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A direct finite element method is presented for nonlinear earthquake analysis of interacting dam–water–foundation rock systems. The analysis procedure applies viscous damper absorbing boundaries to truncate the semi‐unbounded fluid and foundation‐rock domains and specifies at these boundaries effective earthquake forces determined from the design ground motion defined at a control point on the free surface. The analysis procedure is validated numerically by computing the frequency response functions and transient response of an idealized dam–water–foundation rock system and comparing with results from the substructure method. Because the analysis procedure is applicable to nonlinear systems, it allows for modeling of concrete cracking, as well as sliding and separation at construction joints, lift joints, and at concrete–rock interfaces. Implementation of the procedure is facilitated by commercial finite element software with nonlinear material models that permit modeling of viscous damper boundaries and specification of effective earthquake forces at these boundaries. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A nonlinear finite element model for earthquake response analysis of arch dam–water–foundation rock systems is proposed in this paper. The model includes dynamic dam–water and dam–foundation rock interactions, the opening of contraction joints, the radiation damping of semi‐unbounded foundation rock, the compressibility of impounded water, and the upstream energy propagating along the semi‐unbounded reservoir. Meanwhile, a new equivalent force scheme is suggested to achieve free‐field input in the model. The effects of the earthquake input mechanism, joint opening, water compressibility, and radiation damping on the earthquake response of the Ertan arch dam (240 m high) in China are investigated using the proposed model. The results show that these factors significantly affect the earthquake response of the Ertan arch dam. Such factors should therefore be considered in the earthquake response analysis and earthquake safety evaluation of high arch dams. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The available substructure method and computer program for earthquake response analysis of arch dams, including the effects of dam–water–foundation rock interaction and recognizing the semi‐unbounded size of the foundation rock and fluid domains, are extended to consider spatial variations in ground motions around the canyon. The response of Mauvoisin Dam in Switzerland to spatially varying ground motion recorded during a small earthquake is analyzed to illustrate the results from this analysis procedure. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A direct finite element (FE) method for nonlinear response history analysis of semi-unbounded dam-water-foundation systems has recently been presented. The analysis procedure employs standard viscous-damper absorbing boundaries to model the semi-unbounded foundation and fluid domains and specifies the seismic input as effective earthquake forces—determined from a control motion defined at the foundation surface—at these boundaries. Presented in this paper are several simplifications to this direct FE method that greatly facilitates its implementation in commercial FE software. Also addressed is the modeling of the principal nonlinear mechanisms for concrete dams, calibration of damping in the numerical model to ensure consistency with values measured at actual dams, and practical procedures for implementation of the direct FE method with a commercial FE program.  相似文献   

A smeared crack approach has been proposed to model the static and dynamic behavior of mass concrete in three‐dimensional space. The proposed model simulates the tensile fracture on the mass concrete and contains pre‐softening behavior, softening initiation, fracture energy conservation and strain rate effects under dynamic loads. The validity of the proposed model has been checked using the available experimental results under static and dynamic loads. The direct and indirect displacement control algorithms have been employed under incremental increasing static loads. It was found that the proposed model gives excellent results and crack profiles when compared with the available data under static loads. The Koyna Dam in India has been used to verify the dynamic behavior of the proposed model. It was found that the resulting crack profiles were in good agreement with the available experimental results. Finally, the Morrow Point Dam was analyzed, including the dam–reservoir interaction effects, to consider its non‐linear seismic behavior. It was found that the resulting crack profiles were in good agreement with the contour of maximum principal stresses and no numerical instability occurred during the analysis. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the earthquake damage response of the concrete gravity dams is investigated with considering the effects of dam–reservoir interaction. A continuum damage model which is a second-order tensor and includes the strain softening behavior is selected for the concrete material. The mesh-dependent hardening technique is adopted such that the fracture energy dissipated is not affected by the finite element mesh size. The dynamic equilibrium equations of motion are solved by using the improved form of the HHT-α time integration algorithm. Two dimensional seismic analysis of Koyna gravity dam is performed by using the 1967 Koyna earthquake records. The effects of damage on the earthquake response of concrete gravity dams are discussed. Comparison of the Westergaard and Lagrangian dam–reservoir interaction solutions is made. The effects of viscous damping ratio on the damage response of the dam are also studied.  相似文献   

