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Subsidence hazards due to evaporite dissolution in the United States   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Evaporites, including gypsum (or anhydrite) and salt, are the most soluble of common rocks; they are dissolved readily to form the same type of karst features that typically are found in limestones and dolomites, and their dissolution can locally result in major subsidence structures. The four basic requirements for evaporite dissolution to occur are: (1) a deposit of gypsum or salt; (2) water, unsaturated with CaSO4 or NaCl; (3) an outlet for escape of dissolving water; and (4) energy to cause water to flow through the system. Evaporites are present in 32 of the 48 contiguous states of the United States, and they underlie about 35–40% of the land area. Karst is known at least locally (and sometimes quite extensively) in almost all areas underlain by evaporites, and some of these karst features involve significant subsidence. The most widespread and pronounced examples of both gypsum and salt karst and subsidence are in the Permian basin of the southwestern United States, but many other areas also are significant. Human activities have caused some evaporite–subsidence development, primarily in salt deposits. Boreholes may enable (either intentionally or inadvertently) unsaturated water to flow through or against salt deposits, thus allowing development of small to large dissolution cavities. If the dissolution cavity is large enough and shallow enough, successive roof failures above the cavity can cause land subsidence or catastrophic collapse.  相似文献   

In the valley of the Ebro River to the southeast of the city of Zaragoza (NE Spain), the dissolution of evaporite sediments (gypsum, halite and Na-sulphates) which underlie alluvial deposits gives rise to numerous sinkholes. These sinkholes are a potential hazard to human safety, particularly where they develop in a catastrophic way. Even slow-developing sinkholes are problematic, as they damage urban and agricultural infrastructure, necessitating costly repairs and vigilant maintenance. To assist in developing avoidance strategies for these hazards, the factors controlling sinkhole occurrence have been assessed using geomorphological maps produced from aerial photographs for 1956 and 1981. Important controls on sinkhole development are found to include underlying geological structure (manifest in preferred orientations of sinkholes on the azimuths N130-150E and N30-40E), and the presence of glauberite in the groundwater flow path, which apparently promotes accelerated gypsum dissolution. Perhaps surprisingly, alluvium thickness does not appear to significantly correlate with the density of sinkholes on the floodplain in this area. The maps for 1956 and 1981 reveal that both human activity and natural processes can serve to obscure the true density of sinkhole development. For instance, a large number of sinkholes which were conspicuous in 1956 have since been back-filled by farmers. In the most fluvially active zone of the Ebro valley (the meander belt), the relatively low density of sinkholes compared with adjoining zones suggests that subsidence is being masked by morpho-sedimentary dynamic processes (aggradation and erosion). Careful geomorphological mapping for different time periods yields a much more accurate impression of the frequency of sinkhole development than would be gained from surveying currently visible sinkholes in the area of interest.  相似文献   

A preliminary sinkhole susceptibility analysis has been carried out in a stretch 50 km2 in area of the Ebro valley alluvial evaporite karst (NE Spain). A spatial database consisting of a sinkhole layer and 27 thematic layers related to causal factors was constructed and implemented in a GIS. Three types of sinkholes were differentiated on the basis of their markedly different morphometry and geomorphic distribution: large subsidence depressions (24), large collapse sinkholes (23), and small cover-collapse sinkholes (447). The susceptibility models were produced analysing the statistical relationships between the mapped sinkholes and a set of conditioning factors using the Favourability Functions approach. The statistical analyses indicate that the best models are obtained with 6 conditioning factors out of the 27 available ones and that different factors and processes are involved in the generation of each type of sinkhole. The validation of two models by means of a random-split strategy shows that reasonably good predictions on the spatial distribution of future dolines may be produced with this approach; around 75% of the sinkholes of the validation sample occur on the 10% of the pixels with the highest susceptibility and about 45% of the area can be considered as safe.  相似文献   

