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Seakeeping of two ships in close proximity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Underway replenishment is an essential component of long-term naval operations. During underway replenishment, two ships travel in close proximity at moderate forward speed. This paper examines the hydrodynamic interactions that can influence seakeeping during such operations. Presented numerical predictions include the influence of interaction effects on hydrodynamic forces for two ships in waves. A scarcity of validation material for numerical predictions prompted new towing tank experiments for two ships in waves. The experiments used semi-captive models, and the numerical code was modified to include restraining forces for specified modes. The numerical predictions and experiments show that the presence of a larger ship can significantly influence the motions of a smaller ship in close proximity.  相似文献   

A parametric study of wave loads on trimaran ships traveling in waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we present a spectral analysis based on wave loads to select suitable side-hull arrangements for a trimaran ship traveling in waves. Neglecting the steady flow effect, the three-dimensional source-distribution method, using a pulsating source potential incorporating the panel method, is adopted to solve the corresponding hydrodynamic coefficients. The significant values for wave loads, including shear forces, bending moments, and torsion moments at different locations on the main hull and connected deck with respect to different staggers and clearances, are derived by the spectral analysis. Several ship speeds and wave headings are also considered for comparison. This study offers more information for selecting the side-hull arrangement from the viewpoint of wave loads on trimaran ships, which may be regarded as helpful references for seakeeping design of these types of ships.  相似文献   

水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响试验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着超大型浮式生产储卸油装置FPSO(floating production storing and offloading)在渤海浅水海域的广泛应用,水深对FP—SO波浪载荷响应的影响问题突现出来。对缩尺比为1:100的三模块分节模型进行了水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响的试验研究,试验结果表明水深对FPSO波浪诱导载荷的影响很大。  相似文献   

Results of experimental study of aerodynamic forces acting on two ship models are presented and discussed in this paper. Measurements have been performed in a wind tunnel utilizing floating LNG platform and LNG carrier models. Tests were carried out for different cases of the position and location of the models, starting from testing single models at full range of flow attack angles and finishing with investigation of interaction effects between two vessels in wind condition. Results are presented in the graphical form of the plots for the surge and sway force and yaw moment coefficients and compared with some other experimental data and estimates obtained with the help of a generic approximate method.  相似文献   

V. Armenio 《Ocean Engineering》1998,25(10):881-905
In this paper, an improved version of the MAC method (SIMAC), recently developed at the University of Trieste, is employed for the study of the wave generation and propagation into a numerical wave tank and for the evaluation of dynamic loads over submerged fixed bodies.In the first part of the work, a numerical wave tank was developed. A pneumatic wave-maker at the left-hand side of the tank was implemented by the use of a pressure perturbation at the free surface. The pressure varies in time with a sinusoidal law. Grid sensitivity tests, checks on mass conservation and the Fourier analysis of the waves which propagate in the tank showed the effectiveness of SIMAC in treating such problems. The wave-maker was then calibrated.In the second part of the work, the dynamic loads over submerged square and rectangular cylinders were evaluated. The time records of the horizontal and vertical forces which act over the body were then treated using the Morison equation in order to derive the inertial and damping coefficients. The analysis was carried out for KC numbers ranging between 0.447 and 3.58. Numerical results satisfactorily tallied with experimental data. The analysis of the velocity field near the body evidenced the influence of vortex generation and vortex shedding on the coefficients of inertial forces.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation of unidirectional random wave slamming on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone is presented. The experiment is conducted in the marine environment channel in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. The test wave is unidirectional irregular wave. The experiments are carried out with perpendicular random waves (β=0°) and oblique random waves (β=15°, 30°, 45°), the significant wave heights H1/3 ranging from 7.5 to 20 cm with 2.5 cm increment, the peak wave periods Tp ranging from 0.75 to 2.0 s with 0.25 s increment, and the clearance of the model with respect to the significant wave height s/H1/3 ranging from 0.0 to 0.5 with 0.1 increment. The statistical analysis results of different test cases are presented. The statistical distribution characteristics of the perpendicular irregular wave impact pressures are compared with that of the oblique irregular wave on the underside of the structure. The effect of the wave direction β on the wave impact forces on the underside of the structure is determined. The relation between the impact forces and the parameters such as the significant wave height, the relative structure width and the relative clearance of the structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

