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METAMORPHISM IN THE LESSER HIMALAYAN CRYSTALLINES AND MAIN CENTRAL THRUST ZONE IN THE ARUN VALLEY AND AMA DRIME RANGE (EASTERN HIMALAYA)1 BrunelM ,KienastJR . tudep啨tro structuraledeschevauchementsductileshimalayenssurlatrans versaledel’Everest Makalu (N啨paloriental) [J].CanadianJ .EarthSciences,1986 ,2 3:1117~ 1137. 2 LombardoB ,RolfoF .TwocontrastingeclogitetypesintheHimalayas :implicationsfortheHimalayanorogeny…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Main Central Thrust (MCT) south of Mt Everest in eastern Nepal is a 3 to 5km thick shear zone separating chlorite-bearing schist in the lower plate from sillimanite-bearing migmatitic gneiss in the overlying Tibetan Slab. The metamorphic grade increases through the MCT zone toward structurally higher levels. Previous workers have suggested that either post- or synmetamorphic thrust movement has caused this inversion of metamorphic isograds. In an effort to quantify the increase in grade and to constrain proposed structural relations between metamorphism and slip on the fault, four well-calibrated thermobarometers were applied to pelitic samples collected along two cross-strike transects through the MCT zone and Tibetan Slab. Results show an increase in apparent temperature up-section in the MCT zone from 778 K to 990 K and a decrease in temperature to ∼850 K in the lower Tibetan Slab, which is consistent with synmetamorphic thrust movement. A trend in calculated pressures across this section is less well-defined but, on average, decreases up-section with a gradient of ∼28MPa/km, resembling a lithostatic gradient. Pressure-temperature paths for zoned garnets from samples within the MCT zone, modelled using the Gibbs' Method, show a significant decrease in temperature and a slight decrease in pressure from core to rim, which might be expected for upper plate rocks during synmetamorphic thrust movement. Samples from the uppermost Tibetan Slab yield higher temperatures and pressures than those from the lower Tibetan Slab, which may be evidence for later‘resetting’ of thermobarometers by intrusion of the large amounts of leucogranite at that structural level.  相似文献   

The Main Central Thrust (MCT) is a tectono-metamorphic boundary between the Higher Himalayan crystallines (HHC) and Lesser Himalayan metasediments (LHS), reactivated in the Tertiary, but which had already formed as a collisional boundary in the Early Paleozoic. To investigate the nature of the MCT, we analyzed whole-rock Nd isotopic ratios of rocks from the MCT and surrounding zones in the Taplejung–Ilam area of far-eastern Nepal, Annapurna–Galyang area of central Nepal, and Maikot–Barekot area of western Nepal. We define the MCT zone as a ductile–brittle shear zone between the upper MCT (UMCT) and lower MCT (LMCT). The protoliths of the MCT zone may provide critical constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya. The LHS is lithostratigraphically divided into the upper and lower units. In the Taplejung–Ilam area, different lithologic units and their εNd (0) values are as follows; HHC (− 10.0 to − 18.1), MCT zone (− 18.5 to − 26.2), upper LHS unit (− 17.2), and lower LHS unit (− 22.0 to − 26.9). There is a distinct gap in the εNd (0) values across the UMCT except for the southern frontal edge of the Ilam nappe. In the Annapurna–Galyang and Maikot–Barekot areas, different lithologic units and their εNd (0) values are as follows; HHC (− 13.9 to − 17.7), MCT zone (− 23.8 to − 26.2 except for an outlier of − 12.4), upper LHS unit (− 15.6 to − 26.8), and lower LHS unit (− 24.9 to − 26.8). These isotopic data clearly distinguish the lower LHS unit from the HHC. Combining these data with the previously published data, the lowest εNd (0) value in the HHC is − 19.9. We regard rocks with εNd (0) values below − 20.0 as the LHS. In contrast, rocks with those above − 19.9 are not always the HHC, and some parts of them may belong to the LHS due to the overlapping Nd isotopic ratio between the HHC and LHS. Most rocks of the MCT zone have Nd isotopic ratios similar to those of the LHS, but very different from those of the HHC. The spatial patterns in the distribution of εNd (0) value around the UMCT suggest no substantial structural mixing of the HHC and LHS during the UMCT activities in the Tertiary. A discontinuity in the spatial distribution of εNd (0) values is laterally continuous along the UMCT throughout the Himalayas. These facts support the theory that the UMCT was originally a material boundary between the HHC and LHS, suggesting the MCT zone was mainly developed with undertaking a role of sliding planes during overthrusting of the HHC in the Tertiary.  相似文献   

