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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2128-2151
After the first emergence following deglaciation, relative sea level rose by 10 m in western Norway and culminated late in the Younger Dryas (YD). The relative sea-level history, reconstructed by dating deposits in isolation basins, shows a sea-level low-stand between ∼13 640 and 13 080 cal yr BP, a 10 m sea-level rise between ∼13 080 and 11 790 cal yr BP and a sea-level high-stand between ∼11 790 and 11 550 cal yr BP. Shortly after the YD/Holocene boundary, sea level fell abruptly by ∼37 m. The shorelines formed during the sea-level low-stand in the mid-Allerød and during the sea-level high-stand in the YD have almost parallel tilts with a gradient of ∼1.3 m km−1, indicating that hardly any isostatic movement has taken place during this period of sea-level rise. We conclude that the transgression was caused by the major re-advance of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet that took place in western Norway during the Lateglacial. The extra ice load halted the isostatic uplift and elevated the geoid due to the increased gravitational attraction on the sea. Our results show that the crust responded to the increased load well before the YD (starting ∼12 900 cal yr BP), with a sea-level low-stand at 13 640 cal yr BP and the subsequent YD transgression starting at 13 080 cal yr BP. Thus, we conclude that the so-called YD ice-sheet advance in western Norway started during the Allerød, possibly more than 600 years before the Allerød/YD transition.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of global ice-equivalent eustatic sea-level changes during the mid to late Holocene is important to our understanding of how ice sheets will respond to future climate change. This study re-analyses the indicative meaning and age control of existing relative sea-level (RSL) data from Cleveland Bay, North Queensland, Australia and presents new RSL data from a foraminifera-based transfer function as a preliminary test of global geophysical models in this region during the mid to late Holocene. The foraminifera-based transfer function produces reliable RSL estimates, consistent through the mid to late Holocene at different locations in Cleveland Bay. Analysis of the combined RSL database reveals that RSL rose above present between 8 and 6.2 ka cal. BP, with the peak of the sea-level highstand c. 2.8 m above present at c. 5 ka cal. BP, remaining relatively stable above +1.5 m from 6.2 until at least 2.3 ka cal. BP, falling to present in the last millennia. This long period of sea level above present in the mid to late Holocene suggests a gradual rather than abrupt end to global ice melt, which must have continued into the late Holocene. This new analysis also shows no evidence for episodic fluctuations within the highstand, although they cannot be entirely ruled out by this study. This study demonstrates that more sea-level data needs to be collected from locations uncontaminated by glacio-isostasy, hydro-isostasy and tectonic effects, in order to better constrain the late Holocene melt histories of the large polar ice sheets.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2544-2557
Ten beach deposits, mainly beachrock, on the Carmel coastal plain, northern Israel, are discussed. Six are reported for the first time. The deposits are situated within or close to the following seasonal stream (locally termed Nahal) channels: Nahal Ahuza, Amiram, Ovadia, Galim, Megadim, Bir Ibdawiya, Me’arot and Kebara. The morphology and lithology of most of the deposits are similar: their uppermost altitude varies from 0 to 9 m above the present sea level. Most of the deposits are composed mainly of fine quartz sand and marine mollusk shells carbonate cemented. The dominant mollusk families are Glycymerididae, Cardiidae and Donacidae. Most of the beach deposits are situated between cemented aeolian sandstones (locally termed kurkar) layers on the Carmel coast ridge. In the Nahal Ahuza deposit, a marine gastropod Lentigo latus, an index fossil for the MIS 5e high sea stand in the Mediterranean area was discovered.According to lithology and chronostratigraphy, the presence of Lentigo latus, Th/U, AAR and RTL dating and flint artifacts, the beach deposits were related to the Last Interglacial maximum about 125 ka BP, i.e. the MIS 5e high sea stand. These beach deposits are used to identify the palaeo sea levels and coastlines and to study the tectonics along the Carmel coastal plain. By comparing the elevations and characteristics of the beach deposits to known MIS 5e deposits elsewhere, and by analyzing archaeological data, it is concluded that during the last 125 ka, the maximum possible vertical displacement was less than 48 mm/ka, and the Carmel coastal plain was relatively tectonically stable.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2090-2112
