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This Virtual Issue highlights 10 recent innovative, unconventional, or otherwise significant contributions to Earth Surface Processes and Landforms that help advance the state‐of‐the‐art in research on linkages between landslides, hillslope erosion, and landscape evolution. The selected studies address this feedback within a temporal spectrum that ranges from the event to the millennial scale, thus underscoring the importance of detailed field observations, high‐resolution digital topographic data, and geochronological methods for increasing our capability of quantifying landslide processes and hillslope erosion. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Denudation mechanisms differ fundamentally between limestone and silicate rock types, which are subject to very different rate thresholds and enhancers/inhibitors. Silicates are removed largely by erosion, the mechanical entrainment and transport of particles. This is a relatively high energy, and highly episodic, process which occurs only when a minimum threshold ?ow velocity is exceeded; it is inhibited by vegetation cover and favoured by strongly seasonal runoff. Limestone is removed largely by chemical dissolution at a rate directly proportional to runoff. Dissolution is a relatively low energy process that can occur at any ?ow velocity or in static water; in general it is enhanced by vegetation cover and non‐seasonality of runoff. These contrasting factors in the denudation of silicates versus limestone can produce strikingly uneven rates of surface lowering across a landscape, sometimes akin to the well known ‘tortoise and hare race’, where the slow and steady denudation of limestones may in the long term exceed the sometimes rapid, but often localized and episodic, erosion of silicates. Prolonged exposure of limestone to a humid temperate climate in a tectonically stable environment produces low‐relief corrosion plains in which limestone uplands are anomalous and, in most instances, due to recent unroo?ng from beneath a siliciclastic cover. In a highly seasonal or semi‐arid climate almost the exact inverse may develop, with ‘?ashy’ runoff and sparse vegetation favouring erosion rather than dissolution. Even under a constant humid climate progressive unroo?ng of a thick limestone unit within folded siliciclastics may lead to a topographic inversion over time, with the limestone outcrop always forming a topographic low ?anked by siliciclastic uplands. Valleys will be initiated on anticlinal crests, where the limestone is ?rst unroofed, but progressive lowering of the limestone causes these valleys to migrate to their ?nal position in the synclinal troughs. In humid climates isostatic compensation in response to slow, but continuous, denudation of extensive limestone outcrops may be a signi?cant factor in the development of relief on adjacent, more slowly eroding, silicate outcrops. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modelling soil erosion with a downscaled landscape evolution model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The measurement and prediction of soil erosion is important for understanding both natural and disturbed landscape systems. In particular numerical models of soil erosion are important tools for managing landscapes as well as understanding how they have evolved over time. Over the last 40 years a variety of methods have been used to determine rates of soil loss from a landscape and these can be loosely categorized into empirical and physically based models. Alternatively, physically based landscape evolution models (LEMs) have been developed that provide information on soil erosion rates at much longer decadal or centennial scales, over large spatial scales and examine how they may respond to environmental and climatic changes. Both soil erosion LEMs are interested in similar outcomes (landscape development and sediment delivery) yet have quite different methodologies and parameterizations. This paper applies a LEM (the CAESAR model) for the first time at time and space scales where soil erosion models have largely been used. It tests the ability of the LEM to predict soil erosion on a 30 m experimental plot on a trial rehabilitated landform in the Northern Territory, Australia. It then continues to discuss the synergies and differences between soil erosion and LEMs. The results demonstrate that once calibrated for the site hydrology, predicted suspended sediment and bedload yields from CAESAR show a close correspondence in both volume and timing of field measured data. The model also predicts, at decadal scales, sediment loads close to that of field measured data. Findings indicate that the small‐scale drainage network that forms within these erosion plots is an important control on the timing and magnitude of sediment delivery. Therefore, it is important to use models that can alter the DEM to reflect changing topography and drainage network as well as having a greater emphasis on channel processes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and Commonwealth of Australia  相似文献   

