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Anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) is an important process in many suboxic to anoxic marine environments for converting fixed nitrogen to N2, and has a major impact on the marine nitrogen cycle. Ladderane core lipids have been utilized as an indicator of the contribution of anammox to the marine nitrogen cycles. However, such studies have not been reported for the China seas and little is known about the importance of anammox within the nitrogen cycle of these marginal seas. In the research reported here, the ladderane core lipid contents of 17 surface sediment samples from the East China Sea are reported, and their spatial distribution is investigated. C18 -[5]-ladderane FAME, C20-[5]-ladderane FAME and C20-[3]-ladderane FAME have all been detected, suggesting that the anammox bacteria are widely present within the study area. The total contents of the three ladderane lipids (ΣFAMEs) range from 24–355 ng/g (weight of dry sediments), with higher contents occurring in the Minzhe Mud Zone and broadly coincident with the spatial distribution of hypoxia. It is suggested that the sedimentary ladderane core lipids are mainly produced in the water column and their sedimentary contents can be used as indicators of water column hypoxia.  相似文献   

Simple ecosystem model of the central part of the East China Sea in spring   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
ImODUrnONTheobjeCtiveoftheJointGobaldrinFluxStudy(JGoFS)istogainunder-standingoftheglobalbiogeochdricalCycling(ofcarbonandotherbiogenicelemetS)whichplaysaTnaorroleininIlUencintheworkldrite.OnofitSessentinlcomPonentSistocharaCtedrithernarineprharybiomassproductionandthefixationofCO=bytheocan.AmngtheproassesaffedgVCrthalfluxofcarbontotheinterioroftheoean,thebiologhalproass,thesocalled"biologhalpUmP,',isthemostirnPortantone.bologicalmodellingisamehodtorelateleVeIs,distributionandfluC…  相似文献   

To realize potential cost savings in coastal monitoring programs and provide timely advice for marine management, there is an urgent need for efficient evaluation tools based on easily measured variables for the rapid and timely assessment of estuarine and offshore eutrophication. In this study, using parallel factor analysis(PARAFAC), principal component analysis(PCA), and discriminant function analysis(DFA) with the trophic index(TRIX) for reference, we developed an approach for rapidly assessing the eutrophication status of coastal waters using easy-to-measure parameters, including chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM), fluorescence excitation–emission matrices, CDOM UV-Vis absorbance, and other water-quality parameters(turbidity, chlorophyll a, and dissolved oxygen). First, we decomposed CDOM excitation-emission matrices(EEMs) by PARAFAC to identify three components. Then, we applied PCA to simplify the complexity of the relationships between the water-quality parameters. Finally, we used the PCA score values as independent variables in DFA to develop a eutrophication assessment model. The developed model yielded classification accuracy rates of 97.1%, 80.5%, 90.3%, and 89.1% for good, moderate, and poor water qualities, and for the overall data sets, respectively. Our results suggest that these easy-to-measure parameters could be used to develop a simple approach for rapid in-situ assessment and monitoring of the eutrophication of estuarine and offshore areas.  相似文献   

Stable Pb isotopes in surface and core sediments were determined to identify the sources of Pb contaminants in the northern East China Sea(ECS).The Bayesian stable isotope mixing model was used to quantify the contributions of Pb sources.The results show that since the late 1980 s,ratios of~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb and ~(208)Pb/~(206)Pb increased in the top 34-cm sediment shown in the coastal core samples,reflecting elevated anthropogenic Pb input in coastal sea.Seaward increase of ~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb and ~(208)Pb/~(206)Pb ratios in surface sediments reveals that anthropogenic Pb came mainly via atmospheric transmission into the ECS.Anthropogenic sources accounted for 12.0%-21.1% of the total Pb in sediments after the 1990 s.Coal combustion was the largest anthropogenic contributor(47.5%±18.8%),and Pb mining and smelting,cement production,and vehicle exhaust/gasoline contributed 23.2%±7.1%,19.0%±13.0%,and 10.3%±6.9%,respectively.The proportions of the anthropogenic sources gradually increased while geogenic source(riverine sediment) decreased from the coast to the outer shelf.This study demonstrated that the significant influence of atmospheric input of Pb contaminants into the ECS,and also the urgent need to control coal combustion and Pb discharge from industrial dust and fume emission in China.It also highlights the promising application of the Simmr model to quantify the proportions of multiple sources of trace elements in an environment.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, an increasing number of marine activities have been conducted in the East China Sea, including the construction of various marine structures and the passage of large ships. Marine safety issues are paramount and are becoming more important with respect to the likely increase in size of ocean waves in relation to global climate change and associated typhoons. In addition, swells also can be very dangerous because they induce the resonance of floating structures, including ships. This study focuses on an investigation of swells in the East China Sea and uses hindcast data for waves over the past 5 years in a numerical model, WAVEWATCH III (WW3), together with historical climate data. The numerical calculation domain covers the entire North West Pacific. Next, swells are separated and analyzed using simulated wave fields, and both the characteristics and generation mechanisms of swells are investigated.  相似文献   