The geomorphology and morphostratigraphy of numerous worldwide sites reveal the relative movements of sea level during the peak of the Last Interglaciation (Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, assumed average duration between 130±2 and 119±2 ka). Because sea level was higher than present, deposits are emergent, exposed, and widespread on many stable coastlines. Correlation with MIS 5e is facilitated by similar morphostratigraphic relationships, a low degree of diagenesis, uranium–thorium (U/Th) ages, and a global set of amino-acid racemization (AAR) data. This study integrates information from a large number of sites from tectonically stable areas including Bermuda, Bahamas, and Western Australia, and some that have experienced minor uplift (∼2.5 m/100 ka), including selected sites from the Mediterranean and Hawaii. Significant fluctuations during the highstand are evident at many MIS 5e sites, revealed from morphological, stratigraphic, and sedimentological evidence. Rounded and flat-topped curves derived only from reef tracts are incomplete and not representative of the entire interglacial story. Despite predictions of much different sea-level histories in Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Western Australia due to glacio- and hydro-isostatic effects, the rocks from these sites reveal a nearly identical record during the Last Interglaciation.The Last Interglacial highstand is characterized by several defined sea-level intervals (SLIs) that include: (SLI#1) post-glacial (MIS 6/5e Termination II) rise to above present before 130 ka; (SLI#2) stability at +2 to +3 m for the initial several thousand years (∼130 to ∼125 ka) during which fringing reefs were established and terrace morphology was imprinted along the coastlines; (SLI#3) a brief fall to near or below present around 125 ka; (SLI#4) a secondary rise to and through ∼+3–4 m (∼124 to ∼122 ka); followed by (SLI#5) a brief period of instability (∼120 ka) characterized by a rapid rise to between +6 to +9 m during which multiple notches and benches were developed; and (SLI#6) an apparently rapid descent of sea level into MIS 5d after 119 ka. U/Th ages are used to confirm the Last Interglacial age of the deposits, but unfortunately, in only two cases was it possible to corroborate the highstand subdivisions using radiometric ages.Sea levels above or at present were relatively stable during much of early MIS 5e and the last 6–7 ka of MIS 1, encouraging a comparison between them. The geological evidence suggests that significant oceanographic and climatic changes occurred thereafter, midway through, and continuing through the end of MIS 5e. Fluctuating sea levels and a catastrophic termination of MIS 5e are linked to the instability of grounded and marine-based ice sheets, with the Greenland (GIS) and West Antarctic (WAIS) ice sheets being the most likely contributors. Late MIS 5e ice volume changes were accompanied by oceanographic reorganization and global ecological shifts, and provide one ominous scenario for a greenhouse world.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1479-1498
Multiple peat-silt couplets preserved in tidal marsh sediment sequences suggest that numerous great plate boundary earthquakes caused the coast around Cook Inlet, Alaska, to subside over the past 3500 years. Field and laboratory analyses of the two youngest couplets record the well-documented earthquake of AD 1964 and the penultimate one, approximately 850 cal yr BP. Diatom assemblages from a range of modern day estuarine environments from tidal flat through salt marsh to acidic bog produce quantitative diatom transfer function models for elevation reconstructions based on fossil samples. Only nine out of 124 fossil assemblages analysed, including previously published data for the AD 1964 earthquake, have a poor modern analogue. Calibration of fossil samples indicate co-seismic subsidence of 1.50±0.32 m for AD 1964, similar to measurements taken after the earthquake, and 1.45±0.34 m for the ∼850 cal yr BP earthquake. Elevation standard errors for individual fossil samples range from ∼0.08 m in peat layers to ∼0.35 m in silt units. Lack of a chronology within fossil silt units prevents identification of changes in the rate of recovery and land uplift between the post-seismic and inter-seismic periods. However, preservation of multiple peat-silt couplets indicates no net emergence over multiple earthquake cycles. Glacio-isostatic movements from Little Ice Age glacier advance and retreat explains a ∼0.15 m relative sea-level oscillation recorded within the peat layer subsequently submerged as a result of the AD 1964 earthquake. Before both this and the ∼850 cal yr BP earthquake, diatom assemblages suggest pre-seismic relative sea-level rise of ∼0.12±0.13 m, representing possible precursors to great earthquakes.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):100-114
