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In this study, an attempt has been made to suggest crop diversification based on soil and weather requirements of different crops. State level spatial databases of various agro-physical parameters such as rainfall, soil texture, physiography and problem soil along with the agricultural area derived from remote sensing data were integrated using GIS. A raster based modelling approach was followed to arrive at suitable zones for practicing different cropping systems. The results showed that the south-western Punjab is suitable for low water requiring crops such as desi cotton, pearl millet, gram etc., where as north-eastern Punjab with high rainfall and excess drainage should practice maize based cropping system. Rice can be substituted by maize and other crops in Central Punjab, where water table is going down fast. Using this approach the area of rice based cropping system can be reduced from present 24.7 lakh ha to 19.6 lakh ha, thereby reducing the degradation of valuable land and water resources.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the Bathinda district of Punjab state for mapping the cropping pattern and crop rotation, monitoring long term changes in cropping pattern by using the satellite based remote sensing data along other spatial and non-spatial collateral data. Multi-date IRS LISS I and IRS WiFS sensor data have been used for this study. Cropping pattern maps and crop rotation maps were generated for the years 1988-89 and 1998-99. The present study has shown the increase of cropping intensity significantly, mainly due to increase in rice area. However, crop diversity has decreased mainly due to decline in the area under the minor crops like pearl millet, gram, rapeseed/ mustard. There is increase in area coverage of cotton-wheat and rice-wheat rotation, at the expense of the minor crops.  相似文献   

Cropping system study is not only useful to understand the overall sustainability of agricultural system, but also it helps in generating many important parameters which are useful in climate change impact assessment. Considering its importance, Space Applications Centre, took up a project for mapping and characterizing major cropping systems of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. The study area included the five states of Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India, i.e. Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. There were two aspects of the study. The first aspect included state and district level cropping system mapping using multi-date remote sensing (IRS-AWiFS and Radarsat ScanSAR) data. The second part was to characterize the cropping system using moderate spatial resolution multi-date remote sensing data (SPOT VGT NDVI) and ground survey. The remote sensing data was used to compute three cropping system performance indices (Multiple Cropping Index, Area Diversity Index and Cultivated Land Utilization Index). Ground survey was conducted using questionnaires filled up by 1,000 farmers selected from 103 villages based on the cropping systems map. Apart from ground survey, soil and water sampling and quality analysis were carried out to understand the effect of different cropping systems and their management practices. The results showed that, rice-wheat was the major cropping system of the IGP, followed by Rice-Fallow-Fallow and Maize-Wheat. Other major cropping systems of IGP included Sugarcane based, Pearl millet-Wheat, Rice-Fallow-Rice, Cotton-Wheat. The ground survey could identify 77 cropping systems, out of which 38 are rice-based systems. Out of these 77 cropping systems, there were 5 single crop systems, occupying 6.5% coverage (of all cropping system area), 56 double crop systems with 72.7% coverage, and 16 triple crop systems with 20.8% coverage. The cropping system performance analysis showed that the crop diversity was found to be highest in Haryana, while the cropping intensity was highest in Punjab state.  相似文献   

The present study has been carried out to delineate the existing cropping systems in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) using 10 day composite SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) NDVI data acquired over a crop year (June–May). Results showed that it is feasible to identify the major crops like rice, wheat, sugarcane, potato, and cotton in the dominant growing areas with good accuracy. Double cropping pattern is the most prevalent. Rice-wheat, sugarcane based, cotton-wheat, rice-potato, rice-rice, maize/millet-wheat are some of the major rotations followed. Rice-wheat is the dominant rotation accounting for around 40% of the net sown area. Triple crop rotations was less than 5% of the area and observed in some parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Single crop rotation of rice-fallow is significant only in West Bengal.  相似文献   

Human diets strongly rely on wheat, maize, rice and soybean; research on the potential crop productivity of these four main crops could provide the basis for increasing global crop yields. The evaluation model of realistic potential crop productivity based on remote sensing and agro-ecological zones was proposed in this study to provide reliable reference data for world food security. The statistical data on these four main crops yields were obtained from the FAO. The model was used to investigate the potential production of four staple crops in the world. The distributions of the realistic potential productivity of four staple crops (winter wheat, maize, rice and soybean) were produced. In the main producing countries of the four staple crops, statistical analysis was conducted on the realistic potential productivity (RPP) of the four staple crops, the highest productivity (HP) during the period 1983–2011 and the gap between RPP and HP.  相似文献   


