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The tensiometer, introduced by Richards and Gardner (1936) has been a tool often ignored in unsaturated zone investigations. Hazardous waste disposal studies that require values of unsaturated zone matric potentials will expand tensiometer use. Familiarity with operation and installation principles is necessary to ensure quality data collection.
The essential elements of a tensiometer are a porous cup connected with tubing to a vacuum gauge; all are filled with water. When the porous cup is buried in unsaturated soil, the soil draws water through the cup wall, until the water tension inside the cup equals the surrounding soil-water tension. The tension is transmitted through the water filled tube to an accessible vacuum gauge (manometer or transducer) and is recorded manually or automatically.
Although specialized tensiometers exist, the tensiometer presented here in detail is suited to diverse on-site applications. Constructed from readily available, inexpensive parts, it can measure as much as 0.85 bar of tension. Design features include a flushing system for removal of entrapped air or mercury, and an easily maintained modular network of nylon manometers and water-supply tubes.
Good hydraulic connection between porous cup and soil and meticulous backfill procedures are necessary for accurate measurement of representative matric potentials. Proper and consistent use of tensiometers should yield reliable values of matric potentials, and lead to a better understanding of unsaturated zone processes.  相似文献   

More than 40 years of ground water quality monitoring data from the aquifer of the Upper Mad River Valley have been accumulated by various agencies in Ohio. The data consist of concentrations for more than 30 chemical substances found in the ground water. Evaluation of this data using statistical analysis, tables and graphs indicates that there have been moderate increases in total dissolved solids, sulfate, fluoride, calcium, magnesium and potassium. More significant increases were discovered for chloride and sodium. Iron and zinc show a general decline in concentration. The metals arsenic, barium and lead also show increases in recent years. However, large variations in the concentrations and limited data for these metals limit the reliability of the apparent trends shown in the tabulated data.
The increases in chloride and sodium are attributed to the use of road de-icing salt. Increases in sulfate and potassium may be due to use of fertilizers in a region which is largely agricultural. The most recent data may indicate that the ground water quality is improving in terms of these two parameters. Although most of the data indicate increases in concentrations with time, inconsistencies in sampling procedures and difficulties in assessing many factors which affect ground water quality preclude the broad conclusion that urbanization and industrialization have caused regional ground water quality degradation.
The inability to interpret much of the data underlies the need for an integrated environmental monitoring program. Such a program should provide a data base for assessing factors such as air and river quality and historical land use practices so that their impact on ground water quality in the Mad River Valley can be better understood.  相似文献   

In 1984, the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources was required to assess the regulations and practices of the Illinois Underground Injection Control (UIC) program as it relates to Class I hazardous waste disposal wells. Nine injection wells, including two standbys (one inactive), are currently in operation at seven sites in the state. These wells range in depth from 1540 to 5524 feet (470 to 1683m; most inject wastes into porous carbonate formations (two wells inject into a thick sandstone). In 1984, approximately 300 million gallons (1.1 billion liters) of industrial wastes were disposed of in these wells. Acids were the most common waste disposed of, although water made up 70 to 95 percent of the wastes by volume. Illinois has been granted primacy in operating this program.
The geologic environment, consisting of the unit accepting the waste and confining units lying above and below, has the capacity to accept the waste, to retain it, and to protect all underground sources of drinking water (USDW) from contamination by its injection. The geology of Illinois is relatively simple and includes disposal zones and associated confining units suitable for deep-well injection across the central two-thirds of the state.
The regulatory structure for Class I injection wells is generally adequate in concept and scope to ensure containment of injected wastes and to safeguard underground sources of drinking water in Illinois. There is a need to update and strengthen selected portions of the regulatory practices in the areas of waste sampling protocol, chemical analysis of collected waste samples, and evaluation of injection well testing and monitoring data.
A number of technologies exist that can treat and dispose of most hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams. Each of these technologies has associated with it economic, environmental and societal impacts.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):299-304
The Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) started on July 1, 1997 and is now in its 11th year of operation. It has a relatively small number of stations (24), compared to seismic (GSN) or geodetic (GPS) networks, but it is the only database that is accumulating relative gravity measurements worldwide. As any scientific organization matures, there is a change in the culture of the project and the people involved. To remain viable, it is necessary not only to maintain the original goals, but also to incorporate new ideas and applications on the science involved. The main challenges within GGP are to ensure: (a) that the instruments are properly calibrated, (b) that data is being recorded with the highest accuracy, and with appropriate hydrological instrumentation, and (c) that the flow of data from all recording stations to the ICET database continues as agreed in within the GGP framework. These practical matters are the basis for providing high quality recordings that will extend the usefulness of the network into the future to meet new challenges in geosciences. Several new stations have been brought into operation in the past few years, but the data availability from some of these stations still leaves room for improvement. Nevertheless, the core group of stations established more than 10 years ago has been able to maintain the high standards of the original concept, and much research has been published using network data in areas as diverse as hydrology, polar motion, and Earth's normal modes. GGP will also participate in some of the scientific tasks of the Global Geodetic Observing System program, at least initially by providing relative gravity measurements for collocation with other high precision geodetic measurements.  相似文献   

