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The surface where the radial component of the solar magnetic field changes sign is computed for a minimum corona. It is shown that (1) the projection of the folds of this surface onto the plane of the sky is consistent with the helmet structures observed during the eclipse of June 30, 1954; (2) there are type 1 and type 2 helmets, according to the well-known classification of coronal structures; (3) some elements of this sign-change surface of the radial field can be classified as so-called envelopes. The results obtained suggest that more complex coronal structures can be described in a similar way. An MHD model of polar plumes is considered.  相似文献   

The plane of polarization of the solar coronal emission on August 11, 1999   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional polarization image of the inner regions of the solar corona (R≤1.5R ?) during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 is presented. This image clearly exhibits both small-and large-scale structure in the distribution of deviations of the plane of polarization from its theoretical direction for coronal emission in the near infrared (570–800 nm). An accuracy for the deviation angles of ≤1° was achieved by reducing the instrumental scattered light in the telescope, installing a continuously rotating polaroid near the image plane of the entrance pupil (i.e., the Lyot stop plane), and developing a special algorithm for constructing the polarization images based on the IDL software, in which the properties of the light are described in terms of the Stokes parameters. This algorithm was used to process 24 digitized polarization images of the corona, corresponding to one complete rotation of the polaroid. Analysis of the polarization image for angles of 0°–5° indicates the existence of significant deviations in the inner corona. The polar and equatorial coronal regions are characterized by diffuse and almost uniform structure of the deviation angles, 0.5° ± 0.5°, corresponding to Thomson scattering of the photospheric radiation by free electrons. Four large-scale structures over the NE, SE, NW, and SW limbs covering about 60° in position angle have deviations of 1°–3°. Numerous small-scale structures with dimensions up to 30″ and deviation angles of 3°–5° tracing strongly curved coronal streamers were detected in active coronal regions, especially over the NE limb. Interpretation of these deviations in terms of flows of moving electrons implies tangential velocities of up to 2.5×104 km/s, i.e., electron energies of up to 2×103 eV.  相似文献   

Variations in the positions of the intersection points of tangents to ray structures in the polar corona of the Sun during the solar cycle are considered. At first glance, the decrease in the distance q between the tangent intersection point and the center of the solar disk during activity maximum contradicts harmonic analyses that indicate that the relative weight of higher harmonics in the global field increases during this period. Indeed, the higher the harmonic number in an axisymmetric field, the closer the intersection point of the field-line tangents (the magnetic focus) to the solar surface. It is shown that q for a field composed of two harmonics with opposite polarities at the poles can be smaller than q for either of them taken alone. A simple model representing the global field using the third and seventh harmonics is analyzed; this model can reproduce quite satisfactorily the observed dynamics of magnetic foci of the polar field.  相似文献   

The characteristic time scales for variations in the differential rotation of the solar corona are determined using measurements of the intensity of the FeXIV 5303 Å coronal line made from 1939–2004. Drift waves of the variations in the rotational speed with an 11-year periodicity can be distinguished. Moving averages with time intervals from two to five years are used to identify torsional waves. In addition, longer-period variations in the rotational speed can be distinguished when longer averaging intervals are used. When the interval used for the moving average is increased to 8–12 years, a quasi-22-year rotational period appears. The low-latitude corona rotates more slowly in odd cycles than in even cycles. Increasing the duration of the averaging interval further shows that rapid rotation at low latitudes was observed in 1940–1950 and 1990–2000, while slow rotation was observed in 1960–1980, possibly suggesting the presence of a 55-year period in the rotational variations. Long-term variations are found in the rotation of polar regions. The rotational variations for high-latitude corona are in antiphase with those for the low-latitude corona. The origins of zones of anomalous coronal rotation and their dynamics in the global activity cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