B.N. Upreti    H. Sakai    S.M. Rai   《地学前缘》2000,(Z1)
GEOLOGY OF THE TAPLEJUNG WINDOW AND FRONTAL BELT, FAR EASTERN NEPAL HIMALAYA1 PecherA .Deformationandmetamorphismeassociesaunezonedecisaillement :Exampledugrandchevauchementcen tralHimalayan (MCT) [M ].Thesed’Etat,UnivGrenoble ,France ,1978.35 4. 2 RaiSM .LesnappesdeKathmandudtduGosainkund ,HimalayaduNepalcentral[M ].Thesededoctoral,Univ .Grenoble ,France ,1998.2 44 . 3 SchellingD ,AritaK .Thrusttectonics ,crustalshortening ,andthestructureofthe…  相似文献   

Following the early Eocene collision of the Indian and Asian plates, intracontinental subduction occurred along the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone in the High Himalaya. In the Kishtwar–Zanskar Himalaya, the MCT is a 2 km thick shear zone of high strain, distributed ductile deformation which emplaces the amphibolite facies High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) unit south‐westwards over the lower greenschist facies Lesser Himalaya. An inverted metamorphic field gradient, mapped from the first appearance of garnet, staurolite and kyanite index minerals, is coincident with the high strain zone. Petrography and garnet zoning profiles indicate that rocks in the lower MCT zone preserve a prograde assemblage, whereas rocks in the HHC unit show retrograde equilibration. Thermobarometric results derived using THERMOCALC indicate a PT increase of c. 180 °C and c. 400 MPa across the base of the MCT zone, which is a consequence of the syn‐ to postmetamorphic juxtaposition of M1 kyanite grade rocks of the HHC unit on a cooling path over biotite grade footwall rocks, which subsequently attain their peak (M2) during thrusting. Inclusion thermobarometry from the lower MCT zone reveals that M2 was accompanied by loading, and peak conditions of 537±38 °C and 860±120 MPa were attained. M1 kyanite assemblages in the HHC unit, which have not been overprinted by M2 fibrolitic sillimanite, were not significantly affected by M2, and conditions of equilibration are estimated as 742±53 °C and 960±180 MPa. There is no evidence for dissipative or downward conductive heating in the MCT zone. Instead, the primary control on the distribution of peak assemblages, represented by the index minerals, is postmetamorphic ductile thrusting in a downward propagating shear zone. Polymetamorphism and diachroneity of equilibration are also important controls on the thermal profile through the MCT zone and HHC unit.  相似文献   

Granites are hard and sound rock at relatively fresh or unweathered condition. Steep rocky slopes are the characteristic features in the area occupied by granites of the Lesser Himalaya including Kathmandu nappe. Almost vertical to sometimes overhanging slopes in granites look stable in dry season, but the steeper slopes in the areas occupied by granitic rocks are metastable to unstable. The instabilities are related to: variation in texture and mineral composition of granite, nature and intensity of weathering (mechanical and chemical), altitude of the area, orientation of natural slope with reference to the predominant joint sets, quality of rock mass, stress release and activity of subsurface water during monsoon. The study is supposed to be an example for the study of the slope instabilities in the other part of the Himalaya occupied by granitic bodies.  相似文献   

李志伟  田敏  钱祥贵 《云南地质》2001,20(4):369-375
昆阳群地层岩石极低级变质作用的主要特点:碎屑状绿泥石-白云母(绢云母)堆垛集合体发育,且多平行层理定向排列;个别堆垛集合体见有明显的弯曲可膝折现象,表明经受平行层理的压缩作用。根据堆垛集合体,层理及早世代水力破裂-充填石英微细脉体间关系,认为极低级变质作用是区域变形构造-热事件之前的产物:变质温度在155-350℃之间,变质级,地层时代及岩层在地层柱中的位置渐趋一致,与区域变形强度缺乏谐调关系。上述特点所反映的构造环境属于地壳伸展背景下裂谷环境内的埋藏型变质作用。  相似文献   

通过37次成岩实验研究认为:(1)在地壳温度下,地壳物质的重熔不可能形成石英闪长质或更基性的岩浆;(2)碱性玄武岩浆同化花岗质地壳,可以生成石英闪长质和花岗闪长质岩浆,所产生的岩浆高钾富碱,属高钾岩系,与铜陵地区侵入岩相似;(3)高压下形成的岩浆比中压下形成的岩浆更高钾富碱;(4)在岩浆演化过程中铜与钾似无成因联系,钾与铜的“相关性”与它们的趋同性有关,即两者均于岩浆晚期富集。  相似文献   

北祁连东段米家山地区碰撞变质作用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
:米家山地区位于北祁连东段 ,区内下奥陶统阴沟群为一套海相火山—碎屑岩建造。在加里东末期 ,米家山岩体最终定位。通过填图发现 ,岩体与阴沟群变质地层呈“互层状”产出。在岩体的中心部位发育两条角闪岩相变质带 ,其变质条件由早期中—高压中温向晚期低压高温演化 ,变质作用为多期碰撞变质作用。这一现象不仅反映了造山作用是一个连续过程 ,同时也说明了与其相伴的变质作用必然是一个变化的过程。在与花岗岩相伴的地区 ,严格地用区域变质作用和接触变质作用来解释变质成因是与板块构造观点不相符合的 ,它们可能是一个起因的不同结果 ,是相互联系的  相似文献   

