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Abstract The source crater of the youngest and largest of the tektite strewnfields, the Australasian strewnfield, has not been located. A number of lines of evidence indicate that the Muong Nong-type tektites, primarily found in Indochina, are more primitive than the much more abundant and widespread splash-form tektites, and are proximal to the source. In this study the spatial distribution of Muong Nong-type tektite sites and chemical character have been used to indicate the approximate location of the source. The variation of Muong Nong-type tektite chemical composition appears to be caused by mixing of two silicate rock end-members and a small amount of limestone, and not by vapor fractionation. The variation in composition is not random, and does not support in-situ melting or multiple impact theories. The distribution of both Muong Nong and splash-form tektite sites suggest the source is in a limited area near the southern part of the Thailand-Laos border.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three samples of Muong Nong tektites have been studied for N and noble gases. The isotopic composition of noble gases is airlike. The noble gas amounts are much higher in Muong Nong tektites than in splash-form tektites. As compared to air, He and Ne have been enriched, most likely due to inward diffuion from ambient air, subsequent to glass formation. Nitrogen contents range from 0.3 to 1.34 ppm, with a non-atmospheric δ15N ranging from 8 to 17%. The release pattern of δ15N clearly shows the presence of two N components. Higher N/36Ar values than those of air, together with positive δ15N, show that a major portion of N in Muong Nong tektites is a remnant from the sedimentary source material.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have the elemental abundances and isotopic compositions of noble gases in Muong Nong‐type tektites from the Australasian strewn field by crushing and by total fusion of the samples. We found that the abundances of the heavy noble gases are significantly enriched in Muong Nong‐type tektites compared to those in normal splash‐form tektites from the same strewn field. Neon enrichments were also observed in the Muong Nong‐type tektites, but the Ne/Ar ratios were lower than those in splash‐form tektites because of the higher Ar contents in the former. The absolute concentrations of the heavy noble gases in Muong Nong‐type tektites are similar to those in impact glasses. The isotopic ratios of the noble gases in Muong Nong‐type tektites are mostly identical to those in air, except for the presence of radiogenic 40Ar. The obtained K‐Ar ages for Muong Nong‐type tektites were about 0.7 Myr, similar to ages of other Australasian tektites. The crushing experiments suggest that the noble gases in the Muong Nong‐type tektites reside mostly in vesicles, although Xe was largely affected by adsorbed atmosphere after crushing. We used the partial pressure of the heavy noble gases in vesicles to estimate the barometric pressure in the vesicles of the Muong Nong‐type tektites. Likely, Muong Nong‐type tektites solidified at the altitude (between the surface and a maximum height of 8–30 km) lower than that for splash‐form tektites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The size, shape, composition, and vesicle content of 6 kg of layered tektite fragments, excavated near the town of Huai Sai, Thailand, place some constraints on the formation of layered tektites. The mass, shape, and distribution of the fragments are not consistent with an origin as a “puddle” of impact melt but suggest that they were derived from a single equant block. The presence of vesicles up to 7 mm in mean diameter within the tektite fragments suggests that the material was too viscous to allow for significant gravity-driven flow. These results suggest that layered tektites may be analogous to lava bombs, which may have been stretched and deformed in flight but underwent little flow after landing. Rather than being a product of “unusual circumstances,” such as multiple impacts, layered tektites may differ from splash-form tektites only in initial temperature of formation, speed of ejection, and small differences in initial composition.  相似文献   

We compare the results of different computational procedures to evaluate the scattering efficiencies of spherical and cylindrical dielectric particles with cavities, characterised by low-average values of the quantity n–1. In most cases calculations for homogeneous particles with low values ofn–1 can be taken to represent the situation for a hollow particle.  相似文献   

