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A Preliminary Study of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone in the South China Sea   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Based on the analysis of sea-bottom temperature and geothermal gradient, and by means of the phase boundary curve of gas hydrate and the sea-bottom temperature versus water depth curve in the South China Sea, this paper studies the temperature and pressure conditions for gas hydrate to keep stable. In a marine environment, methane hydrate keeps stable at water depths greater than 550 m in the South China Sea. Further, the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone in the South China Sea was calculated by using the phase boundary curve and temperature-depth equations. The result shows that gas hydrate have a better perspective in the southeast of the Dongsha Islands, the northeast of the Xisha Islands and the north of the Nansha Islands for thicker stability zones.  相似文献   

Collected by means of a high-altitude scientific balloon and a self-made automatic sample collector,a total of 276 dust grains were selected for the study of shape,grain size and optical property.Some of the grains were examined by X-ray diffraction and electrom microprobe techniques,The stratospheric dust grains can be classified as 6 types:cosmic dusts,cosmic dusts(?),microtektite,natural pollutants,artificial pollutants and the unknown substances.The different types of dust grains have different characters and distinguishing symbols.Widespread in the space of the solar system,cosmic dusts are the initial substances of the solar system and ,to some degree,have recorded a great wealth of information on the early history of the solar system.So they have become one of the important objects in the field of cosmochemistry at present time,Since the 1960‘s,scholars of many countries have collected cosmic dusts both in the space near the earth(using rock ets,space probes and space shuttles)and in the stratosphere (using high-altitude balloons or U-2air planes).According to the shape(the scanning electron microimage),element composition(the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum)and optical properties of dust grains,the substances in the stratosphere can be classified as 5 types:cosmic dusts,alumina spheroids,terrestrial artificial pollutants,terrestrial natural pollutants and unknown substances(CDPET,1982).  相似文献   

A preliminary study of paleomagnetism and rock magnetism has been done on 55 eclogite samples collected from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) site at the Maobei (毛北) area, Donghai (东海) County, Jiangsu (江苏) Province. Also the isothermal remanence, hysteresis loop, magnetic fabric, thermal susceptibility were measured, and analyses were made by electron-probe and scanning electric microscope on some samples synchronously. The result indicates that there are two groups of stable remanence, the normal and reversed magnetization. The remanence orientations are: D=94.3o, I=-29.1o and D=273.7o, I=15.4o, respectively. The magnetization intensity and the density of the samples which carry the normal magnetization are very different from those bearing reversed magnetization. The magnetic anisotropy is weak, and the minimum axis is hardly determined. The isothermal remanence and the hysteresis loop show that the magnetic carriers of the eclogite are likely SD (single domain) and PSD (pseudo-single domain) magnetite. According to the magnetic property, the cause of formation of magnetic carriers, the mechanism of the remanence, and the significance for the tectonics are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAs early as 1644 , Ren啨Descartes proposed thatsilver-,gold-,and lead-bearing veins were producedby the condensation of vapors emanating from theearth' s interior ( Williams-Jones et al ., 2002) . Butthe solubility of many metals is higher in liquid thanin vapor andtherefore the focus of research on hydro-thermal ore deposits was placed on hydrothermal sys-tems (Barnes ,1997) ,considering the fact that ore-forming elements may exist as complexes in hydro-thermal solutions . T…  相似文献   

The primary mineral compositions of BIF are regarded as ferric oxyhydroxide or iron silicate nanoparticles (mainly greenalite and stilpnomelane ) whichcan transform into minerals like hematite, magnetite and siderite. On the basis of predominant iron minerals, three distinctive sedimentary facies are recognized in BIF: oxide facies, silicate facies and carbonate facies. Marked by the Great Oxidation Event (GOE, 2.4~2.2 Ga), sedimentary facies can be divided into two models: “anoxic and reducing” model and “stratified ocean” model. The ancient ocean was anoxic and reducing before GOE, and under this circumstance, BIF was distributed from the distal to proximal zones transforming from hematite facies through magnetite facies to carbonate facies, such as West Rand Group BIF (2.96~2.78 Ga) and Kuruman BIF (~2.46 Ga) in south Africa. However, the ancient ocean was a stratified ocean during and after GOE, which means that shallow seawater was oxidizing while deeper seawater was reducing, leading to an opposite sedimentary facies distribution compared to the former one: BIF was distributed from the distal to proximal zones transforming from carbonate facies through magnetite facies to hematite facies, such as Yuanjiacun BIF in China (~2.3 Ga) and Sokoman iron formation in Canada (~1.88 Ga). Overall, BIF is an unrepeatable formation in geological history, which can only form in specific sedimentary environment. The key point to speculate the paleo-ocean environment, namely the problems to be solved at the moment, is to identify and derive the primary mineral compositions, to make sure the genetic mechanism of sedimentary facies especially silicate facies, to restrict the sedimentary conditions and to study microbial activities contacting with BIF.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIn comparison with studies on the geochemistryof the REE and trace elements of the Emeishan Per-mian basalts ,there has been onlyli mited research onthe platinum group elements ( PGE) . Preli minarystudies have been carried out on the PGE geochemis-try of the basalts in the Emeishan area ( QingyingPower Station profile) and Xinjie area (Zhang andLi ,1998) ,andinthe Shuicheng and Weining areasinGuizhou (Li et al .,2003) . There are no PGEanaly-sis data of the basaltsin…  相似文献   

