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BROWN  E. H. 《Journal of Petrology》1975,16(2):258-271
This report presents an analysis of phase relations among biotite,muscovite, chlorite, stilpnomelane, actinolite and K-feldsparin a ten component system within the greenschist facies. Itis based on study of the chemical composition of these minerals,on calculations to balance chemical equationsamong them, andon their field distribution. A petrogenetic grid resulting fromthis treatment consists of a single invariant point and multipleunivariant lines, the number depending on what part of the assemblageset is held constant. The reactions which involve biotite aresimilar to previously proposed reactions for the biotite isograd.At high pressure, biotite is produced from muscovite+stilpnomelane+actinolite±K-feldspar.At low pressure, chlorite+K-feldspar±stilpnomelane±actinolitereact to form biotite. A biotite-free reaction, not previouslyidentified, divides the chlorite zone into high pressure andlow pressure fields, characterized by the assemblages muscovite+stilpnomelane+actinoliteand chlorite+K-feldspar, respectively. In the blueschist facies,muscovite plus stilpnomelane and/or actinolite are stable insteadof biotite.  相似文献   

Analyses of a series of coexisting minerals and their host rocks,from the Aberfoyle area, indicate that previously proposed biotite-formingreactions are inadequate to account for the appearance of biotitein the Dalradian greywackes and pelites. Initially biotite isformed as a product of the breakdown of the assemblage chlorite+microcline+phengiticmuscovite in greywackes of suitable bulk composition. With increasein grade the stability field of the biotite-bearing assemblageis enlarged through the reduction in the amount of celadonitesubstitution that can be tolerated by the white micas. The stabilityfield increases so that it includes progressively more aluminousrocks. The sequence of biotile-forming reactions is used to definethree zones of increasing metamorphic grade in the Dalradiangreywackes and pelites. The interrelationships of the assemblagesdeveloped in these zones are considered in detail. The assemblagesdeveloped in the Green Beds are explained on the assumptionthat the fugacity of CO2 is a third intensive variable.  相似文献   

变质火山岩、火山碎屑岩的绿片岩相成岩格子可用阳起石—黑云母—方解石—绿泥石—绿帘石—白云母六相三元系和钠长石—阳起石—黑云母—方解石—绿泥石—绿帘石六相三元系成岩格子来表示,石英往往为过剩组分。在只讨论两个强度相同的变量前提下,每个六相三元系的成岩格子都只可能有一对成对的成岩格子,且这对成岩格子的非封闭双变区的分区相同、分区之间的边界斜率相同、相应的单变线的排列顺序也相同,因此,六相三元系的每个成岩格子中的不变点数、单变线数、和双变区数之间的关系可用数学式来表示。  相似文献   

Reactions in Amphibolite, Greenschist and Blueschist   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mineral assemblages in which chlorite [CHL], epidote [EPI],clinoamphibole [AMP], plagioclase [PLG] and quartz [QTZ] aremajor phases are characteristic of many low-grade mafic schists.The possible heterogeneous reactions in such an assemblage maybe separated into two types, exchange reactions and net-transferreactions. Only the latter alter significantly the modal proportionsof the minerals. A set of linearly independent reactions defines a reaction spaceof as many dimensions as there are independent reactions. Thespace defined by the net-transfer reactions alone is a sub-spacethat can be portrayed in three dimensions for the above assemblage.A procedure is presented herein that gives a set of independentreactions that may be taken as basis reactions for definingsuch a reaction space. All other reactions that can be writtenfor this assemblage, as well as observed whole-rock reactions,can be portrayed as vectors in these reaction spaces. Thesevectors connect the region (mineral facies) accessible to theabove assemblage. The whole-rock reactions of Laird (1980) relatinggreenschist, blueschist and various low-grade amphibolites fromVermont, provide informative examples, as do the whole-rockexperiments of Liou et al. (1974). Although reaction spaces apply to both equilibrium and disequilibriumassemblages the reactions selected as basis vectors correspondone-for-one to the chemical conditions for equilibrium thatmust obtain in any fully equilibrated assemblage. The set selectedis one that provides maximum sensitivity for geothermometric,geobarometric and geohygrometric purposes.  相似文献   