We examined 16 white opaque inclusions exposed on two polished slices of a Muong Nong‐type Australasian tektite from Muong Phin, Laos. The inclusions usually consist of a core, surrounded by a froth layer, and a quartz neoblast layer. The cores are composed primarily of a mixture of silica glass, coesite, and quartz in varying proportions. A thin (up to ~4 μm) layer of SiO2‐poor glass enriched in FeO, MgO, CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2 is observed as a bright halo in backscattered electron images around the quartz neoblasts and in places contains μm‐sized crystals, which may be Fe,Mg‐rich spinel. The distribution and textural relationships between the coesite‐bearing inclusions and the tektite matrix point to an in situ formation of the coesite due to an impact, rather than to infall, from a nearby impact, into tektite melt produced by the aerial burst of a bolide. The quartz neoblasts probably formed by crystallization of silica melt squeezed out of the inclusion core during the development of the froth layer. The bright halo may be the result of silica diffusing from the adjacent tektite melt into the growing quartz neoblasts. We propose that the survival of coesite was possible due to the froth layer that acted as a heat sink during bubble expansion and then as a thermal insulator.  相似文献   

Abstract— Electron microprobe and laser ablation, inductively‐coupled plasma mass spectrometer analyses of 24 georgiaites show that these tektites are all Si‐rich (79–83 wt% SiO2) glasses with variable major and trace element abundances (e.g., FeO varies from 2.1 to 3.7 wt%). Glass compositions are similar to but not identical with average upper continental crust. For example, georgiaites are light rare earth element enriched with small negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.73‐0.86) and La‐Th‐Sc systematics are intermediate between that of Archean and post‐Archean continental crust. When the georgiaite data are placed in the context of data for all North American tektites, triangular arrays appear on some oxide‐oxide plots (e.g., FeO‐MgO). Large variations in refractory element abundances and ratios compared to the variation in SiO2 favors mixing over volatilization as a cause of the compositional variation. If all the tektites formed as a result of a single impact, then triangular arrays in oxide‐oxide variation diagrams require at least three source components. These components include a Si‐rich material, probably a quartz‐rich sand that was predominant in the formation of georgiaites. Two relatively silica‐poor and Fe‐rich components have compositional characteristics similar to shales and greywackes. The La‐Th‐Sc systematics of the georgiaites and most other North American tektites are distinctive and could potentially be used to link the tektites to Eocene sediments at the Chesapeake Bay impact structure.  相似文献   

We report trace element analyses by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) of metal grains from nine different CR chondrites, distinguishing grains from chondrule interior (“interior grains”), chondrule surficial shells (“margin grains”), and the matrix (“isolated grains”). Save for a few anomalous grains, Ni‐normalized trace element patterns are similar for all three petrographic settings, with largely unfractionated refractory siderophile elements and depleted volatile Au, Cu, Ag, S. All three types of grains are interpreted to derive from a common precursor approximated by the least‐melted, fine‐grained objects in CR chondrites. This also excludes recondensation of metal vapor as the origin of the bulk of margin grains. The metal precursors were presumably formed by incomplete condensation, with evidence for high‐temperature isolation of refractory platinum‐group‐element (PGE)‐rich condensates before mixing with lower temperature PGE‐depleted condensates. The rounded shape of the Ni‐rich, interior grains shows that they were molten and that they equilibrated with silicates upon slow cooling (1–100 K h?1), largely by oxidation/evaporation of Fe, hence their high Pd content, for example. We propose that Ni‐poorer, amoeboid margin grains, often included in the pyroxene‐rich periphery common to type I chondrules, result from less intense processing of a rim accreted onto the chondrule subsequent to the melting event recorded by the interior grains. This means either that there were two separate heating events, which formed olivine/interior grains and pyroxene/margin grains, respectively, between which dust was accreted around the chondrule, or that there was a single high‐temperature event, of which the chondrule margin records a late “quenching phase,” in which case dust accreted onto chondrules while they were molten. In the latter case, high dust concentrations in the chondrule‐forming region (at least three orders of magnitude above minimum mass solar nebula models) are indicated.  相似文献   