A Study of the Rhenium-Osmium Geochronometry of Molybdenites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study deals with the first application of the isotope dilution - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the rhenium-osmium geochronometry in China. The chemical separation procedure included decomposition of samples by means of alkali fusion, extraction of rhenium by acetone and extraction of osmium by distillation. The recovery of both elements in the entire process was more than 90% . The blanks of analyses were 0.07 ng for rhenium and 0.01 ng for 187Os. The mineralization ages of molybdenites from four molybdenum deposits in China were determined by using this method, with a precision (2σ)of about ±3% . These results agree satisfactorily with their geological backgrounds. The Re-Os method can directly determine ages of metal deposits and reflect the true ages more reliably than other dating methods that only determine the ages of country rocks from which mineralization ages are inferred. As many hydrothermal sulphide deposits usually contain molybdenites, this method has bright prospe  相似文献   

A Study of the Kunlun-Qilian-Qinling Suture System   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Late Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic suture zones within the Central Orogenic Belt of China can be considered a system-the Kunlun-Qilian-Qinling suture system (KQQ suture system). It is basically divided into the western, central and eastern sectors. The western sector consists of the Kuda-Subashi suture zone, the Mazar-Kangxiwar suture and the central West Kunlun microblock. The central sector covers the following five suture zones: the Altun, North Qilian, Qaidam northern marginal, Qimantag-Wutuo and East Kunlun southern marginal sutures, in addition to some microblocks such as the mid-south Qilian, Qaidam, Ayakkum and Maqen microblocks. The eastern sector is composed of the Shangdan suture zone, Mianlue suture zone and central Qinling-Dabie microblock. The KQQ suture system experienced (1) extending-rifting of the Rodinia super-continent in the early-middle Sinian (-780-600 Ma); (2) the formation and evolution of the KQQ archipelagic ocean during the Late Sinian-Ordovician (-600-440 Ma), and (3)  相似文献   

According to poroelastic theory and also field observations, an increase in reservoir pore pressures can result in a decrease in horizontal stresses in the seal layers. This reduction is in favor of hydrofracture initiation and reactivation of weak planes and has to be studied in caprock integrity analyses. In this paper, a field scale reservoir–geomechanical (GEM-FLAC3D) model is developed for the Phase IB area of the Weyburn (Canada) CCS project that is located in Williston sedimentary basin. A one-way coupling has been conducted between the two codes for the period of CO2 injection in Phase IB area from 2000 to 2010. Therefore, the reservoir pore pressures at selected timesteps are unidirectionally fed to the FLAC3D. In order to study the likelihood of tensile and shear failure in the seal layer on top as a result of stress transfer due to poroelastic effects, two margin ratios are defined for tensile and shear failure and their variations are studied above the reservoir upon changes in pore pressures within the reservoir. The results show that overall; the likelihood of shear failure has been about 25% greater than that of tensile failure in Weyburn. However, between 2008 and 2009, the pressures were high enough to trigger both tensile and shear mechanisms above the reservoir. A discussion is also presented on relevance of this study for interpretation of microseismic data with regard to failure margin ratios, magnitudes and distribution of events recorded in each year.  相似文献   

Microbiological and physical-chemical characteristics of subtropical forest,grassland and cropfield soils from the karst areas of Southwest China were investigated.The study revealed that the conversion of natural forest to other forms of land would lead to a reduction in soil organic C(26.2%-35.3%),total N(37.2%-55.8%),totalP(32.9%-43.6%),microbial biomass C(35.4%-49.1%),N(37.2%-55.8),and P(25.8%-41.9%).Comparative analysis of microbial activity in terms of basal soil respiration showed maximum activity in forest soil and minimum in cropfield soil.Analysis of microbial metabolic respiratory activity indicated a relatively greater respiratory loss of CO2-C per unit microbial biomass in cropfield and grassland than in forest soil.Considering the importance of microbial components in soil,it is concluded that land use in different ways will lead to the reduction of biological stabilty of soil.  相似文献   

Urbanization has been an important component of land use and land cover change. Quantifying land use patterns and their changes is essential for monitoring and assessing the impact of urbanization. Data on existing and changing land use provide crucial clues for future development. Combining the application of remote sensing with geographic information systems (GIS) data, this study accomplishes (i) the creation of time-series land use maps in the core urban area of the city of Hangzhou, China; (ii) the examination of the land use cross-tabulation matrix to assess the transitions between land use types; and (iii) the introduction of a new asymmetric relation analysis method to explore the dependency relationship of different times in land use. The investigation was based on a 12-year time series dataset (1990–2002), compiled from fine-resolution satellite imagery and GIS-based maps. The results of the study showed that, first, there are strong associations between different stages (1990, 1996, and 2002) in land use development, and, secondly, the dependency between land use states was asymmetric in both stages of development. In addition, urbanization in Hangzhou has resulted in notable increases in the surface area of urban land and sharp decreases in the surface area of cropland.  相似文献   