We studied diatom distribution from 62 samples from the uppermost 1 cm of sediment in the South China Sea (SCS), using grabs or box corers in three cruises between 2001–2007. Fifty six genera, 256 species and their varieties were identified. Dominating species included Coscinodiscus africanus, Coscinodiscus nodulifer, Cyclotella stylorum, Hemidiscus cuneiformis, Melosira sulcata, Nitzschia marina, Roperia tesselata, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira excentrica, and Thalassiothrix longissima. Most surface sediments in the SCS were rich in diatoms, except for a few coarse samples. Average diatom abundance in the study area was 104 607 valve/g. In terms of the abundance, ecology, and spatial distribution, seven diatom zones (Zones 1–7) were recognized. Zone 1 (northern continental shelf) is affected by warm currents, SCS northern branch of the Kuroshio, and northern coastal currents; Zone 2 (northwestern continental shelf) is affected by intense coastal currents; Zone 3 (Xisha Islands sea area) is a bathyal environment with transitional water masses; Zone 4 (sea basin) is a bathyal-to-deep sea with stable and uniform central water masses in a semi-enclosed marginal sea; Zone 5 (Nansha Islands marine area) is a pelagic environment with relatively high surface temperature; Zone 6 (northern Sunda Shelf) is a tropical shelf environment; and Zone 7 (northern Kalimantan Island shelf area) is affected by warm waters from the Indian Ocean and coastal waters. The data indicate that these diatom zones are closely related to topography, hydrodynamics, temperature, nutrients and especially the salinity. Better understanding of the relationship between diatom distribution and the oceanographic factors would help in the reconstruction of the SCS in the past.  相似文献   

The southern Yellow Sea is an important fishing ground, providing abundant fishery resources. However, overfishing and climate change have caused a decline in the resource and damaged the ecosystem. We developed an ecosystem model to analyze the trophic interactions and ecosystem structure and function to guide sustainable development of the ecosystem. A trophic mass-balance model of the southern Yellow Sea during 2000–2001 was constructed using Ecopath with Ecosim software. We defined 22 important functional groups and studied their diet composition. The trophic levels of fish, shrimp, crabs, and cephalopods were between 2.78 and 4.39, and the mean trophic level of the fisheries was 3.24. The trophic flows within the food web occurred primarily in the lower trophic levels. The mean trophic transfer efficiency was 8.1%, of which 7.1% was from primary producers and 9.3% was from detritus within the ecosystem. The transfer efficiency between trophic levels II to III to IV to V to >V was 5.0%, 5.7%, 18.5%, and 19.7%–20.4%, respectively. Of the total flow, phytoplankton contributed 61% and detritus contributed 39%. Fishing is defined as a top predator within the ecosystem, and has a negative impact on most commercial species. Moreover, the ecosystem had a high gross efficiency of the fishery and a high value of primary production required to sustain the fishery. Together, our data suggest there is high fishing pressure in the southern Yellow Sea. Based on analysis of Odum’s ecological parameters, this ecosystem was at an immature stage. Our results provide some insights into the structure and development of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMorethanadecadehaspassedsincebacteriawasrecognizedasquantitativelyimportantcon sumersoforganiccarboninmarinefoodwebsandmarineecosystems (Fuhrman ,1 992 ) .ThebasicinformationonthesignificanceofthemicrobialfoodwebwaspresentedbyPomeroy ( 1 974 ) ,whopie…  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddy movement in the northern East China Sea   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
1. On the basis of the analysis of hydrographical and geological data it is concluded that the cyclonic eddy in the northern East China Sea existed every year and season. However, it was deduced from its monthly changes that it did not exist all the time.2. Conspicuous interannual, even monthly changes of the eddy in summer were found. The main cause for it was the strength and position of HWC and HCC.As for its seasonal change, reliable analysis was hard to make. However, from Fig. 2 and taking into account the change of the strength of HWC and HCC it seems that the eddy was strongest with southmost centre in winter and weaker (compared with winter) with northmost centre in summer.3. More often than not, the eddy occurred in intermediate layer. The distructive effect of the wind might be the cause for the eddy's not reaching the surface in spring, fall and winter, and the Changjiang Diluted Water might have played the same role in summer.4. The average position of the eddy was, upon the whole, coincident with the mud's-the multiyear existence of the eddy was determinant for the mud formation. 5. The disposition of HWC, HCC and NRK was the main dynamical factor for the eddy formation. Among others, HWC and HCC were decisive and the occurrence of bottom cold water in summer may intensify the eddy as a thermodynamical factor.  相似文献   