The overarching goal of this study was to perform a comprehensive meta-analysis of irrigated agricultural Crop Water Productivity (CWP) of the world’s three leading crops: wheat, corn, and rice based on three decades of remote sensing and non-remote sensing-based studies. Overall, CWP data from 148 crop growing study sites (60 wheat, 43 corn, and 45 rice) spread across the world were gathered from published articles spanning 31 different countries. There was overwhelming evidence of a significant increase in CWP with an increase in latitude for predominately northern hemisphere datasets. For example, corn grown in latitude 40–50° had much higher mean CWP (2.45?kg/m³) compared to mean CWP of corn grown in other latitudes such as 30–40° (1.67?kg/m³) or 20–30° (0.94?kg/m³). The same trend existed for wheat and rice as well. For soils, none of the CWP values, for any of the three crops, were statistically different. However, mean CWP in higher latitudes for the same soil was significantly higher than the mean CWP for the same soil in lower latitudes. This applied for all three crops studied. For wheat, the global CWP categories were low (≤0.75?kg/m³), medium (>0.75 to <1.10?kg/m³), and high CWP (≥1.10?kg/m³). For corn the global CWP categories were low (≤1.25?kg/m³), medium (>1.25 to ≤1.75?kg/m³), and high (>1.75?kg/m³). For rice the global CWP categories were low (≤0.70?kg/m³), medium (>0.70 to ≤1.25?kg/m³), and high (>1.25?kg/m³). USA and China are the only two countries that have consistently high CWP for wheat, corn, and rice. Australia and India have medium CWP for wheat and rice. India’s corn, however, has low CWP. Egypt, Turkey, Netherlands, Mexico, and Israel have high CWP for wheat. Romania, Argentina, and Hungary have high CWP for corn, and Philippines has high CWP for rice. All other countries have either low or medium CWP for all three crops. Based on data in this study, the highest consumers of water for crop production also have the most potential for water savings. These countries are USA, India, and China for wheat; USA, China, and Brazil for corn; India, China, and Pakistan for rice. For example, even just a 10% increase in CWP of wheat grown in India can save 6974 billion liters of water. This is equivalent to creating 6974 lakes each of 100?m³ in volume that leads to many benefits such as acting as ‘water banks’ for lean season, recreation, and numerous ecological services. This study establishes the volume of water that can be saved for each crop in each country when there is an increase in CWP by 10%, 20%, and 30%.  相似文献   

Irrigation water requirements of wheat and mustard crops grown in Western Yamuna Canal Command area were estimated using FAO model CROPWAT with the help of agrometeorological and remote sensing data (1986–1998 and 2008). The variations in irrigation water requirements of these two crops were judged by calculating coefficient of Variations (CVs) of yearly data. Crop coefficient values were obtained through FAO (1993) method. Supervised Maximum Likelihood Classification (MXL) of IRS 1B image was done to estimate area under wheat and mustard in the canal command. Water need was calculated from amount of supply and water requirement for the whole area. Results showed that ETcrop values of both wheat and mustard varied very little over different years (CVs 4.7% and 5.6% respectively). Irrigation water requirements of both these crops were having relatively large variations (CVs 14.1% and 22.6% respectively) which were mainly because of high variations of their effective rainfall (CVs 61.1% and 69.2% respectively). In general, increase in amount of irrigation enhanced the growth performance of the wheat crop. Increase in distribution equity within soil associations slightly improved the growth performance of the wheat crop. Agro-climatic data merged with satellite image approximated the deficiency of applied irrigation amount (549.5 ha-m for wheat and 692.7 ha-m for mustard) as compared to requirement.  相似文献   