This work, which was largely a fruit of China's national marine hazard mitigation service, explicitly reveals the major mechanism of sea-dike failure during wave overtopping. A large group of wave-flume experiments were conducted for sea dikes with varying geometric characteristics and pavement types. The erosion and slide of the landward slope due to the combined effect of normal hit and great shear from overtopping flows was identified the major trigger of the destabilization of sea dikes. Once the intermittent hydrodynamic load and swash caused any deformation (bump or dent) of the pavement layer, pavement fractions (slabs or rubble) on the slope started to be initiated and removed by the water. The erosion of the landward slope was then gradually aggravated followed by entire failure within a couple of minutes. Hence, the competent velocity would be helpful evaluate the failure risk if as well accounted in standards or criteria. However, the dike top was measured experiencing the largest hydrodynamic pressure with a certain cap while the force on the wall increased rapidly as the overtopping intensity approached the dike-failure threshold. The faster increase of the force on the wall than on the landward slope yielded the sequencing of loads reaching hypothetic limits before failure as: dike top – top-mounted wall – landward slope. Therefore, beside the slide failure, the fatigue damage due to the instantaneous hydrodynamic impact might be another mechanism of the dike failure, which did not appear in the experiment but should be kept in mind. Instead of the widely adopted tolerable overtopping rate, a 0.117–0.424 m3/(m s) range of overtopping discharge and a 10 m/s overtopping velocity for the failure risk of typical sea dikes along China's coastlines were suggested, which enables the possible failure risk prediction through empirical calculations. The failure overtopping rate was identified strongly dependent on the pavement material, the landward slope and the dike-mounted wall but showed little variation with the width of the dike top. The flat concrete pavement and gentle landward slopes are suggested for the dike design and construction. For given configurations and hydrodynamic conditions in the experiment, the dike without the wall experienced less overtopping volume than those with the 1-m top-mounted wall. Meanwhile, the remove of the wall increased the failure overtopping rate, which means a certain increase of the failure criterion. Thus, care must be taken to conclude that the dike-mounted wall seems not an entirely appropriate reinforcement for the stability and safety of coastal protections. This should be further checked and discussed by researchers and engineers in the future.  相似文献   

E. Peña  J. Ferreras 《Ocean Engineering》2011,38(10):1150-1160
This paper presents the results and conclusions obtained from the physical model tests carried out with four different designs of floating breakwaters. Changes from a basic design have been introduced in order to evaluate the improvement in the efficiency as a coastal protection structure. Incident and transmitted waves have been measured, as well as the efforts in the mooring lines and module connectors. It has been found that the width of the pontoons is one of the key design parameters, while small modifications in the floating breakwater's cross section shape are less determinant in its hydrodynamic behaviour and in mechanical loads in the discussed ranges. 2D and 3D tests were conducted, observing the great influence that the wave obliquity has in the module connector forces.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation of irregular wave slamming on structure members with large dimension in the splash zone is presented. The time-domain and frequency-domain analyses results of the irregular wave impact pressure on the subface of the structure under various case studies are presented. The influence of different incident wave parameters and relative clearance s/H1/3 on the impact pressure is discussed. The empirical formula of the characteristic impact pressure Pc, Pt and the spectral moment of the impact pressure m0 on the structure are proposed. The empirical expression of the characteristic peak impact pressure Pc and the spectral moment of the impact pressure m0 on the structure is given.  相似文献   

不规则波在筑堤珊瑚礁上传播的大水槽实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于大比尺波浪水槽模型实验,开展了不规则波在建有防浪堤的珊瑚礁陡变地形上传播变形规律的研究。采用弗劳德相似准则,通过1∶20的物理模型实验,模拟了不同水位和波高周期条件下,波浪从深水(d/L_01/2)到极浅水(d/L_0 1/50)的传播-破碎-壅水过程。实验测得了陡坡19 m水深和7 m水深的浅水变形系数,结果表明波浪在陡变地形上的浅水变形系数与缓坡地形差别较大,且在一定范围内随相对水深的减小而减小;随着传播距离的增加,高频能量不断减小,能量会向低频转移,产生10倍以上入射波周期的低频波浪,且越靠近防浪墙,低频能量越大,水位壅高越大;利用低通滤波技术,测得了礁盘上壅水显著,结果表明防浪堤前的平均波浪增水与外海入射波高的平方成正比。  相似文献   

Vessels operating in shallow waters require careful observation of the finite-depth effect. In present study, a Rankine source method that includes the shallow water effect and double body steady flow effect is developed in frequency domain. In order to verify present numerical methods, two experiments were carried out respectively to measure the wave loads and free motions for ship advancing with forward speed in head regular waves. Numerical results are systematically compared with experiments and other solutions using the double body basis flow approach, the Neumann-Kelvin approach with simplified m-terms, and linearized free surface boundary conditions with double-body m-terms. Furthermore, the influence of water depths on added mass and damping coefficients, wave excitation forces, motions and unsteady wave patterns are deeply investigated. It is found that finite-depth effect is important and unsteady wave pattern in shallow water is dependent on both of the Brard number τ and depth Froude number Fh.  相似文献   