Abstract— Heavy noble gas concentrations in tektites (splash-form type) are considerably lower than those in impact glasses. This can not be explained only by high formation temperatures for tektites, as might be expected from low concentrations of water and most volatile elements in tektites, and indicates that tektites solidified in an atmosphere with an ambient pressure of much less than 1 atm. The heavy noble gas concentrations may be an indicator of the height to which tektites were carried by the impact before they solidified.  相似文献   

Abstract— An examination of data collected over the last 30 years indicates that the percent of glass fragments vs. whole splash forms in the Cenozoic microtektite strewn fields increases towards the source crater (or source region). We propose that this is due to thermal stress produced when tektites and larger microtektites fall into water near the source crater while still relatively hot (>1150 °C). We also find evidence (low major oxide totals, frothing when melted) for hydration of most of the North American tektite fragments and microtektites found in marine sediments. High-temperature mass spectrometry indicates that these tektite fragments and microtektites contain up to 3.8 wt% H2O. The H2O-release behavior during the high-temperature mass-spectrometric analysis, plus high CI abundances (0.05 wt%), indicate that the North American tektite fragments and microtektites were hydrated in the marine environment (i.e., the H2O was not trapped solely on quenching from a melt). The younger Ivory Coast and Australasian microtektites do not exhibit much evidence of hydration (at least not in excess of 0.5 wt% H2O); this suggests that the degree of hydration increases with age. In addition, we find that some glass spherules (with <65 wt% SiO2) from the upper Eocene clinopyroxene-bearing spherule layer in the Indian Ocean have palagonitized rims. These spherules appear to have been altered in a similar fashion to the splash form K/T boundary spherules. Thus, our data indicate that tektites and microtektites that generally contain >65 wt% SiO2 can undergo simple hydration in the marine environment, while impact glasses (with <65 wt% SiO2) can also undergo palagonitization.  相似文献   

Abstract— One hundred and thirteen Australasian tektites from Vietnam (Hanoi, Vinh, Dalat, and Saigon areas) were analyzed for their major and trace element contents. The tektites are either of splash form or Muong Nong‐type. The splash‐form tektites have SiO2 contents ranging from 69.7 to 76.8 wt%, whereas Muong Nong‐type tektites, which are considerably larger than splash‐form tektites and have a blocky and chunky appearance, have slightly higher silica contents in the range of 74–81 wt%. Major‐element relationships, such as FeO versus major oxides, Na2O versus K2O, and oxide ratio plots, were used to distinguish the different groups of the tektites. In addition, correlation coefficients have been calculated for each tektite group of this study. Many chemical similarities are noted between Hanoi and Vinh tektites from the north of Vietnam, except that the Hanoi tektites contain higher contents of CaO than Vinh; the higher content of CaO might be due to some carbonate parent material. Both Dalat and Saigon tektites have nearly similar composition, whereas the bulk chemistries of the tektites from Hanoi and Vinh appear different from those of Saigon and Dalat. There are differences, especially in the lower CaO and Na2O and higher MgO, FeO, for the tektites of Dalat and Saigon in comparison to that of Hanoi tektites. Furthermore, the Dalat and Saigon tektites show enrichments by factors of 3 and 2 for the Ni and Cr contents, respectively, compared to those of Hanoi and Vinh. The difference in chemistry between the North Vietnam tektites (Hanoi, Vinh) to that of South Vietnam tektites (Saigon, Dalat) of this study indicate that the parent material was heterogeneous and possibly mixing between different source rocks took place. Muong Nong‐type tektites are enriched in the volatile elements such as Br, Zn, As, and Sb compared to the average splash‐form tektites of this study. The chemical compositions of the average splash‐form and Muong Nong‐type tektites of this study closely resemble published data for average splash‐form and Muong Nong‐type indochinites, indicating that they have the same source. The trace element ratios Ba/Rb (2.7), Th/U (5.2), Th/Sc (1.3), Th/Sm (2.2), and the rare earth element (REE) abundances of this study show close similarities to those of average upper continental crust.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed the size, shape, composition, and spatial distribution of 6 kg of layered tektite fragments excavated from a 3 m × 3 m area near the town of Ban Huai Sai in northeast Thailand. Our analysis suggests that these fragments represent a single homogeneous mass that underwent fragmentation far in the past and has undergone little disturbance since its deposition. We have also studied the stratigraphic occurrence of layered tektites exposed in situ near the town of Ban Huai Om. Tektites were found along a disconformable paleo-erosion surface covered by recent aeolian sand, similar to other occurrences throughout Southeast Asia. This stratigraphic relationship provides little chronostratigraphic information and, thus, does not support a stratigraphic “age paradox” for the Australasian tektites. The present-day surface density of layered tektites in this area is 2 to 20 g/m2.  相似文献   