All a priori possible types of PT diagrams for medium-temperaturequartz- and muscovite- bearing metapelites, are deduced theoreticallyon the base of analysis of the concentration diagram for thesystem SiO2-AI2O3-Fe2O3-FeO-MgO-CaO-K2O-Na2O-H2O. Comparisonswith all known mineralogic observations permitted one to choosethe most probable type of diagram for all those derived. PTcalibration of this paragenetic grid is given as based on experimentaldata. It is established, that the Fe/Mg ratio decreases in mineralsof all the univariant associations with increase of pressure.The same is true of divariant associations at constant temperature. The suggested new scheme of subfacies permits the detailingof estimates of the PT conditions for the medium-temperatureregion (in the first place with respect to pressure).  相似文献   

FERRY  J. M. 《Journal of Petrology》1986,27(3):695-714
Wood & Graham (1986) suggest that fluid: rock ratios ofFerry (1984) were over-estimated because the temperature ofthe biotite isograd, inferred from biotite-garnet and calcite-dolomitegeothermometry, was underestimated by {small tilde}40?C. Wood& Graham's critique of calcite-dolomite geothermometry isincomplete because it fails to account for the effect of MnCO3substitutions in calcite on estimated temperatures. New datathat consider the effects of both FeCO3 and MnCO3 substitutionssuggest that published calcite-dolomite temperatures need nosignificant correction. Their proposed correction to biotite-garnettemperatures, based on the garnet solid solution model of Ganguly& Saxena (1984), has an uncertainty of at least 100 percent and is not significantly different from zero. An empiricalscheme that corrects for the effects of grossular and spessartinesubstitution in garnet on estimated temperature, along withthe large uncertainty in Wood and Graham's proposed correction,suggest that published biotite-garnet temperatures also needno significant revision. The preferred temperature for the biotiteisograd remains {small tilde}400?C. In turn, the preferred estimatesof fluid: rock ratios remain unchanged; pelitic phyllites interactedwith at least 1-2 rock volumes fluid during the biotite-formingreaction at 400?C. Varied geologic, petrologic, and isotopic data are reviewedthat support fluid:rock ratios > 1 during low-grade metamorphismboth in south-central Maine and worldwide. Chemical interactionbetween rocks and fluids that are initially out of equilibriummay be an essential driving force behind many instances of low-graderegional metamorphism. Fluid:rock ratios > 1 and recent stableisotope studies should encourage serious consideration of amulti-pass model for metamorphic fluid flow.  相似文献   

Ferry's (1984) analysis of the biotite isograd in pelitic schistsof the Waterville Formation (south-central Maine, U.S.A.) ledto the conclusion that metamorphism had been caused by infiltrationof 1–2 rock volumes of aqueous fluid. We find that thisimportant observation is extremely sensitive to the assumedtemperature of metamorphism and to corresponding uncertaintiesin the thermodynamic data and solution assumptions. Uncertaintiesin the experimental calibrations of the geothermometers areon the order of ? 30?C. In addition, an analysis of the effectsof minor substituents on calcite-dolomite and garnet-biotitegeothermometers indicates that Ferry's (1980) temperatures areabout 40?C too low in the garnet zone. Correcting the phaseequilibria to higher temperatures by this latter amount lowersfluid:rock ratios by an order of magnitude to about 0?1:1. Sincesmall uncertainties have such great effects it is clearly importantto perform careful uncertainty analyses before using Ferry'sapproach to draw wide-ranging conclusions about fluid-rock interactions.Given a 40?C upward revision of temperature it is not necessaryto invoke pervasive infiltration of aqueous fluid as the majoragent of metamorphism. With these low fluid:rock ratios thewater source could reasonably be a thin sequence of underlyingmetapelites and/or the granitic intrusives which accompaniedthe Acadian orogeny.  相似文献   

