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The present study deals with the characterization of subsurface coal fires of East Basuria colliery in Jharia coal field, India using tilt derivative and downward continuation of magnetic data. Magnetic data processing methods such as diurnal correction, noise removal, reduction to pole, tilt derivative and downward continuation have been used to process the data and for the interpretation of results on the basis of magnetic properties of overlying materials which change with the temperature variation above or below the Curie temperature. Most of the magnetic anomalies are associated with coal fire and non-coal fire regions which are correlated with tilt-derivative anomaly and corresponding downward-continued anomaly at different depths. The subsequent surface and subsurface characteristics are explained with good agreement. Approximate source depth of principal anomaly inferred from tilt derivatives method are corroborated with multi-seam occurrences, mine working levels and surface manifestation which are also correlated well with 3D model of downward continued anomaly distribution.  相似文献   

Coal is dominant energy source of world at large and India in particular for several decades and expected to being continued for foreseeable future. However, fire in this fossils fuel is still a global catastrophe for the major coal-producing countries. There are several direct and cascading distress of coal mine fire has been encountered by environment, economy, safety and society. Without knowledge of actual status and extent of coal mine fire, any scope for its better managements may be futile. In India, the coal mine fire of well-known Jharia coalfield (JCF) has been continued since last ten decades and still spreading towards newer areas. The aim of this paper is to highlight the chronological net lateral spatial changes in coal mine fire areas of JCF using Landsat satellite thermal imageries. The mapping of coal mine fire area of JCF during 1988–2013 has been carried out with consecutive 5-year intervals. The lateral changes in surface and subsurface fire areas along with propagation towards new area have been studied. The study also included to evaluate changes of status and extent fire during this time span and effect of its management efforts. On the basis of aforementioned analysis, the study concludes a slow reducing trend in coal mine fire area during last 25 years.  相似文献   

This paper investigates surface elevation changes that occurred during 1996–2004 in the Jharia coalfield through the digital elevation model (DEM) generated using synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) using ERS-1/2 (European Remote Sensing Satellite) tandem and RADARSAT-1 data. The comparison of elevation values derived from the InSAR DEM and topographic height data shows a bias of 23.08 m with root-mean-square error of ±2.31 m (5.8 %). The accuracy of the DEM was investigated by comparing the elevation profiles with the digitized elevation contour data at four different locations. The profile comparison shows a mean bias of 22.68 m. Local topography shows changes in elevation up to ±40.00 m due to mining activities on the 8-year time period. The results of InSAR-derived heights and topographic heights were comparable and well-matched except at a few locations where topographic data were unavailable. DEM generated using InSAR due to its high spatial details is ideal for the detection and estimation of surface elevation changes in mining areas.  相似文献   

A study on geo-environmental quality assessment in Jharia coalfield, India, has been attempted using multivariate statistical analysis and geographic information system (GIS) modelling techniques. Water quality index, calculated for each sample network station in the study area to assess the suitability of water for human consumption, revealed very poor to poor quality surface water and mine water. Air quality indexing indicated that there is no sample station with clean air as per the Indian standards, which indicate the hazardous air quality. Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE), a potential GIS tool, has been applied to the delineation of various degrees of stressed villages in terms of quality of life (QoL). The role of various geo-environmental parameters such as quality of groundwater, surface water, mine water and air together with village population densities has been emphasized for delineation of the environmentally stressed villages in Jharia coalfield. The integrated cluster analysis and MCE approach provide an improved means to geo-environmental quality assessment in Jharia coalfield in terms of QoL. The assessment study is aimed to be used for future coal mining, ensuring ecologically sustainable industrial development, particularly in a coalfield.  相似文献   

