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在下/中奥陶统界线附近笔石的生物地层学研究基础上,笔者选择了华南地区奥陶系台地相、盆地相和位于二者之间的过渡相等不同沉积相区5条典型地层剖面,开展了华南下/中奥陶统界线附近笔石动物群的图形对比研究,通过这项研究,进一步明确了华南奥陶系下/中奥陶统界线附近笔石动物群的延限和不同相区笔石动物群的精确对比关系,为开展不同相区之间地层的精确对比奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为研究笔石动物群在早一中奥陶世之交全球分布的控制因素,从以下3个方面进行了分析和研究:①分析了穿越扬子地台笔石动物群的分布特征;②在对笔石体形态功能分析的基础上,探讨了水体深度对笔石动物群分布的影响;③根据当时的古地理格局,并参考现今的洋流分布,建立了早一中奥陶世之交的洋流分布图.在以上研究的基础上,对前人以水体深度作...  相似文献   

对全球寒武系与奥陶系界线层型剖面和点位(GSSP)——西纽芬兰绿岬(Green Point)剖面和我国吉林白山(原浑江)大阳岔小洋桥原全球寒武系与奥陶系界线候选剖面的对比研究表明,绿岬"金钉子"剖面所指定的界线生物标志——波动古大西洋牙形石(Iapetognathus fluctivagus)并不存在于所指定的界线生物层和点位上,而且在分布和分类上是均存在争议的物种,更遗憾的是,所展示的大部分牙形石和笔石标本图片以及碳氧同位素异常数据也并非来自该"金钉子"剖面,因而完全违背了选择金钉子剖面的原则和要求,有必要进行重新的评估。小洋桥寒武系与奥陶系界线剖面交通方便、环境优美,寒武系与奥陶系界线地层系由一套深水且未变质的黑色、黄绿色页岩与灰色薄层瘤状灰岩所构成的韵律沉积组成,并保存了完整的具有广泛代表性牙形石和笔石序列,在详细研究的34 m界线间隔中,自下而上保存了完整的Cambrostodus、Codylodus proavus、C.intermedius、C.lindstromi和C.angulatus等5牙形石生物带,在C.intermedius带上部至C.angulatus带之间,还依次出现3层笔石,归属于重新厘定的Rhabdinopora parabola和Anisograptus matanensis等2个笔石带,此外还有大量三叶虫和介形类化石共生,结合高精度同位素地球化学的研究,笔者等建议,以全球广泛分布的牙形石C.intermedius的首现,取代Iapetognathus fluctivagus,作为寒武系与奥陶系界线划分对比的标志,其层位与原来所指定的界线层几乎一致或接近,界线之上所记录的最大碳同位素异常和首次出现的最早的浮游正笔石——R.parabola(含R.praeparabola),可作为该界线划分的辅助标志。  相似文献   

The base of the Middle Ordovician (i.e. Dapingian Stage) has been defined at the first appearance datum (FAD) of conodont Baltoniodus? triangularis at Huanghuachang, Yichang, China, but the precise correlation of the boundary to regions of other facies remain to be resolved. Herein we review the biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of the Huanghuachang Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) section, and present our latest stratigraphic work on the nearby Chenjiahe section in Yichang, and the Hengtang Quarry section, Jiangshan, Zhejiang, which is regarded as representative of slope facies. The conodont and graptolite biostratigraphy as well as chemostratigraphy of the Chenjiahe section indicate that the base of the Middle Ordovician also falls within the graptolite Azygograptus suecicus Zone, and coincides with a high or maximum δ13C value within a minor positive carbon isotope excursion, suggesting that the base boundary can be readily recognized across the entire Yangtze Gorges area. The integrated graptolite and conodont biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of the Hengtang section, Jiangshan, indicates that the basal boundary probably falls within the graptolite Isograptus caduceus imitatus Zone that overlies the Azygograptus suecicus Zone, and coincides with a remarkable drop of δ13C. This difference indicates that a multi-disciplinary approach is critical to identify the base boundary in those regions where the Baltoniodus? triangularis is absent.  相似文献   

