenance, paleo-weathering, and plate tectonic setting. These sections represent the siliciclastic sedimentary sequence from the Tethys Himalaya. The PTB siliciclastic sedimentary sequence in these regions primarily consists of sandstones and shales with variable thickness. Present studied sandstones and shales of both sections had chemical index of alteration values between 65 and 74; such values reveal low-to-moderate degree of chemical weathering. The chemical index of weathering in studied samples ranged from 71 to 94, suggesting a minor K-metasomatism effect on these samples. Plagioclase index of alteration in studied sections ranged from 68 to 92, indicating a moderate degree of weathering of plagioclase feldspars. The provenance discriminant function diagram suggests that the detritus involved in the formation of present studied siliciclastic sedimentary rocks fall in quartzose sedimentary and felsic igneous provenances. These sediments were deposited in a passive continental margin plate tectonic setting according to their location on a Si2O versus K2O/Na2O tectonic setting diagram.  相似文献   

The current study is carried out for the determination of groundwater potential in District Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) Pakistan by using electrical resistivity method and petrographic analysis of the area. The tape-compass-clinometers method was used in section measurement to understand the facies and depositional environment. The electrical resistivity survey was carried out in the project area in sub-Himalayan Siwaliks system of Pakistan to overcome water scarcity in a few regions. The area was chartered with the Schlumberger configuration up to the AB/2 depth of 150 m. The ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000 (Sweden) and accessories were used to acquire vertical electrical soundings in 24 locations. The results obtained through the 2D and 3D isoresistivity maps of apparent resistivity for 15, 45, and 130 m spacings, the 3D isoresistivity maps of transverse resistance and anisotropy, the VES curve types, and the measured stratigraphic section of surface rocks revealed the confined or semi-confined type aquifers within sedimentary formations. The petrographic analysis indicates the clues of the secondary porosity and fluid migrations through the rocks.  相似文献   

This article deals with the analysis of landslide causes and associated damages in the Kashmir Himalayas of Pakistan. The present study is based on Muzaffarabad, which lies in the lesser Himalayas. Geologically, the Kashmir Himalaya is the young and most dynamic system in the world. In Muzaffarabad, mostly, people live on the fragile mountain slopes, and therefore, they are highly vulnerable to the risk of landslides. To achieve the objectives of the study, data were collected both from primary and secondary sources. Primary data were obtained through intensive field work and human perception survey, while secondary data were obtained from the related line agencies. The analysis reveals that in the study area, immature geology, active seismic zone, wide range of temperature and seasonal rain are the major physical factors, whereas human interventions on the fragile slopes are intensifying factors which in effect contribute to the landslide incidence. As a result, the adverse impacts on housing, sources of livelihood earnings and human casualties are escalating day-by-day. There are several implementing agencies which are responsible for reducing the risk of landsliding. So far, these agencies have not reduced the landslide damages rather their intensity and frequency have been increased especially after 2005 Kashmir earthquake.  相似文献   

Rocks of basic and intermediate bulk composition occur in orogenic terranes from all geological time periods and are thought to represent significant petrological components of the middle and lower continental crust. However, the former lack of appropriate thermodynamic models for silicate melt, amphibole and clinopyroxene that can be applied to such lithologies at high temperature has inhibited effective phase equilibrium modelling of their petrological evolution during amphibolite‐ and granulite facies metamorphism. In this work, we present phase diagrams calculated in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) compositional system for a range of natural basic and intermediate bulk compositions for conditions of 2–12 kbar and 600–1050 °C using newly parameterized activity–composition relationships detailed in a companion paper by Green et al. in this issue. Particular attention is given to mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and diorite protolith bulk compositions. Calculated subsolidus mineral assemblages in all basic and intermediate rock types are modally dominated by hornblende and plagioclase, with variable proportions of epidote, clinopyroxene, garnet, biotite, muscovite, quartz, titanite or ilmenite present at different pressures. The H2O‐saturated (wet) solidus has a negative P?T slope and occurs between ~620–690 °C at mid‐ to lower‐crustal pressures of 5–10 kbar. The lowest‐T melts generated close to the wet solidus are calculated to have granitic major‐element oxide compositions. Melting at higher temperature is attributed primarily to multivariate hydrate‐breakdown reactions involving biotite and/or hornblende. Partial melt compositions calculated at 800–1050 °C for MORB show good correlation with analysed compositions of experimental glasses produced via hydrate‐breakdown melting of natural and synthetic basic protoliths, with Niggli norms indicating that they would crystallize to trondhjemite or tonalite. Diorite is shown to be significantly more fertile than MORB and is calculated to produce high‐T melts (>800 °C) of granodioritic composition. Subsolidus and suprasolidus mineral assemblages show no significant variation between different members of the basalt family, although the P?T conditions at which orthopyroxene stabilizes, thus defining the prograde amphibolite–granulite transition, is strongly dependent on bulk‐rock oxidation state and water content. The petrological effects of open‐ and closed‐system processes on the mineral assemblages produced during prograde metamorphism and preserved during retrograde metamorphism are also examined via a case‐study analysis of a natural Archean amphibolite from the Lewisian Complex, northwest Scotland.  相似文献   

Debris-covered glaciers are common in the Himalayas and play a key role in understanding future regional water availability and management. Previous studies of regional glacial changes have often neglected debris-covered glaciers or have mixed them with debris-free glaciers. In this study, we generated a new glacier data set that includes debris-covered and debris-free glaciers to study the glacial surface area change in the Koshi River Basin in the central Himalayas. Long time-series Landsat data were used to extract the glacier boundaries using automatic and manual classification methods. The glacial area decreased by 10.4% from 1975 to 2010 at a rate of 0.30% a?1, with accelerated melting since 2000 (0.47% a?1). Small glaciers melted faster than large glaciers. In terms of distinctive glacier types, debris-free glaciers shrank at a rate of 0.45% a?1, faster than debris-covered glaciers (0.18% a?1), while debris-covered glaciers larger than 5.0 km2 retreated at a rate faster than debris-free glaciers of the same-sized group. We also studied the potential interactions between 222 supraglacial lakes and debris-covered glaciers. Debris-covered glaciers with glacial lakes melt faster than glaciers without lakes. This study can improve our understanding of the differences in the changes between debris-covered and debris-free glaciers in the central Himalayas and help evaluate water resource changes in the Himalayas.  相似文献   

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