Through the study of the oxidized zone of the Debao skarn-type Cu-Sn deposit in Guangxi, the authorshave found 14 arsenate minerals, most of which are for the first time reported in China. They are mainly Cuarsenate minerals with subordinate Cu-Pb arsenate minerals and minor Fe-Pb-Ba varieties. Based on their paragenesis these minerals may be divided into the following series: (1) the clinoclasite-olivenite-cornwallite- cornubite- debaoite- copper silicarsenate association, (2) the scorodite- carminite- beudan-tite-bayldonite- duftite association, and (3) the scorodite-Ba-bearing pharmacosiderite- dussertite association. Arsenate minerals are formed generally in the oxidized zone of the sulfide-type deposits which lie in thewarm, humid and rainy torrid-subtropical zone with pH=6-8 and contain large amounts of arsenopyrite andcarbonate rocks.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider an anisotropic scaling approach to understanding rock density and surface gravity which naturally accounts for wide range variability and anomalies at all scales. This approach is empirically justified by the growing body of evidence that geophysical fields including topography and density are scaling over wide range ranges. Theoretically it is justified, since scale invariance is a (geo)dynamical symmetry principle which is expected to hold in the absence of symmetry breaking mechanisms. Unfortunately, to date most scaling approaches have been self-similar, i.e., they have assumed not only scale invariant but also isotropic dynamics. In contrast, most nonscaling approaches recognize the anisotropy (e.g., the strata), but implicitly assume that the latter is independent of scale. In this paper, we argue that the dynamics are scaling but highly anisotropic, i.e., with scale dependent differential anisotropy. By using empirical density statistics in the crust and a statistical theory of high Prandtl number convection in the mantle, we argue that is a reasonable model for the 3-D spectrum (K is the horizontal wavevector and K is its modulus, k z is a vertical wavenumber), (s,H z ) are fundamental exponents which we estimate as (5.3,3), (3,3) in the crust and mantle, respectively. We theoretically derive expressions for the corresponding surface gravity spectrum. For scales smaller than ≈100 km, the anisotropic crust model of the density (with flat top and bottom) using empirically determined vertical and horizontal density spectra is sufficient to explain the (Bouguer) g z spectra. However, the crust thickness is highly variable and the crust-mantle density contrast is very large. By considering isostatic equilibrium, and using global gravity and topography data, we show that this thickness variability is the dominant contribution to the surface g z spectrum over the range ≈100–1000 km. Using estimates of mantle properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, etc.), we show that the mantle contribution to the mean spectrum is strongest at ≈1000 km and is comparable to the variable crust thickness contribution. Overall, we produce a model which is compatible with both the observed (horizontal and vertical) density heterogeneity and surface gravity anomaly statistics over a range of meters to several thousand kilometers.  相似文献   

Studied in this paper are the mode of occurrence, petrology, petrochemistry, Sn abundance and REE geochemistry of Sn-mineralized granitoids in the Mt. Hengduanshan Region. The results show that the concentration of Sn increases with decreasing LREE but increasing HREE in the complex plutons associated with Sn mineralization. Generally, LREE< 150ppm, HREE> 50ppm, δEu = 0.01–0.14 and symmetrically “V” -shaped curves representing the REE patterns are the important indices of Sn enrichment and mineralization. This project was finantially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The contamination of cuttings and side-wall core (SWC) samples in the Bambra-2 well by drilling-mud additives and natural hydrocarbons may cause Ruek-Eval Tmax (℃) data to be suspect, and affect its utility in the assessment of thermal maturity. The Rock-Eval results of 284 cuttings samples, 31 side-wall core samples and conventional core samples from the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary sequences in the Bambra-2 well are presented in this paper. Significantly lower Tmax values from cuttings samples compared with Tmax values from conventional core samples and solvent extracted SWC samples, from the deeper and higher maturity interval, are thought to have been caused by contamination by diesel and other drilling-mud additives. The cuttings samples in the Barrow Group of Cretaceous may be contaminated by natural hydrocarbons, resulting their Tmax values to be 2-10℃ lower than a regularly increased Tmax trend from core samples. This study indicates that more reliable Rock-Eval Tmax data are obtained from the conventional core samples and solvent extracted SWC samples. This study also indicates that the Tmax values from some SWC samples were also affected by free hydrocarbons, due to the use of diesel as a mud additive as well.  相似文献   

Proceeding from gaining a knowledge of the structural settings in this area, the authors applied remotesensing techniques and selected multi-temporal image processing to extract information of buried structures inthe Beijing plain area. Good results have been achieved. Through an integrated analysis of remote-sensing, geo-logical, seismic and aeromagnetic data, it is pointed out that there exist two sets of buried fractures of differingtrends and orders-the northeast set and the northwest set. forming a rhombic framework in the images. Thetwo sets of fractures have still been active since the Quaternary. which is of practical signifcance for geologicalstudy, earthquake prevention and planning of urban construction in the area. The results demonstrate that theselection of multi-temporal processing of remote sensing images and the integrated analytic method are impor-tant in the study of buried structures.  相似文献   

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