A model for the nonradial motion of an eruptive prominence in the solar corona is proposed. Such motions, which can sometimes be inaccessible to observation, result in an apparent break in the causal link between eruptive prominences and coronal mass ejections. The global magnetic field of the Sun governs coronal plasma motions. The complex structure of this field can form prominence trajectories that differ considerably from a simple vertical rise (i.e., radial motion). A solar filament is modeled as a current-carrying ring or twisted toroidal magnetic rope in equilibrium with the coronal magnetic field. The global field is described using two spherical harmonics. A catastrophic violation of the filament equilibrium followed by its rapid acceleration—eruption—is possible in this nonlinear system. The numerical solution of the equations of motion corresponds well to the eruption pattern observed on December 14, 1997.  相似文献   

The differential rotation of the solar corona is studied using the brightness of the Fe XIV 530.3 nm green coronal line collected over 5.5 solar-activity cycles. The total observed velocity of the coronal rotation is analyzed as a superposition of two modes—fast and slow. A technique for separating two data series composing the initial data set and corresponding to the two differential-rotation modes of the solar corona is proposed. The first series is obtained by averaging the initial data set over six successive Carrington rotations; this series corresponds to long-lived, large-scale coronal regions. The second series is the difference between the initial data and the averaged series, and corresponds to relatively quickly varying coronal component. The coronal rotation derived from the first series coincides with the fast mode detected earlier using the initial data set; i.e., the synodic period of this mode is 27 days at the equator, then weakly increases with latitude, slightly exceeding 28 days at high latitudes. The second series describes a slow rotation displaying a synodic period of about 34 days. This coincides with the period of rotation of the high-latitude corona derived by M. Waldmeier for polar faculae. We expect that coronal objects corresponding to the fast mode are associated with magnetic fields on the scales typical for large activity complexes. The slow mode may be associated with weak fields on small scales.  相似文献   

A critical review of determinations of the number of spicules is presented, and the role of both classical and Type 2 spicules in heating and mass balance in the corona is considered. The total number of Type 2 spicules is determined, together with the upward fluxes of energy and mass to which they give rise. The total number of Type 2 spicules on the solar surface is found to be ~105, close to values obtained in other studies. The associated particle flux toward the corona is 2.5 × 1014 cm?2 s?1, an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding flux for classical spicules. The associated energy flux is 104 erg cm?2 s?1, an order of magnaitude lower than estimates obtained in other studies. The results indicate that Type 2 spicules can supply the mass lost from the corona, but are not able to fully explain coronal energy losses.  相似文献   

The rotation of the solar corona is analyzed using the original database on the brightness of the FeXIV 530.3 nm coronal green line covering six recent activity cycles. The rate of the differential rotation of the corona depends on the cycle phase. In decay phases, there are only small differences in the rotation, which are similar to that of a rigid body. The differences are more significant (though less pronounced than in the photosphere) during rise phases, just before maxima, and sometimes at maxima. The total rate of the coronal rotation is represented as a superposition of two, i.e., fast and slow modes. The synodic period of the fast mode is approximately 27 days at the equator and varies slightly with time. This mode displays weak differences in rotation and is most pronounced in the middle of decay phases. The slow mode is manifested only at high latitudes during the rise phases of activity, and displays a mean period of 31 days. The relative contribution of each mode to the total rotational rate is determined as a function of time and heliographic latitude. These results indicate that the structure of the velocity field in the convective zone must also vary with time. This conclusion can be verified by helioseismology measurements in the near future.  相似文献   

The spatial location of the surface at which most of the prominence mass is concentrated is compared with the location of the “neutral surface” where B r = 0 (B r is the magnetic field) calculated in a potential approximation using photospheric data. More than fifty prominences (filaments) observed in 1999–2003 are studied. The vertical deviations of the prominences (predominantly toward the west) correspond well to the inclination of the neutral surface. The results provide evidence for the magnetic support of filaments of opposite polarities (the magnetic-rope model).  相似文献   