The current generation of landscape evolution models use a digital elevation model for landscape representation. These programs also contain a hydrological model that defines overland flow with the drainage network routed to an outlet. One of the issues with landscape evolution modelling is the hydrological correctness of the digital elevation model used for the simulations. Despite the wide use and increased quality of digital elevation models, data pits and depressions in the elevation data are a common feature and their removal will remain a necessary step for many data sets. This study examines whether a digital elevation model can be hydrologically correct (i.e. all depressions removed so that all water can run downslope) before use in a landscape evolution model and what effect depression removal has on long‐term geomorphology and hydrology. The impact on sediment transport rates is also examined. The study was conducted using a field catchment and a proposed landform for a post‐mining landscape. The results show that there is little difference in catchment geomorphology and hydrology for the non‐depression removed and depression removed data sets. The non‐depression removed and depression removed digital elevation models were also evaluated as input to a landscape evolution model for a 50 000 year simulation period. The results show that after 1000 years there is little difference between the data sets, although sediment transport rates did vary considerably early on in the simulation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a study to estimate the large-scale landscape history of a continental margin, by establishing a source-to-sink volume balance between the eroding onshore areas and the offshore basins. Assuming erosion as the primary process for sediment production, we strive to constrain a numerical model of landscape evolution that balances the volumes of eroded materials from the continent and that deposited in the corresponding basins, with a ratio imposed for loss of erosion products. We use this approach to investigate the landscape history of Madagascar since the Late Cretaceous. The uplift history prescribed in the model is inferred from elevations of planation surfaces formed at various ages. By fitting the volumes of terrigenous sediments in the Morondava Basin along the west coast and the current elevation of the island, the landscape evolution model is optimized by constraining the erosion law parameters and ratios of sediment loss. The results include a best-fit landscape evolution model, which features two major periods of uplift and erosion during the Late Cretaceous and the middle to late Cenozoic. The model supports suggestions from previous studies that most of the high topography of the island was constructed since the middle to late Miocene, and on the central plateau the erosion has not reached an equilibrium with the high uplift rates in the late Cenozoic. Our models also indicate that over the geological time scale a significant portion of materials eroded from Madagascar was not archived in the offshore basin, possibly consumed by chemical weathering, the intensity of which might have varied with climate.  相似文献   

The idea that the isostatic response to progressive denudational unloading can be episodic over cyclic timescales is widely cited in the geomorphological literature. We demonstrate, however, that this notion, which has been regarded as a possible mechanism of widespread landscape rejuvenation, is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the principles of flexural isostasy. Rather than a discontinuous response, in cases where the half-width of the applied load is greater than a few tens of kilometres the lithosphere experiences a continuous compensation which is dependent upon the wavelength of the applied load rather than upon a lateral, or vertical, threshold of unloading which has to be exceeded before isostatic recovery is initiated. Although a flexural isostatic response cannot account for episodic uplift during a denudational cycle, it can explain the growth and persistence of significant marginal upwarps along passive margins across which there is a marked contrast in denudation rates. Such marginal upwarps, in turn, probably play a critical role in the long-term evolution of drainage systems and landscapes in adjacent continental hinterlands.  相似文献   

Field measurement and modelling of soil erosion provides insights into landscape systems as well as the potential for enhanced landscape management. There are a number of field and numerical methods by which soil erosion and deposition can be quantified. Here we examine the capability of the SIBERIA landscape evolution model to quantify short-term erosion and deposition on a well-managed cattle grazing landscape on the east coast of Australia. The model is calibrated by two methods (1) a geomorphological approach using a site digital elevation model (DEM) and soil data and (2) a laboratory-scale flume. The two calibration processes resulted in similar model input parameters and estimated erosion rates of 3.1 t ha−1 year−1 and 4.4 t ha−1 year−1, respectively. These were found to closely match erosion rates estimated using the environmental tracer 137Cs (2.7–4.8 t ha−1 year−1). However, erosion and deposition estimated at individual points along the hillslope was not well correlated with 137Cs at the same position due to the temporal averaging of the model and microtopography. Sensitivity analysis showed the model was more sensitive to parameterisation than sub-DEM-scale topography. This places confidence in the model's ability to estimate erosion and deposition across an entire hillslope and catchment on decadal time scales. We also highlight the robustness and flexibility of the calibration methods.  相似文献   