A number of methods have been proposed that utilize the time‐domain transformations of frequency‐dependent dynamic impedance functions to perform a time‐history analysis. Though these methods have been available in literature for a number of years, the methods exhibit stability issues depending on how the model parameters are calibrated. In this study, a novel method is proposed with which the stability of a numerical integration scheme combined with time‐domain representation of a frequency‐dependent dynamic impedance function can be evaluated. The method is verified with three independent recursive parameter models. The proposed method is expected to be a useful tool in evaluating the potential stability issue of a time‐domain analysis before running a full‐fledged nonlinear time‐domain analysis of a soil–structure system in which the dynamic impedance of a soil–foundation system is represented with a recursive parameter model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in axial load imposed on a rocking footing will affect its moment capacity, the shape of its moment–rotation hysteresis, and potentially the system's seismic performance. Structural asymmetry increases the likelihood of axial load variation during earthquake excitations. To investigate this issue, a unique centrifuge testing program was carried out on low‐rise frame–wall–rocking foundation systems. In this paper, the seismic behaviors of asymmetric and symmetric models from this test program are systematically compared. Experimental results reveal that placing the lateral force resisting shear wall outboard produces significant axial load fluctuation, which in turn greatly deteriorate the lateral load‐carrying capacity of a foundation rocking dominated frame–wall system, particularly in its weak direction. However, it strengthens the system when loading is towards the shear wall, leading to a highly asymmetric hysteretic response. During earthquake loading, all asymmetric rocking foundation systems observe smaller peak roof accelerations, but larger peak and permanent roof drifts compared with the symmetric systems. Despite these differences in response, the axial load fluctuation and structural asymmetry do not significantly change the relative energy dissipated by the rocking foundations and inelastic structural components within each frame–wall–rocking foundation model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A procedure which involves a non‐linear eigenvalue problem and is based on the substructure method is proposed for the free‐vibration analysis of a soil–structure system. In this procedure, the structure is modelled by the standard finite element method, while the unbounded soil is modelled by the scaled boundary finite element method. The fundamental frequency, and the corresponding radiation damping ratio as well as the modal shape are obtained by using inverse iteration. The free vibration of a dam–foundation system, a hemispherical cavity and a hemispherical deposit are analysed in detail. The numerical results are compared with available results and are also verified by the Fourier transform of the impulsive response calculated in the time domain by the three‐dimensional soil–structure–wave interaction analysis procedure proposed in our previous paper. The fundamental frequency obtained by the present procedure is very close to that obtained by Touhei and Ohmachi, but the damping ratio and the imaginary part of modal shape are significantly different due to the different definition of damping ratio. This study shows that although the classical mode‐superposition method is not applicable to a soil–structure system due to the frequency dependence of the radiation damping, it is still of interest in earthquake engineering to evaluate the fundamental frequency and the corresponding radiation damping ratio of the soil–structure system. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most of the finite element analyses of reinforced concrete structures are restricted to two‐dimensional elements. Three‐dimensional solid elements have rarely been used although nearly all reinforced concrete structures are under a triaxial stress state. In this work, a three‐dimensional solid element based on a smeared fixed crack model that has been used in the past mainly for monotonic static loading analysis is extended to cater for dynamic analysis. The only material parameter that needs to be input for this model is the uniaxial compressive strength of concrete. Steel bars are modelled as uniaxial elements and an embedded formulation allows them to have any orientation inside the concrete elements. The proposed strategy for loading or unloading renders a numerical procedure which is stable and efficient. The whole process is applied to two RC frames and compared against existing experiments in the literature. Results show that the proposed approach may adequately be used to predict the dynamic response of a structure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents three-dimensional fi nite element (FE) analyses of an all-frame model of a three-story reinforced concrete (RC) building damaged in the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake. Non-structural brick walls of the building acted as a seismic resistant element although their contributions were neglected in the design. Hence, the entire structure of a typical frame was modeled and static and dynamic nonlinear analyses were conducted to evaluate the contributions of the brick walls. However, the results of the analyses were considerably overestimated due to coarse mesh discretizations, which were unavoidable due to limited computer resources. This study corrects the overestimations by