Nearshore sea levels in the East China Sea(ECS) and the South China Sea(SCS) during tropical cyclones-Typhoon 8007(Joe, 1980) and Typhoon 7209(Betty 1972) were simulated. The tide-surge interactions in the two regions are remarkable and locally produced. The corresponding nonlinear effects were derived from the different nonlinear terms. The contribution of the quadratic friction term is the most important, the shallow term comes second the convective term is the least; the phases of the interactions generated by the various nonlinear terms are asynchronous. Both the quadratic friction and the convective term can stimulate and aggravate the surge structure with more peaks. The bottom friction features have crucial influences on tides and surges, and the interaction is sensitive to the changes of tide and surge.  相似文献   

Based on the field data obtained during cruises on the shelf of the East China Sea from 1997 to 1999, seasonal variations of coastal upwelling on the inner shelf are discussed by using cross-shelf transect profiles and horizontal distributions of chemical and hydrographic variables. Results show that the coastal upwelling was year-round, but the areas and intensities of the upwelling were quite different in season. The coastal upwelling occurred in all of the coastal areas of the region in spring and summer, but in autumn only in the area off Zhejiang Province, and in winter in the area off Fujian Prov- ince. It was the strongest in summer and the weakest in winter. Geographically, it was the strongest in the area off Zhejiang Province and the weakest in the southmost or northmost parts of the East China Sea. The estimated nutrient fluxes upward into euphotic zone through coastal upwelling were quite large, es- pecially for phosphate, which contributed significantly to primary production and improved the nutrient structure of the coastal ecosystem in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONThepoolofdissolvedorganicrnatter,eva1uatalasdissolvedorganiccarbonpoC),hasbostudndforrnanyycars(Med,l964,SkopintSevCtal.,l966).Continentalmar-ginshavedrihypotheSedtobeasirnPortanttothemarinecarbonbiogeochdricalCy-desasthedeepsea(Walsh,l99l),butinmostdiscussions,onlyexportofparticulateorganieswasconsidetal.HighconcentIationofDOCincoastalwatershasaspedlroleinexportingcarbonfromcontinentalmarginstotheopenocean.UndelstandingtheroleoftheoceanmarginsintheglobalcarbonCycAsdependsla…  相似文献   

A note on circulation of the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

As concluded from physical theory and laboratory experiment, it is widely accepted that nonlinearities of sea state play an important role in the formation of rogue waves; however, the sea states and corresponding nonlinearities of real-world rogue wave events remain poorly understood. Three rogue waves were recorded by a directional buoy located in the East China Sea during Typhoon Trami in August 2013. This study used the WAVEWATCH Ⅲ model to simulate the sea state conditions pertaining to when and where those rogue waves were observed, based on which a comprehensive and full-scale analysis was performed. From the perspectives of wind and wave fields, wave system tracking, High-Order Spectral method simulation, and some characteristic sea state parameters, we concluded that the rogue waves occurred in sea states dominated by second-order nonlinearities. Moreover, third-order modulational instabilities were suppressed in these events because of the developed or fully developed sea state determined by the typhoon wave system. The method adopted in this study can provide comprehensive and full-scale analysis of rogue waves in the real world. The case studied in this paper is not considered unique, and rules could be found and confirmed in relation to other typhoon sea states through the application of our proposed method.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of some elements in sediments of the East China Sea   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
The East China Sea is noted for its vast continental shelf.The marine geology ofthe East China Sea has been extensively studied for many years.New data concerningthe seabed sediments have been published by many investigators,whereas geochemical studieson the sediments have been comparatively few.200 samples of different types of sedi-ments were analyzed to find out the geochemical characteristics of some major and traceelements in the sediments of the East China Sea.The elements determined are Fe,Mn,Ti,P,Si,Cu,Co,Ni,Zn,B,Zr,U,Th,Ra and REE(total rare earth elements).Fe,Mn,Ti,P,B,Zr,U,Th and REE were determined by ordinary colorimetry,Cu,Co,Ni  相似文献   

