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高分辨率地震勘探技术是进行浅部地质勘探较经济有效的方法,应用DAS-1型高分辨率数字地震仪对平潭海域地层层序进行了探测研究.通过地震资料的解释,根据地震反射波及反射界面特征,共划分出T01、T11、T02、T03、T04、T05及Tg等七个反射界面,其中以角度不整合界面T03为界将本区的沉积地层划为两大套,二者之间曾经发生过一次规模较大的构造运动;Tg为地震勘探的声波基底.依据地震层序划分原则和方法,自上而下将基底反射界面以上的地震反射层划为不同的七个地震层序,即:Ⅰ(海底面~T01)、Ⅱ(T01~T11)、Ⅲ(T11~T02)、Ⅳ(T02~T03)、Ⅴ(T03~T04)、Ⅵ(T03、T04~T05)及Ⅶ(T05~Tg)层序.经与研究区内以及相邻海域已知地质资料的对比分析,大致确定该海域七个不同地震层序的地质年代分别为:Q3~Q4、Q2、N2、N1、E2、E1、K2,研究区域的沉积基底可能由中生代(J3~K1)中酸性火山岩系及燕山期中酸性侵入岩或混合岩组成. 相似文献
江苏白垩纪陆相层序地层研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
系统的探讨了区内白垩纪地层的划分与沉积相特征,深入研究了陆相地层的层序发育特征。指出,无论冲积扇,河流,三角洲或湖泊沉积的陆相地层层序均受地层基准面控制。地层基准面穿越放心回控制着陆相环境重大层序分布。根据不同时间间隔的基准面穿越旋回序次,将陆相层序划分为盆地充填层序,构造层序,层序,亚层序及小层序五个级别。 相似文献
为了分析测井曲线一维小波变换用于高分辨率层序地层研究的方法效果,从小波系数模极值点、过零点与信号突变点数学模型出发,分析高分辨率层序地层研究对测井曲线分层的要求,探讨测井小波变换最大分级和最佳小波选择,以一取心率高探井为例,用两种小波函数对四种测井曲线进行一维小波变换和高分辨率地层界面解译,进而在某油区用小波分析开展高精度地层对比.研究表明,选择恰当窗宽小波决定测井曲线小波分层精度、测井数据sym6 小波分解的小层界面划分效果要稍好于db4小波、常规测井曲线正则性小波分解可以很好地满足高分辨率层序地层划分要求. 相似文献
露头层序地层学研究的几个基本理论问题 总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20
讨论了露头层序地层学研究的几个基本理论问题 ,认为详细的沉积相分析和副层序叠置样式的研究、生物地层研究、不同地区和不同沉积相区的对比研究是正确划分层序的必要基础 ;初始海泛面是露头层序地层学研究中理想的层序界线 ,不仅在野外露头上最容易识别 ,还使层序及层序界面的年代可以用生物地层精确标定 ;把空间分布范围 ,特别是在不同沉积相区的分布 ,作为定义和识别各种级别层序的一个标准 .三级层序至少应可以在同一大陆边缘的不同相区辨认 ,有些甚至可以进行全球对比 ;应用层序地层优化年代地层单元界线 ,在地球演化自然节律基础上建立新一代地质年表 ,应使用初始海泛面作为界线的主要辅助标志 . 相似文献
本文改进了单尺度分数高斯小波变换奇异性分析算法,在原有奇异点位置及奇异性指数探测算法的基础上,实现了对奇异性极性的探测.分析认为测井曲线的奇异性信息具有明确的地质意义:测井曲线中奇异点的位置指示层序界面,奇异性指数的大小与沉积环境间存在一定的对应关系,而奇异性极性信息可用于判断基准面的升降方向.提出了利用不同尺度下测井曲线的奇异性特征来识别和研究不同级次沉积旋回的方法,该方法弥补了常规方法的缺陷,为高分辨率层序地层划分提供了定量分析工具,实际资料的成功应用验证了本方法的有效性. 相似文献
下扬子区海相三叠系层序地层研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在详细野外观察、追索和室内多学科手段的交叉和综合地层学研究的基础上,将下扬子区海相下、中三叠统划分出5个三级层序,提出碳酸盐缓坡陆架背景下露头层序地层学研究的一般方法,总结了下扬子区早-中三叠世主体海退背景下的层序发育型式和规律,建立跨越台地边缘不同古地理相带的层序地层和年代地层格架. 相似文献
常规地震剖面由于分辨率有限,难以实现高频层序的解释,本文采用反射系数反演技术和地层切片技术,形成了高频层序解释方法.反射系数反演技术有效提高了地震剖面的分辨率,有利于建立三级层序格架,结合地层切片技术,可以方便快速的得到初始高频层序界面,采用平面控制剖面的解释方法,用切片平面沉积展布的合理性检验高频层序解释的合理性和等时性,指导高频剖面上高频层序解释方案的调整,减少了层位解释的多解性,增强了层位的等时性.在高频层序格架控制下形成新的地层切片,等时性比三级层序格架更强,可以更好的刻画平面沉积特征.高频层序解释技术避免了常规层位解释的繁琐和多解性,具有很强的实用性,同时高频层序的地震相分析又为沉积微相研究提供了可靠的基础资料,有利于储层预测或开发级别的储层研究. 相似文献
地层等时格架技术 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
通过探讨地震同相轴和地层的关系,认为前人提出的地震同相轴是代表同一沉积序列年代地层的这个观点是不充分的,利用地层等时格架监督技术,通过理论模型和实际地震数据分析展示了地震同相轴与地震数据的频率之间有着很强的依赖性,一些同相轴不依赖于频率的变化而改变,但是有些同相轴却随着频率的变化而显示出不同的接触关系,同时证明了这些不依赖于频率变化的地震同相轴是反应地层关系的,从而防止了在地震解释过程中穿时现象的发生.这样可以得到更为客观的地震相,且越是高频地震数据的地震剖面,则会越较客观的反应地层,获得更接近于地质等时面的层位,而地震同相轴穿时的原因.一方面,对于给定的沉积序列没有足够的地震分辨率;另一方面,不规则的累加厚度或异常阻抗. 相似文献
