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The optical counterpart of the transient, millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4–3658 was observed in four colours ( BVRI ) for five weeks during the 2005 June–July outburst. The optical fluxes declined by ∼2 mag during the first 16d and then commenced quasi-periodic secondary outbursts, with time-scales of several days, similar to those seen in 2000 and 2002. The broad-band spectra derived from these measurements were generally consistent with emission from an X-ray heated accretion disc. During the first 16d decline in intensity the spectrum became redder. We suggest that the primary outburst was initiated by a viscosity change driven instability in the inner disc and note the contrast with another accreting millisecond pulsar, XTE J0929−314, for which the spectrum becomes bluer during the decline. On the night of 2005 June 5 (HJD 245 3527) the I -band flux was ∼0.45-mag brighter than on the preceding or following nights whereas the BV and R bands showed no obvious enhancement. A type I X-ray burst was detected by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer spacecraft during this I -band integration. It seems unlikely that reprocessed radiation from the burst was sufficient to explain the observed increase. We suggest that a major part of the I -band excess was due to synchrotron emission triggered by the X-ray burst. Several other significant short duration changes in V − I were detected. One occurred at about HJD 245 3546 in the early phase of the first secondary outburst and may be due to mass-transfer instability or to another synchrotron emission event.  相似文献   

Analysis of the RXTE slew data in October 1996 revealed a weak X-ray burst from the millisecond pulsar SAX J 1808.4-3658. The 3–20-keV energy spectrum of the source can be described by a power law with an index of 2.0 and a(3-to 20 keV) luminosity of ~1.4×1035 erg s?1 (the distance to the source was taken to be 2.5 kpc). Because of the short exposure time, we failed to detect weak pulsations at a frequency of 401 Hz in the source. The (2σ) upper limit of the pulse fraction is ~13%.  相似文献   

We present phase resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of V4580 Sagittarii, the optical counterpart to the accretion powered millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4−3658, obtained during the 2008 September/October outburst. Doppler tomography of the N  iii λ4640.64 Bowen blend emission line reveals a focused spot of emission at a location consistent with the secondary star. The velocity of this emission occurs at  324 ± 15 km s−1  ; applying a ' K -correction', we find the velocity of the secondary star projected on to the line of sight to be  370 ± 40 km s−1  . Based on existing pulse timing measurements, this constrains the mass ratio of the system to be  0.044+0.005−0.004  , and the mass function for the pulsar to be  0.44+0.16−0.13 M  . Combining this mass function with various inclination estimates from other authors, we find no evidence to suggest that the neutron star in SAX J1808.4−3658 is more massive than the canonical value of  1.4 M  . Our optical light curves exhibit a possible superhump modulation, expected for a system with such a low mass ratio. The equivalent width of the Ca  ii H and K interstellar absorption lines suggest that the distance to the source is ∼2.5 kpc. This is consistent with previous distance estimates based on type-I X-ray bursts which assume cosmic abundances of hydrogen, but lower than more recent estimates which assume helium-rich bursts.  相似文献   

We report the first extensive set of optical photometric observations of the counterpart to SAX J1808.4−3658 (V4580 Sagittarii) in quiescence. The source was detected at V ∼21 , 5 mag fainter than at the peak of its 1998 outburst. However, a comparable ∼6 per cent semi-amplitude 2-h modulation of its flux is revealed. This has the same phasing and approximately sinusoidal modulation as seen during outburst, and with photometric minimum when the pulsar is behind the companion. The lack of a double-humped morphology rules out an ellipsoidal origin, implying that the bulk of the optical flux does not arise from the companion. Moreover, applying crude modelling to the disc and X-ray irradiated face of the donor shows that the internal energy release of a remnant disc (with mass transfer driven by gravitational radiation) is sufficient to explain most of the optical emission, and with the modulation because of the varying contribution of the heated face of the star. We note that this model is also consistent with the much lower X-ray to optical flux ratio in quiescence versus outburst, and with the phasing of the optical modulation.  相似文献   

We present a precise timing analysis of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814−338 during its 2003 outburst, observed by RXTE . A full orbital solution is given for the first time; Doppler effects induced by the motion of the source in the binary system were corrected, leading to a refined estimate of the orbital period,   P orb= 15 388.7229(2)  s, and of the projected semimajor axis,   a sin  i / c = 0.390633(9)  light-second. We could then investigate the spin behaviour of the accreting compact object during the outburst. We report here a refined value of the spin frequency  (ν= 314.356 108 79(1) Hz)  and the first estimate of the spin frequency derivative of this source while accreting     . This spin-down behaviour arises when both the fundamental frequency and the second harmonic are taken into consideration. We discuss this in the context of the interaction between the disc and the quickly rotating magnetosphere, at accretion rates sufficiently low to allow a threading of the accretion disc in regions where the Keplerian velocity is slower than the magnetosphere velocity. We also present indications of a jitter of the pulse phases around the mean trend, which we argue results from movements of the accreting hotspots in response to variations of the accretion rate.  相似文献   

