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The Large Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is a dedicated spectroscopic survey telescope being built in China, with an effective aperture of 4 m and equipped with 4000 fibres. Using the LAMOST telescope, one could make redshift survey of the large-scale structure (LSS). The baryon acoustic oscillation features in the LSS power spectrum provide standard rulers for measuring dark energy and other cosmological parameters. In this paper, we investigate the measurement precision achievable for a few possible surveys: (1) a magnitude-limited survey of all galaxies, (2) a survey of colour-selected luminous red galaxies (LRG) and (3) a magnitude-limited, high-density survey of   z < 2  quasars. For each survey, we use the halo model to estimate the bias of the sample, and calculate the effective volume. We then use the Fisher matrix method to forecast the error on the dark energy equation of state and other cosmological parameters for different survey parameters. In a few cases, we also use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to make the same forecast as a comparison. The fibre time required for each of these surveys is also estimated. These results would be useful in designing the surveys for LAMOST.  相似文献   

We investigate the number density of maxima in the cosmological galaxy density field smoothed with a filter as a probe of clustering. In previous work it has been shown that this statistic is closely related to the slope of the linear power spectrum, even when the directly measured power spectrum is non-linear. In the present paper we investigate the sensitivity of the peak number density to various models with differing power spectra, including rolling index models, cosmologies with massive neutrinos and different baryon densities. We find that rolling index models which have given an improved fit to CMB/LSS (cosmic microwave background/large scale structure) data yield a ∼10 per cent difference in peak density compared to the scale invariant case. Models with 0.3 eV neutrinos have effects of similar magnitude and it should be possible to constrain them with data from current galaxy redshift surveys. Baryon oscillations in the power spectrum also give rise to distinctive features in the peak density. These are preserved without modification when measured from the peak density in fully non-linear N -body simulations. Using the simulations, we also investigate how the peak density is modified in the presence of redshift distortions. Redshift distortions cause a suppression of the number of peaks, largely due to fingers of God overlapping in redshift space. We find that this effect can be modelled by using a modification of the input power spectrum. We also study the results when the simulation density field is traced by galaxies obtained by populating haloes with a halo occupation distribution consistent with observations. The peak number density is consistent with that in the dark matter for filter scales  >4  h −1 Mpc  , for which we find good agreement with the linear theory predictions. In a companion paper we analyse data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey.  相似文献   

Structure formation in inhomogeneous dark energy models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate how inhomogeneous quintessence models may have a specific signature even in the linear regime of large-scale structure formation. The dynamics of the collapse of a dark matter halo is governed by the value or the dynamical evolution of the dark energy equation of state, the energy density's initial conditions and its homogeneity nature in the highly non-linear regime. These have a direct impact on the redshift of collapse, altering in consequence the linearly extrapolated density threshold above which structures will end up collapsing. We compute this quantity for minimally coupled and coupled quintessence models, examining two extreme scenarios: first, when the quintessence field does not exhibit fluctuations on cluster scales and below – homogeneous dark energy; and secondly, when the field inside the overdensity collapses along with the dark matter – inhomogeneous dark energy. One shows that inhomogeneous dark energy models present distinct features which may be used to confront them with observational data, for instance, galaxy number counting. Fitting formulae for the linearly extrapolated density threshold above which structures will end up collapsing are provided for models of dark energy with constant equation of state.  相似文献   

The variation of the expansion rate of the Universe with time produces an evolution in the cosmological redshift of distant sources (e.g. quasar Lyman α absorption lines) that might be directly observed by future ultrastable, high-resolution spectrographs (such as the COsmic Dynamics Experiment) coupled to extremely large telescopes (such as the European Southern Observatory's Extremely Large Telescope). This would open a new window to explore the physical mechanism responsible for the current acceleration of the Universe. We investigate the evolution of cosmological redshift from a variety of dark energy models, and compare it with simulated data. We perform a Fisher matrix analysis and discuss the prospects for constraining the parameters of these models and for discriminating among competing candidates. We find that, because of parameter degeneracies, and the inherent technical difficulties involved in this kind of observations, the uncertainties on parameter reconstruction can be rather large unless strong external priors are assumed. However, the method could be a valuable complementary cosmological tool, and give important insights on the dynamics of dark energy, not obtainable using other probes.  相似文献   

