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The Gulf of Bothnia hosted a variety of palaeo‐glaciodynamic environments throughout the growth and decay of the last Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, from the main ice‐sheet divide to a major corridor of marine‐ and lacustrine‐based deglaciation. Ice streaming through the Bothnian and Baltic basins has been widely assumed, and the damming and drainage of the huge proglacial Baltic Ice Lake has been implicated in major regional and hemispheric climate changes. However, the dynamics of palaeo‐ice flow and retreat in this large marine sector have until now been inferred only indirectly, from terrestrial, peripheral evidence. Recent acquisition of high‐resolution multibeam bathymetry opens these basins up, for the first time, to direct investigation of their glacial footprint and palaeo‐ice sheet behaviour. Here we report on a rich glacial landform record: in particular, a palaeo‐ice stream pathway, abundant traces of high subglacial meltwater volumes, and widespread basal crevasse squeeze ridges. The Bothnian Sea ice stream is a narrow flow corridor that was directed southward through the basin to a terminal zone in the south‐central Bothnian Sea. It was activated after initial margin retreat across the Åland sill and into the Bothnian basin, and the exclusive association of the ice‐stream pathway with crevasse squeeze ridges leads us to interpret a short‐lived stream event, under high extension, followed by rapid crevasse‐triggered break‐up. We link this event with a c. 150‐year ice‐rafted debris signal in peripheral varved records, at c. 10.67 cal. ka BP. Furthermore, the extensive glacifluvial system throughout the Bothnian Sea calls for considerable input of surface meltwater. We interpret strongly atmospherically driven retreat of this marine‐based ice‐sheet sector.  相似文献   

George VI Sound, 400 km long and between 25 and 90 km wide, separates Alexander Island from the Antarctic Peninsula. The straight parallel sides of its northern section and sub-parallel normal faulting observed in exposed rock on adjacent parts of Alexander Island and Palmer Land indicate a history of rifting. Subglacial topography, revealed through radar sounding of ice thickness in Palmer Land, shows deep areas which owe their presence to two major fault zones parallel to the main N-S trend. One of these is probably the western escarpment of the Palmer Land plateau and the eastern boundary of the rift system. Bedrock relief suggests that transverse block faulting has differentially raised and lowered the mountains on the eastern side of the sound. A seismic profile through George VI Ice Shelf (which occupies most of George VI Sound) confirms that the “W”-shaped cross-section of the bedrock observed by plumb-line at the northern edge of the ice shelf is also found 250 km further south. The shape may be due entirely to glacial erosion, but it is more likely to be a structural feature subsequently glacially modified. These features are consistent with a model of George VI Sound as a region of Tertiary intra-arc extension within the Mesozoic and Cenozoic magmatic arc of the Antarctic Peninsula and Alexander Island.  相似文献   

We measured in situ cosmogenic 10Be in 16 bedrock and 14 boulder samples collected along a 40-km transect outside of and normal to the modern ice margin near Sikuijuitsoq Fjord in central-west Greenland (69°N). We use these data to understand better the efficiency of glacial erosion and to infer the timing, pattern, and rate of ice loss after the last glaciation. In general, the ages of paired bedrock and boulder samples are in close agreement (r2 = 0.72). Eleven of the fourteen paired bedrock and boulder samples are indistinguishable at 1σ; this concordance indicates that subglacial erosion rates are sufficient to remove most or all 10Be accumulated during previous periods of exposure, and that few, if any, nuclides are inherited from pre-Holocene interglaciations. The new data agree well with previously-published landscape chronologies from this area, and suggest that two chronologically-distinct land surfaces exist: one outside the Fjord Stade moraine complex (~10.3 ± 0.4 ka; n = 7) and another inside (~8.0 ± 0.7 ka; n = 21). Six 10Be ages from directly outside the historic (Little Ice Age) moraine show that the ice margin first reached its present-day position ~7.6 ± 0.4 ka. Early Holocene ice margin retreat rates after the deposition of the Fjord Stade moraine complex were ~100–110 m yr?1. Sikuijuitsoq Fjord is a tributary to the much larger Jakobshavn Isfjord and the deglaciation chronologies of these two fjords are similar. This synchronicity suggests that the ice stream in Jakobshavn Isfjord set the timing and pace of early Holocene deglaciation of the surrounding ice margin.  相似文献   