Abstract— The grain size distribution and shapes of lechatelierite inclusions (silica glass inclusions) have been determined from 20 splash-form tektites from the Khorat Plateau, northeastern Thailand. The chemical and petrographic properties are reviewed, and the absence of any type of inclusion other than bubbles is confirmed. These data suggest that the parent material for the lechatelierite inclusions is not the conventional detrital quartz. One possible precursor is silica of plant origin in the form of biogenic opal-CT. According to this model, the lechatelierite inclusions are formed by shock melting of opal phytoliths in plants. These opal phytolith melts were included in the shock-melted soil and bedrock, jetted from the impact site. The expansion of the vapor plume ejected the melt droplets in ballistic trajectories. This model is extended to all tektite groups, because of the similarity between lechatelierite inclusions in them.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed fluorine and boron in nine tektites from all four strewn fields, and in a suite of impact glasses and target rocks from the Zhamanshin and Darwin impact craters, as well as Libyan Desert Glass and Aouelloul impact glass samples. Fluorine and boron are useful indicators for the volatilization and temperature history of tektites and impact glasses. Tektites from different strewn fields show a limited range of F and B contents and have F/B ratios near unity. Most splash-form tektites have lower average F and B contents than Muong Nong type tektites, which is similar to the relation between irghizites and zhamanshinites. The F and B contents in target rocks from the Zhamanshin and Darwin impact craters are similar to normal terrestrial sediments. Fluorine in impact glasses and tektites is more depleted compared to their (known or inferred) target rocks than is boron, which is caused by the higher volatility of F. The F/B ratios therefore decrease with increasing temperature of formation (suggesting that irghizites were formed at a higher temperature than zhamanshinites, and Muong Nong type tektites at a lower temperature than splash-form tektites). Mixing of local country rocks together with partial loss of the volatiles F and B can reproduce the F and B contents of impact glasses.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have recovered 18 kg of layered tektites from 10 tektite-bearing localities in Laos and central Vietnam, including 5 localities around the town of Muong Nong (Laos). Several of these deposits originally contained several hundred kilograms of layered tektite fragments, and one fragmented mass may have been as large as 1000 kg. This is the largest single deposit of tektites yet reported. In this region, layered tektite fragments are found in isolated clusters usually associated with a pebbly laterite horizon that is 0–1 m below the surface. Near Khe Sanh, Vietnam, we estimate the abundance of layered tektite fragments to be ~100 g/m2. This is greater than five times the abundance estimated for northeast Thailand (Fiske et al., 1996). In a region that extends from northeast Thailand, through central Laos, and into central Vietnam, we found only layered tektites, which confirmed the existence of a large (>50 000 km2) subfield of the Australasian strewn field with only layered tektites. The east-west extent of the “layered-only” subfield is well constrained, but little field data exist to constrain its north-south extent.  相似文献   