Abstract. WATEQB is a BASICA revision for IBM PC of WATEQF, a geochemical model for chemical equilibrium and saturation of natural waters. This model computes the speciation of inorganic ions and complex species in solution for a given water analysis.
WATEQB is identical to the FORTRAN IV version from the standpoint of chemical process; however, the structure of the program differs from the original version. The structure of the program is not complex and allows the user to try some new modifications, if necessary.
Due to the limited memory of personal computers and in contrast to the large volume of the original version of the program, the author has created four data files, one of which is of random access type. Reading the thermochemical data is possible through these four data files.
This paper demonstrates how to set up the input data to execute WATEQB and describes the program rather than the model. The users of WATEQB will increase as personal computers become more common.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art analytical techniques are capable of detecting contamination In the part per billion (ppb) range or lower. At these levels, a truly representative ground water sample Is essential to precisely evaluate ground water quality. The design specifications of a ground water monitoring system are critical in ensuring the collection of representative samples, particularly throughout the long-term monitoring period.
The potential interfaces from commonly used synthetic well casings require a thorough assessment of site, hydrogeology and the geochemical properties of ground water. Once designed, the monitoring system must be installed following guidelines that ensure adequate seals to prevent contaminant migration during the installation process or at some time in the future. Additionally, maintaining the system so the wells are in hydraulic connection with the monitored zone as well as periodically Inspecting the physical integrity of the system can prolong the usefulness of the wells for ground water quality. When ground water quality data become suspect due to potential interferences from existing monitoring wells, an appropriate abandonment technique must be employed to adequately remove or destroy the well while completely sealing the borehole.
The results of an inspection of a monitoring system comprised of six 4-inch diameter PVC monitoring wells at a hazardous well facility Indicated that the wells were improperly installed and in some cases provided a pathway for contamination. Subsequent down hole television inspections confirmed inaccuracies between construction logs and the existing system as well as identified defects in casing materials. An abandonment program was designed which destroyed the well casings in place while simultaneously providing a competent seal of the re-drilled borehole.  相似文献   

由于存在各种地电干扰,电磁法勘探采集到的原始电场数据中往往包含粗大误差.电磁法勘探中信号量的测量与传统的精密测量在误差来源与特点、测量值分布等方面均存在较大差异.经试验,对电磁勘探采集到的原始电场数据采用传统的莱伊达、格拉布斯、狄克逊等准则进行粗大误差的自动判别和剔除,处理效果不好;采用Robust估计和中值滤波方法,也不能达到满意的效果;采用手工方式挑拣剔除粗大误差,处理效率太低,均不能满足电磁勘探数据预处理的要求.作者提出了一种自适应双向均方差阈值法实现电磁勘探数据粗大误差的自动判别和剔除,此方法对采集到的原始电场数据样本进行排序后,采用迭代或递归的方式,每次均以中点为界分别计算前后两部分数据的均方差,将较大的一个与预先设置的均方差阈值进行比较,若其大于阈值,则判断粗大误差存在于相应的一端,进而剔除相应端端点位置的数据点;若前后均方差值都小于阈值或样本数量小于3个时算法结束.此方法具有自适应优化、阈值参数化控制、适应小样本数据以及计算简单效率高等特点.大量实验结果表明:在选取均方差阈值在30至90范围内时(经验值),能够有效地剔除电磁勘探原始电场数据中的粗大误差,保留最可信数据.目前已在多个实际勘探生产项目中应用此方法处理粗大误差,取得了令人满意的处理效果.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic methods are routinely applied to image the subsurface from shallow to regional structures. Individual electromagnetic methods differ in their sensitivities towards resistive and conductive structures and in their exploration depths. If a good balance between different electromagnetic data can be be found, joint 3D inversion of multiple electromagnetic datasets can result in significantly better resolution of subsurface structures than the individual inversions. We present a weighting algorithm to combine magnetotelluric, controlled source electromagnetic, and geoelectric data. Magnetotelluric data are generally more sensitive to regional conductive structures, whereas controlled source electromagnetic and geoelectric data are better suited to recover more shallow and resistive structures. Our new scheme is based on weighting individual components of the total data gradient after each model update. Norms of individual data residuals are used to assess how much of the total data gradient must be assigned to each method to achieve a balanced contribution of all datasets for the joint inverse model. Synthetic inversion tests demonstrate advantages of joint inversion in general and also the influence of the weighting. In our tests, the controlled source electromagnetic data gradients are larger than those of the magnetotelluric and geoelectric datasets. Consequently, direct joint inversion of controlled source electromagnetic, magnetotelluric, and geoelectric data results in models that are mostly dominated by structures required by the controlled source electromagnetic data. Applying the new adaptive weighting scheme results in an inversion model that fits the data better and resembles more the original model. We used the modular system electromagnetic as a framework to implement the new joint inversion and briefly describe the new modules for forward modelling and their interfaces to the modular system electromagnetic package.  相似文献   