Mineralogical assemblages developed in the non-calcareous manganiferoussediments in India and subjected to regional metamorphism underchlorite to sillimanite grade conditions have been studied indetail. Based on a series of idealized reactions compatiblewith the recorded assemblages in the system Mn-Fe-Si-O, formany of which there is unambiguous textural evidence in therocks, a combined schematic petrogenetic grid consistent withtopological and thermodynamic considerations has been constructed. The inferred petrogenetic grid, coupled with the mineralogicaland textural evidence present in the manganiferous assemblagesand the enclosing rock formations, can be reconciled with thefollowing: (1) The mineralogical reactions attending regionalmetamorphism of the manganiferous sediments buffered the compositionof the coexisting fluid phase. (2) Due to the closed natureof the system as a whole and also due to lack of communicationbetween the different parts thereof, local variations in theinitial proportions of the non-volatile to volatile phases andtheir compositions led to the development of contrasting sequencesof mineralogical reactions and, therefore, fo2-T gradients evenwithin the same metamorphic grade. (3) Rhodonite, developedas a prograde reaction product in the garnet to sillimanitegrade conditions, was converted to rhodonite-pyroxmangite mixture/intergrowthduring cooling. Compositional variance, resulting from the substitution of Mnby Fe and incorporation of components such as Mg, Ca in thephases, would tend to shift the univariant reaction curves inthe grid towards opposite directions and/or split them intomultivariant intervals in fo2-T space without altering the generalstyle of the topology or the principal deductions made therefrom.  相似文献   

Greenschist facies metabasite sills enclosed within phyllitesand psammites of the Dalradian Supergroup of the SW ScottishHighlands have been used as quantitative sensors of fluid flow,from which ‘fossil’ fluid flow-paths have been mapped.Infiltration of H2O–CO2 fluid caused carbonation of themetabasite assemblage. Consequently, metabasite sills have developeda characteristic asymmetric zonation of reacted (carbonate-bearing)margins and unreacted (carbonate-absent) interiors. Reactionfront advection theory has been used to constrain the time-integratedfluid flux and flow direction in one dimension, for each sill,from the widths of the reacted margins. Three-dimensional fluxesand flow directions have been constrained from one-dimensionalfluxes by geometrical computation, and regional fluid flow patternshave been deduced. On a regional scale, fluid flow was channelled through phyllitesand focused towards the axial zone of major antiformal foldstructures. Fluid flow was channelled through the 6 km thickArdrishaig Phyllites, within which fluid fluxes were found toincrease exponentially with proximity to the axial surface ofthe Ardrishaig Anticline. Fluid flow through the psammites waslimited to narrow zones of intense deformation associated withmetabasic or phyllitic intercalations. Although time-integratedfluid fluxes were locally high (4 102 m3/m2), average fluxes(100 m1/m2) are compatible with availability of fluid from underlyingdevolatilizing rocks. Complete isotopic homogenization of phyllites,psammites and metabasites within the axial region of the ArdrishaigAnticline is predicted by these high measured fluxes. KEY WORDS: 3-D flow; Dalradian; SW Scotland; greenschist facies; metabasites *Corresponding author. Telephone: 0131-650-5885 Fax: 0131-668-3184 E-mail: askelton{at}glg.ed.ac.uk  相似文献   

Experiments in the quartz-saturated part of the system KFMASHunder fO2 conditions of the haematite–magnetite bufferand using bulk compositions with XMg of 0·81, 0·72,0·53 define the stability limits of several mineral assemblageswithin the PT field 9–12 kbar, 850–1100°C.The stability limits of the mineral assemblages orthopyroxene+ spinel + cordierite ± sapphirine, orthopyroxene + garnet+ sapphirine, sapphirine + cordierite + orthopyroxene and garnet+ orthopyroxene + spinel have been delineated on the basis ofPT and T–X pseudosections. Sapphirine did not appearin the bulk composition of XMg = 0·53. A partial petrogeneticgrid applicable to high Mg–Al granulites metamorphosedat high fO2, developed in our earlier work, was extended tohigher pressures. The experimental results were successfullyapplied to several high-grade terranes to estimate PTconditions and retrograde PT trajectories. KEY WORDS: KFMASH equilibria; experimental petrogenetic grid at high fO2  相似文献   