为了同时提升消浪效果和节省海岸空间,对低反射防波堤进行改进,提出了一种空间节省型堰式沉箱结构。通过物理模型试验研究了堰式沉箱在规则波作用下的消能机理,然后采用单因子分析法分析了相对淹没深度、波陡和相对波高对反射系数的影响,并且利用SPSS软件对无因次参数进行非线性回归分析得到了反射系数计算公式。结果表明,内堰消浪室可以形成良好的波能耗散机制,随着有效消浪室个数的增多,消浪效果逐渐增强,使得反射系数的最小值和最大值较非透空直立结构分别降低了60%~90%和10%~30%。基于以上研究成果,给出关于特征水位与内堰的相对位置关系的合理建议,并总结了堰式沉箱结构的优化设计要点,对实际工程应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Freak waves are extreme and unexpected surface waves with huge wave heights that may lead to severe damage to ships and offshore structures. However, few researches have been conducted to investigate the impact underneath fixed horizontal decks caused by freak waves. To study these phenomena, a 2-D numerical wave tank is built in which nonlinear freak waves based on the Peregrine breather solution are generated. As a validation, a regular-wave-induced underneath impact is simulated and compared to the existing experimental measurements. Then the nonlinear freak-wave-induced impact is investigate with different values of deck clearance above the mean free surface. In addition, a comparative simulation of a “large” regular wave based on the 2nd-order Stokes wave theory with the same crest height and wave length of the nonlinear freak wave is carried out to reveal the unique features of the nonlinear freak-wave-induced impact. By applying a fluid–structure interaction (FSI) algorithm in which the bottom deck and front side wall are simplified as Euler beams in 2-D and discretized by the finite element method (FEM), the hydroelastic effects are considered during the impact event. The vertical force acting underneath the bottom deck, the transversal force acting on the front side wall, the structural displacements of the elastic deck and wall are analyzed and discussed respectively, from which meaningful conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

在试验水池中,开展了波浪在岛礁地形上演化问题的研究。首先在实验水池中建立了西太平洋某岛礁地形的模型,然后采用改进的JONSWAP谱,由造波机产生不同周期、波高的随机波浪。试验中观察到了不同类型畸形波生成的过程及不同波面形态的畸形波。对偏度、峰度及水深与畸形波要素Hm/HsHm表示波列中的最大波高, Hs为有效波高)的关系进行了详细的分析,同时,对畸形波波高Hfr与偏度的关也进行了分析。通过对试验结果分析,发现峰度与畸形波要素i>Hm/Hs呈正相关, Hfr增大时相应的偏度也会呈现增大的趋势。此外,水深的变化剧烈时(如斜坡、海山位置)有助于畸形波的发生。  相似文献   

A novel concept catamaran equipped with a suspended cabin, named Wave Harmonizer Type 4 (WHzer-4), is proposed and evaluated. The mass-spring-mass system is constructed by mounting four sets of suspensions in-between the cabin and the twin-hull. Two sets of dual motor/generators (M/Gs) are attached on the center beam of the cabin's deck fore and aft. Each shaft-end of the dual M/Gs is connected to the twin-hull through a rack-pinion gear unit. In this way the vertical relative motion between the cabin and the twin-hull can be transferred into the rotational motion of the M/Gs, and vice versa. A semi-active motion control system, which contains a proportional-integral (PI) controller, is designed and applied to each of the dual M/Gs for the aim of absorbing wave energy under the condition of suppressing the local vertical velocity of the cabin as much as possible. A 1/5 scale model ship with a length of 1.6 m is built, and a forced-oscillation bench test is implemented to validate the performance of the control system. Then, a series of towing tank tests is carried out in regular head waves. The heave and pitch responses of the cabin, those of the twin-hull and the corresponding wave energy capture width ratio (CWR) at five control scenarios and two reference scenarios are investigated. Discussion on the results of the tank test shows that the motion reduction of the cabin and the wave energy harvesting can be achieved simultaneously at a few wave conditions. However, at other conditions, although noticeable amount of wave energy is harvested, motion reduction of the heave and pitch of the cabin could not be obtained at the same time. It is suggested that varying the gain settings of the PI controllers according to the location of the controllers may improve the effectiveness of the proposed control system.  相似文献   