Rice crop occupies an important aspect of food security and also contributes to global warming via GHGs emission. Characterizing rice crop using spatial technologies holds the key for addressing issues of global warming and food security as different rice ecosystems respond differently to the changed climatic conditions. Remote sensing has become an important tool for assessing seasonal vegetation dynamics at regional and global scale. Bangladesh is one of the major rice growing countries in South Asia. In present study we have used remote sensing data along with GIS and ancillary map inputs in combination to derive seasonal rice maps, rice phenology and rice cultural types of Bangladesh. The SPOT VGT S10 NDVI data spanning Aus, Aman and Boro crop season (1st May 2008 to 30th April 2009) were used, first for generating the non-agriculture mask through ISODATA clustering and then to generate seasonal rice maps during second classification. The spectral rice profiles were modelled and phenological parameters were derived. NDVI growth profiles were modelled and crop calendar was derived. To segregate the rice cultural types of Bangladesh into IPCC rice categories, we used elevation, irrigated area, interpolated rainfall maps and flood map through logical modelling in GIS. The results indicated that the remote sensing derived rice area was 9.99 million ha as against the reported area of 11.28 million ha. The wet and dry seasons accounted for 64% and 36 % of the rice area, respectively. The flood prone, drought prone and deep water categories account for 7.5%, 5.56% and 2.03%, respectively. The novelty of current findings lies in the spatial outcome in form of seasonal and rice cultural type maps of Bangladesh which are helpful for variety of applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a more sophisticated method for detection and estimation of mixed paddy rice agriculture from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data. Previous research demonstrated that MODIS data can be used to map paddy rice fields and to distinguish rice from other crops at large, continental scales with combined Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) analysis during the flooding and rice transplanting stage. Our approach improves upon this methodology by incorporating mixed rice cropping patterns that include single-season rice crops, early-season rice, and late-season rice cropping systems. A variable EVI/LSWI threshold function, calibrated to more local rice management practices, was used to recognize rice fields at the flooding stage. We developed our approach with MODIS data in Hunan Province, China, an area with significant flooded paddy rice agriculture and mixed rice cropping patterns. We further mapped the aerial coverage and distribution of early, late, and single paddy rice crops for several years from 2000 to 2007 in order to quantify temporal trends in rice crop coverage, growth and management systems. Our results were validated with finer resolution (2.5 m) Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre 5 High Resolution Geometric (SPOT 5 HRG) data, land-use data at the scale of 1/10,000 and with county-level rice area statistical data. The results showed that all three paddy rice crop patterns could be discriminated and their spatial distribution quantified. We show the area of single crop rice to have increased annually and almost doubling in extent from 2000 to 2007, with simultaneous, but unique declines in the extent of early and late paddy rice. These results were significantly positive correlated and consistent with agricultural statistical data at the county level (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

A scheme called National Food Security Mission was launched by Government of India in 2007 for wheat, rice and pulses crops. At the request of Ministry of Agriculture for monitoring intensification of pulses a project called Pulses Intensification was taken up in Rabi season 2012–2013. Reliable statistics using advanced methods is very important for variety of pulse crops. Remotely sensed data can help in pre-harvest area estimation of pulse crops. Pulses in India are grown as partly scattered and partly contiguous crop. Growth in scattered areas and poor vegetation canopy of some of the pulse crops poses a challenge in its identification and discrimination using remotely sensed data. National Inventory of Rabi pulse crops in major growing regions of northern and southern parts of India was attempted. Multi-date AWiFS data and multi-date NDVI products of AWiFS of Rabi season 2014–2015 were used to study spectral-temporal behavior of pulse crops. Pulse crops accuracies of more than 95 % was observed in contiguous areas and 50–80.77 % in scattered regions. All India area estimate of Rabi pulses for the year 2014–2015 was 8963.327 ‘000 ha.  相似文献   

Monitoring the production of main agricultural crops is important to predict and prepare for disruptions in food supply and fluctuations in global crop market prices. China's global crop-monitoring system (CropWatch) uses remote sensing data combined with selected field data to determine key crop production indicators: crop acreage, yield and production, crop condition, cropping intensity, crop-planting proportion, total food availability, and the status and severity of droughts. Results are combined to analyze the balance between supply and demand for various food crops and if needed provide early warning about possible food shortages. CropWatch data processing is highly automated and the resulting products provide new kinds of inputs for food security assessments. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of CropWatch as a remote sensing-based system, describing its structure, components, and monitoring approaches. The paper also presents examples of monitoring results and discusses the strengths and limitations of the CropWatch approach, as well as a comparison with other global crop-monitoring systems.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and FAO 56 crop water model are used for estimating crop water requirement for paddy crop located in the main branch canal of Bhadra Command Area in Karnataka, India. The estimation of crop-water requirement depends on the meteorological factors, soil type and crop coefficients. The result obtained showed that water requirements of rabi crops higher than those of the kariff crops. The total irrigated area estimated from the IRS image is 29,353 ha. It is found that the total paddy crop acreage is 18,257 ha covering 62 % in the total irrigated area of the command area, Arecanut 20 %, coconut 15 % and sugarcane with other crops 3 %. The water requirement for paddy is 1180.4 mm for its entire growth period. The total water requirement for irrigation supply for crops in the entire command area is 5,790 at a demand of 0.10501 cusecs per ha.  相似文献   

