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A collocated SSM/I and radiosonde measurement data set provided by the NASDA(Japan) was used to retrieve the total precipitable water(PW) over oceans.The retrieval results obtained with several regression algorithms were compared against the radiosonde measurements.It is shown that:(a) the routinely operational algorithm of Alishouse et al.(1990) yields significant underestimation in high PW regime and overestimation in low PW regime;(b) a cubic correction by Colton and Poe(1994) is not sufficient and globally improves slightly the retrieval results;and(c) the regression algorithm with the form of brightness temperature(Tb) function In(280-Tb) gives a little largely scattered retrievals in whole PW range but without considerable over-and underestimates in low and high PW regimes.To improve the estimation of the oceanic precipitable water from the SSM/I measurements,a composite algorithm with different forms of Tb function in low.medium and high PW regimes is proposed and tested.  相似文献   

A collocated SSM/I and radiosonde measurement data set provided by the NASDA(Japan)was used to retrieve the total precipitable water(PW)over oceans.The retrieval results obtainedwith several regression algorithms were compared against the radiosonde measurements.It isshown that:(a)the routinely operational algorithm of Alishouse et al.(1990)yields significantunderestimation in high PW regime and overestimation in low PW regime;(b)a cubic correctionby Colton and Poe(1994)is not sufficient and globally improves slightly the retrieval results;and(c)the regression algorithm with the form of brightness temperature(T_b)function In (280-T_b)gives a little largely scattered retrievals in whole PW range but without considerable over-andunderestimates in low and high PW regimes.To improve the estimation of the oceanic precipitablewater from the SSM/I measurements,a composite algorithm with different forms of T_b function inlow.medium and high PW regimes is proposed and tested.  相似文献   

The third algorithm intercomparison project (AIP-3) involved rain estimates from more than 50 satellite rainfall algorithms and ground radar measurements within the Intensive Flux Array (IFA) over the equatorial western Pacific warm pool region during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). Early results indicated that there was a sys- tematic bias between rainrates from satellite passive microwave and ground radar measurements. The mean rainrate from radar measurements is about 50% underestimated compared to that from passive microwave-based retrieval algorithms. This paper is designed to analyze rain patterns from the Florida State University rain retrieval algorithm and radar measurements to understand physically the rain discrep- ancies. Results show that there is a clear range-dependent bias associated with the radar measurements. However, this range-dependent systematical bias is almost eliminated with the corrected radar rainrates. Results suggest that the effects from radar attenuation correction, calibration and beam filling are the major sources of rain discrepancies. This study demonstrates that rain retrievals based on satellite mea- surements from passive microwave radiometers such as the Special Sensor of Microwave Imager (SSM/I) are reliable, while rain estimates from ground radar measurements are correctable.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for predicting the development of tropical disturbance over the South China Sea(SCS)based on the total latent heat release(TLHR)derived from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager(SSM/I)satellite observations.A threshold value of daily mean TLHR(3×1014 W)for distinguishing the non-developing and developing tropical disturbances is obtained based on the analysis for 25 developing and 43 non-developing tropical disturbances over the SCS during 2000 to 2005.If the mean TLHR within 500 km of a disturbance on the latest day and its daily mean TLHR during previous life are both greater than 3×1014 W,the disturbance will be a developing one in the future.Otherwise,it is a non-developing one.A real-time testing prediction of tropical cyclogenesis over the SCS was conducted for the years 2007 and 2008 using this threshold value of TLHR.We find that the method is successful in detecting the development of 80%of all tropical disturbances over the SCS in 2007 and 2008.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a comparison of column water vapor (CWV) information derived from both infrared measurements as part of the TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) and Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) in an attempt to assess the relative merits of each kind of data. From the analyses presented in this paper, it appears that both types of satellite data closely reproduce the bulk climatological relationships introduced in earlier studies using different data. This includes both the bulk relationship between CWV and the sea surface temperature and the annual variation of CWV over the world's oceans. The TOVS water vapor data tends to be systematically smaller than the SSM/I data and when averaged over the ocean covered regions of the globe this difference is between 2–3 kgm–2. Using a cloud liquid water threshold technique to establish clear sky values of SSM/I water vapor, we conclude that the differences between TOVS and SSM/I are largely a result of the clear sky bias in TOVS sampling except in the subsidence regions of the subtropics. The clear sky bias is considerably smaller than previously reported and we attribute this improvement to the new physical retrieval scheme implemented by NOAA NESDIS. While there is considerable agreement between the two types of satellite data, there are also important differences. In regions where there is drying associated with large scale subsidence of the atmosphere, the TOVS CWV's are too moist relative to both radiosonde and SSM/I data and this difference may exceed 10 kgm–2. The explanation for this difference lies in the limitations of infrared radiative transfer. By contrast, in regions of deep convection, such as in the ITCZ, TOVS CWV is systematically lower than the SSM/I CWV. Both TOVS and SSM/I data demonstrate similar kinds of gross effects of large scale circulation on the water vapor except in these subsidence regions where TOVS data leads to an under-prediction of the effects of subsidence drying.With 11 Figures  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics of the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) onboard the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP),analyzes absorbing,re-emitting and scattering effects of the atmospheric particles (especially cloud particles and rain drops).The inner physical cause of typhoon's representative form on microwave images is revealed.An index of particle size is then induced as such:Symmetrically inverse channel 85H's (85H is an abbreviation for channel 85.5 GHz in horizontal polarization,see Table 1 in the text.) absorption segment and put it into the extension of the scattering segment.The precipitation index was formed as the average of three elements:normalized 19H,normalized 37H,and inversed normalized 85H.It is approved that the image of particle size index overcomes some shortcomings of the single raw channel,such as:37H is not sensitive to large rain drops,85H is not sensitive to mid-size rain drops and can reveal typhoon's spiral structure more clearly.  相似文献   