We present results from our Chandra and XMM–Newton observations of two low-luminosity X-ray pulsators  SAX J1324.4−6200  and  SAX J1452.8−5949  which have spin periods of 172 and 437 s, respectively. The XMM–Newton spectra for both sources can be fitted well with a simple power-law model of photon index,  Γ∼ 1.0  . A blackbody model can equally well fit the spectra with a temperature,   kT ∼  2 keV, for both sources. During our XMM–Newton observations,  SAX J1324.4−6200  is detected with coherent X-ray pulsations at a period of 172.86 ± 0.02 s while no pulsations with a pulse fraction greater than 18 per cent (at 95 per cent confidence level) in 0.2–12 keV energy band are detected in  SAX J1452.8−5949  . The spin period of  SAX J1324.4−6200  is found to be increasing on a time-scale of     which would suggest that the accretor is a neutron star and not a white dwarf. Using subarcsec spatial resolution of the Chandra telescope, possible counterparts are seen for both sources in the near-infrared images obtained with the son of infrared spectrometer and array camera (SOFI) instrument on the New Technology Telescope. The X-ray and near-infrared properties of  SAX J1324.4−6200  suggest it to be a persistent high-mass accreting X-ray pulsar at a distance  ≤8 kpc  . We identify the near-infrared counterpart of  SAX J1452.8−5949  to be a late-type main-sequence star at a distance ≤10 kpc, thus ruling out  SAX J1452.8−5949  to be a high-mass X-ray binary. However, with the present X-ray and near-infrared observations, we cannot make any further conclusive conclusion about the nature of  SAX J1452.8−5949  .  相似文献   

We have obtained optical and near-infrared images of the field of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar XTE J1751−305. There are no stars in the 0.7-arcsec error circle (0.7 arcsec is the overall uncertainty arising from tying the optical and X-ray images and from the intrinsic uncertainty in the Chandra X-ray astrometric solution). We derive limiting magnitudes for the counterpart of   R > 23.1, I > 21.6, Z > 20.6, J > 19.6  and   K > 19.2  . We compare these upper limits with the magnitudes one would expect for simple models for the possible donor stars and the accretion disc subject to the reddening observed in X-rays for XTE J1751−305 and when put at the distance of the Galactic Centre (8.5 kpc). We conclude that our non-detection does not constrain any of the models for the accretion disc or possible donor stars. Deep, near-infrared images obtained during quiescence will, however, constrain possible models for the donor stars in this ultracompact system.  相似文献   

We report here results from detailed timing and spectral studies of the high mass X-ray binary pulsar 4U 1538-52 over several binary periods using observations made with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and BeppoSAX satellites. Pulse timing analysis with the 2003 RXTE data over two binary orbits confirms an eccentric orbit of the system. Combining the orbitial parameters determined from this observation with the earlier measurements we did not find any evidence of orbital decay in this X-ray binary. We have carried out orbital phase resolved spectroscopy to measure changes in the spectral parameters with orbital phase, particularly the absorption column density and the iron line flux. The RXTE-PCA spectra in the 3–20 keV energy range were fitted ∼6.4 keV, whereas the BeppoSAX spectra needed only a power law and Gaussian emission line at ∼6.4 keV in the restricted energy range of 0.3–10.0 keV. An absorption along the line of sight was included for both the RXTE and BeppoSAX data. The variation of the free spectral parameters over the binary orbit was investigated and we found that the variation of the column density of absorbing material in the line of sight with orbital phase is in reasonable agreement with a simple model of a spherically symmetric stellar wind from the companion star.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the X-ray pulsar IGR J16320−4751 (also known as AX J1631.9−4752) performed simultaneously with International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory ( INTEGRAL ) and XMM–Newton . We refine the source position and identify the most likely infrared counterpart. Our simultaneous coverage allows us to confirm the presence of X-ray pulsations at ∼1300 s, that we detect above 20 keV with INTEGRAL for the first time. The pulse fraction is consistent with being constant with energy, which is compatible with a model of polar accretion by a pulsar. We study the spectral properties of IGR J16320−4751 during two major periods occurring during the simultaneous coverage with both satellites, namely a flare and a non-flare period. We detect the presence of a narrow 6.4 keV iron line in both periods. The presence of such a feature is typical of supergiant wind accretors such as Vela X-1 or GX 301−2. We inspect the spectral variations with respect to the pulse phase during the non-flare period, and show that the pulse is solely due to variations of the X-ray flux emitted by the source and not due to variations of the spectral parameters. Our results are therefore compatible with the source being a pulsar in a High Mass X-ray Binary. We detect a soft excess appearing in the spectra as a blackbody with a temperature of ∼0.07 keV. We discuss the origin of the X-ray emission in IGR J16320−4751: while the hard X-rays are likely the result of Compton emission produced in the close vicinity of the pulsar, based on energy argument we suggest that the soft excess is likely the emission by a collisionally energized cloud in which the compact object is embedded.  相似文献   

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