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We present new observational results that conclude that the nearby radio galaxy B2 0722+30 is one of the very few known disc galaxies in the low-redshift Universe that host a classical double-lobed radio source. In this paper, we use H  i observations, deep optical imaging, stellar population synthesis modelling and emission-line diagnostics to study the host galaxy, classify the active galactic nucleus (AGN) and investigate environmental properties under which a radio-loud AGN can occur in this system. Typical for spiral galaxies, B2 0722+30 has a regularly rotating gaseous disc throughout which star formation occurs. Dust heating by the ongoing star formation is likely responsible for the high infrared luminosity of the system. The optical emission-line properties of the central region identify a Low Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Region (LINER)-type nucleus with a relatively low [O  iii ] luminosity, in particular when compared with the total power of the Fanaroff & Riley type-I radio source that is present in this system. This classifies B2 0722+30 as a classical radio galaxy rather than a typical Seyfert galaxy. The environment of B2 0722+30 is extremely H  i -rich, with several nearby interacting galaxies. We argue that a gas-rich interaction involving B2 0722+30 is a likely cause for the triggering of the radio AGN and/or the fact that the radio source managed to escape the optical boundaries of the host galaxy.  相似文献   

We present radio observations and optical spectroscopy of the giant low surface brightness (LSB) galaxy PGC 045080 (or 1300+0144). PGC 045080 is a moderately distant galaxy having a highly inclined optical disc and massive H  i gas content. Radio continuum observations of the galaxy were carried out at 320, 610 MHz and 1.4 GHz. Continuum emission was detected and mapped in the galaxy. The emission appears extended over the inner disc at all three frequencies. At 1.4 GHz and 610 MHz it appears to have two distinct lobes. We also did optical spectroscopy of the galaxy nucleus; the spectrum did not show any strong emission lines associated with active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity but the presence of a weak AGN cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, comparison of the Hα flux and radio continuum at 1.4 GHz suggests that a significant fraction of the emission is non-thermal in nature. Hence we conclude that a weak or hidden AGN may be present in PGC 045080. The extended radio emission represents lobes/jets from the AGN. These observations show that although LSB galaxies are metal poor and have very little star formation, their centres can host significant AGN activity. We also mapped the H  i gas disc and velocity field in PGC 045080. The H  i disc extends well beyond the optical disc and appears warped. In the H  i intensity maps, the disc appears distinctly lopsided. The velocity field is disturbed on the lopsided side of the disc but is fairly uniform in the other half. We derived the H  i rotation curve for the galaxy from the velocity field. The rotation curve has a flat rotation speed of ∼190 km s−1.  相似文献   

39 galaxies are now known, from follow-up of faint IRAS sources and from submillimetre observations of high-redshift AGN, with far-infrared luminosities >1013 L. 13 of these, which have been found in 60- or 850-μm surveys, form an important unbiased subsample. 12 have been found by comparison of 60-μm surveys with quasar or radio galaxy catalogues, or from infrared surveys with colour selection biased towards AGN, while a further 14 have been found through submillimetre observations of known high-redshift AGN. In this paper I argue, on the basis of detailed modelling of the spectral energy distributions of hyperluminous galaxies with accurate radiative transfer models, and from evidence of high gas mass in several cases, that the bulk of the emission from these galaxies at rest frame wavelengths ≥50 μm is caused by star formation. Even after correction for the effects of lensing, hyperluminous galaxies with emission peaking at rest frame wavelengths ≥50 μm are therefore undergoing star formation at rates >103 M yr−1 and are strong candidates for being primeval galaxies, in the process of a major episode of star formation.  相似文献   

We present the first results of our Hubble Space Telescope HST WFPC2 F814W snapshot imaging survey, targeting virtually all sub-mJy decimetric radio-selected star-forming galaxies. The radio selection at ∼1 GHz is free from extinction effects and the radio luminosities are largely unaffected by AGN contamination, making these galaxies ideal tracers of the cosmic star formation history. A subsample of four targets is presented here, selected at 1.4 GHz from the spectroscopically homogenous and complete samples of Benn et al. and Hopkins et al. The redshifts are confined to a narrow range around z ∼0.2, to avoid differential evolution, with a radio luminosity close to L ∗ where the galaxies dominate the comoving volume-averaged star formation rate. We find clearly disturbed morphologies resembling those of ultraluminous infrared galaxies, indicating that galaxy interactions may be the dominant mechanism for triggering star formation at these epochs. The morphologies are also clearly different from those of coeval quasars and radio galaxies, as found in star-forming galaxies selected at other wavelengths. This may prove challenging for models that propose direct causal links between AGN evolution and the cosmic star formation history at these epochs. The asymmetries are typically much larger than seen in the Canada–France Redshift Survey at similar redshifts, optical luminosities and H α -derived star formation rates, indicating the possible existence of an obscuration-related morphological bias in such samples.  相似文献   