The biotite isograd in pelitic schists of the Waterville Formationinvolved reaction of muscovite + ankerite + rutile + pyrite+graphite + siderite or calcite to form biotite + plagioclase+ ilmenite. There was no single reaction in all pelites; eachrock experienced a unique reaction depending on the mineralogyand proportions of minerals in the chlorite-zone equivalentfrom which it evolved. Quartz, chlorite, and pyrrhotite werereactants in some rocks and products in others. All inferredbiotite-forming reactions involved decarbonation and desulfidation;some were dehydration reactions and others were hydration reactions.P-T conditions at the biotite isograd were near 3500 bars and400 °C. C-O-H-S fluids in equilibrium with the pelitic rockswere close to binary CO2-H2O mixtures with XCO2 = 0.02–0.04.During the biotite-forming reaction, pelitic rocks (a) decreasedby 2–5 percent in volume, (b) performed – (4–11)kcal/liter P-V work on their surroundings, (c) absorbed 38–85kcal/liter heat from their surroundings, and (d) were infiltratedby at least 0.9–2.2 rock volumes H2O fluid. The biotite isograd sharply marks the limit of a decarbonationfront that passed through the terrane during regional metamorphism.Decarbonation converted meta-shales with 6–10 per centcarbonate to carbonate-free pelitic schists. One essential causeof the decarbonation event was pervasive infiltration of theterrane by at least 1–2 rock volumes H2O fluid early inthe metamorphic event under P-T conditions of the biotite isograd.Average shale contains 4–13 per cent siderite, ankerite,and/or calcite, but average pelitic schist is devoid of carbonateminerals. If the Waterville Formation serves as a general modelfor the metamorphism of pelitic rocks, it is likely that worldwidemany pelitic schists developed by decarbonation of shale caused,in part, by pervasive infiltration of metamorphic terranes byseveral rock volumes of aqueous fluid during an early stageof the metamorphic event.  相似文献   

Basanitoid, alkal basalt, andesite and dacite compositions fromGrenada, Lesser Antilles, show a differentation trend from nepheline-normative,through hypersthene-normative to quartz-normative. This unusualsequence, in which the liquids migrate through the low pressurethermal divide of olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase from criticallyundersaturated compositions, is interpreted from experimentaland chemical data as the result of crystallization of amphiboleunder a hydrous pressure of several kilobars.  相似文献   

