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王树芝  丛德新 《第四纪研究》2022,42(6):1723-1736

阿敦乔鲁遗址是西天山一处青铜时代早期的聚落遗址,年代在公元前19世纪到前17世纪。从2011年阿敦乔鲁遗址试掘、2012年开始发掘以来,在石板墓SM4-2和SM9的葬具上取到14个木材样品,在1个残、似杯状形器物上取到1个木材样品,在房址F1里取到6份木炭样品,其中大于4 mm的木炭有114块。经鉴定,墓葬中葬具木材分别属于云杉属(Picea sp.)和杨属(Populus sp.),残、似杯状器物为桦木属(Betula sp.);房址中木炭分别属于4种木本植物,有云杉属(Picea sp.)、杨属(Populus sp.)、柳属(Salix sp.)、水柏枝属(Myricaria sp.)和2种禾本科(Poaceae)植物。研究结果表明,距离阿敦乔鲁遗址较远的高山和隐闭山谷分布着雪岭云杉林,遗址周边的山地、丘陵有杨、桦林,河岸、沟谷有杨、柳和水柏枝灌木林,在较平坦的台地和坡地有禾本科的牧草;出土植物种类与现今相差不大,生态环境较干旱;阿敦乔鲁遗址先民对木材性质有一定的认识,积累了相当丰富的木材利用经验,从较远的高山上采伐树体高大、笔直的云杉木材制作葬具和建造房屋;选用无臭、无味、色浅的桦木制作生活用器;薪柴选用遗址周边的生长快、易于繁殖的河岸林柳木、杨木和湿生灌木林水柏枝的小枝及禾草植物,反映出阿敦乔鲁遗址先民在木材利用策略上具有一定的组织能力。利用遗址出土的提供牲畜食物的植物组合,可以旁证畜牧活动的存在,为探索阿敦乔鲁遗址先民生业方式提供了新视角。遗址周边植被组成和微环境的重建,先民植物资源利用策略信息的获得为探讨阿敦乔鲁遗址先民与环境的关系,提供了新资料。



以山西太原阳曲西殿南遗址(38°03′45″N,112°45′55″E)出土的3例人骨和34例动物骨骼(3例鹿、3例狗、5例牛、6例羊、17例猪)为研究对象,运用AMS-14C测年与C、N稳定同位素分析的研究方法,研究该遗址所处的年代、动物和人的食物结构以及先民对家畜的饲喂方式,进而还原龙山文化时期太原盆地的生业经济。AMS-14C测年结果显示,M1墓主人骨骼的14C年代为4200±30 a B. P.,树轮校正后的年代范围为4844~4620 cal.a B. P.,结合该遗址遗存及其组合群特征初步判断其应为一处龙山文化时期遗址。C、N稳定同位素测试结果显示,鹿(δ13C:-20.8‰ ~-18.7‰,均值-19.6‰ ±1.1‰;δ15N:2.9‰ ~3.6‰,均值3.3‰ ±0.4‰,n=3)主要以C3类食物为生,说明当地野生植被主要为C3类植物;与鹿不同,羊的δ13C值和δ15N值(δ13C:-17.2‰ ~-14.3‰,均值-16.2‰ ±1.0‰;δ15N:6.7‰ ~9.6‰,均值8.1‰ ±1.2‰,n=6)明显高于鹿,其内部存在一些差异性,可分为A、B、C三组:A组羊(YQ17和YQ19)的δ13C值偏高(分别为-16.4‰和-16.3‰),δ15N值(分别为9.3‰和9.6‰)较高,其年龄较小,食物中包含较多的羊奶或生活于缺水的环境中,抑或被投喂了高蛋白的饲料;B组羊(YQ16、YQ18、YQ20)的δ13C值偏低(分别为-16.8‰、-14.3‰和-17.2‰),但δ15N值(分别为8.3‰、7.4‰和7.2‰)偏高,其受到人工干扰的可能性最大,特别是在冬春季节,野外植被较少,羊群很可能无法自行获得充足的食物资源,这时人为投放的饲料(如粟黍的秸秆等)可能作为其食物的补充;C组羊(YQ15)的δ13C值(-16.3‰)和δ15N值(6.7‰)都较低,其食物来源以C3类植物为主,也有少量C4类食物,其数值符合羊作为食草动物的特征,同时反映出当地野生植被主要以C3类植物为主。显然,以野外放养为主的羊,它们的食物结构仍然受到粟黍农业的强烈影响。大部分牛(δ13C:-20.2‰ ~-14.6%,均值-16.4‰ ±2.6‰;δ15N:3.5‰ ~6.8‰,均值5.3‰ ±1.6‰,n=4)的食物主要以C3类植物为主,但也添加了少量的C4类食物;家猪(δ13C:-7.5‰ ~-6.3‰,均值-6.9‰ ±0.3‰;δ15N:6.1‰ ~8.4‰,均值7.5‰ ±0.6‰,n=17)、家犬(δ13C:-7.3‰ ~-6.8‰,均值-7.0‰ ±0.3‰;δ15N:6.6‰ ~7.9‰,均值7.1‰ ±0.7‰,n=3)及牛YQ13(δ13C:-10.7‰;δ15N:8.7‰)主要以C4类食物为生。其中,猪和狗则主要以粟黍及其副产品为生,并食用了较多先民食物残余和/或残羹冷炙,甚至先民的粪便等;牛YQ13可能受到先民的特殊饲喂,其食物中添加了大量的粟黍及其副产品。先民(δ13C:-8.6‰ ~-7.1‰,均值-7.7‰ ±0.8‰,δ15N:9.5‰ ~10.3‰,均值10.0‰ ±0.4‰,n=3)主要以C4类食物为生,即粟黍及其副产品饲喂的家猪和家犬。因此,西殿南遗址所在太原盆地龙山文化时期先民的生业经济以粟黍农业及家猪饲喂业为主,也对外来的牛和羊进行放养和饲喂;与处于同时期且邻近的中原腹地新砦遗址、临汾盆地的陶寺遗址和清凉寺墓地、忻定盆地的辛章遗址以及陕北地区的神圪垯梁遗址已发表的人和动物骨骼的C、N稳定同位素相关数据进行单因素方差分析发现,西殿南遗址所在太原盆地的生业经济相比略显单一,社会复杂化程度有限。