A sample of 2712 radio-luminous galaxies is defined from the second data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) by cross-comparing the main spectroscopic galaxy sample with two radio surveys: the National Radio Astronomy Observatories (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA) Sky Survey (NVSS) and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters (FIRST) survey. The comparison is carried out in a multistage process and makes optimal use of both radio surveys by exploiting the sensitivity of the NVSS to extended and multicomponent radio sources in addition to the high angular resolution of the FIRST images. A radio source sample with 95 per cent completeness and 98.9 per cent reliability is achieved, far better than would be possible for this sample if only one of the surveys was used. The radio source sample is then divided into two classes: radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galaxies in which the radio emission is dominated by star formation. The division is based on the location of a galaxy in the plane of 4000-Å break strength versus radio luminosity per unit stellar mass and provides a sample of 2215 radio-loud AGN and 497 star-forming galaxies brighter than 5 mJy at 1.4 GHz. A full catalogue of positions and radio properties is provided for these sources. The local radio luminosity function is then derived both for radio-loud AGN and for star-forming galaxies and is found to be in agreement with previous studies. By using the radio to far-infrared (FIR) correlation, the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies is also compared to the luminosity function derived in the FIR. It is found to agree well at high luminosities but less so at lower luminosities, confirming that the linearity of the radio to FIR correlation breaks down below about 1022 W Hz−1 at 1.4 GHz.  相似文献   

We present the results of fitting deep off-nuclear optical spectra of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies at z ≃0.2 with evolutionary synthesis models of galaxy evolution. Our aim was to determine the age of the dynamically dominant stellar populations in the host galaxies of these three classes of powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN). Some of our spectra display residual nuclear contamination at the shortest wavelengths, but the detailed quality of the fits longward of the 4000-Å break provides unequivocal proof, if further proof were needed, that quasars lie in massive galaxies with (at least at z ≃0.2) evolved stellar populations. By fitting a two-component model we have separated the very blue (starburst and/or AGN contamination) from the redder underlying spectral energy distribution, and find that the hosts of all three classes of AGN are dominated by old stars of age 8–14 Gyr. If the blue component is attributed to young stars, we find that, at most, 1 per cent of the visible baryonic mass of these galaxies is involved in star formation activity at the epoch of observation, at least over the region sampled by our spectroscopic observations. These results strongly support the conclusion reached by McLure et al. that the host galaxies of luminous quasars are massive ellipticals which have formed by the epoch of peak quasar activity at z ≃2.5.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the first low frequency (< 1.4 GHz) radio continuum study of a Wolf Rayet galaxy NGC 4214 using the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT). We detect diffuse extended emission from the galaxy disk at 325 MHz and find that the radio emission closely follows the ultraviolet emission mapped by GALEX. The galaxy is undergoing continuous star formation which can explain the diffuse emission. We suggest that the diffuse radio continuum emission and X-ray emission detected in the northern part of NGC 4214 is associated with a background galaxy, 2MASX J12153795+3622218.  相似文献   

We compute two-point correlation functions and measure the shear signal due to galaxy–galaxy lensing for 80 000 optically identified and 5700 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) from Data Release 4 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Halo occupation models are used to estimate halo masses and satellite fractions for these two types of AGN. The large sample size allows us to separate AGN according to the stellar mass of their host galaxies. We study how the halo masses of optical and radio AGN differ from those of the parent population at fixed   M *  . Halo masses deduced from clustering and from lensing agree satisfactorily. Radio AGN are found in more massive haloes than optical AGN: in our samples, their mean halo masses are  1.6 × 1013  and  8 × 1011  h −1 M  , respectively. Optical AGN follow the same relation between stellar mass and halo mass as galaxies selected without regard to nuclear properties, but radio-loud AGN deviate significantly from this relation. The dark matter haloes of radio-loud AGN are about twice as massive as those of control galaxies of the same stellar mass. This boost is independent of radio luminosity, and persists even when our analysis is restricted to field galaxies. The large-scale gaseous environment of the galaxy clearly plays a crucial role in producing observable radio emission. The dark matter halo masses that we derive for the AGN in our two samples are in good agreement with recent models in which feedback from radio AGN becomes dominant in haloes where gas cools quasi-statically.  相似文献   