浅成-次火山岩黑云母Cu,Au成矿示踪意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
浅成-次火山岩是许多斑岩型和斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜、金矿床矿质和流体的重要来源,斑岩体初始岩浆的Cu,Au丰度,CI,F含量及岩浆结晶时的氧逸度是其能否最终形成含Cu,Au流体的关键因素。黑云母是浅成-次火山中酸性侵入体中最常见的铁镁矿物,含有较丰富的Cu,Au及挥发分CI,F其Fe^3 /Fe^3 (Fe^3 Fe^2 )比值可以反映其结晶时岩浆的氧化还原状态,尤其是斑晶黑云母往往形成于岩浆流体出溶和去气作用发生之前,它能灵敏地指示其母岩浆的初始Cu,Au丰度和CI,F含量及氧化还原状态,因此,可以作为成矿物质、成矿流体来源的理想示踪矿物,并可用于浅成-次火山侵入人体的成矿潜力。在一些斑岩型铜、金矿床和斑岩-浅成低温热液型金、铜矿床分布区开展浅成-次火山侵入体黑云母的成矿示踪研究,对于解决矿床成因和指导找矿实践均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Biotite Equilibria and Fluid Circulation in the Klokken Intrusion   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Chemical variation in biotite from the KJokken gabbro-syeniteintrusion in the Proterozoic Gardar province in South Greenlandhas been investigated by electron probe and, for F and Li, ionmicroprobe. Most mica occurs in small amounts as fringes onilmenomagnetite or fayalite, rarely as an intercumulus or poikiliticphase. The micas range continuously from Phlog70Ann30 in a gabbro,to Phlog4Ann96 in the most evolved (slightly persilicic andperalkaline) syenite. In the syenites Fe-Mg partitioning betweenbiotite and olivine can be described by a single distributioncoefficient, Kd = XF XBiotMs/XBiotFe 3, suggesting that thesereactant phases mix ideally at the reaction T. Experimentaldata for Fe-Mg exchange via aqueous chloride solutions (Schulien,1980) imply low T (32Q?C). F was absent in the experiments andmay significantly affect the exchange equilibrium. Kd in thegabbros is 1, consistent with equilibrium via a fluid depletedin F because of crystallization of large amounts of amphibole. Al, Mn, and Ti vary regularly throughout the series and canbe used as markers of cryptic variation in the layered syenites.(Al + Si): 22 O is always in the range 7.7–7.85. A1/(A1+ Si) decreases from 0.31 in gabbros to 0.25 in the most Fe-richmicas. Li is always < 260 ppm w. In the syenite series, Fshows a near-linear inverse relationship with Fe/(Fe + Mg) whichpasses close to OF at Ann100 with l.4 wt% F(0–7 F to 44positive charges) at Ann44. Biotites in the gabbro unit (whichforms an outer sheath to the intrusion) have relatively lessF, probably because it was consumed by coexisting amphibole.I8O is similar for both gabbros and syenites, and it is unlikelythat an envelope fluid was involved in the reactions. G reachesa maximum of 0.3 wt. % in biotite except for that in one syenitesample with 0–7 wt. %. Calculation of relative F-OH fugacitiesfrom the reaction OH-phlogopite + F-annite = F-phlogopite +OH-annite, as calibrated by Munoz (1984), appears to suggestthat each horizon in the layered series was in equilibrium witha slightly different fluid. In view of the intimate interleavingof these lithologies, this is improbable. The equilibrium constantof the exchange reaction, obtained from the experimental data,seems not to be appropriate to the Klokken assemblage, or toother examples of regular F-Fe avoidance. Explanations may includeshort-range Fe-Mg ordering in the natural examples or the effectof additional components in the fluid. F contents are high incomparison with biotites from calc-alkaline complexes; highmagmatic F may account for the igneous layering common in theGardar. Temperatures calculated from reactions involving fayaliteand magnetite show that most biotites grew subsolidus. The F-poorannites grew > 300 ?C subsolidus even when texturally intercumulus.Stable isotope data are consistent with the separation and retentionof a deuteric fluid during the final stage of magmatic crystallization.Klokken was not generally subject to the pervasive, long-range(in both distance and time) dydrothermal interactions demonstratedin calcalkaline and theleiitic intrusions, although more extensivefluid flow is indicated for the more permeable laminated syenites.The biotites preserve chemical variation indicating local equilibriumwith other mafic phases, and halogens provide a useful markerof subsolidus fluid flow.  相似文献   

秦岭沙河湾环斑花岗岩中黑云母的研究及其意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文对秦岭沙河湾环斑花岗岩中黑云母的类型、化学成分及结晶时的温度和压力条件等进行了研究。黑云母为镁质黑云母;富MgO,贫TiO2;结晶时t=750~820℃,p=01GPa,logfO2=-85~-95。这既不同于S型和A型花岗岩中的黑云母,也有别于Ⅰ型花岗岩中的黑云母。揭示了该岩体是一种特殊构造环境下的过渡成因类型,说明黑云母的研究可为岩体成因类型及构造环境提供依据。  相似文献   