Late Cretaceous platform carbonates from the Salento peninsula (south Italy) were studied by strontium-isotope stratigraphy to improve their chronostratigraphy. Forty-three samples from nine localities were collected and the numerical ages were derived from fifteen geochemically well-preserved samples of rudist shells that were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr values. Strontium isotope stratigraphy yielded new ages for the base of the Ciolo Limestone. The oldest successions studied in Salento are 85.9 Ma (+/− 0.6) and assigned to the Melissano Limestone. The youngest Cretaceous limestones observed at the Ciolo Limestone type locality (Ciolo cove) are 66.4 Ma (+/− 1.5), and the base of this formation is older than 72.8 Ma (+/− 0.4). Karstic cavities observed at the Cava Cocumola in the mid-Campanian S. Cesarea Limestone are tentatively interpreted to be linked to an intra-Campanian event which is related to a sea-level lowstand inferred also on the island of Brač (Adriatic coast of Croatia) and in the Boreal realm at 75–77 Ma. A new large recumbent rudist similar to Sabinia and Pseudosabinia is observed in the Ciolo and S. Cesarea Limestone and appears to be characteristic of the Apulian platform carbonates. Rudist associations from the S. Cesarea Limestone and the overlying Ciolo Limestone are remarkably similar, although they range over a time interval of more than 12 Ma.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(10-11):1217-1222
Tide gauge data at seven sites of the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), with information for relative sea-level during the past 140–200 yr, were analyzed to examine the rates and causes of the global sea-level rise (GSLR) during the twentieth century. By subtracting linear trends for relative sea-level rise during the past 100 yr from the observed data, we get the apparent GSLRs of ∼1 mm yr−1 for five sites around the Baltic Sea and Brest. The rate for San Francisco is significantly larger than this, with an optimum value ∼2 mm yr−1. The spatial difference of ∼1 mm yr−1 between these sites is reasonably explained by the recent melting of the Greenland ice sheet with an equivalent sea-level rise of ∼1 mm yr−1. The predicted relative sea-level change for this melting scenario is 0.5 mm yr−1 at sites around the Baltic Sea and Brest, and 1.5 mm yr−1 for San Francisco. The residuals between observations and predictions, ∼0.5 mm yr−1 at all sites, may be contributed by thermal expansion of seawater and/or other melting sources. These results suggest the rate of twentieth-century GSLR to be 1.5 mm yr−1.  相似文献   

The pollen record of the long succession of marine and continental deposits filling the subsident north-Adriatic foredeep basin (NE Italy) documents the history of vegetation, the landscape evolution and the climate forcing during the last 215 ka at the south-eastern Alpine foreland. The chronology relies on several 14C determinations as well as on estimated ages of pollen-stratigraphical and sea-level event tie-points derived from comparison with high-resolution marine records, speleothemes and ice cores.Mixed temperate rainforests persisted throughout MIS 7a–7c, being replaced by conifer forests after the local glacioeustatic regression during early MIS 6. The Alpine piedmont facing the Adriatic foredeeep was glaciated at the culmination of the penultimate glaciation, as directly testified by in situ fluvioglacial aggradation related to the building of a large morainic amphitheatre. The pollen record allows correlation with other European records and with the IRD from N-Atlantic and off Iberia, thus the duration of the penultimate glacial culmination at the southalpine fringe is estimated less than 13 ka between 148 ± 1 and >135 ka. The site was not reached by the Last Interglacial maximum sea transgression and enregistered a typical, though incomplete, Eemian forest record, lacking Mediterranean evergreen trees. A complex sequence of stadial–interstadial episodes is reconstructed during the Early and Middle Würm: major xerophyte peaks match IRD maxima occurred during Heinrich events in deep-sea cores offshore Iberia and in the N-Atlantic and allows to frame lumps of interstadial phases, marked by Picea peaks, each one including several DO warm events. Broad-leaved thermophilous forests disappeared from the north-eastern plain of Italy at the end of the Early Würm, whereas reduced populations of Abies and Fagus probably sheltered even during the Last Glacial Maximum. A renewed fluvioglacial in situ deposition between 30.4 ± 0.4 and 21.6 ± 0.5 ka cal BP sets the time and duration of the last glacial culmination in the pedemontane morainic amphitheatre. Palynomorphs from Plio-Pleistocene marine successions were reworked by glacier erosion and deposited in the lowland during both the penultimate and the last deglaciation phases. This explains a bias affecting previous pollen records from the region.