During the last glacial maximum in West Antarctica separate ice caps developed on Alexander Island and on Palmer Land, became confluent in George VI Sound, and discharged northward from latitude 72° S. Radiocarbon (>32,000 yr) and amino acid (approximately 120,000 yr) age determinations on shell fragments (Hiatella solida) found in basal till suggest a Wisconsin age for the glaciation that incorporated them. The pattern of ice flow differed from that deduced for this area in the CLIMAP reconstruction. Following the maximum stage, there was a stadial event when outlet valley glaciers flowed from smaller ice caps into George VI Sound. More widespread recession permitted the George VI ice shelf to deposit Palmer Land erratics on eastern Alexander Island before isostatic recovery raised them to final elevations of about 82 m. The ice shelf may have been absent at about 6500 yr B.P., when large barnacles (Bathylasma corolliforme) were living in the sound. Small glaciers readvanced to form at least two terminal moraines before the ice shelf re-formed and incorporated the barnacle shells into its moraine on Alexander Island. The shells gave a 14C age (corrected for Antarctic conditions) of about 6500 yr B.P. and an amino acid ratio consistent with a Holocene age. Valley glaciers readvanced over the ice-shelf moraine before oscillations of both valley glaciers and the ice shelf led to the formation of the present sequence of contiguous ice-cored moraines, probably during the Little Ice Age. Such oscillations may represent a climatic control not yet observed in the dry valleys of Victoria Land, the only other part of Antarctica studied in detail for glacier fluctuations.  相似文献   

Mineralogic and textural data suggest that glacial ice derived from the region of the present day Cook Ice Shelf extended to the edge of the d'Urville Sea continental shelf. As part of this glacial maximum, basal tills and glacial marine sediments were deposited over an irregular subglacial surface. Extensive redeposition of eroded material took place in the middle and outer portions of the continental shelf. Retreat of glacial ice was relatively rapid and was associated with widespread deposition of a thin residual glacial marine unit and turbidity current deposits in the far western and eastern parts of the region. Today, sedimentation on the continental shelf of the d'Urville Sea is controlled by biogenic and physical oceanographic processes. Deposition of ice-rafted detritus from icebergs undoubtedly occurs but is relatively insignificant. Glacial advances along this periphery of East Antarctica appear to the regulated by adjacent outlet glaciers rather than direct advance of the grounded ice sheet.  相似文献   

东南极Lambert冰川-Amery冰架系统平衡通量分布的计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王清华  宁津生 《冰川冻土》2002,24(5):500-505
通过对Lambert冰川盆地(LGB)考察路线上约1 700 km长的LGB剖面和距冰架末端约50 km、长150 km的A剖面, 分别利用GPS冰流速值及雷达测厚值进行冰通量的计算得出:每年流过LGB剖面的冰通量为43.95 Gta-1, 而通过A剖面的冰通量仅为26. 42 Gt*a-1, Amery冰架底部净融化量为7.8 Gt*a-1. 整个Lambert冰川-Amery冰架系统(LAS)地区的表面净物质平衡总量约为90 Gt*a-1; LGB地区的表面净物质平衡总量为46 Gt*a-1. 通过分析得出, 整个LAS地区及LGB地区均处于物质正平衡状态, 而LAS流域的上游区域S'则处于物质负平衡状态.  相似文献   

The lipid biomarker composition of microbial mat communities from three meltwater ponds from the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, was investigated for the first time. Hydrocarbons, ether-linked components, fatty acids (FAs), wax esters, hopanols and sterols from Fresh, Orange and Salt Ponds were analysed. The dominance of cyanobacteria and the presence of bacterial sulfate reducers were confirmed using signature FAs in all three mats. Wax ester analysis suggested the presence of Chloroflexus spp. The dominance of short chain hydrocarbons, wax esters and FAs indicated that microorganisms are the major source of organic matter in these meltwater ponds. A variety of sterols were present in different relative abundances. The greatest diversity of sterols was in Salt Pond, followed by Fresh Pond, which was attributed to differences in the present eukaryotic diversity. Lipid profiles of the three communities were similar despite the presence of a salinity gradient. Analysis of lipid biomarkers allowed the creation of profiles for these unique Antarctic cryo-ecosystems. This will assist in the comparison of present and past microbial communities and in the monitoring of Antarctic biodiversity in response to global climate change and other environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

对柯林斯冰帽小冰穹冰芯中物质成分的研究,发现冰芯中有九层火山灰沉积。它们由玻屑(橙玄玻璃)、岩屑(黑色)和晶屑(长石、辉石、橄榄石和微量的钛铁氧化物)组成。长石为钠钙系列的中长石到拉长石。橄榄石为镁质的贵橄榄石。主要元素和微量元素分析结果表明,该类火山灰为玄武质成分,其SiO2含量在50wt%左右,Na2O大于K2O,并具有轻稀土元素轻微的富集、重稀土元素亏损、Eu正异常的特征。这些火山灰的存在,证实了近百年来南极地区的企鹅岛和欺骗岛的火山喷发活动。  相似文献   