Spatial differences in drought proneness and intensity of drought caused by differences in cropping patterns and crop growing environments within a district indicate the need for agricultural drought assessment at disaggregated level. The objective of this study is to use moderate resolution satellite images for detailed assessment of the agricultural drought situation at different administrative units (blocks) within a district. Monthly time composite NDVI images derived from moderate resolution AWiFS (60 m) and WiFS (180 m) images from Indian Remote Sensing satellites were analysed along with ground data on rainfall and crop sown areas for the kharif seasons (June – November) of 2002 (drought year), 2004 (early season drought) and 2005 (good monsoon year). The impact of the 2002 meteorological drought on crop area in different blocks of the district was assessed. The amplitude of crop condition variability in a severe drought year (2002) and a good year (2005) was used to map the degree of vulnerability of different blocks in the district to agricultural drought. The impact of early season deficit rainfall in 2004 on the agricultural situation and subsequent recovery of the agricultural situation was clearly shown. Agricultural drought assessment at disaggregated level using moderate resolution images is useful for prioritizing the problem areas within a district to undertake, in season drought management plans, such as alternate cropping strategies, as well as for end of the season drought relief management actions. The availability of ground data on rainfall, cropping pattern, crop calendar, irrigation, soil type etc., is very crucial in order to interpret the seasonal NDVI patterns at disaggregated level for drought assessment. The SWIR band of AWiFS sensor is a potential data source for assessing surface drought at the beginning of the season.  相似文献   

Improving crop area and/or crop yields in agricultural regions is one of the foremost scientific challenges for the next decades. This is especially true in irrigated areas because sustainable intensification of irrigated crop production is virtually the sole means to enhance food supply and contribute to meeting food demands of a growing population. Yet, irrigated crop production worldwide is suffering from soil degradation and salinity, reduced soil fertility, and water scarcity rendering the performance of irrigation schemes often below potential. On the other hand, the scope for improving irrigated agricultural productivity remains obscure also due to the lack of spatial data on agricultural production (e.g. crop acreage and yield). To fill this gap, satellite earth observations and a replicable methodology were used to estimate crop yields at the field level for the period 2010/2014 in the Fergana Valley, Central Asia, to understand the response of agricultural productivity to factors related to the irrigation and drainage infrastructure and environment. The results showed that cropping pattern, i.e. the presence or absence of multi-annual crop rotations, and spatial diversity of crops had the most persistent effects on crop yields across observation years suggesting the need for introducing sustainable cropping systems. On the other hand, areas with a lower crop diversity or abundance of crop rotation tended to have lower crop yields, with differences of partly more than one t/ha yield. It is argued that factors related to the infrastructure, for example, the distance of farms to the next settlement or the density of roads, had a persistent effect on crop yield dynamics over time. The improvement potential of cotton and wheat yields were estimated at 5%, compared to crop yields of farms in the direct vicinity of settlements or roads. In this study it is highlighted how remotely sensed estimates of crop production in combination with geospatial technologies provide a unique perspective that, when combined with field surveys, can support planners to identify management priorities for improving regional production and/or reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

南方平原耕地具有地块破碎、农作物种植品种多且空间分布混杂程度高等特点,运用传统的遥感技术方法精确监测农作物面积较为困难。无人机航拍具有拍摄时间灵活、空间分辨率高、成本低等优势,为解决这一难题提供了有利途径。本文通过地面样地调查,获取杭州市余杭区瓶窑镇农作物样地的位置及种植品种数据,利用面向对象的多尺度分割方法与随机森林的分类方法对无人机航拍数据进行分割、分类,深入挖掘高分辨率遥感数据信息,用于提取农作物种植品种及其空间分布信息,实现高精度的农作物种植面积遥感监测,推进无人机遥感在农业中的深入应用,提高农业遥感应用效益。  相似文献   

In this study, an empirical assessment approach for the risk of crop loss due to water stress was developed and used to evaluate the risk of winter wheat loss in China, the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. We combined statistical and remote sensing data on crop yields with climate data and cropland distribution to model the effect of water stress from 1982 to 2011. The average value of winter wheat loss due to water stress for the three European countries was about ?931 kg/ha, which was higher than that in China (?570 kg/ha) and the United States (?367 kg/ha). Our study has important implications for the operational assessment of crop loss risk at a country or regional scale. Future studies should focus on using higher spatial resolution remote sensing data, combining actual evapotranspiration to estimate water stress, improving the method for downscaling of statistical crop yield data and establishing more sophisticated zoning methods.  相似文献   

