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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(1-2):142-154
We present chironomid-based temperature reconstructions from lake sediments deposited between ca 26,600 cal yr BP and 24,500 cal yr BP from Lyndon Stream, South Island, New Zealand. Summer (February mean) temperatures averaged 1 °C cooler, with a maximum inferred cooling of 3.7 °C. These estimates corroborate macrofossil and beetle-based temperature inferences from the same site and suggest climate amelioration (an interstadial) at this time. Other records from the New Zealand region also show a large degree of variability during the late Otiran glacial sequence (34,000–18,000 cal yr BP) including a phase of warming at the MIS 2/3 transition and a maximum cooling that did not occur until the global LGM (ca 20,000 cal yr BP).The very moderate cooling identified here at the MIS 2/3 transition confirms and enhances the long-standing discrepancy in New Zealand records between pollen and other proxies. Low abundances (<20%) of canopy tree pollen in records from late MIS 3 to the end of MIS 2 cannot be explained by the minor (<5 °C) cooling inferred from this and other studies unless other environmental parameters are considered. Further work is required to address this critical issue.  相似文献   

The climates on the eastern Tibetan Plateau are strongly influenced by direct insolation heating as well as monsoon-derived precipitation change. However, the moisture and temperature influences on regional vegetation and climate have not been well documented in paleoclimate studies. Here we present a well-dated and high-resolution loss-on-ignition, peat property and fossil pollen record over the last 10,000 years from a sedge-dominated fen peatland in the central Zoige Basin on the eastern Tibetan Plateau and discuss its ecological and climatic interpretations. Lithology results indicate that organic matter content is high at 60–80% between 10 and 3 ka (1 ka = 1000 cal yr BP) and shows large-magnitude fluctuations in the last 3000 years. Ash-free bulk density, as a proxy of peat decomposition and peatland surface moisture conditions, oscillates around a mean value of 0.1 g/cm3, with low values at 6.5–4.7 ka, reflecting a wet interval, and an increasing trend from 4.7 to 2 ka, suggesting a drying trend. The time-averaged mean carbon accumulation rates are 30.6 gC/m2/yr for the last 10,000 years, higher than that from many northern peatlands. Tree pollen (mainly from Picea), mostly reflecting temperature change in this alpine meadow-forest ecotonal region, has variable values (from 3 to 34%) during the early Holocene, reaches the peak value during the mid-Holocene at 6.5 ka, and then decreases until 2 ka. The combined peat property and pollen data indicate that a warm and wet climate prevailed in the mid-Holocene (6.5–4.7 ka), representing a monsoon maximum or “optimum climate” for the region. The timing is consistent with recent paleo-monsoon records from southern China and with the idea that the interplays of summer insolation and other extratropical large-scale boundary conditions, including sea-surface temperature and sea-level change, control regional climate. The cooling and drying trend since the mid-Holocene likely reflects the decrease in insolation heating and weakening of summer monsoons. Regional synthesis of five pollen records along a south–north transect indicates that this climate pattern can be recognized all across the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The peatland and vegetation changes in the late Holocene suggest complex and dramatic responses of these lowland and upland ecosystems to changes in temperature and moisture conditions and human activities.  相似文献   

An abrupt climatic change during the MIS 5a/4 transition is evident in the loess records of China (S1/L1). Proxies including geochemical elements, grain size, soil color, magnetic susceptibility and carbonate (CaCO3) content indicate a warming interval, which lasted approximately 3 ka, during the MIS 5a/4 transition in both the Wangguan and Shagou loess sections, located in Sanmenxia (Henan Province) and Wuwei (Gansu Province), respectively. Both the winter and summer monsoon proxies demonstrate that this warming interval occurred at the same time in both sections (nearly 70.5–73.6 ka BP), with maximum warming from 71.4 to 72.0 ka BP. This study suggests a universal abrupt warming interval in the East Asia monsoon region at this time. Comparisons with marine, terrestrial and ice-core records indicate this event was very likely an abrupt global warming interval during the last glacial–interglacial transition.