The ice sheet that once covered Ireland has a long history of investigation. Much prior work focussed on localised evidence-based reconstructions and ice-marginal dynamics and chronologies, with less attention paid to an ice sheet wide view of the first order properties of the ice sheet: centres of mass, ice divide structure, ice flow geometry and behaviour and changes thereof. In this paper we focus on the latter aspect and use our new, countrywide glacial geomorphological mapping of the Irish landscape (>39 000 landforms), and our analysis of the palaeo-glaciological significance of observed landform assemblages (article Part 1), to build an ice sheet reconstruction yielding these fundamental ice sheet properties. We present a seven stage model of ice sheet evolution, from initiation to demise, in the form of palaeo-geographic maps. An early incursion of ice from Scotland likely coalesced with local ice caps and spread in a south-westerly direction 200 km across Ireland. A semi-independent Irish Ice Sheet was then established during ice sheet growth, with a branching ice divide structure whose main axis migrated up to 140 km from the west coast towards the east. Ice stream systems converging on Donegal Bay in the west and funnelling through the North Channel and Irish Sea Basin in the east emerge as major flow components of the maximum stages of glaciation. Ice cover is reconstructed as extending to the continental shelf break. The Irish Ice Sheet became autonomous (i.e. separate from the British Ice Sheet) during deglaciation and fragmented into multiple ice masses, each decaying towards the west. Final sites of demise were likely over the mountains of Donegal, Leitrim and Connemara. Patterns of growth and decay of the ice sheet are shown to be radically different: asynchronous and asymmetric in both spatial and temporal domains. We implicate collapse of the ice stream system in the North Channel – Irish Sea Basin in driving such asymmetry, since rapid collapse would sever the ties between the British and Irish Ice Sheets and drive flow configuration changes in response. Enhanced calving and flow acceleration in response to rising relative sea level is speculated to have undermined the integrity of the ice stream system, precipitating its collapse and driving the reconstructed pattern of ice sheet evolution.  相似文献   

The volcanic rock series on the Fildes Peninsula is the product of the later subduction of the Pacific platebeneath the Antarctic plate. It consists mainly of basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite with minor dacite. Itsisotopic ages range from 64.6±1 to 43±2 Ma, belonging to Palaeocene to Eocene. Volcanism in the area maybe divided into two phases. The contents of major oxides, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements in vol-canic rocks formed in different phases show regular changes, which are mainly related to the rock associationsof these phases. Isotope geochemical studies indicate that the primitive magma in the area originating by par-tial melting in the upper mantle underwent fractional crystallization and ascended to the high-level (shallow)magma chamber. Before eruption the primitive basalt-andesitic magma was subjected to differentiation in thehigh-level magma chamber, forming zones of derivative magmas of different compositions. In various phasesmagma-conducting faults experienced periodic extension and cut through various derivative magma zones indifferent parts of the peninsula, leading to the eruption of magmas of different compositions on the surface andthe formation of volcanic rock associations of corresponding compositions.  相似文献   

在分析南极乔治王岛冰帽大冰穹顶部降水和成冰条件的基础上,利用冰芯上部层物理特征参数确定的5个年层及其附近气象站相应的降水记录,结合多年降水资料将大冰穹45m冰芯划分为15个年层.应用此年层剖面,证实了微粒含量的两个异常峰值分别对应于1987年Deception岛和1980年的SealNunataks两次火山喷发.乔治王岛冰帽属于温性冰帽,大、小冰穹冰芯阴阳离子受沉积后融水渗浸淋溶作用的影响.对冰芯阴阳离子的淋溶次序分析显示,大冰穹为SO42->Mg2+>Ca2+>K+>Cl->Na+>NO3->Br-,而小冰穹为Mg2+>Ca2+>SO42->K+>Cl->Br->Na+.  相似文献   

The widespread retreat of glaciers can be considered as a response to the climate change. Being the largest retreating glacier–ice shelf system in East Antarctica, the Amery Ice Shelf–Lambert Glacier system plays an important role in contributing to sea level rise as well as the surrounding environment and climate. The present study is focused on the investigation of surface melting over the ice shelf using QuikSCAT Ku-band scatterometer data for more than 100 months covering the period from January 2000 to July 2009. The corresponding weather data of Davis Station was obtained from the website of Australian Antarctic Division. Very prominent dips in the backscatter observed in the month of January form a distinct signature caused by physical process of significant melting of the ice/snow surface. The steep increase again in February is attributed to the initiation of the freezing phenomenon. The derived melting index compared well with the passive microwave-based melting index derived by other researchers. A strong relationship was found between the scatterometer-derived melting index and the cumulative monthly mean air temperature. The highest melting was observed in the summer (January) of 2004, and thereafter gradual cooling appeared to take place in the subsequent years. The snow pack thickness, inferred from the backscatter variations, was found to be higher during winters (June) of 2004 and 2005, compared with other years.  相似文献   