Abstract— U-Th-Pb, Rb-Sr, and Sm-Nd isotopic signatures of corroded, but unaltered, black glassy tektites from Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary rock on Haiti are not consistent with their derivation from an impact on MOR-derived oceanic crust or continental regions involving middle Proterozoic or older crustal material. Two single-grain and two batches of these tektites yielded present-day ?Nd = ?3.0 to ?3.4, ?Sr = +55 to 56, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.97; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.74; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.91 values, and Pb, Rb, Sr, Sm, and Nd concentrations of ~6, ~45, ~535, ~4.7, and ~22 ppm, respectively. Initial ?Nd and ?Sr values for the tektites are different from time-integrated Nd-Sr isotopic signatures for almost all oceanic crustal types. Age-corrected Pb isotopic values are similar to those for pelagic sediments with distinctly higher 207Pb/204Pb values compared to MORB. However, these results do not exclude the possibility of an oceanic impact site, if the tektites were derived from fine-grained sediments that typically overlie such regions, although other mineralogic and chemical evidence from K-T boundary debris suggests otherwise. Moreover, the Nd average crustal residence age of ~ 1080 Ma (TDM) for the black tektites eliminates impact sites on continental crustal regions involving middle Proterozoic or older rocks, or sedimentary rocks largely derived from them. Previously reported major and trace element data from the black tektites suggest that the source material was possibly sedimentary with a composition similar to average shale or graywacke. If this is the case, then the Nd isotopic data suggest that the source rocks were not older than Silurian (TCHUR = 400 Ma) in age, and were composed largely of young (< 1080 Ma) crustal material. Of the suspected K-T boundary impact sites, both the Manson (Iowa) and Chicxulub (Yucatan) structures occur in suitable lithologies to yield the Haitian black tektites, although neither structure has as yet proven to be the tektite source.  相似文献   

Abstract— Tektites are natural glasses formed from terrestrial material that was melted and displaced by the impact of an extraterrestrial body. The surface and near-surface compositions of tektite glass results from fractionation during impact and ejection, and/or postsolidification weathering. The first goal of this study was to characterise the surface and near-surface (in the order of tens of angstroms) chemical composition of two tektites by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and to estimate the importance of weathering vs. fractionation during flying. In order to separate the chemical modification due to weathering from that due to fractionation during ballistic flight, we studied two samples from the Australasian tektite strewn field. One of them was collected in a hot desert area (Nullarbor Plain, Australia) and the other, in a humid climate (Thailand). Our study reveals the presence of well-developed leached layers in both tektites. In the Australian tektite, Si is depleted in the topmost layers (a few tens of angstroms). A more complex chemical zoning is defined in the tektite from Thailand. These leached layers are comparable to those observed in weathered glasses, and therefore we conclude that weathering is responsible for the chemical composition of the surface and near-surface compositions. The second goal was to investigate the chemical environment of O, N and C in the glass. The O peak was resolved into two bridging O components (Si-O-Si and Al-O-Si) that are comparable to O environments in artificial glasses. The binding energy of the C1s electron is typical for C-C and C-H bonds in hydrocarbons; minor organic acid components are also present. Nitrogen is only observed on the surface of the Thailand tektite. The binding energy of N1s is comparable to that of ammonia, and the surface enrichment in N is interpreted as due to sorption related to interactions between glass and fluid buffered by the organic material in the soil.  相似文献   

Abstract– Tektites, natural silica‐rich glasses produced during impact events, commonly contain bubbles. The paper reviews published data on pressure and composition of a gas phase contained in the tektite bubbles and data on other volatile compounds which can be released from tektites by either high‐temperature melting or by crushing or milling under vacuum. Gas extraction from tektites using high‐temperature melting generally produced higher gas yield and different gas composition than the low‐temperature extraction using crushing or milling under vacuum. The high‐temperature extraction obviously releases volatiles not only from the bubbles, but also volatile compounds contained directly in the glass. Moreover, the gas composition can be modified by reactions between the released gases and the glass melt. Published data indicate that besides CO2 and/or CO in the bubbles, another carbon reservoir is present directly in the tektite glass. To clarify the problem of carbon content and carbon isotopic composition of the tektite glass, three samples from the Central European tektite strewn field—moldavites—were analyzed. The samples contained only 35–41 ppm C with δ13C values in the range from ?28.5 to ?29.9‰ VPDB. This indicates that terrestrial organic matter was a dominant carbon source during moldavite formation.  相似文献   

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