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the emerging picture of late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental change in the Bonneville basin, western North America, through analysis of pollen and sediments from the Blue Lake marsh system, a major wetland area located on the western margin of the Great Salt Lake desert. Analyses of data obtained from the upper 4 m of the Blue Lake core suggest that during the latest Pleistocene, when Lake Bonneville covered the Blue Lake site, pine and sagebrush dominated terrestrial plant communities. These steppe-woodland taxa declined in abundance after ~12 cal ka BP. Wetland plant communities developed at or nearby Blue Lake by ~11.9 cal ka BP and bulrush-dominated marshes were established no later than 10.8 cal ka BP. The Blue Lake wetlands largely desiccated during a dry and warm early middle Holocene ~8.3–6.5 cal ka BP. Climatic amelioration starting ~6.5 cal ka BP is marked principally by a local return of marshes at the expense of playa and grass meadow communities, and a regional increase in sagebrush relative to other dryland shrubs. Singleleaf pinyon pine migrated into the nearby Goshute Mountains after ~8 cal ka BP. Late Holocene fluctuations include cool intervals from ~4.4 to 3.4 and ~2.7 to 1.5 cal ka BP and warmer conditions from 3.4 to 2.7 cal BP and after 1.5 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1375-1389
High-resolution analyses of the elemental composition of calcite and biogenic silica (BSi) content in piston cores from Lake Edward, equatorial Africa, document complex interactions between climate variability and lacustrine geochemistry over the past 5400 years. Correlation of these records from Lake Edward to other climatically-forced geochemical and lake level records from Lakes Naivasha, Tanganyika, and Turkana allows us to develop a chronology of drought events in equatorial East Africa during the late Holocene. Major drought events of at least century-scale duration are recorded in lacustrine records at about 850, 1500, ∼2000, and 4100 cal year BP. Of these, the most severe event occurred between about 2050 and 1850 cal year BP, during which time Lake Edward stood about 15 m below its present level. Numerous additional droughts of less intensity and/or duration are present in the Lake Edward record, some of which may be correlated to other lacustrine climate records from equatorial East Africa. These events are superimposed on a long-term trend of increasingly arid conditions from 5400 to about 2000 cal year BP, followed by a shift toward wetter climates that may have resulted from an intensification of the winter Indian monsoon. Although the causes of decade- to century-scale climate variability in the East African tropics remain obscure, time-series spectral analysis suggests no direct linkage between solar output and regional rainfall. Rather, significant periods of ∼725, ∼125, 63–72, 31–25, and 19–16 years suggest a tight linkage between the Indian Ocean and African rainfall, and could result from coupled ocean-atmosphere variability inherent to the tropical monsoon system.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》2014,81(3):500-507
We analyzed climate proxies from loessic-soil sections of the southern Chinese Loess Plateau. The early Holocene paleosol, S0, is 3.2 m thick and contains six sub-soil units. Co-eval soils from the central Loess Plateau are thinner (~ 1 m). Consequently higher-resolution stratigraphic analyses can be made on our new sections and provide more insight into Holocene temporal variation of the East Asian monsoon. Both summer and winter monsoon evolution signals are recorded in the same sections, enabling the study of phase relationships between the signals. Our analyses consist of (i) measurements of magnetic properties sensitive to the production of fine-grained magnetic minerals which reflect precipitation intensity and summer monsoon strength; and (ii) grain-size analyses which reflect winter monsoon strength. Our results indicate that the Holocene precipitation maximum occurred in the mid-Holocene, ~ 7.8–3.5 cal ka BP, with an arid interval at 6.3–5.3 cal ka BP. The winter monsoon intensity declined to a minimum during 5.0–3.4 cal ka BP. These results suggest that the East Asian summer and winter monsoons were out of phase during the Holocene, possibly due to their different sensitivities to ice and snow coverage at high latitudes and to sea-surface temperature at low latitudes.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(1-2):141-154