A long mining history and unscientific exploitation of Jharia coalfield caused many environmental problems including water resource depletion and contamination. A geochemical study of mine water in the Jharia coalfield has been undertaken to assess its quality and suitability for domestic, industrial and irrigation uses. For this purpose, 92 mine water samples collected from different mining areas of Jharia coalfield were analysed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+), anions (F, Cl, HCO3 , SO4 2−, NO3 ), dissolved silica (H4SiO4) and trace metals. The pH of the analysed mine water samples varied from 6.2 to 8.6, indicating mildly acidic to alkaline nature. Concentration of TDS varied from 437 to 1,593 mg L−1 and spatial differences in TDS values reflect the variation in lithology, surface activities and hydrological regime prevailing in the region. SO4 2− and HCO3 are dominant in the anion and Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the cation chemistry of mine water. High concentrations of SO4 2− in the mine water of the area are attributed to the oxidative weathering of pyrites. Ca–Mg–SO4 and Ca–Mg–HCO3 are the dominant hydrochemical facies. The drinking water quality assessment indicates that number of mine water samples have high TDS, total hardness and SO4 2− concentrations and needs treatment before its utilization. Concentrations of some trace metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb) were also found to be above the desirable levels recommended for drinking water. The mine water is good to permissible quality and suitable for irrigation in most cases. However, higher salinity, residual sodium carbonate and Mg-ratio restrict its suitability for irrigation at some sites.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of in-situ stress directions plays a key role in any Coal Bed Methane (CBM) exploration and exploitation project in order to estimate the production potential of the CBM reservoirs. Permeability is one of the most important factors for determination of CBM productivity. The coal seams in Jharia coalfield generally show low permeability in the range of 0.5 md to 3 md. To estimate the in-situ stress direction in the study area, an attempt has been made to undertake the cleat orientation mapping of four regional coal seams of two underground coal mines located at south-eastern part of Jharia coalfield, India. Cleat orientation mapping is critical to determine the maximum principal compressive horizontal stress (SH) direction for CBM exploration and exploitation, which in turn controls the direction of maximum gas or water flow though coal beds. From the field study it is found that the average face and butt cleat azimuths are towards N15°W and N75°E respectively. Average permeability of the four above-mentioned major coal seams has been calculated from well logs of nine CBM wells distributing over an area of 7.5 km2, adjacent to the underground mines. The cleat orientations are congruous with the regional lineament pattern and fits well with the average permeability contour map of the study area to infer the orientation of in-situ maximum horizontal stress. Goodness of fit for the exponential regressions between vertical stress and permeability for individual coal seams varies between 0.6 and 0.84. The cleat orientation is further validated from the previous fracture analysis using FMI well log in Parbatpur area located southern part of the Jharia coalfield. The major coal seams under the study area exhibit directional permeability, with the maximum permeability, oriented parallel to the direction of face cleat orientation.  相似文献   

This study estimates fire risk in Swaziland using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing data. Fire locations were identified in the study area from remotely sensed Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fire and burned area data for the period between April 2000 to December 2008 and January 2001 and December 2008, respectively. A total of thirteen biophysical and socio-economic explanatory variables were analyzed and processed using a Bayesian network (BN) and GIS to generate the fire risk maps. The interdependence of each of the factors was probabilistically determined using the expectation-maximization (EM) learning algorithm. The final probabilistic outputs were then used to classify the country into five fire risk zones for mitigation and management. Accuracy assessments and comparison of the fire risk maps indicate that the risk maps derived from the active fire and burned area data were 93.14 and 96.64% accurate, respectively, demonstrating sufficient agreement between the risk maps and the existing data. High fire risk areas are observed in the Highveld particularly plantation forests and grasslands and within the Lowveld sugarcane plantations. Land tenure and land cover are the dominant determinants of fire risk, the implications of which are discussed for fire management in Swaziland. Limitations of the data used and the modeling approach are also discussed including suggestions for improvements and future research.  相似文献   

赵波  方军 《吉林地质》2011,30(4):44-47
以煤田探采、AMT及野外勘查资料为基础,对湾沟西内的煤层分布规律,构造演化对煤层聚集与改造的控制作用及找煤方向进行了研究。分析认为:湾沟西煤层的聚集和保存受构造的形成和后期演化影响较大;湾沟向斜核部的厚层灰岩下赋存可采煤层。  相似文献   

Coal mine fire is a serious problem in Jharia coal field, India. The coal mine fire can be detected with different techniques such as borehole temperature measurement, thermo-compositional analysis, remote sensing techniques, thermo-graphic measurement and geophysical methods. In this study, various geophysical methods were used to detect the surface and subsurface coal mine fires. Geophysical techniques used in the present study are apparent resistivity, self-potential (SP), magnetic method and thermography. Geophysical anomalies such as low SP value of \(-60\hbox { mV}\), high negative magnetic response and low apparent resistivity value helped us to detect and delineate the fire and non-fire areas laterally as well as depthwise. Furthermore, the thermography survey was carried out in the coal field using thermal imaging camera in order to substantiate the geophysical methods. This integrated approach was found to be more advantageous for the detection and delineation of surface and subsurface fire with respect to use of any specific techniques. Moreover, the level of threat towards the locality, national railway line was also assessed unambiguously using the above techniques. Hence, proper planning and implementation towards the mitigation of hazard can be achieved on the basis of the reported results.  相似文献   