中国湖泊数据库结构特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵锐  赵宏  严晓蓉 《湖泊科学》1991,3(1):67-73
中国湖泊数据库是将全国湖泊面积大于10km2, 按其形态特征和各种属性数据, 按一定的标准和规范, 录入计算机存储和应用, 湖泊数据具有数据量大、类型多、以湖泊代号为关键字、交叉平行式的数据分类、动态变化快和具有空间分布等特点。湖泊数据库逻辑结构严谨, 由全国湖泊分布, 湖泊图形库与属性库, 湖泊专题数据, 模型英语等部分组成。程序结构在主控程序控制下分层次执行, 由图形、属性、专题和应用模型四大模块为第一层次。在它们控制下进入第二层次, 低层可顺利地返回高层, 形成操作简单, 使用方便的程序结构。  相似文献   

强震观测中记录的加速度时程是城市大型建筑抗震设计的重要依据,为城市抗震设防提供可靠的数据支持。因此,对加速度计在稳定性、线性度、动态范围和直流响应等性能方面有着很高的要求。提出利用静电力反馈控制技术与传感器技术相结合形成闭环力平衡式MEMS加速度计,使之具有良好的低频特性。并采用四阶ΣΔ调制器完成低噪声信号采样,确保其动态范围高于140 dB,完全满足现有强震观测规范对该项指标的要求。  相似文献   

潘海生 《华南地震》1994,14(2):44-48
新丰江地震目录数据库录入了1960—1969年新丰江水库区的地震目录共计31300条。数据库管理系统中的震中位置由直角座标转换为用经纬度表示,具有地震目录检索和统计2大功能,并针对新丰江地震的分区研制了专用软件模块。该系统采用模块化分层结构,增加了软接口,为系统的扩充和拓展打下了基楚。  相似文献   

为了进一步提升青藏高原地震监测能力,中国地震局在青海、西藏和新疆3个地区建设地震台站。为确保高质量产出地震数据,以青海地区新增16个地震台站为例,围绕观测数据的完整性和可靠性,基于数据连续率、台基噪声水平和事件波形记录质量,对地震观测数据质量进行评价,结果发现:青海地区新增地震台站观测环境较好,总体运行稳定,数据连续率较高,适合进行宽频带数字地震观测;地震台站空间分布更加均匀,青海省中西部地区理论地震监测能力从约MS 4.5提升到MS 2.0,地震监测能力提升。本项工作的开展,为我国青藏高原地震监测能力提升提供了业务化支撑。  相似文献   