The lowest 17-km long reach of the Huerva River valley, down to its confluence with the Ebro River in Zaragoza city, flows across salt-bearing evaporites of the Ebro Tertiary Basin (NE Spain). Upstream, the horizontally lying Miocene evaporites are interfingered with non-soluble distal alluvial fan facies (shales and sandstones). The proportion of soluble facies in the Huerva River valley increases in a downstream direction towards the basin depocenter. On the basis of the type and magnitude of the paleosubsidence features, the valley has been divided into four reaches. Along reach I, undeformed terrace deposits less than 4 m thick rest on insoluble detrital bedrock. In reaches II and III, dissolution at the alluvium–bedrock boundary has generated local thickening, deformation and paleocollapse structures, which only affect the alluvial mantle. In reach IV, terrace deposits thicken to over 60 m resulting from a large-scale synsedimentary subsidence. In this sector, subsidence locally affects to both the alluvium and the underlying bedrock. This indicates that dissolution acts at the rockhead beneath the alluvial cover (alluvial karst) and within the evaporitic substratum (interstratal karst). The development of an intraevaporitic karst in reach IV is attributed to gypsum and salt dissolution. Irregular terrace gravel bodies (gravel pockets) embedded in a fine-grained matrix associated with paleocollapse structures have been interpreted as liquefaction–fluidization structures resulting from ground acceleration and suction induced by catastrophic collapses. Subsidence is currently active in the region affecting areas with a thin alluvial cover in reaches III and IV. The low subsidence activity in most of Zaragoza city is explained by the presence of thickened (around 50 m) and indurated alluvial deposits. In the surrounding area, numerous buildings in Cadrete and Santa Fe villages have been severely damaged by subsidence. Natural and human-induced subsidence favours the development of slope movements in the gypsum scarp overlooking Cadrete village. Several transport routes including the Imperial Canal (irrigation canal) and the recently completed Madrid–Barcelona high-speed railway are affected by human-induced sinkholes. The paleocollapse structures exposed in the trenches of this railway and a ring road under construction point to hazardous locations underlain by cavities and collapse structures where special protection measures should be applied. Rigid structures are recommended beneath the high-speed railway with sufficient strength to span the larger sinkholes with no deformation. Electronic monitoring devices linked to a warning system can detect subtle subsidence-induced deformations in carriageways or railways. This research demonstrates that the study of the paleokarst helps to understand the processes involved in the present-day subsidence phenomena and their general spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Sinkholes usually have a higher probability of occurrence and a greater genetic diversity in evaporite terrains than in carbonate karst areas. This is because evaporites have a higher solubility and, commonly, a lower mechanical strength. Subsidence damage resulting from evaporite dissolution generates substantial losses throughout the world, but the causes are only well understood in a few areas. To deal with these hazards, a phased approach is needed for sinkhole identification, investigation, prediction, and mitigation. Identification techniques include field surveys and geomorphological mapping combined with accounts from local people and historical sources. Detailed sinkhole maps can be constructed from sequential historical maps, recent topographical maps, and digital elevation models (DEMs) complemented with building-damage surveying, remote sensing, and high-resolution geodetic surveys. On a more detailed level, information from exposed paleosubsidence features (paleokarst), speleological explorations, geophysical investigations, trenching, dating techniques, and boreholes may help in investigating dissolution and subsidence features. Information on the hydrogeological pathways including caves, springs, and swallow holes are particularly important especially when corroborated by tracer tests. These diverse data sources make a valuable database—the karst inventory. From this dataset, sinkhole susceptibility zonations (relative probability) may be produced based on the spatial distribution of the features and good knowledge of the local geology. Sinkhole distribution can be investigated by spatial distribution analysis techniques including studies of preferential elongation, alignment, and nearest neighbor analysis. More objective susceptibility models may be obtained by analyzing the statistical relationships between the known sinkholes and the conditioning factors. Chronological information on sinkhole formation is required to estimate the probability of occurrence of sinkholes (number of sinkholes/km2 year). Such spatial and temporal predictions, frequently derived from limited records and based on the assumption that past sinkhole activity may be extrapolated to the future, are non-corroborated hypotheses. Validation methods allow us to assess the predictive capability of the susceptibility maps and to transform them into probability maps. Avoiding the most hazardous areas by preventive planning is the safest strategy for development in sinkhole-prone areas. Corrective measures could be applied to reduce the dissolution activity and subsidence processes. A more practical solution for safe development is to reduce the vulnerability of the structures by using subsidence-proof designs.  相似文献   