Late Quaternary changes in North American vegetation and geography reflect the influence of changing climate induced by the retreating ice sheets, orbitally-driven seasonal insolation patterns, increasing carbon dioxide concentrations, and relatively rapid internal variations. At regional scales, these climate changes resulted in ecosystem variability that impacted human access to resources. We use paleoenvironmental and archaeological records from 14,000 to 10,000 cal yr BP for New England and Maritime Canada (NE/M) to propose the impact of rapid climate change on human resource-procurement and technology. Paleoenvironmental reconstructions for the Younger Dryas chronozone (YDC; 12,900–11,600 cal  yr BP) show ecologic responses to colder-than-earlier conditions. At roughly the same time (13,000–11,000 cal yr BP), we surmise that fluted points were used to hunt large mammals, including caribou, which inhabited regions with sub-arctic-like vegetation. Environmental changes, associated with rapid regional warming at the end of the YDC, coincided with the abandonment of fluting technology. As conditions warmed, vegetation changes led to shifts in animal populations, which may be reflected in the development of other point styles by Paleoindians and subsequent human groups.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of long-term climatic and environmental change in southwestern China is hampered by a lack of long-term regional palaeorecords. Organic analysis (%TOC, %TN, C/N ratios and δ13C values) of a sediment sequence from Lake Shudu, Yunnan Province (ca. 22.6–10.5 cal ka BP) indicates generally low aquatic palaeoproductivity rates over millennial timescales in response to cold, dry climatic conditions. However, the record is punctuated by two marked phases of increased aquatic productivity from ca. 17.7 to 17.1 cal ka BP and from ca. 11.9 to 10.5 cal ka BP. We hypothesise that these shifts reflect a marked, stepwise lacustrine response to Asian summer monsoon strengthening during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

Our study provides detailed information on the Lateglacial landscape and vegetation development of Tibet. Based on a suite of geomorphological and palynological proxy data from the Nianbaoyeze Shan on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (33°N/101°E, 3300–4500 m asl.), we reconstruct the current state as a function of climate history and the longevity of human influence. Study results constrain several major phases of aeolian sedimentation between 50–15 ka and various glacier advances during the Late Pleistocene, the Holocene and the Little Ice Age. Increased aeolian deposition was primarily associated with periods of more extensive glacial ice extent. Fluvial and alluvial sediment pulses document an increase of erosion starting at 3926 ± 79 cal yr B.P., coinciding with cooling (Neoglacial) and a growing anthropo-zoogenic influence. Evidence for periglacial mass movements indicate that the late Holocene cooling started at around 2000 cal yr B.P., demonstrating increased surface activity under the combined effects of human influence and climate deterioration. The onset of peat growth generally depended on local conditions that include relief, meso-climate and in more recent times also on soil compaction due to animal trampling. We distinguish three initiation periods of peat growth: 12,700–10,400 cal yr B.P. for flat basins inside last glacial terminal moraines; 7000–5000 cal yr B.P. for the main valley floors; and 3000–1000 cal yr B.P. for the higher terrace surfaces.The Holocene vegetation history started with an open landscape dominated by pioneer shrubs along braided rivers (<10,600–9800 cal yr B.P.), followed by the spreading of conifers (Picea, Juniperus, Abies) and Betula-trees accompanied by a successive closing of the vegetation cover by Poaceae, Cyperaceae and herbs (9800–8300 cal yr B.P.). First signs of nomadic presence appear as early as 7200 cal yr B.P., when temperatures were up to 2 °C warmer than today. Forest remained very patchy with strong local contrasts. During the following