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MT data from a detailed 84-site grid array (28 × 12 km) in the Paraná Basin (Brazil) reveal a high degree of frequency-independent and parallel amplitude distortion. The Palaeozoic sediments across the survey area are covered by 1.2 km of flood basalts. A deep well-log provides some control regarding the emplacement of thin diabase sills but information regarding vertical feeder dikes is non-existent. The degree of parallel behaviour is identified using anisotropy ratios which quantify the extent and bandwidth of the distortion characteristics. A 2D modelling study is carried out using the concept of a horizontally layered (1D) basin with superimposed, small-scale inhomogeneities. Two likely geological distortion structures are considered. The first represents at- or near-surface (0 to 100 m) inhomogeneities. The second represents thin but vertically elongate dikes. The two distortion effects are found to produce different and characteristic behaviour in the H-polarization (TM) mode model data. The modelled E-polarization (TE) mode data are undistorted and provide control. The model developed to represent vertical dikes gives rise to a characteristic frequency dependence which is distinct from that of the undistorted response. This model also generates subparallel distortion effects which give rise to a form of variance in the response estimates as a function of location. The behaviour occurs, importantly, in both the amplitude and phase of the distorted data. A comparison of the normalized amplitude data, observed and modelled, indicates a high degree of correspondence down to a low frequency limit (< 0.1 Hz) where additional and deep contributions to the observed response become apparent. The modelling results and data characteristics indicate that the survey area is underlain by a series of closely parallel, thin intrusive dikes (a dike swarm).  相似文献   

用Mohr圆分析法对川西—藏东全测区 76个大地电磁测深点的资料进行了分析 ,结果表明 :测区以 2D区域构造为主要特征 ,横向各向异性不太强 ;区域构造走向大致呈近SN向 ,最大偏离不超过± 30°。文中介绍了 4个测点的分析结果  相似文献   

王宝钧 《地震地质》1990,12(1):47-52
大地电磁测深结果受表层构造横向不均匀性的影响,其视电阻率曲线会发生畸变。为了分析表层构造横向不均匀性对测深曲线的影响,本文采用有限单元方法对几种野外常见的表层横向不均匀构造进行了模拟计算。研究结果表明,表层构造的横向不均匀性对于测深曲线的影响是严重的  相似文献   

本文是根据Landsat卫星影像概括分析了台湾岛的活动断裂及其与地震的关系。在卫星影像上,活动断裂的特点是影像清晰,多成带出现,活动性明显。北北东向活动断裂带构成本区的基本轮廓,多数具有左旋平移性质;北西向活动断裂带的规模虽不如前者,但有可能是台湾岛北部最新的活动断裂,并具有右旋平移性质。通过综合分析表明,本区大致承受北北西—南南东方向的挤压作用,即菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块碰撞挤压的结果  相似文献   

电测量在中国地震预报中的应用   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
唐山等大地震地电阻率中期下降系压缩应变积累所致 ,为基线缩短、井水位下降所支持。地电阻率、自然电位对起潮力的异常响应及自然电位快急始、慢衰减特殊图象与废油井喷油同步等短临前兆 ,与中期前兆相反显示出向震中迁移的规律 ,表明能量积累从震中向外围传播 ,而能量释放从外围向震中传播。海城地震时喷砂冒水可引起自然电位垂直分量跃变及地光。IIMT法和过剩海洋电流H极化结果表明 ,唐山地震与地壳高阻层及其中存在深大断裂有  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThehydraulicgeometryofstablenaturalriversisdeterminedbyceftaincontrolfactors.suchassizeandgradationofboundarymaterial-sorting,transportandarmoring.planformofchannel.ballkstability.amongstothers.Ageometricmodelfornonuniformboundarymaterialhasbeenproposed(Cao,1996).Theentropy-basedthresholdbankprofiletheory(CaoandKnight,1996).thenext'solutionofthestablechannelparadox,basedonShionoandKnight's(1991)solutionofthedepthmean-averagedmomentumequationatthejunctionpointsareemployedto…  相似文献   