Seasonal and annual with stress fields over the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were computed from the wind rose data compiled in the Climatic Atlas of Chinese Offshore Areas and North-west Pacific and published by the Ocean Press in 1982. 684 wind roses in 2° latitude by 2° longitude boxes constructed from 278,815 wind reports are involved in the present study. The computations are principally intended as a data source for further research. Some oceanographic consequences are expounded on.  相似文献   

The distribution of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea (BYECS) is studied based on the observed turbidity data and model simulation results. The observed turbidity results show that (i) the highest SSC is found in the coastal areas while in the outer shelf sea areas turbid water is much more difficult to observe, (ii) the surface layer SSC is much lower than the bottom layer SSC and (iii) the winter SSC is higher than the summer SSC. The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to simulate the SSC distribution in the BYECS. A comparison between the modeled SSC and the observed SSC in the BYECS shows that the modeled SSC can reproduce the principal features of the SSC distribution in the BYECS. The dynamic mechanisms of the sediment erosion and transport processes are studied based on the modeled results. The horizontal distribution of the SSC in the BYECS is mainly determined by the current-wave induced bottom stress and the fine-grain sediment distribution. The current-induced bottom stress is much higher than the wave-induced bottom stress, which means the tidal currents play a more significant role in the sediment resuspension than the wind waves. The vertical mixing strength is studied based on the mixed layer depth and the turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the BYECS. The strong winter time vertical mixing, which is mainly caused by the strong wind stress and surface cooling, leads to high surface layer SSC in winter. High surface layer SSC in summer is restricted in the coastal areas.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAnimportantachievementofoceanographysincethe 1960swasthediscoveryofmesoscaleed dieswithspatialscaleofhundredsofmeters,andtimescaleofhours;andaverageflowvelocityofabout 10cm s.Theenormousenergyofthemesoscaleeddyiscomparabletothatofacycloneoran ticycloneintheatmosphere .Themesoscaleeddyisoneoftheimportantfactorsthatdecidethechangeoftheocean .Intherecentdecades,ChineseandforeignscientistshavedonelotsofworkontheEastChinaSeasmesoscaleeddies,theformationmechanismofwhicharethefocuso…  相似文献   

Study on the dominant species of Pteropoda in East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 INTRODUCTION Pteropoda is a group of marine pelagic mol- lusks, which belongs to Opisthobranchia of Gastro- poda. Although Pteropoda is not a major group in pelagic zooplankton in terms of abundance and number of species, their ecological characters are…  相似文献   

Fu  Dongyang  Luan  Hong  Pan  Delu  Zhang  Ying  Wang  Li’an  Liu  Dazhao  Ding  Youzhuan  Li  Xue 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2016,34(4):871-884
This study investigated the ef fects of two typhoons(Nari and Wipha) on sea surface temperature(SST) and chlorophyll- a(Chl- a) concentration. Typhoons Nari and Wipha passed through the Yellow Sea on September 13, 2007 and the East China Sea(ECS) on September 16, 2007, respectively. The SST and Chl- a data were obtained from the Aqua/Terra MODIS and NOAA18, respectively, and the temperature and salinity in the southeast of the study area were observed in situ from Argo. The average SST within the study area dropped from 26.33°C on September 10 to a minimum of 22.79°C on September 16. Without the usual phenomenon of ‘right bias', the most striking response of SST was in the middle of the typhoons' tracks, near to coastal waters. Strong cooling of the upper layers of the water column was probably due to increased vertical mixing, discharge from the Changjiang River estuary, and heavy rainfall. During the typhoons, average Chl-a increased by 11.54% within the study area and by 21.69% in the off shore area near to the southeast ECS. From September 1 to 13, average Chl-a was only 0.10 mg/m~3 in the of fshore waters but it reached a peak of 0.17 mg/m~3 on September 18. This large increase in Chl-a concentration in of fshore waters might have been triggered by strong vertical mixing, upwelling induced by strong typhoons, and sedimentation and nutrient infl ux following heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

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