The spatial analysis of geochemical data has several environmental and geological applications. The present study investigated the regional distribution of Al, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sc, Th, Ti, U, V, and Zn elements in stream sediment samples from New Mexico State. These elements were studied in order to integrate them with geological and environmental characteristics of the area. Data are used from 27,798 samples that were originally collected during the national uranium resource evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance (HSSR) program in the 1970s. The original data are available as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-492. The study used a variety of data processing and filtering techniques that included univariate, bivariate, factor analyses and spatial analyses to transform the data into a useable format. Principal component analysis and GIS techniques are applied to classify the elements and to identify geochemical signatures, either natural or anthropogenic. The study found that the distribution of the investigated elements is mainly controlled by the bed rock chemistry. For example, along the Rio Grande rift and Jemez lineament a strong association between Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Sc, Ti, V and Zn was observed and indicates that elements distribution in the area controlled by the mafic factor. The rare earth elements (REE) factor which is consists of Ce, La and U, also has strong, localized, clusters in the felsic centers in New Mexico.  相似文献   

A tropical cyclone was formed over central northern Africa near Egypt, Libya and Crete, and it moved and deepened toward the north–northeast; meanwhile, the storm destroyed many regions in the west, southwest and central of Turkey. The cyclone carried huge dust from the north of Africa to Turkey and reduced the visibility to less than 1 km and raised the wind speed. As a result of severe storm, some meteorological stations have new extreme values that the strongest wind speed measured was 81 knots in the central region of Turkey. Medicane with wind speed 81 knots especially over Turkey is a rare event. This devastating cyclone carried exceptionally very strong winds (>80 kts) with favorable conditions to follow windstorm conceptual model. The cyclone caused adverse conditions such as excessive injuries, fatal incidents and forest fires. Mesoscale vortex formed and affected particularly the middle and western regions of Turkey. The vertical thermodynamic structure of storm is compared with April values of 40 years of datasets over Istanbul. Moreover, four different winds {measurement masts} of Istanbul Atatürk Airport are used for the microscale analysis of different meteorological parameters during deepened pressure level. In addition, divergence and vorticity of stormy weather are discussed in details during the effective time period of storm by solving equations and validated using ERA-40 reanalysis. We obtained many monitoring data sources such as ground base, radar, radiosonde and satellite display the values of the intensity of wind speed caused by cyclones of tropics have revealed similarities.  相似文献   

Durban Navigation Colliery (Durnacol) occurs in the Klip River coalfield, the Dumps Nos. 1 and 2 of which were used as disposal sites shortly after the mine started in 1895. Both dumps are relatively small in size (<150,000?m2) in terms of South African mine standard and partially burnt or still burning. This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive geochemical assessment of the potential environmental impact from the two dumps. The methodologies used included field observation; field tests (Fizz, pH, EC), sampling; analyses of mineralogy (XRD), geochemistry (XRF), water quality (AA and ICP-MS), particle size distribution and Acid?CBase Accounting (ABA). The field investigation indicated no toe seepage around the two dumps. Fizz rating of burnt material was higher than that of unburnt material on both dumps and paste pH proved to be neutral (pH 6?C7). This study further indicated that the combustion/burning of coal discard slightly increased both pH and alkalinity, but no trend was identified. The ABA results indicated that both dumps had the potential to turn acidic, as the majority of the samples taken had sulphide-sulphur higher than 0.25%. It is also noted that there is potential for heavy metal leaching out, specifically Al, Fe, Mn, and Zn from the dumps. A continuous monitoring of the boreholes in the vicinity of the dumps was recommended to establish the potential development and migration of a pollution plume around the dump in future.  相似文献   

利用图像表达位场数据时,位场数据根据色标被映射成颜色,生成的图像能否客观真实地表达出位场数据的内涵特征,关键取决于采用的色标是否合理。为了提高图像表达位场数据细节信息的能力,借鉴图像灰度非均匀整量的思想,给出了一种基于场值梯度的色标文件生成方法。对比于传统的采用根据位场场值大小平均分配色阶的方法,理论模型试验和实际资料的应用结果,都显示了本方法在提高图像表达位场数据细节信息能力上的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