遥感-测站相结合的动态雪深反演方法初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
该文结合2000年专用传感器微波成像仪(SSM/I)的亮温数据和我国观测站雪深资料,提出了一种遥感-测站相结合的动态雪深反演方法,试图用统计关系的时空动态化方案克服理论上亮温与不同类型积雪之间物理关系的复杂性,从而提高测站稀疏区和雪盖边缘区的雪深反演精度。其最大特点在于反演系数并不固定,而随时间和空间变化,较好地改善了单一系数反演方法中积雪物理性质的区域性差异和时间(季节)性差异带来的反演误差。初步分析表明:这种遥感-测站相结合的反演方法所得的积雪空间分布连续性好,在雪盖边缘区和站点稀疏区也能得到较合理的雪深数据;与静态遥感反演法和可见光雪盖面积相比,这种方法克服了它们在华北和华中低估雪盖面积的缺点,积雪面积分布更接近真实场,对西部积雪分布的反演也有一定改善。  相似文献   

利用2007—2009年热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)微波成像仪(TMI)观测的亮温资料,建立一种西北太平洋热带气旋强度(Tropical Cyclone,TC)的估计模型,对2010年热带气旋进行独立估计试验,并对估计误差进行分析。结果表明:该模型对强度小于强台风TC的拟合效果较好,均方根误差约为5 m/s,平均绝对误差约为4 m/s;对强台风和超强台风TC的拟合误差较大,均方根误差分别为9.65和6.60 m/s,平均绝对误差分别为7.76和5.49 m/s;对强台风及以上强度的TC,模型的拟合误差在日(夜)间减小(增大),误差最小(大)值为6.00 m/s(11.96 m/s),说明估计值在日(夜)间偏大(小)。  相似文献   

小麦生长模拟模型软构件主要是模拟小麦生长的环境和模拟人为因素(如施肥、灌溉等)对小麦生长的影响。主要论述此软构件在VC++软件平台上的具体实现过程,包括方案设计、程序实现和技术解析。  相似文献   