This study compares the accuracy of two types of water table maps both of which were constructed with the object of optimizing future mapping efforts in similar environments. The. first type of map is based solely on office information, with no field verification. The second type of map is based on careful field mapping using numerous measurement points.
The office-derived maps were based on topography, surface water features, existing reports, maps and data in the files of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey; the data were not field-verified. The field-derived maps used a dense network of 236 piezometers at 176 sites in an area of approximately 170 square miles. The field project was much more expensive and labor-intensive than was the construction of office-derived maps for the same area.
The two methods produce water table maps which agree to an appreciable extent, the greatest agreement being in areas having ground water-fed streams. Differences in water table elevations indicated by the two methods range from negligible to approximately 5 feet. Thus, depending upon the availability of existing information, relatively accurate water table elevations can be delineated in similar sandy unconfined aquifers without time-consuming and expensive field work that drilling and piezometer installation entails.
Preliminary construction of office-derived water table maps enables researchers to use their resources efficiently. In some situations, expensive installation of wells and piezometers for a regional monitoring network may add little accuracy to the regional map. For localized problems, collection of additional field data will always be necessary, but can be guided by the office-derived maps. The authors caution that this technique may only be applicable to sandy, unconfined aquifers in humid climates.  相似文献   

This paper reports an integrated study of in situ U-Pb geochronology and elemental geochemistry of zircons from the Xianglushan iron-polymetallic deposit in western Guizhou Province, Southwest China. Genetic relationship between this new type of deposit and unroofing of the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP) is focused. Along with the zoning pattern in spatial distribution of diverse weathering-related deposits along the southern and southeastern margins of the ELIP, it is suggested that the genesis of the iron-polymetallic deposit was specialized by factors of coastal paleogeography in hot-humid climate, where iron-enriched laterites formed, and repetitive marine transgression-regression occurred during the Late Permian.  相似文献   

CDSN日常分析工作辅助软件设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过修改Wgsnplot的源代码,改进了Wgsnplot软件地震参数的计算方法和菜单功能,使之更简单实用。同时,设计了一个集成CDSN台站日常工作基本软件为一体的统一界面辅助软件,它直接采用Wgsnplot分析软件产生的震相文件计算地震参数、编辑地震报告和进行大震速报等。本软件是CDSN台站人员测震分析工作的有力工具,减轻了工作人员的负担。  相似文献   

针对测震台址勘选中数据处理的重要性和计算结果的真实性,避免在数据处理过程中因手工分析计算出现错误,通过深入分析手工计算流程,设计编写了一套辅助控制程序,配合EDSP-IAS和地噪声处理软件,实现勘选数据处理流程的自动运行与管理,避免因人为因素出现差错,为台址勘选实测地噪声值数据批处理提供便捷。该辅助程序可用于烈度速报新建台址勘选数据批处理工作。  相似文献   

Abstract. We have developed a program which aids in the design and analysis of pumping tests and slug tests. In design mode, the program emphasizes calculation and plotting of the sensitivities of drawdown (or head) to well function parameters. In analysis mode, the program can analyze a given set of experimental data. For pumping tests, the program allows multiple observation wells and multiple variable-rate pumping wells. The program is written in a modular fashion, allowing easy addition of well functions to the currently existing library. An example based on a hypothetical pumping test illustrates the utility of sensitivity analysis for well test design.  相似文献   

Accurate decomposition of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectrum is a crucial task to extract compound signal intensities of enamel fragments at different irradiation time, in particular for dose recovery accuracy. While it can be achieved manually, the task is laborious and repetitive. In this paper, we present a new freely available program “ESRfrag” that allows the alignment, merging, and computation of complex angular ESR spectra. This program is an open access web-based code, designed to specifically alleviate the daunting task of working with large amounts of ESR spectra for enamel fragment dating. ESRfrag provides an increased reliability and precision on the results compared to manual calculation by removing operators bias. The program can be freely access through the Geoarchaeology and Archaeometry Research Group website (https://www.garg.org.au/projects).  相似文献   

A new version of the computer program FLASH (Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes) is presented for the analysis of borehole vertical flow logs to estimate fracture (or layer) transmissivities and far-field hydraulic heads. The program is written in R, an open-source environment. All previous features have been retained and new features incorporated including more rigorous parameter estimation, uncertainty analysis, and improved data import. The program has a dynamic user interface compatible with most operating systems.  相似文献   

冯志生  范国华 《地震学报》1990,12(3):292-298
本文将Jones的蒙特卡罗反演法,与修改后的马夸特反演法有机地结合在一起,从而获得了一种新的蒙特卡罗反演法.它实际上是定向求解与随机求解的结合,具有占用机时短及解的拟合度高的优点.作者利用该法处理了理论视电阻率曲线,及实测的视电阻率曲线,获得了大量具有高拟合度的模型,进而获得了可能解的范围.   相似文献   

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