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, geomorphic, and ground penetrating radar (GPR) data are combined with optically stimulated luminescence data to define the Holocene evolution of a coastal system in peninsular Malaysia. The Setiu coastal region of northeast Malaysia comprises five geological and geomorphic units representing distinct evolutionary phases of this coastline. Estimated marine limiting point elevations indicate deposition of an early aggradational shoreline associated with a sea-level elevation of −0.1 to +1.7 m (MSLPMVGD datum) between ∼6.8 ka and 5.7 ka, in agreement with previous sea-level studies from the Malay–Thai peninsula. A hiatus occurs in the record between ∼5.7 ka and 3.0 ka, possibly due to a relative sea-level oscillation and shoreline erosion. Long-term relative sea-level fall and possible still-stands created strandplains that are interrupted by aggradational to transgressive paleo-barrier and estuary formation corresponding with brief episodes of RSL rise. Analyses of GPR facies and OSL ages suggest annual clinoform deposition, with geometries dictated by variations in ENSO. These data demonstrate the utility of high resolution studies of coastal facies as useful proxy indicators for paleoclimate studies at subdecadal to millennial time-scales.  相似文献   

Beach-rock exposures provide a record of Holocene sea-level rise along the 560-km-long northeast-facing coast of Ceará, Brazil, that differs from the record available along the other 4300 km of Brazilian coastline further south. Whereas documentation is available from southern Brazil to show Holocene sea levels as much as 5 m above today's level, our observations along the northeastern coast indicate that sea level here was not above the present-day level during the Holocene. Near Jericoacoara, about 240 km northwest of Fortaleza, characterized by strong surf, Precambrian rocks crop out from under a temporary cover of sand in small protected locations with less surf. Here in this upper tidal zone beach rock is being formed, while it is being dismembered synchronously by erosion at lower tide levels. This shows a rising sea level. Along the entire coast of Ceará west of Ponta Grossa the absence of beach rock higher than spring tide level indicates that sea-level was not above its present-day level during the Holocene.Notches in bedrock situated between 2 m and 6 m above spring-tide high-water level that we formerly described as Holocene, are now believed to be Sangamonian.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (NCIS) is one the defining features of the Fennoscandian icesheet. Still little is known of the detailed dynamics of this ice stream in relation to regional changes in ice cover, paleoceanographic and climatic changes. Sedimentological data from core MD99-2283 in combination with seismic data allow a detailed chronological reconstruction of the outbuilding of the margin and the ice extent in southern Scandinavia through the last 150 ka. An integrated stratigraphy of the margin is presented and compared to the glacial history. Changes in the regional ice cover are reflected in the accumulation rates, the clay mineralogy, the coarse chalk fraction and the number of IRD >2 mm in core MD99-2283, while the sedimentation on the North Sea Fan as derived from seismic data provides direct evidence for the glacial activity at the shelf edge. Tentative evidence was found for two Early Weichselian glacial advances in southern Scandinavia and possibly Scotland at around 110 and 80 ka BP. From 42 cal ka BP the ice cover expanded in southern Fennoscandia and led to increased deposition on the margin and the occurrence of local melt water outbursts. Significantly increased accumulation rates, coarse chalk, local meltwater output and smectite occur during the ice expansion in the North Sea from around 34 cal ka BP. The main outbuilding phase of the NSF during the last glacial cycle occurred after 30 cal ka BP. From around 24 cal ka BP the NCIS became highly active and advanced at least three times prior to the final retreat from the shelf edge around 19.0 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2113-2127
We compare numerical predictions of glaciation-induced sea-level change to data from 8 locations around the Antarctic coast in order to test if the available data preclude the possibility of a dominant Antarctic contribution to meltwater pulse IA (mwp-IA). Results based on a subset of 7 spherically symmetric earth viscosity models and 6 different Antarctic deglaciation histories indicate that the sea-level data do not rule out a large Antarctic source for this event. Our preliminary analysis indicates that the Weddell Sea is the most likely source region for a large (∼9 m) Antarctic contribution to mwp-IA. The Ross Sea is also plausible as a significant contributor (∼5 m) from a sea-level perspective, but glacio-geological field observations are not compatible with such a large and rapid melt from this region. Our results suggest that the Lambert Glacier component of the East Antarctic ice sheet experienced significant retreat at the time of mwp-IA, but only contributed ∼0.15 m (eustatic sea-level change). All of the ice models considered under-predicted the isostatic component of the sea-level response in the Antarctic Peninsula and the Sôya Coast region of the East Antarctic ice sheet, indicating that the maximum ice thickness in these regions is underestimated. It is therefore plausible that ice melt from these areas, the Antarctic Peninsula in particular, could have made a significant contribution to mwp-IA.  相似文献   