An interesting probe of the nature of dark energy is the measure of its sound speed, c s. We review the significance for constraining sound speed models of dark energy using large neutral hydrogen (H  i ) surveys with the square kilometre array (SKA). Our analysis considers the effect on the sound speed measurement that arises from the covariance of c s with the dark energy density, Ωde, and a time-varying equation of state,   w ( a ) = w 0+ (1 − a ) w a   . We find that the approximate degeneracy between dark energy parameters that arises in power spectrum observations is lifted through redshift tomography of the H  i -galaxy angular power spectrum, resulting in sound speed constraints that are not severely degraded. The cross-correlation of the galaxy and the integrated Sachs Wolfe (ISW) effect spectra contributes approximately 10 per cent of the information that is needed to distinguish variations in the dark energy parameters, and most of the discriminating signal comes from the galaxy auto-correlation spectrum. We also find that the sound speed constraints are weakly sensitive to the H  i bias model. These constraints do not improve substantially for a significantly deeper H  i survey since most of the clustering sensitivity to sound speed variations arises from   z ≲ 1.5  . A detection of models with sound speeds close to zero,   c s≲ 0.01,  is possible for dark energy models with   w ≳−0.9  .  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of matter density perturbations and some properties of the peculiar velocity field for a special class of exponential potentials in a scalar field model for quintessence, for which a general exact solution is known. The data from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) suggest a value of the present-day pressureless matter density  ΩM0= 0.18 ± 0.05  .  相似文献   

We create mock pencil-beam redshift surveys from very large cosmological N -body simulations of two cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, an Einstein–de Sitter model ( τ CDM) and a flat model with Ω0=0.3 and a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). We use these to assess the significance of the apparent periodicity discovered by Broadhurst et al. Simulation particles are tagged as 'galaxies' so as to reproduce observed present-day correlations. They are then identified along the past light-cones of hypothetical observers to create mock catalogues with the geometry and the distance distribution of the Broadhurst et al. data. We produce 1936 (2625) quasi-independent catalogues from our τ CDM (ΛCDM) simulation. A couple of large clumps in a catalogue can produce a high peak at low wavenumbers in the corresponding one-dimensional power spectrum, without any apparent large-scale periodicity in the original redshift histogram. Although the simulated redshift histograms frequently display regularly spaced clumps, the spacing of these clumps varies between catalogues and there is no 'preferred' period over our many realizations. We find only a 0.72 (0.49) per cent chance that the highest peak in the power spectrum of a τ CDM (ΛCDM) catalogue has a peak-to-noise ratio higher than that in the Broadhurst et al. data. None of the simulated catalogues with such high peaks shows coherently spaced clumps with a significance as high as that of the real data. We conclude that in CDM universes, the regularity on a scale of ∼130  h −1 Mpc observed by Broadhurst et al. has a priori probability well below 10−3.  相似文献   

We introduce a simple linear equation relating the line-of-sight peculiar-velocity and density contrast correlation functions. The relation, which we call the Gaussian cell two-point 'energy-like' equation , is valid at the distant-observer limit and requires Gaussian smoothed fields. In the variance case, i.e. at zero lag, the equation is similar in its mathematical form to the Irvine–Layzer cosmic energy equation. β estimation with this equation from the Point Source Catalogue Redshift (PSC) survey and the SEcat catalogue of peculiar velocities is carried out, returning a value of  β= 0.44 ± 0.08  . The applicability of the method for the 6dF galaxy redshift and peculiar motions survey is demonstrated with mock data where it is shown that β could be determined with ≈10 per cent accuracy. The prospects for constraining the dark energy equation of state with this method from the kinematic and thermal Sunyaev–Zel'dovich cluster surveys are discussed. The equation is also used to construct a non-parametric mass-density power-spectrum estimator from peculiar-velocity data.  相似文献   

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