东周时期,秦人东迁进入关中,并以关中为营大举发展,统一中国。关中地区秦人的生存方式及其在东迁过程中的演变对秦人经济基础的支撑作用,仍缺乏较为细致的研究。本研究以陕西西安马腾空遗址春秋时期出土的36个个体,75例样品(60例有效数据,包括同一个体的肋骨和肢骨)为分析对象,开展C、N稳定同位素分析,并对其中4例进行了AMS14C测年。结果表明,马腾空遗址先民主体为春秋时期(781~402 BC),先民的生业经济是以粟作农业以及以此为支撑的家畜饲养业为主;肋骨与肢骨的同位素数据比较分析显示,春秋时期先民食物来源较为稳定,生存方式稳定。此外,对比甘肃西汉水流域及关中地区从西周中晚期到战国时期秦人的C、N稳定同位素数据,东迁过程中粟作农业在先民生存方式中的地位和重要性增强,为秦人国力强盛奠定了重要的物质基础。


本研究以阜南台家寺遗址出土的商代龟甲及部分动物骨骼为材料,开展了C、N稳定同位素分析,在揭示动物食物结构的基础上初步探讨了先民对龟的使用及龟的来源问题。研究结果显示:龟甲的同位素数据相互之间差异较大,通过聚类分析大致可分为三类:第一类是高δ13C和高δ15N值(δ13C=-20.3 ‰ ±0.4 ‰,n=3;δ15N=7.8 ‰ ±0.2 ‰,n=3);第二类是δ13C值居中,δ15N值偏低(δ13C=-21.6 ‰ ±0.4 ‰,n=4;δ15N=7.0 ‰ ±0.3 ‰,n=4);第三类是δ13C值偏低、δ15N值居中(δ13C=-23.7 ‰ ±0.6 ‰,n=4;δ15N=7.6 ‰ ±0.3 ‰,n=4),这意味着该遗址出土的龟甲可能存在多种来源。究其原因,可能缘于先民制作卜甲时使用的龟来源于不同的栖息环境,抑或来源于不同种属的龟。这种用龟行为,或许与殷墟甲骨上记载的"贡龟"密切相关。尽管本研究通过稳定同位素分析揭示商代先民的用龟行为尚属初步,但毋庸置疑,本研究为全面探索商代先民的用龟行为、拓展甲骨学的研究领域提供了新的研究证据和视角。  相似文献   