This study presents a high-resolution multi-proxy investigation of sediment core MD03-2601 and documents major glacier oscillations and deep water activity during the Holocene in the Adélie Land region, East Antarctica. A comparison with surface ocean conditions reveals synchronous changes of glaciers, sea ice and deep water formation at Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch time scales. We report (1) a deglaciation of the Adélie Land continental shelf from 11 to 8.5 cal ka BP, which occurred in two phases of effective glacier grounding-line retreat at 10.6 and 9 cal ka BP, associated with active deep water formation; (2) a rapid glacier and sea ice readvance centred around 7.7 cal ka BP; and (3) five rapid expansions of the glacier–sea ice systems, during the Mid to Late Holocene, associated to a long-term increase of deep water formation. At Milankovich time scales, we show that the precessionnal component of insolation at high and low latitudes explains the major trend of the glacier–sea ice–ocean system throughout the Holocene, in the Adélie Land region. In addition, the orbitally-forced seasonality seems to control the coastal deep water formation via the sea ice–ocean coupling, which could lead to opposite patterns between north and south high latitudes during the Mid to Late Holocene. At sub-Milankovitch time scales, there are eight events of glacier–sea ice retreat and expansion that occurred during atmospheric cooling events over East Antarctica. Comparisons of our results with other peri-Antarctic records and model simulations from high southern latitudes may suggest that our interpretation on glacier–sea ice–ocean interactions and their Holocene evolutions reflect a more global Antarctic Holocene pattern.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):958-978
An extensive study of Late Pleistocene continental slope submarine mass movements was undertaken. Twenty-six well-dated mass movements occurred during the last 45 ka BP in the North Atlantic sector. A latitudinal trend is observed: between 45 and 12 ka BP most events occur in the mid- to low-latitudes, post-12 ka BP high-latitude occurring events dominate. A cluster of events is associated with the Last Glacial sea level lowstand and Termination 1B. Further events are associated with Termination 1A and the Holocene. Prior to 23 ka BP no clear relationship with the ice core atmospheric methane record is observed, in contrast during and following the deglaciation there is a possible relationship with atmospheric methane. High-latitude mass movements are primarily controlled by cyrospheric-induced variations in sedimentation and local sea level. In high latitudes, the glaciation subdues mass movement activity through reduced seisimicity, sediment supply and ocean temperatures. Deglaciation increases the sediment supply, seisimicity and ocean temperatures, thus increasing the likelihood of continental slope failures. For example the Storegga event coincides with high isostatic uplift and postglacial seisimicity, while the Andøya and Trænadjupet events occur before and after the peak rates respectively. In contrast low latitudes experience greater risk of slope failures during glacial periods from falling sea levels, although during the deglacial and interglacial period there is a potential for failure from changes in deposition centres and rates, as well as warming ocean temperatures potentially leading to dissociation of gas hydrates. The ongoing rapid deglaciation of coastal Greenland and Antarctica and consequent rapid input of sediment, isostatic uplift, crustal stress release and warming bottom water temperature at the shelf break will increase the risk of continental slope failure in these regions.  相似文献   

Precise measurements of submerged archaeological markers in the Siracusa coast (Southeastern Sicily, Italy) provide new data on relative sea-level change during the late Holocene. Four submerged archaeological sites have been studied and investigated through direct observations. Two of them are Greek archaic in age (2.5–2.7 ka) and are now 0.98–1.48 m below sea level; the other two developed during the Bronze age (3.2–3.8 ka) and are now 1.03–1.97 m below sea level. These archaeological data have been integrated with information derived from a submerged speleothem collected in a cave located along the Siracusa coast at − 20 m depth. The positions of the archaeological markers have been measured with respect to present sea level, corrected for tide and pressure at the time of surveys. These data were compared with predicted sea-level rise curves for the Holocene using a glacio-hydro-isostatic model. The comparison with the curve for the southeastern Sicily coast yields a tectonic component of relative sea-level change related to regional uplift. Uplift rates between 0.3 and 0.8 mm/yr have been estimated.  相似文献   