Re-measurement of microparticle content of surface 10 m ice core from the top of King George Island Ice Cap shows that, except samples in 8. 5~ 10 m depth, the microparticle content generally decreases 45%~ 85% within first 48 hours at melted state, afterwards, the content change is small. Content at each grain size interval has a decrease, but the main decrease is in particles of <3μm. Though particle content varies with depth, the decreases are much larger in peak areas than in valleys. From the tests, it can be considered that, the reason of particle content decrease at melted state is that some sea salt grains in samples dissolved. The microparticle content of samples in 8. 5~ 10 m depth has not decrease, the reason is that melting and re freezing have occurred at the depth, because the ice temperature is near 0 °C, and there are series of ice layers, the thickest is 7 cm, at that depth. The chemical analyses for same samples at same conditions show that, except irregular changes in NH4,NO, there are small changes in other ions, probably the content changes in micro-grain <3 μm can not obviously cause the chemical content change in samples.  相似文献   

Several reworked tephra layers in gravity-flow deposits are present in lacustrine core sediments collected from Hotel and Rudy Lakes on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, maritime sub-Antarctica. This study tests the values of tephra for establishing regional tephrochronologies for lakes in ice-covered landscapes in the vicinity of volcanoes. The tephra record is more abundant in a long Hotel Lake core (515 cm long). This study uses volcanic glass samples from five tephra layers of Hotel Lake and from one tephra layer of Rudy Lake. Morphologically, tephras are mixtures of basaltic and pumice shards, both having various degrees of vesicularity. Major element analyses of glass shards reveal that the majority of the glass fragments belong to basic glass (<60 wt% SiO2), compositionally ranging from basalt to low-silica andesite and subalkaline series medium-K tholeiites, probably sourced from Deception Island located 130 km southwest of King George Island. Less than 20% of tephra belongs to silicic glass and occurs in three tephra horizons E of Hotel Lake. However, source volcano(es) for about 10% of basic tephra and silicic tephra are not readily identified from nearby volcanic centers. Except for the studied tephra in Rudy Lake, all tephra samples in Hotel Lake are not ashfall deposits but reworked and redeposited pyroclasts derived from retreating ice sheet, resulting in the occurrence of geochemically equivalent tephra samples in different tephra horizons. The dating of the studied tephra horizons represents the timing of deglaciation rather than that of volcanic eruptions. The result of this study implies that combined with sedimentological information more chemical criterion is necessary to study tephrochronology and regional correlation and to understand paleoenvironmental changes using tephra.  相似文献   

Ages determined with the 40Ar/39Ar isotopic system affirms the Early Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Two specimens of basaltic andesite collected from the lowermost volcanic sequence of the peninsula were irradiated and analyzed in different experiments, yielding an identical age spectrum, and two magmatic thermal events of the Early Cretaceous (120.4± 1.6 Ma, 119± 1 Ma) and Early Tertiary (53.1± 1.5 Ma, 52± 1 Ma) are distinguished. The former is interpreted to represent the primary cooling age of basaltic andesite, whereas the latter is the thermal reset age caused by the intrusion of granitic pluton. These new ages clearly indicate that volcanism was active during the Early Cretaceous on the Barton Peninsula and that intensive hydrothermal alteration and mineralization of Mesozoic volcanic rocks resulted from Tertiary magmatism.  相似文献   

A complex of glacial landforms on northeastern Victoria Island records diverse flows within the waning late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet over an area now divided by marine straits. Resolution of this ice flow pattern shows that dominant streamlined landforms were built by three radically different ice flows between 11,000 and 9000 BP. Subsequent to the glacial maximum, the marine-based ice front retreated at least 300 km to reach northeast Victoria Island by 10,400 BP. Disequilibration at the rapidly retreating margin induced minor surges on western Storkerson Peninsula (Flow 1). Next, a readvance into Hadley Bay transported 10,300 BP shells, while a major ice stream over eastern Storkerson Peninsula (Flow 2) remoulded till into a drumlin field several hundred kilometres long and at least 80 km wide until flow ceased prior to 9600 BP. The ice stream surged into Parry Channel, covering 20,000 km2 with the Viscount Melville Sound Ice Shelf. Finally, Flow 2 drumlins on the northwest shore of M'Clintock Channel were cross-cut c . 9300 BP by advance of the grounded margin of a buoyant glacier (Flow 3), possibly an analogue of Flow 2 displaced farther south.  相似文献   

南极洲乔治王岛长城湾一年生海冰的发育特征和物理性质   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
秦大河 《冰川冻土》1991,13(2):115-130

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