cooling phase (5900–2750 cal yr B.P.) the natural vegetation was transformed by nomadic grazing to Bistorta-rich Kobresia pygmaea-pastures. Modern nomadic migration routes were established at least 2200 years ago. Overgrazing and trampling led to the shrinking of Bistorta and the spreading of annual weeds. Short-lived cold events (8000, 6200, 3500 cal yr B.P.) impacted on the vegetation only temporarily.As the transformation of the natural Poaceae-rich vegetation into Kobresia-pastures modified the influence of the Tibetan Plateau (“hot plate”) on the monsoon system, our data even point to an early start of a nomadic (!) Anthropocene nearly 6000 years ago. Against the background of a very long grazing history, modern Tibet must be seen as a cultural landscape.  相似文献   

The study of a 300-cm-thick exposed lacustrine sediment section in the Hedong village in Zhaoqing area which is located in sub-tropical west Guangdong Province in South China, demonstrates that the lacustrine sedimentary sequence possibly contains evidence for exploring variation of Asian monsoon climate. Multi-proxy records, including the humification intensity, total organic carbon, and grain size fractions, reveal a general trend towards dry and cold conditions in the late Holocene that this is because of a decrease in solar insolation on an orbital scale. Three intensified Asian summer monsoon (ASM) intervals (∼3300–3000 cal yr BP, ∼2600–1600 cal yr BP, and ∼900–600 cal yr BP), and three weakened ASM intervals (∼4000–3300 cal yr BP, ∼3000–2600 cal yr BP, and ∼1600–900 cal yr BP) are identified. Our humification record (HDcal) shows a good correlation on multi-centennial scale with the tree ring Δ14C record, a proxy of solar activity. A spectral analysis of HDcal reveals four significant cycles, i.e., ∼1250 yr, 300 yr, 110 yr, and 70 yr, and most of these cycles are related to the solar activity. Our findings indicate that solar output and oceanic–atmospheric circulation probably have influenced the late Holocene climate variability in the study region.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(11-12):1455-1475
This paper uses a palynological sequence to examine the Holocene (8390–160 cal yr BP) environmental history of the Sierra de Baza (Granada, southeastern Spain) with the goal of establishing the mechanisms exerting control over vegetation change. During the period ca 8390–6320 cal yr BP, Pinus dominated the pollen spectra, indicating a forested landscape over the high-elevation areas of the Sierra. From ca 6320–3800 cal yr BP, an expansion of deciduous oaks and other broad-leaf trees took place. After an optimum around 5800–5600 cal yr BP, mesophytes decreased in the 3800–2560 cal yr BP interval while a fire-prone scrub became established. The main loss of forest accompanied the spread of thorny matorral after ca 2560 cal yr BP. Overall, this mountain region has shown itself to be sensitive to a range of influences, among which a continental climate that has become increasingly arid over the last 5000 years, the scarcity of soils suitable for cultivation, a geology that includes sources of copper and other metals and, especially, the incidence of grazing as well as the repeated appearance of fires during the last 4000 years, are highlighted. The history of the vegetation of the Sierra de Baza seems clearly influenced by changes in local economy. Here we discuss how ecological transitions have interacted with cultural changes, with emphasis on the locally highly populated Chalcolithic (5700–4400 cal yr BP) and Argaric (4400–3550 cal yr BP) periods, as well as the Iberian period (3200–2220 cal yr BP). The sierra was abandoned during the Iberian Period which was, paradoxically, when the highest human impact on mountain vegetation is noticeable.  相似文献   