The Clapar landslide induced debris flow consisted of the Clapar landslide occurred on 24 March 2017 and the Clapar debris flow occurred on 29 March 2017. The first investigation of the Clapar landslide induced debris flow was carried out two months after the disaster. It was followed by UAV mapping, extensive interviews, newspaper compilation, visual observation and field measurements, and video analysis in order to understand chronology and triggering mechanism of the landslide induced debris flow in Clapar. The 24 March 2016 landslide occurred after 5 hours of consecutive rainfall (11,2 mm) and was affected by combination of fishponds leak and infiltration of antecedent rain. After five days of the Clapar landslide, landslide partially mobilized to form debris flow where the head scarp of debris flow was located at the foot of the 24 March 2016 landslide. The Clapar debris flow occurred when there was no rainfall. It was not generated by rainstorm or the surface erosion of the river bed, but rather by water infiltration through the crack formed on the toe of the 24 March 2016 landslide. Supply of water to the marine clay deposit might have increased pore water pressure and mobilized the soil layer above. The amount of water accumulated in the temporary pond at the main body of the 24 March 2016 landslide might have also triggered the Clapar debris flow. The area of Clapar landslide still shows the possibility of further retrogression of the landslide body which may induce another debris flow. Understanding precursory factors triggering landslides and debris flows in Banjarnegara based on data from monitoring systems and laboratory experiments is essential to minimize the risk of future landslide.  相似文献   

Results of a study of the corona above a large sunspot in the active region NOAA 10105 with a penumbra size of ~70″ observed in September 2002 are reported. Maps of the active region and emission spectra were constructed using observational data from the NoRH, SSRT, and RATAN-600 telescopes. The sizes and brightness temperatures of the microwave emission above the sunspot are determined. SOHO/MDI and Kitt Peak magnetograms, as well as CaII K line images obtained at the Meudon Observatory, are compared. The derived characteristics are interpreted as cyclotron emission of thermal plasma, assuming a dipole structure for themagnetic field. A stable darkening at the sunspot center observed at short wavelengths and only in the ordinary emission mode was detected. A jump-like change was observed in the structure of the sunspot source in the ordinary emission mode, due to an increase in the size and spectral flux density. These results demand a fundamental correction of model concepts about cyclotron emission sources above sunspots, since they are at variance with the initial assumptions. It is suggested that, at the top of the transition region, the cyclotron emission source may be represented only by the third gyrolevel, but is observed in the extraordinary and ordinary emission modes (in contrast to the generally accepted model, which has a combination of the second and third gyrolevels). Taking into account the new observational data may allow us to refine model distributions of the main parameters of the coronal plasma above sunspots (the electron temperature and density) and information about the character of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The new approach to the modeling of quiescent solar prominences is proposed. We solve the inverse magnetohydrostatic problem, when the pressure, density and temperature of plasma in the filament are calculated from the equilibrium equations using the given magnetic structure (magnetic flux function is proposed to be known). The new exact nonlinear solutions for dense (n ≈ (2?3) × 1011 cm?3) and cold (T ≈ (5?10) × 103 K) filaments, embedded in the plan, vertically stratified atmosphere (hot solar corona) free of magnetic field, are derived. The filaments are stretched along the horizontal axisy(the translational symmetry is assumed: ?/?y = 0) and located parallel to and above a photospheric, magnetic polarity reversal line. The magnetic field lines have a structure of magnetic flux rope with helical field lines in three-dimensional space; the strength of magnetic field falls rapidly with distance from a rope axis. No external longitudinal magnetic field is needed to equilibrate the prominence. The net electric current along the filament is equal to zero. The model of magnetic arcade with the deflection (sag) on the top, proposed by Pikelner (1971) as a basic form of normal prominence, is calculated also using the method proposed. It is shown that such magnetic arcade, having the magnetic field strength of few gauss only, can effectively maintain the equilibrium of cool dense filament at the heights about 50–60 Mm.  相似文献   

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