Changes in the orbital parameters, solar output, and ocean circulation are widely considered as main drivers of the Holocene climate. Yet, the interaction between these forcings and the role that they play to produce the pattern of changes observed in different domains of the climate system remain debated. Here, we present new early to middle Holocene season-specific sea surface temperature (SST) and δ18Oseawater results, based on organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst and planktonic foraminiferal data from two sediment cores located in the central (SL21) and south-eastern (LC21) Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Today, this region is affected by high to mid latitude climate in winter and tropical/subtropical climate in summer. The reconstructed δ18Oseawater from LC21 displays a marked (~1.3%) negative shift between 10.7 and 9.7 ka BP, which represents the regional expression of the orbitally driven African monsoon intensification and attendant freshwater flooding into the eastern Mediterranean. A virtually contemporaneous shift, of the same sign and magnitude, is apparent in the δ18Ospeleothem record from Soreq Cave (Northern Israel), an important part of which may therefore reflect a change in the isotopic composition of the moisture source region (Aegean and Levantine Seas). Our SST reconstructions show that Aegean winter SSTs decreased in concert with intensifications of the Siberian High, as reflected in the GISP2 nss [K+] record. Specifically, three distinct sea surface cooling events at 10.5, 9.5–9.03 and 8.8–7.8 ka BP in the central Aegean Sea match increases in GISP2 nss [K+]. These events also coincide with dry interludes in Indian monsoon, hinting at large (hemispheric) scale teleconnections during the early Holocene on centennial timescales. A prominent short-lived (~150 years) cooling event in core SL21 – centred on 8.2 ka BP – is coeval to the ‘8.2 ka BP event’ in the Greenland δ18Oice, which is commonly linked to a melt-water related perturbation of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and associated ocean heat transport. By deciphering the phasing between a recently published record of reduced overflow from the Nordic Seas into the northern North Atlantic, the Greenland δ18Oice ‘8.2 ka BP event’ anomaly, and the short-lived cooling in SL21, we demonstrate severe far-field impacts of this North Atlantic event in the Aegean Sea. The Aegean is isolated from the North Atlantic oceanic circulation, so that signal transmission must have been of an atmospheric nature.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(15-16):1999-2011
A multi proxy sediment core record on the continental margin off western Svalbard, European Arctic, reflects large climatic and oceanographic oscillations at the Lateglacial–early Holocene transition. Based on studies of planktonic foraminifera, their stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition and ice rafted debris, we have reconstructed the last 14 cal. ka BP. The period 14–13.5 cal. ka BP was characterized by highly unstable climatic conditions. Short-lived episodes of warming alternated with meltwater pulses and enhanced iceberg rafting. This period correlates to a regional warming of the northern North Atlantic. An overall decrease in meltwater took place during the deglaciation (14–10.8 cal. ka BP). The late Younger Dryas and subsequent transition into the early Holocene is characterized by a reduced flux of planktonic foraminifera and increased iceberg rafting. A major warming took place from 10.8 to 9.7 cal. ka BP, the influence of meltwater ceased and the flux of warm Atlantic Water increased. From 9.7 to 8.8 cal. ka BP, the western Svalbard margin surface waters were significantly warmer than today. This warm period, the thermal maximum, was followed by an abrupt cooling at 8.8. cal. ka BP, caused by an increased influence of Arctic Water from the Arctic Ocean. The results document that the European Arctic was very sensitive to climatic and oceanographic changes at the end of the last glacial and during the Holocene.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2586-2597