Excavations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Nevada recovered rodent remains from stratified deposits spanning the past ca. 12,500 14C yr BP (14,800 cal yr BP). Specimens from horizons dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene include species adapted to montane and moist and cool habitats, including yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) and bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea). Shortly after 9000 14C BP (10,200 cal yr BP) these mammals became locally extinct, or nearly so, taxonomic diversity declined, and the region became dominated by desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida) and other species well-adapted to xeric, low-elevation settings. The timing and nature of changes in the Bonneville Estates rodent fauna are similar to records reported from nearby Homestead and Camels Back caves and provide corroborative data on terminal Pleistocene–early Holocene environments and mammalian responses to middle Holocene desertification. Moreover, the presence of northern pocket gopher (Thomomys talpoides) at Bonneville Estates adds to a sparse regional record for that species and, similar to Homestead Cave, it appears that the ca. 9500 14C yr BP (10,800 cal yr BP) replacement of the northern pocket gopher by Botta's pocket gopher in the Great Salt Lake Desert vicinity was also in response to climate change.  相似文献   

The concept that Rannoch Moor, the centre of the Younger Dryas (YD), West Highland Icefield, was deglaciated as early as 12.5 cal ka BP is discussed in the light of radiocarbon dates and varve sequences from outlet glaciers of this icefield, and climate change during the YD. The maximum positions of three YD glaciers were reached after 11.6–11.8 cal ka BP (Lomond), and after 11.8–11.9 cal ka BP (Spean and Treig) indicating that ice remained on Rannoch Moor until long after c.12.5 cal ka BP, and possibly until the YD/Holocene transition at c.11.7 cal ka BP. Further, the Spean glacier dammed a proglacial lake in Lochaber for at least 495 varve years over a period that included the deposition of the Vedde Ash (c.12.1 cal ka BP) and a late YD ash layer (c. 11.7–11.2 cal ka BP), a thesis at variance with supposed early YD deglaciation. Recent examination of this issue using 10Be exposure age determinations from Rannoch Moor is equivocal. In view of the presence of hard water algae at the sampling site on Rannoch Moor it is recommended that the ‘early’ 14C dates from Rannoch Moor need to be further reassessed using chronological constraints provided by dated microtephra, and a collaborative radiocarbon dating programme.  相似文献   

We present chironomid and pollen records from the Huelmo site (~41°30′S), NW Patagonia, to examine in detail the timing and structure of climate changes during the Last Glacial Termination in the southern mid-latitudes. The chironomid record has the highest temporal and taxonomic resolution for this critical interval, and constitutes the first account of midge faunas at the culmination of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) for the region. The chironomid record suggests cold and wet conditions during the LGM, followed by deglacial warming between 17.6 and 16.8 cal kyr BP. Relatively warm conditions prevailed between ~15–14 cal kyr BP, followed by a reversal in trend with cooling pulses at ~14 and 13.5 cal kyr BP, and warming at the beginning of the Holocene. Cool-temperate conditions prevailed during the Huelmo Mascardi Cold Reversal (HMCR) which, according to chironomid data, exhibits a wet phase (13.5–12.8 cal kyr BP) followed by a conspicuous drier phase (12.8–11.5 cal kyr BP). The chironomid and pollen records from the Huelmo site indicate step-wise deglacial warming beginning at 17.6 cal kyr BP, in agreement with other paleoclimate records from NW Patagonia and isotopic signals from Antarctic ice cores. Peak warmth during the Last Glacial Termination was achieved by ~14.5 cal kyr BP, followed by a cooling trend that commenced during the Antarctic Cold Reversal, which later intensified and persisted during the HMCR (13.5–11.5 cal kyr BP). We observe a shift toward drier conditions at ~12.8 cal kyr BP superimposed upon the HMCR, coeval with intense fire activity and vegetation disturbance during Younger Dryas time.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(15-16):1989-1998
A synthesis of the early Holocene climatic development in the North Atlantic region is presented, based on three previously published lake records from southern Greenland (Lake N14), Iceland (Lake Torfadalsvatn) and the Faroe Islands (Lake Lykkjuvøtn). The interval 11 500–8500 cal BP has been divided into five phases with respect to the inferred strength of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and Irminger Currents (IC). Phase 1 (11 500–10 750 cal BP) was characterised by the first establishment of the NAC and IC in the vicinity of the studied sites, interrupted by the Preboreal Oscillation around 11 200 cal BP. Phase 2 (10 750–10 100 cal BP) was marked by a further warming step in southern Greenland