全新世以来珠江三角洲的地层层序和演变过程 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文基于对90个拥有全新世14C年代数据的钻孔进行详细的沉积物特征和年代地层分析,讨论了全新世珠江三角洲的地层特征及全新世以来的充填过程.全新世珠江三角洲沉积物覆盖在末次冰期冰盛期形成的风化侵蚀面与底砾层之上.最大海侵面位于松软海相淤泥层位.在受潮汐冲刷区域,最大海侵面表现为侵蚀面.全新世沉积层序自下向上在古河谷为河流相、河漫滩-河口湾相、河口湾-三角洲相,在古河间地为滨海相、河口湾相和三角洲相.全新世沉积层垂向堆积序列绝大部分表现为下粗上细的正向序列,且不具有典型Gilbert三角洲的前积层、顶积层等沉积层序.受控于独特而复杂的地貌边界,古珠江河口湾在高水位体系域的演变模式不同于世界其他大型三角洲,而是一个多源复合、不同尺度河流沉积体独立并行发展,最后复合成的三角洲.全新世以来珠江三角洲的演变可以分为5个阶段:第一阶段12~8kaBP,全新世海侵未达三角洲中部地区,直至约9kaBP以后,南部一些地势较低的地区才开始受海进影响,出现一些海陆交互相沉积;第二阶段8~6kaBP,海面快速上升,珠江三角洲大部分地区接受海进沉积;第三阶段6~4kaBP,全新世海侵达到盛期,古珠江三角洲地区大面积为河口湾,且受系列岛屿的阻隔分为两部分,上部是与河流相接的半封闭的内古海湾;下部是与海洋相接的外古海湾,两部分仅由若干峡口相通,河流沉积物主要在内古海湾中堆积充填;第四阶段4~2kaBP,在复杂边界对河流与海洋动力的重塑和改造作用下,内古海湾各区域的沉积同时进行,独自发展;第五阶段2kaBP至今,该阶段三角洲的演变已不再是单纯的自然过程,而是自然和人类共同塑造的过程. 相似文献
Some fundamental problems in outcrop sequence stratigraphy 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Xunlian Wang 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》1999,42(6):636-645
Some fundamental problems in outcrop sequence stratigraphy are discussed, and the following ideas are obtained: (i) Detailed
sedimentary facies analysis and study on stacking pattern of parasequences, careful and accurate study of biostratigraphy,
and stratigraphical correlation of different facies areas are the essential conditions for proper identification of sequences.
(ii) The first flooding surface may be an ideal sequence boundary in outcrop sequence stratigraphy, where the most distinct
palaeontological and sedimentary changes take place and make the surface readily recognizable in outcmp. (iii) The distribution
in space, specially in different facies belts, is regarded as an important criterion for defining and recognizing the various
orders of sequences. The third-order sequence is probably global in nature, which may be discerned in various depositional
facies belts at least on one continental margin, and can be correlated over long distances, sometimes worldwide. (iv) The
first flooding surface may be used as a useful reference marker in optimizing chronostratigraphic boundaries.
Project jointly supported by the SSER, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and the Ministry of Land and Natural
Resources of China. 相似文献
Based on detailed field observation and multidisciplinary studies of integrated stratigraphy, the marine Lower and Middle
Triassic of Lower Yangtze region is divided into five third-order sequences, the general approach of the outcrop sequence
stratigraphical study of carbonate ramp is proposed, the pattern in the development of the Early and Middle Triassic sequence
under the major regression is summarized, and the sequence stratigraphical and chronostratigraphical frameworks across various
paleogeographical facies zones on the marginal platform are established.