There are two main ocean-ridge discontinuities in Iceland: the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ) and the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ). The TFZ is a 120-km-long and as much as 70-km-wide WNW-trending zone of high seismicity. It has three main seismic lineaments: the Husavik-Flatey Fault (HFF), the Dalvik lineament, and the Grimsey lineament. The HFF, a dextral strike-slip fault and active as a transform fault for about 9 Ma, has a cumulative transform-parallel displacement of some 60 km. Offshore, the HFF is marked by a transform (fracture-zone) valley, 5–10 km wide and 3–4 km deep. Onshore the Flateyjarskagi Peninsula the HFF is marked by a 3–5-km-wide zone of intense crustal deformation with numerous strike-slip and normal faults, transform-parallel dykes, dense sets of mineral veins, and subzones of completely crushed rocks, that is, fault cores. Where the HFF comes on land on Tjörnes there is a similar, but much thinner, zone of crushed rocks. The seismic lineaments are located a few tens of kilometres south (Dalvik) and north (Grimsey) of, and run subparallel with, the HFF. Both lineaments are composed of sets of NNW-trending sinistral faults arranged en echelon.The SISZ is a 70-km-long and 10–20-km wide zone of almost continuous seismicity located between the overlapping West and East Volcanic Zones. It produces the largest earthquakes in Iceland, some of which exceed M7, during which the N–S width of the zone may be as great as 50–60 km. The SISZ is partly covered with Holocene lava flows where the seismogenic faults occur as dextral NNE-trending and sinistral ENE-trending conjugate arrays with push-ups between their nearby ends. The same fault-segment trends occur in the Pleistocene pile north of the Holocene lava flows.The HFF is neither perpendicular to the nearby ridge segments nor parallel with the spreading vector. As a consequence, the North Volcanic Zone has propagated to the north and the Kolbeinsey Ridge to the south during the past 1 Ma, resulting in the development of the Grimsey and Dalvik lineaments. Similarly, the tip of the East Volcanic Zone has been propagating rapidly to the southwest during the past 3 Ma. The tip has been at its present location for no more than several hundred thousand years, thus making the SISZ less stable than the HFF. If the propagation of the tip of the East Volcanic Zone continues, it will eventually reach the Reykjanes Ridge, whereby either the West or the East Volcanic Zone becomes extinct. Then the SISZ dies out as a major seismic zone.  相似文献   

Stone forest (‘Shilin’ in Chinese) is a unique karst landform with a complex evolution process. Based mainly on the characteristics and interrelationships of sub‐soil, soil and sub‐aerial erosion in Lunan karst area, the authors develop a triplex erosion model to describe the evolution of stone forest, and apply it to examine the current development stage and the prospect of the Lunan Stone Forest. The study shows that sub‐soil corrosion, a basic driving force for the vertical scope of a stone forest, usually occurs within 10 m below ground surface but is observed to be most active within the top 2 m, which constitutes the best development zone for stone forest. Under modern climatic conditions, the tip of the stone pillars in Lunan karst area is lowering at a rate of 10·4 mm ka?1, whereas the base of the stone pillars is deepening at 26·17 mm ka?1. Therefore, the height of stone pillars is increasing at a rate of 15·77 mm ka?1. Considering that soil erosion in the study area is as high as 650 mm ka?1, the visible height of the stone forest is actually increasing at a rate of 639·6 mm ka?1. However, the best evolution time for Lunan Stone Forest has already passed despite the fact that it is still growing taller at the present time. This is because the soil layer, which plays an extremely significant role in the heightening of stone pillars, is rapidly thinning at a rate of 623·83 mm ka?1. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modelling landscape evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Geomorphology is currently in a period of resurgence as we seek to explain the diversity, origins and dynamics of terrain on the Earth and other planets in an era of increased environmental awareness. Yet there is a great deal we still do not know about the physics and chemistry of the processes that weaken rock and transport mass across a planet's surface. Discovering and refining the relevant geomorphic transport functions requires a combination of careful field measurements, lab experiments, and use of longer‐term natural experiments to test current theory and develop new understandings. Landscape evolution models have an important role to play in sharpening our thinking, guiding us toward the right observables, and mapping out the logical consequences of transport laws, both alone and in combination with other salient processes. Improved quantitative characterization of terrain and process, and an ever‐improving theory that describes the continual modification of topography by the many and varied processes that shape it, together with improved observation and qualitative and quantitative modelling of geology, vegetation and erosion processes, will provide insights into the mechanisms that control catchment form and function. This paper reviews landscape theory – in the form of numerical models of drainage basin evolution and the current knowledge gaps and future computing challenges that exist. