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A series of hydraulic model tests with horizontal movable seabed under regular wave actions have been carried out to investigate the dynamic interactions between water waves and seabed soil. Seabed dynamic stresses from experiments are, tound to differ from theoretical resuhs. The response of p0 in permeable seabed has a small decay and phase shift to the nonlinear wave actions, and the dynamic stresses, σs/p0, σh/p0 and u/p0, contain different phase shift characteristics. Such phenomena will strongly affect the dynamic stress path in seabed. If the phase shifts of σs. and σh are neglected, the stress path will become a straight line; otherwise, it will become an elliptical curve. In phase shift cases, the long axis of the p - q diagram will be shortened when the depth increases, and the short axis will become longer when the phase shift increases. For the p' - q' diagram, the larger the phase lag of u, the longer the short axis. Relative results offer useful information for the analysis of seabed stability.  相似文献   

1.Introduction Long shorecurrenthasbecomethesubjectofextensiveworldwideresearchformanyyears.The purposeofthestudyistounderstandandpredicttheprocessesofsedimenttransport,shorelineevolu tionandpollutanttransportinthenear shorezoneundertheactionofwaves.Goda(2001)regarded thesuspendedsedimentastheprincipalloadinsedimenttransportandtheeffectoflong shorecurrents wasemphasized.Theeffectofwavesonpollutanttransportwasstudiedbynumericalmodelandfield experiment(TaoandHan,2002;Rodriguezetal.,1995),andth…  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionThe submarine pipeline is a commonfacility widely usedfor offshore oil and gastransport . Whena pipeline is installed on a seabed and not buried,unsupportedspans may exist insomelocations ,es-peciallyinthe uneven zones of the seabed.The spa…  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲粉质土底床为研究对象,通过水槽模拟试验,研究了不同波高波浪荷载作用下底床的破坏过程与特点。研究发现,波浪导致粉质土底床在孔压累积和剪应力耦合作用下由表及里破坏;在波浪作用下粉质土底床破坏过程分为土体扩展过程和土体恢复过程,在扩展过程中,破坏土体与波浪同步振荡,边界不断扩展直至极限深度。在恢复过程中,破坏土体振荡由深到浅逐渐停止,稳定后出现细粒土夹层;破坏土体的长度﹑深度和体积间呈幂函数关系,破坏土体的范围主要由深度决定;波浪作用停止后,动力固结不足的原破坏土体在新一轮波浪作用下可能会再次破坏;基于极限平衡理论对波致粉质土底床的破坏深度范围进行了初步的预测,并与试验结果进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

海底动力环境监测系统是南海海底观测网试验系统的重要课题。在"十一五"观测网的基础上,对系统的稳定性与可靠性进行改进,设计使用CAN现场总线通信、ARM双冗余备份、Modem声学网关通道、DC/DC并联冗余与备份电池。该系统主要搭载声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)、国家海洋技术中心温盐深测量仪(CTD)、高精度压力传感器等设备,集成岸基监测与反馈子系统、控制与数据采集子系统、通信与电源管理子系统,实现了对海底边界层速度剖面场、湍流速度、温度、盐度、压力等海洋动力要素的长期实时稳定监测。经过试验测试,该系统稳定可靠,利于传感器扩展集成,为海底观测网提供了可靠的验证观测节点。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionOnthedeepseabed ,30 0 0~ 50 0 0mbelowthePacificOcean ,manganesenodulesaresolidifiedandspread ,andmanycountriesintheworldarestudyinghowtominethem .AccordingtoYamazakietal.( 1 998)andAmannetal.( 1 991 ) ,theenvironmentofthedeepseabedisdifferentfromthedrylandinmanyways .Inparticular,thesurfaceoftheseabedisverysoft.Inordertoensuretheperformanceofrunningofamanganesenodulemineronsuchasoftsurface ,thetrackedvehiclemaybeapplied .Ac cordingtoHongandChoi ( 2 0 0 1 ) ,astudyisbeingdone…  相似文献   