rather concordant with a change into colder and more variable winters on the Faroe Islands. It is proposed that this could partly be related to a series of melt water outbursts disturbing the thermohaline circulation in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, resulting in a warming trend in the western region. During Phase 3 (10 100–9400 cal BP) the strength of the IC reaching northwestern Iceland intensified. A more stable regime in surface circulation was established at the onset of Phase 4 (9400–8900 cal BP) in southern Greenland and was followed by a change towards further warm conditions on Iceland at the onset of Phase 5 (8900–8500 cal BP).  相似文献   

Pollen analysis from a peat-bog sequence located at 50° 24′ S, 72° 42′ W in the Subantarctic forest – Patagonian steppe ecotone gives information about vegetation and climate changes in Southwestern Patagonia since the glacier retreat. After 11 000 cal yr BP a change from grass steppe to open Nothofagus forest indicates that climatic conditions became rapidly warmer. Development of a closed Nothofagus forest between 5800 and 3200 cal yr BP is interpreted as precipitation increase. During the late Holocene colder climate conditions prevail in response to Neoglacial events. After ca 3000 cal yr BP Nothofagus forest became opener, and after 800 cal yr BP grass steppe expanded. Changes in the forest-steppe ecotone composition as well as the ecotone longitudinal shifts suggest changes in temperature and precipitation. Present-day mean annual precipitation between 300 and 400 mm is associated with grass steppe, and 500–600 mm with a greater forest representation. During the last century, low presence of forest in the area may be related to European settlement and repeated flooding caused by periodic advances of Perito Moreno glacier.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(15-16):1951-1964
On the basis of lake-level data, the period of the Preboreal oscillation (PBO) at 11 300–11 150 cal yr BP as defined by the GRIP oxygen-isotope record appears to correspond to wetter climatic conditions in west-central Europe and to a marked drying in north-central Italy. Additional short-lived phases of higher lake level have been identified before the PBO at ca 11 450–11 400 and 11 350 cal yr BP in west-central Europe, and at ca 11 500 cal yr BP in Italy. Such multiple climatic oscillations around the PBO have been observed in various records in northwestern Europe. On the basis of various proxies, a map of changes in moisture over western Europe during the PBO indicates a mid-latitude zone between 58 and 43°N characterised by wetter conditions, while a drier climate developed in southern and northern Europe. This wet middle zone shows a larger extension and suggests a more meandering, weaker Atlantic Westerly Jet during the PBO than during the 8.2 kyr event. A comparison of lake-level records in west-central Europe with (1) outbursts from North American and north-European proglacial lakes, and (2) variations in solar activity as reflected by 14C and the 10Be records supports the hypothesis that the PBO was a response to successive meltwater pulses at 11 300, 11 250, 11 200 and 11 170 cal yr BP and to a sudden decrease in solar activity at 11 250 cal yr BP. This study points to the necessity of developing integrated multi-proxy approaches to construct more robust regional event stratigraphies, and of better documenting palaeohydrological changes in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Late-Holocene environmental and climatic conditions were reconstructed from diatom assemblages in sediment cores from four western Montana lakes: Crevice Lake, Foy Lake, Morrison Lake, and Reservoir Lake. The lakes show synchroneity in timing of shifts in diatom community structure, but the nature of these changes differs among the lakes. Two of the sites provide highly resolved records of hydrologic balance, while the other two stratigraphic sequences primarily record temperature impact on lake thermal structure. All four lakes show significant change in five discrete intervals: 2200–2100, 1700–1600, 1350–1200, 800–600, and 250 cal yr BP. The similarities in the timing of change suggest overlying regional climatic influences on lake dynamics. The 800–600 cal yr BP shift is evident in other paleorecords throughout the Great Plains and western US, associated with the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age. Large-scale climatic mechanisms that influence these lake environments may result from atmospheric circulation patterns that are driven by interactions between Pacific and Atlantic sea-surface temperatures, which are then locally modified by topography.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):705-731