大地电磁信号统计特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
王书明  王家映 《地震学报》2004,26(6):669-674
大地电磁测深法(MT)中,以往基于功率谱的各种处理方法,对MT信号的统计特性设定了许多前提条件,如信号应具有高斯性、线性和最小相位性等特征.如果实际信号并非如此,则处理结果存在以下几个问题:①对于非线性、非高斯信号,不能充分获取隐含在数据中的信息;②若信号不仅是非高斯的而且还是非最小相位的,所得到的处理结果反映不出原信号的非最小相位的特点(姚天任,孙洪,1999;李宏伟,程乾生,2002;Nikias,Petropulu,1993;张贤达,1996).因此,有必要对MT信号特征作系统深入地分析.否则,则无法判断基于传统功率谱方法处理结果的可信度,从而给MT的实际应用带来许多无法预知的后果.  相似文献   

Frequency dispersion of electromagnetic parameters of earth materials has been widely documented in recent years. It is claimed that magnetotellurics (MT) may be significantly affected by dispersion. The paper studies the MT plane-wave interpretative problem for a one-dimensional earth characterized by the presence of dispersive layers. The theoretical properties of the MT field under the dispersion hypothesis, andthe main features of the dispersion phenomenon are synthetically reviewed. The examination of previously published MT curve responses over some models of dispersive earth section shows that ambiguity can arise when interpreting MT data with no other source of information. Thus it may be almost impossible to distinguish between the response of a dispersive section and an equally probable dispersion-free section. The dispersion magnetotelluric (DMT) method is proposed as a means to resolve the ambiguity. The DMT method is based on the execution, at the same site, of an MT sounding and of an always dispersion-free dc geoelectric deep sounding. The latter technique can be used to compute a synthetic dispersion-free MT wave impedance, to be compared with the measured MT wave impedance. The apparent dispersion function is introduced as a measure of divergence between the two wave impedances.  相似文献   

脉动与地震关系的初步探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探索地震的前兆,对一些较大地震前地脉动特征的变化作了简要的分析,发现1975年2月4日的海城7.3级地震前数天,近震中的地震台上(△≈20公里),脉动振幅异常减小;初步分析还表明,大震发生前,脉动方向以及脉动各分量相关系数的变化等现象也是值得引起注意的。  相似文献   

以内蒙古赤峰大甸子井为例,对该井水位和气压进行了相关性分析,分别得到了该井气压系数的背景值和东乌珠穆沁旗Ms5.9级地震和吉林前郭Ms5.0级地震前气压系数的变化情况。在静态密闭响应下,探讨了大甸子井气压效应的物理过程和机理。发现所得到结果与扩容模式的思想基本一致,一定程度上反映了震前的前兆变化特点。  相似文献   

为探索地震的前兆,对一些较大地震前地脉动特征的变化作了简要的分析,发现1975年2月4日的海城7.3级地震前数天,近震中的地震台上(△≈20公里),脉动振幅异常减小;初步分析还表明,大震发生前,脉动方向以及脉动各分量相关系数的变化等现象也是值得引起注意的。  相似文献   

An exact formulation for borehole coupling, which is valid for all frequencies and all azimuthally symmetric and non-symmetric components, is presented. The borehole effects on downhole seismic measurements are studied in detail as functions of frequency, angle of incidence and polarization of an incident wave as well as geophone orientation. We found that correction for the borehole effect on downhole measurements should be made for frequencies above 500 Hz in a hard formation. In a soft formation, if the angle of incidence is well away from the resonance angle for SV incidence, no borehole correction is needed for frequencies below 300 Hz, while for frequencies above 300 Hz, the borehole can cause severe problems in downhole measurements. The borehole can also significantly alter the particle motion direction which implies that horizontal component rotation from data itself is unreliable for experiments with frequencies above 1 kHz in the hard formation and around 500 Hz in the soft formation.  相似文献   

断裂带内外温差法在震前红外异常研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以2000年姚安MS6.5地震、1997年玛尼MS7.5地震为例,应用断裂带内外卫星红外亮温差(下文简称亮温差)值分析法,研究震中附近活动断裂上震前卫星红外异常的时间演化过程。分析结果表明,在正常时期红河断裂带内外的亮温差值在0~1.5℃范围内波动,而在异常表现很强烈的时段,沿红河断裂带内外的亮温差达到3℃以上,比正常时期高出2℃左右。通过对1997年11月8日玛尼7.5级地震发震断裂——马尔盖茶卡断层东段1996,1997,1998年3年带内平均值和带内外的亮温差值的对比研究发现,由于受大面积降雪的影响,1997年10月初至11月中旬,断裂带内平均亮温比1996和1998年同期亮温都要低,但断裂带内外亮温差值却比1996和1998年同期高出2~3℃左右。地震之后相对亮温差很快回到正常状态。运用同样的方法对华北和川滇近几年未发生强震的几条重要的活动断裂带的卫星红外亮温特征进行了研究,未发现类似震前红外异常的情况  相似文献   