Quantitative sinkhole hazard assessments in karst areas allow calculation of the potential sinkhole risk and the performance of cost-benefit analyses. These estimations are of practical interest for planning, engineering, and insurance purposes. The sinkhole hazard assessments should include two components: the probability of occurrence of sinkholes (sinkholes/km2 year) and the severity of the sinkholes, which mainly refers to the subsidence mechanisms (progressive passive bending or catastrophic collapse) and the size of the sinkholes at the time of formation; a critical engineering design parameter. This requires the compilation of an exhaustive database on recent sinkholes, including information on the: (1) location, (2) chronology (precise date or age range), (3) size, and (4) subsidence mechanisms and rate. This work presents a hazard assessment from an alluvial evaporite karst area (0.81 km2) located in the periphery of the city of Zaragoza (Ebro River valley, NE Spain). Five sinkholes and four locations with features attributable to karstic subsidence where identified in an initial investigation phase providing a preliminary probability of occurrence of 0.14 sinkholes/km2 year (11.34% in annual probability). A trenching program conducted in a subsequent investigation phase allowed us to rule out the four probable sinkholes, reducing the probability of occurrence to 0.079 sinkholes/km2 year (6.4% in annual probability). The information on the severity indicates that collapse sinkholes 10–15 m in diameter may occur in the area. A detailed study of the deposits and deformational structures exposed by trenching in one of the sinkholes allowed us to infer a modern collapse sinkhole approximately 12 m in diameter and with a vertical throw of 8 m. This collapse structure is superimposed on a subsidence sinkhole around 80 m across that records at least 1.7 m of synsedimentary subsidence. Trenching, in combination with dating techniques, is proposed as a useful methodology to elucidate the origin of depressions with uncertain diagnosis and to gather practical information with predictive utility about particular sinkholes in alluvial karst settings: precise location, subsidence mechanisms and magnitude, and timing and rate of the subsidence episodes.  相似文献   

Geological and environmental implications of the evaporite karst in Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Spain, evaporite outcrops cover approximately 7% of the total area of the country. Most of the evaporitic formations are made up of Ca-sulfates (gypsum/anhydrite) or Ca-sulfates and halite. Certain Paleogene marine evaporites also contain K-Mg-chlorides, and some Tertiary continental formations bear substantial amounts of Na-sulfates in the subsurface (glauberite and thenardite). Mesozoic evaporitic formations commonly wedge out towards the ground surface, passing into condensed sequences and dissolution-collapse breccias. Some of these highly porous breccias constitute major regional aquifers. In several areas, interstratal karstification of the evaporites has given rise to gravitational deformations such as basin structures, monoclines, and collapse structures covering several square kilometers that record a cumulative subsidence in excess of 200 m (Teruel and Calatayud Grabens). A widespread consequence of evaporite dissolution processes in Spain is the hydrochemical degradation of surface waters. Some of the largest and most outstanding lake systems, from an environmental perspective, occur in karstic depressions developed in evaporitic formations (Fuente de Piedra, Gallocanta, Bujaraloz, and Bañolas lakes). Sinkhole activity is a major geohazard in several evaporite karst areas. The sinkhole risk has a particularly high impact in sectors where Tertiary evaporites are overlain by Quaternary alluvial aquifers (Calatayud, Zaragoza, and Madrid areas). Some of the detrimental effects of subsidence include severe damage to historical monuments (Calatayud), the demolition of a whole village (Puilatos), or the derailment of a freight train (Zaragoza area). The deepest gypsum caves are found in Triassic diapiric structures (El Sumidor Cave, 210 m deep), and the longest ones are developed in horizontally lying Neogene sequences (Sorbas caves, and Estremera maze cave). The Cardona diapir hosts salt caves up to 4,300 m long whose genesis is related to flooding of mine galleries caused by the interception of a phreatic conduit. The main anthropogenic impacts on the endokarstic systems are related to the disposal of wastewaters and the destruction of caves by quarrying. The fluvial valleys that cross Tertiary evaporitic outcrops commonly show peculiar geological characteristics related to dissolution-induced synsedimentary subsidence phenomena: (1) Thickened alluvium filling dissolution basins up to several tens of kilometers long and more than 100 m deep. The largest thickenings are found in areas where the bedrock contains halite and glauberite. (2) Superimposed alluvial units locally bounded by angular unconformities. (3) Abundant deformational structures and paleosinkholes related to the rockhead and/or interstratal karstification of the substratum. These fluvial valleys typically are flanked by a prominent gypsum escarpment. Rock-falls favored by the dissolutional enlargement of joints derived from these scarps are the type of mass movement which has caused the highest number of casualties in Spain.  相似文献   