Since 1985, samples with a total weight of more than 14,000 kg, mainly from three key sections in western and northwestern Hunan, South China, have been processed for conodonts. In strata older than the late Late Cambrian paraconodonts have proved useful for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation. Thirteen conodont zones are proposed in the Middle Cambrian through lowermost Ordovician. The correlation between these zones and those of North China, western U. S.A., western Newfoundland, Canada, and Iran is discussed. In ascending order, these 13 zones are as follows: The Gapparodus bisulcatus-Westergaardodina brevidens Zone, Shandongodus priscus-Hunanognathus tricuspidatus Zone, Westergaardodina quadrata Zone, Westergaardodina matsushitai-W. grandidens Zone, Westergaardodina lui-W. am Zone, Westergaardodina cf. calix-Prooneotodus rotundatus Zone, Proconodontus tenuiserratus Zone, Proconodontus Zone, Eoconodontus Zone, Cordylodus proavus Zone, Cordylodus intermedius Zone, Cordylodus lindstromi Zone, and  相似文献   

There is significance to study high-frequency cyclicity thin-bedded limestone which deposited in carbonate ramp and deep-water basin for its well record of astronomic cycles. And there is an ideal section for these studies in the lower part of Kelimoli Formation, in Darriwilian Stage, Middle Ordovician of western Ordos Basin(Zhuozishan area in Inner Mongolia) for its well rhythmic alternations of thin-bedded limestones and mudstones. This work focused on detailed vertical sedimentary successions analysis of these thin-bedded limestones based on detailed field work, as well as the data of rare earth elements and other related trace elements in limestones. The results show as follows: ① there are four types of sedimentary successions(bundles) in thin-bedded limestones, including thinning-upward succession, thickening-upward succession, bidirectional succession(thickening- and thinning-upward) and waving-upward succession; ② the section consists of 145 limestone-mudstone rhythmics, 33 bundles and 7 superbundles; ③ the variation in(La/Nd)N and Mn/Fe molar ratios of limestones along with depth have a similar trend which decreases from bottom to top in general, but have some anomalies distribution; ④ the variation in REE concentrations and Eu anomalies along with depth have a perfect enantiomorphous relationship as well as coupling with the molar ratios of(La/Nd)N; ⑤ the variation of crystal size, V/Cr and V/(V+Ni) molar ratios also have a similar trend which is increasing and then decreasing from bottom to top, and have some local enantiomorphous relationship with the molar ratios of(La/Nd)N in the overall similar distribution patterns. Some conclusion can be drawn according to the types of sedimentary successions and its distribution in profile as well as the ratios of some geochemical parameter along depth based on previous works. These include: ① thickening-upward and bidirectional successions maybe reflect the intensity of tectonism and contour current which is controlled by Milankovitch cycle respectively, and the rising of sea level may be was responsible both for the thinning-upward and waving-upward successions; ② the intensity of contour current which is controlled by Milankovitch cycle was acted throughout the depositions, and the range of deposition time is not less than 2.9 Ma; ③ the vertical sedimentary evolution is perhaps controlled by the alternating of tectonism and rising sea levels, and the section suggests two tectonic stages.  相似文献   

本文通过对峡东奥陶系五峰组笔石Tangyagraptus的系统采集和研究,认为该属以厘定为3个种为宜:Tangyagraptus typicus,T.gracilis和T.remotus,这三个种之间差别明显,前两者个体较小,但T.gracilis笔石枝较细,且宽度均匀,易与T.typicus区别,T.remotus般个体较大,因第一个次生枝的着生位置远离胎管而得名.该属各种之间在海水中有不同的深度分带,并因此而降低相互之间的生存竞争.  相似文献   

华南地区下奥陶统仑山组为奥陶系最底部的岩石地层单位之一,其以大套白云岩为主要特征,广泛分布于下扬子区。通过对安徽池州洪家剖面仑山组的系统分析,并结合下扬子区多个相关剖面的资料,进一步确定仑山组岩性为白云岩、灰质白云岩和白云质灰岩,夹有部分亮晶颗粒灰岩和亮泥晶颗粒灰岩。整体上以亮晶生屑灰岩或泥晶生屑灰岩的出现作为仑山组顶界,在下扬子区内部、北部及东南部地区以白云质灰岩或灰质白云岩出现为其底界,而在下扬子区西南部大部分地区则以白云岩化出现为其底界。整个仑山组所含生物化石种类和数量较少,自下而上可建立5个牙形石带,分别是Monocostatus sevierensis带、Acanthodus lineatus-A. costatus带、Scolopodus? pseudoplanus带、Glyptoconus quadraplicatus带和Paltodus deltifer-Tripodus proteus带,推测其时代为早奥陶世特马豆克早期。仑山组主要形成于浅潮下带至深潮下带环境中,其地层总厚度和其中的白云岩厚度受到古地理因素的控制。通过岩石学特征分析,推断仑山组白云岩主要为准同生条件下的多种白云岩化作用叠加中等埋藏条件下的白云岩化形成。  相似文献   

