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王福丽  王潜心  成英燕  韦铖 《测绘科学》2013,38(1):18-19,32
正确合理地确定观测值的权是GPS/GLONASS导航系统组合定位中的一个关键技术问题。本文对GPS/GLONASS导航系统组合定位中几种常用的定权方法进行了比较分析,并以GPS/GLONASS的实测数据为例进行了实验,结果表明:在GPS/GLONASS导航系统组合定位中等精度定权的定位结果精度较差,卫星高度角定权和误差分布律概率密度函数定权后的定位结果精度相当,但较等精度定权法的定位精度都有所提高,赫尔默特方差分量估计法定权的定位结果精度最优。  相似文献   

Due to the different signal frequencies for the GLONASS satellites, the commonly-used double-differencing procedure for carrier phase data processing can not be implemented in its straightforward form, as in the case of GPS. In this paper a novel data processing strategy, involving a three-step procedure, for integrated GPS/GLONASS positioning is proposed. The first is pseudo-range-based positioning, that uses double-differenced (DD) GPS pseudo-range and single-differenced (SD) GLONASS pseudo-range measurements to derive the initial position and receiver clock bias. The second is forming DD measurements (expressed in cycles) in order to estimate the ambiguities, by using the receiver clock bias estimated in the above step. The third is to form DD measurements (expressed in metric units) with the unknown SD integer ambiguity for the GLONASS reference satellite as the only parameter (which is constant before a cycle slip occurs for this satellite). A real-time stochastic model estimated by residual series over previous epochs is proposed for integrated GPS/GLONASS carrier phase and pseudo-range data processing. Other associated issues, such as cycle slip detection, validation criteria and adaptive procedure(s) for ambiguity resolution, is also discussed. The performance of this data processing strategy will be demonstrated through case study examples of rapid static positioning and kinematic positioning. From four experiments carried out to date, the results indicate that rapid static positioning requires 1 minute of single frequency GPS/GLONASS data for 100% positioning success rate. The single epoch positioning solution for kinematic positioning can achieve 94.6% success rate over short baselines (<6 km).  相似文献   

1 IntroductionReal_timekinematicGPSprecisepositioninghasbeenplayinganincreasingroleinbothsurveyingandnavigation ,andhasbecomeanessentialtoolforpreciserelativepositioning .However,reliableandcorrectambiguityresolutiondependsonobserva tionsuponalargenumbe…  相似文献   

针对短基线详细研究GPS/GLONASS组合定位函数模型,引入一种简单易行的模糊度求解方法以正确固定GLONASS模糊度,最后笔者自编软件实现基于相位差分的GPS/GLONASS高精度组合定位,并采用实际数据验证其正确性和有效性。结果表明:GPS/GLONASS组合系统优于单系统,采用相位观测值可获得高精度定位结果。  相似文献   

针对在传统网络差分定位中,单GPS系统在观测条件不好情况下会出现可用卫星数量偏少甚至不够、观测值存在粗差而影响定位等问题,该文提出BDS/GPS双系统组合网络伪距差分定位的数学模型,并加入基于最小二乘残差法探测粗差观测数据的质量控制算法。基于省CORS网实时BDS/GPS双系统数据,以国产的手持机终端作为流动端,利用BDS/GPS伪距差分平台进行了车载动态试验,根据试验对比和分析,动态定位平面精度优于1m,在加入质量控制算法模式下,定位精度和可靠性都有一定提高。  相似文献   

为了充分利用全球导航卫星系统资源,最大限度发挥北斗卫星导航系统的优势,向用户提供高精度、高可靠性和稳定性更好的服务,该文对BDS/GPS/GLONASS 3系统融合网格伪距差分定位性能进行了分析。运用该文阐述方法的原理进行实验分析,结果表明,3系统融合网格伪距差分定位较其他方案具有更高的定位精度、解算成功率,可见卫星数大幅度提高,可靠性和稳定性更优。  相似文献   