Evaporites, including rock salt (halite) and gypsum (or anhydrite), are the most soluble among common rocks; they dissolve readily to form the same types of karst features that commonly are found in limestones and dolomites. Evaporites are present in 32 of the 48 contiguous states in USA, and they underlie about 40% of the land area. Typical evaporite-karst features observed in outcrops include sinkholes, caves, disappearing streams, and springs, whereas other evidence of active evaporite karst includes surface-collapse structures and saline springs or saline plumes that result from salt dissolution. Many evaporites also contain evidence of paleokarst, such as dissolution breccias, breccia pipes, slumped beds, and collapse structures. All these natural karst phenomena can be sources of engineering or environmental problems. Dangerous sinkholes and caves can form rapidly in evaporite rocks, or pre-existing karst features can be reactivated and open up (collapse) under certain hydrologic conditions or when the land is put to new uses. Many karst features also propagate upward through overlying surficial deposits. Human activities also have caused development of evaporite karst, primarily in salt deposits. Boreholes (petroleum tests or solution-mining operations) or underground mines may enable unsaturated water to flow through or against salt deposits, either intentionally or accidentally, thus allowing development of small to large dissolution cavities. If the dissolution cavity is large enough and shallow enough, successive roof failures can cause land subsidence and/or catastrophic collapse. Evaporite karst, natural and human-induced, is far more prevalent than is commonly believed.  相似文献   

An active sinkhole around 100 m long has been investigated in the city of Zaragoza (NE Spain). Subsidence activity on this depression, including the sudden occurrence of a collapse sinkhole 5 m across, led to the abandonment of a factory in the 1990s. At the present time, a building with 100 flats and shallow pad foundations partially built on the sinkhole, is affected by rapid differential settlement. The development of the sinkhole results from the karstification of the halite- and glauberite- bearing bedrock and the sagging and collapse of the overlying bedrock and alluvium, more than 30 m thick. GPR and electrical resistivity profiles have provided information on the distribution and geometry of the subsidence structure. The application of the trenching technique and geochronological methods (AMS and OSL dating) has allowed us to infer objective and practical data on the sinkhole including (1) Limits of the subsidence structure, (2) subsidence mechanisms, (3) cumulative subsidence (>408 cm), (4) subsidence rates on specific failure planes (>1.8 cm/year), (5) episodic displacement regime of some fault planes. The available information indicates that the progressive deformation recorded in the building will continue and might be punctuated by events of more rapid displacement. This work illustrates the practicality of the trenching technique for the study of sinkholes in mantled karst areas.  相似文献   

The halite-bearing Barbastro Formation crops out in the core of the Barbastro Anticline (Ebro Tertiary Basin). This anticline is traversed perpendicularly by some of the most important Pyrenean drainages such as the Cinca and Noguera-Ribagorzana Rivers. The terrace sequences of these fluvial systems have been used as markers to identify and assess dissolution-induced subsidence and salt tectonics. In the limbs of the anticline, terrace deposits underlain by detrital bedrock do not show any evidence of deformation and have a consistent thickness of less than 10 m. The deposits of certain terrace levels of the Noguera-Ribagorzana River and its tributary, the Lo Reguer Creek, are locally thickened filling basins generated by dissolution-induced synsedimentary subsidence up to several kilometers long and more than 100 m deep. Conversely, terraces of the Cinca River do not show anomalously high thicknesses, but local uplifts related to differential upward flow of the halite-bearing bedrock. Locally, a minimum uplift rate of 0.3 mm/year has been estimated from a 64-ka terrace tilted away from the valley. The subsidence hazards occur chiefly in areas where the ground receives artificial water recharge. Serviceability of some canals has been notoriously affected by evaporite karstification. The problem has been mitigated to acceptable levels by grouting. Numerous buildings of Ivars de Noguera are severely damaged by dissolution subsidence, and possibly, by hydrocompaction of gypsiferous silts. The pipe network has been replaced to ameliorate the subsidence risk. In the Cinca River valley, cavities with a total volume of about 180,500 m3 have been created by solution mining at depths greater than 500 m. No investigation methods are applied in the brine field to monitor the distribution and evolution of artificial voids. Substantial increase in salinity of the Cinca River is another evidence of subjacent evaporite dissolution.  相似文献   