使用新开发岩石破裂过程分析软件(RFPA2D),通过一系列模型实验,研究岩石中预制断层面几何特征和力学非均匀性对地震前兆产生的影响。模型使用5个具有不同均质度的岩石样本进行数值模拟研究。数值模拟结果表明,不同均质度岩石破坏在地壳中会产生不同的地震前兆现象。在一些区域,可以观测到明显的前兆,而在另一些地区却很难观测到明显的前兆现象。模拟结果与实验观测和自然界实际观测结果由很好的一致性。  相似文献   

首都圈地区地震重力测量数据的统一处理与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对首都圈地区由不同施测单位用不同仪器或不同方法获得的三组重力测量数据,通过绝对和相对测量的联合平差、相对测量结果的系统差消除,建立起绝对的、统一的重力时变体系;在此基础上分析了非构造因素地壳沉降的影响,并进行了测点位移改正,消除了长波干扰;实现了绝对和相对测量方法优势互补、消除矛盾和环境干扰、扩大信息量、加密时域采样间隔等目的,提高了识别构造活动过程的能力.结果表明,两组相对测量数据之间以及其中的10期观测资料中存在系统误差,研究区东南部的非均匀性局部地壳下沉导致10个点重力值线性上升,本文用回归分析的方法进行了改正.改正后的重力时变图对1995年10月6日古冶5.0级地震有明显而完整的反映.   相似文献   

王道  许秋龙 《地震地质》1999,21(1):58-62
新疆地下热水广泛分布于昆仑山,天山和阿尔泰册。温泉和地震活动与大地构造,板块运动有着密切的联系。动态观测资料分析表明,热水温度变化不仅受到地震的作用,而且显示出某些地震前兆信息。分析了地下热水的化学成分,气体组分,微量元素,放射性元素,认为某些热水具有低矿化,高碱性,高氟,高氦等独特性质,有可能是形成于地壳深部或上地幔地深成水。  相似文献   

新疆地下热水广泛分布于昆仑山、天山和阿尔泰山。温泉和地震活动与大地构造、板块运动有着密切的联系。动态观测资料分析表明,热水温度变化不仅受到地震的作用,而且显示出某些地震前兆信息。分析了地下热水的化学成分、气体组分、微量元素、放射性元素,认为某些热水具有低矿化、高碱性、高氟、高氦等独特性质,有可能是形成于地壳深部或上地幔的深成水  相似文献   

地震模拟振动台参数灵敏度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以地震模拟振动台(以下简称振动台)线性模型为基础,应用一阶灵敏度模型分析了振动台三状态反馈控制参数的灵敏度函数及其对系统动态特性的影响,用仿真的方法分析了三状态反馈参数的变化对系统输出特性的影响程度。  相似文献   

A mathematical formulation for the electric potential from point current-sources coaxial with a metal casing has been obtained. The excitation caused by the axial point-sources will produce currents in the pipe. By assuming that the pipe can be divided into many cylindrical ring segments with constant axially-directed current, the solution of the fields inside and outside the pipe can be formulated in an integral form. The integral equation applied to the segmented pipe yields a set of simultaneous linear equations which are solved for the currents in the pipe; these are then used to calculate the potentials anywhere outside the pipe in the medium. This solution has been used to study the distribution of the potentials in a half-space for a single current-source at and beyond the bottom of a finite length of casing. For a casing 0.1 m in radius and 0.006 m in wall thickness with a conductivity of 106 S/m, in a half-space of 10-2 S/m, it was found that only in a region very near the pipe does the pipe exert substantial influence on the fields of a point-source 100 casing diameters beyond the end of the pipe. It appears that cross-hole resistivity surveys can be implemented without corrections for the casing if the source is located at least 50–100 casing diameters beyond the end of the casing. Hole-to-surface surveys are much more affected by the pipe. For a pipe-source separation of 100 casing diameters, the surface measurements must not be closer than a half pipe length for a 5% or less field distortion.  相似文献   

我国大地电磁测深研究新进展   总被引:32,自引:8,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
王家映 《地球物理学报》1997,40(Z1):206-216
回顾了我国80年代中期以来大地电磁测深工作的进展,包括资料采集、数据处理和反演解释着重介绍了大地电磁测深法在石油、天然气构造普查勘探以及地壳和上地慢探测方面应用的情况.  相似文献   

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