Associated with one of the most important forms of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback, and showing a strong preference for giant elliptical host galaxies, radio AGN (\(L_{1.4\,\mathrm{GHz}} > 10^{24}\) W \(\hbox {Hz}^{-1}\)) are a key sub-class of the overall AGN population. Recently their study has benefitted dramatically from the availability of high-quality data covering the X-ray to far-IR wavelength range obtained with the current generation of ground- and space-based telescope facilities. Reflecting this progress, here I review our current state of understanding of the population of radio AGN at low and intermediate redshifts (\(z < 0.7\)), concentrating on their nuclear AGN and host galaxy properties, and covering three interlocking themes: the classification of radio AGN and its interpretation; the triggering and fuelling of the jet and AGN activity; and the evolution of the host galaxies. I show that much of the observed diversity in the AGN properties of radio AGN can be explained in terms of a combination of orientation/anisotropy, mass accretion rate, and variability effects. The detailed morphologies of the host galaxies are consistent with the triggering of strong-line radio galaxies (SLRG) in galaxy mergers. However, the star formation properties and cool ISM contents suggest that the triggering mergers are relatively minor in terms of their gas masses in most cases, and would not lead to major growth of the supermassive black holes and stellar bulges; therefore, apart from a minority (<20 %) that show evidence for higher star formation rates and more massive cool ISM reservoirs, the SLRG represent late-time re-triggering of activity in mature giant elliptical galaxies. In contrast, the host and environmental properties of weak-line radio galaxies (WLRG) with Fanaroff–Riley class I radio morphologies are consistent with more gradual fuelling of the activity via gas accretion at low rates onto the supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

We report the serendipitous detection of a Wide-Angle Tail (WAT) radio galaxy at 240 and 610 MHz, using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). This WAT is hosted by a cD galaxy PGC 1519010 whose photometric redshift given in the SDSS DR6 catalogue is close to the spectroscopic redshifts (0.105, 0.106 and 0.107) of three galaxies found within 4′ of the cD. Using the SDSS DR6, we have identified a total of 37 galaxies within 15′ of the cD, whose photometric redshifts are between 0.08 and 0.14. This strongly suggests that the cD is associated with a group of galaxies whose conspicuous feature is a north-south chain of galaxies (filament) extending to at least 2.6 Mpc. The ROSAT all-sky survey shows a faint, diffuse X-ray source in this direction, which probably marks the hot intracluster gas in the potential well of this group. We combine the radio structural information for this WAT with the galaxy clustering in that region to check its overall consistency with the models of WAT formation. The bending of the jet before and after its disruption forming the radio plume, are found to be correlated in this WAT, as seen from the contrasting morphological patterns on the two sides of the core. Probable constraints imposed by this on the models of WAT formation are pointed out. We also briefly report on the other interesting radio sources found in the proximity of the WAT. These include a highly asymmetric double radio source and an ultra-steep spectrum radio source for which no optical counterpart is detected in the SDSS.  相似文献   

D01 Direct evidence of the receding ‘torus’ around active galactic nuclei of FRII radio galaxies and quasars D02 Infrared emission from a clumpy and dusty torus around AGN D03 Size and properties of AGN narrow–line regions from emission–line diagnostics D04 Structural Variability of Intraday Variable Sources D05 Stability of self‐gravitating accretion disks in galactic centers D06 Supermassive Binary Black Holes in AGN D07 The extreme flare in III Zw 2: Evolution of a radio jet in a Seyfert galaxy D08 Radio Linear and Circular Polarization from M81* D09 A fundamental relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Dark Matter Haloes D10 Hunting for radio‐quiet BL Lacs – the 2dF BL Lac survey D11 The Eddington limit in accretion discs D12 Molecular Tori in AGN: A search using excited states of OH D13 The X‐Ray Properties of Radio‐Loud Core‐Dominated AGN: The 2 cm‐X‐Sample D14 The X‐Ray Properties of Radio‐Loud Core‐Dominated AGN: Extension to the High Redshift Regime D15 Line Profile Variability in AGN D16 Jet Superwind Interaction D17 Radio Interferometric Observations of AGN – Probing the Nucleus of M87 with 20 Schwarzschild radii resolution D18 The ISO–2MASS AGN survey D19 Supermassive binary black holes driving the activity of galactic nuclei D20 Proton acceleration at quasi‐perpendicular shocks: A case study for Active Galactic Nuclei D21 Super‐luminal shocks in Active Galactic Nuclei D22 Unconventional quasars from the variability and proper motion survey D23 Radio observations of starburst and AGN activity in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies D24 Kinematics in Active Galactic Nuclei at Parsec Scales: the VLBA 2cm Survey D25 Three‐dimensional models of clumpy tori in Seyfert galaxies D26 Silicate emission in active galaxies ‐ From LINERs to QSOs D27 Discovery of 10 µm silicate emission in quasars. – Evidence of the AGN unification scheme. D28 Near‐IR adaptive optics imaging of luminous infrared galaxies D29 Interferometric observations of the Circinus galaxy with MIDI D30 Infrared Interferometry of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068  相似文献   