A review of natural sinkhole phenomena in Italian plain areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Italian sinkholes, which are mainly related to karst phenomena (i.e., solution sinkholes, collapse sinkholes, etc.), are widespread along the Apennine ridge and in pedemontane areas where there are carbonatic bedrock outcrops. However, other collapses, which seem unrelated to karst dissolution, have been identified in plain areas with a thick sedimentary cover over buried bedrock. The main goal of this work is to study the geological, geomorphological, and structural setting of these areas to identify the possible mechanism of the generation and evolution of these collapses. About 750 cases were identified by research based on historical archives, specific geological literature, and information from local administrations. Geological, geomorphological, and hydro-geochemical surveys were conducted in 300 cases, supported by literature, borehole, and seismic data. A few examples were discarded because they could be ascribed to karst dissolution, volcanic origin (i.e., maar), or anthropogenic causes. Field studies regarding the other 450 cases are in progress. These cases occur along the Tyrrhenian margin (Latium, Abruzzo, Campania, Tuscany) in tectonic, coastal, and alluvial plains close to carbonate ridges. These plains are characterized by the presence of pressurized aquifers in the buried bedrock, overlaid by unconsolidated sediments (i.e., clay, sands, pyroclastic deposits, etc.). The majority of these collapses are aligned along regional master and seismogenetic faults. About 50% of the studied cases host small lakes or ponds, often characterized by highly mineralized springs enriched with CO2 and H2S. The Periadriatic margin does not seem to be affected by these phenomena, and only a few cases have been found in Sicily, Sardinia, and Liguria. The obtained scenarios suggests that this type of collapse could be related to upward erosion through vertical conduits (i.e., deep faults) caused by deep piping processes whose erosive strength is increased by the presence of acidic fluids. In order to distinguish these collapses from typical karst dissolution phenomena, they are defined as deep piping sinkholes (DPS).  相似文献   

The Cardona Diapir in NE Spain, with a salt outcrop about 0.9 km2 in area, has a well-developed endokarstic system that used to discharge into the Cardener River. Underground mining for potassium salt carried out from 1930 to 1990 caused significant changes in the topography and hydrology of the diapir. The accumulation of two halite slag heaps, totalling around 10 million tons, locally dammed the surface drainage, creating closed depressions and preferential zones of water recharge. The waters that infiltrated in one of these depressions, largely derived from uncontrolled sewage disposal, led to the generation of a 335-m-long human-induced cave excavated in one of the slag heaps. Moreover, the inflow of freshwater from the surrounding sandstone aquifer, caused by the excavation of a ventilation gallery, resulted in the generation of a 280-m-long cave. In March 1998, the interception of a phreatic conduit by a halite mine gallery 50 m deep caused dramatic changes in the hydrology and geomorphology of the diapir, including: (a) a sudden decline in the piezometric level of the karstic aquifer; (b) the inflow of freshwater and debris from the Cardener River into the endokarstic system and the mine galleries. A tunnel had to be constructed to divert the river flow from the salt outcrop; (c) massive dissolution of salt, creating new cavities and enlarging the pre-existing ones, including both mine galleries or cave passages. The 4,300-m-long Salt Meanders Cave was largely generated by the inrush of water from the Cardener River into the mine galleries; and (d) the generation of a large number of sinkholes in the vicinity of the Cardener River. An inventory of 178 sinkholes has allowed us to estimate minimum probability values of 4.7 and 8 sinkholes/km2·year for time intervals previous and subsequent to the 1998 mine flood event, respectively.  相似文献   

A highly active collapse sinkhole field in the evaporitic mantled karst of the Ebro river valley is studied (NE Spain). The subsidence is controlled by a NW-SE trending joint system and accelerated by the discharge of waste water from a nearby industrial state. The morphometry, spatial distribution and temporal evolution of the sinkholes have been analysed. The volume of the sinkholes yields a minimum estimate of average lowering of the surface by collapse subsidence of 46 cm. The clustering of the sinkholes and the tendency to form elongated uvalas and linear belts, in a NW–SE direction have a predictive utility and allow the establishment of criteria for a hazard zonation. With the precipitation record supplied by a pluviograph and periodic cartographic and photographic surveys the influence of heavy rainfall events on the triggering of collapses has been studied.  相似文献   