Sediment cores from two mountain lakes (Lake Grusha at 2413 m a.s.l. and Ak-Khol at 2204 m a.s.l.) situated in the Tuva Republic (southern Siberia, Russia), just north of Mongolia, were studied for chironomid fossils in order to infer post-glacial climatic changes and to investigate responses of the lake ecosystems to these changes. The results show that chironomids are responding both to temperature and to changing lake depth, which is regarded as a sensitive proxy of regional effective moisture. The post-glacial history of this mountain region in Central Asia can be divided into seven successive climatic phases: the progressive warming during the last glacial–interglacial transition (ca 15.8–14.6 cal kyr BP), the warm and moist Bølling-Allerød-like interval (ca 14.6–13.1 cal kyr BP), the cool and dry Younger Dryas-like event (ca 13.1–12.1 cal kyr BP), warmer and wetter conditions during ca 12.1–8.5 cal kyr BP, a warm and dry phase ca 8.5–5.9 cal kyr BP, cold and wet conditions during ca 5.9–1.8 cal kyr BP, as well as cold and dry climate within the last 1800 years. The chironomid records reveal patterns of climatic variability during the Late-glacial and Holocene, which can be correlated with abrupt climatic events in the North Atlantic and the Asian monsoon-dominated regimes. Apparently, the water balance of the studied lakes is controlled by the interrelation between the dominant westerly system and the changing influence of the summer monsoon, as well as the influence of alpine glacier meltwater supply. It is possible that monsoon tracks could have reached the southwest Tuva, resulting in an increase in precipitation at ca 14.6–13.1 and ca 12.1–8.5 cal kyr BP, whereas cyclonic westerlies from the North Atlantic were likely responsible for considerable moisture transport accompanying the global Neoglacial cooling at ca 5.9–1.8 cal kyr BP. These events suggest the changes of the regional pattern of atmospheric circulation, which could be in turn induced by the global climatic shifts. Some discrepancies compared with other reconstructions from Central Asia may be associated with regional (spatial) differences between the changing predominant circulation mechanisms and with local differences in uplift and descent of air masses within the complicated mountain landscape. In this paper, we also discuss the possibilities and perspectives for using chironomids in reconstructions of past temperatures and climate-induced changes in water depth of lakes in Central Asia.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1463-1478
The aragonite mineralogy and geochemistry of the mollusc faunas preserved at Navan and Bearbrook, Ontario, serve as proxies of original seawater chemistry. The composite section spanning 12,980–10,980 cal yr BP includes the Younger Dryas (YD) paleoclimatic oscillation. Oxygen isotopes demonstrate the onset of cooling with the YD event, in addition to the lowering of marine values by the influx of isotopically light glacial meltwater from Lake Agassiz. Impact of cooling and dilution is reduced or eliminated with the start of the Holocene, when water temperatures and salinities for Champlain Sea (CS) seawater were 8–16 °C and 27–34 ppt, respectively. Overall, oxygen isotope values deceased to −3.5% during the YD mainly due to freshening by glacial meltwater. Carbon isotopes confirm the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration at the YD–Holocene transition. Marine strontium isotope values for the Allerød–YD–earliest Holocene range from 0.709151 (16,210 cal yr BP) to 0.709145 (12,980 cal yr BP) and 0.709142 (10,950 cal yr BP). The oceanographic changes recorded for the CS are in agreement with the evolutionary phases of Lake Agassiz and deglaciation dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The volume and direction of meltwater discharge from Lake Agassiz alternated between the Gulf of Mexico during the Allerød, via the Great Lakes through the CS to the North Atlantic during the YD, and back to the Gulf of Mexico during the early Holocene, but with diminished impact.  相似文献   

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