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Five broad-band seismic stations were operated in the northwest fjords area of Iceland from 1996 to 1998 as part of the Iceland Hotspot project. The structures of the upper 35  km or so beneath these stations were determined by the modelling and joint inversion of receiver functions and regional surface wave phase velocities. More than 40 teleseismic events and a few regional events containing high-quality surface wave trains were used. Although the middle period passband of the seismograms is corrupted by oceanic microseismic noise, which hinders the interpretation of structural details, the inversions reveal the overall features. Many profiles obtained exhibit large velocity gradients in the upper 5  km or so, smaller zero gradients below this, and, at ~23  km depth, a zone 2–4  km thick with higher velocity gradients. The two shallower intervals are fairly consistent with the 'upper' and 'lower' crust, defined by Flovenz (1980 ). The deep zone of enhanced velocity gradient seems to correspond to the sharp reflector first reported by Bjarnason et al . (1993 ) and identified by them as the 'Moho'. However, this type of structure is not ubiquitous beneath the northwest fjords area. The distinctiveness of the three intervals is variable, and in some cases a structure with velocity gradient increasing smoothly with depth is observed. We term these two end-members structures of the first and second types respectively. Structures of the second type correlate with older areas. Substantial variation in fundamental structure is to be expected in Iceland because of the great geological heterogeneity there.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 14 prefecture-level cities in Liaoning Province, this study first explored the spatial hierarchy and structural characteristics of energy efficiency from the following three viewpoints: energy technical efficiency based on data envelopment analysis, energy consumption per unit of GDP, and energy utilization efficiency combining the previous two indexes. After measuring and analyzing the advancement, rationality, and concentration of the industrial structure in each city, we made some generalizations about the coupling features of the energy efficiency and industrial structure in Liaoning, using the coupling degree rating model. Some of our conclusions are as follows: (1) The 14 cities differ significantly in their energy efficiency, with Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, and Jinzhou enjoying the highest energy efficiency. Northwestern Liaoning and other heavy-industrial cities such as Fushun and Benxi belong to low-efficiency and high-consumption areas. (2) In areas with higher efficiency, the spatial patterns of the energy technical efficiency, energy consumption per unit of GDP, and energy utilization efficiency are, respectively, "π"-,"Ⅱ"- and "H"- shaped. Geographically, the energy utilization efficiency shows different trends from east to west and from north to south. Factors such as the binuclear structure of economic development have a major effect on this spatial pattern of energy efficiency. (3) Southeastern Liaoning enjoys a highly advanced industrial structure. Areas with a highly rational industrial structure form an “H” shape, with Shenyang and Dalian at the two poles. The urban agglomerations in middle and southern Liaoning have a highly concentrated industrial structure. (4) Overall, the coupling between energy efficiency and industrial structure is low in Liaoning, except for Shenyang and Dalian at both ends, where the coupling between an advanced industrial structure and energy efficiency is higher than in other cities.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the velocity structure, and hence shed light on the related tectonics, across the Narmada–Son lineament, traveltimes of wide-angle seismic data along the 240 km long Hirapur–Mandla profile in central India have been inverted. A blocky, laterally heterogeneous, three-layer velocity model down to a depth of 10 km has been derived. The first layer shows a maximum thickness of the upper Vindhyans (4.5 km s−1 ) of about 1.35 km and rests on top of normal crystalline basement, represented by the 5.9 km s−1 velocity layer. The anomalous feature of the study is the absence of normal granitic basement in the great Vindhyan Graben, where lower Vindhyan sediments (5.3 km s−1 ) were deposited during the Precambrian on high-velocity (6.3 km s−1 ) metamorphic rock. The block beneath the Narmada–Son lineament represents a horst feature in which high-velocity (6.5 km s−1 ) lower crustal material has risen to a depth of less than 2 km. South of the lineament, the Deccan Traps were deposited on normal basement during the upper Cretaceous period and attained a maximum thickness of about 800 m.  相似文献   

A multifold crustal-scale deep seismic near-vertical reflection profile generates a large number of single-ended shot gathers, which provide redundant data sets because of overlapping coverage of the shallow refractors. We present an approach for deriving the shallow velocity structure by modelling and inversion of single-ended seismic refraction first arrival traveltime data. We apply this method to a data set acquired with a 12-km long spread with 100 m spacing of shots and receivers, of the Neoproterozoic Marwar basin in the NW Indian shield. The approach is shown to be quite successful for delineating the shallow refractor depths, steep dips and velocities, even in the absence of regular reverse refraction profiles. The study reveals two-layered sedimentary formations, Malani volcanics and a complicated basement configuration of the Marwar basin, and provides a measure of resolution and uncertainty of the estimated model parameters. A seismic section of the near-trace gather is found to be qualitatively consistent with the derived structural features of the basin. The relative highs and lows, observed in the Bouguer gravity profile, further corroborate the derived velocity model. The present approach can be especially useful in offshore areas and elsewhere, where the single-ended multifold seismic profiles are the only available data sets.  相似文献   

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