The Spectral Statistical Interpolation (SSI) analysis system of NCEP is used to assimilate me-teorological data from the Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS/MET) refraction angles with thevariational technique. Verified by radiosonde, including GPS/ME% observations into the analysis makesan overall improvement to the analysis variables of temperature, winds, and water vapor. However, thevariational model with the ray-tracing method is quite expensive for numerical weather prediction andclimate research. For example, about 4 000 GPS/MET refraction a;~gles need to be assimilated to producean ideal global analysis. Just one iteration of minimization will take more than 24 hours CPU time onthe NCEP‘s Cray C90 computer. Although efforts have been taken to reduce the computational cost, it isstill prohibitive for operational data assimilation. In this paper, a parallel version of the three-dimensional variational data assimilation model of GPS/MET occultation measurement suitable for massive parallelprocessors architectures is developed. The divide-and-conquer strategy is used to achieve parallelism and isimplemented by message passing. The authors present the principles for the code‘s design and examine theperformance on the state-of-the-art parallel computers in China. The results show that this parallel modelscales favorably as the number of processors is increased. With the Memory-IO technique implemented bythe author, the wall clock time per iteration used for assimilating 1420 refraction angles is reduced from45 s to 12 s using 1420 processors. This suggests that the new parallelized code has the potential to beuseful in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate studies.  相似文献   

利用2016年全年进出厦门机场和晋江机场航班的AMDAR(Aircraft Meteorological DAta Relay)数据对双雷达反演风场进行检验,分析了厦门、泉州双雷达风场反演的总体误差,研究结果表明:1)验证了双雷达连线附近区域反演风场的平均绝对误差较大,发现了与两部雷达连线的夹角小于15°和大于165°的区域的反演结果的平均绝对误差明显大于误差的年平均值。2)对于反演风向而言,误差随着高度增加而减小。对于反演风速而言,高度在9 km以下的反演误差在5 m/s左右,而9 km以上的反演误差较小。3)剔除了双雷达连线附近区域(与两部雷达连线的夹角小于15°和大于165°的区域)和反射率因子小于5 dBZ以及等于100 dBZ(剔除非气象回波)的反演结果后,双雷达反演风场误差较小,相对于AMDAR数据的风向年平均绝对误差为29.4°,风速年平均绝对误差为3.28 m/s,总体误差在可接受范围之内,反演结果接近"真值",该反演方法稳定可靠。  相似文献   

It has been several years since the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) began to observe the distribution of CO2 and CH4 over the globe from space. Results from Thermal and Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation-Cloud and Aerosol Imager (TANSO-CAI) cloud screening are necessary for the retrieval of CO2 and CH4 gas concentrations for GOSAT TANSO-Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) observations. In this study, TANSO-CAI cloud flag data were compared with ground-based cloud data collected by an all-sky imager (ASI) over Beijing from June 2009 to May 2012 to examine the data quality. The results showed that the CAI has an obvious cloudy tendency bias over Beijing, especially in winter. The main reason might be that heavy aerosols in the sky are incorrectly determined as cloudy pixels by the CAI algorithm. Results also showed that the CAI algorithm sometimes neglects some high thin cirrus cloud over this area.  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感和地面实测积雪资料分析近年新疆积雪特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用2003—2005年卫星SSM/I的每日雪深资料,1996—2004年冬、春的NOAA/AVHRR积雪旬覆盖面积资料,以及1996—2002年新疆北部11个地面台站的积雪观测资料,研究了近年新疆积雪的时空分布特征。结果表明:新疆积雪年际变化大,近年最大积雪日数和面积出现在2000—2001年。积雪主要集中在天山山脉以北地区,该区大部分地区每年冬、春积雪覆盖旬数超过了15旬,在西南昆仑山脉地区也有小范围的高值区,部分年份的冬、春积雪覆盖旬数超过了15旬。另外,山区积雪覆盖旬数明显高于盆地,准葛尔盆地积雪覆盖旬数明显多于塔里木盆地。积雪年际变化较显著的地区在中部天山山脉地区、西南部昆仑山脉地区和西部阿尔金山脉地区,均超过了6旬。积雪深度在每年的2月达到最高。高值出现在阿勒泰地区、塔城、天山北麓、准噶尔盆地南缘和南疆西部的托什干河流域一带,达到近40 cm。  相似文献   