Identifying geochemical anomalies from background is a fundamental task in exploration geochemistry. The Gangdese mineral district in western China has complex geochemical surface expression due to complex geological background and was chosen as a study area for recognition of the spatial distribution of geochemical elements and separating anomalies from background using stream sediment geochemical data. The results illustrate that weak anomalies are hidden within the strong variance of background and are not well identified by means of inverse distance weighted; neither are they clearly identified by the C–A method if this method is applied to the whole study area. On the other hand, singularity values provide new information that complements use of original concentration values and can quantify the properties of enrichment and depletion caused by mineralization. In general, producing maps of singularities can help to identify relatively weak metal concentration anomalies in complex geological regions. Application of singularity mapping technique in Gangdese district shows local anomalies of Cu are not only directly associated with known deposits in the central part of the study area, but also with E–W and N–E oriented faults in the north of the study area. Both types of anomalies should be further investigated for undiscovered Cu mineral deposits.  相似文献   

Palynological and petrological studies have been undertaken on the Gondwana coal and associated lithologies encountered in borehole EBM-2 of East Bokaro coalfield of Damodar Basin, India. The palynological investigation resulted in the recognition of Assemblage–III (Densipollenites, 27.9 m–214.30 m), Assemblage–II (Striatopodocarpites + Faunipollenites, 225.00 m–297.60 m) and Assemblage–I (Faunipollenites + Scheuringipollenites, 307.00m–433.00 m). Lithofacies study was also done for better understanding of the preservation and abundance/paucity of the spores and pollen in different lithologies as the current borehole has significant thickness of mudstones, shales and siltstone. Palynofacies study and Petrographical studies of coal samples encountered in the borehole were used to determine the depositional environment of the coal precursor peat swamp. Palynological data has revealed the presence of younger Raniganj palynoflora between 27.00-214.30 m depth that is lithologically defined as Barren Measures Formation. This spore pollen study has proved that these sediments were deposited during late early Permian to late Permian period. Further the maceral analysis of organic sediments as well as the Thermal Alteration Index (TAI) has revealed that the coaly shale at 336.5 m depth has hydrocarbon generation potential.  相似文献   

An airborne electromagnetic survey was flown over 13 000 km2 in the Lower Macquarie Valley in central New South Wales, Australia. Whilst bulk conductivity values from the survey provide useful insights into the regional hydrogeology of the area, mapping salinity and salinity hazards requires the derivation of salt store values from the survey data. This paper describes the methodology of deriving salt stores from conductivity data and accompanying physical measurements. A post-flight sampling programme involving physical, chemical, electromagnetic and geological examination of cores from eight drill holes provides field-based measurements through which the bulk conductivity data can be related to salt stores. Linear models were generated to understand the relationship between salt stores, conductivity and other parameters, and to produce an optimum salt store map from the data. A strong relationship was evident between observed salt stores and drill hole-derived observations, which include parameters such as conductivity, lithology, stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy/weathering and depth. The main predictor for salt stores was observed conductivity with only a minor influence due to lithology. Significant salt stores are predicted at depth in the northern part of the survey. Superficial salt stores are generally low (<4 kg/m3) in the Lower Macquarie and should not pose a threat to native vegetation or agricultural activities.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples collected from the East Bokaro coalfield of Jharkhand state, India during the dry and rainy seasons of the year 2012. Samples were analyzed for the assessment of groundwater quality in the study area. The results of the chemical analysis indicate that the pH values were found alkaline in nature during both the season. The major cations in groundwater was in the order of Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+ during the dry season while Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ during the rainy season. The abundance of the major anions was of HCO3->SO42->Cl->NO3->F- did not change on the seasonal basis. The average NO3-concentration was exceeded the desirable limit for drinking water as per Indian standard in the rainy season. Silicate weathering was inferred to be a dominant process, controlling the groundwater chemistry in both seasons, with lesser contributions by carbonate weathering and ion exchange. Leaching of salts from the unsaturated zone also has a major impact on groundwater quality during the rainy season. The water quality data indicate that groundwater is generally suitable for irrigation. However, higher salinity and residual sodium carbonate values at some sites may limit groundwater use and therefore an adequate drainage and water management plan for the study area is required.  相似文献   

The Central Gold Belt (CGB) of Peninsular Malaysia has been investigated to map structural elements associated with gold mineralization using the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) satellite remote sensing data. Gold mineralization in this belt is structurally controlled and associated with steeply dipping faults and fold hinges. Adaptive local sigma and directional filters were applied to PALSAR data for tracing structural elements associated with gold mineralization. Structural features along the Bentong–Raub Suture Zone have been identified as highly potential areas for gold prospecting. Four sets of lineaments trending N–S, NE–SW, NNW–SSE and ESE–WNW were identified. Results of this study demonstrate the applicability of PALSAR remote sensing data to assist gold exploration in the CGB particularly in reducing costs related to exploration for epithermal and polymetallic vein-type mineralization in tropical environments.  相似文献   

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