The river reach downstream of a floodgate at the estuary of the Xinyihe River is about 1.3kmlong.and the riverbed is composed of clotty clay.In the experiment,soil samples are taken from the con-struction site,and the incipient velocity is determined in a laboratory flume,and it is used to design thescour model and to select model sand material.The experimental results show that scours below thefloodgate is unavoidable due to large discharge and low tidal level.Scours is caused by two factors:the rap-id flow passing though the floodgate and the water drop near the river mouth during low tide.and thescour below the floodgate is more critical to the structural design.It is suggested that anti-scour wallsshould be used instead of riprap.The ideas and methods adopted in the experiment can be used asreference in the study on river scour under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Seabed sediment microstructure has an influence on its acousto-physical properties, and the properties in a length of the sediment column reflect an aspect of the macroscopic behavior of the microstructure. An original measurement method of the sound attenuation within small distance cross sections in a sediment column, and the corresponding approach in data processing to attain an attenuation factor are detailed in the paper. This method was used to measure the compressional wave in series of points with a small distance in the sediment column, and it is shown that exponential attenuation is a type of compressional wave attenuation model for a sediment column in its full length. It indicates that there are various models of compressional wave attenuation in seabed sediments in the South China Sea after comparison of data from other literature. The method of measuring sound attenuation satisfies the sampling space interval in the acoustical forward and inverse problems in seabed sediments, and the original method provides a new approach for finding out sound attenuation mechanism in seabed sediments on small length scale.  相似文献   

水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响试验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着超大型浮式生产储卸油装置FPSO(floating production storing and offloading)在渤海浅水海域的广泛应用,水深对FP—SO波浪载荷响应的影响问题突现出来。对缩尺比为1:100的三模块分节模型进行了水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响的试验研究,试验结果表明水深对FPSO波浪诱导载荷的影响很大。  相似文献   

对某港口5个强夯夯击小区的试验结果表明,经强夯法加固后,粘性土吹填地基的力学性质有明显提高。采用250~300 t.m的夯击能、5.6~8点/100 m2的夯点布置和回填土垫层厚度控制在1.2 m内的地基加固方案,能够满足地基承载力150 kPa和工后残余沉降小于30 cm的应力和变形要求。  相似文献   

Deep-water regions often have winds favorable for offshore wind turbines, and floating turbines currently show the greatest potential to exploit such winds. This work established proper scaling laws for model tests, which were then implemented in the construction of a model wind turbine with optimally designed blades. The aerodynamic, hydrodynamic, and elastic characteristics of the proposed new multi-column tension-leg-type floating wind turbine (WindStar TLP system) were explored in the wave tank testing of a 1:50 scale model at the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Tests were conducted under conditions of still water, white noise waves, irregular waves, and combined wind, wave, and current loads. The results established the natural periods of the motion, damping, motion response amplitude operators, and tendon tensions of the WindStar TLP system under different environmental conditions, and thus could serve as a reference for further research.  相似文献   

S.C. Chang  J.G. Lin  L.K. Chien  Y.F. Chiu   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2311-2329
In this study, the dynamic stresses within the seabed induced by non-linear progressive waves were explored through a series of hydraulic model tests on a movable bed within a wave flume. By comparing Stokes’ 2nd-order wave theory with the theory of wave-induced dynamic stresses within the seabed as proposed by Yamamoto et al. [1978. On the response of a poro-elastic bed to water waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 87 (1), 193–206.] and Hsu and Jeng [1994. Wane-induced soil response in an unsaturated anisotropic seabed of finite thickness. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 18, 785–807], the experimental results show that the pressure on the seabed surface, the pore water pressure within the seabed as well as the vertical and the horizontal stresses are all smaller than their theoretical values. If we were to obtain the characteristics of seabed soil, the analytical solution of Hsu and Jeng [1994. Wane-induced soil response in an unsaturated anisotropic seabed of finite thickness. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 18, 785–807] might agree to the simulation of the wave-induced effective stresses and shear stress in the sandy seabed. A different phase shift exists among all the three soil stresses. Their influences on the three dynamic stresses within seabed soil are important for seabed stability, and can be used in the verification of numerical models. In the whole, the non-linear progressive waves and the naturally deposited seabed are found to have a strong interaction, and the behavior of the induced dynamic stresses within the seabed is very complicated, and should be investigated integrally.  相似文献   

LI  Xin 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):537-548
Seismic load has a significant effect on the response of a free spanning submarine pipeline when the pipeline is con-structed in a seismically active region. The model experiment is performed on an underwater shaking tahle to simulate the response of submarine pipelines under dynamic input. In consideration of the effects of the terrestrial and submarine pipeline , water depth, support condition, distance from seabed, empty and full pipeline, and span on dynamic response, 120 groups of experiments are conducted. Affecting factors are analyzed and conclusions are drawn for reference. For the con-trol of dynamic response, the span of a submarine pipeline is by far more important than the other factors. Meanwhile, the rosponse difference between a submarine pipeline under sine excitation and that under random excitation exists in ex-periments.  相似文献   