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The assessment of post‐mining landscapes as case studies is an important part of the evaluation of current rehabilitation practices. A necessary part of this assessment is to predict the surface stability of the landform using erosion and landform evolution modelling techniques. In the short term, erosion on a rehabilitated mine site can lead to increased sediment loads and transport of other mine related contaminants in downstream waterways. It is well recognized that in many mine areas the erodibility of surface materials can, and does, vary. This is a particularly significant issue on mine sites, where the surface conditions may range from areas of undisturbed natural surface materials, waste rock dumps constructed with materials exhumed from the sub‐surface, and other areas that have a mix of waste rock and soil to enhance the growth of vegetation. A further significant issue is that when the subsurface materials are exposed to surface conditions they can weather rapidly, changing their erodibility. This paper uses a new version of the SIBERIA landscape evolution and soil erosion model to evaluate the former Nabarlek uranium mine site in the Northern Territory, Australia. This new version of SIBERIA uses spatially variable erosion and hydrology parameters across the study domain to represent different erodibilities of surface materials, thus allowing better representation of catchment heterogeneity. The results demonstrate that the model predicts erosion rates similar to that of other modelled results and independent field data, providing confidence in the model and its parameterization. The tailings, deposited in the mined out pit and capped with waste rock, appear to be safely encapsulated for the modelled period. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Commonwealth of Australia (Department of the Environment and Water Resources Supervising Scientist).  相似文献   

In this study, we present direct field measurements of modern lateral and vertical bedrock erosion during a 2-year study period, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of fluvial material capping a flat bedrock surface at Kings Creek located in northeast Kansas, USA. These data provide insight into rates and mechanisms of bedrock erosion and valley-widening in a heterogeneously layered limestone-shale landscape. Lateral bedrock erosion outpaced vertical incision during our 2-year study period. Modern erosion rates, measured at erosion pins in limestone and shale bedrock reveal that shale erosion rate is a function of wetting and drying cycles, while limestone erosion rate is controlled by discharge and fracture spacing. Variability in fracture spacing amongst field sites controls the size of limestone block collapse into the stream, which either allowed continued lateral erosion following rapid detachment and transport of limestone blocks, or inhibited lateral erosion due to limestone blocks that protected the valley wall from further erosion. The OSL ages of fluvial material sourced from the strath terrace were older than any material previously dated at our study site and indicate that Kings Creek was actively aggrading and incising throughout the late Pleistocene. Coupling field measurements and observations with ages of fluvial terraces can be useful to investigate the timing and processes linked to how bedrock rivers erode laterally over time to form wide bedrock valleys.  相似文献   

While it is well recognized that vegetation can affect erosion, sediment yield and, over longer timescales, landform evolution, the nature of this interaction and how it should be modeled is not obvious and may depend on the study site. In order to develop quantitative insight into the magnitude and nature of the influence of vegetation on catchment erosion, we build a landscape evolution model to simulate erosion in badlands, then calibrate and evaluate it against sediment yield data for two catchments with contrasting vegetation cover. The model couples hillslope gravitational transport and stream alluvium transport. Results indicate that hillslope transport processes depend strongly on the vegetation cover, whereas stream transport processes do not seem to be affected by the presence of vegetation. The model performance in prediction is found to be higher for the denuded catchment than for the reforested one. Moreover, we find that vegetation acts on erosion mostly by reducing soil erodibility rather than by reducing surface runoff. Finally, the methodology we propose can be a useful tool to evaluate the efficiency of previous revegetation operations and to provide guidance for future restoration work. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main features of the Australian physical landscape are of the order of 107-108 years old. This contradicts the widely held view that little of the Earth's topography predates the Quaternary and that erosion cycles are carried to planation within tens of millions of years. Much of the Australian landscape must have developed over similar timescales to that of the tectonic evolution of the continent itself. The study of the geomorphology of such ancient terrains may therefore be seriously deficient unless it is considered within the context of continental-scale tectonic development. Application of this approach shows that there are strong links between the geomorphology of Australia and plate movements, ocean spreading, plate convergence, tectonostratigraphic terranes, orogenesis and epeirogenesis. The most important factor contributing to the survival of ancient landscapes in Australia is the low rate of denudation which the continent has experienced during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. This is largely a consequence of orogenic stability, although the absence of significant Quaternary glaciation may also be of importance. However, in order for landforms to have survived over such timespans, denudation must not only have been low, but must also have been highly localized over space and time. This has been the case both on a regional scale, with long-term denudation rates of 0-2 m Ma?1 in central Australia contrasting with higher rates along the continental margins, and on a local scale, with denudation confined to valleys, leaving divides and interfluves almost unscathed.  相似文献   