等深流沉积是深水环境中牵引流沉积的重要类型之一。虽然研究程度相对较高,但主要以深海测量和大洋钻探为平 台对现代海洋中的等深流进行研究,特别是大洋钻探339航次的执行,将等深流沉积研究推向一个新的阶段(等深岩丘结 构剖析),而对地层记录中的等深流沉积研究却非常薄弱,从而也制约了对等深流沉积的研究,特别是等深流沉积模式的建 立。鄂尔多斯盆地西缘北部桌子山地区中奥陶统达瑞威尔阶克里摩里组广泛发育等深流沉积,此次在详细的野外观察基础 上,对内蒙古乌海市海南区石峡谷剖面进行沉积学研究,该剖面克里摩里组从下到上可分为三段:下段以薄-中层叠置石 灰岩为特征、中段以石灰岩-泥岩岩组与泥岩互层为特征,上段以条纹状泥岩为特征。三段沉积分别代表了深水环境下等 深流水道沉积、天然堤沉积和深水盆地平原区极弱等深流沉积,在垂向上组成了一个完整的等深流水下水道-天然堤沉积 体系。  相似文献   

华南造山带下寒武统和中奥陶统发现放射虫   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在华南造山带江西萍乡下寒武统牛角河组泥质板岩和湖南永州中奥陶统烟溪组硅质岩中首次发现放射虫。放射虫的发现表明萍乡—永州一带寒武纪—中奥陶世存在相当规模的处于低纬度的海盆。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(3):354-366
The precise correlation of the Ordovician successions in different facies is difficult due to the complex changes of the tecto-paleogeography in South China. Based on previous studies, the authors recognized 10 3rd grade sequences, i. e., Osq1 to Osq10 in ascending order, by the integrated study of chronostratigraphy, biostratigraphy as well as the analysis on the sedimentary facies. The authors are confident to correlate the Ordovician successions precisely in different facies in an isochronous stratigraphic framework with the application of the method of sequence stratigraphy and correlation.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南缘岐山剖面平凉组以碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩混积为特征,根据岩性特征可将平凉组分为七段。其中碎屑岩约占80%,主要分布在平一、三、五、七段;碳酸盐岩约占20%,主要分布在平二、四、六段。研究表明,岐山剖面平凉组属于大陆斜坡环境,是一套多旋回沉积,其中一-二段、三-四段、五-六段分别构成一个海进海退旋回,属于上斜坡-下斜坡交互沉积环境,第七段单独构成一个海进旋回。至唐陵组初期,海水开始退去。  相似文献   

中扬子台地下奥陶统含礁层系层序地层研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用露头层序地层学原理与方法,将中扬子台地早奥陶世含礁地层划分为4个Ⅱ型层序,并阐述了各层序的体系域特征和形成的沉积动力学机制以及海平面变化对沉积、生物迁移、生物礁及环境的控制作用。认为在含礁层序形成过程中,存在着4个海平面变化旋回,第一旋回为两河口期早至中期,第二旋回为两河口期晚期至道保湾期早期,第三旋回为道保湾期早至晚期,第四旋回为大湾期早至中期,其中两河口期存在着3个次一级的旋回,第一旋回发生于分乡组二段(鲡粒段);第二旋回发生于分乡组三段(互层段);第三旋回发生于分乡组四段(夹层段);识别出3个平衡型碳酸盐体系和一个滞后型碳酸盐岩沉积体系。研究结果表明,分乡组与红花园组生物礁均形成于高海平面时期。由于海平面变化过程中存在多个次一级的旋回,致使本区生物礁具有厚度和规模小、数量多和分布广等特点。  相似文献   

以宜昌黄花场奥陶系剖面为研究对象,开展峡东地区早奥陶世C同位素研究,建立了峡东地区早奥陶世C同位素曲线,并识别出可全球对比的2次正漂移(C1,C3)和2次负漂移(C2,C4)。通过分析峡东地区沉积相序列及海平面变化特征,发现峡东地区C同位素变化曲线与海平面波动曲线一致,表明峡东地区C同位素的变化主要受控于海平面的波动。  相似文献   