Zhenhua Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(5-6):717-723
In coastal waters, tidal currents and surface waves co-exist. In this study, the influence of a steady current on the scattering of waves by a vertical slotted barrier is investigated experimentally in a wave flume. The separation of the incident and reflected waves is carried out by a two-point method that takes into account the effects of the current. Results show that currents significantly increase the wave-energy loss by the barrier and remarkably reduce the wave transmission through the barrier. It is suggested that the tidal currents should be taken into consideration in an economical design of slotted breakwaters.  相似文献   

柔性水囊潜堤由橡胶制成,内部充水,具有结构简单、造价低廉等优点,能较好满足人工岛、跨海桥梁、海洋平台等基础设施建设工程对简单便携、拆装方便的临时防波堤的需求。为了探究柔性水囊潜堤的消波特性,在溃坝水槽内开展溃坝波与半圆柱形柔性水囊潜堤相互作用的试验研究,重点探究柔性水囊潜堤与溃坝波相互作用过程中水位变化特性,并与半圆柱刚性潜堤的性能进行比较;同时分析柔性水囊潜堤内部初始水压和浸没深度等参数对其消波性能的影响。结果表明:柔性水囊潜堤能够用作临时防波堤来衰减波浪;与半圆柱刚性潜堤相比,柔性水囊潜堤在降低溃坝波无量纲最大水位、提高消波性能方面更具优势;内部初始水压是影响柔性水囊潜堤消波性能的重要因素,适当降低内部初始水压,有利于增强柔性潜堤的变形程度,进而增加波能耗散,可获得更好的消波效果;而增加浸没深度即潜深,会使得柔性水囊潜堤对溃坝波的影响程度降低,消波效果减弱。  相似文献   

基于水槽实验,研究植物对孤立波作用下直立堤局部冲刷的影响。通过改变实验入射波高、植物带的宽度和密度,分析各要素对直立堤局部冲刷的影响。实验对波高沿程变化、孤立波越堤、回落过程以及地形演变进行全程的测量和记录,并进行有无植物带保护的直立堤局部冲刷对比分析。结果表明,植物带的存在,使得堤后相对最大冲刷深度显著减小,堤前冲刷形态由单峰式"L"型变为双峰式淤积沙坝形态,且冲刷位置由原堤脚前移至植物带所在位置,冲刷范围大幅增加。减小植物带密度或者植物带宽度会使近岸侧或是离岸侧的相对最大冲刷深度和相对最大淤积高度有增大的趋势,但是当入射波高增大时,二者的影响不显著。该研究对实际工程中植物带的合理布置提出了具有参考性的建议,对减少堤防工程的冲刷和损失有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

HDPE深水网箱抗风浪流性能的海区验证试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴常文  朱爱意  沈建林 《海洋工程》2007,25(2):84-90,97
对HDPE深水网箱2000~2004年间的抗风浪流性能进行了海区验证试验.通过对HDPE深水网箱扶栏、框架、网具以及固泊系统受损率的统计,根据扶栏、框架、网具以及固泊系统在整个深水网系统中的重要程度,分别给予一定的权重统计出深水网箱的整体受损率,能比较客观地反映深水网箱的抗风浪流性能.海区验证试验结果表明,HDPE深水网箱抗风力达35 m/s、抗浪高6 m、抗流速1.0 m/s,与其设计参数基本相同.同时,为了增加HDPE深水网箱的抗风浪流性能,建议扶手管从110 mm改为125 mm、主浮管从250 mm改为300 mm、扶栏高度从1 m降低为0.8 m或0.6 m.风力主要影响扶栏系统,流速主要影响网具系统,而波浪对HDPE圆形浮式深水网箱的框架、网具、固泊系统以及网箱整体结构均有明显影响.  相似文献   

利用开闸式异重流水槽试验,结合高速相机和粒子图像测速技术,量化不同强度双层环境中圆桩柱对斜坡异重流传播模式、速度与涡度场、波流作用等宏微观特性的影响。试验结果表明:在低理查森数Riρ环境中,圆桩柱的存在抑制了异重流混合层厚度的增加,但延展了其在流向的长度;在高理查森数Riρ环境中,圆桩柱打破了侵入流在密度跃层处对称的传播模式,并促进了异重流与环境流体的剪切过程。当内波弗劳德数Fr> 1时,产生锁定波,异重流头部出现强漩涡,在密度跃层产生有利压力梯度使内波尺寸增大;当内波弗劳德数Fr <1时,振荡产生发射波,波谷与异重流头部相互作用而使波形变平整;当内波弗劳德数Fr≈1时,锁定波和发射波并存。在低理查森数Riρ环境中,圆桩柱的存在导致波流耦合作用减弱,而在高理查森数Riρ环境,波流耦合作用反而增强。  相似文献   

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