桂北雪峰期含锡黑云母花岗岩成因的见证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对桂北地区进行了野外地质工作,重点观察和研究了雪峰期含锡黑云母花岗岩和四堡群变质岩的产状和特征,并采集了它们的标本,进行了系统的岩矿鉴定、人工重砂分析和岩石化学成分对比,从宏观到微观总结出四堡群中、下部的变质岩与雪峰期的含锡黑云母花岗岩有成因关系的10个方面的证据,并被高温高压成岩实验所证实。这些证据和分析方法对于研究华南古老变质岩地区的同类花岗岩有其重要意义。  相似文献   

Diamictons which have characteristics of both basal tills and lacustrine sedimenis have been called by various authors waterlaid tills, lacuatrotills, subaqueous tills, aqualills, underwater tills, and other terms with the word till replaced by moraine. It is proposed that a more restrictive definition of these terms be applied based on criteria indicative of the environment of deposition.
The term lacustrotill is proposed for the till-like sediments deposited in the lacustrine environment by flow mechanisms. Their clasts are often striated and may exhibit preferred orientation unrelated to glacier movement. Deformation structures suggestive of slumping or flowage during deposition are usually present.
The term waterlaid till is proposed for sediments deposited beneath a floating glacier, where the water depth does not allow appreciable size separation during settling: glacial drift dumped in standing water at the snout of a glacier grounded on a lake bottom: or till deposited during re advances (perhaps annually) into a lake basin and subsequently slightly reworked by lacustrine processes.
These sediments contain glacially abraded clasts which may even show a weak preferred orientation related to glacial movement; deformation and flow structures will not normally be present: and they may he massive, or exhibit crude stratification.  相似文献   

以胶质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mucilaginosus)与黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)为例,比较了细菌与真菌对黑云母风化作用的异同点,为研究微生物风化矿物的作用机制提供了实验依据。分别采用有氮培养基和察氏培养基作为胶质芽孢杆菌和黑曲霉的实验培养基,并以黑云母矿粉为钾源,培养5天后利用ICP-OES、SEM及酶活测定等方法,对发酵液中各种离子浓度、矿物表面形貌以及发酵液中碳酸酐酶(CA)活性进行检测。胶质芽孢杆菌与矿物通过多糖等黏性物质紧紧黏附在一起形成细菌-矿物复合体,而黑曲霉与矿物相互作用则形成了真菌-矿物聚集体。黑曲霉培养液中离子溶出量总体高于胶质芽孢杆菌培养液,其中Al 3+、Fe3+和K+含量分别高出约17、30和3mg/L;分泌的酸性物质的量和CA活性都明显高于胶质芽孢杆菌,表明黑曲霉拥有对矿物更强的风化能力。  相似文献   

黑龙江省东宁县金厂金矿发现于20世纪60年代。20世纪90年代开始,武警黄金地质研究所和武警黄金第一总队在此开展找矿勘探工作并相应完成对其的科学研究工作。目前,该金矿已提交金资源量(333)超过90吨,是国内外罕见的以金为主的大型斑岩型金矿床。矿区主要岩性为花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、石英闪长岩等,可分为五期。通过研究印支晚期第三阶段黑云母花岗岩的演化、成岩成矿及含矿性,对找矿有指导作用。  相似文献   

红石泉铀矿床黑云母与晶质铀矿同步富集作用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红石泉铀矿床是以岩浆气成热液成矿作用占主导地位的复成因型铀矿床。研究结果表明,黑云母的结晶时间明显晚于伟晶状白岗岩中的长石、石英等主要造岩矿物,这是由白岗质 岩浆本身的物质成分和物理化学条件所决定的。岩体边缘的黑云母与晶质铀矿同步富集作用是以元素地球化学和矿物热力学作用为主导的地质作用。黑云母与晶质铀矿结晶时间相近,具有一定的成因联系,并且,其组份具有明显的亲缘性是二者密切共生的原因。  相似文献   

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