This study compares the aerosol optical depth (AOD) Level 2 Collection 5 products from the Terra and Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) with ground-based measurements from a Microtops II sun photometer over Sanya (18.23°N, 109.52°E), a tropical coastal site in China, from July 2005 to June 2006. The results indicate that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals at 550 nm have good correlations with the measurements from the Microtops II sun photometer. The correlation coefficients for the linear regression fits (R²) are 0.83 for Terra and 0.78 for Aqua, and the regressed intercepts are near zero (0.005 for Terra, 0.009 for Aqua). However, the Terra and Aqua MODIS are found to consistently underestimate AOD with respect to the Microtops II sun photometer, with slope values of 0.805 (Terra) and 0.767 (Aqua). The comparison of the monthly mean AOD indicates that for each month, the Terra and Aqua MODIS retrievals are matched with corresponding Microtops measurements but are systematically less than those of the Microtops. This validation study indicates that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals can adequately characterize the AOD distributions over the tropical coastal region of China, but further efforts to eliminate systematic errors are needed.  相似文献   

利用2007—2009年热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)的微波成像仪(TMI)观测到的亮温资料,计算9个通道(10、19、37、85 GHz的水平和垂直极化通道及21 GHz的垂直极化通道)的亮温和极化修正温度(PCT)在不同范围内的最大值、最小值、平均值和区域阈值与热带气旋强度之间的关系。结果表明:亮温信息可较好地反映热带气旋的强度,单个参数与热带气旋最大风速的相关性最好可达到0.83,线性拟合的均方根误差接近业务误差;低频通道的亮温相对于高频通道可更好地估计海上热带气旋强度;位于台风中心0.5°~1.5°度范围之间的亮温与气旋强度的相关性较好,圆形区域的相关性好于圆环区域;对于位于海上的热带气旋,区域亮温的最小值与热带气旋强度的关系最好;低频通道(除10 GHz外),阈值位于260~280 K区间的亮温与热带气旋强度的相关性较好。  相似文献   

Aerosol optical properties over Beijing and Xianghe under several typical weather conditions (clear sky, light haze, heavy pollution and dust storm) are derived from POLDER (POLarization and Directionality of the Earths Reflectances)/PARASOL (Polarization and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences coupled with Observations from a Lidar) multi-directional, multi-spectral polarized signals using a more reliable retrieval algorithm as proposed in this paper. The results are compared with those of the operational retrieval algorithm of POLDER/PARASOL group and the ground-based AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork)/PHOTONS (PHOtometrie pour le Traitement Operational de Normalisation Satellitaire) measurements. It is shown that the aerosol optical parameters derived from the improved algorithm agree well with AERONET/PHOTONS measurement. The retrieval accuracies of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and effective radius are 0.06 and 0.05 mu m respectively, which are close to or better than the required accuracies (0.04 for AOT and 0.1 mu m for effective radius) for estimating aerosol direct forcing.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中尺度天气模式MM5对2010年1月14—19日沈阳大气污染天气系统进行模拟分析。对此次天气过程的地面和高空气压场、地面至高空各高度层随时间变化的水平风场及垂直剖面风场、垂直方向温度廓线等气象要素进行分析和模拟,描述大气污染中天气系统的变化过程,分析造成大气污染的气象要素变化。结果表明:此次污染天气过程对应地面场为长白山高压、地形槽环流型;500 hPa高空天气形势为两槽一脊,地面风场主要受高压辐散气流控制;地面至高空不同高度的水平风场均有偏南风切变和偏西风切变,垂直剖面风场对应有下沉气流,地面至高空的温度廓线出现明显的逆温。这些气象条件共同造成了持续污染天气。而500 hPa位势高度场持续长时间两槽一脊的环流形势,是造成长时间污染天气的主要原因。  相似文献   

小麦生长模拟模型软构件在VC~( )中的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦生长模拟模型软构件主要是模拟小麦生长的环境和模拟人为因素 (如施肥、灌溉等 )对小麦生长的影响。主要论述此软构件在 VC 软件平台上的具体实现过程 ,包括方案设计、程序实现和技术解析。  相似文献   

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