GLONASS与GPS导航定位技术原理相似,GPS/GLONASS组合测量由于可见卫星数目的增加,可以提高测量的精度、可靠性、完备性。着重介绍了GPS/GLONASS组合测量中的主要误差源及其性质并给出相应的影响量级。  相似文献   

Combined GPS/GLONASS can increase the accuracy and reliability of positioning especially in some applications with many impediments. Due to the atmosphere delay, the commonly used methods for processing short distance baselines can not be implemented in long distance baselines. In this paper, a new data processing strategy for long distance baselines is proposed, which uses the properties of some combination observables of combined GPS/GLONASS and distance baselines may come to the order of 10?8 and combined GPS/GLONASS improves the accuracy over that of GPS-only positioning, which brings benefit to crust deformation monitoring and research on geodynamics.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThecombinedGPS/GLONASSoffersmanyad vantagescomparedwithGPS_onlyuseforposition ingapplicationsespeciallyinareaswherethenum berofvisiblesatellitesislimited .TheinclusionoftheGLONASSsignalscanincreasetheaccuracyofpositioningaswellastheavailab…  相似文献   

Analyses and Solutions of Errors on GPS/GLONASS Positioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses mainly on the major errors and their reduction approaches pertaining to combined GPS/GLONASS positioning.To determine thd difference in the time reference systems,different receiver clock offsets are introduced with respect to GPS and GLONASS system time.A more desirable method for introducing a independent unknown parameter of fifth receiver,which can be canceled out when forming difference measurements,is discussed.The error of orbit integration and the error of transformation parameters are addressed in detail.Results of numerical integration are give.To deal with the influence of ionospheric delay,a method for forming dual-frequency ionospheric free carrier phase measurements is detailed.  相似文献   

GPS/GLONASS组合精密单点定位性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用IGS 5个站的观测数据分7个时段进行了GPS/GLONASS组合精密单点定位计算,与单独GPS精密单点定位的结果在精度和收敛时间方面进行了性能比较。结果表明,在当前GPS卫星数量充足的情况下,增加少量的GLONASS卫星对定位精度的提高帮助不大,但能显著改善滤波收敛的时间。  相似文献   

Within the regional EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) all positioning is purely based on GPS. This paper investigates, using the Bernese GNSS analysis software, the influence of adding GLONASS observations to the EPN processing using fixed orbits from the International GNSS Service (IGS) as well as from the CODE analysis centre. The GPS-only coordinates and GPS + GLONASS coordinates will be compared and the change in their repeatabilities will be investigated. The influence of the used orbits will also be outlined. The results show that a combined GPS + GLONASS data analysis can be set up without major efforts and that it will not degrade the positions obtained within the EPN.  相似文献   

针对GLONASS采用频分多址技术导致双差观测方程中双差模糊度失去整周特性的问题,提出了一种基于站间单差模糊度分别求解的方法,并结合附加模糊度参数的卡尔曼滤波模型,实现了GPS/BDS/GLONASS组合RTK定位。通过自编RTK程序对GPS、BDS与GLONASS双频实测短基线数据进行测试,并对比分析其他RTK模式下的稳定性与定位精度。结果表明,GLONASS单频和双频定位的模糊度固定率分别为99.8%、99.7%,其定位精度与BDS、GPS相差不大。在单频或双频RTK定位中,双系统、三系统组合定位的稳定性和定位精度明显高于单系统,其中三系统组合定位的稳定性最好,精度最高。随着频率增加,初始化时间明显减少,为实现单历元获得固定解提供了可能性。  相似文献   

结合实际数据,对GPS/GLONASS集成的CORS网中利用参考站间的大气延迟内插流动站处的误差改正量的各种内插算法进行比较。比较结果认为:双差电离层延迟改正采用克里金插值模型(KRG)方法精度最高,精度优于3cm;而对流层延迟误差改正中,GPS采用最小二乘配置模型(LSC)插值方法效果最好,精度一般可达3cm,而GLONASS则应采用3阶趋势面模型(LSM3)进行内插,精度为4cm。  相似文献   

Combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning (PPP) can obtain a more precise and reliable position than GPS PPP. However, because of frequency division multiple access, GLONASS carrier phase and pseudorange observations suffer from inter-channel biases (ICBs) which will influence the accuracy and convergence speed of combined GPS/GLONASS PPP. With clear understanding of the characteristics of carrier phase ICBs, we estimated undifferenced GLONASS pseudorange ICBs for 133 receivers from five manufacturers and analyzed their characteristics. In general, pseudorange ICBs corresponding to the same firmware have strong correlations. The ICB values of two receivers with the same firmware may be different because of different antenna types, and their differences are closely related to frequency. Pseudorange ICBs should be provided for each satellite to obtain more precise ICBs as the pseudorange ICBs may vary even on the same frequency. For the solutions of standard point positioning (SPP), after pseudorange ICB calibration, the mean root mean square (RMS) improvements of GLONASS SPP reach up to 57, 48, and 53 % for the East, North, and Up components, while combined GPS/GLONASS SPP reach up to 27, 17, and 23 %, respectively. The combined GPS/GLONASS PPP after pseudorange ICB calibration evidently improved the convergence speed, and the mean RMS of PPP improved by almost 50 % during the convergence period.  相似文献   

Modeling and assessment of combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
A combination of GPS and GLONASS observations can offer improved reliability, availability and accuracy for precise point positioning (PPP). We present and analyze a combined GPS/GLONASS PPP model, including both functional and stochastic components. Numerical comparison and analysis are conducted with respect to PPP based on only GPS or GLONASS observations to demonstrate the benefits of the combined GPS/GLONASS PPP. The observation residuals are analyzed for more appropriate stochastic modeling for observations from different navigation systems. An analysis is also made using different precise orbit and clock products. The performance of the combined GPS/GLONASS PPP is assessed using both static and kinematic data. The results indicate that the convergence time can be significantly reduced with the addition of GLONASS data. The positioning accuracy, however, is not significantly improved by adding GLONASS data if there is a sufficient number of GPS satellites with good geometry.  相似文献   

GPS/GLONASS组合点定位模型及其精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GPS与GLONASS系统的联合应用有利于提高单点定位的精度及稳定性。文中简要介绍GPS/GLONASS等导航系统,讨论GPS/GLONASS组合单点定位算法,并采用拉萨IGS站的观测数据计算分析GPS与GLONASS伪距单系统以及组合系统单点定位精度。结果表明组合定位精度优于单系统定位。  相似文献   

针对基于单基准站的伪距差分定位方法中,随着流动站与基准站距离的增加,大气误差相关性减弱,定位精度将会降低的问题,该文采用网络伪距差分方法,利用网络将多个基准站的伪距改正数实时传输给流动站,并内插流动站改正数,提高定位精度的同时扩大差分范围。实验表明,该方法提高了常规伪距定位精度,实现了实时分米级定位,可满足大多数用户的导航定位需求。  相似文献   

研究不同卫星高度角对GP S/GLONAS S/BDS/Galileo(G+R+B+E)融合定位的影响,并建立了相应的模型.采用MGEX(Multi-GNSS Experiment)提供的全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)数据,经理论分析和算例表明:G+R+B+E组合使得参与定位的有效卫星增多,在不同的卫星高度角下均能保证较...  相似文献   

采用频分多址技术(FDMA),GLONASS系统双差模糊度固定存在两个问题:不同卫星波长不一致,双差后不能保持模糊度整数特性;共视卫星频率不同,不同卫星之间存在大小不同的频间偏差(IFB)。传统的双差不能很好处理GLONASS相对定位模糊度固定问题。文中考虑将双差所涉及的两颗卫星的站间单差模糊度分别求解,不受共视卫星波长不一致的影响。同时采用参数估计法消除不同厂商接收机的频间偏差影响。试验结果表明采用文中方法可以正确固定GLONASS模糊度,并且达到与GPS相当的解算精度,GPS/GLONASS组合定位精度和可靠性也比GPS单系统有所提高。  相似文献   

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