CENOZOIC COLLISIONAL DEFORMATION AND LITHOSPHERE TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE EASTERN HIMALAYAN SYNTAXIS1 DingLin ,ZhongDalai,Metamorphiccharacteristicsandgeotectonicimplicationsofthehigh pressuregranulitesfromNam jagbarwa,EasternTibet[J].ScienceinChina ,1999,42 (5 ) :491~ 5 0 5 .TheNationalNaturalSciencesFoundationofChina (No .49732 10 0 )andNationalKeyProject (No . 19980 40 80 0 )forBasicResearchofTibet…  相似文献   

东秦岭造山带南缘北大巴山构造反转及其动力学   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
何建坤  卢华复 《地质科学》1999,34(2):139-153
自元古代以来,北大巴山经历了构造伸展(∈-D2)、构造反转(T2)和构造冲断作用(T2-J1).伸展构造主要由极性相同、北倾的大型犁式正断层构成,它控制了早古生代地层的强烈差异沉积。其成因可能受控于扬子板块北缘早古生代幔源裂谷作用所引起的大陆边缘岩石圈拉伸、减簿的动力学机制。之后,因华北和扬子两板块的对接和碰撞,扬子板块北缘发生内硅铝层A型俯冲。使北大巴山构造作用由早期的伸展向大规模的冲断转变,形成中三叠世区域性构造反转作用。经构造反转后,北大巴山构造变形以强烈的深层次韧性滑脱和浅层次脆性冲断为特征。深层滑脱由发育在10-35km的韧性台阶状逆断层冲断叠置而成、浅层滑脱则主要由脆性台阶状断层构成的盖层冲断岩席,双重推覆体和冲起构造等构成。由此北大巴山区地层缩短率平均至少达35.5%-44.2%,并造成绿片岩相的活化盖层。  相似文献   

北祁连东段新元古代火山岩的发现及其特征和形成环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1/ 5万石门川幅、老龙湾幅区域地质调研结果表明 ,北祁连东段上吊吊坡地区存在新元古代火山岩 ,Sm- Nd同位素测试结果为 72 3.1± 2 5.0 Ma。地球化学特征揭示该套火山岩为拉斑玄武岩系列 ,稀土、微量元素特征及 Nd同位素特征证明其形成于岛弧环境 ,它是中国大陆在元古代晚期固结过程的产物 ,与当时华北陆块所处的大地构造背景相一致  相似文献   

东喜马拉雅地区高压麻粒岩岩石学研究及构造意义   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
 将该区内的高喜马拉雅结晶岩划分为南部的角闪岩相岩石和北部的中低压麻粒岩相岩石,后者沿那木拉逆冲断层向南推覆于前者之上。高压麻粒岩相岩石仅以残余产出于后者,主要包括石榴石蓝晶石片麻岩和石榴石透辉石岩。前者的峰期矿物组合为石榴石+蓝晶石+三元长石+石英+金红石;后者的峰期组合为石榴石(铁铝榴石10±钙铝榴石>80)+透辉石+石英+方柱石+榍石(Al2O3为4%-4.5%).变质温压估计结果表明高压麻粒岩相岩石形成于大约1.7-1.8GPa,890℃,然后经历了近等温降压变质作用至0.5±0.1GPa,850±50℃。它们的原岩可能是大理岩及泥质岩。这表明在区内曾存在一高压麻粒岩带,那木拉冲断层可能是高喜马拉雅结晶岩内的一条重要的构造界线。  相似文献   

新疆中天山北缘胜利达坂韧性剪切带   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胜利达坂韧性剪切带沿中天山构造带北缘呈近EW向展布,为一条由一系列糜棱岩带、强片理化带及典型韧性变形显微构造所组成的强应变带。根据变形强度和原岩类型可划分出不同的构造带。显微构造的运动学和动力学分析表明,剪切带经历了早期的由南向北的斜冲推覆剪切及晚期的近水平右行走滑剪切。剪切带内发生了强烈的硅化、碳酸盐化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化和绿泥石化等蚀变,它们与金矿成矿作用关系密切。  相似文献   

中亚蛇绿岩带研究进展及区域构造连接   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
何国琦  李茂松 《新疆地质》2000,18(3):193-202
中亚地区分布着数十条不同时代和不同性南的蛇绿岩带,这些形成于早古生代或新元古代的蛇绿岩带由于受后期构造变动的强破坏,只在极少数地点保存良好。尽管出露分散,确定其时代和性质有一定困难,但其仍具极其重要的构造单元划分、对比和连接意义。在对比和讨论蛇绿岩带的连接时,应以微体化石给出信息为主,同时参考蛇岩下部组分的同位素年代学数据。讨论了新疆东北部邻区和西部邻区蛇绿岩带的时代和性质,以及这些蛇绿岩带的对此  相似文献   

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