黄河水下三角洲沉积物输运及海底冲淤研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据黄河水下三角洲的特点,建立了一个垂直平均二维沉积物输运数学模型,结合潮流和沉积物资料,模拟研究了沉积物输运机制和海底冲淤演变过程。模拟结果表明,垂直河口射流的潮流决定了本区沉积物净输运的总体格局,风应力对悬浮泥沙和推移质泥沙运动也起到重要作用。潮流底应力和活动层厚度分布表明,黄河口门和埕岛油田附近海域是潮流底应力和活动层厚度高值区,为沉积物活跃区,海底稳定性弱,易于侵蚀再搬运。冲淤计算表明,埕岛油田附近海域为冲刷中心区;现在河口水下三角洲在断流时为冲刷区,正常行河时则转为淤积区。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionWhenatankerisberthedormooredtoanoceanplatform ,whichisusuallyinopenseas,thetankerwillsufferforcesgeneratedbywaves ,windandcurrent.Inmostofthepreviousstudies ,thein fluenceofcurrentorthecombinedwaveandcurrentwasconsideredtobethemainobject.Ins…  相似文献   

随着碎石土强夯地基的推广应用,解决如何对其进行快速有效地检测,提供其准确的强度及变形参数问题,具有重要的经济及安全意义。提出了一种利用平板静力载荷试验、动力触探、地基动刚度测试三种基本手段,建立相关数学模型,主要应用后两种手段进行联合检测的新思路。并将相关数学模型以经验公式的形式进行了总结,对碎石土强夯地基的检测具有指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对广利河口拦门沙运动参数的测试及3种下水力插板上波浪力的试验研究,定量给出了泥沙初动、中动、普动、扬动变化曲线,准确绘制了水力插板波压力分布图,为广利河口拦门沙治理和航道管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在青岛某饱和软土场区采用强夯置换和砂井-强夯2种不同方案进行试夯试验。在试验区距夯点不同距离、不同深度的土层中埋设孔隙水压力计,通过观测,分析试夯过程中超孔隙水压力的变化规律,得出以下结论:2 000~2 500kN·m夯击能作用下,点夯试验最佳夯击数为强夯置换14击、砂井强夯16击,且2种方案强夯有效加固深度均可达6m;强夯置换区块距离夯点越近,超孔隙水压力累积幅值越大,而砂井-强夯区块这一趋势则不明显;砂井-强夯区块较强夯置换区快地基具有更好的均匀性,但其夯后超孔隙水压力消散速度比后者慢;孔压监测是确定强夯参数,了解加固深度,评价加固效果的有效手段。  相似文献   

In this artice, the influence of clay content on the wave-induced liquefaction in marine sediments was reported. The one-dimensional (1-D) equipment was setup with a vertical cylinder and 1.8–m–thick clayey sandy deposit and 0.2–m–thick water above the deposit. Unlike the previous experimental study for a single soil layer, this study used sand-kaolin mixtures, sand-illite mixtures, and sand-bentonite mixtures as the experimental samples. A series of experiments with 3,000 wave cycles in each test were conducted under numerous wave and soil conditions, which allowed us to examine the influence of clay content (CC) on wave-induced liquefaction in marine sediments. The experimental results showed that the clayey sandy deposit will become prone to liquefaction with the increase of CC when CC is less than a critical value, which depends on the type of clay. However, when CC is greater than the critical value, liquefaction depth will decrease as CC increases. Furthermore, when the CC value reaches a certain level, liquefaction will not occur. For example, no liquefaction occurs when CC ≥ 33% for both kaolin-sand and illite-sand mixtures and CC ≥ 16.36% for bentonite-sand mixtures.  相似文献   

A new technology of offshore oil rod pumping production is developed for offshore heavy oil recovery. A new type of miniature hydraulic pumping unit with long-stroke, low pumping speed and compact structure is designed based on the spatial characteristics of offshore platforms. By combining the strengths of sinusoidal velocity curve and trapezoidal velocity curve, a kinematical model of the acceleration, the velocity and displacement of the pumping unit''s hanging point is established. The results show that the pumping unit has good kinematic characteristics of smooth motion and small dynamic load. The multi-degree-of-freedom dynamic model of the single-well pumping unit is established. The first and second order natural frequencies of the sucker rod string subsystem and the pumping unit subsystem are studied. The results show that the first and the second order natural frequencies among the pumping rod string, pumping unit-platform subsystem and the dynamic excitation have differences over 5 times from each other, indicating that resonance phenomenon will not appear during the operation and the dynamic requirements for field use are met in the system.  相似文献   

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