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斜坡地质灾害的频发常常造成严重的经济损失,而斜坡地质灾害预报预警无疑是减少经济损失的主要手段。本文介绍了国内地质灾害预报预警方法研究及WebGIS系统开发现状,引入先进的RIA技术,构建RIA下的WebGIS体系结构;针对系统需求分析,进行了系统总体设计及详细设计,且基于ArcSDE Geodatabase和SQL Server技术设计并建立了空间数据库;最后利用面向对象的可视化编程语言C#基于WebGIS平台开发出了具有集查询检索、统计分析、空间分析、专题图制作、预报预警及动态维护等功能于一体的斜坡地质灾害气象预报预警信息系统。该系统的设计与实现,有助于提高斜坡地质灾害防灾减灾工作的能动性、高效性和准确性,最大限度地减少气象因素(降雨)诱发的斜坡地质灾害所造成的人员伤亡和财产损失。以云南省怒江州为例对系统各个功能进行了具体应用,为怒江州斜坡地质灾害防治及预测预报提供强劲有力的技术支撑。 相似文献
By illustrating the relationship between the climate system and the scientific data, a requirement of scientific data for the earth system research has been proposed to be paid more attention to climate change studies. The research progresses of global climate change in China for the recent 10 years have been reviewed and the important role of observation datasets and assimilated production in the global climate change has been pointed out. Furthermore, the meteorological data sharing situation 相似文献
Cultural transformation (including knowledge innovation, ideological emancipation and slogan publicity, etc.) is one of the most important drivers of changes in water management policies. Earlier studies into water culture were mainly based on qualitative methods. However, using only qualitative methods, it is difficult to reveal the stage characteristics of water culture evolution objectively and accurately. Mapping knowledge domains, a rising knowledge discovery method, can holistically reveal the sources of knowledge and the laws of its development. This paper is devoted to exploiting its potential as a quantitative method for researches targeting at water culture evolution. By extracting the key words related to water from People’s Daily, knowledge domains on water culture evolution in China during 1946 2012 are mapped and interpreted, based on which the water culture evolution is unveiled. By comparing the water culture evolution with changes in water policies, stages of water resource development and extreme hydrological events, it is found that there exist clear relationships. This convinces us that mapping knowledge domains could play an effective role in quantitative research on water culture evolution. Further steps towards better quantitative researches on water culture evolution using this method include the enhancement of the universality of newspapers, improvement on the accuracy of key words extraction, and increase in the precision of visualization analysis. 相似文献
针对传统数字地质调查过程中图面资料手工整饰存在低效和精度不高的问题,提出进行自动化处理的思路与方法,并给出相应的处理流程框架,在此基础上研制开发DLiner数字化整饰平台软件。该软件操作流程简单,具备路线PRB、实际材料图自动化整饰和部分人机交互的检查错误功能,能有效避免人工操作造成数字地质调查精度降低的问题和部分隐形错误,整饰图面美观且符合反映地质现象的要求,降低劳动强度,提高工作效率,且与Mapgis、DGSS等软件兼容性好。 相似文献
非均质含水层中渗流与溶质运移研究进展简 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Natural aquifer heterogeneity controls the groundwater flow and solute transport, and how to accurately quantify the flow and solute transport in heterogeneous aquifers has received wide attention by many scholars, and has become a hot research topic in earth science. Theoretically, a systematic review is given by the following aspect: flow and solute transport model, moment analysis, multi scale analysis. The resolved and remained issues for scale conversion in hydrogeology research are pointed out. Secondly, recent advances of heterogeneous field test, uncertainty and velocity connectivity are analyzed. Finally, the geophysical inversion of aquifer heterogeneity, stochastic theory and development of stochastic simulation software, scale conversion and uncertainty of velocity connectivity, and the relationship between heterogeneity and hydrogeological condition on the major four aspects of the future research direction is pointed out. 相似文献
The social impact of global climate change is one of the hotspots in the current research. To deal with the challenges from climate change, it could be learned from the adapting experiences and lessons to climate change in the history. The main achievements of cognition on the historical impacts of climatic change in China and on coping with the climate changes in the future based the published papers in recent years is summarized. The followings are the main conclusions. ①The general characteristics of the impacts of climatic change in the history was negative in the cold periods and positive in the warm periods, but there were regional differences in the impact and responses. ②The cooling trend on centurial scale and the social economic decline run concurrently. The rapid development supported by better resources and environment in the warm period could lead to the increase of the social vulnerability when the climate turned to the cold period. ③Strategies and policies to cope with the climate change in the history were adopted according to the temporal and spatial circumstances and the subjects. Initiative adaptation promoted by governments was an effective way. 相似文献
简要概述了新疆哈拉奇地区区域地质矿产调查过程中取得的新成果和主要进展。新建晚石炭世—早二叠世碳酸盐台地深水斜坡相的哈拉奇组;在石炭系—二叠系中共识别出4个带和1个珊瑚组合;在志留系中识别出笔石组合带;在石炭纪别根他乌组中发现多套古岩溶角砾岩层,在哈拉奇组中发现深水重力流沉积;识别厘定出石炭系/泥盆系和志留系/奥陶系2个平行不整合;依据不整合面划分2个构造层,并识别出3期区域性褶皱构造;划分出6个区域磁异常,4个高磁异常,并进行了查证和解译;圈定水系沉积物综合异常14处;探索性地开发针对数字化填图系统的Dliner数字化整饰平台。 相似文献
比勒提地区位于新疆西南天山,以该区1∶50000高精度磁测数据为基础,采用解析延拓、方向导数等技术手段提取与断裂构造有关的磁异常信息,对区域内构造进行识别,结合标本物性参数统计,对引起磁异常的原因进行分析。对区域磁异常向上延拓及求一阶导数后进行对比,圈定4个特征异常带A1~A4,结合地质资料,识别出4条断裂构造FW1~FW4,FW1和FW2对应喀拉铁克断裂及其次级断裂,FW3为构造动力作用产生的强片理化带,FW4为隐伏断裂,表明高精度磁法测量在本区能有效识别断裂并反映其分布。 相似文献