Recent paleoclimatic work on terrestrial and marine deposits from Asia and the Indian Ocean has indicated abrupt changes in the strength of the Asian monsoon during the last deglaciation. Comparison of marine paleoclimate records that track salinity changes from Asian rivers can help evaluate the coherence of the Indian Ocean monsoon (IOM) with the larger Asian monsoon. Here we present paired Mg/Ca and δ18O data on the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) from Andaman Sea core RC12-344 that provide records of sea-surface temperature (SST) and δ18O of seawater (δ18Osw) over the past 25,000 years (ka) before present (BP). Age control is based on nine accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dates on mixed planktic foraminifera. Mg/Ca-SST data indicate that SST was ∼3 °C cooler during the last glacial maximum (LGM) than the late Holocene. Andaman Sea δ18Osw exhibited higher than present values during the Lateglacial interval ca 19–15 ka BP and briefly during the Younger Dryas ca 12 ka BP. Lower than present δ18Osw values during the BØlling/AllerØd ca 14.5–12.6 ka BP and during the early Holocene ca 10.8–5.5 ka BP are interpreted to indicate lower salinity, reflect some combination of decreased evaporation–precipitation (E–P) over the Andaman Sea and increased Irrawaddy River outflow. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that IOM intensity was stronger than present during the BØlling/AllerØd and early Holocene, and weaker during the late glaciation, Younger Dryas, and the late Holocene. These findings support the hypothesis that rapid climate change during the last deglaciation and Holocene included substantial hydrologic changes in the IOM system that were coherent with the larger Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

Modern deltas are understood to have initiated around 7.5–9 ka in response to the deceleration of sea-level rise. This episode of delta initiation is closely related to the last deglacial meltwater events and eustatic sea-level rises. The initial stage of the Mekong River delta, one of the world's largest deltas, is well recorded in Cambodian lowland sediments. This paper integrates analyses of sedimentary facies, diatom assemblages, and radiocarbon dates for three drill cores from the lowland to demonstrate Holocene sedimentary evolution in relation to sea-level changes. The cores are characterized by a tripartite succession: (1) aggrading flood plain to natural levee and tidal–fluvial channel during the postglacial sea-level rise (10–8.4 ka); (2) aggrading to prograding tidal flats and mangrove forests around and after the maximum flooding of the sea (8.4–6.3 ka); and (3) a prograding fluvial system on the delta plain (6.3 ka to the present). The maximum flooding of the sea occurred at 8.0 ± 0.1 ka, 2000 years before the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand, and tidal flats penetrated up to 20–50 km southeast of Phnom Penh after a period of abrupt ~5 m sea-level rise at 8.5–8.4 ka. The delta progradation then initiated as a result of the sea-level stillstand at around 8–7.5 ka. Another rapid sea-level rise at 7.5–7 ka allowed thick mangrove peat to be widely deposited in the Cambodian lowland, and the peat accumulation endured until 6.3 ka. Since 6.3 ka, a fluvial system has characterized the delta plain, and the fluvial sediment discharge has contributed to rapid delta progradation. The uppermost part of the sedimentary succession, composed of flood plain to natural-levee sediments, reveals a sudden increase in sediment accumulation over the past 600–1000 years. This increase might reflect an increase in the sediment yield due to human activities in the upper to middle reaches of the Mekong, as with other Asian rivers.  相似文献   

Ras Ibn Hani peninsula, a wave-dominated tombolo (800 × 1000 m) on the Syrian coast, provides evidence for significant Holocene changes that can be linked to geological inheritance, rising post-glacial sea level, sediment supply and human impacts. Initial development of Ras Ibn Hani's coastal system began ~ 8000 years ago when shallow marine environments formed in a context of rising post-glacial sea level. Following relative sea-level stabilization ~ 6000 cal yr BP, beach facies trace the gradual formation of a wave-dominated sandbank fronted by a ~ 2300 × ~ 500 m palaeo-island whose environmental potentiality was attractive to Bronze Age societies. A particularly rapid phase of tombolo accretion is observed after ~ 3500 cal yr BP characterised by a two- to fourfold increase in sedimentation rates. This is consistent with (i) a pulse in sediment supply probably driven by Bronze Age/Iron Age soil erosion in local catchments, and (ii) positive feedback mechanisms linked to regionally attested neotectonics. Archaeological remains and radiocarbon datings confirm that the subaerial tombolo was probably in place by the Late Bronze Age. These data fit tightly with other eastern Mediterranean tombolo systems suggesting that there is a great deal of predictability to their geology and stratigraphy at the regional scale.  相似文献   

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