A natural experiment in landscape evolution is a case study of landform development in which only one element varies significantly, and for which the driving forces, initial conditions, and/or boundary conditions are well constrained. Natural experiments provide a means of testing landscape evolution theory on the large space and time scales to which that theory applies. Natural experiments can involve either steady or transient conditions. Cases with steady conditions allow one to test predictions about the relationships among topography, erosion rates, and various attributes related to climate and material properties. Transient cases are valuable for distinguishing between models whose predictions might be similar, and therefore indistinguishable, under steady conditions. Essential ingredients of a natural experiment include minimal variation in all but one factor, good constraints on timing and/or rates, well‐characterized processes, and high quality topographic data. Other useful ingredients include information about intermediate topographic states (such as a former valley profile revealed by strath terraces), and knowledge of the time history of erosion rates. In order to deepen our understanding of the physics and chemistry of long‐term landscape evolution, there is a pressing need to identify natural experiments and develop the necessary databases to take advantage of them. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reviews original and published data on the abundance and composition of pyroclastics due to explosive discharges by volcanoes on the Iceland Plume. The pyroclastics were deposited in the Cenozoic sediments in the North Atlantic Ocean and in the Norwegian-Greenland basin. The DSDP and ODP initial reports (70 deep wells), 100 geologic columns sampled during cruises of the R/Vs Akademik Kurchatov and Mikhail Lomonosov furnished the database from which we constructed stratigraphic and areal-maps of pyroclastics abundance and computed the distribution of the volumes and amounts of pyroclastic layers over the stratigraphic intervals of the Cenozoic sedimentary sequence. The distribution of these layers was found to be cyclic; the highest frequency occurred during the Quaternary. Basaltoid pyroclastics prevailed in the late Paleocene and Early Eocene. The Oligocene has typically subalkaline ankaramite pyroclastics. From the Miocene until the Quaternary the pyroclastics became bimodal (basalt-rhyolite) and high potassium rhyolite pyroclastics appeared. This evolution seems to have been caused by crystallization differentiation of basaltoid magmas in magma chambers that came into being in prespreading grabens where a thick (> 20 km) sequence of volcanic rocks accumulated to produce a dipping reflector.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution models (LEMs) are an increasingly popular resource for geomorphologists as they can operate as virtual laboratories where the implications of hypotheses about processes over human to geological timescales can be visualized at spatial scales from catchments to mountain ranges. Hypothetical studies for idealized landscapes have dominated, although model testing in real landscapes has also been undertaken. So far however, numerical landscape evolution models have rarely been used to aid field‐based reconstructions of the geomorphic evolution of actual landscapes. To help make this use more common, we review numerical landscape evolution models from the point of view of model use in field reconstruction studies. We first give a broad overview of the main assumptions and choices made in many LEMs to help prospective users select models appropriate to their field situation. We then summarize for various timescales which data are typically available and which models are appropriate. Finally, we provide guidance on how to set up a model study as a function of available data and the type of research question. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil‐mantled landscapes subjected to rainfall, runoff events, and downstream base level adjustments will erode and evolve in time and space. Yet the precise mechanisms for soil erosion also will vary, and such variations may not be adequately captured by soil erosion prediction technology. This study sought to monitor erosion processes within an experimental landscape filled with packed homogenous soil, which was exogenically forced by rainfall and base level adjustments, and to define the temporal and spatial variation of the erosion regimes. Close‐range photogrammetry and terrain analysis were employed as the primary methods to discriminate these erosion regimes. Results show that (1) four distinct erosion regimes can be identified (raindrop impact, sheet flow, rill, and gully), and these regimes conformed to an expected trajectory of landscape evolution; (2) as the landscape evolved, the erosion regimes varied in areal coverage and in relative contribution to total sediment efflux measured at the outlet of the catchment; and (3) the sheet flow and rill erosion regimes dominated the contributions to total soil loss. Disaggregating the soil erosion processes greatly facilitated identifying and mapping each regime in time and space. Such information has important implications for improving soil erosion prediction technology, for assessing landscape degradation by soil erosion, for mapping regions vulnerable to future erosion, and for mitigating soil losses and managing soil resources. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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