The Canadian satellite RADARSAT launched in November 1995 acquires C-band HH polarisation Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in various incident angles and spatial resolutions. In this study, the Standard Beam S7 SAR data with 45°–49° incidence angle has been used to discriminate rice and potato crops grown in the Gangetic plains of West Bengal state. Four-date data acquired in the 24-day repeat cycle between January 2 and March 15, 1997 was used to study the temporal backscatter characteristics of these crops in relation to the growth stages. Two, three and four-date data were used to classify the crops. The results show that the backscatter was the lowest during puddling of rice fields and increased as the crop growth progressed. The backscatter during this period changed from −18 dB to −8 dB. This temporal behaviour was similar to that observed in case of ERS-SAR data. The classification accuracy of rice areas was 94% using four-date data. Two-date data, one corresponding to pre-field preparation and the other corresponding to transplantation stage, resulted in 92% accuracy. The last observation is of particular interest as one may estimate the crop area as early as within 20–30 days of transplantation. Such an early estimate is not feasible using optical remote sensing data or ERS-SAR data. The backscatter of potato crop varied from −9 dB to −6 dB during the growth phase and showed large variations during early vegetative stage. Two-date data, one acquired during 40–45 days of planting and another at maturing stage, resulted in 93% classification accuracy for potato. All other combinations of two-date data resulted in less than 90% classification accuracy for potato.  相似文献   

张乾坤  蒙继华  任超 《遥感学报》2022,26(7):1437-1449
本文旨在研究基于地块数据约束的深度学习模型的分类特征表示方法,以识别不同作物在不同时相上光谱差异从而对作物类型进行分类。通过Google Earth Engine平台获取作物生育期内全部Landsat 8影像,利用其质量评定波段完成研究区无云时相及区域上的地块统计,提取地块级别的各波段反射率均值按照时相顺序及波长进行排列,构建波谱、时相二维特征图作为该地块的抽象表示。通过构建相对最优的卷积神经网络CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)结构完成对特征图的分类,从而完成对地块的分类。构建CNN模型并不需要手工特征和预定义功能的需求,可完成提取特征并遵循端到端原则进行分类。将该模型的分类结果与其他最为常用机器学习分类器进行了比较,获得了优于常用遥感分类算法的分类精度。结果表明地块数据的加入可以有效的缩减计算规模并提供了准确的分类边界。所提出得方法在地块特征表示及作物分类中具有突出的应用潜力,应视为基于地块的多时相影像分类任务的优选方法。  相似文献   

冬小麦是中国最主要的粮食作物之一,利用遥感技术提取冬小麦种植区是遥感应用研究的一个重要方向。2008年以来发射的系列风云三号(FY-3)卫星均携带着中分辨率光谱成像仪(MERSI),该传感器有5个250 m分辨率的波段,波段范围包括可见光、近红外和热红外,观测数据包含丰富的地表信息,为大范围冬小麦种植区提取提供了新的数据源。首先,选取生长季前期多幅高质量的MERSI数据,采用分层提取的方法,对于不同的层次选用与待提取类别最为敏感的特征波段来构建相应的决策树,从而将每一幅影像中冬小麦种植区提取出来,然后,将多幅数据融合为一幅生长季内的冬小麦种植区图。最后,使用野外实地调查的数据进行精度验证,面积提取精度为90.8%。结果表明,在春季返青后,即可做出当季冬小麦种植分布图,为农情监测提供及时的信息支撑。  相似文献   

基于时间序列叶面积指数稀疏表示的作物种植区域提取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏新  荀兰  李俐  王蕾  孔庆玲 《遥感学报》2019,23(5):959-970
以华北平原黄河以北地区为研究区域,以时间序列叶面积指数LAI(Leaf Area Index)傅里叶变换的谐波特征作为不同作物识别的数据源,利用稀疏表示的分类方法识别2007年—2016年冬小麦、春玉米、夏玉米等主要农作物种植区域。首先利用上包络线Savitzky-Golay滤波分别对2007年—2016年的时间序列MODIS LAI曲线进行重构,进而对重构的年时间序列LAI进行傅里叶变换,以0—5级谐波振幅、1—5级谐波相位作为作物识别的依据,基于各类地物的训练样本,通过在线字典学习算法构建稀疏表示方法的判别字典,对每个待测样本利用正交匹配追踪算法求解稀疏系数,从而计算对应于各类地物的重构误差,根据最小重构误差判定待测样本的作物类型,并对作物识别结果的位置精度进行验证。结果表明,2007年—2016年作物识别的总体精度为77.97%,Kappa系数为0.74,表明本文提出的方法可以用于研究区域主要作物种植区域的提取。  相似文献   

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