modifying (1) the tensile strengths and (2) shear stiffness reduction factors of concrete and brick. The results indicate that brick walls improve frame strength although shear failures are caused in columns shortened by spandrel walls. Then, the effectiveness of three types of seismic retrofi ts is evaluated. The maximum drift of the firstoor is reduced by 89.3%, 94.8%, and 27.5% by Steel-confi ned, Full-RC, and Full-brick models, respectively. Finally, feasibility analyses of models with soils were conducted. The analyses indicated that the soils elongate the natural period of building models although no signifi cant differences were observed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the overall response of a structural system including its foundation and surrounding soil, an equivalent finite element model with reduced degrees of freedom using fibre theory‐based beam element was proposed. The proposed model was based on investigations of the subgrade soil reaction of a single‐layer model, and was verified for the cyclic behaviour of a laterally loaded single RC pile in terms of the load–displacement relationship, pile deformation, and soil pressures on the pile surface. Also investigated was the effect of the interfacial element between pile and soil on the behaviour of the laterally loaded pile. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐resolution measurements of rainfall, water level, pH, conductivity, temperature and carbonate chemistry parameters of groundwater at two adjacent locations within the peak cluster karst of the Guilin Karst Experimental Site in Guangxi Province, China, were made with different types of multiparameter sonde. The data were stored using data loggers recording with 2 min or 15 min resolution. Waters from a large, perennial spring represent the exit for the aquifer's conduit flow, and a nearby well measures water in the conduit‐adjacent, fractured media. During flood pulses, the pH of the conduit flow water rises as the conductivity falls. In contrast, and at the same time, the pH of groundwater in the fractures drops, as conductivity rises. As Ca2+ and HCO3? were the dominant (>90%) ions, we developed linear relationships (both r2 > 0·91) between conductivity and those ions, respectively, and in turn calculated variations in the calcite saturation index (SIC) and CO2 partial pressure (P) of water during flood pulses. Results indicate that the P of fracture water during flood periods is higher than that at lower flows, and its SIC is lower. Simultaneously, P of conduit water during the flood period is lower than that at lower flows, and its SIC also is lower. From these results we conclude that at least two key processes are controlling hydrochemical variations during flood periods: (i) dilution by precipitation and (ii) water–rock–gas interactions. To explain hydrochemical variations in the fracture water, the water–rock–gas interactions may be more important. For example, during flood periods, soil gas with high CO2 concentrations dissolves in water and enters the fracture system, the water, which in turn has become more highly undersaturated, dissolves more limestone, and the conductivity increases. Dilution of rainfall is more important in controlling hydrochemical variations of conduit water, because rainfall with higher pH (in this area apparently owing to interaction with limestone dust in the lower atmosphere) and low conductivity travels through the conduit system rapidly. These results illustrate that to understand the hydrochemical variations in karst systems, considering only water–rock interactions is not sufficient, and the variable effects of CO2 on the system should be evaluated. Consideration of water–rock–gas interactions is thus a must in understanding variations in karst hydrochemistry. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 1985 Michoacan earthquake (M=8·1) caused very severe damage to mid-rise buildings in the lakebed zone of Mexico City, which is approximately 400 km from the epicentre in the Pacific Ocean. In the present study, we perform a three-dimensional (3-D) non-linear soil–building interaction analysis for several types of low- to high-rise buildings during the hypothetical Guerrero earthquake, and try to understand the real cause of heavy damage to mid-rise buildings in the lakebed zone during the 1985 Michoacan earthquake. We make a reasonable estimation of the input earthquake motions and the local site effects. The non-linear soil-building interaction analysis explains the damage pattern observed during the 1985 earthquake, although other analyses do not. We realize that all the factors from the earthquake source to the building superstructure must be taken into account adequately. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most current methods of design for concrete structures under earthquake loads rely on highly idealized ‘equivalent’ static representations of the seismic loads and linear‐elastic methods of structural analysis. With the continuing development of non‐linear methods of dynamic analysis for the overload behaviour and collapse of complete concrete structures, a more direct and more accurate design procedure becomes possible which considers conditions at system collapse. This paper describes an evaluation procedure that uses non‐linear dynamic collapse–load analysis together with global safety coefficients. A back‐calibration procedure for evaluating the global safety coefficients is also described. The aim of this paper is to open up discussion of alternative methods of design with improved accuracy which are necessary to move towards a direct collapse–load method of design. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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