Project supported by the Stake Key Project “SSLC” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49502022,
49632070). 相似文献
Permian sequence stratigraphy of slope facies in southern Guizhou and chronostratigraphic correlation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The Permian in slope facies area of southern Guizhou consists of 16 third order sequences, which can be grouped as four sequence
sets and further into two mesosequences. Most of them are delineated by conformable or submarine erosion surfaces, and well
controlled by conodont and fusulinid zones. Four important sea-level falls are recognized in the area, which occur respectively
at the basalSweetognathodus whitei zone, lowerS.aff.hanzhongensis zone, middleJinogondolella xuanhanensis zone and the basalClarkina yini zone. Among the recognized transgression events, three are regarded as the most significant. They occur respectively at the
basalNeogondolella exculptus zone, basalJinogondolella nankingensis zone and the lowerClarkina postbitteri zone, and are all accompanied by faunal turnovers. The key surfaces in sequences can be used to fine-tune the boundaries
of bio-chronozones, stages and series. 相似文献
WANG Xunlian Faculty of Earth Sciences Mineral Resources China University of Geosciences Beijing China State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology Stratigraphy Nanjing Institute of Geology Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,47(7):618-629
Sequence stratigraphy which began in the late seventies of the previous century has not only enriched and widened the scope of stratigraphy, but also has been widely used in sedimentary geology, basin analy-sis, exploration of oil and gas, and other fields of ge-ology. In the last two decades and more, sequence stratigraphy, as a new branch of stratigraphical disci-pline, has become a cornerstone of modern stratigra-phy, and has produced more profound influences than all others. The currently … 相似文献
浊积岩分序级描述技术是在前人研究与勘探实践基础上,以层序地层学理论为指导,结合较为前沿的地震沉积学理论,分析层序内部结构,明确了浊积岩发育序级的划分原则、对比和划分方法;以地震资料为基础,充分发挥了井震结合的优势,形成了浊积岩的地震识别模式的建立方法.本次研究建立了东营凹陷沙三段和沙四上不同类型浊积岩的地震响应模式,形成了浊积岩分序级描述技术;该技术可以用来预测新的浊积岩发育区.东营凹陷油气勘探实践证明,在浊积岩分序级描述的基础上进行勘探优化部署,可以有效的提高浊积岩油藏的勘探成功率. 相似文献
In-Chang Ryu 《Island Arc》2003,12(4):398-410
Abstract Sandstone petrography considered within a sequence stratigraphic framework provides a better understanding of the characteristics of the Eocene Tyee Basin, an accretionary and forearc sequence, southern Oregon Coast Range. Detailed comparison of the relative abundance of major framework grains documents a marked difference in the sandstone composition of each depositional sequence. Such a difference is mainly due to an abrupt change in provenance, from a local Klamath Mountains metasedimentary source to a more distant extrabasinal Idaho Batholith‐Clarno volcanic arc source. Furthermore, the composition of framework grains varies systematically from the lowstand systems tract to the highstand systems tract within a depositional sequence. This suggests that relative sea level change in the depositional basin, and tectonics in the source area, can affect the patterns of sedimentation and sandstone composition. In addition, the Eocene Tyee Basin sandstones have a down‐section distribution of authigenic minerals, consisting of early formed zeolites and late‐stage quartz, as well as a change in the abundance of smectite to mixed‐layer chlorite/smectite with increasing burial depth. The down‐section distribution of authigenic minerals is also causally linked to the compositional variation of framework grains in each depositional sequence with increasing burial temperature. Much primary porosity has been filled with these authigenic minerals, which diminishes the permeability of potential reservoir rocks. Reservoir‐quality porosities and permeabilities, however, are present locally in the basin. The development of these reservoir‐quality sandstones within the Eocene Tyee Basin sequence is due to a complex burial diagenesis, which is directly related to temporal and spatial variations in original detrital mineralogy, in sedimentation pattern, and in burial temperature in the basin. 相似文献
Sequence stratigraphy of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary strata in Luanping,Northern Hebei,China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
TIAN Shugang LIU Yongqing LI Peixian PANG Qiqing & NIU Shaowu . Institute of Geology Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing China . Shijiazhuang Economic College Shijiazhuang China . Tianjin Institute of Geology Mineral Resources Tianjin China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,47(7):607-617
Division and correlation of terrestrial J-K bound are a knotty-argued problem. The key to solving the problem is to find a deposition-continuous section. Owing to stratigraphic hiatus and organism-phylogeny break, we have been discussing the problem without any unitary criterion for several decades. Tectonic ac-tivities occurring strongly in the J-K transitional pe-riod caused commonly sedimentary omissions and frequently volcanic eruptions in northern Hebei Prov-ince, western Liaoning Prov… 相似文献