Woodeaton Quarry in Oxfordshire has previously yielded a number of large sauropod vertebrae and other (unpublished) dinosaur remains from a horizon in the Rutland Formation. No review of the wider terrestrial fauna from Woodeaton has been published to date. Here we present an overview of new material recovered from a microvertebrate site at the top of the White Limestone Formation (Middle Jurassic, Bathonian, Great Oolite Group, Retrocostatum Zone) and review the stratigraphy to provide a comprehensive local stratigraphic framework and place the quarry in the correct regional context. The terrestrial fauna is similar to that found from other UK Bathonian microvertebrate sites and includes probable dromaeosaurid theropods, ornithischians, tritylodontids and mammaliaforms such as amphitheriids, docodonts, ‘eutriconodonts’, ‘haramyids’ and multituberculates. Placement of the White Limestone Formation boundaries are clarified with respect to the Rutland and Forest Marble Formations. This indicates that the microvertebrate bed from Woodeaton is slightly older than that of the well-known mammal bed from nearby Kirtlington Quarry.  相似文献   




The Late Bronze to Iron Age transition in West Siberia involved significant cultural and political changes, which were reflected in the emergence of protourban settlements in the forest-steppe zone. The transition is roughly dated to the turn from the 2nd to the 1st mil. BC, mainly based on archaeological artefacts and on the general sociocultural development. A more precise radiocarbon dating for this transition was problematic mainly because of the general lack of data for West Siberia. This paper analyzes the chronology of the Late Bronze to Iron Age transition at Chicha, a reference site in the region for this period. The assessment of a possible hiatus between the Late Bronze Age and the following transitional period at Chicha is the key issue of our paper, as its presence may have far reaching cultural implications. To increase the precision of the radiocarbon chronology with focus on the possible hiatus, the samples from well-defined stratigraphic contexts were analyzed using Bayesian modeling incorporating stratigraphic information. The performed chronological modeling supports existing archaeological hypothesis of a hiatus at the very end of the 2nd mil. BC, just before the regular emergence of a new protourban settlement at the site of an abandoned Late Bronze settlement. A sensitivity analysis including the simulated hiatus confirms the reliability of the model. A complete population change seems to be plausible. The protourban settlement of Chicha, typical of the Transitional period, did not exist very long. With the emergence of the early nomadic cultures in the South Siberian steppes at the beginning of the 1st mil. BC, it most probably stopped functioning. The cultural development of that time, former believed to be continuous, was deeply interrupted several times.  相似文献   

The early Albian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE), i.e., OAE1b, is well documented in western Tethys and in the primary North Atlantic Ocean, but has not yet been reported from eastern Tethys. In this paper, we present bulk carbon isotope data of hemipelagites to examine if it was recorded in eastern Tethys. Samples were taken from the upper Chuangdepu Member (nannofossil zone CC8) of the lower Gyabula (former Shadui) Formation at the Bangbu section, Qonggyai, southern Tibet of China. The δ13C values mainly range from −0.6‰ to 1.8‰ with a maximum of 1.87‰ and a minimum of −0.69‰. Three stages of carbon isotope evolution were distinguished with three boundaries. By the constraint of the stratigraphic sequence and nannofossil biostratigraphic zone CC8, the rapid δ13C change and correlation with western Tethys and Atlantic Ocean together suggest that these three boundaries of the carbon isotope evolution probably correspond to three subevents of the early Albian OAE1b, and the subevent levels of upper Kilian, Paquier, and Leenhardt are recorded in eastern Tethys (southern Tibet). The fact that the amount of δ13C shift is less by ∼1.5–2.0‰ in eastern Tethys than in western Tethys and Atlantic Ocean is interpreted as a result of possible cool sea surface (∼14–16 °C) of the southeastern Tethys (northern Indian passive margin of Greater India), which was probably located in a medium–high latitude during the Albian, leading to low primary productivity. The recognition of OAE-1b from Tethys Himalaya can improve our understanding of the Tethys and global paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes during the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The orthopteran Parahagla sibirica Sharov, 1968 is reported based on a male forewing for the first time from the Lower Cretaceous Chijinbao Formation of the Jiuquan Basin, Gansu Province, Northwest China. The diagnosis of the species is revised based on the new specimen. Its palaeogeographic and stratigraphic distributions are discussed, based on which two possible migration paths of the species are indicated as follows: (1) This species initially appeared in northern Hebei and western Liaoning, China at latest in the earliest Aptian, and further migrated northwestwards to Transbaikalia and westwards to Gansu Province soon later (early-middle Aptian). (2) Or alternatively, it originally occurred in Transbaikalia earlier than the Aptian and further migrated southwards to northern China during the Aptian.  相似文献   