一条新发现的奥陶系—志留系界线剖面   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在贵州省桐梓县红花园乡南坝子村发现一条新的穿越奥陶系—志留系界线的地层剖面。该剖面自下而上依次出露有宝塔组、涧草沟组、五峰组和龙马溪组等,露头良好,产状平缓,化石丰富。其五峰组观音桥段顶部与龙马溪组交界处,即穿越奥陶系—志留系界线的一段地层,横向上可连续追索逾百米。自五峰组底部到龙马溪组底部(相当于D icellograptus complanatus带—Coronograptus cyphus带下部)的地层中已发现25层斑脱岩。根据生物地层、层序地层等资料初步确认了这些斑脱岩与湖北宜昌等地的斑脱岩具高分辨对比性。该剖面的发现为华南奥陶系—志留系界线附近的各项研究提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

吉林大阳岔及其邻近地区奥陶纪最早期笔石的序列与对比   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
王海峰 《地层学杂志》1997,21(4):293-299
在前人研究的基础上,通过对吉林大阳岔及其邻近地区寒武系—奥陶系剖面的笔石研究,修正了该地区奥陶纪最早期(特马豆克期)的笔石序列,自下而上分为4个笔石带:1)Rhabdino-poraflabeliformisparabola带,2)Anisograptusmatanensis带,3)Psigraptus带和4)Adel-ograptus-Clonograptus带;并与国内外主要地区的笔石带作了较为详细的对比。笔者认为R.f.parabola带为我国奥陶纪最早的一个笔石带,但与纽芬兰GreenPoint剖面和挪威Nrsnes剖面相比,大阳岔及其邻近地区在R.f.parabola带之下缺少了以较小个体R.praeparabola和Staurograptusdichotomus发育为特征的R.praeparabola带。  相似文献   

深水异地鲕粒灰岩可从宏观特征、微观特征、粒度特征及沉积构造等方面进行识别。通过宁夏中宁县狼嘴子地区香山群徐家圈组中部发育的鲕粒灰岩的野外露头剖面和室内薄片观察,对鲕粒灰岩的宏观及微观特征进行了研究。对颗粒粒径的统计和对比分析表明,鲕粒与假鲕、正常鲕与表皮鲕分别来自不同环境,粒度分析结果显示其具有重力流搬运的特征。结合沉积背景认为,此种鲕粒灰岩应为深水异地沉积成因,鲕粒可能来自同时期的鄂尔多斯地块西缘碳酸盐台地,由重力流搬运至深水。  相似文献   

Graptolite assemblages of multidens Biozone age have been recovered from mudstones immediately above and below the Llyn Conwy Formation, the local representative of the regionally extensive acid tuffs that mark the end of vulcanicity in the south and east of the Harlech Dome. They include several taxa new to Wales and are markedly different to contemporaneous faunas from the Welsh Borders. One new species, Pseudoclimacograptus isknos, is described.  相似文献   

Apart from previously reported Small Shelly Fossils (SSFs), a macroscopic fossil assemblage, comprising abundant algae, cone-shaped tubular fossil forms, and probable impressions of a megascopic metazoan, comes from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area of western Hubei Province, south China. The visible fossils are preserved in thin-laminated siltstone or muddy siltstone intercalated between 8–15 mm-thick carbonate deposits, probably representing sedimentary settings of a constrained local depression in the shallow water carbonate platform during the Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage. The macroscopic fossil association provides significant fossil evidence about the evolution of life from the late Precambrian to the ‘Cambrian explosion’ interval.  相似文献   

Apart from previously reported Small Shelly Fossils (SSFs), a macroscopic fossil assemblage, comprising abundant algae, cone-shaped tubular fossil forms, and probable impressions of a megascopic metazoan, comes from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area of western Hubei Province, south China. The visible fossils are preserved in thin-laminated siltstone or muddy siltstone intercalated between 8–15 mm-thick carbonate deposits, probably representing sedimentary settings of a constrained local depression in the shallow water carbonate platform during the Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage. The macroscopic fossil association provides significant fossil evidence about the evolution of life from the late Precambrian to the ‘Cambrian explosion’ interval.  相似文献   

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