孔旭  程福臻 《天文学进展》1999,17(3):266-275
星暴星系是一类内部正在发生极为剧烈恒星形成的天体。介绍了星暴星系的研究历史及星暴星系的定义。综述了从射电波段到X射线波段星暴星系的光度光谱观察特征及其研究的最新进展。列出了星暴星系研究中存在的一些热点问题,包括星暴的触发机制,星暴时标,星族组分,恒星形成率,内红化以及星暴星系与活动星系核之间的关系等。最后,简述了可能有助于解决这些问题的观测手和理论方法。  相似文献   

High sensitivity observations of radio halos in galaxy clusters at frequencies ν ≤ 330 MHz are still relatively rare, and very little is known compared to the classical 1.4 GHz images. The few radio halos imaged down to 150–240 MHz show a considerable spread in size, morphology and spectral properties. All clusters belonging to the GMRT Radio Halo Survey with detected or candidate cluster-scale diffuse emission have been imaged at 325 MHz with the GMRT. Few of them were also observed with the GMRT at 240 MHz and 150 MHz. For A 1682, imaging is particularly challenging due to the presence of strong and extended radio galaxies at the center. Our data analysis suggests that thew radio galaxies are superposed to very low surface brightness radio emission extended on the cluster scale, which we present here.  相似文献   

We study the stellar mass assembly of the Spiderweb galaxy  (MRC 1138−262)  , a massive   z = 2.2  radio galaxy in a protocluster and the probable progenitor of a brightest cluster galaxy. Nearby protocluster galaxies are identified and their properties are determined by fitting stellar population models to their rest-frame ultraviolet to optical spectral energy distributions. We find that within 150 kpc of the radio galaxy the stellar mass is centrally concentrated in the radio galaxy, yet most of the dust-uncorrected, instantaneous star formation occurs in the surrounding low-mass satellite galaxies. We predict that most of the galaxies within 150 kpc of the radio galaxy will merge with the central radio galaxy by   z = 0  , increasing its stellar mass by up to a factor of ≃2. However, it will take several hundred Myr for the first mergers to occur, by which time the large star formation rates are likely to have exhausted the gas reservoirs in the satellite galaxies. The tidal radii of the satellite galaxies are small, suggesting that stars and gas are being stripped and deposited at distances of tens of kpc from the central radio galaxy. These stripped stars may become intracluster stars or form an extended stellar halo around the radio galaxy, such as those observed around cD galaxies in cluster cores.  相似文献   

We use a volume- and flux-limited sample of local  (0.03 ≤ z ≤ 0.1)  radio galaxies with optical counterparts to address the question of how long a typical galaxy spends in radio active and quiescent states. The length of the active phase has a strong dependence on the stellar mass of the host galaxy. Radio sources in the most massive hosts are also retriggered more frequently. The time spent in the active phase has the same dependence on stellar mass as does the gas cooling rate, suggesting the onset of the quiescent phase is due to fuel depletion. We find radio and emission-line active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity to be independent, consistent with these corresponding to different accretion states.  相似文献   