About 30 samples representing major lithologies of Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks were collected from surface exposures and exploration wells, and compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities and their directional dependence (anisotropy) were determined over a range of constant confining pressures up to 600 MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 to 600 °C. Samples range in composition from acidic to ultramafic. P- and S-wave velocities measured at 600 MPa vary from 5.08 to 8.64 km/s and 2.34 to 4.93 km/s, respectively. Densities are in the range from 2.60 to 3.68 g/cm3. To make a direct tie between seismic measurements (refraction and reflection) and subsurface lithologies, the experimental velocity data (corresponding to shallow depths) were used to calculate velocity profiles for the different lithologies and profiles of reflection coefficients at possible lithologic interfaces across the projected 5000-m Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CCSD) crustal segment. Comparison of calculated in situ velocities with respective intrinsic velocities suggests that the in situ velocities at shallow depths are lowered by an increased abundance of open microcracks. The strongly reflective zone beneath the Donghai drill site can be explained by the impedance contrasts between the different lithologies. Contacts between eclogite/peridotite and felsic rocks (gt-gneiss, granitic gneiss), in particular, may give rise to strong seismic reflections. In addition, shear-induced (lattice preferred orientation (LPO)-related) seismic anisotropy can increase reflectivity. For the explanation of the high velocity bodies (>6.4 km/s) around 1000 m and below 3200-m depth, large proportions of eclogite/peridotite (about 40 and 30 vol.%, respectively) are needed.  相似文献   

运用LA—MC—ICPMS方法,对河南汝州阳坡村附近洛峪口组中部层凝灰岩夹层开展了锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究,获得了1611±8Ma的高精度年龄。这一年龄第一次精确标定了该地区洛峪口组的形成时限,并显示该组顶界应接近1600Ma。由于洛峪口组位于华北克拉通南缘原划归“新元古界青白口系”洛峪群的最顶部,洛峪群又覆于“中元古界蓟县系”汝阳群之上,因此,这一新的年代学进展实际上同时也将洛峪群和汝阳群都下压到了中元古界长城系,并将洛峪群顶界限定为该地区长城系与蓟县系分界。结合区域资料,特别是熊耳群(下伏于汝阳群)火山岩近年来的年代学标定(多集中于1750~1780Ma),可初步将该地区汝阳群一洛峪群的形成年代限定为1750~1600Ma之间,对应于国际固结纪(Statherian。1800~1600Ma)即中国长城纪中晚期。华北南缘洛峪口组形成年龄的直接约束及相关地层划分的重新厘定,为中元古代华北克拉通南北缘的准确对比及其与哥伦比亚超大陆关系、早期生命演化等重大地学命题提供了新的重要的年代学证据。  相似文献   