张炳晖  张研  王伟  梁家豪 《中国岩溶》2020,39(2):259-263
溶洞规模与其影响因素之间存在着复杂的非线性关系,如何根据影响因素有效预测溶洞规模是一类复杂的模式识别问题。基于高斯过程二元分类模型,提出一种溶洞规模的预测方法,该方法通过对样本的学习,建立溶洞规模与其影响因素之间复杂的非线性映射关系,对仅提供影响因素的预测样本进行具有概率意义的识别输出。研究结果表明,该方法除具有小样本、模型参数自适应确定、识别精度高等优点之外,还能够对预测结果给予概率意义的可信度,为实际工程有效预测溶洞规模提供了定量的依据,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The term karst breakdown is employed in this paper to denote the totality of processes and phenomena of gravitational and/or hydrodynamic destruction of the ceiling of a karst cavity and of the overlying sediments. It refers not only to the existence of a surface subsidence (collapse) feature but, first of all, to the internal (hidden in the subsurface) structures that precede development of a surface form. This study reports and discusses the results of direct mapping and examination of breakdown structures in the gypsum karst of the Western Ukraine, at the level of their origin, i.e., in caves. The accessibility of numerous laterally extensive maze cave systems in the region provided an excellent opportunity for such an approach, which made it possible to examine the relationship between breakdown structures and particular morphogenetic or geological features in caves, and to reveal stages of breakdown development. It is found that breakdown is initiated mainly at specific speleogenetically or geologically weakened localities, which classify into a few distinct types. The majority of breakdowns, which are potent to propagate through the overburden, relate with the outlet cupolas/domepits that represent places where water had discharged out of a cave to the upper aquifer during the period of transverse artesian speleogenesis. Distribution of breakdown structures does not correlate particularly well with the size of the master passages. Several distinct mechanisms of breakdown development are revealed, and most of them proceed in several stages. They are guided by speleogenetic, geological and hydrogeological factors. The study confirms that a speleogenetic approach is indispensable to the understanding of breakdown pre-requisites and mechanisms, as well as for eventual subsidence hazard assessment. Direct observations in caves, aimed both at speleogenetic investigation and breakdown characterization on regional- or site-specific levels, should be employed wherever possible.  相似文献   

How the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) ended is still a matter of intense debate. The Terminal Carbonate Complex (TCC) is a late Messinian carbonate platform system that recorded western Mediterranean hydrological changes from the final stages of evaporite deposition till the advent of Lago-Mare fresh- to brackish water conditions at the very end of Messinian times. A multidisciplinary study has been carried out in three localities in south-eastern Spain to reconstruct the history of TCC platforms and elucidate their significance in the MSC. Overall, this study provides evidence that the TCC formed following a regional 4th order water level rise and fall concomitant with an opening-restriction trend. It can be subdivided into four 5th order depositional sequences (DS1 to DS4) recording two phases: (1) from DS1 to DS3, a tide-dominated ooidic to oobioclastic system with stenohaline faunas developed as a result of a 70 m water level rise. During this period, the TCC developed in a shallow sea with close to normal marine salinity; (2) in depositional sequence 4, a microbialite-dominated platform system developed. This is indicative of a significant environmental change and is attributed to a 30 to 40 m water level fall in the basins under study. These restricted conditions were coeval with intense evaporite deformation and brine recycling. The syn-sedimentary deformation of evaporites had a major impact on platform architecture and carbonate production, affecting the Messinian series throughout south-eastern Spain at the end of the TCC history. At that time, the TCC developed in a lake with fluctuating, brackish- to hypersaline water. These findings suggest a temporary restoration of marine conditions in the western Mediterranean marginal basins due to Atlantic water influxes prompted by a global sea level rise around 5.6 Ma. Whether marine conditions extended to the entire western Mediterranean still needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

以贵州省典型喀斯特山区晴隆县为研究区,以分辨率分别为2.1 m的资源三号(ZY3)影像、10 m的哨兵二号(Sentinel-2)影像、16 m的高分一号(GF1)影像以及30 m的Landsat8影像为数据源,利用面向对象分类和人机交互相结合的方法提取研究区城市居民地、乡镇居民地和农村居民地,并将4种不同分辨率影像上提取的3种居民地信息与从0.5 m分辨率的普莱亚(Pleiades)影像通过目视解译且经实地核查得到的数据进行对比,计算出4种分辨率影像上3种居民地信息的提取精度,对提取结果进行精度对比分析。结果表明:(1)同一分辨率影像中,城镇居民地提取误差小于农村居民地;不同分辨率影像中,随影像分辨率大小的降低3种居民地中城市居民地的精度变化最小,为23.99%,农村居民地的数据精度变化最大,达到35.3%。(2)从2.1 m到30 m分辨率影像,居民地信息错分总误差快速增加,总误差比依次为:2.56%、15.58%、24.50%、32.72%,城市居民地错分误差比明显小于农村居民地,且3种居民地错分为其他地类面积最多的均是裸地;(3)随着影像分辨率大小的降低,居民地漏分总误差分别为2.86%,18.60% ,27.99%,37.49%,其中分散式的农村居民地识别更易受到周围环境的影响,漏分误差随影像分辨率大小降低而显著增加,4种分辨率影像中3种居民地信息漏分误差最小的均为水体,最大的是裸地和耕地。   相似文献   