We probe the relationship between star formation rate (SFR) and radio synchrotron luminosity in galaxies at  0 < z < 2  within the northern Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic survey (SWIRE) fields, in order to investigate some of the assumptions that go into calculating the star formation history of the Universe from deep radio observations. We present new 610-MHz Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of the European Large-Area ISO Survey-North 2 (ELAIS-N2) field, and using this data, along with previous GMRT surveys carried out in the ELAIS-N1 (North 1) and Lockman Hole regions, we construct a sample of galaxies which have redshift and SFR information available from the SWIRE survey. We test whether the local relationship between SFR and radio luminosity is applicable to   z = 2  galaxies, and look for evolution in this relationship with both redshift and SFR in order to examine whether the physical processes which lead to synchrotron radiation have remained the same since the peak of star formation in the Universe. We find that the local calibration between radio luminosity and star formation can be successfully applied to radio-selected high-redshift, high-SFR galaxies, although we identify a small number of sources where this may not be the case; these sources show evidence for inaccurate estimations of their SFR, but there may also be some contribution from physical effects such as the recent onset of starburst activity, or suppression of the radio luminosity within these galaxies.  相似文献   

Radio continuum emission at cm wavelengths is relatively little affectedby extinction. When combined with far-infrared (FIR) surveys thisprovides for a convenient and unbiased method to select (radio-loud)AGN and starbursts deeply embedded in gas and dust–rich galaxies. Suchradio-selected FIR samples are useful for detailed investigations ofthe complex relationships between (radio) galaxy and starburst activity, and to determine whether ULIRGs are powered by hidden quasars (monsters) or young stars (babies).We present the results of a large program to obtain identifications andspectra of radio-selected, optically faint IRAS/FSC objects using theFIRST/VLA 20 cm survey (Becker, White and Helfand 1995). These objects are all radio-`quiet' in the sense that their radiopower / FIR luminosities follow the well-known radio/FIR relationshipfor star forming galaxies.We compare these results to a previous study by our group of a sampleof radio-`loud' IRAS/FSC ULIRGs selected from the Texas 365 MHzsurvey (Douglas etal. 1996). Many of these objects alsoshow evidence for dominant, A-type stellar populations, as well as highionization lines usually associated with AGN. These radio-loud ULIRGshave properties intermediate between those of starbursts and quasars,suggesting a possible evolutionary connection.Deep Keck spectroscopic observations of three ULIRGs from these samplesare presented, including high signal-to-noise spectropolarimetry.The polarimetry observations failed to show evidence of a hidden quasar inpolarized (scattered) light in the two systems in which the stellar lightwas dominated by A-type stars. Although observations of a larger samplewould be needed to allow a general conclusion, our current data suggestthat a large fraction of ULIRGs may be powered by luminous starbursts,not by hidden, luminous AGN (quasars).  相似文献   

We present the results of Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of the interacting system Arp86 in both neutral atomic hydrogen, H  i , and in radio continuum at 240 606 and 1394 MHz. In addition to H  i emission from the two dominant galaxies, NGC 7752 and NGC 7753, these observations show a complex distribution of H  i tails and bridges due to tidal interactions. The regions of highest column density appear related to the recent sites of intense star formation. H  i column densities  ∼1–1.5 × 1021 cm−2  have been detected in the tidal bridge which is bright in Spitzer image as well. We also detect H  i emission from the galaxy 2MASX J23470758+2926531, which is shown to be a part of this system. We discuss the possibility that this could be a tidal dwarf galaxy. The radio continuum observations show evidence of a non-thermal bridge between NGC 7752 and NGC 7753, and a radio source in the nuclear region of NGC 7753 consistent with it having a low-ionization nuclear emission region nucleus.  相似文献   

We analyse the relation between active galactic nuclei (AGN) host properties and large-scale environment for a representative red and blue AGN host galaxy sample selected from the Data Release 4 Sloan Digital Sky Survey. A comparison is made with two carefully constructed control samples of non-active galaxies, covering the same redshift range and colour baseline. The cross-correlation functions show that the density distribution of neighbours is almost identical for blue galaxies, either active or non-active. Although active red galaxies inhabit environments less dense compared to non-active red galaxies, both reside in environments considerably denser than those of blue hosts. Moreover, the radial density profile of AGN relative to galaxy group centres is less concentrated than galaxies. This is particularly evident when comparing red AGN and non-active galaxies.
The properties of the neighbouring galaxies of blue and red AGN and non active galaxies reflect this effect. While the neighbourhood of the blue samples is indistinguishable, the red AGN environs show an excess of blue-star-forming galaxies with respect to their non-active counterpart. On the other hand, the active and non-active blue systems have similar environments but markedly different morphological distributions, showing an excess of blue early-type AGN, which are argued to be late-stage mergers. This comparison reveals that the observable differences between active red and blue host galaxy properties including star formation history and AGN activity depends on the environment within which the galaxies form and evolve.  相似文献   

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