Groundwater level is the most direct factor reflecting whether groundwater is in a virtuous cycle. It is the most important benchmark for deciding whether a balance can be struck between groundwater discharge and recharge and whether groundwater exploitation will trigger problems pertinent to environment, ecology and environmental geology. According to the borehole and long-term monitoring wells data in the plain area of Shenyang, a numerical groundwater model is established and used to identify and verify the hydrogeological parameters and balanced items of groundwater. Then the concept of red line levels, the control levels of groundwater is proposed, the dynamic evolution trend of groundwater under different scenarios is analyzed and predicted and groundwater alerts are given when groundwater tables are not between the lower limit and the upper limit. Results indicated: (1) The results of identification and verification period fitted well, and the calculation accuracy of balanced items was high; (2) with the implementation of shutting wells, groundwater levels in urban areas of Shenyang would exceed the upper limit water level after 2020 and incur some secondary disasters; (3) under the recommended scenario of water resources allocation, early-warnings for groundwater tables outside the range would occur in the year of 2020, 2023, 2025 respectively for successive wet, normal and dry years. It was imperative to reopen some groundwater sources and enhance real-time supervision and early-warning to prevent the occurrence of potential problems.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1413-1434
We present new zircon ages and Hf-in-zircon isotopic data for plutonic rocks and review the crustal evolution of the Chinese Central Tianshan (Xinjiang, northwest China) in the early to mid-Palaeozoic. The Early Ordovician (ca. 475–473 Ma) granitoid rocks have zircon εHf(t) values either positive (+0.3 to +9.5) or negative (?6.0 to ?12.9). This suggests significant addition of juvenile material to, and coeval crustal reworking of, the pre-existing continental crust that is fingerprinted by numerous Precambrian zircon xenocrysts. The Late Ordovician–Silurian (ca. 458–425 Ma) rocks can be assigned to two sub-episodes of magmatism: zircon from rocks of an earlier event (ca. 458–442 Ma) has negative zircon εHf(t) values (?6.3 to ?13.1), indicating a predominantly crustal source; zircon from later events (ca. 434–425 Ma) has positive zircon εHf(t) values (+2.6 to +8.9) that reveal a predominantly juvenile magma source. The Early Devonian (ca. 410–404 Ma) rocks have near-zero zircon εHf(t) values, either slightly negative or positive (?1.4 to +3.5), whereas the Mid-Devonian rocks (ca. 393 Ma) have negative values (?11.2 to ?14.8). The Late Devonian (ca. 368–361 Ma) granites are undeformed and are chemically similar to adakite but have relatively low negative whole-rock εNd(t)values (?2.4 to ?5.3). We interpret the Early Ordovician to Mid-Devonian magmatic event to reflect combined juvenile crustal growth and crustal reworking processes via episodic mafic underplating and mantle–crust interaction. The Late Devonian episode may signify delamination of the over-thickened Chinese Central Tianshan crust.  相似文献   


The Xiaohaizi wehrlite intrusion in the early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province, Northwest China, is characterized by unusual high-An (up to 86) plagioclases. It has been suggested that H2O may have exerted a major control on their formation, but this interpretation requires further direct evidence. Moreover, it remains unclear where the water came from. In order to unravel these questions, we present electron microprobe analyses of minerals and melt inclusions in clinopyroxene macrocrysts in the dikes crosscutting the Xiaohaizi wehrlite intrusion and in situ oxygen isotope data of zircons from the Xiaohaizi wehrlite. The homogenized melt inclusions have restricted SiO2 (45.5–48.7 wt.%) and Na2O + K2O (2.4–3.8 wt.%) contents, displaying sub-alkaline affinity. This is inconsistent with the alkaline characteristic of the parental magma of the clinopyroxenes, suggesting significant modification of melt inclusions by contamination of the host clinopyroxene due to overheating. Nevertheless, the Ca/Na ratios (2.9–4.7) of melt inclusions are the upper limit of the parental magma of the clinopyroxenes due to high CaO (21.5–23.0 wt.%) and very low Na2O (0.22–0.34 wt.%) contents in the host clinopyroxenes. Thermodynamic calculation suggests that under fixed P (2.7 kbar) and T (1000°C), and assumed H2O (~1.5 wt.%) conditions, the Ca/Na ratio of the parental magma cannot generate high-An plagioclase in the wehrlite. The results confirm that H2O exerts a major control. Zircon δ18O (VSMOW) values (2.99–3.71‰) are significantly lower than that of mantle-derived zircon (5.3 ± 0.6‰). Such low zircon δ18O values may be due to incorporation of large amounts of low-δ18O, hydrothermally altered oceanic crust. However, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data do not support recycled oceanic crust in the mantle source of the Xiaohaizi intrusion. Alternatively this can be explained by incorporation of meteoritic water in the magma chamber. This will increase the H2O content of the liquid that finally crystallize high-An plagioclases.  相似文献   

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