在岩溶缝洞储层精细描述过程中,利用钻井校正地震的方法恢复岩溶末期的岩溶地貌,发现塔河油田奥陶系岩溶区内东西两侧发育由走滑断裂形成的地貌高带(分水岭),其间为一向南开口的喇叭口状洼地,南接岩溶盆地;利用钻井、测井与地震综合解释方法,发现洼地北部较陡(坡度为2.9°左右)、南部较缓(坡度为1.5°),发育由众多支流汇聚的2条岩溶水系,西侧一条在北部以地表河为主,在南部转入地下河,东面一条地表河与地下河交替发育,由3段地表河和2段地下河组成。由于强烈的侵蚀与溶蚀作用,形成了不同规模及充填物的5种地表河,但多数地表河内没有发现河流砂岩充填,只有岩溶湖泥灰岩沉积;而地下河溶洞内充填了大量的砂岩和泥岩,成为重要的油气储层。地表河原本是有砂泥沉积的,当下游发育地下河时,洪水把原有的砂泥岩冲入地下河,形成了溶洞砂泥岩沉积,除少数下游地表河残留砂泥岩外,塔河地区奥陶系岩溶地表河基本不存在砂质储层。   相似文献   

华仁民 《矿床地质》2011,30(1):163-170
针对<矿床地质>2010年第5期刊登的张旗等(2010)"花岗岩与金铜及钨锡成矿的关系"一文中关于花岗岩分类及其与成矿作用关系的若干重要问题提出质疑,认为该文按照花岗岩Sr和Yb的含量将花岗岩分为埃达克型、喜马拉雅型、浙闽型和南岭型4类的方案存在3个问题:一是埃达克岩不能作为花岗岩分类学中的一种类型;二是花岗岩的Sr、...  相似文献   

石榴石是山东蒙阴金伯利岩型金刚石矿区的重要指示矿物之一,为了确定山东蒙阴金刚石矿区颜色复杂的石榴石种类,判断矿区石榴石特征与含矿性关系。项目组对矿区不同含矿程度金伯利岩中的石榴石进行了系统采样,测定了50件单晶石榴石微区化学成分和128个石榴石单晶的晶胞参数,测试结果显示:山东蒙阴金伯利岩中石榴石族矿物化学式A3B2[SiO4]3中的A组阳离子由Mg2+、Ca2+和Fe2+组成,二价阳离子主要为Mg2+,Mg2+占据十二面体空腔中心位置达53%~82%左右,Ca2+占据十二面体空腔中心位置小于7%~17%、Fe2+占据十二面体空腔中心位置5%~31%左右。B组阳离子主要由Al3+、Cr3+和Fe3+组成,三价阳离子主要为Al3+,[AlO6]八面体占位达62%~92%左右,[FeO6]和[CrO6]八面体占位小于38%;按50个石榴石不同阳离子占据十二面体空腔和八面体空腔的位置多少,山东蒙阴石榴石可划分为10个亚种。根据山东蒙阴金伯利岩中石榴石成分,计算出石榴石形成压力为6.0~9.0 GPa,推测山东蒙阴矿区金伯利岩中有来自深源的石榴石。128件石榴石晶胞参数统计结果显示:山东蒙阴无矿、贫矿、中等含矿、富矿金伯利岩岩体中紫色石榴石晶胞参数分别为大于1.162 nm、1.159~1.160 nm、1.156~1.160 nm和1.155~1.157 nm之间,从无矿岩体→贫矿岩体→中等含矿岩体→富矿岩体,紫色石榴石晶胞参数值有明显变小的趋势。  相似文献   

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